

  • free

    I’ve never went to pastry school
    But a baker I am,
    Maybe one day, I’ll add to the list-
    home made jam.
    Working in my own kitchen while I raise and grow babies too,
    I won’t lie, never clocking into a serving shift wouldn’t make me feel blue.
    An ideal day looks like this-
    Coffee in the sunshine,
    It’s pure bliss.
    Babies feed the chickens,
    while mama works in the kitchen.
    The yard is large;
    With plants and gardens
    it’s easy to feel recharged.
    Fresh foods and a bread business too.
    Tired I’ll be,
    but I bet that’s when I’ll feel the most free.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Karissa, your love for baking and the joy of raising your babies shines through in your beautiful poem. Your vision of an ideal day filled with sunshine, coffee, and tending to your garden is truly blissful. Your passion for creating fresh foods and running your own bread business is inspiring. Embrace the tiredness, for it is a sign of the…read more

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  • A little love

    Life feels dark and gray
    despite any good, I feel myself going astray.
    Chaos in my mind and sadness in my soul
    Most days I’d like to curl up inside a little hole.
    What I love about myself most
    is even when it’s dark, give up? I don’t.
    Wallow for a moment, feel it and let go-
    What is this teaching me, how can I grow?
    It won’t feel like this forever so I need to just flow.
    Love that I find balance between discipline and rest.
    I swear, not judging yourself amidst the chaos will leave you feeling your best.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Karissa, your resilience is admirable. Embrace the darkness, learn from it, and keep flowing. Finding balance and not judging yourself is key to feeling your best. Keep shining through the chaos.

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    • I love how your poems rhyme and have such great rhythm! I also love the message. You are a fighter and I love it. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being you! <3 Lauren

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  • Aw thanks Lauren I really appreciate that 🙂

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  • Simple Days

    Lifting weights first thing
    I just love the feeling it brings.
    I learned a new skill,
    rolling cappelletti
    What a calming thrill.
    Two hours lead me
    directly to a nap.
    Upon rising,
    We packed the car and
    grabbed the lil chap
    Headed out for dinner surrounded by the sap.
    Nothing but trees, him, you and I.
    Can’t forget the calming night sky.
    The grilled burgers were delicious
    Hungry bears woulda been vicious.
    Loved this day,
    The work, the chill.
    Time to finish it off with a hot shower and
    clock in for a quick croissant drill.
    Back at it in the morning
    I don’t care
    A life like this keeps me from scorning.

    Karissa Howden

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    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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  • Karissa Howden responded to a letter in topic Surviving Addiction 8 months ago

    aw wow thanks so much Jonathan!

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  • aw thank you so much!

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  • future light

    I lived in a house
    with black out curtains all about
    my partner liked to drink
    Much more than anyone could think.
    For seven plus years, I took myself down the same path
    I didn’t know it was such a violent wrath.
    Thought that’s how life was,
    everyone was living it –
    health was barely a buzz.
    Everything felt broken,
    I hated the outdoors.
    A bird chirping with my hangover?
    Close the damn doors.
    I lived inside, waiting for the next divide.
    My life was a fight,
    but not the kind that brings future light.
    Woke in the morning and decided to run-
    I couldn’t live like this much longer,
    i was tired of being spun.
    Cleaned myself up, got it together
    it wasn’t a perfect trial but my what a surrender.
    Learning how it felt to live a “normal” life –
    I didn’t know it’d lead me to becoming a wife.
    Cared for and loved,
    what a way better drug.
    How each of us should feel,
    but the only way to get there
    is to let go and heal.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Omg Karissa, This is beautiful! I am so happy for you that you were able to heal and get better. And now your life is filled with love and a wonderful family Congratulations! Your strength and your journey is so admirable.

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    • I love this! I’m beyond happy for you that you left behind a previous way of living that was not good for you. It takes fortitude (and several other things) in order to leave the past behind and create change for yourself in the ways that you have. Kudos to you 🙂

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  • simple gratitude

    It’s being home for bedtime⁣
    And adequate sleep too.⁣
    Slow down activities-⁣
    long walks, sipping coffee, stretching, ⁣
    just to name a few.⁣
    Fresh baked bread more often than not⁣
    Me? Who would’ve ever thought. ⁣
    Every day I change,⁣
    Old me would think it’s so strange.⁣
    We’re not chasing the money or the beers⁣
    Just staying aligned despite any fears.⁣
    Success to me looks different now-⁣
    I’m grateful for those long, difficult, learning years.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Aww Karissa, this is beautiful. I can feel the peace in your life and in your soul through this poem (along with the gratitude you feel for that peace). You’ve clearly come a long way, and not only do you have a lot to be grateful for but you have so many reasons to be proud of yourself. I love your poetry. I am so glad you are part of The…read more

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