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  • Forever and Ever

    What has humanity come to? Some individuals do not have a shred of decency. Until we are no more than animals in a zoo who are out of control and keeps reproducing without taking any responsibility. Reality is a consequence of liberty. We live to question what we are and what we are we will never be free. Just an illusion as we live the end of a good world without hope of god. Humanity has created such a butterfly tragedy but, we have no hope. In this world of chaos, hope replaces our indecency. When we are broken, we find the strength to keep dreaming. We must have love for our selves. But we alone are filled with hate and discontent. We are in need of redemption. Though there are those who do not want to be healed but, there is proof we need it. This is the day we fall in fear and it will come back to haunt us how our life was. Some of us have forgotten what we are here and who we condone. We have lost our way and live in the shadows of our fathers. We only see what we want to see as we all become. But in the end we must learn to see clearly. The truth is only a question of what was once innocent. We find the proof of it in every one we know that we’ll never be. The truth is only a matter of time until the end of time we can start. Only our pure wisdom dwells in our world of our own mistake found out of our own. We must be prepared to find solace in the great unknown through the storms of life. So that we must accept that we are nothing but flesh who endures human suffering in the eyes of those who are more than as we are grown. We have to learn to live with the suffering with a world that’s torn apart. There is too much violence and crime. From the sounds of the war that we reached down to the last of our own streets. The violence that we feel will take the place of everything. What will become of us is worthless hurt and selfishness. In the youth, we’re nothing but a shell of a man is a living stone. We are the children of the wind that leaps. We are the ones who don’t know the meaning of ourselves. What have we become so uncertain how to believe in. We are condemned to live in this world without fear of death we are not. The will to live is a must to survive. We must pray for eternity through tears and pain. We are the voice that speaks. And anyone who fears to listen can be someone who makes the world go upright. And every heart now bleeds and must rise above the wreckage. This is the path we chose for ourselves we cannot believe. We cannot use our souls as our own love grows stronger and stronger as the road leads to our destination we all carry out our own demise. We must trust in god who decides what is right and what’s wrong. The creator of our own design. Trust me there is a bigger plan. We are only human beings who makes mistakes. We are all guilty of the same sin. One must fall down to be saved. It’s the beginning a choice of this kind that we cannot be replaced through advanced technology such as AL. I’ll swipe right for love, not these heartless robots. Wrapped up in emotions, we dance to the beat. Emotions flow like rivers, guiding us towards eternal bliss. We are forever as one we are the unborn seeds we are the roots of this world. This is the end of all beginnings and beginnings again and again. Every single thing that you make in this world is an endless circle. We must have a feeling that we are something more than just flesh and bone. When I think about death it’s not just a decaying body with worms that turns into ash. For all of us to believe in the spirit born we are in this together. A vapor of a million souls we have got to count them. It is the power of will I told you by the words of a million. Forget that we all have to die and we might not stop to rise above. We are here on the edge on the edge of what it’s like to pass your breath. Love is a breath of hope as we conquer obstacles. We are the ones who can bring the past and the future to us is how it grows. All that you said and all that you are hasn’t happened yet. How can you be so sure about the things that we are. We are all of the things you will have been an external empire we must go on.

    Tracie Sperling

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  • Joye Lange shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

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  • Thank You, Janice Burgess, For The Backyardigans

    Dear Ms. Burgess,

    I hope this letter makes its way to you in heaven. It saddens me that it took the news of your passing to learn that you were the one who created the cute cartoon show, The Backyardigans.

    I was entering my 20s and living with my oldest sister and niece in Maryland, when I discovered your show. My niece and I were enjoying another kid’s show called The Wonder Pets. It took a little while for me to get into that show. But, once I did, I enjoyed it to the point where I believed I enjoyed that show as much as my niece did.

    It was a blast watching the three main characters on The Wonder Pets have their adventures and talk to other animals in their world.

    Once I was eager to watch The Wonder Pets, I noticed your show, The Backyardigans would come on before The Pets. It looked interesting. But I wasn’t sure I would like it as much as The Wonder Pets. I’m so glad I was wrong about that.

