Write a letter to your fear. Share your fear and how you have or plan to overcome it. Share why your fear won’t win.
This challenge is sponsored by ProWritingAid.You must check your piece in ProWritingAid BEFORE you submit it (there is a free version). Please place your style score at the bottom of your entry to confirm you used ProWritingAid. See the video here on how to do so. If you would like to sign up for an annual subscription, please use the code Unsealed15 for a 15 percent discount. Email me at lauren@theunsealed.com with questions.
All Entries must be in by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
Those moving on to round two will be notified by Tuesday, April 8th, 2025
Voting will occur from April 9th to 11:59 PM ET on May 9th, 2025
Winners will be announced on Monday, May 12, 2025
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1st place prize – $200 – selected by judges AND a free yearly subscription to ProWritingAid. To be eligible, you must use ProWritingAid to review your piece. Please place your style score at the bottom of your piece to show you used ProWritingAid for feedback on your piece.
2nd place prize $50 — selected by judges
Bonus prize—selected by votes—is a digital billboard for one hour (we do not have access to billboards in every city, so this is only applicable if we have access to one in your area) or a free copy of “Unseal Your Superpowers”
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marcusrwarner submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks ago
My love letter to adversity
For if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am now, headed to where I am going.
All the heart breaks just to make me more stronger.
I undressed you completely and got a glance of what you really are,
tough love here to mold underdogs into winners.
Whiners and quitters, have pity on those who can’t realize your essence.
That you’re essential to one’s evolution.
Ain’t no enlightenment without adversity.
Your last name should be silver lining.
Your gut punch brought me down to my knees, I even cried a bit,
but when I finally stood back up, I felt different, almost indestructible.
Felt like I wanna start chasing you, waiting in the bushes so when you
walked by I could pounce on you!
I am glad of this thing that you made me into.
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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poeticdiabetic submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Dear Fear
Dear Fear,
I hope you know this whole thing is sincere.
For the most part, I’m glad that you’re here.
Even through the times when you’ve lit up my senses and sent this overactive imagination into a manic hyper-drive trying to analyze every worst-case scenario reading in between their unseen lines. Even when you’ve caused some opportunities that were offered to you and me to slip through these fingertips because my grip was too preoccupied. Even when you’ve supplied my mind with a damaging panic that I couldn’t quite define or properly manage. Despite the times where I tried to forget everything and run, there were also times where I tried to face everything and rise. So I’m grateful that I’ve been able to find some creative angels amidst the mist of what I’ve missed with you within and right by my side.
You’ve led me to places that I would have never found if you weren’t around me. Granted, there are some situations where you came in while I was drowning in my emoceans that I wish I could replace. Yet, even then, you led me to some deeply challenging depths entangled in roots of the truth that we are all blessed. You’ve helped me preserve through the tears that tore apart my mind and chest, where there were tears which scared me from taking another step. You’ve broken the seal of how it feels to really feel real while facing situations that made it seem like life was coming to an end. You’ve done your best to protect me from regrets, mistakes, and early deaths.
So thank you, fear.
For being here.Style score of sixty four 😊
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nicoleangel submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Fear of Failure
Fear, what does it mean: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat?
“He is prey to irrational fears”
There are many types of fears, however they are three types I would like to refer to:
The Three Types of Fear are as follows
Rational Fear: Rational fears occur where there is a real, imminent threat…
Primal Fear: Primal fear is defined as an innate fear that is programmed into our brains. …
Irrational Fear: Irrational fears are the ones that don’t make logical sense and can vary greatly from person to person.
They say you should not fear no man or woman/ everything and fear God, so I leave with this:
Do we respect God or have a fear of him? It is both. I respect, love and fear him all at he same time. Respect for who he is, creating of everything including me, love him because of the sacrifice he made for me, and fear his judgment if I do things that are wrong.
As a Strong independent woman, what do I fear?
Now, I have to tell you what is failure:
lack of success.
“An economic policy that is doomed to failure”
lack of success
coming to nothing
falling through
fizzling out
damp squirt
dead loss
dead duck
lead balloon
pig’s ear
View 2 vulgar slang words
success, the omission of expected or required action.
“Their failure to comply with the basic rules”
their failure to comply with the basic rules”
I said all things to you, because I was neglected as child and always wanted give a performance. Scared to let anyone down to be washout, letdown and all words highlighted. I want to perfect and successful; however, no one is perfect expect for Jesus. Successful comes in so many aspects in career and life. The true meaning of success is: True success means staying true to a deeper sense of purpose, despite deviating from a superficial social norm. It means finding joy in suffering. It means having the courage to peruse one’s own journey when confronted by the fear of uncertainty. I have found some joy in my suffering and I will confront the fear of uncertainty. I have a deeper sense of purpose and I am out of the norm.
I want to share 13 steps to be successful in life:
Find a passion. To be successful, it is important to define what you want in life. …
Show commitment. …
Learn from the journey. …
Have fun along the way. …
Think positively. …
Be honest with yourself. …
Take away distractions. …
Depend on yourself.
What words can replace “successful”?
Synonym Drs
Drake & Trey Songz’s song about success said all what is to be successful. They want the money, cars and the hoes. I want that too, lol.
In conclusion, I guess that is why I always wanted not to fail, not saying I did not, because I did have some hiccups. I made some mistakes. Did I let stop me? NO! I will never ever quit. I learned from my mistakes. I brush myself and learned from my lessons. When I fall, I get right back up and try again. Power of the tongue and law of attractions. Say something and will come true. So, I will not be a failure and I will l be a success. Fear is another emotion and do not let it overpower you. It is okay to be fearful or be afraid, however do not it is let consume you.
