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  • Sarel Hines shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 days, 16 hours ago

    Silent Pleas

    Behind the mask, no face to find,
    A trick of mind, ‘neath sun that’s kind,
    Yet rain pours down within the soul,
    Where hidden truths take their toll.

    “Get up, get on, you’ll be alright,”
    The lies they tell ease the plight.
    A crown once worn, now tipped and slanted.
    Society’s stigma, harsh and untrue.

    “Go out, be free,” they say, unaware,
    That solitude’s chosen over despair.
    In sorrow’s depth, alone you wallow,
    While unseen, in code, for help you call.

    Attention sought? Not even a hand to hold,
    A listening ear, as your story’s told.
    Over and over, being told “You’ll be okay,”
    But will they listen, or just turn away?

    Until the end, when all is read,
    And in the paper, your name is led.
    Will they see then, what they missed before,
    Or just a picture, nothing more?

    S.B. Hines

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 6 days, 16 hours ago

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    Healing side of Mental Health

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 1 days ago


    Healing can feel 2 paths
    The one with all the rocks
    And the one with the steps to the mountain
    The flowers that bloom for every little accomplishment
    Finding the things that work for me
    The constant therapy appointments
    The constant doing things alone
    Finding the peace with the sun
    The peace with the birds and the breeze
    The walking up on another chance
    Another day
    Closer to where I want to be
    Closer to the northern lights
    Closer to the place where nature is the most beautiful
    Where the leaves stop falling
    Where your so at peace
    That nothing or nobody takes that away from you again

    Rachel Milligan

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  • Jennifer West shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    Sick and Twisted

    Sleeping awake, choking on a dream. Listening loudly to a silent scream. Her mind is a mess. Chaos at best. Everyone else is the ball and she is the wreck. Addicted but gifted, bad choices, good intentions. Her beauty is inspiring but her self-steem is trippin. Like quicksand I’m sinking, someone please pull me out. I’m drowning in my own dried up spout. What do you see when you look at me? Don’t cover my scars,let them bleed. Sick and Twisted yet beautiful as a willow tree.

    Jennifer West

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  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Breaking me

    Your breaking me can’t you see I don’t know why you just won’t leave me alone and let me be why you keep trying to tear me apart don’t you think you already did enough can’t you see that you already did a number don’t you get it you already broke me you fuckin destroyed me there’s not really much more you can do to me I’m all above and so much more you even took me from me cause I didn’t even know myself anymore but that’s when I should of walked out the door but not much longer I just don’t care anymore my mind and gut was telling me I had to go it was going to get really bad I had enough and was about to snap so I ended us and walked out that door cause I know I’m so much better than u made me feel u took everything away from me even my pride I’m so lucky I got my dignity back it took everything I had to find it again cause you absolutely broke me until no end I had to get away from you to find myself again cause you did everything to destroy me and take my happiness away from me I’m finally free and there is no more breaking me

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  • Kaylee Field shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Body Dysmorphia

    I wonder what it must be like
    to have a normal self-image.
    To not be swallowed up by body dysmorphia,
    Stealing away every opportunity that comes.

    I wonder what it must be like
    to show up just as you are,
    Instead of avoiding and hiding away,
    So not to be seen the way that you are.

    What a relief it would be
    To look in the mirror and not see an enemy.
    To not want to throw up at the sight,
    Of the body that serves me every day

    To not want to shatter the mirror into pieces,
    As if it makes me go away.
    To glance at my reflection in a window,
    And not startle at the monster staring back.

    I wonder what it would be like
    To not pick myself apart,
    And chip away any self-esteem left,
    Just to convince myself of how bad I am.

    What a relief it would be,
    To have it be the last thing I’m worried about.
    To feel good enough to chase a dream,
    Even just good enough to participate.

    To allow myself to feel excited,
    Without the side conversations in my head.
    The intrusive thoughts that shatter me
    And suffering caused by distortion.

    What it must be like
    To wake up in the morning and not worry
    About what new perceived image
    You will have in the reflection this time.

    To not be obsessed and compulsive.
    To not base my activities around
    How I feel about myself
    To not be restricted.

    I wonder what life I’d have
    If I didn’t restrain myself from it.
    To break free from the prison of my mind
    That holds me chained against my will.

    The disorder has me in a chokehold,
    And there is no release.
    I am in an endless battle with my mind,
    And I wish I could just be free.