    Slowly but surely, my niece and I would start watching The Backyardigans as much as The Wonder Pets.

    Listening to the theme song of The Backyardigans was always a great way to start the day when I was babysitting my niece. It was also fun seeing what the main characters would be up to in the episodes we saw together.

    Watching my niece light up when your show and The Wonder Pets came on TV made me light up in seeing how happy you made her. She’s 16 now– which is hard for me to believe. But I’ll always remember those times I had with her watching your show and The Wonder Pets early in the morning.

    So thank you, Ms. Burgess, for creating a show that gave me memories with my niece as well as all the other work you’ve done. Just from looking at some of your photos online, you looked like you were a sweet person who gave other people joy.


    Gerald Washington

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  • Jamie Ellifritz shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 4 months, 4 weeks ago

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    Post meeting - Gratitude

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  • everything andnothing shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 7 months ago

    To Everyone this New Year

    To All of those
    entering the new year,
    To all those who felt
    like they wasted their time,
    during the 2023 season.
    Cause getting out of bed
    Was like dragging nails
    Down a chalkboard:
    Seemingly unnecessary.
    To all those this 2024
    That wish 2023 was their last.
    Their last fight,
    Their last struggling year.
    To all those wondering
    “Why do I have to do this?
    The cycle of the year,
    Continuous .
    Every birthday,
    Every new year,
    A reminder
    That nothing changes these days.
    Wake up.
    Pour your cereal.
    Do the laundry.
    Walk past the kitchen knives.
    Get ready for work.
    Hate the person in the mirror.
    Grab another coffee.
    Go to bed.
    Cause the cycle doesn’t end.
    Every day,
    To just stop feeling.
    Feeling sad.
    Feeling hopeless.
    Feeling dejected.
    Feeling dirty.
    To stop feeling!
    To all those this 2024 season-
    When everyone tells you
    About their successes this year,
    Just know,
    I’m proud you survived.
    Just know,
    It’s another year alive.
    Just know,
    Even though no one knew,
    You made it this year.
    Just know,
    That’s a celebration.
    So when the clock strikes
    This year at midnight
    And a new year begins,
    Cause even if the cycle doesn’t end,
    Even if you wake up dejected,
    Your coffee is cold.
    Even if getting out of bed
    Is worse than styrofoam
    Scraping across each other.
    You made it another year.
    A hopeless cycle,
    But one you conquer
    That no one knows about.


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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 7 months, 1 weeks ago

    The government abroad, We didn't start the fire

    This is but a thought the truth of what our nation is coming to
    Fiddle De De fiddle de dumb biden’s got his thumb up his bum, he gave Ukraine another lump sum.
    Migrants galore, Chicago ignore. They say the American dream is a lore. It rocks me to my bitter core.
    The opponent stays quiet, so there won’t be a riot.
    My words are honest, but I can’t promise they won’t cause strife. Think of your life.
    I’m not political, I’m not semitic
    but I said it…
    Eat the rich, but not the poor
    too many citizens lying on the floor
    My lord…
    They say COVID is coming back and it’s going to attack. Relax it’s just tact
    The election is coming The press is running and they are cunning.
    My thoughts are clear a mere sense of clarity
    A rarity indeed I’m not trying to mislead It’s just a seed.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • This is a very clever piece and really captures the rollercoaster ride that the media and politics put us all on — especially these last few years. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • rengle3 shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    In the corridors of power there is a chorus of concern
    Resonating as economies crumble a nation, in a bind.
    Prices skyrocket, burdening every dinner plate
    Yet some remain loyal disregarding the reality.

    The fabric of the economy is. Torn
    Inflations rise births a storm.
    While familiar names and claims echo through votes
    The future hangs precariously on a thread.

    We bear the weight of our livelihoods
    With a future under scrutiny.
    Promises fade in the face of realities
    As citizens persist with wavering loyalty.

    Americas vibrant and bold canvas
    Now bears the scars of stories and policies.
    Some choose to keep eyes fixed
    Ignoring the unraveling truths before them.

