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All Entries must be in by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

Those moving on to the next round will be announced on July 1st, 2024

Voting will go from July 1st to July 30th (11:59 PM Eastern Time). *NO PRIZE FOR VOTES – VOTING JUST FOR FUN!

Member votes count 5x. Non-Member Votes Count 1x

Our Winners will be announced on August 1st, 2024.

First Place – selected by The Unsealed – $200

Second Place – Selected by The Unsealed – $50

Get published in a book

Read the  Challenge Rules Below before you enter. For your work to be considered to get published in one of our books, sign the release/consent form after you post your entry here (you will still own the copyright to your work).

Click here for an example of one of our books

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Please note that the purpose of our books is to celebrate our community and provide members of our community with an additional avenue to amplify their voices and perspectives. The book is meant to be inclusive, consisting of various writing levels and people of all walks of life. We are looking for pieces that share positive and inspiring messages.



Are you finally in a healthy relationship or are you pursuing your dream career? The Unsealed wants to know. Write a poem or letter to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life.

First Place – selected by The Unsealed – $200

Second Place – Selected by The Unsealed – $50

We will still have voting but no prize for voting for this contest

Member votes count 5x. Non-Member Votes Count 1x


You must be over 18 and a member of The Unsealed Community. You can sign up for The Unsealed Here

*no relatives or employees on The Unsealed are permitted to enter


All Entries must be in by midnight on April 24th, 2024 Eastern Time

Those who qualify for the next round will be notified by July 1st.

Voting will go from July 1st to July 30th. Winners will be posted on August 1st.

Letter/Poem Requirements

  • Entries must be in English
  • They must be true story about your life
  • You must enter your poem or letter on our website
  • The letter/poem can’t mention anyone’s name except yourself (Example: you can call someone a friend, a neighbor, a teammate or a family member but you can’t call them by their name, John Smith)
  • The letter/poem must be original writing from the person submitting the letter (NO AI!)
  • The letter/poem must not have been published anywhere else
  • The letter/poem can’t can’t be defamatory toward another person
  • The letter/poem must be under 800 words
  • Only one entry per person
  • Include a headline for your letter and a photo that goes with your story


You will own the rights to your entry but by entering the contest you will give us permission/limited license to publish the letter and any pictures you provide on The Unsealed. You will also allow us to promote your entry on social media using your letter and the provided picture.

What the letters will be judged on

  • Organization that is logical and effective, is the poem easy to read and understand?
  • Creativity/originality, is there anything that makes this poem unique?
  • Message/insight – does the poem offer a clear and thoughtful message?
  • Impact/Inspirational – is the story powerful and inspirational?
  • Accurately addresses the topic

Good Luck!

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  • The Best Chapter of My Life

    Dear Self,

    What a book this life has been! So many chapters. The early chapters that are far behind us.. The first few, living and growing up into little people. The mid-years with the mall bangs, Aqua-Net and blazers… When it was so important to be popular. When everyone’s opinion mattered.

    After caring about what everyone thought, you narrowed it down to only what the boys thought. So many boys… and then THE boy. The one who wasn’t cool in the traditional sense, but it was okay because you never cared much for the traditional. The one who showed you what safe was. What love could be. Then, he broke your heart. Not on purpose. You were both just too young, he said. You thought he was wrong.

    The next chapter was dark. You leaned into depression. Into deep regret. Into drugs and sex. And shame. You were sure everyone was judging you.

    It was time for a new chapter.

    Along with your new chapter, you started therapy. You tried so hard and worked so long, working desperately to impress your therapist. Your group leaders and head of programming. You wanted to show your friends how “normal” and healthy you were… You really wanted to be good, for them.

    Then there was the darkest chapter where you lost your sister. An overdose. Heroin. You fell out of relationships. Out of connection. Out of caring about anyone or anything. You thought you wouldn’t be able to go on. You didn’t care what anyone thought.

    Despite everything, eventually, you were able to laugh again and to make others laugh too.

    Routine was boring though. Calm and quiet were not what you were used to and there was the occasional “oops, things are going a little too well… better shake it up because I know how to deal with crisis. It is comfortable.”

    Your therapist suggested healthier ways to experience risk without putting your life your wellbeing in jeopardy.

