
  • The shift from the catch being something that you fear to something that you allow was so beautifully done. Vulnerability can be so scary, especially when we convince ourselves that we have to put on our tough face to be seen by the world. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into what you have endured, you are remarkable!

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  • Thank you again, Harper!! I do think that she would smile about how it all went down. I have never been much for planning, so the fact that it happened almost spontaneously feels pretty fitting. And I think if I had tried to orchestrate it, I would have put it off time and time again. I sometimes get so caught up in saying the “right thing” that I don’t end up speaking at all! So I’m glad I let myself just put it all out there and, like you said, gave myself that freedom to express!

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  • Ah, thank you! I have such an admiration for lyricists, as a music lover! I’d love to work to turn my writing into a song one day!

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  • Thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t always give little me enough credit for being the awesome kid she- or I guess, I- was! But more and more lately here I have been feeling a surge of love for her and how she shaped me into who I am now. You’re right, it’s perfectly normal and good to change over time. And I can still appreciate who I was then, too! 💞 Again, thank you!

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  • Out

    Dear little me,

    This is not even a dream that you know you have yet, but oh how I wish I could tell you how brave you are going to be one day! How you will burst out of the role you think you are meant to play. A lot has changed since we were small, but the goodness inside you was a part of it all.

    In your twenties, on a seemingly random day and not in any way planned, you will get to come out to mom and dad. Notice I said, “get to,” because for awhile you will think that no one needs to know. Being honest with ourselves about it was such a fight in the first place. Then gradually we told a few safe people, dear friends and allies who embrace us fully as we were. And we feel so lucky. But there is still some fear in expressing it to others, including some family, so we steer clear.

    But then, on a day that did not start of grand and then continued to feel like it was getting more out of hand.. when mom tries to ask you what is going on inside, you start to open up about some questions and doubts you’ve been hiding. Then all of the sudden, without any warning, you blurt out, “Oh and by the way, I’m not straight!” It was probably a bit jarring.

    You wait for the questions and badgering to start, but instead they let you talk and they listen with fairly open hearts. After that, I’ll be frank, it is not sunshine and roses. Along the way to understanding there have been plenty of bumpy roads.

    And I know what you are thinking, because I think it a lot: why did we get lucky when so many do not? I wish I had an answer to that query, but the truth is that sometimes the answers can be very elusive and maybe some answers do not exist. There is a lot we still do not know, but let me scratch something from the list.

    I know I am not a mistake, and that I deserve acceptance and kindness. I believe that is universal, no matter what some may say in their blindness. And while I am still growing and changing and discovering myself, I am learning not to hide away on a dark, shaded shelf.

    Hugs to you, little one.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Lauran, I am so proud of you!! Even if you just randomly came out, you expressed your feelings in ways you didn’t think you would have been able to in the past! You are so incredibly strong and your younger self would be so excited to hear that she grew up to be an amazing person!!

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      • Thank you again, Harper!! I do think that she would smile about how it all went down. I have never been much for planning, so the fact that it happened almost spontaneously feels pretty fitting. And I think if I had tried to orchestrate it, I would have put it off time and time again. I sometimes get so caught up in saying the “right thing” that I…read more

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  • The last line gave me chills! I absolutely love this.

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  • A hug for "little me"

    When I think of a younger me
    Sometimes the memories are blurry
    And I cannot always see clearly
    But I remember a feeling of being carefree.

    I hear my siblings tell tales
    Of all my wiles and wisecracks,
    The jokes that I would spin
    To get out of trouble, my mother stifling a grin.

    There are t-shirts and programs
    From musicals and plays
    Belonging a girl who was not too shy
    To enjoy centerstage.

    Sometimes as I look back I am embarrassed
    By how I now let my anxieties harass
    And keep me hidden away,
    Too afraid to say what I need to say.

    But then I think of all she has taught me–
    This younger version, unafraid to stand out–
    To let my emotions be felt, big or small,
    And not shy away from being different at all.

    Her confidence was not based on numbers
    From an online following or a scale.
    She did not chase success or popularity,
    There was no cookie cutter path or well worn trail.

    She loved seeing other laugh and smile,
    The reality was, she did not feel the need to impress.
    And if she saw someone who seemed lonely
    She would pull them in to join the rest.

    There was no box she could be put in,
    There was no being “too much,”
    There was no touchy feely, drama queen,
    There was no “not good enough,”

    There was simply being happy,
    There were people who truly saw me,
    There was being bright and bubbly,
    There was the possibility of becoming anything.

    And sometimes when I think of that little girl
    I want to wrap her up in my arms, hold her near,
    And whisper to her softly,
    “I will always be right here.”

