

  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    The Opportunity of a Lifetime

    Dear Lauren,

    I always hoped that clicking around on social media would lead me to a community that was authentic and motivated, but safe spaces like that aren’t too common like that on the internet… Luckily, one fateful day in 2022 I saw an ad for The Unsealed. An invitation to share my story and a community to share and grow with was like a dream come true. My confidence and connection with writing has grown so much in such a short amount of time and I have to give major credit to this community. A community that wouldn’t be possible without the remarkable and inspiring expertise and humanity you, Lauren, offer to all of us.

    It will take me years and novels to truly express my gratitude for this opportunity of a lifetime. The opportunity to be connected to enlightened writers and led by such a exceptional soul.

    Lauren, I hope your birthday feels as special as you have made The Unsealed community feel.

    Best Wishes. I can’t wait to see why you do next. ❤️

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Aww Alicia! You know how much I love you! I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed. I appreciate you just as much, as your kind heart inspires me. I’m grateful for our friendship. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Love you! <3 Lauren

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

    We Are All a Work in Progress

    Dear whoever needs a reminder,

    At this point in time, you’ve probably heard the term “Gratitude Practice” in pop culture. It centers on looking at the things in your life through a lens of appreciation. It requires an ability to shift your focus and play up the parts of life that we often overlook. Gratitude practice for me has been a long developing perspective shift, but the benefits have been unparalleled. Practicing gratitude in my daily life allows me to stay present, but it also helps me reflect on bigger moments with an appreciation for the work I’ve done. From a bird’s-eye view, I am able to solidify the reality of all I have to be grateful for.

    Graduating with my bachelor’s in psychology at the beginning of the pandemic scared me into thinking that I would never get to do the type of work I had been dreaming of. Schools were closed. Volunteer programs halted. And I felt that I would be stuck working in restaurants for the rest of my life.

    It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.

    But being grateful for all that I did have around me, recognizing the efforts I put in to get there, being coupled with people assuring me that my degree wasn’t going to waste helped me see that a bump in the road or a change of plans doesn’t mean you should throw your life course out the window. So as soon as I could, I started substituting in classrooms again. And during one of my subbing escapades, I stumbled upon an open position in a classroom that felt like exactly what I had been working towards.

    Now Monday through Friday, for 7 hours a day, I get to connect with a small group of high school students in an Emotional Disturbance class.

    I get to teach them in ways no one ever took the time to. I get to expose them to ways of thinking and opportunities that they don’t typically have access to. I get to be a witness to real growth. And I get to learn more about myself through their own special personalities. I have never woken up consistently excited to go to work until this past year. I feel gratitude every day I drive to work, every time I see my students faces, and every time I think of how much I wanted this.

    “Stop and smell the roses.” It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. Certainly not every day with my students is a magical transformation. Some days feel like quite the opposite. But in the grand scheme of things, I know that I am exactly where I want to be. Connecting and guiding. At the intersection of growth and patience.

    My students remind me that life is not an uphill battle, as much as it may feel that way sometimes. By being grateful for your progress, you can acknowledge that what you have now is what you once wanted. Use this as fuel for the present as much as you use it as fuel for your future.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • I’ve never heard of gratitude practice. I’m glad I’m hearing about it now. Changing your perspective on things and shifting your thoughts from stress to gratitude can’t be extremely beneficial. Just like the saying “stop and smell the roses” there’s also “look at the bright side.” Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thanks for sharing Alicia. This is such an important thing to practice and I needed this reminder. It’s sooo important to practice this during the good times too! When you don’t “need” it. Then it becomes habit and when you’re feeling down you have this tool that is so easily tangible. This reminder to practice gratitude was something that I truly…read more

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    • First off, congrats on your bachelor’s in psychology. Reading this shows that you’ve come a long way and that your journey has surely paid off. When you said “It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.” is so deep and powerful. If you don’t mind I just might start using this saying. Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thank you for sharing this inspirational story. We all should be grateful for what we have and what we will achieve in life. We should be happy for small things for the things we wake up in the morning and do the things we do.

