

  • Harper, thank you 🙏🏾 thank you for taking the time to give me honest feedback and I can’t wait to share more 🤗

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  • Thank you so much Rayven; I truly love and appreciate you 🫶🏾

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  • Thank you Tiffany: Life is all about living and learning; sometimes when we least expect it we gain much understanding and see our perspective through the eyes of someone else so glad you felt seen 🤗

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  • Thank you Juvi: I appreciate your kind words and amazing feedback; we should never forget to LIVE 🤗

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  • My Legacy

    Plenty of days
    In plenty of ways
    I never thought
    I had to live without
    The woman who birth me
    Continuously struggling
    With her absence
    Trying to put the pieces back together
    Rebuilding my life
    Without my mom
    To witness my success
    And the failures
    I had to overcome
    Without her keen talks
    To cheer me up
    Makes me feel sad and blue
    I yearn for her voice
    Her smile
    Her laugh
    Her presence
    That’s why I always tell people
    Cherish your mom
    ‘Cause losing her
    You can never get another
    Just memories to last forever
    Besides my Bae, family and close friends
    Being a source of inspiration
    My mom is honestly the driving force
    Behind my tenacity
    She taught me the importance of
    Hard work and dedication
    She was amazing at everything she did
    She got opportunities to live her life
    As she saw fit
    Much of her is in me
    I’m her twin
    Many can tell by just looking at me
    In life and in death
    My mom continues to show me
    I can do all that I set out to do
    No matter what I’m doing
    Or what I’m going through
    I take a moment or two
    To reflect:
    What will mommy do?
    What will mommy say?
    All the while reminding myself
    That she is 1 of the reasons
    That I am who I am
    I’m forever grateful
    For my Granny and Grandpa
    God rest their souls
    ‘Cause without them
    There will be no Margot
    So I’m forever thankful
    For her legacy
    Now it’s time to create mines
    Mama, I will make you proud‼️

    Tracy Barnes

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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  • Thank you for creating the Unsealed I am truly honored and grateful to be a part of this awesome community 🫶🏾🤗 I truly appreciate your continuous support and your kind words ✨

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  • Live without Guilt

    When you are young
    The main question is always 
    What do you want to be when you grow up?
    With much hope and optimism 
    We strive to become
    Who we very much envisioned 
    Along the way 
    We may get knocked down
    Or disappointed 
    That’s why it is truly important 
    To stay in the present 
    Committing ourselves to deadlines 
    And timelines as to when we think
    We should have accomplished 
    Something in particular 
    Is pure suicide
    Leading one to be drained mentally 
    Grow up they say
    Become an adult they say
    But they never say live
    Live in the moment 
    Be present in your youth
    So that you can have a future 
    A future that you don’t have to recover from
    ‘Cause trauma is real
    Healing can be a journey 
    Never worry about the future 
    Though your future 
    Is in your hands 
    Never feel the need to be pressured 
    Into planning it all out at once
    Forgive yourself along the way
    No one is perfect 
    Give yourself credit
    For always doing your best
    No matter the outcome 
    Again, never worry
    Your future will be the story you tell 
    The way it is supposed to be
    Without feeling guilty!

    Tracy Barnes

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends August 26, 2024 12:00am

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    • Reading this felt like a hug and a pep talk all at once! I love how your poem said everything it needed to say, plain, clear, and simple. It also flowed well and had a lot of great nuggets of wisdom! It’s a great reminder that while going through life, we shouldn’t forget actually to LIVE it! Thank you for sharing <3 Juvi

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    • Whew!! This was Amazing! This line “But they never say live
      Live in the moment. WOW!!! I’ve had to unlearn and relearn so much of what this means in adulthood. Like you said “Cause trauma is real!” working through this too and I felt so seen by your words so thank you!

