

  • Child's Smile

    My innocent smile of childhood
    Is what I miss most from long gone
    Days where naivety, fun fumbles, were good
    For a laugh with family, friends, undone

    By the simplicity of the life of a child
    As you went about cheerfully hopping
    From one daydream to another, a hidden bard, flipping,
    Hiding in plain sight, forgiven for being a child.

    Never let your smile drift into the sky,
    Let it balance your mood, don’t brood.
    As you smile, cheer will surround
    Your every move as you inspire joy that’ll fly,

    Flinging your dreams into reality
    As your positivity you embraced,
    Will endow you with being graced
    By happiness, a comforting embrace.

    ©️Malak Kalmoni Chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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  • Hijab

    After the loss of my mother-in-law, my youngest daughter brought up the topic of starting to wear the hijab (a scarf that covers the hair, denoting our humbled nature towards God, and empowering our rights to protect our modesty in a world filled with immodesty). As a mother, who wanted to give my daughter a better chance at a larger pool of the ‘marriage mart’, my husband and I convinced her to wait. However, she brought up my inner need to wear the hijab myself and be a better practicing Muslim, because the hijab is a constant reminder of my connection to God. By wearing it, I’m reminded to always be grateful for what I have, not to envy what others do, work harder to achieve my desires within the dictates, rules and regulations given to Muslims through the Quoraan. I’ve also found that the acceptance I’ve received in this Western Country, Canada, was overwhelmingly positive and empowered me to stay the course of my beliefs. Now, I’m proud to say that my struggle to strengthen my belief is a daily occurrence, that I do my best not fall under its depressing weight. Struggling to unite people through the hijab is an uplifting experience, as one shares their experiences and problems, which in turn help others find solutions for their own set of issues.
    My favorite comment when people meet me, is that I have a certain glow to my face that comes from the power of my faith.

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • Malak, It is so wonderful that you are able to and empowered by staying true to who you are and what you believe. That in and of itself is inspiring. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • malakkc shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    International Writers Day acrostic

    International Writer’s Day

    Internet has facilitated global connections
    Never stop the growth of writers
    That rend their hearts as their words flow
    Empowering the weak to
    Remember their worth
    Never succumbing to oppression’s
    Timely propagation that cleaves
    Intimate family members into
    Open enemity, clearly ‘Dividing & Conquering’
    Needlessly aggressive, destructive,
    Avid in mercilessly taking resources and
    Leaving nothing to the Indigenous peoples.

    Write, revel, rebel, roast, rumble the gruesome
    Reality of a world built on Materialism
    Instead of unity of humanity
    That lends compassion and succor that
    Eventually works together against the oppressor
    Ruining the ecology, separating family,
    Solidifying Darwin’s rules of supremacy

    Dealing in strength that overpowers others
    Amid illegal, inhumane practices that have
    Yet to be punished.

    ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

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    • Powerful words, Malak. Your passion for justice and unity shines through. Keep writing, raising awareness, and fighting against oppression. Together, we can create a world that values compassion, equality, and the preservation of our planet. Never underestimate the impact of your voice and the power of collective action.

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  • Give Up, Never!

    Give up, never!
    The challenges of life give greater
    Satisfaction when struggling to overcome them.

    Give up, never!
    Through war planes, attacker
    On our land, as my partner is an army officer.

    Give up, never!
    Through financial strains, being a mother,
    Teacher, student, niece, aunt, cousin, daughter…
    With duties and love to give as worries grow stronger.

    Give up, never!
    Going through bowl obstruction surgeries, recover
    From that alone is like moving through quick sand, a surfer
    Of intense pain, stilted, limited movements that border
    On the robotic before getting better.

    Give up, never!
    Immigrating at fourty plus is no simple matter,
    With two teens and two adults to give succor
    As the cultural, geographical, and familial reservoir
    Dwindles and altered to an extreme purveyor
    Of loss as we embrace newer circumstances in horror.

    Give up, never!
    Through each trial, the sun does shine brighter
    And belief that you’re being tested makes me stronger.

    Give up, never!
    Give up, never!
    Give up, never!

    ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • Malak, This is really creative and powerful. You are such a strong person with a beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family.<3 Lauren

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  • Hi Lauren,
    I’m so glad that you can connect to my writing. Your replies empower me to write more. <3

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  • React to Darkness

    The world runs around and bucks you
    Of your trajectory with minutiea that drive you
    Up a wall, and down into darkness which blinds
    Your senses that either gives adrenaline or freezes
    You into a statue that’s blind, deaf, and dumb.