    How does it feel
    To not be restricted by behavior
    That stops you from leaving your house?
    Repetitive, agonizing, panicky behavior

    What a relief it would be, to just be.

    Kaylee Field

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 weeks, 2 days ago

    the river

    wifi’s off,
    sun beats again the brow,
    little embers dancing on your forehead,

    “do you want to?”
    you know i want to
    “i want to”
    i know you want to,
    come then,
    devour my body,

    you make me hate myself,
    love so strong it’s like i’ve never been love before,
    i know what hurts you,
    i know what he did,
    i hear the pain hidden in your voice,
    but i can’t apologise for something i never did,
    i can’t be sorry that i remind you of him,
    i can’t apologise that you see him in my face,
    and it hurts you.
    i know it hurts you,
    i’ll never hurt you,
    so i have to go.

    give me the blade,
    i’ll go the the river,
    i’ll take away your pain,
    i’ll take it from my body,
    numb to texture of your skin against mine,
    like nails on a chalkboard,
    heart lost under frozen,
    u give your your tears,
    you give your suffering,
    i give my tears,
    i give my innocence,
    do you feel safe here,

    i don’t know why you still wanted me,
    i don’t know why when i turned around to meet your tug there was nothing there,
    gone without trace as if it never happened,
    do you feel safe with me?
    is that why you gave me hurt in exchange for love,
    then acted like it never happened?

    i don’t remember your name,
    i’ll never forget your face,
    i wake in a pool of sweat in blood from manifesting nightmares into something i can feel,
    something i can chase,
    something i can touch,
    i wonder if that touch reminds you of me,
    every time i go to the river i remember the feeling of you,
    i miss it more than it deserves,
    and i’ll never let myself forget the sensation you are

    teen romance

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  • Botox


    It’s a new century.
    Everyone has lips stretching to their ears,
    cheekbones with a fine line razored on.
    Waists suctioned by a vacuum.
    It’s a new century.
    A century where anyone can look like anything.
    The doctor will plump your chest,
    a surgery to define your stomach,
    will make you feel more confident, your best!
    A face with permanent perfection.
    No blemish,
    an unwavering portrait.
    I was never unaware of the fake identity of this world,
    or of myself.
    I never went to a doctor,
    yet my face holds an everlasting smile.
    A grin stretching from my lips to my ears,
    I laugh when I am supposed to,
    I look like a perfect image.
    One with the crowd.
    Maybe better than the crowd,
    because that’s what you wanted.
    No one likes ugly.
    No one likes blemishes, acne, and cellulite,
    so I wore none.
    My tears were suctioned up,
    my makeup never stained.
    My smile,
    wide as ever.
    My eyes,
    If you looked close enough, you could see the void.
    A small sacrifice.
    To be perfect.
    To you.
    To this world.
    is not beautiful.
    A crack in the facade,
    a slight inconsistency,
    give me the injection.
    Hold my face tight,
    bare my teeth,
    I smile.
    I smile so wide.
    For you.
    I am not broken,
    I am a picture of perfection.
    A tear may slip,
    I take another injection.
    Clenching my teeth.
    I smile,
    I laugh,
    It’s a new Century.
    We can look like anything we want to be,
    and I can look like anything you want me to be.

    Frankie Baker

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    • Frankie, this poem is truly eye-opening. In this time, the beauty standard can be so fierce and intimidating. It’s extremely difficult to not compare yourself to the instagram models with perfect bodies, your best friend who has the clearest skin in existence, or even your family members, wishing you inherited the ‘good genes.’ Even though you m…read more

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  • Tracie Sperling shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks ago

    The Gambler

    Life is all about taking a risk. It’s not too late
    just a game to play. Not about what you have done. I have no choice but to behave like one too many gets taxed. I break the rules and find my way in the abyss.

    I’m a rebel trying to live free. Rebel against the norm, live your life unapologetically true. I’m breaking free rewriting my future. Take a chance and believe in me. I won’t let you down this time. Try to believe in yourself to see the next day. And believe that there’s nobody to blame but you and yourself. You can’t blame it on the lost of a loved one where gambling was used as an escape outlet. No more making excuses. There’s no one left to hide what’s hidden from yourself. Unleash the fire in my heart. Begin anew with a fresh start.

    Days fly by in the blink of an eye it will crush you in a blink of an eye. Open our eyes and see the light. I shine like a star, the perfect version of myself. Change is about giving up old patterns and habits. Letting go an old version of yourself. Cause sometimes things fall away and some days are here you don’t ever have to think that. There’s no need to be afraid. If you want to live your life you gotta make a change and make moves. It’s time to make a plan to turn yourself into the path. You can’t change your past. Wake up from your slumber slowly and realize you can’t go back again.