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  • Journey To Your Future Self

    Feet grounded to the shore as ocean bubbles wash over your toes
    The tide pulls away and the sand beneath you sinks
    Gold flickers of sunset warm your shoulders
    Your gaze follows the endless sea of blue
    Who is on the other side of that sea?
    What waves must you endure to meet them?
    Or is the someone on the other side of the sea
    Who you will become along the way

    Adventurous thinking can inspire you to chart a course
    But imagine if a message in a bottle floated to your feet
    Embellished with your name and a plan
    And the words read:

    Hello old friend,

    I’m happy to know you are thinking of me. This affirms that you are still on your journey to me! I know that life has been a constant flux of certainty and uncertainty, but I want you to understand that this is because you are consistently pushing yourself towards growth. I remember the struggles that you are going through right now clear as day, I still carry them with me. Not because they are heavy, but because they are meaningful. They hold weight in your existence and give you a sense of momentum. I know you see the destination; you make sense of the mess and connect moments to give purpose. This is one of the greatest skills you can develop: to work with the flow of life and give it meaning. Your continual cultivation of working with that flow, meaning making, and growing is why I am writing to you now.

    You’ll be delighted to know that life here is beyond anything we ever imagined together. There are more adventures, connections, and peaceful moments than we believed possible. As much as I want to detail every little bit of joy, I don’t want you to get distracted by the wrong things. I can assure you in the clichest of ways that everything will work out. This is exactly why I am so excited for your arrival, but also in no rush to see you. I’m exercising patience as you continue your journey because I have accepted that there are many endeavors you must undertake before we meet. I can wait confidently knowing that each of these undertakings brings you one step closer on your journey to me.

    During your journey, take breaks when you need them, but please remember I am anticipating our union. I expect you to keep a steady and focused pace because we still have a lot to do, and I can’t get started until you arrive. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, and I can’t tell you what to do next, however the list of items you will need for your journey are as follows:

    a strong mind
    a creative essence
    a loving heart
    a persevering soul
    a sense of humor
    a load of gratitude
    and a purpose

    Wishing you the safest of travels

    Future You

    Emboldened by an inspiring familiar
    Guided by a gentle proposal
    Will you take that journey to the other side of the sea?
    To the other side of yourself?

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Alicia – This is so good!!! I could even visualize your future self talking to your current self. And this line is my absolute favorite, ” Remember the struggles that you are going through right now clear as day, I still carry them with me. Not because they are heavy, but because they are meaningful.” This is so wise and well said and resonates…read more

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    • I really like the way you prioritize hard work and taking breaks when needed. Taking occasional breaks to recharge is essential, but let the anticipation of reaching your goals continue to fuel your determination and drive. It was really inspiring to read this, Thanks for sharing!

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 5 months ago

    A Part of You That Needs A Friend

    Doubt. That feeling of swirling thoughts, a floating stomach, a locked jaw… It’s amazing the sensory input your body creates when you are unsure of something. And equally amazing how assuredness feels so much more peaceful. We tend to second guess, invalidate, or discard reason when we chase after that feeling of assuredness, trying to make the best decision. And this is the reality of doubt, a distorted perception brought on by uncertainty and further exasperated by panicked attempts at diverting it.

    Turning thoughts over and over again will not bring you clarity. You have to let things rest. You have to face your doubt head on rather than turning your back on it and chasing after certainty.

    As someone who has lived in a constant loop of indecision, giving power away, regret, and rebellion, I know what it’s like to doubt yourself. I spent so many years weighing my choices against other people’s expectations that I lost my inner guidance. Doubting one decision and letting fear be my guide led me to doubting all my decisions because I was so unsure of what was correct for me anymore. This doubt and disillusionment caused me to rebel, to go further away from myself. I was chasing after assuredness rather than looking at what was holding me back. I had to break the cycle. I had to look at my doubt and question where it was coming from. I had to be friends with it.

    I’ve been on a journey of befriending my doubt for three years now. What used to be a large, dark, gnawing figure is now more like an annoying itch or a scared kid who just needs some reassurance. But I wouldn’t be able to look at my doubt with this level of acceptance if I kept chasing the most correct and assured options to compare myself to. I never could have conquered and transformed my doubt if I didn’t befriend it.

    While I agree with the general consensus “Don’t listen to those who doubt you,” I like to think that you should listen to your own doubt. Don’t take it as fact. Don’t let it guide your life. But listen to it. Take some time to figure out where your doubt is coming from. Then take some more time to figure out how you can transmute it into self-awareness. Don’t let doubt be your guide, just look at it as that a part of you that needs a bit more attention. A part of you that needs a friend.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Alicia, your insightful words about doubt hit me deeply. Doubt can indeed cause restlessness, but taking on it as a part of ourselves allows us to steer uncertainty with self-awareness. By becoming friends with doubt, we can find clearness and break free from the cycle of indecision. Your journey of acceptance and transformation inspires me to…read more

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  • aliciaw responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 5 months ago

    Lauren, I’m so happy my words were relatable but I’m also sympathetic because I know the struggle!! We just have to keep breathing. I like to think we’re not given anything we can’t ultimately handle!