    Your vision turns into bright starts that short-
    Circuit your mind with blinding light whose sport
    Is to suppress your logic, embracing emotions
    That turn you deaf to all evidence against your passions.
    Those then steal your ability to speak your mind.

    As the world moves round and round, like a merry
    Go round, so do you try to stave off the shocks that ferry
    You into dismay as experiences are disillusioningly
    Petrifying, with their obstacles and demands
    On your taking a stand outside your comfort zones.

    Stay the course.
    Stand tall.
    Savor each experience.
    Strengthen your faith with failure or success.
    Sever negative relationships,

    And let your self-confidence emerge
    A snow white pigeon of peace and verve of life.

    ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • I could really picture the merry go round you described in this piece, but I love the ending:

      “Stay the course.
      Stand tall.
      Savor each experience.
      Strengthen your faith with failure or success.
      Sever negative relationships,

      And let your self-confidence emerge
      A snow white pigeon of peace and verve of life.”

      Love how you ended it. Thank you for…read more

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  • Hi,
    This was my first piece on the unsealed, and I’m still flabbergasted that it still gets likes. If you enjoy what you’ve read, please follow me on my blog: http://www.malakkcwriting.com.
    Thanks for the beautiful comment, they help inspire more writing!

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  • My Last 5 Minutes

    I sit up,
    Look up,
    Firing my appreciation
    To God, in whose contemplation,
    Veneration, I’m engrossed
    In my thanks to all that
    I’ve got, that’s on the spot:
    Family to love and cherish,
    Kin to pray and think of me as I perish,
    Friends who’ll miss my presence,
    As our discussions cover matters that hence
    Ruminate over social changes
    Trending through social media’s
    Imposing pressure over all genders
    And age groups who surrenders
    Their freedom to bondage
    Of our sovereignty over our charge:
    Our immortal soul, whose barred
    From its morality, replaced
    By being led to sins that destroy
    Your connection to the All Mighty. A ploy,
    To reduce believers that rebel against sins of immorality.

    malak kalmoni chehab

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    • Malak, there is so much depth and power in your poetry. You are so insightful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Advocate or Act, Both?

    Advocating for pushing beyond your
    Comfort zone is easy, it’s just words.
    Applying it to yourself is hard and requires
    A dauntless temperament that’s bolder
    Than your fear, that binds your actions.

    As an introvert who bottles up her
    Emotions and fears, confronting
    Anyone who’s hurt me has a severe
    Strain over me, anxiety flourishing,
    Sweating, combing through vocabulary that Never,

    Ever seems to fit, and always has
    The possibility of being misinterpreted
    As my clarity of thought comes
    With pen, paper, thoughts processed
    Slowly for the least hurt possible attained.

    Consequences of words spoken
    Can’t easily be taken back, and they happen
    To have a lingering effect that’s unspoken!

    ©️Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • Aww Malak – Never be afraid to use your voice – whether it be with a pen or a microphone. You are a strong and beautiful person, the world deserves to see your heart. Keep pushing yourself. You got this. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • Soulful Respect (acrostic)

    ‘Who’s worthy of respect?’ Asks the
    Oh so gentle soul. ‘Me, perhaps?’
    Replying tentatively, I question whether
    The ‘me’ others see is laudable with my
    Honesty, diplomatically voiced,
    Yet still encases my faith, ethics, and friendship.

    Offering an ear, a hug, a friend, a listener
    Free of malice and judgment, that’s never a jeer.

    Resounding devotion can never
    End, as long as your true self reverberates
    Soulfully within a frequency received by
    Peers and kin who feel the same.
    Enter into the ring to battle out the
    Captivating desires leading you astray
    To a world where your worth is bound by trends.

    ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • ‘Offering an ear, a hug, a friend, a listener
      Free of malice and judgment, that’s never a jeer.”

      This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing <3 Lauren

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  • malakkc shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    Twilight's Darkened Light

    The night’s fading darkness
    Is illuminated by filaments that glimmers
    With piercing reddish hues
    Into a horizon of fading darkened blues.

    With each touch of brilliant, glinting light
    The scenery is transformed, bright
    As a white pigeon in heightened flight,
    Soaring, like Icarus, too near the sun’s slight

    Heat that tenderly caresses its feathery
    Wings across all living things, bravely
    Broaching the new day optimistically,
    Knowing that man’s destruction will invariably

    Alter the breathtaking beauty of sunrise,
    Twisting its vibrancy into shades
    Of tenebrous grey, colorless, and lifeless,
    As everything becomes hopeless.

    Let each new day be your oath
    To be stronger than the sun’s breadth,
    As you emulate its depth
    Of strength, that reigns above all in stealth.