    You signed up to try stand up comedy. Oh, you were so nervous. Remember feeling like you ate that whole jar of butterflies before the contest? You didn’t just volunteer for an open mic night; you signed up for a comedy contest. You practiced hard… so hard, even realizing that no matter how practiced and prepared you were, it was still going to be your very first time on stage.

    Little did you know this was the beginning of the best chapter of your life.

    You remember what happened next, right?

    You were sick to your stomach with nerves (and an overabundance of caffeine), terrified you’d forget your lines and once you stepped out on stage, into the spotlight… everything went quiet and still for a minute. A serenity came over you and you knew there was nowhere you’d rather be and nothing you’d rather be doing. THIS was what you were supposed to be doing. This was your life’s purpose.

    You KILLED it. And, you won the contest!

    It was euphoric.

    It was reinforced.

    There are many nights you stay up too late, writing and rewriting jokes. Practicing with a microphone given by a friend and a speaker bought in a pawn shop. Walking up and down the hallways and around the bedroom getting a feel for the weight in my hands. The acknowledgement of the cord and special awareness. How close you could hold the mic to your mouth before your words became mumbled.

    And the community. The bar crowd that didn’t necessarily drink but shot the shit. There is an acceptance there. Of all your awkwardness and quirk. There is acceptance and celebration, for the most part.

    Last night you were in another contest. You didn’t win. Not the prize, anyway. But in another way, that the other performers may not have. You did what you set out to do. You showed up. You didn’t forget any of your jokes. You made people laugh, and you didn’t care if it was with you or at you or even just near you. You were content know you did what you loved to do.

    You realized your power in that. You gave yourself permission to be out of your head and strictly in the moment. Enjoying yourself.

    All I’ve got left to say is: keep it up! I can’t wait to see where we’ll go from here!


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    • Melanie! You are amazing. What a superpower it is to be able to make people laugh. And it is so brave to stand up in front of people, telling jokes, not knowing how exactly they will respond. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. P.S. Where are your shows. Would love to come see you.!

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  • The Twenty-Second Chapter Of My Life

    Hello world, I know you are probably wondering how’s life, what’s going on, what has been happening to me. We are beauty, We are one with ourselves without a doubt. Let’s begin to be in a world surrounded with true loving inspirational humans. To go through this chapter with no regret. I’m living life as time goes by with ambition, and conquering fears. I can be myself with no judgement. No fear or care of judgement from strangers who mean so little. I stand up for myself not so timid. Eighteen year old me was not ready for who i am today. I’m a published author now who knew that would be happen, I accomplished I’m very gratefully eccentric . I love myself finally after 22 years of not. I sang karaoke with the love of my life in front of an audience. I was confident I’m proud of that. I’m joyful, in love, and all i see are the beauty of everything around me. I met the most beautiful woman I’m spending the rest of my life with, She’s my always and forever & I couldn’t ask for anyone better than her. She’s my person, whom i can be vulnerable with always. To Mi Amor, the New job, The New opportunities , The New Special Memories I adore you. I’m looking forward to chapter 23!!! As we continue the journey, we now embrace life no longer dread it. I feel it, the wind from the trees everything so beautiful from the rustle of leaves, feel the ground beneath my fee ,the clouds moving slowly but surely, the stars shining brighter than ever before, to finally just get in touch with mother nature herself has truly been Exceptional. Who i am today & Who i was before i see the change ,the growth just to make it here. I know now that all the struggle & obstacles I’ve been through had to happen for me to be the beautiful, strong intelligent woman i am now & now i know that i have always been strong, I just couldn’t see the strength in me till now & for that i smile at this twenty-second chapter of my life.

    Vision. W

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  • Cheers to Your Phoenix

    This chapter was made for the
    moon roof sets
    sometimes those sun roof breaths.

    The barefoot ballerina parking lot dances
    you pray you never told em’ about..

    Your sacred and safe places
    being Yours
    introductions on a whim.
    Vulnerability attempts.
    Openness of trials.

    …and Errors?
    Reminding yourself how to breathe a life
    worth living again..