    Amidst debates lies a land
    Struggling with uncertain destinies.
    Willful ignorance is a path to descend upon
    As the economy continues its battle, without resolution.

    The power lies within each ballot cast
    To shape our future and aim for heights.
    Oh, nation, awaken and heed the calls of caution
    For ruin affects us all.Do not let blind loyalty misguide us
    Instead lets open our eyes to an approach.
    Because in coming and being well informed
    We find hope, for repairing the challenges we face.

    Rebecca Engle

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  • Crazy For Cranberry Sauce

    Dear Cranberry Sauce,

    It’s that time of year again to embrace you with an open heart. A lot of your fans are ready to devour you. Good memories of you flood my brain and give me happy thoughts. I’m eager to make more memories of you this holiday season with turkey, stuffing, candy yams, macaroni & cheese, and mixed vegetables.

    Like biscuits with honey or cereal with milk, you and those foods work well together. You all are The Avengers of Food. Touching souls and hearts during the holidays. This is the perfect time for you with so much negative news consuming the world.

    I believe cranberry sauce with Thanksgiving/Christmas can stop the wars that give the Earth sleepless nights. Maybe instead of sending money/resources, Congress should send lots of cranberry sauce cans overseas. That with some warm holiday food could take the blues away for good. One can only hope.

    In the meantime, typing words and hoping they can help turn the negative tide will continue to be the game plan for now, and Thanksgiving/Christmas food with cranberry sauce.


    Gerald Washington

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  • ala shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 8 months, 3 weeks ago


    The almighty creator who can do no wrong and across all doctrines
    speaks of mercy, peace, and humility.
    What kind of benevolent God would sanction this?

    Did God tell you to murder babies in their sleep?
    Incinerating incubators
    Massacre lives that have yet to begin
    while mothers hold their dead children
    Feeling like failures for not being able to protect them
    from a fight they never even asked to join?
    Did God tell you to
    plant an air strike against a hospital of the weak, and sick who are already fighting
    death long enough to see the sunrise tomorrow?
    Did God ask for any of this?
    Or maybe you don’t really mean the version of ‘God’ you claim lives in the sky
    and you secretly mean yourselves?

    Governing entities gone mad with power
    corrupted by corporate greed and claims to land that existed for centuries before a single person propagating or being subjected to this conflict were even an inkling of a thought.
    Religion has become so embedded in the framework
    of our governments that they’ve twisted the script,
    used the Bible as a liability
    and manipulated every single one of us
    into thinking that the circle of men pulling strings
    behind comfortably closed closets are God.

    They don’t want you to pray for your own well-being
    They want you to praise them
    And think that continuing to behave as pasteurized cattle will help you fulfill God’s will
    When in reality, you’re just giving them what they want.
    More power
    More control
    More land.
    If we don’t stop them here,
    they will keep going.
    Ravage every corner of this Earth
    claiming to create the promise land
    but the only thing that will be promised
    is their claim to even more land.

    How many more cultures have to be eradicated before you finally believe
    what is happening on every one of our phone screens?
    Of course we can deny confidence in the death toll of people we don’t even see as human beings.
    What makes you feel they are any less human than me
    or your own mother?
    Because they were born on the ‘wrong’ side of a border?
    Was that god’s mistake?
    Is it because their family’s family picked the ‘wrong’ religion to follow?
    Was that god’s mistake?
    But oh no, I thought God didn’t make any mistakes????
    So please,
    tell me when you’re ready to admit if whether this is really God or have you been using him as an excuse?
    We all know what true
    but real change won’t come until you acknowledge this. #freepalestine


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    • Alacia, What is going on in the Middle East is incredibly heartbreaking. 41 percent of people in Palestine are under 14, and more than 52 percent are under 18. The median age of the people in Israel is 29 and a third of its population is under 18.

      The reality is none of the people dying and suffering from these problems we are facing today caused…read more

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  • PoetryPicasso shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 9 months, 1 weeks ago

    My Black Heart Bleeds for Palestine

    My Black heart bleeds for Palestine
    From an ancestral wound
    Opened by a new whip
    Lined with explosive erasure.