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      • Thank you Tiffany: Life is all about living and learning; sometimes when we least expect it we gain much understanding and see our perspective through the eyes of someone else so glad you felt seen 🤗

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  • Thank you Saga it was such a trying time and it wasn’t until now that I found the need to write about it… I appreciate you taking the time to read it and provide feedback thank you 🤗

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  • Thank you Timothy for your kind and supportive words it’s appreciated … who would’ve thought such devastation would have brought such inspiration 🤗

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  • No More Expectations

    After my mom passed away in 2010
    I was unsure what the future held for me
    I had no idea how life would be
    Without the woman I loved and adored
    I was stuck
    Fast forward almost 14 years later
    I love my growth
    I love my consistency
    I love that I am not afraid to tell my story
    Sharing my struggles with grief
    As well as my continuous
    Uphill battle with healing
    From past trauma
    My patience with learning
    That sometimes things aren’t meant to be
    God’s plan is way better
    Than how I believed my life ought to be
    I am amazed that I have been blessed
    With opportunities
    I’ve dreamt of
    A love that completes me
    And restores my confidence in myself
    A peace that fulfills me
    I will continue to live life unapologetically
    ‘Cause this chapter in my life
    Is way better than I expected it to be!

    Tracy Barnes

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 11:59pm

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    • “I will continue to live life unapologetically” Love this line. I honestly feel your joy, positive energy, and love for life and people every time we interact. Your mom is smiling because she sees how you persevered and how you are pursuing your happiness. You are amazing, and you deserve all the joy that life is giving you. I am so happy and…read more

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      • Thank you for creating the Unsealed I am truly honored and grateful to be a part of this awesome community 🫶🏾🤗 I truly appreciate your continuous support and your kind words ✨

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  • poeticaddiction_365 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you so much Lauren; I truly appreciate you and all that you have done for the poetry community 🫶🏾 Omg I made it in the newsletter thank you thank you 🙏🏾

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  • poeticaddiction_365 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for your vulnerability and transparency a story worth sharing!

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  • poeticaddiction_365 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Definitely a relatable piece that connects with so many people I felt every emotion and every word thank you for sharing 🤗

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  • poeticaddiction_365 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Embodied Happiness

    Growing up I never got the talk about the birds and the bees
    Are those the people that find happiness sexually?
    Living in a single parent household
    I had nothing but love that surrounded me
    The joy of spending time with my family
    Always brought pure happiness to me
    Even though I lacked my father’s presence
    I appreciated each and every thing my mom did for me
    The variations of what makes me happy
    Truly varies from day to day
    But most importantly I am happy that God saw fit to wake me up today
    The opportunity to make the world a better place
    By spreading positivity and living in my purpose
    Makes me feel blessed to say the least
    Finding love and being loved
    Allows me to be prosperous with spreading love daily
    I used to say my smile doesn’t often dictate my happiness
    These days I add to people’s happiness
    By providing great customer service to them adding a smile goes a long way
    It makes a huge difference in people’s day
    My happiness isn’t always contingent on others
    But it sure feels great when I’m happy
    And I spread happiness endlessly to those around me
    How did I forget to mention that poetry and music also brings me happiness
    Being able to write and share my story with people near and far
    Is a dream come true
    A journey worthy of praise
    ‘Cause people sometimes tear you down
    When they don’t support your vision
    Lacking happiness hinders their judgement
    Or they don’t understand how to clap
    Even if they aren’t the one winning at the moment
    Without question music has always been
    A vital part of me
    Whether it was inspiring me to write poetry
    Or my calm when I needed reassurance
    It has got me through good days and sad days
    Whether it was the melody, beat, lyrics or artist
    I always admired how I could relate it to me
    Finding happiness in all that I do and the people that surround me
    Makes me know that I embody happiness just by being me
    So let me ask you:
    What does happiness mean to you?

    Tracy Barnes

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    • Tracy! I love this piece!. This is the piece you read last week. YOU are pure happiness and you bring light to every single person you meet! Thank you for sharing! I am posting this piece in our newsletter today! Keep a lookout for it. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren; I truly appreciate you and all that you have done for the poetry community 🫶🏾 Omg I made it in the newsletter thank you thank you 🙏🏾

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  • poeticaddiction_365 responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    This was a powerful yet inspirational piece on why you love yourself thank you for sharing!