    This chapter was made for you.
    Here’s to the rebirth of
    Whose it needs to be…

    ‘Cause we sure as
    All Hell
    ain’t gonna ever
    come back.
    —xo A

    —xoxo A

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    • I love this part, “This chapter was made for you.
      Here’s to the rebirth of
      Whose it needs to be…

      I can you on the rise in this piece. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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  • Chapt 29

    Chapter 29

    What can I say about this chapter of my life & what I love

    This chapter — as many others — has tought me — so so much

    Most of all—

    It’s taught me to step outside — my comfort zone

    Into an — unfamiliar place
    Into the — complete — unknown

    It’s allowed me to — crawl my way out of
    — the abyss

    & To open my self up — to the world again

    It’s taught me — that It’s ok for me — to let you in

    & no — it’s not easy to show myself
    in my most vulnerable state — it’s never been

    To let you have — a sweet taste
    of my most — sour days — can be unsettling

    Unsettling — to say the least

    Sometimes you can tell still —
    when my body’s — trembling

    Or when my voice — shakes

    But I learned — to simply just
    — trust the process

    in exchange — the power — I’ve gained
    Is — Courage

    What I love most about this Chapter — 29 of mine

    Is that I finally let go of —
    “my perfect plan — & timeline”

    I learned to finally — resubmit myself — to God
    In a way — I hadn’t done — for so long

    I learned to heal some parts of me — that took me back — to little ol’ me — at 17

    Even tho for years — that girl
    has been gone

    I learned to finally give up — trying to be her again

    — just wishing & wishing

    I know now — I’ll never be that girl again
    but I’m no longer tripping

    I can finally be at peace — to say goodbye to her & recreate myself

    Trusting that me at 29 — has already made her proud

    So what do I love most about this — Chapter 29 — I ask myself ?

    That — a little bit of this
    & a little bit of — that

    Restored the hope back in my heart — that for years — I have lacked

    & that — even on the days
    When I felt — most alone

    I never truly was — cause God
    Neverrrr — Let Me — Go

    I learned that — when God promised
    to make a beautiful story out of me

    He in fact — did not fold

    Even tho at times — it felt like
    my time was being wasted

    It was simply just — a beautiful story
    — still — in the making

    All I gotta do now — is continue to let him take the lead

    & not forget — like Miley Cyrus — always said
    — It’s the climb

    So I’ll keep on climbing

    I’ll be patient Lord 🙏🏽
    I’ll let you finish writing ✍️ 🥹


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    • This is absolutely beautiful. I Love this part, “But I learned — to simply just
      — trust the process

      in exchange — the power — I’ve gained
      Is — Courage”

      You are wise beyond your years. There is so much wisdom in this piece. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Chain Breaker

    Jessica, be you and be you boldly. Express every thought that produces emotions. Communicate that thought that keeps you up at night and makes you a sleepwalker by day. Specifically, those thoughts that fuel unwarranted feelings such as depression, suppression, oppression, and rejection. Do not allow them to overtake you to a point of no return. The things I failed to mention have sent me into another dimension—the dark world of Dementia. Yes, the light of the world bleeds through the windows to my soul, but the darkness I allow year after year overshadowed it. Limiting the light to pierce “ME,” the crevices of my mind and heart. I rarely feel and rarely remember the life I lived. Unfortunately, it is no longer my choice to filter in and out what is important. Learn from my current condition and how I react. It is okay to feel, but as quickly as it hits you, be quick to let it go and move on to the next subject matter. Do not allow it to consume you.
    From afar, yet so close, I can see that all the years, time, and energy I have put into people I thought loved me by default failed me then and continue to fail me now, apart from a couple who have passed on or have limited mobility to show up. I’ve spent years chasing, giving, and simply showing up for those people. I’m surely appreciative of those who stand by me now. I hear you each time you say, “ I love you, Mommy.” I do not only hear you, but I genuinely feel it from time to time. I see it through your actions. That’s why sometimes I may say, “ I know you do,” and just as you asked “How” once, I was able to reply, “Because you are still here.” I cherish it each time you say it, although it may seem I don’t understand, considering my condition.
    This chapter of life is called the awakening. It is your time to shine! You have been dimming your light and minimizing your voice for too long. Holding on to people, their actions, and their judgments for no greater end. It is time you wake up from my mother’s despair. She lived in it, soaked in it, and has become consumed by it. Life is about reciprocity. You get back what you put in, but here’s the kicker: be mindful of where you are making deposits. It’s OK to make “empty deposits” here and there. No deposit is in vain, but realize when to move on. Pay close attention to your gut feelings. It is a reflection of discernment. You have spent time defining who you are, understanding your values and the standards you live by, and will accept from others. Now, it is time to stand up and stand boldly in your place.
    You are the governor of your peace and the orderliness of your life. You will lose some people along the way, but remain confident; there will be new people to fill their place. People will circle back: understand every apology does not reward reentry. Let go of the idea that “you can’t choose your family.” Yes, you can! Remember, you turned to “family” for help and guidance through the most challenging times, and they denied you. You set out to take that journey “ alone,” gracefully along the way; the Most High sent the people you needed, and the majority remain by your side. Those are the people you can securely call family. They protect, support, and encourage growth without a competitive cap. This is the most liberating place to be. It has become much simpler after consciously living in the idea of “Let them.” Let them misunderstand you, let them ignore you, let them leave you, let them judge you, let them make excuses. As for you, never stop growing. Do not accept anything less than you deserve to keep stepping forward. It gets even better!