    My Black heart bleeds for Palestine
    White blood cells imprisoned
    Like the babies of the Gaza strip
    Unable to heal my wound
    Unable to escape.

    My Black heart bleeds for Palestine
    Fresh blood atop the scars
    Left by the ‘67 riots,
    Seneca Village,
    Lake Lanier,
    Tulsa. . .

    My Black heart bleeds for Palestine.
    I see my history in their struggle.
    For them I hope a radical change.
    And I pray not a present like mine.

    My Black heart prays to free Palestine.


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  • A Sad Prediction I Made Years Ago

    The title of this letter/post can sum up what I’m about to pen right now. What’s going on in the world currently, sadly I predicted years ago. See, I have this published book called “The World In Ruins” that I published in 2018 outlining what the world could end up being if we didn’t get our acts together.

    What’s going on in Palestine and Israel is deeply saddening and it makes me think of certain chapters I wrote. ‘The World In Ruins’ chronicles a young kid who has a dream of what the future of this planet would be and it wasn’t good at all.

    What makes it worse is the majority of what I wrote has already happened in a five year time span. I’m no George Orwell who wrote the timeless classic of 1984 (which was one of two books that inspired ‘The World In Ruins’).

    I have a myriad of emotions but what can I do? I don’t want to become the prototypical guy who allows the media to dictate what to post on my social media platforms. I was never that guy and never will be.

    To be the watcher, observer of what’s going on around me has become a huge component to what I write and how I write. I don’t consider myself to be any better than anyone else. I’m a human being like everyone else, just an average Joe. I just happen to be a decent writer that tells stories, that’s all.

    Sadly, I always say to God, “I didn’t sign up for this.” This is not the world I want to live in and be part of. Somehow I have a role in changing the landscape of this world and sometimes I wonder if writing is all I need to be doing.

    There’s guilt I should be doing more but I’m part of a system where I have to work to be able to provide for myself. Where do I fit in, in all of this? How does my voice fit in with those directly being affected by these catastrophic events?

    Those are questions I don’t have answers to. Which somehow I feel is not a good thing. There are days where I’m mentally drained of all the negativity. Where music is my only escape from reality.

    I can’t imagine being bombed where I live. I can’t imagine the trauma people will experience and carry with them the rest of their lives. We are at a place where the world is crumbling right before our eyes and all I can do is visualize the words I penned in my book.

    There are things that aren’t as important to me anymore. Sports, watching TV for hours on end, being out all of the time. Now it’s writing books, recording audiobooks and podcasts, motivating and inspiring others, working out, reading and trying to make sense of this world and lifetime I’m living in.

    All I can do is learn from those who really know the realities of their home country and be supportive. Or is there more I can do? Hopefully I figure that out. I can’t say the cliche line “pray” or “have hope.” It’s gonna take a collective effort to share the truths of what’s going on because the media will paint the story and image how “they” want you to view it.

    There’s a lot to unpack and I don’t need to see the videos and images to understand the atrocities that’s going on. I’ve seen enough death in my lifetime, I’m good.

    If we’re given platforms to share things, let’s learn from each other, share our truths but also expose the truths of what’s going on.

    Just know behind my smile, there is a lot that goes on in my mind, I just don’t share it all…

    Jamell Crouthers

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    • “If we’re given platforms to share things, let’s learn from each other, share our truths but also expose the truths of what’s going on.” – This piece is so real and so powerful. Sending you a really big hug. <3 Lauren

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    • Hello Jamell,
      Lets hope the world we live becomes more peaceful and harmonious. That would be a beautiful thing to witness.


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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    I am scared and heartbroken

    Last night, I didn’t sleep well, as I had several nightmares. I was haunted by the endless images I saw in the news: A young woman’s naked, lifeless, unconscious (possibly deceased) body being paraded around as a trophy after Hamas attacked young people at a music festival in Israel, a 25-year-old woman begging for her life as she was taken as a hostage and babies whose faces were covered in dust and blood from the bombs thrown near their homes.

    When I awoke this morning, I immediately read the news to see the latest. And while the horror continues on the other side of the world, I was also disheartened to learn that hate was just outside my doorstep.