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  • aliciaw responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 5 months ago

    Pete, I’m so happy my letter reminded you of skills that have been helpful in your life! My therapist introduced me to breathing as a coping mechanism, but yoga taught me all the amazing techniques, would definitely recommend if you’re interested!

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

    A Lesson in Holism

    I could say I’ve known you forever, but that wouldn’t seem quite right. I guess I’ve known you for as long as I can remember. But even then, I’ve only known you partially. You’ve revealed yourself in different ways over the years and given me new reasons to love you. You’ve made days worth it. You find meaning in the little things and you know how to dress up a dollar. You go out of your way to make things inclusive and memorable. Most of all, you keep trying when you feel like you have no clue what you’re doing or where you are going.

    We lose contact every once in a while. Sometimes I think I’ll never be with you again. It’s not like I lost your phone number, or you moved far away. It’s just sometimes I forget you’re there. I forget how to access you. In the past, I’d retreat further and further away before I remembered you exist and how to make contact. But now, I know to reach out a little sooner. You always know what to do and how to make things better.

    There’s really no difference between me and you. The separation happens when I compare parts. I look at you as the “healthy version of me” but I should just be seeing me when I’m healthy. Rather than thinking of you as the “me” that I love, I’ll just love me. I’ve learned it’s a lot easier and more genuine to love when you aren’t doing it in parts. So, one day soon, I’ll just love me. After all, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Alicia, Your heartfelt words capture the journey of self-discovery and self-love. I love that your embracing all parts of yourself, including the healthy and imperfect ones, it is a powerful realization. Remember, you are deserving of love and acceptance, and you are capable of finding wholeness within yourself. Keep embracing your journey and…read more

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

    Your Secret Source of Peace and Power

    Fidgeting and nausea must be a natural state for you. Movement seems to disperse a bit of that nervous energy, but the feeling of your stomach turning is enough to make your mind go blank. I spent most of my life stuck in this mode, chalking it up to a hyperactive personality and a sensitive stomach. But looking closer at my life, I could see the mismatch that was provoking all of this movement. My body was telling me to go somewhere and all I was letting it do was twiddle thumbs and do internal somersaults. I needed to move, but not just physically, I needed to move into my body and start listening to what it was telling me.

    I’ll never forget the beginning of my therapy journey when I explained my visceral anxiety and the advice I was given was “You need to breathe.” Breathe? I’m always breathing. How could I be breathing any better? I came back the next week to tell her “This breathing thing isn’t making a difference; I need something else.” She laughed at me and said, “That’s all I got for you.” So, I kept breathing. Deeper, longer, more fully, more expansive, more peacefully. And now when I start to squirm or my stomach starts to turn, I can take a deep breath and get clear about what I am feeling.

    I know it feels like trying to stop a freight train with your bare hands when the nervousness gears up, but the more often you recognize that chugging and start to pump the brakes, the more often you won’t have to compare your feelings to four-ton vehicles going 50 mph. Also, the more often you get to be present in moments and make conscious decisions. Breath is a place of peace as much as power. And life is so much better when you take a deep breath.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • The power of breathing is truly amazing. I was dealing with some high stress a few years ago. I had rememebered someone recommending me a few meditation podcasts a few years prior to that. I decided to give them a try and found they were really helpful. I was pretty sure it was the slow deep inhales and exhales that were making all the difference.…read more

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      • Pete, I’m so happy my letter reminded you of skills that have been helpful in your life! My therapist introduced me to breathing as a coping mechanism, but yoga taught me all the amazing techniques, would definitely recommend if you’re interested!

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    • When you were reading this monday, I totally felt like this was about me. It is amazing the pressure we put on ourselves and its impact on our well-being. But it’s also amazing the relief we got from a simple breathe. I love this. It’s so real and so relatable. <3Lauren

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      • Lauren, I’m so happy my words were relatable but I’m also sympathetic because I know the struggle!! We just have to keep breathing. I like to think we’re not given anything we can’t ultimately handle!