    Jessica Crews

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    • Jessica, I love that you call this period an awakening period. I am sorry for the pain of your past, but I look forward to what’s next for you. I love this line, “You are the governor of your peace and the orderliness of your life.” You have control over how this chapter and beyond will be written. Make the most of it! Thank you for sharing and…read more

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  • joliver15 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your lifeWrite a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life 3 months ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    Chapter 2024

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  • No More Expectations

    After my mom passed away in 2010
    I was unsure what the future held for me
    I had no idea how life would be
    Without the woman I loved and adored
    I was stuck
    Fast forward almost 14 years later
    I love my growth
    I love my consistency
    I love that I am not afraid to tell my story
    Sharing my struggles with grief
    As well as my continuous
    Uphill battle with healing
    From past trauma
    My patience with learning
    That sometimes things aren’t meant to be
    God’s plan is way better
    Than how I believed my life ought to be
    I am amazed that I have been blessed
    With opportunities
    I’ve dreamt of
    A love that completes me
    And restores my confidence in myself
    A peace that fulfills me
    I will continue to live life unapologetically
    ‘Cause this chapter in my life
    Is way better than I expected it to be!

    Tracy Barnes

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    • “I will continue to live life unapologetically” Love this line. I honestly feel your joy, positive energy, and love for life and people every time we interact. Your mom is smiling because she sees how you persevered and how you are pursuing your happiness. You are amazing, and you deserve all the joy that life is giving you. I am so happy and…read more

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      • Thank you for creating the Unsealed I am truly honored and grateful to be a part of this awesome community 🫶🏾🤗 I truly appreciate your continuous support and your kind words ✨

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  • In This Season

    In this season
    We’ve been granted a slower pace
    Living simply in the every day
    And finding God there too

    The rush has been left behind
    A deep breath in, a long exhale
    Holding tightly to the present
    And each other

    I’ve traded the morning commute
    For morning cartoons
    A full cup of chocolate milk
    Next to my coffee with cream

    The crunch beneath my feet
    A small hand in mine
    Your three strides to my one
    We’re in rhythm

    I’ve long been searching for contentment
    And I’m finding it too
    In “I love you mama”
    and “I love you too”

    When the world is chaos
    Our little universe found peace
    Even if only in this season
    As time is soon fleeting, flying, leaving

    Someday I’ll remember when
    We turned off the “fast”
    Before I’m reaching, grabbing
    For times past

    You are my beautiful reason
    For this season
    Little one
    And for all to come.


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    • It sounds like you have done what many people want to do be struggle to do – slow down life, be present, and truly enjoy family. Keep soaking in every moment and making sure life doesn’t pass you by. It sounds like you have a beautiful life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • The Ladybug

    The Ladybug

    A ladybug landed on my hand.

    I was in my car with the window down, waiting for my friend to show up when a ladybug landed on my hand.

    I didn’t see it at first and panicked because something landed on my hand.

    I smacked it away before I realized.

    I think I killed it.

    I made me think for some reason…

    Think of this chapter of my life

    How it is not the best

    But also, not the worst.

    I think that the worst was last year.

    Last year was something else.

    If anything, bad could happen; it would.

    I mean, there was some good in the bad,

    Like getting a job.

    Yet, I also had my first three panic attacks.

    Or when I got my license after three tries.