    Leave the doubts behind, rewrite your future and blast. Feed the value of your life hear the questions you have. No more living in the fast lane with late nights it’s time to get things right. You were never alone so you need to be where you belong. The old days and late nights can only last so long and soon you can’t let go. And if you think that change might come and settle down it won’t last. It’s a long way to heaven. Embrace the unknown, let your dreams fly unmasked. So, when it’s over don’t hesitate to take a risk. Reflect back on the choices made. Find the strength to come out of this. I don’t shame the words I used to think didn’t happen that expired no one cracked. Break the chains of conformity.

    Tracie Sperling

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    • Tracie!!! This is so good. I love this line, “Leave the doubts behind, rewrite your future and blast. Feed the value of your life hear the questions you have. ” I totally agree with you. To live the life of your dreams, you got to take risks. I love this piece so much I am going to feature it in our newsletter. Keep an eye out for it. Thank you…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren! I appreciate the compliment. I am glad I helped inspire you. Please let me know when the newsletter is released and send me a copy.

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 5 days ago


    I grew up in a world where you were to be seen, but not heard.

    I grew up in a world of “do as I say, not as I do”.

    I grew up in a world where it was unacceptable to cry lest you be ostracized for being weak or girlish. Unless, of course, you were being beaten, as crying was encouraged.

    I grew up in a world where blue is for boys and pink is for girls, or everything is either black or white. There is no color spectrum in between.

    I grew up in a world where presenting habits, preferences, mannerisms, speech, and style that is not in line with masculine stereotypes meant you are less than a man.

    I grew up in a world of preselected choices and rejection of uniqueness. Rebellion was disrespect. How dare I be different?

    I grew up in a world where you could be a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant, an engineer, or a banker. You could not choose to be an artist or a musician…those were hobbies, not careers.

    I grew up in a world of obligations and not choice.

    I grew up in a world where I learned to survive by hiding in plain sight though conformance, silence, and camouflage.

    I was not of that world, but I complied and conformed to avoid the shame and stigma of being different.

    I grew up cold.

    And one day I realized I escaped that world physically, but never mentally.

    How could I unlearn survival? How would I shed the things that protected and kept me safe all those hidden years.

    How would I drown out shame when it has the loudest voice in my head? How could I escape the prison of my mind?

    How could any small, tenuous steps of liberation become a full hearted sprint toward happiness when I am weighted down by so much baggage? When would the wings of freedom sprout strong enough to carry me away?

    And thus time passed as I struggled to unlearn my upbringing. I tried to suppress these teaching while raising my own children. I succeeded in some ways and failed in many others.

    I now grow old knowing that what I was taught is as wrong today as it was back then.

    I now grow old allowing myself to be the person I always was, from the beginning.

    I now grow old and have to account to no one but myself and those I love.

    I now grow old learning to forgive myself and to humbly ask for forgiveness from those I have hurt.

    I now grow old understanding that to fully demonstrate love to others, I must first have learned to love and accept myself.

    I now grow old endeavoring to live a better, more authentic life.

    I now grow old realizing I have been reborn as my true self, loving art and music, being gentle and caring, crying when I want to cry, wearing what I want to wear, loving black and white and all the colors in between, and understanding that being different is not something to be hidden or ashamed of…

    And this alone has warmed my once young, cold heart.❤️

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, This is a beautiful piece. I will be featuring it in today’s (July 1) newsletter. I am so happy you were able to let go of the restrictive thoughts that you were brought up with and free yourself to live a more authentic life. Your courage and wisdom are quite inspiring. Thank you for sharing and for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren…it means a lot to me. I actually wrote this piece as a letter to my children in hopes they could gain a little understanding of who I was when I raised them and who I am today. My daughter said it made her incredibly sad but also incredibly happy at the same time. My son isn’t ready to read it yet, and I respect that. All I kno…read more

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    No pain, no gain

    Still holds true

    For biceps and exes

    To name just a few

    How does it feel

    When pain leaves the heart?

    A weight off your shoulders,

    A race ‘bout to start?

    But pain is evidence of life

    And why should you be spared?