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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lisa422 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
To Fear
To Fear,
Hey, how are you? I can’t stop thinking about you. Reminiscing on the first time we met, or at least the first time I remember meeting.
Man, has it been that long? I was seven years old the first time you entered my thoughts. Your small voice whispering in my ear- “this isn’t forever, you will die”..
“Mommy!!” I screamed. Mom came running to my bedside, “ what is it, what is it??!”
“ I am going to die!” I cried, remember?
Mom calmly replied “ Yes one day we all will die”. Even though mom sat by my side, one hand on my heart, one hand on my forehead.. talkin to me about the power of the beautiful, white light of protection..
You fear, you stuck to me. With me. On me. Through all the stages of maturity.. child, adolescent, young womanhood . We’ve been inseparable.
Like the time you reminded me if I should ever be happy and loved, it wouldn’t last.. I could die. They would die.
You never left my side, fear. From worrying mom would crash in a drunk driving accident on the way home from the bar, to when dad and mom fought so badly the cops would show up.. you told me they would kill one another, eventually.
Ohhhh reminds me when Maya was born, my beautiful daughter, making me a mom. I quickly realized I was no good as a mother, thanks to you, fear.
I just knew that I would fail, is failing, all the time. Especially with you gripping my hands. Nudging me this is too, too good to last, it won’t last. Happiness. Joy. Serenity. Love.
And suddenly, unexpectedly- I muted our connection. With breath. With movement and postures, mantras and mudras. Gratitude was my morning coffee when the first light made its way inside.
You see, I started my life with you. For as long ago as I can recall, and through the decades of my life. Now, the vail is removed. I am content. I am comfortable. I aged well. I am loved. I love me, inside and out. Yet, here you come around again…
I’m older, I’m wiser, how come you don’t care? For old times sake you whisper-“ hey, it’s too late. You’ve waited too long, you’ve wasted too much time fucking up,
with love,
with your family
and children,So this I am healed now, happy, love, joy stuff? It isn’t staying. You’re gonna die, or you’ll experience the greatest loss you will ever know”
that’s what I get for holding your hand, fear. All this time, all these years? You’re still here?
Maybe you were trying to tell me all along? Teaching me to live as if nothing real lasts? That I will die.. I am going to die.. we will all die, one day. So treat yourself and others you love deeply with the truest affections possible. We never really are promised the time..
Thank you, dear fear. How could I have not seen? The mastery of letting you go can only come from me..
Style score was 100.
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thewhitehairedgirl submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
The Fearful Statistics
“Fear nothing” people say, but we all quiver. Our hands tremble and nobody sees. We look at our phones, and see inspirational messages every day. The hustle of work, the chase of improvement. Everything’s okay. We know of the wonderful lives that exist. We see them on our screens. Possibilities exist, consistency, consistency, the motivational quotes state. But when we look up from our screens, reality may hit us. When looking down, we can’t look up. And when we look up, there is so much to see, to fill in, the empty canvas, more daunting than the instructions given by someone else, who might want to help, but looking out for their own statistic. The canvases of people’s lives are there, and we find ours hard to paint. People take a look at themselves and try, many succeeding, or so it seems. The numbers on the screen may consume.
In college, as I sit in a psychology class, statistics are talked about. I’m scared. Fill out Question number 6. On it, there is a statistic that kids in the back of the class are more likely to fail. It is scientifically proven by a case study. I am a straight A student in the back of the class. A student whose family didn’t go to college; drop-outs, divorces, poverty, addictions. A student who has snuck in about 5 minutes late each day with a large coffee in hand. It is only the second week of the term and I feel the weight of the numbers squeezing me. I had considered a leave of absence, and the fact that I am even sitting in the chair is me fighting against the numbers.
I am in the middle of a move, the stress almost crushing me, turning me into a number lost in millions. Lost. Oh, moves are one of the most statistically stressful events in a person’s life. I find this out, and feel better, although I have moved lots before, throughout childhood, many homes, never stressed like this. So, I get a coffee from the new shop downstairs, try to find class, almost late, almost thinking of skipping. Another statistic, more absences, higher risk of leaving. And I sit in the back of class, late for attendance. Second class, I am in the back of the class, my mind wandering, missing my name, speaking up about the end, and my teacher says, “oh, I don’t know how I missed that”. I know it’s me who missed that. A head to count when I often don’t know where mine is.
After the first day of class, I had gone to the new coffee shop again, until dark. Would a statistic do this? On the third day of class, there was no new coffee shop. A car had crashed into it, breaking statistics, an unusual blip. I fear the statistics of everything. I don’t want to be another bad blip, shattering like the windows that left scrapes and bruises. I fear my name will be called and I won’t hear it. I fear the numbers will envelope me. I fear the screens that drown me, even with positivity that I’m afraid won’t be there. I fear, I fear, I fear.
We all fight to not be a number, a statistic in our family, another head to count. We all want to be seen. I’m scared that we have turned ourselves into numbers. So, every day I try to change the formula. Spread words and my kindness, letting us all know we are not just a statistic, a number on the screen, and we can continue to fight against it. Even while sitting in the back of the class, I will not quiver, but know that there is no fight, just undivided attention to what is in front of us, not below or above, but straight ahead.
Style Score: 81% (added lines between paragraphs though)
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bnahlmarkgmail-com submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Hi, fear.
How are you?
Afraid? Thought so!