    Yet, my grandpa got cancer a week later.

    Like exactly a week late.

    At least I got a car out of it, but it still sucked.

    Or like finally finding a therapist.

    But also realizing that finding a therapist was just the beginning.

    For the past year, I have been working with my trauma and now, I’m better.

    I have learned to cope

    I have learned to grow.

    And I feel happy.

    Like never before.

    I feel like I can breathe

    Even though, my anxiety does not help;

    I learn to stay grounded.

    Even if I fail,

    I know that I can just get back up.

    And I and going to try everything I can so that I don’t miss out on anything.

    I hope to look back at this part of my life and try to remember the good.

    By: Breanna L. Asada


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    • I am so sorry last year was hard, and I am sorry to hear about your Grandpa. But it sounds like you have taken the steps to manage challenges and focus on your peace. I am so happy you feel happy. When you are happy, I feel like good things just follow. So cheers to all the good things ahead. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of…read more

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  • A Gentle Reminder

    Dear lady in her thirties,

    Perhaps I said it best when reflecting on turning 30 last year in June; writing down lessons I’ve learned in my decade of twenties. I’ve entered an endearing period of life met with a fresh beginning. This is what I love about this chapter of my life. As I recall some learning moments as a twenty-something, I want to revisit them and remind myself of how I’m living these out in this third decade of life.

    What I want that others have isn’t always as it seems, and it’s okay to wait for my right moment. This brings me to the reality of being single, never having been married, and not having any children when all I see are people my age getting to partake in these life milestones. This is something I want out of my life, and I get anxious about the possibility of this not happening for me. However, I hear stories of hardship, challenges, or struggle some people face with being married, in a relationship, and/or having children, and it allows me to take a step back and be grateful for what I have. I get to grab dinner with my friends and family whenever I want. I get to decorate my home the way I prefer. I can travel in a moment’s notice.

    I’ve learned it’s not worth getting stuck in the visions of how something is “supposed to be” and it not working out. I should still experience life and see what happens. Making the best out of my work life in establishing healthy relationships with my co-workers in which we bond over many restaurants and talk delicious recipes. Reconnecting with old friends that bring a sense of coziness. Traveling to Ireland this fall and experiencing the heartiness of their culture along with the beauty of their land. It’s these moments I hold onto, and I don’t even have to worry about visualizing them – they just end up being joyful surprises instead.

    Saying “no” is a saving grace, and being comfortable doing this is a delight. I know that it may sting a little in the moment, but trusting my gut of when to say “no” is what I always need to do. I’ve taken one year off dating apps after using them for multiple years with no success. It’s been rejuvenating. Reminding myself that the men I said “no” to certain things because of my values and beliefs not matching up to theirs was all worth every disappointment.

    Every mistake is a learning moment and even though letting go of shame seems impossible, thinking about the broad picture of how it will equip me for the next best moment is helpful. Thinking about how I stayed in toxic work environments, accepted people’s hurtful words, made decisions that ended up doing more harm than good—I look back now, and realize how much this has helped me present day in experiencing triumph and contentment that I have the privilege of living. Through this, it gave me focus of fighting for what I deserve and treasure most.

    So as I close this letter, I want to remind myself to keep these learning moments that have jumpstarted this chapter of my life. Here’s to the next decade and years to come in creating meaningful memories. I never expected the start of my 30’s to feel so content.


    Mariel McElfresh

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    • Aww Mariel. Life has a funny way of unraveling the way it’s supposed to. I didn’t meet my fiance until I was 36 (almost 37). Don’t worry and enjoy the moment. Never lower your standards or compromise your values — just keep loving each day and magical things will happen. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family.…read more