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Lauran, this is so adorable. ♥ Little Lauran sounds like she was an awesome kid to be around! Fearless! It’s okay to want this part of you back, and it’s okay that you have changed and no longer attain the same traits you used to have! People are always changing and it is such a beautiful thing! ♥

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words! I don’t always give little me enough credit for being the awesome kid she- or I guess, I- was! But more and more lately here I have been feeling a surge of love for her and how she shaped me into who I am now. You’re right, it’s perfectly normal and good to change over time. And I can still appreciate who I…read more

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  • Thank you so much for your encouragement in my writing!! These challenges have helped encourage me to keep using my voice and finding the purpose. 💗🙏 I feel so seen, and I can hardly express how much that means to me!

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  • Thank you for your feedback, Julia! It really is amazing the kind of impacts that camps and gatherings can have on us. 💞

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  • Ah, thank you for accepting the invite! I appreciate you reading. Camp Misfits truly is a special place! And I’m so glad you’re going to give Magic Giant a listen! They actually have a new album coming out next week! 🙌

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  • Tonight was one of those nights where I needed to come back to these words. I know I just said it in another reply, but thank you so much for creating this space! I don’t think there are really words to express how much sharing this poem meant to me. And I’m grateful for the opportunity and challenge to keep trying to write words that empower myself and others to really LIVE against all odds.

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  • I don’t know how I only just saw this reply, but thank you Lauren! Truly, your words of support really bolster me and have reminded me that I’m doing better than I think I am! It can definitely be scary to try to carve my own way and not cave into others’ expectations. But that’s where the courage comes in! 💗 thank you again for your kindness, and for creating a space like Unsealed where writers can grow and share and learn from each other!!

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  • I just recently discovered that I could check my old poems and saw your reply here, and I wanted to say a very belated thank you, Shelley! I really appreciate you believing in me without even knowing me! The world could use more kindness like yours! ✨️

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  • Juvi! Thank you so much for your kind words, I felt like I was getting a big hug as I read them! I appreciate you seeing where I’m coming from and encouraging me as I work to push ahead on my own path! I wish you all the best on your individual journey as well! 💗 xo, Lauran

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  • Camp Misfits

    Take me back to the place where they know my name,
    Where no one is a stranger and what makes us different is just as beautiful as what makes us the same.

    Help me find the spot where laughter and dancing heal,
    Where everyone is given room to be exactly who they are
    and all the space they need to feel.

    Find me a realm where beauty is all around,
    Where nature’s canvas can be seen and heard, and what was mundane becomes profound.

    Search with me for the moments where we are fully embraced,
    Where the world throws open it’s arms for us with no judgment of fears or mistakes.

    Oh, take me– but don’t take me alone. Help me find these places and then help me take them home.

    [This is a tribute to a beautiful camp I have had the privilege of being able to attend twice now, with a community of self-proclaimed “Misfits,” brought together by a band called Magic Giant. The band and their fans are truly some of the most open-hearted people I know! Being with them gives me hope for the world and faith in myself as a writer. Several of them continue to encourage me to share my voice, and truly help me feel so grateful to be alive!]

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Thank you for inviting us into your wonderful Camp of Misfits! I can’t wait to start listening to Magic Giant now!

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      • Ah, thank you for accepting the invite! I appreciate you reading. Camp Misfits truly is a special place! And I’m so glad you’re going to give Magic Giant a listen! They actually have a new album coming out next week! 🙌

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    • Thank you for the context at the end. I really love the simplicity of your poem in combination with the impactful nature of going to camp. Everyone has some camp story from their youth that they look upon fondly and I love that those memories can be reimagined as an adult. I will look into the camp you mentioned because now I’m interested.

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    • Lauran, this felt like leaving camp listening to a nostalgic song. (You could so turn this into a song btw)

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  • Thank you so much! I really struggle sometimes to feel like I am getting my point across or painting a clear picture. 💞 thank you for your reassurance!

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  • The Hourglass

    Counting down to proms and graduations,
    Students running to and fro–
    One question plagued my adolescent brain:
    How could I continue when there was so much I didn’t know?

    People told me I was smart,
    “Just like her siblings,” they’d say.
    But for all my potential and book smarts‐
    I was still stuck in my own way.

    Struggling to embrace myself in the present,
    Always trying to appear impressive,
    It felt like life was crushing me into the ground,
    And so I began to recede without making a sound.

    I withdrew inward, convinced no one would notice,
    To disappear would have been my only wish.
    I felt sure the world was swallowing me whole,
    And who would really care if I happened to go?

    How I wish I could put my arms around that 17 year old,
    And let her know that she could be bold.
    I’d tell her: the things that she worried about
    Were not a checklist of choices everyone else had all figured out.

    Her nerves were valid,
    her feelings allowed,
    And wanting to love herself
    Did not make her “too” proud.

