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    Dear Unsealed
    I wake up each day
    In the everyday way
    I read my email as I do
    Each day in the everyday way.
    Old photos found of yesteryear,
    Brought back a tear
    To my eyes as I thought I lost
    At such a cost
    Of a long-ago broken relationship
    Like a ship
    On the ocean of life
    I ask myself why.
    Then as I scroll through the lost photos
    That I now found,
    Of long ago.
    I remember the seagulls of at the beach
    Where I lived temporarily as though
    I could now reach
    Out to touch the seagulls
    Hear their cries of joy
    At 5am as they call for me to feed their bods
    Of beautiful feathers of grey & white joy,
    Of walking out in my sundress to the backyard
    Behind my adobe
    As they cry with joy so loud.
    I had another fight with my ex,
    Of the complex
    Relationship with Jekyll & Hyde dude.
    As I sat in the chair watching the birds eat
    Their treat
    From kitchen so neat
    I forgot about the harsh words spoken
    The night before the morning light
    Of the seagulls feeding frenzy flight,
    My buddies, the seagulls.
    My friends in flight
    Take me with you tonight.
    We will sit on the beach
    As the sun fades into the night,
    As the sunrises the next day to say,
    “Girl, you ‘gonna’ be okay.”
    Hear the call of the seagull in flight
    To carry your sadness into to the night,
    To smile,
    To laugh,
    To care,
    To carry on,
    Despite harsh words
    & other verbs
    Of yesterday.
    The sun shines brighter today
    Along the way.
    I can still hear my feathered friends.
    Knowing that if I stepped into the photograph for just a minute
    I could smell the salty air
    As my feathered friends
    Say, “Girl we care.”

    Vicki Trusselli

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  • Kevin Lowe shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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    Surreal Parallels: My Blindness. His Prison Sentence

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  • The Knight

    The knight elevates the princess
    tightening his grasp midair
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    Shifting the thread of hair behind
    to gain a surpass of what the wave has inside—
    the knight elevates the princess.
    Giddying as the knight’s veins come through
    the heat in the room leaves them breathless:
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    The beats sync
    taking the space away
    the knight elevates the princess.
    The grin grows uncontrollably
    the palms leaving a trace:
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    Continuing to go steady
    as they snuggle close.
    The knight elevates the princess
    while they are lost in the brown waves.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Ishaa Dhamne shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months ago

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    Little Moments

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  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday Lauren thank you for this amazing platform and community of like minded individuals wishing you continuous years of greatness and happiness🤗🫶🏾✨

    Tracy B.

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    The Opportunity of a Lifetime

    Dear Lauren,

    I always hoped that clicking around on social media would lead me to a community that was authentic and motivated, but safe spaces like that aren’t too common like that on the internet… Luckily, one fateful day in 2022 I saw an ad for The Unsealed. An invitation to share my story and a community to share and grow with was like a dream come true. My confidence and connection with writing has grown so much in such a short amount of time and I have to give major credit to this community. A community that wouldn’t be possible without the remarkable and inspiring expertise and humanity you, Lauren, offer to all of us.

    It will take me years and novels to truly express my gratitude for this opportunity of a lifetime. The opportunity to be connected to enlightened writers and led by such a exceptional soul.

    Lauren, I hope your birthday feels as special as you have made The Unsealed community feel.

    Best Wishes. I can’t wait to see why you do next. ❤️

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Aww Alicia! You know how much I love you! I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed. I appreciate you just as much, as your kind heart inspires me. I’m grateful for our friendship. Thank you for the birthday wishes! Love you! <3 Lauren

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    Wishing an awesome birthday to the founder of a community that has brought joy and connection to people who need it. Thank you Lauren for being that very person that chooses to help inspire others to share their stories to gain healing and strengthen others through community care. Enjoy your day! You deserve it!

    Jamie Ellifritz

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  • Victoria Makanjuola shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Happy Birthday Lauren!

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  • Thank You

    Dear Lauren,

    Thank you for creating this community and in turn giving us a safe space to share our stories and find strength in one another. I am new here, but I already feel so grateful for this community of people who can come together to share their experiences, their fears, and their dreams. There is something so beautiful about that level of vulnerability and connection in a community. Thank you and happy birthday! 💛

    Marissa Maddox

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    • Aww Marissa, Thank you so much. I am so very happy you are here, and I can’t wait to read more of your writing. You are so sweet and I so appreciate the kind words. <3 Lauren

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  • ala shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    A Letter to Lauren 🙂

    To the one who took a passion,
    aligned with her soul mission,
    and birthed an entire community.

    You are deeply appreciated.

    My journey as a poet and intuitive writer started just two short years ago and I’ve officially been a member here for 1/2 of that 🙂
    I’m not sure how I found my way,
    but that magic moment unlocked
    a source of Brilliance
    that I never dreamed possible.