    I know it’s easier to go numb

    Than feeling lonely, feeling scared

    But let pain come and let it go

    For only growth comes after

    And transformation can begin

    When bitter tears turn into laughter

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Someone was on our show recently and she had a lot of trauma in her life. She’s really doing well now, and I asked her what her turning point was…

      She essentially said that she had to break down to rise up. She had feel the pain to heal it.

      Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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  • Char shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago

    Death by 1000 Cuts

    I walk into a room with eyes open wide
    The seen that I saw was shocking and wild
    The feeling I had was instantly hushed
    Because I saw myself killed by 1000 little cuts

    Helpless and scared, I took it all in
    Speechless at what I was seeing.
    Inside of the room, what I saw
    was the murder of the child inside me

    1000 little cuts made meticulously
    By the evil powers that be
    Left nothing to chance, they did everything
    To ensure that my death was complete

    Not really sure which blow ended it all
    But I’m sure there was no reviving
    That’s why when people ask
    I can never tell them what’s wrong with me

    I don’t know.

    Is it anxiety?
    Is it depression?
    Is it autism?
    or low self esteem
    It could be just one or several of them
    It could be all of those things

    Then again it could be none
    Maybe it’s all in my head
    Or In my stomach
    Maybe my legs
    It’s definitely in my chest

    Because I can’t breath
    My lungs don’t work
    Anytime I’m filled with dread

    The fear in my stomach
    When strangers approach
    The chill that runs down my neck

    The pain in my shoulders
    Was really intense
    When he didn’t love me back
    The feeling of lonely that toys with me
    Leaves tightness in my lower back

    The way my vision fades so fast
    When the anger gets up inside me
    My knees buckle weak
    And I can’t walk
    And my body won’t stop shaking

    Where does it hurt?
    All over.
    Where are you bleeding?
    Why did it happen?
    I don’t know.
    When is it worse?
    When I’m alone.

    Love yourself.
    I’m trying,
    But it’s hard to love a corpse.
    To figure out what went wrong
    You have to find the source

    But how do you find that
    when there are so many wounds
    Little tiny innocent scars
    I’m dazed and confused trying to figure out
    Which little nick stopped my heart

    Could it be this? Maybe it’s that?
    Perhaps there’s a forgotten blow to the gut
    It’s hard to heal and hard to be ok
    When you’ve experienced Death by 1000 Cuts


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    • those cuts will become calloused and you will continue to grow and evolve. You are a powerful woman. You are unstoppable. Embrace your feelings and pain. But don’t forget who are. You will continue to march forward – and you will feel better – one day at a time. xoxox <3 Lauren

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  • Natalie Inzero-Ayala shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Once I Was Lost

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • tortured_hope shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Lingering words

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  • Sherry Noble shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Learning positivity

    Dear Unsealers,

    I am a 36 year old woman and wife to my 39 year old husband. My husband was diagnosed with primary progressive MS in 2013 the year we met and also got married (when you know you know!) At first the only visible sign from the outside looking at him was his gait and poor balance, he always appeared to be drunk when you watched him walk. From his perspective, he could no longer see out of his right eye, which became permanent, he was retaining urine which was not safe, he was having a hard time doing his job which involved using his hands and fine tools due to neuropathy like symptoms. Now he uses a cane and a walker and takes medication for spasms in his legs. Now he has also bein diagnosed with major neurocognitive disorder which is a basic open term for dementia. I am his caregiver with the help of a home health aid 12 hours a week. Neither of us expected to be in this position when we met in January of 2013 and married that September. It progressed rather fast and more than likely won’t stop. My husband has a great attitude though which is amazing for him, and so hard for me sometimes, I’ll admit. Sometimes I want to talk about everything and cry, but he already pushed it out and doesn’t think about it like I do somehow. He’s teaching me in his own way how to be more optimistic and less stressed over things you can’t control. I have my own illnesses, mental illnesses, that flare so to speak when I am stressed and it’s helpful to be with such a strong person. Sometimes I don’t know if I have it in me to be a wife and a caregiver to the same person at such a young age; then I think about how we’re helping each other out in different ways I just forget to see it that way, the way it is.

    Sherry Noble

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    • Sherry,
      I just wanted you to know your letter about your husband has encouraged me to always look on the bright side of things, and except people for who they are (including conditions). You do have it in you to continue taking care of him, and your honest transparency letter proves just that. Thanks for being a good friend.