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    • I remember when I had such a hard time with anxiety and it got so bad to where I started to get panic attacks. What happened was I was going through stress attacks due to a lot of things happening in my life. My sister helped me through my first one by breathing. It always helped me calm down and through that, I’ve been learning to always try and…read more

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 7 months ago

    You Saw in Me What I See in Others

    Dear Karina,

    I am fortunate that you decided venture out at work and talk to a coworker that wasn’t in your department. Starting a simple conversation about a potential shared interest, “Do you like rock music?” seemed so easy for you. You’ve told me in many different ways over the years, you saw what made us different from everyone else is what made us the same as each other. We loved the depths of life. The depths that inspired people to create things and things that inspired people to explore depths. We loved music and art that would make us think and feel, and we loved having someone to unapologetically share that with.

    I remember being uncomfortable with the amount of praise and recognition you would offer me at work. You’d applaud my poetry and indulge my tangents. You always had something encouraging to say whether I was sharing my plans or my apprehension. After just a few short months of friendship, you gave me several journals and told me to fill them up. Over nearly 7 years, these journals have given me the chance to hold and see myself the way you held and saw me.

    Karina, the way you have pushed me to reach my potential has given me the most empowering perspective. The amount of childlike excitement you have instilled in me during every venture I take up is the type of championing that I always wanted.

    You saw in me what I see in everyone else, someone who is capable of anything so long as they don’t over complicate it. “Do you like rock music?” will forever be the most memorable (and casual) line to start one of the most fulfilling friendships.

    I’m so lucky to have an advocate like you.


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    • Aww this is so sweet. Friends that have your back and see your greatness are the absolute best. Karina sounds awesome! And I am so glad she encouraged you to write because you are talented and have and will inspire so many people. Xo

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    • A lot of times we don’t take the time to capture ourselves in the mirror. we are so used to how we act we don’t get more recognition for it. so to have someone as great as your friend point out the amazing things you do must be very uplifting.

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    • That’s beautiful, and I’m too glad you found someone who has been with you for many years now for encouragement, as well as being a true friend. Yes, she pushed you helping to reach your potential, a true friend, but you did it, and always remember that. Help and someone pushing you is great, but ultimately it’s your decision to reach your goal…read more

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  • aliciaw responded to a letter in topic Women’s Empowerment 1 years, 7 months ago

    Jamie, I absolutely loved that you positioned my decision outside of the terms wrong/right because I struggled with that for a while. Prioritizing myself over my relationship made me feel selfish, but it was truly about me taking control of my future. Thank you for speaking such kind words into my life!

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    • Alicia,

      I definitely felt that struggle in your words in your letter. Your story hits home more than you know and has challenged me to think which I appreciate. You mentioned feeling selfish at that time. If you look at any great person they’ve separated themselves from being average because of the sacrifices they’ve made. That’s why you’v…read more

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  • aliciaw responded to a letter in topic Women’s Empowerment 1 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you for recognizing my strength, Jim! I couldn’t have made such a transition if it weren’t for others in my life also reminding me of the strength I have.

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    • Of course Alicia. Your strength is very easily recognizable. Making difficult decisions is not an easy thing to do. Few can. But I think , while others reminding you certainly helps, you are certainly capable of making that transition by yourself, but also smart enough to lean on others to help you too. Your strength is clear. And will only grow 🙂

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  • aliciaw responded to a letter in topic Women’s Empowerment 1 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you so much for your words, Lauren! This was a hard piece to share, but our bit of conversation during the workshop reminded me that is a relatable experience. Hearing you share your bit of your relational history affirmed that we shouldn’t give up on the things we believe in.

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 years, 8 months ago

    Save Yourself

    I’ve always wanted deep connection. Honesty. Unwavering loyalty and unquestionable morals. I whined about the lack of depth in relationships each time my expectations weren’t exceeded. I wallowed in my own disappointment because I believed in a fairytale type of love. I thought, “if someone can dream it up, then they can make it happen.” I pushed myself to be what modeled my fantasy. I thought that if I could put myself in that storybook world then someone would love me like princes love princesses.

    And I pushed a relationship for nearly 10 years to be that fairytale love. But no matter how hard I pushed, it just wouldn’t light up how I believed was possible. At first, I tried harder and harder, thinking if I was better, he would love me better. But as time went on, I developed a bit of resentment towards the man that I loved because he wasn’t giving me the relationship I always dreamt of and so patiently ushered him into. After his 28th birthday, he knew he wanted to get a home with me. After his 28th birthday, I knew I couldn’t commit to the absence of my fantasy any longer. I had to stop forcing a fairytale love.