    I’d hold her until she knew she didn’t have to simply survive,
    Until she felt‐ truly felt- that in this life she could thrive.
    That even though it seemed that she’d lost her drive,
    There were still so many reasons to stay alive.

    I wish I could give her a key
    Some magic word that would fill life with glee.
    But I think I would tell her the secret
    Isn’t in some lofty work position or college leaflet.

    That throughout her life it would be
    The people around her that would help her feel freed
    From the weight of expectations,
    Of turning into someone else’s “successful” creation.

    The people who would see her heart,
    Who would champion her softness and art,
    Who would be there for the steps between finish and start,
    And would help her believe in the path only she could chart.

    Time wasn’t running out, the world wasn’t ending
    But she could start anew to find herself and leave behind pretending
    That she had to live her life like anyone else,
    Suppressing her true desires like being under a spell.

    Eventually, she’ll discover a way to break the hourglass
    And know that the best moments of life
    Are when time stands still,
    And you let yourself BE.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Lauran, I LOVED reading this poem. I can relate to feeling the need to attain a certain level of outward success to be validated by others. I know what it feels like to hold the weight of other people’s expectations and how crushing it can be to your self-esteem. I’m SO glad you’re breaking free from that “hourglass”, creating YOUR version of…read more

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      • Juvi! Thank you so much for your kind words, I felt like I was getting a big hug as I read them! I appreciate you seeing where I’m coming from and encouraging me as I work to push ahead on my own path! I wish you all the best on your individual journey as well! 💗 xo, Lauran

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    • Lauran!!! You are so insanely talented with your words. This is so good and expresses your thoughts so well. I think so many of us, myself included, can relate to the way you felt at 17. I am so glad you are freeing yourself and allowing yourself to just be. You are so wonderful (and talented) just as you are. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for your encouragement in my writing!! These challenges have helped encourage me to keep using my voice and finding the purpose. 💗🙏 I feel so seen, and I can hardly express how much that means to me!

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  • Greatest Hits Vol. 1

    A college graduation ceremony,
    The celebration of
    Hours and hours spent studying,
    Working student janitor jobs,
    Barely sleeping or maintaining a social life,
    Driven by passion and encouraged by professors and peers.
    This a defining moment I haven’t experienced,
    My college journey cut short by
    A doctor’s visit,
    A new orange prescription bottle that felt like a cinderblock in my backpack.
    A series of events that I was sure would make everyone see me as
    A failure, lazy, without determination.

    I moved back into my parents home,
    Like a puppy without a treat,
    My tail tucked between my legs.
    I struggled to find my purpose,
    My place in a town I thought I’d left behind.

    As fate, or the internet, would have it,
    I met someone.
    They saw parts of me that I was ashamed of,
    And told me how bright they shined.
    They laid bare past relationships full of betrayal and heartbreak,
    And I held them when they finally gave themselves the space to cry for how they were hurt.
    We slow danced in the kitchen,
    To old school jazz,
    While sweet potatoes cooked in the oven..
    And I saw days stretching ahead
    With this beautiful being
    This other half of my soul.

    Wedding bells pealed,
    Vows were written and tearfully exchanged.
    Families drew together to celebrate,
    Dancing ruled the night!
    But not for me.
    I sat at another wedding reception, thinking of the text message
    Telling me things weren’t going to work out.
    Another moment I once thought would be so defining,
    Slipping away from my grasp.

    The more I grow,
    The more I discover myself,
    The more I lean into even the darkest parts of my mind and heart,
    The more I think that my “most defining days” may be made up of simple, quiet moments.
    Of the times I have held myself on the bathroom floor,
    And through all the loss remind myself
    I am worthy of love
    And great things are still ahead for me.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • I love your usage of literary devices! For example, “A new orange prescription bottle that felt like a cinderblock in my backpack” painted a clear picture of how you felt at that moment. I can relate to the heavy feeling of new meds. You used a lot of description to help the reader see and feel your story!

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      • Thank you so much! I really struggle sometimes to feel like I am getting my point across or painting a clear picture. 💞 thank you for your reassurance!

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  • Ideally Me

    For most of my life I have smothered myself beneath the ideals of others.
    These expectations pushed me into boxes where I did not fit, but I tried to contort and carve away at myself to appease the “rules.”
    I thought if I broke them, I would be broken. They were unyielding, so I yielded my will to their commands.

    And then one day I stretched out of my box. I worried what others would think, what would become of me, what of the people who were depending on me to be “the good girl” they knew?
    But as I stretched, I discovered that parts of my heart were sore.. and some were so weak from lack of use. So much of myself had remained unseen and untested in my box, and do I decided to slowly explore.