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    • Your husband sounds like an amazing human! And you sound pretty amazing and loving and wonderful yourself. May each day bring you both as much joy as humanly possible. Sending a hug your way. <3 Lauren

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  • Sonya Eldridge shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 months ago

    Defeating Bi-polar

    Today I have decided to tell my story. I suffer from bipolar. I was diagnosed with the mental disorder over 20 years ago. I have been through alot. It has been a real problem most of my life.
    It was triggered after I had my second child. It was a nightmare 😔. I ended up being hospitalized several times over the course of twenty years. I will do my best to explain the horror of it all. I remember having one episode after another. Each episode was very exhausting and dramatic. I would block out a lot of the different personalities and triggers of emotional dynamics. It was so 😫 tiring.
    I will try to explain one of my episodes to give you an idea of it all. Well, it all begins with not taking my medication. It slowly turns into a horror movie. I hear voices and act out several different personalities in my mind. I begin to have spells of crying dramatically having thoughts of despair. I was on edge and going down a bottomless pit of not wanting to be here anymore 😪. Yet, in most circumstances I didn’t want to kill myself because an angelic voice told me, ” no” don’t do it! I say, “okay” most times. Smh.
    In these drastic times I have family who did help me like my mother. And that was important and fortunate because at these times it is good to have positive support systems in your life.
    In most cases my family would call 911 and have a rescue squad come get me. In this case, I can’t stop crying. I wanted to leave! I wanted to go away! My family would say that I was going to the hospital. My main support is my mother. She was always there for me.
    Once the ambulance 🚑 arrived I felt like I was in a horrible movie. This has happened to me several times over the years. Yet on this particular case the ENT would come in from the ambulance slowly one my one. They see I’m distraught and incoherent. I don’t know who I was at this point. I’m yelling for no reason and crying for no reason. I can’t understand what is going on. The police also came in…and it got worse. They felt like I would hurt myself or others and so one officer threatened to taze me. I said please don’t..please give me some water to drink. They did.
    They slowly calmed me down and then my casemanager came in to also help out.
    They asked her several questions to understand why I was like this. She told them that I was bipolar. I am so sick at this point. I have felt supernatural powers around me. I would say, ” I see angels”. They weren’t really visible but a feeling of goodness and calming voices.
    So this contributes and adds to my psychotic behavior 🤔. That is what I felt.
    I want to tell you the experience of being INSIDE THE AMBULANCE 🚑. Once I get inside the ambulance I felt like i was being ported to an experimental place. I was scared!!!!!This particular personality in me was very informative. I was talking a great deal like I was literally someone else.
    One ENT said that he had never seen anything like this before. I finally got to the emergency room. Once there I begin, to yell and bring attention to myself. The police 🚔 officers were staring at me. A guard was placed at the entrance of my room door. I was being watched for over 24 hours. After a while a psychiatric doctor told me I would be admitted to a room in the hospital.
    Now, I was on the floor of the psychiatric unit. Once I was in my own room I was in a bed. In some cases I was given medication to help relax me and I would sleep for hours.
    So this was a particular bipolar experience. The next day, after being monitored I had to learn and come to appreciate little things again. Showering 🚿, brushing my teeth, wearing a hospital gown, and being served my breakfast lunch and dinner. This was a safe place.
    Once I stayed a couple of weeks I was let go. I had a team of supporters around to help me. I had a case worker, a psychiatrist, and medical doctor coming in to see me. I felt much better. This was going to begin to be a part of my life for over 20 years. It is hard. But I will say I’m currently doing ok. So remember you are not alone. Be positive. Find good supporters in your circumstances. I hope this helps someone. Thank you for hearing my story. I am beating bipolar.

    Sonya Eldridge

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    • What a scary time!! Your experiences were so difficult and I can’t even imagine how hard it was to overcome that. I am so happy that you are dealing with your trauma and getting through those hard times. ❤️