For anyone else reading this other than my fear: I am afraid of my own joy. So much so that I’m also afraid I’m getting in the way of it. Like, let’s say there’s a cookie on the table. We’re sitting in a buzzing little coffee shop and I’ve just ordered a cookie. I literally asked for it. It is a big one, I’ll be honest, but that’s ok. The server comes over and puts the cookie on the table and I suddenly can’t move my arms. I’m not sure I can grab it! My own cookie! The world is literally on fire and there’s a coup outside of the coffee shop, though I am sitting safely inside. And I am calling my representatives and donating, and the cookie is vegan! And I’m so graciously afforded the ability to have this nice cookie. But I’m not taking it. I dream of having it- holding it, loving it, giving thanks for it and even being so fulfilled by the cookie I’m able to share it with other people. I dare to take the cookie for my mom, and her mom- my granny- who never took the cookie in their own lives. They probably didn’t even know they could order it.
But I can see mine. I can see it and I want to take it for all of us, and I know deep down that I’ve got to take it. I’m going to! And time is not real so there is no “later on when I’m good and ready” because that moment will never come and I honestly do feel ready. I feel more ready than ever in my life and I actually have done the inner work to believe that I am truly worthy of the cookie and that I can fully digest it.
So I would like to let everyone reading this know that I will be grabbing the cookie now. Afraid or not. I’m reaching my hand to pick it up, eloquently, like a princess. And it’s cleared by the people running the cafe for me to eat and everything. They actually made it for me and they know I’m eating it and it’s really okay for me to have it. And I’m healing my mom and her mom by showing them it’s okay to eat what you’ve asked for.
Thank you for indulging me,
Style Score: 51%
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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kymistry submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Dear Fear,
We have been friends for a long time, at least, I thought we were friends. As I
grew older, with experiences, craving the same ideas I have had since a child, I noticed
a pattern in your behavior. Whenever I aspire to accomplish anything, that is when you
show up with a list of filth that could go wrong. I noticed you have never offered anything
that could go right. Though some of your theories present themselves to be potentially
correct, there were some outcomes I have enjoyed that proved wrong. At first, you
blamed my environment and family. Although I agree I grew up in a city with a high
volume of crime, struggled with my family, and with scarce resources available to my
neighborhood you bonded to my bones like the frigid cold whenever I had thoughts of
becoming anything.
Disguising yourself as a form of protection, I discovered that you never had any
intentions of me facing anything. Do you remember that field trip in the second grade?
We went to a professional Theatre in a nearby neighborhood called the Karamu House.
There, we were in awe of a play we had seen, and that is when I felt that special feeling
for the very first time. It is not a word, it’s a sentence… You remember that feeling, don’t
you? The feeling that I can do it, too. You shifted all focus from me, shoving the
thoughts and ideas of others in my brain. Ignoring my strengths, maximizing my
weaknesses. I would spend most of my years taking your advice, when you had your
way, that’s when you left me alone most. You fueled everything negative in my life with
anxiety. I didn’t think I could pass the eighth grade, but I did. I didn’t think I would
graduate from the Fire Academy, but I did!Instead of looking at things for what they are, you concentrate on the long
shadow the task casts. I know the craft took time to learn and studying and repetition
are utilized to be able to excel at some point, but you didn’t include all that. You
welcomed more problems. I do not wish to concentrate on those things anymore.
They’re getting in the way of me being efficient and trustworthy. It was to my surprise to
learn that the great Halle Berry, Bill Cobbs, and few others began their artistic journey at
the Karamu House honing their craft to become the amazing artists they are today!
Then, there came that feeling. It begins in your heart, fills it up with stars burning from
the inside out sending a sensation that takes you off the ground, and here you come
with all your gravity. As I grew taller, a bit wider, I noticed that you hadn’t changed, still
obese with old methods and ways of thinking became too heavy to carry around. You
showed up in areas in my lower back, poking me in my temple, burdening the back of
my neck. In some cases, you left me with no choice but to try, I needed to create more
space to breathe.
I took a chance and signed up for a few classes during college; there, I scored
my first play! You were there with me, too. I noticed your hypotheticals changed, but not
your thinking. Your list did not include what I could or couldn’t do; it involved if I would be
able to apply the techniques I’ve been taught. That revealed to me you noticed
something different about me, that I’m further from where we started. I met someone
new in those times of doubt and worry as I waited for my cues in the wing backstage.
Someone named Faith cheered everyone on, massaging the areas you made sore,
preparing me to go out and do the best I could. With faith, I don’t have to think so much
and with you, I would like to become acquaintances now to limit how much energy you
drain from me. I feel like you are necessary when I must cross the street or walk at
night. I have had the pleasure of working and meeting some great people in the
community, and developed into a fine artist, still learning to become better. I am thankful
for the opportunities I have been able to explore, one of them being in not one but two
productions held there, the place where it all began, the Karamu House. It was difficult
writing this letter, considering how you think, and I believe there are times you want the
best for me, but you lack being aware of keeping the best from me. You understand all
of it too well.Sorry,
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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amber28 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Hi, how are you?
Dear Fear,
Hello. It is nice that we meet, finally. We can thank me for that. Although we have been neighbors all these years, all I know is that you merely exist. Therefore, I admit, I have avoided the thoughts of what you consist. There was even a conversation had with my imagination. I ordered that there be no paintings of you in my mind. If I was to erase every aspect, then every glimpse would need to be deteriorated, as if history did not bother to include you. However, deep down, I knew the life of you still wandered through me. I also knew eventually we would gaze upon each other similar to a child seeking the stars of the night. Hi Fear, how are you.?
