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All Entries must be in  May 16, 2023 at  11:59 PM Eastern Time

Those moving on to round two will be announced by July 17th

Voting will start July 17th and end August 18th at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Winners will be announced August 21, 2023. 

$250 in cash prizes.

Before entering, please read Challenge Rules

You can email Contests@theunsealed.com with any questions.

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  • giesantana submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Plant Food

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  • Truth Serum

    It’s no secret! Everywhere we turn, everywhere we look; we are being lied to. As I lay on a thorny bed of lies forced to endure my racing beta thoughts. Grief struck me with the force of lightning, for my thoughts once naively lain upon the idea that the people running the world would never deceive us.
    Elected officials are akin to the wagging tails and sloppy tongues on happy, goofy dogs; and world leaders share the same thing in common: They all have a serpent’s tongue. Media syndicates cause more devastation than nuclear weapons, weaponized to disseminate fear and upload subliminal messages, hacking into our subconscious minds with rogue viruses.
    Due to social programming (conditional programming), change is not so easy for most people, but change is what the world needs to see. Changes in: Governments, politics, economics, and our legal systems are long overdue. Perhaps the reason why change is so hard for most people: It requires them to reprogram their minds to look at the ugly truth. Most people would rather look the other way than face change.
    Change is removing the knife that was stuck in Malcolm X’s “back 9 inches” from our legal systems, and implementing ways for citizens to heal. Instead, the same bloody knife is left in everyone’s back 6 inches deep, impeding progress, causing citizens to bleed profusely from their unhealed wounds.
    Propagandists feed us innocent truths, obscuring a host of nefarious lies. They tell us fluoride protects our teeth, but it severely calcifies our pineal glands and fogs our brains. Globalists make insidious claims about chemtrails being harmless or how they curtail global warming, yet chemtrails are laced with undisclosed toxic chemicals; killing us off and controlling our minds. Although misinformation is seen as something more forgivable than disinformation, depending on the news sources or sources of information, all lies can be spun as the truth.
    Real change is giving citizens the power to stop Derrick Chauvin while he had his knee firmly pressed on George Floyd’s neck and spine, suffocating him to death. Real change is removing authoritative power from the unscrupulous grip of Governments and putting it back into the hands of the people. Real change is treating people fairly and equally because they are human beings, not just because they identify as LGBTQ.
    If you ask me, everyone can see the necessity for change in the world, but it’s before they realize “they must be the change they want to see.” Then, most people take a step back or revoke their original stance on change. There can be no change until people take a sobering look at themselves and do what they can to make a difference in the world. Unquestionably, what must change in the world is simple! There need not be anymore Top Secrets and we must stop being lied to. Lied to by our Governments; lied to by politicians; lied to by physicians; lied to by philanthropic organizations like the WHO. Lies! Lies! Lies! Like rotting flesh in a bag being sold as fresh meat at full price.

    Antonio De’mon Robinson

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    • I have always said it takes a tragedy to change people’s minds on what they believe. It’s always been that way. By the time they realize that they need to be the change it’s so bad that the pivot and walk the other way.

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      • Hello Mavis,
        I appreciate your patience in waiting for my reply, as I’ve been a tad bit too busy for my liking lately. At any rate, I couldn’t agree with you more. Once people realize the world needs to take a massive shift in direction, or the necessity to completely change the course of humanity. It’s nearly too late because we have been trave…read more

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    • Antonio, I can feel your passion as your read this. I so agree that the world needs so much change, and each one of us need to be a part of that change. There is so much that has happened in our society that systematically should have never been able to occur in the first place. And we need to not let that keep happening over and over. Thank you…read more

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      • Hello Lauren,
        you are most welcome. I want to thank you for creating a platform in which people can express themselves openly and freely without being subjected to censorship (within reason), or become a subject of oppression. In the hands of each and every American citizen resides the power for change, but how is this possible when people are so…read more

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  • ladyjayy submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Go out with a BANG

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  • rebecca submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    world's screwed up but so am i

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  • amabaggrey submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    love again

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  • Why can it NOT be TOMORROW🤷‍♂️

    Changing the world is a daunting task; all the dust and debris that we can not unsee. Crime and killings are almost as common as finding a dime on the street and the amount of homeless people is not a sight to see. These are the poor aspects of the place that we live in, but don’t have to live in a world that we aren’t proud to see! How do we change it when we all see things differently?