    People at rallies down the street from where I slept last night are wearing, holding, and celebrating images of swastikas and promoting anti-semitic rhetoric. For the first time in my life, I was and am scared to be Jewish.

    While I have been doing my best to educate myself through the news, friends, and online resources, I am not going to sit here and pretend I fully understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel – because I don’t. And I know that it’s natural and easy to see the world through the lens of my own experiences and identity.

    However, we all, myself included, should see and feel our humanity reflected in every person on this planet. And act accordingly.

    As I try to process these last few days, the violence happening in the Middle East is not just about me, or any one group of people or politics. This cruel attack on innocent people is about all of us. It is a threat to all of humanity.

    No child, no person, whether they share my background or not, whether Palestinian or Israeli (or any other culture, race, or religion), deserves to live or die in such an inhumane way.

    There are a lot of issues we can’t and won’t agree on in this world. But we universally should believe in and tirelessly advocate for love, compassion, and peace for all people.

    And sadly, right now, that’s not the case.

    I am scared and heartbroken as I pray for the victims of violence, our world, and humanity.


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    • I’m at a loss for words to describe the depths of evil for these murders of innocent people. I can’t comprehend humans committing these acts against other humans. Why with all the prayers that happen worldwide daily do things like this even happen? Please stay safe from these protests and God help the Middle East with everything you have.

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  • Chloe shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    Trial & Error

    ****trigger warning: explicit mention of sexual violence****

    In response to events surrounding a recent high profile trial.

    You give your seal of approval
    He’s such a good guy
    He was a good friend to me

    You bring up the wife and child
    He keeps them safe
    from all the dangerous men

    You’re the face of a cause
    but you mustn’t believe it at all,
    not a word you say

    Protect the children at all costs
    Keep the daughters safe
    from prying eyes and hands

    Keep the prepubescent pure,
    and rape the women-
    she is yours, she can’t say no

    Your words like a knife
    etch your perspective and ill motive
    into perpetuity

    At least one in three
    Rarely any recourse
    No one writing her letter to set her free

    Tally the victims,
    tell the world they exist,
    yet, no one cares to know
    how many men are rapists

    No, don’t be sorry we found out
    It’s best we all know
    what you are


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    • I have been obsessively reading about Danny Masterson, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis all week. I am incredibly disturbed and upset by all of it. For me, when someone stands up or stands by a known rapist, it makes me feel like we (any and all victims) don’t matter. But I do feel justice and progress in the fact that they prosecuted him and a…read more

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 10 months, 2 weeks ago


    Dear, Unsealers:

    September 11th.
    The events of that fateful day in 2001 resonate throughout the ages.

    From the sheer horror of seeing the attacks unfold on live TV during ABC 7’s news break with News Copter 7 overlooking the scene. To the rest of the day being a blur. The scenes of Times Square being a ghost town during TRL’s broadcast that Friday.

    And seeing the Manhattan skyline a week later as I headed to my first follow up appointment following the second surgery on my right leg. On the left side of my dad’s car, I could feel the profound absence as reality hit over the 59th Street Bridge. It took all my strength not to cry seeing the hole in the skyline.

    I would come back to this area over the years to pay my respects. Now, I work in the area and the gravity of the moment is impossible to ignore.

    Coming up from the subway at the World Trade Center, Cortlandt Street or Fulton Street every day, I see 1 World Trade Center rising up into the sky. I walk through the site and sit in silent contemplation from time to time. As a reminder of how far we’ve come while paying my respects to the people we’ve lost.

    The white roses that dotted the names on the reflecting pools on Friday afternoon. The tree on the memorial site that withstood the chaos and carnage of the day.

    As I stepped off the subway this morning heading to work, I could see the streets leading to the memorial blocked off and then at a distance, I stood silent as the first moment of silence began.

    I’ll never forget them and this day.

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  • A Short Trip In Space

    Dear Virgin Galactic And The Tourists,

    It’s been over a week since you all flew to a place very few have had an opportunity to see in person. Space! It’s well-known and mysterious at the same time, because of the places we don’t know that’s out there.
    The morning I had the privilege to see you all take that incredible ride into space, It started off as a typical morning. I turned my tv and went to CBS News because that channel gives me comfort. Plus I really like the reporters they have on that channel. They do an outstanding job of covering news.

