Do you like long walks? Are you most happy in your partner’s arms? Write a poem or open letter about where you feel most at peace.
1st place prize – $200 – Selected By Judges (Amanda O)
2nd place prize $50 – Selected By Judges (Hannah G)
Bonus Prize – Billboard (We will post you on a digital billboard for two hours. We don’t have billboards available in every city. So, if there is not a billboard near your home, we will get one near us and take a picture for you.) OR you can get a free copy of the book “Unseal Your Superpowers” – Selected By Votes (London)
Voting will go from August 1 to midnight on August 31st
Member votes count 5x. Non-Member Votes Count 1x
Our Winners will be announced on September 1st, 2024. Please read the rules here before you enter
Congratulations to our winners!
dianabogart submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 1 weeks ago
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whitney19 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
In The Presence of My Creator
What I’ve come to realize is that we all long for a type of peace that surpasses all understanding and I’ve found that through Jesus Christ.
In the presence of my Creator I’ve found PEACE.
It’s often unexplainable to put into words how it feels to be at the feet of the one that created you.
Oh to know that there is breakthrough, transformation, surrender, joy, PEACE in His presence makes this race a little bit easier to run.
We can truly come to Jesus whenever and His peace will comfort us like a blanket.
Everything washes away in His presence because He has covered us with His blood.
The sadness is stripped away and peace arises
The heartbreak is stripped away and peace arises
The defeat is stripped away and peace arises
The shame is stripped away and peace arises
The worry is stripped away and peace arises
The fear is stripped away and peace arises
The doubt is stripped away and peace arisesPeace Arises in the Presence of My Creator
In His presence I feel most at peace because my Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
His word says that His peace surpasses all understanding, how beautiful is it to be filled with supernatural peace
You can only truly feel at peace when you encounter Christ
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amen, sister! amen!
these are wonderful words of you’re sharing!Write me back Subscribe  or  log in to reply
I am so glad you found a path through which you can find inner peace. This world can overwhelm and consume us all so easily and it always makes me happy to know that someone has found a way to find the eye of the storm.
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dougiehowza submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
The Knowing
In the beginning things are always fairly out of sorts…
However, if nothing else is gained by all this and there aren’t any more humans left to begrudge their lot in life, once this iteration of life is over,
I hope the Earth recalls the peace…I hope Gaia remembers the fountainhead of silence arising just before the first cries of a newborn child, our laughter, and ingenuity.
Let us hope the stars align and we find ourselves prepared in our individual capacity, arms outstretched to offer that precious piece of what we have been farming to a grateful universe,
That every near-death experience, birth, and death (and every cacophonous event in between) be tempered by our collective understanding and vision of what it means to be still.That said, I have found peace in chaos…
Apparently, when this whole universe ordeal began and sent our species tumbling about the world, with a newly formed recognition of what would later cause us to have purpose, chaos was the backdrop upon which we landed.
There is peace in the acceptance of what is, and as that tumbles about like a stone being polished, what is becomes the infinite palette of chaos by which we have been invited to paint our stories.
You see, I have been kidnapped by the throbbing silence at the concussion of a rocket propelled grenade in a place without peace, and found peace entrenched there in the eyes of a child,
I have found it in the doing of things deemed impossible by a mind that would rob me of it, if only to replace it with the temporal anointing of the false gods of comfort and complacency.And I have climbed the wuthering heights of a synthetic human experience and ramshackle material excesses, only to forget where peace resides.
There is a Latin proverb stating: “Ne Te Quaesiveris Extra” which roughly translates to the fact that there is nothing to search for outside of self, for you are everything,
And into that wisdom, which grants its parishioner the confessional of truth by which all things must be measured to the accrual of life’s wonders, I commit my soul.In my life I have gleaned peace from everything with the exception of calm environs and found that peace is an ember best kept burning in the heart of the conscious observer, lest it become a light guiding me off the path of my discovery.
Peace from this stalwart vantage point is found in every instant wherein lies the possibility that chaos provides,
It is in the triumphant moment and the silent moment abutting it,
My peace is in the knowing…Voting is closed
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This was beautiful and I thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem. Too often we seek to find some sign or guide to pull us out of the chaos but I love the thought of finding peace by embracing said chaos. To find peace in this world, one must find peace within themselves. Beautiful.