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  • Always An End

    My father sat on the sofa with his elbows resting on his spread knees, and he couldn’t keep his gaze locked on mine. His eyes wandered aimlessly around the room as he forced his throat to expel the truth. I already knew what was wrong, but hearing him confess straight to my face stopped my growing denial. The reality of it all sunk in like a hot brand on my chest, searing my skin. I stared at him as my eyes slowly glazed over. My nails picked so desperately at my fingers, hoping to dull the intense misery that now consumed my head. 
    The excitement I once had for a steady future started slowly draining from beneath me; all I could do was watch helplessly. Reality hit me like a freight train after August. My house was beginning to resemble the house of a hoarder due to a water leak that took months to fix and my father’s inability to close his wallet when he was greeted with a good deal. My dignity gradually dwindled every time someone stepped foot inside the house as our dirty secret was disclosed. The situation was becoming too relatable, like a sick and twisted metaphor for the inside of my mind. Cluttered with reality, shoving it away, desperately, trying to make each box fit while I covered it up from the outside with sophisticated red bricking and dainty flower hedges. 
    Pretty pastel dresses and a caked face adorned with a cheery smile were enough to maintain my bubbly facade. However, there was only so much I could do to ease the aching of my soul. My unconventional methods worked, but I could gradually feel myself falling apart as the cardboard boxes that held my sorrows became soiled with the tears I shed in secret. 
    A long, dreadful day ended with my front door slammed shut, leaving my facade standing on the other side. Heavy feet dragged along the floor when one abruptly slammed into another piece of reality resting by the doorway. The sight of it alone made my heart constrict as rage swelled behind my eyes, spilling over in hot tears that rolled down my cheeks. Begrudgingly, I picked up the box, struggling to force my knees to straighten. The bottom of the dingy box finally gave out, scattering its contents across the floor before me. The irony was so great I almost found the humor in it. Rage exploded into utter desperation as my breath hitched. I stood there for an eternity holding that useless box, staring blankly in front of me. At the same time, the hopelessness grew heavier, weighing my heart down like an anchor. I allowed it to take me down, and my knees made contact with the cold laminate floor. I numbly picked up every piece of my fragmented reality, forced to acknowledge everything I had been trying to deny. So many factors were woven together, and with their frayed ends, it was impossible to see how anything would transpire. Every plan I made collapsed as quickly as that pathetic cardboard box. A renewed vigor filled my veins, eradicating the sorrow as I carelessly shoved everything inside a new box. 
    I picked up that new pristine cardboard box containing the same old problems. I rushed towards my bedroom and flung open the door, chucking the box to the ground with absolute disdain. It crashed to the floor with a loud thud as all the contents inside rattled together. I wished so hard that the box would engulf in flames that I started to see it. I watched as the tan cardboard turned bright red and crumpled in on itself, desperate to escape from the fire that clung to its skin as it charred. I lowered myself to the floor and sat in front of the blistering heat. I felt the warmth of the flames gently kissing my face as I watched my anguish be carried away with every ember that rose to the ceiling. An eerie, soothing calm washed over my body as a shaky breath left my lungs.
    I stared at the pile of ash, finding solace in how everything had been reduced to nothing. The tarnished silver lining was finally revealed to me, and I eventually stood up. Everything that had ever plagued my mind had disintegrated before me, leaving an empty feeling as all my troubles had disappeared in seconds. The only thing left were pre-written pages to look back on to be read repeatedly, always ending eventually. Within a blink, the fire was gone, and my daydream ended, and I was back to staring at that cursed box, but I couldn’t help but love that this chapter would someday eventually end. 

    R. Sterling

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    • There is a quote I first heard when former WNBA Sue Bird told it to me. She said she heard it from a friend who was paralyzed in an accident. The quote, (which according to google originally was said by Robert H. Schuller) was “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” Your ending made me thing of this quote. Your piece was well-written. Thank…read more

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  • dear_wolfgirl submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your lifeWrite a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life 3 months ago

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    Life Skills

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  • Solo and Stoked

    The pounding beat of drum and bass calls to me.
    A waft of smoke drifts by as I enter the club.
    I am mesmerized by the light show and guitar tones.
    When I spot a cute guy wearing a gray T-shirt and black jeans, the flirting begins.
    I am childfree, so I can go out when and where I please.

    The sun peers through the blinds and I finally wake up at noon.
    A mild headache quickly fades.
    Though many cocktails were consumed the night before, I am not hungover.
    I stretch and climb out of bed, ready to start the new day.
    I am single, so I can enjoy sleeping on the entire queen-sized mattress.

    My foster dog barks and whines at me.
    He is ready to go outside and play with a ball.
    We extend our hike around the neighborhood to include the walking trail near my apartment.
    After we return home, we play tug of war with his S-toy.
    I am an animal lover, so I can spoil my pet.