    When CBS News came up, it showed two reporters talking as usual about a current event that happened.A few minutes later, CBS showed your ship and your crew about to take off in space. I was so excited to see what was going on with you and the people you would be taking along for the ride.

    The crew members look so calm going up high in the sky. I was excited but nervous for them as I watch them rise up, like a person who had just discovered high self-esteem. When the tourists started to float out of their seats, I couldn’t believe it. I had seen that happen in so many movies on space. But to see it happen for real was surreal to me.

    When you reach out in the space, I was thrilled like the tourists and couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Seeing Earth like it looks in science books was too much for me. Seeing that bright light that looked like the sun made an already unreal experience even more unreal to me.

    ”Space is real. Earth how it looks in various pictures is real. The sun is real too. Floating in space is real also”, I thought.

    I would get nervous, hoping that nothing bad would happen to you all being up there in space. Thankfully, you all would eventually landed back on Earth a couple minutes later.

    If I was feeling various emotions from watching your flight experience, I can’t imagine what it must of felt like to actually live the experience. So thank you for giving me (and others who watched it) a taste of the space life.


    Gerald Washington

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    • Aww Gerald, What a nice piece. Going into space does seem so cool yet so scary, Thank you for sharing your experience/perspective. As I do all your pieces, I love this! <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren. Yeah, going to space looks so exciting but scary because of the flight. My pleasure. I’m glad you loved my pieces and this one too! I appreciate it very much. <3 Gerald

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  • Summer & It's Heat

    Dear Summer,

    You’ve been a welcoming change from the cold and cloudy days we had at the beginning of the year.
    After a long Winter that seemed like it would never end, you came with a vengeance in June. Seeing the sunshine and giving life to the sky lifted my spirits. It was also great having beach weather that makes it great to go to North Beach in Corpus Christi.
    Seeing that beautiful green water and seeing Seagulls flying all over the place is thanks to you. Seeing people at various stores, who I don’t usually see during the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons (unless it’s a holiday) is also thanks to you.
    I appreciate your season and contribution to helping planet Earth, but, you can leave now.
    The heat you brought with you this year has been relentless. It’s been 100-degree weather every day. But the relentless heat doesn’t stop in the daytime. It speaks its mind at night too, making the AC and the fan almost non-existent.
    A few minutes ago, I went outside on my balcony just to enjoy the beautiful view outside with the sun & blue sky. Usually, I’ll be outside for 30 minutes to an hour. I only lasted a few minutes outside thanks to your heat & humidity.
    The power of the humidity consumed me immediately, but I tried to be a good soldier about it until I couldn’t handle it anymore.
    If your thermostat would turn down some, I would be good with you hanging around a lot longer, but this 100-degree weather isn’t going away anytime soon, so I’m good with you being gone until you come around next year.
    I thank you for your service, but it’s time for you to go underground.


    Gerald Washington

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    • Awww Gerald, as someone who lives in Miami, I totally get it. I love summer vibes but the humidity and heat can be a lot. Thank you for sharing. We have soooo missed you. xo lauren

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      • I believe you, Lauren. I bet it’s really hot in Miami too. Like you, I love the summer vibes, just not the 100-degree heat. You’re welcome. I’ve missed y’all too. It felt like I haven’t been away for a while. xo

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 2 months ago

    Embracing Change: Pondering Personal Evolution and Striving for Growth

    Dear America,

    As Friday unfurls its grandeur upon us, let us take a moment to ponder our personal evolution. Have we shed the skin of our former selves to embody a better version of us? Or are we stuck in the mire of the familiar, resisting the clarion call to change and swimming in the stagnation of the past?

    Let us shine a light on our path ahead and strive towards a new dawn. Do memories of our journey loom large, threatening to hold us back from fulfilling our potential for growth and freedom? Consider what your legacy would say to your present self- does your life matter enough to push for positive change for yourself, your loved ones, and your communities?

