

  • Driving and diving

    Miles and miles.
    Footwork and footwork.
    Hello and hello.
    You stop where you can to hang a missing person’s poster.
    You notice the berries are a brighter red.
    You hear spiritually.
    You know sacredness is not seen but felt.
    She was found dead. Stabbed over and over again, slowly bleeding out her last breath-her last body movement of life depleted.
    Your baby sister.
    Your golden laughter on weekends.
    Your refuge of fun and fearlessness-dead; murdered.
    No one knows what metamorphosisizing.
    Wings or visions.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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  • Black holes

    These days,
    black holes of dark are in my face
    but somehow the sunlight still flickers through to remind me
    that there is life and purpose here still.
    The geese fly north instead of south because spring is whispering:
    the celebration of blossoms and babies to be birthed.
    And while I want to fall into all the black holes in front of my face because my baby sister as an adult at 34, a mama of two kids, was murdered — I want to just hold her warm body close to mine in an embrace while we laugh at the consistency of the homemade sausage gravy being too thin because we didn’t measure the water correctly and hear our kids hoo and ha over it as well as they sit near one another in cousin love and connection—I know my sister is blocking the paths down the black holes in front of my face because she wants us to have more silly sweet breakfasts together.
    I just want to not see violence when I see a Disney cartoon or I want to see the benign when I walk into bookstores but all the guns, and all the words: kill, murder, death, darkness, evil stare at me as I try to just buy a magazine and a pack of Skittles. I cannot escape this reality. “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” Black on black.
    I just want to cheer at a game and talk about if the popcorn is too salty but I cannot – all I can think about is the list the murderer used after he terrorized my sister before he introduced her to the spirit world.
    So, yeah, I want to give up somedays to see her in the spirit world, but she tells me to walk ahead, she’s with me – holding me and holding us all as we try to put the pieces together and rise above all this darkness and let the light and sunshine brighter and heal us all and allow the spring to flourish. So, I know those dark holes will eventually disappear but now they are what I see.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Hey Christina! I am so sorry for your loss and for what you, your sister and your whole family have gone through. I am sending you the biggest hug. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • Shimmer and Shine

    Pure determination and new promises packed along with
    her black t-shirt that boldly said, “Laugh More, Bitch Less.”
    She was grit, she was fierce.
    She wasn’t afraid to travel in an RV with her new boyfriend,
    landing in Montana mountains as a young black beautiful woman -hiking on flat trails where chokecherries partied near creeks , dealing with strong winds that chapped her cheeks, and witnessing how the snow packed and spread over the land, emphasizing the mountain tops.
    She was cascading to her new dreams, her first brave trip out of the family nest.
    she shimmered, she shined.
    if you were lucky enough to see her smile – unforgettable like Natalee and Nat King Cole singing.
    that is why WHEN she went missing –
    no cellphone life, no social media snapchats, we knew something was wrong .
    So, us, her siblings/besties put on the song Fugees –“ Gonna Find You”
    We went.

    Missing women.
    Missing men.
    Missing kids.

    Pure determination, pure promises.
    Shimmer and Shine.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, your strength shines through your words. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sibling. Your determination to find them and the pain of discovering their fate is heart-wrenching. Sending you love and support during this difficult time. 💔

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  • Sunbursts

    a little toddler dabbles her toes in the Oregon coast waters, giggling and running from near her mamas.
    her Portland cousins play near here with Auntie creating castles, jungles and rivers that flow the waves of the ocean waves and ecovillages below – the land, the sand interconnected to the depths of deepness below.
    the sunbursts softly touch the reunion moments that cannot occur all the time.
    small joyful stands cheering for their favorite college teams,
    swag outfits of hopes to hoops of dreams – we all have our shots.
    for the beats that native musicians drum up to bless, to heal and to cheer the crowds to love,
    the therapist who sits in her own softness after healing handing out hope through listening and assisting struggles of pain, finding laughter and humor to balance out the darkness.
    the sunbursts come through the bubbled grey clouds that temporary pop up as life below saunters in shimmers to only be captured in the seconds that exist.
    no tomorrow is promised.
    no big kiss, no big hug, no sounds — so soak in it all.
    soak in the life that leaves us to grow embedded in mother earth- panchamama and inti love – quechuan indigenous circles lift up and offer munay – deep love- where sunshine spreads limitlessly.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, This is a wonderful piece. It really captures the idea of processing, being present and appreciating the little but oh-so-beautiful moments of life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Christina,
      What a beautiful poem. Your words touch my heart. Thank you for sharing!