    The need to end things was a devastating realization for someone who thinks that people will love each other forever. But also, a liberating realization for someone who knows that real and whole love exists. It took a lot of days of feeling rejected before I acknowledged that I couldn’t push someone to be what they don’t want to be. And it took even more back and forth to truly acknowledge that someone can be a great person but not your person. In releasing the fantasy that I attached to my relationship, I affirmed to myself that fairytale love does exist. Because I saved myself from a future that wasn’t meant for me, just like how the princes save princesses.

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    • Honestly, this letter is even more beautiful as I read it back right now. There is so much beauty and strength is this piece. You are unbelievable strong and you have such a beautiful heart, you fairytale love story is on its way. And you are right, you can’t make someone love you the way you want and deserve to be loved. You can only refuse to…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your words, Lauren! This was a hard piece to share, but our bit of conversation during the workshop reminded me that is a relatable experience. Hearing you share your bit of your relational history affirmed that we shouldn’t give up on the things we believe in.

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    • Hi Alicia. What an incredible and moving letter. To leave something after so long and something you wanted so much had to be very tough. Took a lot of strength. I’m glad you have that strength

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      • Thank you for recognizing my strength, Jim! I couldn’t have made such a transition if it weren’t for others in my life also reminding me of the strength I have.

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        • Of course Alicia. Your strength is very easily recognizable. Making difficult decisions is not an easy thing to do. Few can. But I think , while others reminding you certainly helps, you are certainly capable of making that transition by yourself, but also smart enough to lean on others to help you too. Your strength is clear. And will only grow 🙂

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    • Alicia,

      I applaud you for making not the right decision, not the wrong decision but the best decision for YOUR life. You analyzed the level of depth that was lacking in your relationship that wasn’t there. You knew what makes you happy and you found yourself still searching. The power and courage it takes to let go of someone rather than to h…read more

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      • Jamie, I absolutely loved that you positioned my decision outside of the terms wrong/right because I struggled with that for a while. Prioritizing myself over my relationship made me feel selfish, but it was truly about me taking control of my future. Thank you for speaking such kind words into my life!

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        • Alicia,

          I definitely felt that struggle in your words in your letter. Your story hits home more than you know and has challenged me to think which I appreciate. You mentioned feeling selfish at that time. If you look at any great person they’ve separated themselves from being average because of the sacrifices they’ve made. That’s why you’v…read more

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    • I know it is hard to lose a relationship especially when you’ve been going on for almost a long time in your life. You are really strong for making a huge decision in order to take care of yourself.

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    • Yes, this is true. I looked for mine dream story and life many years ago and it took me only two years to realize I wasn’t getting it. I grew up on such dreams and now I’m not sure if I really believe in it any longer. We teach our kids, as well as read the fantasy books as they’re growing up and they believe in these stories, just as we did…read more

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    • This is so empowering. Your words speak volumes about your strength. We all have a dream and that dream is reachable always. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow of what we call life to understand ourselves on a deeper level. I’m so happy that you understood your worth. Your person will show up right on time. 🙂

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    • Alicia, thank you for sharing. I too had this experience. I was in a relationship for 12 years, one that I felt like if I kept trying and trying it would be what I wanted. It would be the perfect relationship. Or not perfect, but it would work. We would work. Ending something you have been working on for so long is so difficult. Admitting that you…read more

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  • Dear Little Sunshine: I Know it is Dark Out There

    Dear Little Sunshine,

    The world might not make much sense to you right now and I know you are just trying your hardest to find a place where you feel seen and heard in the way you see and hear other people. I can’t promise you that people won’t break your heart or mislead you, but I can promise you that every twist and turn you take will be your very own journey into a world that makes sense to you.

    You’re going to be known as the helper before you ever truly feel helped. You are going to the big cousin, big sister, best friend, and even the parent sometimes. And you are going to be great at it because you have a natural ability to connect with and care for people. There will be a lot of times where you feel like too much is being expected of you and that you just can’t do it anymore. I want to let you know that for every moment you push through, you grow into a stronger version of yourself and encourage others to do the same.

    Little Sunshine, I need you to know that you light up rooms when you walk in. I see the way you bring love and inspiration to people three times your age. I see the way you check in on others to make sure everyone feels included. I see that your mind never stops racing and your body never ceases to move. I see that you are as full of love as you are fearful of it.