    No matter what side of the winding world you are on, time is distributing equally. There are 24 hrs in a day, and we all choose to use it in our unique way. if every gun was substituted with a thought of graditude, every crime substituted with a compliment and for everyone without a home a place to stay, hey, who’s to say that tomorrow can’t be a world changing day?


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    • Kale, I wished it were all as simple as you so wonderfully wrote in your letter. Exchanging the weapons for an act of gratitude and the homelessness situation under control would be ideal. I too agree EVEVRYONE should have a decent place to lay their heads. Great poem!

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    • What you speak of is a utopian that I hope one day we can experience. I agree that every deserves a decent place to lay their head and a simple compliment can change someone’s day.

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    • Jake this is wonderful. I always thought about that too – if one day everyone woke up and said today I am going to change the world, could we make a huge shift in one day? Probably! This is so creatively written and thoughtful. I absolutely love it. Thank you for sharing! <33 Lauren

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  • Hopeful World

    Hopeful World

    A clean ocean for the earth, ocean life no longer in danger,
    A world where violence cease, when people let go of hate and anger.

    Love and respect for humans, and animals as one,
    A world with love and laughter, where world peace has now begun.

    A world where our children have the chance to learn and grow,
    Keeping them away from evil, that world they need not know.

    A world where it doesn’t matter of your gender or your race,
    A world where everyone is equal, calling all into a loving embrace.

    A world without hate is starting to begin,
    No walking around on eggshells because of the color of my skin.

    A world without hunger, meals go to everyone in need,
    Teachers and parents working together, teaching our children to read.

    A world full of bliss, where peace and love will soar,
    A world that we can be proud of, a world that we can adore.

    LaKrisha Stanton-Brandon

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    • Oh how lovely would our world be if all of this would just be. Your poem speaks of world peace and love and compassion. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • LaKrisha! This is sooo good. Every verse is so powerful, and the whole piece flows so eloquently. Each and every message is so real, people, equality, literacy, violence and love are all such important topics. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed community. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words. It warms my heart that you enjoyed my words and share the same hope of love and kindness spreading throughout the world. Your post meant the world to me, thank you.

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  • macyspoke submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    The Change I See In Us

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  • Don’t Double the Standard

    It is a shame that we shame a woman who feels what she feels between her legs when a man aware of his power is there because she was never afforded that comfort, first, in her father’s arms: so now she feels safe in a devil’s charm.

    A man willing to wear vulnerability on his sleeve and shed pent up tears of fury from years of violence and silent worry ‘because real men carry pain until they’re buried’ is ridiculed and mocked – until he breaks himself and then others due to the lack of a nurturing mother.

    Individuals trying to escape curses from both sides of toxic family ties are criticized and forced to wear masks of false valor and blinded eyes with no real place of safety to hide from those in which they do not wish to socialize.

    No congregation of normal; everything is swept under the rug and we must speak formal to not offend what society says is acceptable and necessary: when will we receive actual sanctuary and support outside of rapport and openly oppressive courts?

    Yin must submit to Yang versus balance from both energies.

    No respect for the source, power and love from the Omnipotent and Divine deity.

    We crumble and shatter at the slightest shift in favorable circumstances with no guidance into harmony or unity.

    The standard of synchronicity has been established on a shaky foundation and left us all broken; therefore we’re in the perfect position to change the narrative and even the playing field.

    Allow women, men and children to dream.
    Afford peace and liberty to all.

    Yes, divided we may fall but may we all be given a fair chance to live out loud and safe spaces to kneel when all we can do is crawl.

    Clarisse H.

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    • Wow. Your words speak so loudly. We are in the perfect position to change. We have no where to go buy up from here. Thank you so much for sharing.

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      • Mavis, it has taken some time for me feel comfortable speaking and living out loud but I had to realize that in order for change to begin, the change has to start with me. I’m grateful to God for this gift of being able to touch and reach others with my words and if you are the one person I’ve reached, I thank God especially for you! Thank you!

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    • Wow! Clarisse – This is incredibly powerful and so well written. It’s really thoughtful. There is so much truth in this piece. All of these patterns you reference can be broken, and it starts with strong and brilliant people like you. Thank you for writing this piece and thank you for sharing it with us. <3 Lauren

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  • Night Time Dream : Change In this World

    Opportunities in the world missed from fear,
    A foe I know too well.
    It reminds me of why I stay up all night,
    Scrolling and scrolling,
    At the lives of others,
    The blue light in the background putting me to sleep.