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I love how you explain your personal peace in the context of human evolution. It’s so creative and so different (and true). It is important to find peace in the chaos because life is chaotic.<3 Lauren
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vizo2123 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Mi Peace
To feel the wind from the trees
& instantly smile
Surrounded by the love of life
My world
Mi Amor
The Butterflies i get to see her face i the sunlight
In the moonlight
Underneath the stars
That shine as bright
As her Smile
My heart has never felt such joy
Such peace to be with someone as beautiful & perfect as she is
She is home
My Other Half
My Darling ,Love Of My Life
With her my problems go away
My past doesn’t hurt so bad
When i am sad i think of her
& i am at peace
I could not imagine my life without her
Her Smile
Her Glow
The love i get just by presence
Her Touch
Her Words
By the way she looks at me
She is my happy joyful place
She not only has my heart
But consumes my soul
In every good way i could possibly think of
To my Peace
I love you with my all, My everything
Thank you for making me feel safe
For you to be my peace
Thank you for being there for meVoting is closed
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I hope to find a love like this at some point in my own life. I love the way you describe how your beloved makes you feel without relying on physical appearances which so many famous poems tend to do. Keep up the good work!
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When I met my fiance, I told my mom it felt like I just put on the softest, warmest, coziest slipper. The way you talk about your love reminds me of what I feel with my fiance. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren
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Thank youuu so much & im happy you feel like that with your fiance!!
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Aww, Vision, I love that you found a love so pure and wonderful. May your love always bring you both peace and happiness. Thank you for sharing with all of us what true love feels like. <3 Lauren
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shyacinthe submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Peace On the Shelf
World Dearest. I’m writing to share my thoughts on when and where I feel most at peace. Within the realm of your expanse, often noise just will not cease. But I’ve learned how to grab hold of what for me defines peace. It’s the manner in which I’m able to bring myself into retreat. Whether literally or mentally, I am able to rest myself. It’s like my peace is always readily available, it’s right there on the shelf. Travel and good times have equipped me with memories that I can quickly envision. Large blue bodies of water, desert land, and loved ones, thoughts of these become my mission. But positioning myself on my couch with book in hand combined with the comfort of The Holy Spirit is often the plan, because this is the main time and place where pangs of happenstance, circumstance, and romance for me are muted. This is when and where I’m in a place of [perfect] peace that cannot be disputed.
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It always makes me happy to know someone else has found a path to inner peace. Keep up the good work!
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prose_from_a_novice submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Piece of Mine
To be a piece
To be at peace
Don’t call me on my homophone
It’s likely that I am alone
But is alone, a singular state? Alone because you are unknown? A loan because you want a home?
Peace is often associated with solidarity; something for which we’ve waited
A state sedated, perhaps over rated
Peace for me is found in a crowd
Strangers to surround, ears are filled with the din of a city’s sound
Camouflaged by the anonymity of vicinity to those with whom we share our city
What is my piece?
Where am I at peace? Do we ever really know until we’re deceased?Voting is closed
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I loved this, it reminded me of beatnik poetry slams in smoky cafés. Clever use of homophones within your piece. I love your writing style and I hope to see more from you in the future!
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naprie submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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jcarew98 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Peace In Motion Pictures
All lights dimmed in a filled room ups the anticipation,
Music soared through the speakers preparing us for action,
Cinnamon sparkled my lips bitten off its sugar,Costing me a Nicole(Nah, I Kid-man.) per platter,
I sink back in a cushioned seat leg raised in a hump.
Not words were said nor a phone buzzed, we watched as ads jump.
Energy flowed with action but mellowed down in serene,
Movies made me feel better ’til the credits end scene,
All left the room content from 2 hour-ed serenity.Voting is closed
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Movies can provide such a release from reality, I love that your peace is centered around the escapism of a classic movie theater. There is nothing else that can compare to going to a movie with friends and sitting back on those comfy recliners. What is your favorite genre of movie to watch? Keep on writing!
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andreamorgan97 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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laurhirs526 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Camp Misfits
Take me back to the place where they know my name,
Where no one is a stranger and what makes us different is just as beautiful as what makes us the same.Help me find the spot where laughter and dancing heal,
Where everyone is given room to be exactly who they are
and all the space they need to feel.Find me a realm where beauty is all around,
Where nature’s canvas can be seen and heard, and what was mundane becomes profound.Search with me for the moments where we are fully embraced,
Where the world throws open it’s arms for us with no judgment of fears or mistakes.Oh, take me– but don’t take me alone. Help me find these places and then help me take them home.