    I know those around you are impressed by your self-sufficiency because they don’t know it was your only option. I know that you’ve been given too much responsibility at a young age and just want to make mistakes. I know you feel neglected, but still show up for everyone. I know it hurts to think you always have to give more than you can receive, but I want to assure you that your incessant desire for curiosity, connection, and care will motivate you to be a pillar of love and creative expression in the lives of others.

    That light you shine because you feel so overlooked, will teach others to unashamedly be themselves. That depth you possess because you’ve seen so much in such a short amount of time, will teach others to take time to learn themselves. That warmth you radiate because the world is just so cold, will teach others to be kinder to themselves.

    So, when your heart hurts, don’t turn away from those in your life who never did you wrong, remember to lean into the love that surrounds you and multiply it. All the boys and girls, friends and foes, family members and strangers, who made you question your heart, hold them closely like they couldn’t hold you and I promise you that your life will be so much better because of it. I don’t ask that you stay strong and silent when the world doesn’t give you what you need, I ask that you stay soft and resilient. I ask that you continue to be an example of the shining, permeating, unwavering love you wish to feel. You will change the lives of so many others because of it.

    I love you, Little Sunshine and I am so proud of you


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  • Dear Little Sunshine: I Know it's Dark Out There

    Dear Little Sunshine,

    The world might not make much sense to you right now and I know you are just trying your hardest to find a place where you feel seen and heard in the way you see and hear other people. I can’t promise you that people won’t break your heart or mislead you, but I can promise you that every twist and turn you take will be your very own journey into a world that makes sense to you.

    You’re going to be known as the helper before you ever truly feel helped. You are going to the big cousin, big sister, best friend, and even the parent sometimes. And you are going to be great at it because you have a natural ability to connect with and care for people. There will be a lot of times where you feel like too much is being expected of you and that you just can’t do it anymore. I want to let you know that for every moment you push through, you grow into a stronger version of yourself and encourage others to do the same.

    Little Sunshine, I need you to know that you light up rooms when you walk in. I see the way you bring love and inspiration to people three times your age. I see the way you check in on others to make sure everyone feels included. I see that your mind never stops racing and your body never ceases to move. I see that you are as full of love as you are fearful of it.

    I know those around you are impressed by your self-sufficiency because they don’t know it was your only option. I know that you’ve been given too much responsibility at a young age and just want to make mistakes. I know you feel neglected, but still show up for everyone. I know it hurts to think you always have to give more than you can receive, but I want to assure you that your incessant desire for curiosity, connection, and care will motivate you to be a pillar of love and creative expression in the lives of others.

    That light you shine because you feel so overlooked, will teach others to unashamedly be themselves. That depth you possess because you’ve seen so much in such a short amount of time, will teach others to take time to learn themselves. That warmth you radiate because the world is just so cold, will teach others to be kinder to themselves.

    So, when your heart hurts, don’t turn away from those in your life who never did you wrong, remember to lean into the love that surrounds you and multiply it. All the boys and girls, friends and foes, family members and strangers, who made you question your heart, hold them closely like they couldn’t hold you and I promise you that your life will be so much better because of it. I don’t ask that you stay strong and silent when the world doesn’t give you what you need, I ask that you stay soft and resilient. I ask that you continue to be an example of the shining, permeating, unwavering love you wish to feel. You will change the lives of so many others because of it.

    I love you, Little Sunshine and I am so proud of you


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    • Alicia, this piece is very well done. I am sorry you had so much responsibility so young, but the way you’ve handled it speaks to your strength and your heart. I am sure you are light for so many people around you.

      I absolutely love this line, “I don’t ask that you stay strong and silent when the world doesn’t give you what you need, I ask tha…read more

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    • Wow, you are so strong, Alicia. You remind me of my older sister because she had to wear the big pants in our family when it came to taking care of us. After all, my mom was a gambling addict and she was never home. It makes me love my sister even more because she could’ve given up and not taken care of us but just like you, you continue to be s…read more

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    • Hi Alicia
      Wow what an amazing letter. What an incredible outlook. So incredible that you had so much responsibility at such a young age. Great advice. Not everyone is cut out for that kinda stuff. Clearly you are. Amazing 🙂

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    • Hi Alicia. Here is the letter I told you about. The one about my dad.just wanted you to see it. Im very proud of it. Have a great day 😊

      Perseverance learned from the best
      This is my story about perseverance, a perseverance I didn’t know I had in me. But as with many things in life, sometimes you find things out the hard…read more

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