    I want change in the world where I am not dreaming someone else’s story,
    Where memories aren’t digital and photos are taken with cameras,
    Images I can hold in my hands and cherish in my heart.
    Rather, a tangible memory at the hands, like a beloved book I can turn the pages to a time I once loved.

    I want a world where it is safe to love, no more heart breaks or lack thereof, because
    If you love yourself, you can survive a heartbreak.

    A world where you have a story to say how you met your significant other.
    And not just on an app, which is fine, fate has its tale.
    But I want a world where there is change in how we speak with one another.
    And by speak, I mean actually speak not just through hands on a touchscreen.

    I’d like to see thought put into the words spoken to one another,
    Where time is taken less for granted.
    And where communication has improved,
    To the point you know if you’ll never hear back from a love interest,
    Because you communicated your disinterest or shared your feelings.

    I want you to tell me how you feel
    Without fear of a disappearing act.

    I want change in this world where we learn how to deal with difficult feelings.
    And not push them to the side like that message left unsent,
    Discarded love letters on the side of the road.
    I want encouragement to say hi to someone new, less social anxiety.

    I want change in the world where you can toss your social anxiety to the side,
    Where fear is faced instead of avoiding, change.
    I want a world with less fear because it prevents you from talking to your neighbor.
    Not only that, but I want to live my daily life in peace.

    I know it is daunting to want world peace,
    But there can be world peace in my internal world.

    In my peaceful internal world, I am basking in the grass with no shoes on,
    And dancing to the music of my soul, the change I want to see where time
    Stops still. Being able to take in the moment, no guilt for a silent stillness and
    Enjoying a moment, to be fully present in the moment. A mind focused at one task
    At a time, I want to be able to live life with only one job on my mind.

    I find that fear and change go hand in hand.
    There is comfort in staying the same and I want a world where change is embraced.
    And I want time to stop still with a pause in the moment at night, returning to
    Simpler times, phone out of sight, dreaming my own dreams.


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    • To live in a world Thai isn’t so digital. To have organic relations and conversations. To have true connections that isn’t through a screen. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • This is honest, raw, and real, and I love it! I think you’re right, change and fear go hand and hand. Also, it’s funny, I am going away with my boyfriend (who I met at an event seven months ago), and I was thinking how I wish I had a Polaroid camera. They were so much fun. Technology has isolated us, and also has us living in other people’s…read more

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  • nicole4673 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    What change do you want to see in the world?

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  • Requiem For A Digital World

    Requiem For A Digital World

    Wasted my life away
    “so I’ve got to stay awake”
    I tell myself
    make up for lost time
    through the night

    all I did was shop online
    all I did was think about what I want

    I should appreciate what I’ve got;
    educate and edify
    my Inner Childs
    dreams & desires

    but I knew about
    the Vaporwave Aesthetic
    and I couldn’t recall
    the Artist
    who sculpted

    a popular motif in today’s age
    10 year old me would be so ashamed…

    Think I knew more at that age

    than in my 20s.

    All I did was waste away


    “can’t scrapbook
    this moment
    it’d just be
    a sad

    When did it come to this?
    Do I have a phone
    for a face?
    And a smile
    for a frown?

    They said television & video games
    would rot our brains
    but they fueled my imagination
    I didn’t have to please anyone
    I could just


    in my world

    but these days
    you can lose

    _ your = (soul)




    and Virtual Reality
    is as real as the ones & zeros
    making up my brain waves

    why do we let these screens
    _control us?
    as if we’re allowing
    _a microchip
    in our minds_?

    … nothing is

    yet nothing is…

    It’s like we let Pangea
    become a circuit board
    of little white lies
    we call

    I miss when
    going online
    wasn’t about getting a reaction
    it was just for
    Share your imagination
    to make them
    laugh & think

    and that was never seen as
    a waste of our energy…

    I’m so tired of this generation
    being self-obsessed
    with technology-

    if we don’t step outside
    our house
    our selves
    we devise
    such little dreams

    we have little imagination
    without the blades of grass
    to cut our feet

    everyone is nostalgic
    for a time
    that doesn’t exist
    still, they take
    to make it
    a reality

    ashamed to say
    I’ve lived
    the way I wish others

    They don’t understand
    how social media
    can be
    physically isolating;

    mentally, we go mad
    without a hand in our hands
    miles across wires like
    telephone poles & seas

    world’s away
    on the same page
    same tab
    same window

    but I can’t step outside
    my door _closed_
    glued to the screen
    always looking down
    never up
    where the sun can blind me
    so bright!
    I start seeing for the first time
    Start believing


    I feel alone
    someone’s eyes
    to look into;
    Mind, Heart, and Soul
    the gates
    to gaze

    Face the phone.
    Lose control.