[This is a tribute to a beautiful camp I have had the privilege of being able to attend twice now, with a community of self-proclaimed “Misfits,” brought together by a band called Magic Giant. The band and their fans are truly some of the most open-hearted people I know! Being with them gives me hope for the world and faith in myself as a writer. Several of them continue to encourage me to share my voice, and truly help me feel so grateful to be alive!]
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Thank you for inviting us into your wonderful Camp of Misfits! I can’t wait to start listening to Magic Giant now!
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Ah, thank you for accepting the invite! I appreciate you reading. Camp Misfits truly is a special place! And I’m so glad you’re going to give Magic Giant a listen! They actually have a new album coming out next week! 🙌
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Thank you for the context at the end. I really love the simplicity of your poem in combination with the impactful nature of going to camp. Everyone has some camp story from their youth that they look upon fondly and I love that those memories can be reimagined as an adult. I will look into the camp you mentioned because now I’m interested.
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Thank you for your feedback, Julia! It really is amazing the kind of impacts that camps and gatherings can have on us. 💞
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Lauran, this felt like leaving camp listening to a nostalgic song. (You could so turn this into a song btw)
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Ah, thank you! I have such an admiration for lyricists, as a music lover! I’d love to work to turn my writing into a song one day!
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naegaraki submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
A second of peace
Laying in the grass
As the time ticks by
Waiting for my next class
I’m alone yet satisfiedI hear the wind whisper
To the trees that are near
As the air gets crisper
The sky begins to clearI inhale the cool breeze
The sun kisses my face
My soul feels at ease
As this is my safe spaceEven though I have to go
I will long for another moment as soVoting is closed
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Wow, Destini! This is so beautiful. I adore your descriptions of nature. I also completely agree with you! Sometimes when life gets too overwhelming, just taking a moment to escape the chaos and take a breath of fresh air can be so peaceful and soothing. Amazing work!!
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Nature really can center us and bring us peace, and you describe that experience so well in this piece. I can feel how you feel from reading your words. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren
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claudiogchavez submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Waves on the Beach
Rudimentary – sedimentary.
Rocks stab at my instep
Harsher than reality
I hardly felt it’s indent –
Something there distracted me.And so it is in staggered thoughts
I’ve perceived the imperceptibleFleeing from me just so fast I caught it in a blur.
I see it in the daydreams,
the ones revolving her.We spoke some folly years ago.
About our favorite place.
I recall all her expressions,
But can’t remember face.For maybe it was shame
That kept me from her grace
Now every time I think of her
I think of waves and spaceI think aloud and pace.
I write it on a page.
Still nothing can return me to
those 16 years of ageThe source of all my pain
The moment let escape
I hadn’t strength to tell her
Because I thought I’d wait.From then, she washed away
Just as her favorite place.
The only time I feel at peace
is when I feel her waves.Voting is closed
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This is AMAZING. I cannot believe how creative this poem is and how everything fits so smoothly together. Your comparisons of nature and love are so inspiring to me. My favorite line would have to be “I’ve perceived the imperceptible” because there are so many ways this could be interpreted. I am happy that you have found peace in the waves. O…read more
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Losing someone you love in any capacity is so hard. But for me, memories always bring me peace. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren
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aejo1991 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Motion in the Ocean--the sound of serenity
Crash! Shh!
These are the sounds of my saving grace,
the thing, the moment, the space
that is my bliss, my serenity, my peace,
where evermore, life’s darkness can cease.
My feet hit the sand
as I arrive at the place
where water meets land,
and the sun warms my face.
My mind starts to focus
on the tide, on the waves.
Abracadabra, hocus pocus–
like magic, all my stress fades.
Down goes my bag, my board,
as I prepare to dive in… to
a world where from strife I’m unmoored;
a world that is salty…and blue.
Quiet goes my inner voice,
and all I can hear, the only sound–
by nature, not even by choice
is what’s buzzing about in my paradise found.
For practice, I leap off the ground… and yes, perfect stance!
Legs planted well, right in the middle.