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jismar submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Away with you, Fear
Each day I go through the motions
Fear of abandonment
Fear of rejection
Fear of slipping into depression
Here I am—
Fearful of anything refraining me from existential satisfactionI am but an organism
A display of God’s creation
Making choices
Turning left, turning right
Made a mistake
Mmm maybe that’s not quite right
I fear I’ll never learn the wayA glimpse of insecurity
Then doubts creep in
Losing my mind
Forsaking my sanity
Now I’m wrapped waiting until a spider devours me
Lack of mental discipline has stricken
A simple insect, a simple human
I used to feel whole
Now I fear what started in my mind
will continue poisoning my soulI eat, I eat again
Body skinny, fat, healthy, weak
Hhhh I breathe
I could be lazy and limp
Or even exercising daily
But to no avail
With whichever I choose
My body is here or moves there
I fear I have no excuseLaughter with a friend meaningless
Life with or life without sun
Mom & dad, sister, brother
Who have I become
I fear I’ll never figure it outA janitor working hard, humbly
An accountant sitting back idly
Which career am I supposed to have?
Money, potential greed
I fear the green will never be enough to succeedNeeding the validation
The ability to express our person
I do this, I wear that
Aren’t I such a trendsetter
Do you see my purse
Do you like my hat
I fear we’re all just carbon copiesI see the sky, it’s blue
Something bad happens, I feel blue
The grass feels fresh under my fingers
So does everybody I come into contact
But at the same time nothing feels new
I fear I’ve lost the privilege of my sensesYearning to fulfill a life fulfilled
Enacting as my authentic self
I fear to live a life mundane
To be but a body & a given name
I have reached the boredom
I’m fearful of living a life so plain
Take away the fulfillment or lack thereof
Everything in between is what’s to blameOr is it?
I won’t fear that every day is the same
That I’m stuck in the repetitive cycle we call rat race
I’ll relinquish doubt & follow my passions
I’ll learn to smile everyday I wake
That much I can manage
Learn to be thankful for the connections that come my way
Cherish my breath
Say hi to a neighbor
Thank my God & pray
Dance like no one is watching
Dance like everyone is
Work on myself & that which I cannot face
I’ll thank the animals that have been slayed
To provide me a meal so I can live another dayAway with you fear
I’m in control
I will prevail
For I am standing
In all my strength & demandingAway with you fear
Suffocating negative thoughts
It’s time I start being mindful
A new practice I’m plantingStyle score: 68%
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beyondme submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
God Is Great, Fear is a Liar, Grace Wins
God is great, fear is a liar, Grace wins.
At first it won’t make sense.
I overthink so much until I make myself sick—I often think about all the what ifs and all the coulda shoulda beens
Playing images in my mind that break me down to the core…
The images that bring out the waterworks & leave your eyes sore.
The kind that have u grieving over something that may or may not be yours…
Now you’re left with this weight on your chest & a knot in your throat
The tears streaming down your face, re-living the pain
—over — and over
— and over again…I beat myself up not knowing wether I’ve done what’s right or wrong
Too afraid to repeat past patterns
Too afraid to throw myself back into the fire
Too afraid of the damage that can still be done after already going thru so much pain & sorrow.I remember what happened the last time.
& the time before that & I can’t help but think—What if it happens again
I don’t know if I can handle it.They say old keys don’t open new doors .
They also say leave old shit in the past .Each situation is its own.
What if what failed back then, works for me now?
People wonder why I’m such an over-thinker
I hope you can see for yourself-howLook at what I just said—
—Shits always contradicting & confusingIt’s all a case by case basis
—and none of us have the recipe for each situationAll I know to be true — is you God
But I can’t always see you.
— and at times I struggle to feel or hear you…So I pray & pray.
Hoping you’ll hear me say.
I need you.I need you now as much as I did back then —
I need to hear you loud & clear again .
Like that day in my bedroom.
You gave me a quick glimpse at my future but it quickly escaped to
All a sudden I received a message but I don’t know where it came from?
It said to me…
Do you really think that laying something down at his feet —
Reaching out to him daily.
Choosing not to move-until you receive clarity.
Trying to let him take the lead…Will somehow cause you to lose something?—
To lose something thats destined for you ?…
Absolutely not. On the contrary.
He will bless you for your obedience.
For you guarding your heart.For you refusing to accept-less than what is right
— and not giving in to what is not .— and I know it will hurt to hear this but if it’s lost— it wasn’t yours to keep to begin with.
I know it’s hard to be still but don’t stress it.
Gods got this.
He knows best not only where u are but where you are going.— God is great, fear is a liar, & grace wins.
One day you will see you are not alone & you have never been…
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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dagzvizions submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Dear Fear
Dear Fear
I don’t know myself without you, but see, you have taken over me.
Hiding me from the outside world, dreams and love.
It’s time to move you from the driver’s seat.
I had let you take the wheel, knowing that you would protect me.
Protect me, you did well, but I had failed to see.
That I had stopped moving through the world and it was moving on without me.
I look at you, in this still car, from this empty parking lot.
I give you this letter, asking to take your spot.
I know that this paralysis has helped me stay far from places I would get burned,
but it has hindered me from seeing all the opportunities to earn.
I move you to the back seat now and you let out a long groan.
“What if everything you do never amounts to anything?”
“You’re rejected and end up alone?”
I used to let that overtake me. I would not even take a beat.