    Lose emotion.
    Sense of self.

    “I’m so inspired!” I say
    not a smile
    on my face

    _stay glued to the screen
    until you

    numb from comparisons
    train yourself
    like a sleeper agent
    and try to hide
    …can’t feel a thing
    from imperfections immortalized
    like a magnifying glass
    so they erase them
    cut + paste
    until they cease to exist;

    until everyone is perfect.

    And so I watch
    glued to the screen
    force myself to laugh
    at what I see on TV
    wonder how to have fun again
    when YouTube can’t teach me
    wonder how to talk again
    when Google raised me


    So I go on online
    a sanctuary with
    bars …

    Still loading…

    So I don’t have a thought…

    *click refresh*

    I don’t have a memory
    to remember

    I wonder if I never left
    The Internet
    if it would be


    _help_me = “tell me how to feel”


    Teach me
    things I couldn’t learn
    from The Birds
    from The Trees
    and other Tangible
    Souls & Things

    I would be
    instead of
    A l i v e.

    I wonder if I’m
    since I don’t know
    the last time

    I examined the shape
    of someone’s hands
    how they fit perfectly in mine
    or the look in their smile eyes
    when they see my face again
    for the first time.

    Hugs are a natural
    In 20 seconds or less
    you’ll feel the weight lifted
    like you’re on a merry-go-round
    playground equipment
    like you’re a kid again

    someone’s arms around you
    as you type:
    “I miss you.”

    sending Ghost Hug Gifs
    in place of the real thing

    I miss your eyes
    that I never looked into
    and I hope you miss mine…
    though you probably can’t recall
    the color that resides

    an intimate
    interpersonal experience
    so rare
    it’s surreal

    no middle schooler
    or high schooler
    could keep a straight face
    a trust exercise
    but they felt
    awkward and out of place
    a state of normalcy
    misplaced from today’s society

    lost in the translations
    of trying to translate the world
    around us
    to make sense
    to make it easier
    until we become
    idle & depressed…

    How did it come to this?
    even the adults can’t talk
    to each other
    for long enough
    to see
    every fleck
    of color
    in a stare
    like a staring contest with
    a Firework or Flare
    like constellations found
    in conversations had
    like gazing into the Soul
    of the Universe.

    I wish I could pretend
    it’s the turn of the century

    Maybe I should
    ~ sign off ~
    before I become
    just another
    punctuation in a piece
    of code…




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    E R R O R


    <3~*Lillie Moon*~<3

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    • Wow! A powerful yet very candid piece! “They don’t understand
      how social media can be physically isolating;” Very very true. Often times we get so lost in the hooplah of social media that we forget to live we forget to create our own tangible memories. Thank you for this keep soaring!

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      • I am so glad you liked it! I poured my heart and soul into this poem! I was really nervous about sharing it because you rarely hear about social media, and the internet in general, from this perspective. I’m so happy you were able to take something away from it and carry it with you. I will keep soaring as best I can, and thank you again. It means…read more

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        • Never be nervous about sharing your craft. Social media has its amazing benefits like the creation and widespread of this Unsealed family, however it is never to be used to take away from the essence of one self and you captured that so well in your piece. 🙂

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          • Thank you so much Gie Santana. I really appreciate you taking the time to read it and tell us your thoughts in the comments. I’m new here but I’m excited to make some new friends, read some interesting stories and poems, and do one of my favorite things; have conversations with strangers.<3 It's really easy to think that my ideas are too wild for…read more

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    • Social media was created so innocently but turned dark so fast. It’s a trap. A trap of wanting to be someone else. Feeling bad for who we are since not all of us are picture perfect. Us feeling unaccomplished and an unjust feeling of failure. Thank you for sharing.

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      • I agree. Social media can make you feel so much worse or if you are not doing enough in your life. I often take social media breaks they are refreshing for Me and a good way to stay grounded.