That means it’s time to get in, time to dance,
so I take to the surf, at least for a little.
I am calm, I am zen,
as I paddle out past the break.
Such stillness in the chaos of figuring when
to get ready, and which wave to take.
I wait, I scan, then I choose my mark.
I go, I go, I get up…and I ride!
And with that comes the fiercest spark
that pulls open my heart, pulls my smile so wide.
In such a moment, I don’t give a darn about money or things,
No, here work and love do not worry me.
‘Cause here is most where my soul freely sings.
Yes, everything’s dandy when… I’m surfing the sea.Voting is closed
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Amanda! I loved this! I felt like I was surfing with you..I love the line ” pulls open my heart and pulls my smile so wide,” I can see “everything’s dandy when I’m surfing the sea”
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Thanks so much! Appreciate the praise, and glad you enjoyed!
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This is SO good!!! I love your onomatopoeias such as “crash” and “shh” because they really bring the poem to life and make a reader feel as if they are on a serene beach. I am so happy that you have found a place and activity that you find relaxing. I have never surfed, but this makes me want to try it out!! Great work!
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Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind feedback!
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Of course! Thank you for sharing!!
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Amanda, this piece is amazing. It is so creative and really paints both the experience of being at the beach and diving into the water and how it impacts your soul. This is so well done. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
reminded of your voice today.
a melody, a feeling, a sound,
i’m older now than you’ll ever be.
tension trapped tugging tautology
walking on a tightrope.i brought a gift to the party,
i laughed, i danced, i partook,
i gave them my smiles and time,
and in return i asked for peace,i left the party,
i sighed, i knelt, and i partook.
i gave you my smoldering glare,
gazing through molasses gates,
open once again for peace.this is the prelude,
i only feel true when im alone,
i never feel comfortable when i’m not in bed,
only i know the sound of my voice,
only i know the peace of my head.Voting is closed
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This is a wonderful poem! Sometimes being away from other people is the best thing for a person at a particular moment. Alone time is necessary to learn new things about yourself and become an overall better person. My favorite line of yours is “i only feel true when I’m alone” because it’s 100% okay to feel like this! Don’t feel like you always…read more
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abir submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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londonpoetenane submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Can you feel it
Hear or see it
At first zip
No need to trip
The moment I glance
Another chance
Shooting through and through
Oh the view
An overwhelming sigh
Boy do I feel high
Together in breif
You see it
CommittedA safety net
Make me sweat
Your the someone I’d put first
Wrap yourself up in his comfort
I wanna scream
Wake me from this dream
Flounder with ease
It’s me you shall please
Whole body’s weak
I can’t even speak
Minds in a trance
A little love and romance
Souls a bliss
It’s you that I missInto the frosty blizzards of winter
No time shall hinder
Continuous breeze through the crisp Spring air
Come and go as you please, no despair
Entering warm Summer nights
With all of you in site
Beneath the trees of Fall leaves
Oh the web we wove and continue to weave
In the midst of the dark
Making my mark
Manifestation of orbs
It’s you that I adoreIf I could touch you, just once
You know it’s you that I hunt
I look up, I see you
Full view and I pursue
The world turns
Heart burns, it yearns
Tender Love let us feast
Together in peace
Serenity, oh the intensity
I melt
Under your belt
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This is a beautifully written poem, London. Love is such a wonderful thing and I am glad that being with your partner brings you this overwhelming peace and happiness. My favorite part of this would be when you said “Oh the web we wove and continue to weave” because being in love can bring you to many new adventures and things you wouldn’t have…read more
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Thank you so much! I love that same phrase, and the boy in the story, my high school sweetheart, it’s been over 20 years. Communication skills were not developed back then… One day I will find him so I no longer have to look into the sky but into his heart, the brightest star…my star😉
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Aww, love this. You are so welcome, I enjoyed reading it!
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Your poem is a reflection I believe on your passions for life, being loved and cherished. It touched my heart and soul. I read it 3 times. It has a heartbeat all it’s own and yet it is your heartbeat.
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Wow! Thank you for your kind words, I don’t think I could have said it better. When two heartbeats become one, smiles teehee
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isosaona submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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poeticlife94 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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pamelawilliams41 submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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alibakes submitted a contest entry to Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 7 months, 2 weeks ago
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