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  • When You Are Ready

    There is no resolution without first a solution
    An awakening, a calling from whence we first knew it

    To clear the path before us
    From war and destruction and all those who grew it

    Let them hear you now

    For I am the poet who stands tall

    Arm and Arm with the ancestors, sisters, brothers, enbys
    I love them all

    You cannot take out OUR pride and OUR joy

    Your hands are bloody and they constantly toy
    With the hate of many, it plagues us all

    & We sleep with one eye open now
    But the sun will rise again

    Because we see you
    And we feel you from when you were small

    This life you’ve chose was NOT the one you called

    Just a mere thorn in your knee that made you fall

    From GODs own eyes
    Turned to dirty spies

    But we are here to help you

    Lift you from your broken path

    To wipe away your years of endless wrath
    That the child inside you has had to carry

    Alone and tired and just barely…

    Able to breathe a breath of newness
    Filled with flowers of love
    And their sweet dewness

    It is safe to be now
    In a place of family

    We reach our hands out
    Our hearts out
    When you are finally ready

    …to be as one
    Like we’ve only just begun

    Zi Savage

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  • rengle3 shared a letter in the Group logo of Race and DiversityRace and Diversity group 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    In the halls of the classroom a professor addressed the gathering
    “Color is the most important thing to see in your students.”
    Yet within my heart an opposing perspective unfurled,
    For I firmly believe in perceiving beyond whats seen.

    “Not race but merit ” I softly whispered in response
    As talents and dreams should soar limitlessly.
    Each student, a canvas painted with hues
    Their potential unrestricted by a lens.

    A palette of minds an untamed spectrum lies, before us,
    Where brilliance and creativity remain unnamed.
    Within each shade resides a captivating narrative
    Not confined to predetermined colors we are told to see.

    To judge based on race to measure through skin
    Dims the radiance that each individual possesses.
    A brushstroke of bias, a shade of ignorance cast upon us all
    Suppresses the essence of significance and beauty.

    Let us embrace the kaleidoscope of souls that surround us
    Where differences unite than divide.
    For, within the inclusive frame of our classrooms
    Genuine learning and personal growth carve their purpose.

    So let us not impose limitations or draw lines to define others
    Instead let understanding radiate brightly.In the hearts and minds of people diversity flourishes, like an unsung but harmonious song.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • I so love this piece, so love it. No one should ever be judge by their skin tone, something you had no control over. Not sure why everyone wasn’t born with the same skin tone, there had to be a reason, a reason we will never know, but I’m quite sure it wasn’t for us to hate each other for it. Me personally, I’m not sure if all was born with the…read more

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      • I would agree with you!
        You know I wrote this off a true story. The words this person said were true. I had to take a whole class talking about this topic. The class was centered around race and how important noticing race was.
        I want to see my students cultures and their traditions personally.

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  • khawk711 shared a letter in the Group logo of Race and DiversityRace and Diversity group 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    The power of you and me / resistance & resilience

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  • limabean140 shared a letter in the Group logo of Race and DiversityRace and Diversity group 1 years, 3 months ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.


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