I would gladly give up my control space, admit you are right, and climb to the passenger seat.
This time I turn to the place beside me and a new fear manifests,
the fear of sitting in that seat again without the slightest bit of protest.
Now I have two fears battling in my car as I learn to start the engine.
One says that I won’t get far, the other one says don’t listen.
The engine is warm. The time is now and I shift it into gear.
“What are you doing?!” “Where are you going?!” “We can’t go far, it’s safe here!” “Shut your mouth back there, the backseat driver is so lame, I’m the navigator now!”
As I drive, I wonder if these two will ever find balance and be tame.
The fear of not letting that backseat bum take over navigates me with these ideas of grandeur and visions of all positive possibilities that await on the road ahead. The backseat driver interrupts with illusions of consequence, practicality, and overall dread.
Navigator wonders why I even let it ride along.
I know I need both equally in order to live balanced and strong.
Navigator hints to me where, and the backseat driver prompts me to figure out how.
I am in the control seat,
of the here and now.
With loving awareness, I can chauffeur my fears.
When they get too loud, I will never again let them steer.
Instead, I tune the radio to a frequency of my choice
and play it so loud it will drown out their voice.
I can’t say I know where this journey ends,
but it is nice to say that I have made these fears my friends.
Stylescore 100%Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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sherring submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
I'm Gonna
Dear Unknown,
I want to punch you in the face, but also…hug you. Every time it’s time to make a decision, big or small, there you are lurking, making me doubt myself. I damn near spiral out of control with all the versions of what if…? that crowd my mind.
I hate you for making me nervous to do things to the point of procrastination. Those aren’t cute, dainty butterflies fluttering in my stomach, they’re bats. Wreaking havoc on my nervous system, making my heart race, and giving me cottonmouth.
But you know what? I also love you. You are a huge a motivator. There’s nothing like the adrenaline rush that comes with not knowing for sure what an outcome will be. Success is sweeter when tinged with uncertainty after embarking on a new challenge. Like
What if I fail? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?
Okay, I’m gonna do it.
I’m going to move to a new city.
I’m gonna apply to that graduate program.
I’m gonna ask out that cute guy I’ve been crushing on for months.
I’m gonna buy that bright red shade of lipstick.
I’m gonna start that blog.
I’m gonna get that haircut.
I’m gonna book that solo trip.
I’m gonna enter that writing contest.
I’m gonna ask for help.
I’m gonna put an offer on that apartment.
I’m gonna apply for that senior position.
I’m gonna try that new restaurant.
I’m gonna buy that lottery ticket.
The only thing I can do is try. Try my best and hope for the best. Whatever happens, happens. I hope things go according to plan, but if not, I’ll pivot. I’ll deal with whatever greets me on the other side. At least I tried. At least you didn’t stop me. This I know for sure.
sytle score: 80
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erodrig37gmailcom submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
My Dear Fear
My dear fear,
It’s funny, isn’t it, that most everywhere I turn I’m told I should feel you…towards you? Fear fear. Do not let fear in. Do not allow fear to become complacent, to overstay its welcome, to know you too closely. But you and I have been close for as long as I can remember now. You’ve been around since the beginning. I’ve not really known a home without you. You and I, we’re familiar. Without a doubt, through the highs and the lows, I feel fear near. My dear fear.
It’s also funny to say-I fear letting you go. You see, I have a thing about attachment. Once we’re familiar, god, I can’t ever truly let you go. You’re a part of me. You help shape who I’m growing to be, who I’ve been. Now, I’ve got to be honest-that part of us hasn’t always felt good. There have been times-okay, years-where identifying with you has felt…stifling. I let you hold me back from so much. I still carry the grief of betraying myself again and again in the name of honoring you above all else. At the time, we didn’t know any better. We convinced ourselves that moving away from the world as one was the best way forward. Possibly the safest way forward. Definitely the most isolating way forward. I was so convinced that your path was my path. You had that kind of power over me. I gave you that kind of power over me. Ironically, I was so fearful to make decisions that opposed you I handed you the reins and then resented you for it. For that, my dear fear, I am sorry.
We’ve come a long way, you and I. I’m no longer the fearful child stifling themselves, too fearful to be uncomfortable in the unfamiliar, instead choosing discomfort in the same old patterns, in all I’ve ever known. No longer am I strangling my own voice simply because you spoke up first. No longer are we grasping at each other so tightly that there is no room for anyone or anything else in my heart. No, we’re not like that anymore. Now, I look to you for collaboration. Now you respect my need to disagree. We guide each other now, you and I. We walk side by side. I feel you close, and I know I ought to delve deeper into what you’re reacting to. Now I know you’re often pointing me to a challenge, prompting me to defy you. All you ask is that I acknowledge you’re with me. And with that, your nearness brings a rush, a surge of vitality as I venture into newness. You say ‘Fear is here. Act despite. I do not wish to hold you back. I only wish to keep you safe. So long as we can find ourselves again on the other side, do it. Yes, fear is here. But do it. Do it with me. Let’s do it together. Do it because I’m here. Do it despite. ’ And for that, my dear fear-I thank you.
With warm reverence,
style score: 100%Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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permissionslip submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Dear fear
Dear Fear,
it’s been a long time since I’ve acknowledged you.
Like a shadow, I can’t escape, lingering. I forget that you’re not me, but when you speak, you can so be mean.
Don’t hide what makes you different. Too much attention in the past meant judgement, but Now embracing all our quirks, flaws, unique perspectives, and expression inspires others to be themselves, too. Vulnerability is your greatest strength and is what helps create the connection we crave.