    That Brilliance is you
    That Brilliance is this community
    That Brilliance is The Unsealed
    and every single action you take
    to encourage new artists
    to keep going.

    I don’t think we take enough time to pour into you as much as you have for each of us,
    so when Rick reached out for ideas
    of something we could collectively give as a token of our gratitude,
    all I could think is how you deserve your flowers, too 🌸

    Thank you so very much for all you do.
    Thank you for giving me a safe place
    to express my deepest feelings with
    compassion and love.

    Thank you for publishing these sacred pieces of my story in not one,
    but two books!
    Typing that out feel like a lie
    that imposter syndrome tries so hard
    to force me to not believe
    but it is true,
    and that is all because of YOU 🙂

    May this next chapter of your life
    be the one where abundance comes to you with ease
    where grace saturates all of your darkest days
    as the angels bless you with the love and gaiety needed to stay grounded through each breakthrough.

    Something tells me you are going to have a wonderful year 🙂

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!!


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    • Ala, I am in tears reading this. Your words are so beautiful. Thank you so much. I am glad this community has been so meaningful to you! And you are never an imposter. You are a talented writer, with a good heart, and you have so much greatness inside of you. I am so proud of all that you are! Never change. <3 Lauren

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  • Macy shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Happy Birthday, Lauren!

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  • iambrizei shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you Lauren

    My description of a delightful conversation that is open-minded and nonjudgmental. You can see each other’s point of view because you listen intending to listen. When starting off the dialogue, others refrain from interrupting you, allowing you to get to the point. I understand why it’s so difficult to have it with most people. The reason for that is simple: you appreciate it more when you have that delightful conversation.

    I used to love reading and writing, how much emotion they expressed with the power of the written word. What’s more powerful than the written word? That would be the words that we speak; the spoken word. Words have the power to build or destroy you. When you have ill intention, then the words hurt and create chaos for the person receiving it. A delightful conversation has the power to bring in positivity and possibly people together. Some people can agree to disagree and continue on with the conversation. While others stand firm that there is only one way. There is nothing magical about having a conversation that is only one-sided.

    My magical moment was joining The Unsealed, knowing that I can also transform my pain into a superpower. It inspired me to express my thoughts the only way that I knew it would be best. I had a zoom meeting with Lauren, which went amazing. She is so kindhearted, empathetic, and compassionate. I believe I cried during that zoom call. A pile of emotion from my story & to how she just listened, intending to listen, providing me with that safe space. I wanted to just pull her from the screen and give her the biggest hug.

    I know everything happens for a reason and sometimes we don’t always understand why it happens. I know the reason I am writing this today and that is because it is a very special someone’s birthday 12/11. The founder of The Unsealed, who has given people a voice to be heard and listened to. To have the weekly zoom meeting and writing contest. The way you genuinely reach out to every single member. It really is a community so much so that you published books with our pieces in it! You provided a safe space for us to express ourselves and we are so grateful for that. I wish you nothing but the best for you on your special day because you deserve that and so much more. Thank you for everything you do and for allowing us to be a part of your journey. You have gathered like-minded people together and allowed us to express ourselves with the written word. You truly are one of a kind Lauren, happy solar return!

    Brizeida Chapeton

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    • Bri! This is absolutely beautiful. I love reading your writing! You have so much power and greatness within you. I really appreciate your kind words. They inspire me more than I can ever express. I am so happy The Unsealed has had such a positive impact on you. I wish I could jump through the screen and hug you right back. Love you and thank you…read more

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  • 11:11

    When I stumbled upon The Unsealed, my life was in a dark place. In private, I could hardly muster a smile upon my saddened face. Writing is all I wanted to do, but a few poor decisions turned my dream into a nightmare. What this world is capable of, yet rarely do people embrace, I was about to enter a writing space where miracles are made possible; a chance to erase my past mistakes. Little did I know, the miraculous woman who orchestrates miracles by encouraging people to believe in themselves, shares the same birthday as my one and only baby girl. As fate would see fit, my daughter was born on December 11, too. Isn’t this the kind of miracle that strikes you! Shocks you! Fills your heart with magic? What if told you, the day after my grandmother passed four years ago, the number I couldn’t escape was 11:11. From that day forth, I imagined my grandmother taking on the form of an angel, guiding me on my new path as a writer. To this day, I’m confidently convinced that my grandmother led me to a living angel, my dear friend, Lauren Brill. I wish you a wonderful birthday Lauren, and I hope your special day is filled with magical moments 🌷🎂🎈🎁🎉

    Antonio De'mon Robinson

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    • 1111 is one of the most powerful angel numbers. A sweet little message letting you know that all of your spirit guides are right there with you. ever so close that it feels like you just want to hug them as tight as you can by listening to love they speak into your intuition. it is no doubt that a magical moment led you both together 🙂

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    • Omg your daughter has the same birthday! How amazing?!?! Happy Birthday to your daughter. She is lucky to have a sweet, thoughtful, kind, and caring father like you! I am so glad your grandmother led you to me and The Unsealed. You inspire me and you encourage me to believe in myself and The Unsealed. I love you and I am so grateful for you and…read more

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  • Rick Writes shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Happy birthday!