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  • For Our Souls are bigger than the temporary

    Fumbling teaches you a life lesson, two, or six hundred thousand times.
    Sometimes life is a lab puppy who stays a puppy for life tearing up or peeing on your shoes.
    We must laugh sometimes at how we strive to be perfect when we are so far away from that term, far away like clear transparent turquoise water hidden in the northern Idaho mountains.
    The rush of fake Photoshopped gleaming diamonds and wealthy luxurious cars plaster on commercial boards, in magazines of teenagers’ hands at the library their teacher forced them to go to or the YouTube screen our young child has; the constant fake ads popping up on our social media platforms trying to define us, trying to create
    a norm-a trend that is all too repetitive.
    Yet, we heart & blood connect, maintain our identities, hybrid the best, flush out the worst,
    and try to thrive in corners like spiders at night webbing possibility.
    We know in our souls -fake is not real.
    We know this and if we try to grasp or mold ourselves into temporary perfectionism of a lie,
    we know we will vanish into empty holes without a galaxy.
    That is why we/ I still try to feel Mother earth,
    that is why we/I put our phones down,
    that is why we/I smile at each other, be gentle, be forgiving and have grace with what’s to come –
    magical moments as a blue heron flies down before a sunset sky in the pond at the Japanese gardens trying to decide whether his beak can hold a golden koi.
    The magics of moments and decisions of contemplation, honest and true to our survival.
    For our souls are bigger than the temporary,
    so we glean and connect to the vast waters of the earth, we hike into the hills where trees sway and whisper love to our ears, and starbursts shine on our worth.
    We shimmer and know that being authentic and fragile is our only hope to heal from trauma, and
    that it is our only hope that connects us and brings us back to one in the completeness of the earth – the dirt, the sun, the water, the air – it helps us breathe and connect as we should. We/I teach and receive from its abundance and share this with the children whose hands put down screens and run into the forests barefoot
    embracing the glory of future and fulfilling the growth that the skies and lands provide.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Christina, connecting with nature is incredibly important. We so need to put down our phones and connect with the world around us. I am so glad you see this, and are encouraging others to see this as well. You are for sure making the world better. Thank you for sharing. <3 lauren

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  • Pathways in Generosity

    We live in the present through connection and pathways of our bodies.
    The sustainability it seeks and provides simultaneously equal magical miracles: us, and me.
    Our bodies as an earth, the roots spreading below the ground, growing into strong Sequoias listening.
    Our bodies are water flowing, splashing love over walls and edges created without to help our flow. Our bodies are one, we are one, and yet one in our own bodies. The earth is our mother.
    My body holding my head up, view ahead, surpassing struggles, hugging peaceful flowers of rolling hills and little critters the scatter about, the winds carry new adventures, and our bodies feel the air. Our bodies and my body.
    My body is aging towards the dead.
    Because we all die, we exit to another world.
    So dwell on today. So be in today. Jump for today. Play. Pray and sway safely.
    My body.
    I am present, breathing, my veins pumping blood, my neurotransmitters zapping, resting and guiding me through many emotional spots of expression, suppression, and identification and providing me with abilities that can encompass possibilities, silence, and space. My body, our body motions us in all ways: spiritually, mentally, and physically.
    the galaxy of being alive – the sun, the stars, the ocean blue, the vastness of land, open to us as we open to it.
    Saunter and spread out and over through these pathways in generosity.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, it sounds like you truly in touch with the power within you and how it connects to the world around you. That is so beautiful and magical. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • You are finding your voice, and honoring whoyou are through all the sifting. That in itself is the power that will drive you forward. That is the love to you that will create that abundance. Keep those trinkets close, and yes, keep being open to newness even in its uncomfortableness. We grow in those zones, and keep being and honest and real as you are – that power will carry you far. Love your piece.