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  • The Matrix

    The Matrix

    I wake up like I never went to bed.
    Sleep is upon my open eyes,
    yet they are glazed and scarlet red.
    I don’t remember what happened yesterday,
    nor do I have a semblance of what the day holds.
    I schedule my life out to stop the mind decay.
    I sip my coffee until I realize for two hours it’s been cold.
    I glance around myself,
    “When did I put that picture on my wall?”
    “Did I put it together or buy that bookshelf?”
    Sometimes I wonder if there’s someone I could call?
    But for everyone living their lives,
    going to school, work, home, sleep-
    It really wouldn’t make sense to hear my cries.
    I can’t remember how my mind got so deep.
    How I can’t recollect moving into this apartment.
    I know I pay for bills, electric and such,
    I have a garage that has my car now with a dent,
    I mean I remember that much.
    I used to go to college,
    I had a friend, I think.
    But school never taught me a good message.
    I always felt blue and everyone was pink,
    like I had a mask.
    I was so perfect, smart and happy,
    but at home, there was always a panic attack waiting for me,
    a part no one could, nor would ever see.
    Somehow I stopped driving to college.
    I had several jobs and goals,
    yet I couldn’t find my true meaning or message.
    Outside I seemed successful with my methods and morals,
    but it seems there’s a part of my soul left behind,
    somewhere along moving out and now,
    I lost my mind.
    Either that or the matrix has me now under its hold.
    Somedays I feel the grass under my feet,
    and other times
    I can’t even look at myself without wanting to retreat.
    Cause somewhere along the lines,
    I lost me,
    and I don’t think I can get her back.
    Somewhere on the other side of the root and the tree,
    ss the life of that little girl I now lack.
    God, I just want to wake up sometimes
    without shocking myself with my own touch.
    To not wonder If I committed any crimes,
    cause my hands are calloused and rough,
    From something I can’t even remember,
    or can even give a second thought.
    When I go to sleep at night
    It’s with dread and regret,
    that I have no idea what happened in this fight.
    But what can you do as you watch the sun set,
    It’s the matrix.
    Maybe one day,
    someone will come and it will all be,

    Frankie Baker

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Staircase in the Glass Castle

    Once again//I lay awake,
    Light passes through dark stained glass skin,
    A mirror, a chisel, a key,
    The door behind swings open,
    And why should I not have that which I desire?
    I trace her steps.
    My amethyst heart pounds violently as I maneuver through corridors of crystal,
    Glassy tears break into marble pieces/my feet don’t bleed from shards,
    I stare down at the marble Staircase in the Glass Castle,
    Statuesque like meter in the frame,
    And it was beautiful.
    Never more/I fall asleep
    The ugly lustre of my body devours the room,
    A reflection, a thought, an emotion,
    I close the door behind by me,
    I know not what I desire when my body desires my mind,
    I return to the room.

    At my worst, it’s felt like I’ve been swimming through my molasses. The storm has passed, yet fog remained. Echoes blurred the vision of an aimless vagabond.

    I cannot see; still, I love my eyes

    The Boy With The Black Eyes

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    • What a beautiful poem. Mental health and self understanding can be a long and difficult journey, but you are not alone!

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 months, 2 weeks ago


    My veins are celluloid,
    My skin is made of wood,
    I kept along the lighting fires,
    Trying to get rid of myself.
    Wake a little skin for the shredder,
    Fill the basket with my pieces,
    If I walk in the wind,
    I’ll just be carried away,
    Take me to the stars so I may be light,
    I know not what you want of me in this life,
    Flax off in pieces; I’ll be paper today/
    & I just need a little water to grow up
    & I just need a little sunshine to grow up


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  • rengle3 shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 4 months, 1 weeks ago


    Birds still chirp their fucking hearts out on crap days,
    Like a karaoke star who’s totally lost his way.
    And flowers? They’re gatecrashing funerals with sass,
    Whispering, “Was it our fucking fragrance, perhaps?”

    People scatter when shit really starts to hit the fan,
    Quicker than I say “fuck it” to my diet plan.
    But the ride-or-dies? They stick like fucking glue,
    Like that piece of gum on your shoe, never bidding adieu.

    The moon’s up there, changing her damn mind,
    Like me in front of the fridge, a late-night find.
    So hey, give yourself a break, don’t stress the fucking phase,
    We’re all just bumbling through life’s mad, crazy maze.

    In the cracks and crevices, we find our fucking groove,
    Dodging life’s big-ass feet, we move and we improve.
    Escaping the drizzle, dodging the damn pee,
    We’re the fucking misfits, making it, wild and free.

    So when life feels as tough as a week-old fucking baguette,
    Remember, we’re rocking this shit, no need to fret.
    In this grand ol’ mess, we might seem fucking small,
    But we’re damn well blooming, giving it our fucking all.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca , your letter is filled with raw and honest emotion. Life may be chaotic, but remember, you’re resilient. Embrace your uniqueness and keep pushing forward. You’re blooming and giving it your all, no matter how tough things get.

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    • I LOVE this, Rebecca! The passion in this poem is incredible!! Having the ability to shake off the bad times is not easy, and I am so happy that you have such a positive outlook on life!!

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