    Perhaps you’ve been running from change like a plague, unable to articulate why it feels so alien and daunting. But remember, with every failure comes the invaluable gift of wisdom. And with sacrifice comes abundance. Embrace change with open arms, for it may shake the very foundations of your existence- but only to take you to heights you’ve never previously imagined.

    Love without Regret,
    Rashan Speller

    Rashan Speller

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    • I feel like we get so lost in the swing of things we forget that evolving is part of growth. Thank you for sharing your take on person evolution. <3

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    • Great words to ponder. We must shine a light on all that we do going forward. Embrace the good things you do, and learn form the wrong or mistaken things you go through.

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    • We’ve been to caught up in everyday things to even think of evolving and becoming the better version of ourselves. Your words are very wise. Thank you for sharing.

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  • Rooting For Ralph

    Dear Ralph,

    I’m saddened to have read about what you went through last week. No one so young should experience getting shot twice by a homeowner. But sadly, you’ve got to see an extreme side of human nature. Some people have no conscience for human life, as we keep learning through modern news reports.

    It’s also disheartening that you went to three houses before you got the help you desperately needed.

    It saddens me that you have probably been wondering what happened that day, but I’m glad that you’re still alive. I’m so used to hearing that the person didn’t make it after being shot at. That says a lot about where we’re at as a society. We’ve become desensitized to this kind of news because it seems to have every day.

    That needs to change quickly. I just wish more people would act on that change and realize that acting violently on impulse isn’t the way. It only creates destruction and chaos for the individual and their loved ones.

    Your healing journey has begun. Hopefully, the love and support you get from others empower you to continue on your journey and to maintain being a talented musician and student. I’m rooting for you to let your light shine even brighter. Hang in there and remember, trouble doesn’t last always.


    Gerald Washington

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    • Hey Gerald! Your heart never stops amazing me. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful letter. I am going to send them all over to his aunt this week. <3 lauren

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      • Hey Lauren!! You’re very welcome. That’s awesome that you will send these letters to his aunt this week. I hope they make him and his family smile. <3 Gerald

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    • Thank you for showing that people still care about others in this world. A lot of times unfortunately tragedy has to arise for people to care most times. Your heart is in the right place. Thank you. Bless.

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      • You’re welcome. It’s sad but true what you wrote about it taking tragedy for people to care. If only it wasn’t that way most of the time. Appreciate your kind words, Mavis.

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 3 months ago

    Rising Above Tragedy: A Letter of Resilience and Solidarity for Ralph Yarl

    Dear Ralph,

    I am writing to you today with a heart that is heavy with sadness and a mind that is filled with outrage. The news of your shooting has shaken me to my core, and I cannot imagine the pain and trauma that you and your loved ones are going through.

    It is as if a storm has descended upon you, a storm that you did not see coming and were powerless to prevent. And yet, in the midst of this storm, you have shown remarkable strength and resilience. You are a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder that even in the face of senseless violence, there is still love and compassion in the world.

    The path ahead of you may be long and difficult, much like a winding road through a treacherous landscape. But I know that you are strong enough to navigate this road, and that you will emerge from this experience even stronger and more determined to make a positive impact on the world.

    It is my hope that this tragedy will serve as a wake-up call to all of us, a call to action to stand up against the senseless violence and injustice that plagues our society. Let us work together to build a world where young people like you can walk freely and safely, where the color of your skin or the zip code you live in does not determine your fate.

    As you continue on your journey of recovery, know that you are not alone. You have an army of supporters and well-wishers behind you, cheering you on every step of the way. You are a symbol of hope and resilience, a living testament to the power of the human spirit.

    I send you my deepest love and support, and I pray that you will find the strength and courage to overcome this storm. May the sun shine brightly on your path, and may you always know that you are loved and valued.


    Your brother

    Rashan Speller

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    • We truly cannot imagine the pain and trauma he and his family has gone through. It really isn’t fair for something so traumatizing to happen to someone his age. Thank you for sharing

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  • Gie Santana shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 3 months ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    The stars, the moon and Ralph Yarl

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

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