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        • Agreed! I think people are just starting to take the impact of social media seriously, realizing that we all need a time to unplug and recharge. People often don’t want to be alone with their thoughts, but sometimes that’s what we need to learn about who we are, where we’re from, and where we want to go. But at the same time, makeup artists on…read more

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      • I think a lot of those feelings of comparison and low self-esteem come from people just like us feeling so insecure about themselves that they try to perfect their skin, bodies, words, life ect. And it just got oversaturated in content to the point where it became “normal” to fake it online and in turn make others feel bad about themselves. I even…read more

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    • This is INCREDIBLE. It is so creative and so real. I think you are so right in terms of how screen time impacts our brains, and how isolating it can make people feel. And I think you did an amazing job of painting the picture of how your generation, which was “raised by Google” is specifically impacted. I really love this. So unique and creative.…read more

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      • Hi, Lauren! Thank you so much! Your words mean a lot to me, I really appreciate it. I don’t know what else to say; for once, I’m wordless. <3

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  • Can We?

    Can we all stop for just a brief moment and listen?Listen to your inner self, with intention and care.
    Go for a walk with yourself and by yourself.
    Let’s observe and see where your thoughts, wants and your desires will guide you.
    Let’s concentrate and build a better relationship with ourselves first and then others.
    Let’s focus on open and raw communication.
    Open communication without any distractions and acknowledgment of our fears.
    Let’s be real with ourselves,
    and with others who we deeply care for.
    Let’s opened up and embrace it all.
    Life is worth living and experiencing all by being present and connected.
    Clear communication is the bridge
    to a positive change.
    A change for a better tomorrow.
    Let’s be honest and drop the pretense.
    Let’s connect with each other with
    intent and integrity.
    Let’s our emotions and fears be present
    as you and I intellectually grow together.
    Let’s leave all the past in the past and
    start a new today.
    Now is the time!
    Today is the day to create a better tomorrow.
    Together we stand .
    Together let’s build confidence and trust.
    Together let’s build a bridge
    using clarity and dedication.
    A bridge with great foundation.
    Henceforth, let’s start by listening closer
    and connecting deeper.
    Let’s be vulnerable
    and present with each other, for each other.
    Today, tomorrow and for ♾️.

    Poly Poet

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    • Having a good relationship with yourself is so important and I can agree that it can only be achieved in solitude. Alone with all your thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

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    • I love this message, “Henceforth, let’s start by listening closer
      and connecting deeper.
      Let’s be vulnerable” I agree that listening to each other, communicating, and being compassionate is how we move forward and change the world. This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing .<3 Lauren

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  • zemellauren submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Dreaming In The Dark

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  • Humanity’s Reset

    Humanity’s Reset
    By Michelle Halloween

    It’s an all-consuming inquiry.
    The backdrop of most of my daydreams.
    Humanity’s Reset.
    A refocus for all humankind.
    And endure, Indigenously.

    We are amid this Pluto Shift, anyways.
    Perhaps it’s our last chance to thrive.
    Humanity’s reset had colonialism and classism.
    Racism and phobias had not been imagined.
    Too devastating to consider its execution.

    The evolution of music stays the same.
    Art becomes the currency void of any capitalistic intention.
    As Earth and humanity heal and overcome its present devastation.

    Imagine what it’s like to daydream of Humanity’s Reset.
    The refocus of billions;
    counting the rapacious eighty million.
    The Shift I fantasize of.
    Is to endure; Indigenously.

    Michelle Halloween

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    • A humanity reset sounds so nice. To just start back over and trying to do it right this time. Where we don’t see anyone as different in a negative light. That sounds so nice.

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    • I love the idea of a humanity reset. The world certainly needs to take a step back and reevaluate so many things. Thank you for sharing your voice and your thoughts. <3Lauren

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  • Love, Me.

    All body equality,
    No differences to see.
    My limb, your limb.
    She, he, her, him.
    Gender bender,
    Fat and slender.
    Talk or sign,
    Sighted, blind.
    All the same.
    No self shame.
    Always be true.
    Love, Me
    Love, You

    Ketti Safavi

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    • I enjoyed reading this so much. You speak of true equality and I feel like in a perfect world that could be easily obtained. However we aren’t there yet at least no all of us. Thank you.