You’re comfortable with the familiar even when it doesn’t feel good, but like a plant without the Sun, my Soul is dying. To not experience the unknown is to not know the magic or to grow. We are made to change!
Negatively, predicting the future doesn’t prevent the hurt from happening; if we close off from the experiences in the end, we stay numb.
Let go of the outcome, experiment, and see if we enjoy the process.
Life can be overwhelming, make a contingency plan. IF the worse happens, we can choose a new direction.
Take risks, make a mess, give it our best shot.
I love you always, no matter what. Be in the moment.
Vanessa, Permission SlipStyle Score 100%
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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msimmons submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Hello, Fear.
Hello, Fear.
You have been a confidante, comrade, and companion for as long as I can remember. You started small when I was little and made me worry about monsters in the closet and horror movie villains coming to haunt me.
And as I grew older, you expanded and evolved, replacing the scary characters by becoming the primary source of my torment.
You held me down when I was lonely and validated my doubts. The resounding boom of your voice became so second nature that I conflated your opinions with the truth and believed your perspectives were my own.
And I cared so much about you that I never stopped to consider whether you cared for me, too.
You’ve taken on many forms. And I’ve gotten to know them all well.
In most everything, you’re the fear of failure—the crippling knots each time I’m called to perform. You’re the perfectionism that won’t accept a less than stellar outcome, no matter the arena.
In relationships, you’re the fear of abandonment—the unsettled sense that started with my father and picked up in personal connections, perpetually whispering, “You’re not worthy.”
In social settings, you’re the fear of attack—the mounting anxiety in my chest when I’m in mixed company, which is especially acute if alcohol is involved. You’re the anticipatory retreat that must stay nearby in case a stranger or phony friend calls me out of my name. And the nagging hyperawareness that makes me watch my back when I’m in unknown places, which can quickly become unsafe spaces.
In the classroom and the corporate world, you’re the fear of exposure—the entrenched feelings of being a fraud. You’ve created defensiveness and a sense of inferiority that’s hidden between my shoulders, weighing me down despite degrees, successes, and obvious evidence of my intellect.
Most recently, you’re the fear of success.
Amidst this transformation, there’s promise and potential, bright skies and open doors. There are opportunities and options and my version of success. And others have affirmed me in powerful and profound ways. I’ve found my voice and spoken up, without concern for your perpetual instruction to “hurry” and speak faster.
As scary as it is, I’m dreaming again, and your shout seems less powerful.Thank you for the companionship you’ve offered. For the feedback you’ve so willingly provided. For the doubts you introduced. Thank you for being as familiar as a close friend, as comfortable as a life partner, and as present as a parent.
Thank you for the challenges you made seem insurmountable. For the suffocating environments you encouraged me to endure. For the terrible relationships you told me to hold on to. For the instincts you told me to ignore. And for the leaps you kept me from believing I should take.
But, most of all, thank you for understanding why I’m leaving you now.
And good luck to you. I hope you find someone else who believes your lies, wants your weight, and will give you their dreams.
You see, Fear. I’ve met a new friend called Faith. And embracing our potential requires me to release you.
So, this is goodbye.
With no regrets,
MalaikaSS: 88
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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courtneybex submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
To The Unknown
How do I write a letter to my fear when I fear everything? I’m not sure when I became this way. I used to be so untamed, but now I’m scared of living life. I miss the person I was—the fearless one, except for when it came to roller coasters and snakes. How can I find her again? She seems so far away now, but I remember her clearly. She didn’t just stare out the window dreaming of a bigger world; she lived it. When she encountered something new, she didn’t panic; she embraced it. She turned the unknown into something familiar, living a story she loved to tell. An old friend once asked me how New York was. The truth is, I never made it there. My mind doesn’t play fair. I dream too big for my brain to handle, and instead of confronting the fear, I’ve always backpedaled.
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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julia submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
A Letter to My Fear
To my Captor,
I trust this letter reaches you.
It has been some time since the pleasure of your correspondence has graced my escritoire. Keep attuned to what I have to say, as this will be the last time your eyes drift along my penned confessions.
I often catch my thoughts drifting toward you. Toward what we had. I must admit, it was raw passion and magnetism.
It was also agony.
It was a maelstrom.Your sworn oath of safety, wisdom, and comfort was so zealously expressed.
It escorted me from the unknown into a place of perceived refuge.
I delighted in that place.
In you.
Each room offered precisely what was promised.
Yet, with each passing day that I spent with you there, the color dimmed, the foundation cracked, and your essence was brought to light.
Piece by piece, you stripped away the shimmering lie you vowed and revealed its sinister nature.Do you understand what I am telling you?
Do you hear me?
You viper.
You charlatan!
In the moonlight, you parade yourself as wisdom; a mighty shield with undying allegiance.
You parade yourself as safety; promising to keep me concealed in your gardens.
Yet, when the gilded halo of day touches its tendrils to your visage – scales and ash are what glint back at me.How can this be?
Are you not honorable, lovely, and valiant?
As truth and perception war within me, the collision of crumbling stone and splintering rafters envelops my senses. Your estate is falling, and I am gifted sight.
You are duplicitous.
You are folly.
You are chains.
How could I have let myself become seduced?Oh, but I forget.
You began as enchantment itself.
Wooing me with silver-soaked promenades in the cool of the night, I toss caution to the wind.
The gentle swish of your foot along the grass compels me to follow you.
Through labyrinths of opalescent beams you pull me.
