

  • Green Light Stop: Red Light Go

    I’m not giving up right now.
    A middle aged white man calls on a Friday, letting me know I don’t have a chance.
    Let it go, this won’t go well for me.

    Wait, what?

    Finding that spot within myself, where my ego jumps ship.
    I’m not giving up simply because it’ll be hard to prove.
    I’m not giving up because it’ll be hard on you.

    I’m not giving up, but I understand why so many do.
    I’m not giving up because I know my truth.

    There’s no holding me back,
    I’m not confused anymore.

    Despite being scared, exiled by friends.
    I’m standing up for myself.

    When I testify on Monday, I may be scared.
    But I will not back down,
    I will set the bar here.

    And when I am mocked and told it’s not a big deal,
    I will think of myself and every one in this place too.

    As lonely as it feels, I know I cannot be alone.
    I will hold up my stop sign, and trust in myself.
    I am not stopping at green,
    Because I’m learning to go.

    Mel Taul

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    • This is a beautiful story. I love the simplicity and the vague element to it. I really feel like I’m reading between the lines and soaking up a story within a story. It takes a special skill to move someone with little detail, and you do that really well here! Thank you for sharing 🙂

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  • Fallow Year

    My mind as the farmer, and, my body as the land…This year, we both get a break; It is my fallow year. I’ve spent years planning, sewing, praying for rain, and harvesting my crops; moving through life as if it were a check off list to turn in once completed. I, like soil, am depleted. I will meet the weather patterns with ease, knowing I don’t depend on the rain. This year, I am a plot of land going untouched. I am reclaiming rest, remembering- it is work. I am gifting myself time to get back to my organic matter. I will accept the pauses that come along with the fallow; unlike lost income- my health cannot be replaced. I trust with time, the earth will replenish my soil. I will welcome each sunrise, simply grateful to see another day. I will accept droughts, floods, pests, and the scorching summer heat. This year, I will move slowly, breaking the cycles one season at a time.

    Mel Taul

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    • This ending is so powerful ” I trust with time, the earth will replenish my soil. I will welcome each sunrise, simply grateful to see another day. I will accept droughts, floods, pests, and the scorching summer heat. This year, I will move slowly, breaking the cycles one season at a time.”

      I feel like it resonates with so many different people in…read more

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  • D. All of the Above

    My arms; they’re scrunched up to my sides as I thumb my way through this thought. We sleep in one big bed now. Our bed, we call it. As it turns out, sleepovers aren’t just for when you have company.

    It’s a feeling.
    It’s a spot.
    It was a time.
    It’s yet to come.
    It’s in my daydreams.
    It’s in my breath- coming in and out of my lungs.
    It lives in a poem my heart rewrites every trip around the sun.
    It lives at my grandmother’s kitchen table and in the hourly sounds her clock made.

    Sometimes it’s my feet in the dirt.
    Others it’s in low lighting, having tea with a friend.
    It finds me when I’m well.
    It guides me when I’m unwell.
    It’s what I didn’t know I needed.
    It’s what I don’t know how to ask for.
    It is peace, when I’ve surrendered.
    It is joy, after sorrow.
    It is laughter, while I’m crying.
    It is closing my eyes, then getting to open them again.

    It is in the seasons.
    Coming with the sun rising in the East
    And going with the sun setting in the West.
    It is fleeting.
    It is ever so slow.
    It is all of the seasons bound together.
    It is my life.

    That’s it!
    I found it.
    What am I most grateful for?
    My life.
    Their lives.
    Your life.
    All bound together-
    All of our experiences.
    It’s in the mundane.
    It burrows itself in my sorrow, just to bloom again with time.

    It is my fear unmasked.
    It is the ebb and flow.
    It’s every year wiser.
    It is slowing down, just to speed up.
    It’s in my friendships.
    My jobs.
    My family.
    My passions.
    My failures.
    My pain.
    It is worth all of it, all over again just to feel it again.
    It is in who I was when I entered this world.
    It is in who I am tucked into our family bed writing this poem.
    It is me, alive.

    It is D.) All of the above


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    • Awww, the way you ended this piece is definitely a mic drop. This piece is direct but also insightful and powerful. I love it! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Topanga

    Their little toes massaged with coco butter
    Its past bedtime, but I know it’s worth it
    To give them what I so desperately wanted
    Caring for them, is caring for me
    At age five and again at three

    We’re tired
    Exhausted actually
    The beach disappeared, we stayed so long

    What was your favorite part of your day, I ask
    Now, they say
    A gentle reminder for me
    To just be

    Like waves crashing and beginning
    Over and over again
    Moments passing

    No push
    No pull
    Just here with them

    Every moment, they’re learning
    My words enter their ears and remain in their bodies
    My hands, how they care for them

    I am their guide
    They are their captain
    I keep them safe
    They choose their direction

    My ancient eyes
    My family unknowingly gave me to judge
    Remarkably replaced, with practice

    My new eyes
    To see
    To heal
    To be, me.

    Their big, little blue eyes softly close
    As I lather coco butter on my feet

    Respecting them, is respecting me
    Filling my cup
    To quinch our thirst
    To be held
    To be heard
    To know, we are capable
    We are good inside.

    Mel Taul

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    • Aww Mel, This is beautiful. Your children are lucky to have a mother with a sweet and soft heart. I have heard from others, that giving your children the love that you needed as a child can be incredibly healing. Thank you for sharing. Love changes the world and inspires others to do the same. Xo Lauren.

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    • Mel this was beautiful. You can’t pour from an empty cup and I am so glad you stop , take in peace and refill!! This picture is pretty cool and who doesn’t love the beach is such a relaxing state of peace. The beach brings about a change in us all. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you well 🙂

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