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    • Awww I love this. It’s short but powerful and really makes your point. I love the idea of changing the world by loving yourself and getting rid of any societal expectations. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our family! <3

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  • briellesgarden submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    They Don’t Want Us to Heal Ourselves

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  • Toxic Masculinity

    I felt unsafe the other day as I was getting to know someone new
    He demanded to know my body count and said the number determined my value

    In the same breath he stated that he his intentions were to sleep with me… but hadn’t he just made it clear that me doing so would lessen me?

    The definition of audacity.
    I chuckled internally at the absurdity…
    I think he really thought things were going his way
    That is to say, he was blinded by his conceit
    His lack of self-awareness was elite.

    He never even asked if the attraction was mutual
    as if I didn’t have a choice, or as if hearing no was unusual.

    If that wasn’t shocking enough, he added insult to injury
    When I asked if he ever hit a woman and he said I only slapped her a bit you see
    I believe he had some excuse for it, but to be honest, I was in disbelief

    When did being woman begin to mean that we are simply objects, tools, or things.
    My Spidey senses were tingling, and I knew I had to disengage
    my survival senses were on overdrive as I attempted to get away

    And As he was spewing his hateful rhetoric aggressively, I had already shut down mentally.
    I smiled politely and said okay
    I guess he thought I’d have more to say

    His disappointment with my lack of quarrel was evident.
    But I’m not the type to get dragged into squabbles with an irrelevant regurgitating unintelligence.

    No sudden movements back away slowly and remember if cornered scream.
    But All those precautions followed to a T
    still can’t always protect a woman from toxic masculinity.

    Women around the world face this daily
    Some get a chance to survive but a lot aren’t so lucky.
    I wish for a place where my sex is valued as much as any mans
    and a I don’t have to feel afraid because of an appendage I lack

    I just want my daughter to know
    That I helped create a world safe for her to grow
    That she won’t be attacked because she’s a she
    Or expected to fill a role
    that she doesn’t want to be

    I wish for her to grow up in a world without toxic masculinity


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    • Wow. This speaks volumes. Your poem is so powerful with meaning. I wish for a world where women are valued like men and respected. Thank you so much for sharing.

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    • Char!!!! This is so good. I am so sorry you encountered such a jerk. He is also clearly a moron. But this is so well written, and you make so many valid points. I am glad you disengaged and stood your ground. Your strength and reaction hopefully encourage him to reevaluate himself. But a world without toxic masculinity would be so much safer and…read more

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  • Where Darkness is No More

    In shadows deep where darkness danced,
    A world embroiled, entranced,
    A tapestry woven with crimson threads,
    Of crimes committed and fears widespread.

    But winds of change now sweep the land,
    A shifting tide, a humble demand,
    For crimes and violence to be no more,
    A longing for peace at the heart’s core.

    Once rampant streets, now touched by light,
    A dawn breaking, banishing the night,
    The echoes fade of sirens’ wail,
    As hope emerges, a mighty sail.

    Gone are the days of reckless feud,
    Where anger and hatred tightly brewed,
    In its place, compassion blooms anew,
    Love’s gentle touch, a vibrant hue.

    The ripples of change, a gentle cascade,
    Across every city and peaceful glade,
    A chorus rising, voices entwined,
    Declaring unity, leaving none behind.

    Communities united, hand in hand,
    Building bridges, a harmonious band,
    Empathy reigns, healing the soul,
    As empathy’s power takes its toll.

    No longer confined by walls of fear,
    Where shadows whispered, danger near,
    A future bright, where children play,
    With dreams unburdened, each passing day.

    Oh, let this poem be a testament,
    To the strength within us, resolute and bent,
    To shape a world where crimes decrease,
    And violence transforms, finds its release.

    May compassion guide our every stride,
    As we rewrite the story, side by side,
    For in our hearts, the power lies,
    To herald change, where love defies.

    So let us join, hearts intertwined,
    A tapestry stitched, beautifully designed,
    Where crimes and violence cease to be,
    And a world of peace becomes reality.

    Ravien Burns

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    • To live in a world fearlessly and freely. Without having to worry about anything. That sounds like a dream. Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely poem. <3

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    • Ravien! This is so good. Peace and nonviolence sound so nice. This is so well written. And makes so many wonderful points. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our fam! <3 Lauren

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  • downtownswingin submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about the change you want to see in the worldWrite a poem about the change you want to see in the world 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Paging empathy…

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