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  • Thank you Ari for reading and I appreciate your honest feedback!

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  • Remodeled Images

    It’s so easy to give up
    Nowadays too many people count you out
    Before you can even start to pursue your goals
    But if there is anything I’ve learned
    There are situations,
    There are challenges,
    There are distractions,
    There are difficult times,
    All of which will test you,
    Teach you,
    Mold you
    Or prepare you for life’s biggest blessings
    I remember back in 2018
    I was partying with my family on Memorial Day
    The next day I struggled to get up for work
    On May 30th, 2018
    I got a call while at work that my apartment was on fire
    Everything was a blur
    Taking a cab all the way to Brooklyn
    Not even sure what it cost me that day
    I was headed back to the remnants
    Of what used to be
    It was the last place my mom called home
    As tears filled my eyes
    I could smell the smoke
    As I approached my door
    I didn’t know exactly what I was in store for
    The beautiful memories on the wall gone
    Much of the pictures that we all treasured
    Much of the priceless artifacts we retained from traveling
    Much of the furniture
    Much of my mom’s last purchases
    Much of my family’s history
    Lost in piles of ashes
    Several days and months went by
    Thankful for the love and support
    Of family and close friends
    I was able to stay positive
    Trying to rebuild from scratch
    ‘Cause what else was there to do
    Creating a go fundme page was suggested
    But my pride wouldn’t let me do it
    I worked tirelessly
    Drowning my pain and sorrow
    Feeling hopeless
    Losing sight of my reality
    Numbing my depressed mind
    With gifts
    Not trying to guilt trip
    Possible scenarios
    Left me realizing
    I had to stop feeling sorry for myself
    Instead, find hope
    And persevere
    I had to remember to make my mama proud
    Though rebuilding takes time
    I knew I had to start to make my remodeled apartment
    My home again!

    Tracy B.

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    • Wow, that was powerfully and wonderfully felt and understood-amazing picture and reality of the circumstances life gives us unexpectedly. Great work my friend, and awesome attitude during a devastating time…That’s the spirit of a sound mind God says He gives to us, as opposed to the spirit of fear. Your life is a blessing to others- keep…read more

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      • My first reaction was also “wow”. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to go through something as life-changing as a fire. It’s really incredible for you to take this experience and see the beauty in it while also using it to create! Thank you for sharing 🙂

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        • Thank you Saga it was such a trying time and it wasn’t until now that I found the need to write about it… I appreciate you taking the time to read it and provide feedback thank you 🤗

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      • Thank you Timothy for your kind and supportive words it’s appreciated … who would’ve thought such devastation would have brought such inspiration 🤗

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  • Thank you Shelley for your response I appreciate it and I totally agree!

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  • My Perfection

    As close to perfection
    A day can get
    It has to be filled with
    Joy, laughter and a good time
    Simplicity at its finest
    I picture a day filled with love
    Surprising my Bae with tickets
    To see one of her favorite comedians
    B. Simone
    Not ruining the surprise
    Being a little suspenseful
    ‘Cause the romance
    Should never die
    Keeping the spark alive
    Laughing uncontrollably
    From start to finish
    Seeing that smile on her face
    Means so much
    Any day with you makes the world
    Seem perfect
    Even though we know that not to be true
    You are quite a dream come true
    Any other day that could even measure up
    Would have to be filled with
    Rest, relaxation, some good music and poetry
    A warm bubble bath to soothe the tense muscles
    Forgetting the troubles of the day or week
    Allowing my self care to be my peace
    Resetting my intentions
    Cleansing my mind, body and spirit
    A perfect day can lead to many blessings
    I just pray for a day that is calm
    That leads to memories to be cherished
    And is close to my definition of perfection!

    Tracy B.

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  • Rayven, thank you for being 1 of my biggest supporters and cheerleaders; I didn’t know what 2023 would bring I’m glad it brought you: I love and appreciate you 🫶🏾😘

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