Pen Pal Community
The Unsealed is a safe space to exchange letters amongst our members. Our community fosters kindness, perseverance and compassion. Add multiple pen pals. Join our groups. Write your story.
Write A Letter NowConnect with our members of our community
Pen Pal Groups

Fictional Inspirational stories
This is the ONLY spot on The Unsealed to tell fictional stories. The only rule is the story must be inspirational.
One Mother Earth
Into The Deep
Rising from the ashes

Write a letter to your teenage self
Write a letter to your teenage self for The Unsealed writing contest.
More & Less
Dear Leah

Write a letter to your younger self – Spring/Summer 2022
Join TopicCongratulations to those moving on to round two of our writing contest
To the girl in her twenties
Dear Little Sunshine: I Know it is Dark Out There

Write a letter or poem to your younger self about why he or she shouldn’t worry about the future
Did you worry as a child about where you would go to college or whether or not you would be able to achieve certain goals? This is your chance to tell your younger self why she or he should not worry so much.
Dear Little Me
Dear little me…

Write a letter to a famous athlete and explain why they inspire(d) you
Join TopicContest Entry: A Staff of Three

To the people we love
A place to write open letters about the love and light in our lives. Write to people who inspired you, who loved you and who has supported you on your journey.
a journal on familial bonds
#What’s Your Love Story/ Part 1
A Journey of Hope and Adoption

Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year
Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year
The Peace in Your Sky
Little Letters To Soul

Even if it takes my whole life, I will love myself in the end.
Oh you pretty little thing
To my Cuerpo

How are you changing the world?
Write a poem about how you are creating the change you want to see in the world.
The light is within you
Lotus Flower

Write a letter to your future self
Write a letter to your future self for The Unsealed writing contest.
Trust me, let go!
I love you
Healing for a Lifetime

Women’s Empowerment
This is a space to talk about women’s issues and the challenges we face and overcome.
Hey Queen, You Got This!
Dear Mary, daughter of Joachim:
The Power Of No

Pretty Baby
Grace and Perspective
A Mother’s Journey

Representation: From Generation to Generation
Different Shades of Black

Mental Health
In this group we share and discuss the challenges we face with our mental health.
Darkside of Suicide
Predestined for Stability

Write a poem (or letter) about a turning point in your life
Reflect on a turning point in your life and write a poem or letter about it. This is your chance to express how that moment changed you and shaped your future. Your story could encourage others who might be facing their own crossroads. Take this opportunity to connect, reflect, and share your journey with the world.
President Visits San Antonio, Texas
A Journey Back to Me
My Sister Kate

Write a letter to your younger self
Join TopicCONTEST ENTRY: To a decade of strength
CONTEST ENTRY: You’re alright
CONTEST ENTRY: Embracing Who I Am

Chasing Your Dreams
This is a place to share the challenges you face and the obstacles you’ve overcome as you chase your dreams.
Everything In Its Own Time
It Was Not Long Ago
a journal on pursuit

Why do you love yourself?
Write a poem or love letter to yourself about one or all the things you love about yourself!
My Love
Dear Me
To The One I Come Home To

Write a poem or letter to the world about an experience that changed you or your life for the better
Did getting a degree, having a baby, or trying a new hobby change your life for the better? We want to know! Write a poem or letter to the world about an experience that changed you or your life for the better.
Despite My Diagnosis I Am In Control of My Destiny
The Power of a Learning Soul
Journey to my soul

Write a letter to the world about the how you’ve overcome adversity
Join TopicContest Entry Top 10: How seeing the world helped me see myself
Contest Entry Top 10: What almost losing my mom taught me
Contest Entry Top 10: Dear Pearl, it was so hard to let you go

Write about a time you didn’t give up
Write about a time you quit something you’ve loved but then decided to persevere. Share the lesson you learned.
Skip Rocks Not Steps
The Fight for My Legacy

Write a thank-you letter or poem to yourself
It’s that time of the year when we express thanks for all that is around us, but I don’t want us to forget to give thanks for what is within us. Are you thankful for your patience or resilience? Are you grateful for the type of mother you are or how hard you work? Write a poem or letter of gratitude to yourself. Give yourself the flowers you deserve.
A Profound Thank You to Grief and Myself
Thank you to Your’s Truly
You got this! even when you think you don’t

Write a poem about a dream (or goal) that came true
Write a poem (or letter) to the world or your younger self about a dream (or goal) that came true, and share what message you hope is taken away from your story.
The Conquer
Dream of Adventure
Pitch Black

Write a poem about the change you want to see in the world
Write a poem about the change you want to see in the world or your community.
Plant Food
Truth Serum
Go out with a BANG

Write a letter to a loved one that you lost and share how you are honoring their legacy/life
Write a letter to a loved one that you lost and share how you are honoring their legacy/life
Mother of Mine
In Honor and Memory of My Heavenly Friend
Aunt M and Little Grandpa

Choose the journey and choose joy
Blood on the Promise
A Call to the Unseeing

Introductions, Icebreakers and Prompts
A place to meet, greet and catalyze letter exchanges with pen pals.
“Healing Through the Unsealed”
Hello Unsealed Family!