Your gold-flecked skin captures their light in a thousand glittering facets.
Casting your gaze back at me, your sirenic melodies slink from your sterling tongue, kissing my ears as they advance toward my heart.
Sailing around it in ever-tightening coils, they transform what once was vibrant and hopeful into rot and despair.Your lilting refrain conveys how deeply you comprehend my innermost workings.
You cement how, even in their simplest form, my workings remain unfathomable to my companions.
Isolation and imprisonment are your mission.For a moment, you succeed.
Your promise to keep me safely hidden hastily turns to a threat of restraint.
Betwixt your vines, my wrists cry out as emerald helices constrict and tether.
It is there you force me to gaze upon that which I might become.
As its resplendence passes before me, I call out, yet my throat withers with the absence of sound.
You strip me of autonomy.
You cage me from transcendence.
I am left bare, shamed, and quaking.It is then that you desert me.
As consolation, you send your aide-de-camp, Regret, to pillage the ruin.
He is not alluring, like you.
He is grotesque, pestering, and omnipresent.
He emerges as skittering vermin.
Yet as he feasts upon my consideration, a ravenous hyena his form so takes.
Pacing, he bides his time until he devours.It is in that darkest hour that the faintest glow alights: a truth from a bosom confidant.
“You are not where he claims you are.” she whispers.
“Look, and see with your vision anew.
These bars are but tinder, your fetters but straw!”
‘Hope’ are the flints that strike.
The kindling ignites with the subsequent spark of fervor.
The roar of resurgence is now the inferno that fuels my reclamation.No longer does your vice grip restrain me.
Your coils incinerate.
Your shackles combust.
Your chains fall in riotous cacophony, and l rise from your embered tyranny.“How can this be?” you ask.
I have held assembly with my council.
I have sung my song of trepidation, naming you who ensnares me.
Unanimously, your ruling is reached; your retreat bears witness, sealing your fate.
The beacons are lit.
The alarm is sounding.With haste my council unsheathes their swords.
Hilts accost shields as voices crescendo in guttural cries.
Armored and vigilant, my people rally.
Forefront she stands: the monarch I am driven to be.
We will ride to your borders.
We will summon you by name.We will annihilate your lies and rebuild fortifying truths.
Augmented boundaries will be established.
Discernment will be my vanguards; lionheartedness, my ramparts.Your deceit will not endure to plague another.
Your falsities have breathed their last.
You will be vanquished once and for all, and I will go forth in glory.Yours no longer,
The Victorious(83% Style Score)
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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christianbwest submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Dear Fear
Dear Fear,
I recently learned a life hack: if you have an unruly rooster, incarnated from the pit fires of hell, that pecks and bites, that won’t shut up, and is impossible to tame, there is hope. Catch the demon rooster, swaddle him in a towel, and hold him like a newborn baby. That’s it. Doing this lets that pecker know the pecking order, training him to be less of a hostile nuisance. It’s that easy; at least that’s what the person on TikTok said.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: we don’t have chickens. And you would know because you’ve been waking me up like a crowing devil for decades now. Your alarms ringing inside my head, shaking in my chest, tightening my gut, screaming, wake up! The world is on fire, and you have no control over the rain! You strut around, screeching out the most insecure questions in my voice: Why did I say that? What if they think I’m stupid? What if I’m a horrible writer and no one ever publishes me? What if I die alone? To which you reply, “All valid and rational points. Let’s keep ruminating on them to help you stay alive. That’s why I’m here. You need me.” To which I reply, “Do I though?”
Despite our enmeshed existence, I have been doing everything I can to outrun you for those same long decades, resulting in consistent soul-crushing failures. Again, you would know. You follow each one with more damn questions. Why can’t I just escape my patterns? When do I get my cozy cabin in the woods? Why am I forty-six and feel like I have accomplished nothing of significance? And you insist every circumstance is or will be the worst of the worst, and no matter what I do, there is no getting rid of you. I’ve tried to cut off your head with medications, affirmations, therapy, but you just come back to life with twice the hellfire. I’ll admit one thing: you’re dependable, but so are death and indigestion, neither of which I want to experience at the moment.
So, let’s try something new and ask a different question. What if I stop running from you? The first thing the chicken influencer said to do is to catch the rooster—dominate it with kindness. Apparently, roosters could win gold medals for their evasive maneuvers, and you could too. In fact, I learned how to outrun my pain from your example, but I also learned that trying to do so was as delusional as thinking I’d eventually be able to sprout wings and fly away—a revelation that led to this reckoning.
I get it. You want to protect me. But at what cost? Living like a rooster locked in chronic defense mode, hypervigilant to possible attack or getting into a cockfight when we come fear to fear with someone, is exhausting. I’m done letting you get the best of me and wanted to let you know that if you feel different, there’s a reason. During a recent sunset, my sudden awe settled the dust from all my restless longing to be rid of you, and I could see a choice: go on kicking up dust or sit still. You had taken one of your rare naps—beauty seems to quiet your constant second guessing, which makes my confidence louder.
I came from behind you, gently snatched you in my arms, and wrapped you in that beautiful moment. I predicted you would wrestle and fight with the fury of a thousand hellhounds, but I was ready; every razor-sharp spur was muffled in the crucible of my calm, and your angst relaxed in our embrace. Holding you felt like holding the terrified child from my past who had been beaten and bullied, who felt alone, who desperately wanted love, wanted to be safe. I could see you for what you are: a plumed mask for the suffering I’ve endured at the hands of people who forged you into that demon rooster. And I realized I can channel your stubborn resolve into art, stories, and poetry instead of using it to outmaneuver the pain.