    Lauren I went through our first book, page by page and reached out to everyone that I could find.
    I went through all of your tags to see everyone that was associated with the unsealed, and I got to say everyone that I was able to reach was on board with doing this.
    I had a small glimpse in everyone’s lives, and your impact was always a shining moment at the epicenter. It was always something like “I can’t believe I see my name in a book!” or “I can’t believe I’m on a billboard!”
    All these people who are writing your messages today they all said the same thing: that it was a wonderful idea and that they would be happy to help surprise you.
    I can not thank you enough for you and the community that you lead with love.
    This is me as your friend showing you my gratitude for giving us a space to share the things that we share here, you curated an environment for strangers to become friends.
    I’m so proud of you and I look forward to further collaborations and I really hope that you take this to the highest level that you can. Happy birthday!


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    • THIS IS AMAZING! I cried when I saw. And now I made it easier. You can add people as friends on The Unsealed. And whoever you are friends with you can direct message. But anyways, this is the absolute best birthday present ever. It is so kind and so motivating. I love it. Thank you. You are so kind and amazing. I love this gift and I love you.…read more

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  • Lindsey Dawn shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Happy Solar Return, Lauren!

    Dear Lauren,
    Happy Solar Return! May this new year bring you more life, more love, more joy and more happiness! You’re a real life super heroine spreading love and encouragement for writers to keep their dreams alive.
    I use the words Solar Return instead of birthday for two reasons:
    1. Technically your mother birthed you. So please tell her Happy Birthday from me. 😁
    2. You’re experiencing another trip around the sun in real time. I don’t know about you but for me my birthday is always an emotional time. It’s an opportunity to reflect on what I did with my time over the course of the last year. It’s also a magical time because it gives me the chance to dream a new set of memories, adventures and stories that I hope to create. I hope that in this new chapter you dare to dream bigger and louder than ever. See you soon.

    Lindsey Dawn

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    • Haha that is so true, my mom did do the birthing! LOl Thank you so much. My birthday has always been an emotional time for me as well. Thank you for all your support and kindness. YOU inspire me. Love you! <3 Lauren

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  • Valencia B shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Lauren, Happy Birthday!

    Lauren, I hope that this wish (prayer) finds you well… Happiest Birthday!!! May your day be filled with pure joy & warmth!

    I am honored to celebrate this special day for the amazing impact that your light is contributing within this world, just by being YOU.
    I am so blessed to have found this platform last year… it has truly helped revive a part of myself that the world needs to hear and for that I THANK YOU!!!
    Btw, I loveee how compassionate and such a great effective listener/ communicator you are. That goes so unnoticed.

    All the best & Cheers to more life!!!


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    • Aww thank you so much! I am so glad you are a part of our community. You are a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for the kind words, it truly made my day! <3 Lauren

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  • For Lauren…

    Blessed Birthday to the women who has turned tragedy into triumph, compassion into community, and passions into realities, for herself and so many others!

    Truly thank you for bringing so many people and opportunities together.

    May your dreams keep unfolding; and keep coming true in the most magical and optimal of ways!

    With Love and Appreciation…

    Danielle @DsEnlightenedEdits

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  • Swinging your cares away

    I remember years ago when I visited an art gallery for extra credit. I saw a door with a note telling me to take off my shoes after I enter and before I proceed down the dark passageway. It also told me to do whatever felt natural. I followed the light to an enclosed space with dirt and leaves all over the floor. A swing was hanging from the ceiling in front of a projection of a girl swinging in and out of the darkness. At first, I hesitated and just watched the girl dip in and out of existence. Finally, I gave in and sat on the swing. My bare feet brushed against the leaves and dirt as I worked up some momentum. As I swung back and forth, childhood memories swung back into my brain. I saw myself swinging in my neighbor’s backyard because I didn’t have my own swing set. I’d try to touch the sky with my toes. That little girl didn’t have a care in the world.

    May you always find the time to swing your cares away, Lauren. Happy Day of Birth!

    Catherine Burford

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    For Lauren

    Dancing across the stage of Life

    The Real Goal is to start a flame of Passion

    To Ignite another’s Soul to move the mountains

    You wished you could

    To Inspire is the greatest gift

    You will ever be given.

    Real Beauty and Wisdom that come with Age

    Should always be celebrated and cherished

    by the World

    Thank you Lauren! Happy Birthday!


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    • Aww Sarah! I love this! Thank you for always supporting me and being a true light in my life. And thank you for sharing your light with The Unsealed community. Love you. <3 Lauren

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  • Gie Santana shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Hi,my name is Blue Zircon

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