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  • I wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words. I did end up getting the tenure this round. This letter was a part of my journey. The beauty here is we work to better our communities and the spaces we live in. I also will be mindful of areas to continue to engage in educational spaces to make them more equitable. I know this is a balance and politics can definitely play a role. The dance of life. It’s also about learning to find that internal strength to define oneself and value one’s own worth independent of others.

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    • CONGRATULATIONS ON TENURE!!!! That is amazing! You are right life is quite the dance. And I couldn’t agree with you more – staying connected to your values, your truth, your strength and who you are is what it is all about! Congrats again! I am so happy for you!

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  • Queen, Bring Your Wand. Make Wonders.

    Dear Queen,

    I know now you are struggling. Life has been kind but also it there have been furious storms recently. I know even as I use the word Queen you are unsure that you should accept this word yet your head bobs up like a kid swimming in the summer lake with full life jacket regalia on- you are not giving up, you are floating and trying to find the right time to make your big splash and swim through the deeper waters on your own, so you accept Queen. Queen, you got this.

    So much has happened these past few years. You have applied for the same job three times because it’s the next step in your career to be tenured as an educator in higher education. You have failed to get the job each time even though you are a huge contributor to the program. The last time it ripped a part of your heart and you’ve spent the year repairing and patching it up again. Rejection again and again can be like a ton of concrete on your heart. It’s heavy. However, you’ve moved it and are repairing. You’ve been able to do some of this work through reflection, through processing grief, and you’ve done some of the healing by being near family, friends, and a good therapist. You’ve done healing through nature walks, where trees let you stop and lean on them and where fields are covered in big skies of cumulus clouds and sunshine to warm you and allow you to continue to dream.

    Now, you’re facing this again: a new tenure position application. You are still in your teaching job because you love the definition of what you do, you are engaged as a teacher because you love connection and empowerment, and it is a way to arise above limited systems while existing in a system. The power of teaching is an art. No one can just steal that passion and love from you. You have heard from another friend being a revolutionary in these modern times is to work in systems and create anew. You know this has been history. You swallow the truth. You look to your past indigenous ancestors, you look up to other heroes -Black and Brown and Indigenous sisters and brothers, white allies, women sisters, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual, trans lives – all of those who have been shut down but still rise. Those who have been pushed down but get up and smile more. Struggling, and walking forward is the way – being in safe spaces with support of your loved ones, those who believe in you and where you can keep carrying your light forward. Be in those safe places to not have to fight to stand but to be cherished and delighted in so when you do go to more controversial spaces you have your light to get you through, your stamina still comes from love, your perseverance still pushes you to new places. Do not hold your self-worth to one position.

    This tenure: you have applied for. You’ve been here. There are a few dragons up top that you do not get along with, but you’ve learned how to navigate better near the dragons. Maintain some positive affirmations: “I am excited to interview.” “I deserve this” “My self-worth is not attached to this position.”
    Many good teachers deserve a shot. The demands of economic security are higher than the positions available on higher ed campuses. Higher education needs a renovation, they need to take care of their teachers – they are failing here, you know this. The majority of adjuncts know this. The students also know this. Quality has been replaced by a factory belt of outcomes. It is all unfair. People are barely able to meet their basic needs –greed is winning. Hope is only in light and innovation.

    Queen, you WILL get through this. Do NOT let FEAR win. Hold your head high. Teach. Go forward.
    Carry your torch. Carry your truth. Your people are standing strong with you. This position is a small. If you do not get it, you will still carry your light. You will still create paths to uplift. You are a creator because you are a Queen.
    Go on, Queen, you got this.
    Bring your wand.
    Make wonders.


    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, you will get through this! These types of things are so political and not a reflection of your abilities or the difference you are making in your students’ lives. Keep pushing. I know you will completely shatter any ceiling that anyone tries to place upon you. You are right, you are a Queen. Never lose sight of the fact that you are…read more

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      • I wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words. I did end up getting the tenure this round. This letter was a part of my journey. The beauty here is we work to better our communities and the spaces we live in. I also will be mindful of areas to continue to engage in educational spaces to make them more equitable. I know this is a balance…read more

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        • CONGRATULATIONS ON TENURE!!!! That is amazing! You are right life is quite the dance. And I couldn’t agree with you more – staying connected to your values, your truth, your strength and who you are is what it is all about! Congrats again! I am so happy for you!

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