Write a poem about your goals for 2025
Will you chase after your dream job? Will you finally take that trip you’ve been saving up for? Write a poem about your goals and plans for 2025.
Unproductive play
My Lord Makes Things New
This Year

Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?
Write a letter or poem to the world about why you are deserving of the utmost respect.
To Be Alive
(I) Respect Me

Remembering those we lost/Grief
This is a group to where people can share letters about grief and how they’ve coped with the loss of a loved one.
Grief is a Kingdom
Frozen In Time
See you later Dad

Write a letter to your children/child or future children/child about what you want them to know abou
Write a letter to your children/child or future children/child about what you want them to know about you
Congratulations to those moving on to round two of our writing contest: Write a letter to your children or future children
For the Love of a Child: A Story of Flowers and Falls
Sharing with you, what you taught me

Write a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires you
Share a letter or poem about a quote or motto that inspires you or that you live by. You can include a personal story showing how this quote influenced your life and your journey. Your reflections can provide clarity for yourself and inspiration for others.
There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story
Stay Ready
No Longer Please

Rose Petals Floating on Water
Unbroken Ink

Surviving Addiction
This group is for people who have battled addiction or have a loved one who is battling or has battled addiction.
The Dark Night Of The Soul
I Didn’t Want To Hear
Weather the storm.

Write a letter telling the world about what makes you strong
What I couldn’t do
A Letter For the Weak

Race and Diversity
This is a space to share stories of injustice as well as stories of hope and love as it pertains to race in our society.
Remembering You
Beauty is unique
Cage of Life Where Our Lives Matter

Write a letter to someone who inspired you
Join TopicCHECK OUT OUR FINALISTS FOR OUR CONTEST: Write a letter to someone who inspired you
Unique Inspiration
A letter to the person that has inspired me the most

Write a letter about leaving your comfort zone
Write a letter (or poem) to the world about a time you left your comfort zone, and share why you are glad you did.
I’ll leave my comfort zone tomorrow…

Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace
Do you like long walks? Are you most happy in your partner’s arms? Write a poem or open letter about where you feel most at peace or what makes you feel the most joy in your life.
In The Presence of My Creator
The Knowing

Write a letter to your ideal self
Write an inspiring letter (or poem) to your vision of your ideal self. What do you look like when you are living your best life? Share why this version of yourself is ideal and what you are doing today to fully step into this version of yourself!
Lonely and free
Ideally Me
Ambitious younger self,

Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her
Were you funny or fearless as a child? Write a letter or poem to your younger self/inner child sharing what you love most about him/her.
Dear Younger self
Collecting Pennies: It’s The little things that matter
Brilliantly Resilient

Write a letter or poem to or about a loved one who passed away and share how they inspire you
Grief is hard and often never-ending. Write a letter or poem to or about a loved one who passed away and share how they continue to inspire/impact your life.
Dear Romeo
The Chemistry of Death

Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid)
Write a letter to your fear. Share what your fear is and how you have or will tackle it.
My love letter to adversity
Dear Fear
Fear of Failure

Health, Wellness and Chronic Conditions
This is a group to share your stories related to your health.
A part of me-Now- apart from me
a journal on humility
My Affliction of the Zzzz

Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome
Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome. Tell your younger self how you persevered.
Letter to myself
Dear Young Ash — Please Come Out of Your Cage
Hey, so we like girls?

Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your life
Write a poem about someone or something you are grateful for in your life. Feel free to be creative!
Gratitude for Life and Dependency

To my younger self
A space to write and share letters to your younger self, sharing your wisdom and growth with other members of The Unsealed community.
To the Kid Inside
Dear Younger Anita,
To be young and brave


What are your goals for the new year?
Are you going to pursue your childhood dream in 2024? Are you going to start a new job in 2024? Are you going to get married or have a baby in 2024? Are you going to be nicer to yourself in 2024? Write a poem or letter to yourself about what you will do or achieve in the new year.
1st place prize: Julianna
Most Votes: Autumn and Juliana
the simply simples.

Write a love letter to something (not someone) that you love
Do you love art, music, or your journal? Write a love letter (or poem) to something (not someone) that you love.
An Ode to Black Culture
Monkey and Bear
To the Waters of Healing River

If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be?
If you could send one message you’ve learned about life to every person in the world, what would it be? In a letter or poem addressed to the world, we want you to share your most impactful life lesson and how you learned it.
My dear, you are the world.
Favorite Shoes
The importance of You.

Write a poem or letter about your best memory of 2024
Did you get married or accomplish a goal? As the year ends, we want to know about your favorite memory of 2024. Write a poem of a letter to The Unsealed community.
Family Vacation
A Valuable Memory
My 2024 Glow

What is your ”perfect day?”
Do you love a day at the beach or a good movie binge? Write a poem about your “perfect day.”
My Perfection

Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time
Cosmic Time
Love isn’t Time-less
Time too short

Dear Self
When I see you, I see hope
Dear Me 🧡

Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life
Write a letter to a stranger who positively impacted your life
Nouns – Unforeseen Strangers
You Told Me to Smile
A Letter to the Trolley Man

Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023
Did you marry the person of your dreams? Did go to a beautiful place? Or did you have a simple moment that was spectacular? We want to know about your best day in 2023 for your chance to get published in a book.
Simple Days
“Weeping may endure for a night But joy cometh in the morning.”
Unexpected Love

Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life
Did you finally get your dream job? Did you meet a partner or friend who enriches your life? We want you to write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life.
The Best Chapter of My Life
The Twenty-Second Chapter Of My Life
Cheers to Your Phoenix

Magical Moments
This is a place to add special moments that you’ve experienced or witnessed that will inspire, uplift and empower others. It could be something as small as the guy behind you at a coffee show by your drink out of a random act of kindness or something bigger like getting your dream job against all odds. We want to hear about the magical moments of your life that can remind everyone that miracles are possible.
17327 / 34000 Inspire