    I began to see that the ideals I’d chased–
    Perfect job, perfect shape
    Perfect family, perfect place–
    Weren’t what I really wanted.
    The fact was, I didn’t know what I really wanted!
    But even still, letting go of them was so hard.
    Allowing myself to change my expectations was met with a lot of internal resistance.
    It was easier in my box, safer.
    Don’t make a mess, don’t rock the boat.

    But would I ever be happy living someone else’s life? Someone else’s idea of “perfect?”

    Dear Me,
    I hope you know that YOU are ideal. Right now. As you are.
    You don’t have to measure up to anyone’s imaginary lines on the wall. Life isn’t about how tall you are, how skinny, how fat. Life isn’t about collecting diplomas or six figure incomes. Life isn’t about what your family looks like, how many rooms are in your house.

    Take up the space you need to. Even when you want to shrink yourself down.
    See your beauty, inside and out. Even when the world spins negative commentary on how you look.
    Value the lessons you’ve learned, and the ones that will come. Even when conventional school might not be your route.
    Know that you do not need another person to complete you. Hold on to the hope that you will find someone whole, who will see you as whole, too.

    When I picture you, I don’t see specific features or physical parameters that I need to meet. Life hacks or goal markers that I have to achieve by certain deadlines. Instead I feel a sense, a reassurance that you are someone who has let go of the weight of measuring up. Someone who makes choices based on kindness and light and love, not for the applause of the world.. but of the people around you. The ones who know that you are worthy of love now, not after passing tests or checking off requirements.

    There is no standard of perfection. You are perfection. Simply YOU.

    Love, Me.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Dear Lauren,
      You sound very strong. I am sure you can accomplish anythingnyou setnyour mind out to do.

      Lots of good luck,

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      • I just recently discovered that I could check my old poems and saw your reply here, and I wanted to say a very belated thank you, Shelley! I really appreciate you believing in me without even knowing me! The world could use more kindness like yours! ✨️

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    • Lauran, I LOVE this. I think when we don’t know exactly what we want in life it’s easy to use other people’s measuring sticks and milestones to influence our own goals, life, and decisions. It takes so much courage to look inside and say “What do I really want? Who Do I really want to be? How do I want to live?” You have done just that. You are…read more

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      • I don’t know how I only just saw this reply, but thank you Lauren! Truly, your words of support really bolster me and have reminded me that I’m doing better than I think I am! It can definitely be scary to try to carve my own way and not cave into others’ expectations. But that’s where the courage comes in! 💗 thank you again for your kindness, and…read more

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  • The Body that Holds Me

    Dear Body,

    I never know how to start letters.
    I’d ask how you’re doing, but I’m happy to say I think I’ve finally a pretty good grasp on finding the answer to that.
    For years I ignored your requests and even demands.
    Thought you were too much and needed to be less.
    Thought not eating would impress.
    Tried to squeeze you into boxes you weren’t meant to fit in.
    Tried to make you appealing to everyone but the one who was in your skin.

    I can’t say exactly when the shift happened, or what changed my mind.
    I think it was gradual, more like dawn than a light switch.
    A slow burn of self love growing brighter as I worried less about the size of the stitches that made up my clothes and more about the person who filled them.

    Instead of running from the mirror, I paused to Really look into it.
    To sit and stare at the human within, and not shy away from certain parts.
    To relish in the rolls, feeling each one with gratitude for how my body reminds me that I deserve all the space I take up.
    To lounge with the looser parts of my skin and not feel the need to suck it all in.
    To soak in the stretch marks and the story they tell of how I will not be contained.
    To find each freckle and blemish and scar, to let them remind me of how I’ve come so far.

    I’m sorry for the ways I have misused and abused you.
    I’m sorry for the times I put you in a position to let others do that, too.
    I’m sorry for how I starved you, even when you growled with hunger.
    I’m sorry for how I then turned around and smothered you with food, while you silently pleaded for me to find balance.
    I’m sorry for how often I told you that you weren’t enough.
    I’m sorry that I truly believed you would never be loved.

    You have taught me to choose you.
    You are the only body I have, and I am grateful that it’s you.
    You have led me through challenges and adventures that I thought people like me couldn’t get through.
    You have opened my eyes to the fact that I am more than what other people view.
    You have endured hatred and vitriol and strife,
    And still,
    You have held me more than any other person in my life.

    Thank you.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Omg Lauran, This is incredible. Your last line is like a mic drop – just wow! You (and your body) have been through a lot together, but through it all, you have come to realize how strong you both are, and together you are unstoppable. You are beautiful but even more than that your power, attitude, and mindset make you UNSTOPPABLE. And any time…read more

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      • Tonight was one of those nights where I needed to come back to these words. I know I just said it in another reply, but thank you so much for creating this space! I don’t think there are really words to express how much sharing this poem meant to me. And I’m grateful for the opportunity and challenge to keep trying to write words that empower…read more

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