When I let go, you remained calm at first, but days later those spurs would sharpen again, your feathers would turn to hellfire, and with all the rage of a dragon, you would spread your wings, ready to attack. I can’t help but think that maybe you’re right; I may never be rid of you, and you may never be truly tame. You can attack, strut, scratch, and crow as loud as you want; you’re just doing what you’ve learned to do to survive, but, Fear, you’ve been hacked; I now know how to pause and hold you without being afraid.
With courage,
Your Constant CompanionStyle Score 100%
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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vipvictoria0021 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Unsealed Victoria fearsome essay entry
Dear fear,
It is Victoria finally writing directly to you. You have been present in my every day occurrences and thoughts. I live with you at my side however the onset of massive impact came to me in August 2024. We have had multiple encounters with each over life however as I write this piece the fear is present. Before I dive into that I want to take a moment to give an overview of natural fear.
I was a swim instructor over a decade ago after pausing being a triathlete in a life transition. I taught across lifespans of babies to adults for an Olympic champion. I noticed that the fear was a natural component of kids in a certain portion of swim lessons. Children naturally develop fear at the ages of 3-4 years old. Coincidentally, teaching 3 – 4-year-olds to swim can be an extremely exhilarating experience, while for others it can be an extremely fearful one. While it could be difficult for others creating a space of trust with kids to eventually having them take a leap (physically and faithfully), or at least making the effort to do so in order to advance levels.
Back to my fear. One day in August while stopped at a traffic light I was rear-ended by someone who had very little regard to the incident. They attempted to dismiss accountability at the scene. Here I am six months later, still under multiple treatments and ongoing care. I continue to do so at the time of submission. I have put my life on hold because of this auto accident. My job as a bilingual children’s therapist has been extremely gratifying and motivating despite its ongoing challenges. Currently, I find myself in the therapist’s chair not as the therapist, but as the patient. In this given situation I am at the mercy of various medical and care providers. I am constantly in the hospital or medical halls for testing amongst various treatments. When I was just in the middle of care with my lack of focus, I got a concussion diagnosis as a result of this auto collision.
This has been not only difficult but fearful regarding how I am going to get through the day, the next day and the feeling that keeps coming up around all of this. My other fear, I am claustrophobic. Of course, to obtain imaging around my injuries I have gone to get MRI’s done that I had to have switched to have a CT scan done because of physically losing my air in my lungs and being restimulated by the entire auto accident experience which only gives me more tension while in the machine. I have cried, I have had serious doubts about my self-worth (as a woman and human being) in this world from this accident. With additional medical care I have to get the MRI and will have to be sedated and monitored while in the MRI machine. While I am concerned for my safety this is my reality at this fork in the road.
I know you fear. You have been the copilot in my daily living from this. I used to be able to wear any bra, clothing items and now I have to think if the bra is going to hurt or agitate my neck or inevitably constrict my already limited range of motion. I have given this six months and here I am still in pain and while recuperating this time I cannot get back in any way, shape or form.
While that is not nearly enough, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to help care for her as a daughter, an only child and a woman. I had to reject a job offer to maintain my extreme level of care. My overall well-being has been stagnant with fear at my side while having to show up for myself, my mom and others as a children’s mental health professional.
While I am no longer a swim instructor. That exact definition of fear has gone into my head to take a leap of faith off a different diving board. While I am still on the road to recovery this has been the hardest time for me personally. Coincidently, getting back in the water (in a limited capacity) is my next recommendation it will be hard however once there – fear I cannot entertain you at my side any longer.
I truly hope we do not meet again in any related circumstances.
Farewell fear,
Victoria Morillo, M.Ed., QMHP-C (Qualified Mental Health Professional-Child)
Style Score 76%Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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writeontime submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 2 days ago
Devoted Fear
Dear Fear,
You have been a loyal companion to me throughout my entire life. How generous of you to stick with me with as often as I have cursed you out and wished for you to “just leave me already, would you!!!” Yet here you remain.
How kind of you to continue to accompany me to each new adventure I have partaken in and to every milestone I have hit throughout my life.
You have been my co-pilot on the journey of each new friendship I have started and with every invitation I have received, you have always been my plus one.
You have escorted me to every social gathering I have attended, where you stood close by, even as my knees shook, my voice quivered and my heart raced.
Through every negative emotion, heartache, and embarrassing moment, you still never looked away. You have seen me at my worst and have remained by my side to confirm your endless presence in my life.
Oh dear fear, I have mistreated you so, because you see, I have always viewed you as a hinderance in my life. However, as of recently, I see you for what you really are…
You are the thoughts that live in my mind that never actually get to live in the real world.
You are the painful pit in my stomach that keeps me from eating for an entire day so that I could fit into my jeans for my upcoming first date.
You are the rush of energetic nerves that keep me from oversleeping on the morning of starting my new job.
You are the jolt of awareness that keeps me alert while I am driving alone down an unfamiliar road at night.
You are the creator of my worst nightmares that never get to experience daylight.
You are the inspiration for all of my award-winning stories, so thanks for the endless script ideas.
I see it so clearly now that you are not a curse to my life, even if that’s what you are trying to be. You, after all, are a blessing to me.
I wish for you to stay to accompany me into the next chapter of my journey and to continue to be my partner on the dance floor of life. I couldn’t imagine living without you, for you have designed a perfect custom choreography to keep me twirling through it all.
Style score from PROWRITINGAID:100%
Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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