    ©️Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • Malak, I love this part: Let each new day be your oath
      To be stronger than the sun’s breadth,
      As you emulate its depth
      Of strength, that reigns above all in stealth.

      Check out our newsletter today. I will feature a link to this poem.


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  • malakkc shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hunger to Survive

    The lion lays quietly atop an overhanging hill.
    He waits, watches in the vain fervor that his prey
    Will come to him in deadly night like a diet pill
    That will stop his hunger and permit his teeth to stay
    Sharp, glistening white, creating a shiver of fear
    Of their ferocity and ability to tear apart an arm,
    Or important extremities that flash their spear
    Of speed trying to outrun the King.

    The atmosphere of fear is so authentic
    That I can feel the lion’s eyes shifting silently,
    Watching guardedly, waiting patiently to pounce happily
    On his unsuspecting prey. His jaws are cave like
    In their imposing strength and force of bite.

    Never fear the lion, for you know he attacks
    To survive, not for pleasure.
    Fear those who appear like sheep, but are
    More serpent or fox, for their poisons
    Attack the soul and destroy lives as if doing you favors.
    ©️Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • This piece is so creative. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our little family. Keep writing. You are changing the world. <3 Lauren

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  • malakkc shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 1 months ago

    Stealthy Labyrinth

    A Labyrinth of life and living
    Flies by with the passing minutes,
    Striving to leave imprints,
    That are positive in their fleeting

    Flight, that they can’t be bound.
    Imprisoned by labels, categories,
    Races, and groups that astound
    In their versatility, but not humanities.

    I’ve lived in this labyrinth of life,
    Where negativity was the succor
    Given by some of my entourage, that’s rife
    With jealousy, bias, and is a bereaver.

    They suck out the optimism and
    Joy of life out of each stupendous second,
    That you fear drowing in the labyrinth
    Of fiery destruction that steals your breath.

    Instead, let the minutia of the labyrinth
    Turn into an adventurous life in stealth.

    ©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • Your poem captures the nature of life’s difficulties and the struggle to find positivity during the confusion. The metaphor of the labyrinth is very effective in conveying the sense of being lost.

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  • malakkc responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 1 months ago

    I’m flabbergasted by belief as it mirrors mine. However, your wording and imagery are unforgettable as they leave a mark of hope in my soul. Never stop writing!

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  • malakkc shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 1 months ago


    I watch as she pirouettes,
    Her dress, a parachute, flies
    In waves to her flutters.

    Her sensual beauty attracts
    An audience, not for her moves,
    But for the supplication in her eyes.

    They shine with an inner peace
    That translates into a pace
    Shinier than the purest diamond face.

    My gaze is glued to her flexible
    Limbs that have divined that the rain bubble
    Ensconces her in a world where trouble

    Is an abstract concept she’s never
    Experienced, as her innocent cover
    Protects her as she adds prayer to the dancer.

    As her body flows, swings, undulates,
    She hears titters on her esthetics.
    She says: ‘Believe in a faith that provides
    Truth and dares to challenge lies.’

    They then turn away and bicker,
    Having forgotten why she was a riveting picture.

    ©️Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

    Malak Kalmoni Chehab

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    • This is so beautiful. I can visualize the imagery here. Thank you so much for sharing your words. This poem is a reminder to never let anyone shake your confidence <3 lauren

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    • This poem is very beautiful. And the imagery is very detailed. “her dress, a parachute, flies” is by far my favorite line because it’s so easy to imagine her dress and her movement. Thank you for sharing

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  • malakkc responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 2 months ago

    As an educator and mother, I noticed that connections with children is a must for understanding and to be able to provide help where needed. Those who hate have missed out on it and need our support to overcome their troubles.

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  • malakkc responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 2 months ago

    I’m so glad it resonates with you, as society seems to be degenerating and loss of forgiveness and hope are the victims. I hope there are more people like us out there who can band together.

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  • malakkc responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 3 months ago

    Hi, I’m so glad my writing had an impact in you, that’s positive. I believe that forgiveness is a need we need to strive towards, as it’s the only thing that can save our sanity.

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  • I’m astounded by your reaction to my writing, and am humbled by your support and understanding. I’ll keep the flame of positivity on high in hopes that it’ll engulf the world with Its heat.

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  • malakkc responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 3 months ago

    Dear Asia,
    I’m so glad you understood that my perspective is a positive one and not a hurtful one. This poem was inspired by a contest online, but my varied experiences in war, racism, colonialism, and demeaning speech have turned me into a believer of turn the other cheek, but by helping the other understand yours through conversation. Faith is also a key factor in my beliefs, that asks of me to be able to forgive.

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