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rosemary22 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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fayejayemoore submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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duality444 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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jessicamedinar submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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evelyn submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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jessicadoremanning submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
WINNER: You’re Alive, But Are You Living?
I work at a “little old lady” hair salon. My clients, who I lovingly call my “gals,” arrive week after week, hobbling with walkers and canes, for their appointments of washing, blow drying, or setting their hair in rollers. The more I listen to my gals, their stories, their troubles, their favorite memories, I realized one detail: They were not always little old ladies. They were young, vivacious, fascinating individuals with so much to offer the world. They have stories of traveling, or living in other countries. Some had high paying jobs and drove expensive sports cars. Some used to be so fashionable that it pains us to see them in mismatched attire because they don’t have the ability to match their clothes anymore. Many of them can no longer drive, and depend on family for rides. Lots of them have debilitating ailments making their daily tasks challenging and painful. Many have lost their independence, their confidence, and their loved ones. So many of them have lost children, yet continue to carry on. Many more have lost husbands, and have been left to face the world without the love of their lives.
These women truly amaze me.In many ways, these ladies are the lucky ones. They’ve gotten to live into their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. I had one gal pass away just shy of her 100th birthday. As I sit here typing this, I have so much life ahead of me to look forward to, and one day I realized a very sobering fact: I am going to be little old lady one day. That is, if I am lucky enough to become elderly. Some of us aren’t that lucky.
I have been out of high school for only 14 years, and I need two hands to count how many of my former classmates have passed away. I’m sure these people had plans. I’m sure there were vacations they were dreaming of taking, jobs they were considering applying for, conversations they wanted to have with loved ones. I think of them as I write this, and I can’t believe these people never got the chance to live a full life.
But if you’re reading this: You’re alive. So go live.
Whether it’s because we could die tomorrow, or we could live to be 100 and push off our plans because we think we have all the time in the world, we all need to do a little more living. Don’t waste your life being with someone who doesn’t make you feel important, appreciated, and loved from your head to your toes. Don’t go along with plans that don’t excite you just to make others happy. Don’t stay at a job that you tolerate because you’re afraid to go for that new position. Don’t squirrel away all your money and never spend a dime on your own enjoyment. Go on vacation. Try a new restaurant. Go biking if that’s your passion. Do whatever brings you joy, especially the physical activities. I don’t see any of my 90-year-old gals riding horses or racing dirt bikes. So do it now while you can.
Planning for your future is important. For many of us, it’s a big part of our financial plans. Living only for today, and short-changing yourself in the long run is about as wise as playing in on-coming traffic while wearing a blindfold. But we can’t plan so much for the future that we completely forget about ourselves right now either. Don’t focus so much on today that you can’t enjoy tomorrow, but don’t focus so much on tomorrow that you can’t enjoy today. My gals at the salon always remind me how lucky I am that can I race to grab the phone, lift heavy boxes delivered with hair products, or even walk down the stairs without holding the railing. They remind me how great my life is right now. My career has given me a unique and fantastically real view of what is to come for many of us, and I do not intend to waste it.
Our lives aren’t going to be like this forever. So why wait? We may push things off so much that the opportunities we thought we had, have all but come and gone. Look at your Bucket List. What’s on it? Is it traveling places? Climbing a volcano in Hawaii, visiting the Coliseum, or driving cross-country in an RV? Is it doing activities you rarely get the chance to do? Riding horses on the beach, swimming with dolphins, or even dying your hair purple? Is it spending more time with loved ones? Helping coach your kids’ soccer team, spending a weekend skiing with your spouse, or going on girls’ trip with your mom?
We only have a certain amount of time in our lives to do these, and none of us know exactly how much time that is. So do it. Stop wasting time. Stop pushing it off. If you can’t afford if right now, save for it. Plan for it in 5 years, not 25 years. Don’t assume life is going to go as planned and you have “plenty of time” to achieve these, because what if you don’t? Are you going to be laying on your death bed wishing you had spent more time at the office or mopped your floors more often? We can always come up with excuses for why we need to work all weekend, why we should put off that dream vacation for another few years, and why we’ll just plain “do it tomorrow.” But tomorrow isn’t promised. We can’t keep pushing everything off. If you’re lucky enough to live into your 90’s, are you going to look back on your life filled with amazing memories and experiences? Or are you going to look back and wish you had spent your life actually living?
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Jessica this was epic! I love how you related to your gals and it made Me really think about how I need to continue diving Faith first into things!! I don’t want to have too many more regrets I just wish to live and be completely happy , free and skilled in the art of my craft and raise my little human to be a big human lol. Thank you for sharing…read more
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malakkc submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
Romancing Time
“To Time
Hello time,
Haven’t heard from you for a long time.
How are you spending your time,
Without me coming along for a run of time?I miss your light, bright laugh as you fly by
Your transience makes you all the more precious.
Don’t abandon my side and leave me lonely.
Alone to face your swiftly moving wondrous
Glory that eases with your passing.”
(Chehab, M. K., PerfectlyFlawed, 2021)I wished to thank you for your time, the one that helped me overcome pain and disillusionment, that almost brought me down, at one time or another. Yes time, your earthly flow is a balm on my soul, which you soothed with your constant presence and support. Your availability at all hours of the day brought me comfort, when I was confused and drawn. Your help in marking time with me, gave me permission to speak my mind and get all the hurt off my chest. ‘A clean slate’ for a time, is a wondrous gift of rejuvenation imbued in optimism.
Whenever I think of you, time, I know that each of your hands is holding me up to the tests of time. In my five decades, I have emigrated four times to three Continents, experienced loss, betrayal, disillusionment, fear, horror, injustice, motherhood, ‘wifehood’, childhood upheaval, travel, adventure, laughter, faith, optimism, and love. With your help, time, I have had many ups and downs, but what leaves the greatest impression is laughter. To laugh is to live, and, to live is to savor life. With laughter comes the humor of a situation that you can only perceive when thinking positively. They’ve even come up with laughing yoga, laughter university (California- of course, where else?!!), and laughing Kung Fu. If that doesn’t prove my point, I don’t know what will! So, laughter is uplifting, optimistic, and tickles your funny bone in order to redirect your frown to a smile! It’s also important to note that, life’s constant changes and your ability to adapt to new realities is but a drop in the well of your knowledge and patience, especially when you have a sense of humor that helps alleviate the stress, anxiety of any major changes.
Relish each stage in your life as each is as transient as time itself, one moment it’s there, another gone into the caverns of memories so deep you need to excavate them in order to remember a specific moment in time. I’ve learned that time is precious, and that you need to make the most of this treasure you’ve been given. As time flows into an ocean of evocation: a smell, a ray of light, a flower, a cry, a laugh, a touch, a kiss, or all together, will invoke a feeling of well-being that’s unparalleled in your heart. Savor it, and don’t dwell on the negativity that time, and time again, may erode facts turning them into feelings and interpretations that become dubious in their veracity.
I hope we meet more often time, as I enjoy unburdening my lot to your compassionate ear.
Yours truly,
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Featured Job: Director of Nursing - Sign On Bonus - Nyack, New YorkApply here-
Malakkc this was such a heavy and educational piece. Thank you so much for sharing!! I like how you described time in different phases/sequences which allowed for the space to breathe and appreciate time as we know it!
Wishing you well 🙂Write me back Subscribe  or  log in to reply
This was my first piece on the unsealed, and I’m still flabbergasted that it still gets likes. If you enjoy what you’ve read, please follow me on my blog:
Thanks for the beautiful comment, they help inspire more writing!Write me back Subscribe  or  log in to reply
jordanwalker submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 2 years, 7 months ago
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