    The blinking light on the computer screen beckons me.
    I open the word processing app and look at my notes.
    I interviewed the singer of a local heavy metal band a few days ago.
    Words flow from my brain to the keyboard as I type quickly.
    I am a music journalist, so I can work whenever I feel like it.

    A record spins on the turntable.
    Discordant notes play from the marbled red vinyl.
    I sing along to the hip-hop tune.
    The beat goes on and draws me in to the story told in the song.
    I am a loner, so I cherish solitary activities.

    I live alone as a single, childfree woman.
    I serve as mom to animals in need.
    I work when I have the time and inclination.
    I enjoy spending quality time with myself.
    And I could not be happier at this stage of my life.

    Ginny Gillikin

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    • Ginny, Love this. For most of my adult life, I was a single, childless female journalist. There was a sense of empowerment and carefree fun during those years that I will forever cherish. Enjoy every minute! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Beauty

    Thank you for taking the time to read Beauty. It is a spoken word poem and words of wisdom from an aging self-critic. Thank you for attention. Peace.
    I know what I look like.
    This is the face that I see each morning.
    Deep lines form parenthesis around my mouth.
    There is a canyon formed between my eyebrows.
    Crevices radiate out from each eye like carved rays of light.
    I do not despair at my appearance.
    I am at war.
    These are battle scars.
    Since leaving childhood.
    A battle rages inside me.
    A struggle for control of my outward appearance.
    Set out into the world to face the daily insults of womanhood.
    This war is born of disappointment, rage, and grief.
    This angry leprechaun attempts to vanquish my psyche.
    She is enraged at unkept promises,
    Unrealistic expectations,
    Self-imposed limitation.
    Hands balled into fists,
    She stomps through my consciousness.
    A halo of flaming red hair encircles her twisted features.
    She spends her days terrorizing the small creatures,
    My inner child,
    My self esteem,
    My self-image.
    At night she adds her banshee screams to the chorus of disapproval.
    She screams insults,
    “You’re always late!”
    “You’ve never had an original thought in your life!”
    “You’re a terrible mother.”
    Until my better angels soothe her into submission.
    They croon, “There, there my precious child….”
    Momentarily quiet, she simmers in rage just waiting,
    For the next perceived offence
    Injuries real and imagined.
    This is no easy feat
    To vanquish years of insult, frustration, and anguish.
    I wear the scars of battle,
    Deep parenthesis around my mouth
    signs that I have not allowed the leprechaun to voice my grievances.
    Lines that radiate from eyes
    carved by fake smiles as I placate unreasonable requests.
    The canyon between my eyes
    Etched by years of squinting at the unfathomable cruelty of my fellow man.
    I wear these lines with pride.
    A sign that my inner angels have prevailed.
    As I enter my years of wisdom,
    I admonish myself daily.
    You are strong.
    You are compassionate.
    You are wise.
    From deep within,
    The leprechaun only murmurs.

    Roberta Curry

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    • I love how you ended this piece. So beautiful. So powerful. In my late 20’s I met this really awesome feminist who had been part of the movement in the 60’s and 70’s. She told me “I choose to value most the qualities that grow with me.” That stuck with me. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Twenty-one


    Go to bed or stay up?
    Probably the latter.
    Vodka or Gin?
    It doesn’t matter.

    Tomorrow’s the test.
    But tonight is for laughter.
    You won’t get an A.
    That doesn’t matter.

    She’s cute. Will you marry?
    We’ll solve that after.
    One or two kids?
    It doesn’t matter.

    Where will you work?
    I’ll think of that later.
    What are your goals?
    I’ll know when it matters.

    See, I know that you care
    But please stop your chatter
    For its Friday night
    And that’s all that matters.

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    • I love this!! I think so many people – especially at 21 – let those thoughts and voices in their heads take over. But it is so important to be able to enjoy the present moment. I was just talking to my mom about how my biggest regret/weakness in life is always worrying about what is next instead of enjoying what is right now. Thank you for sharing…read more

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  • Phoenix

    I’m grateful that what once would have shaken me to my core, now shows me I’m
    destined for more. Believe it or not, even after losing a full-time job unexpectedly, I’m in a state of peace and flow with the universe. I may have anxiety and depression ; BUT, now, they no longer have me.

    Every little thing IS g̶o̶n̶n̶a̶ ̶b̶e̶ alright. 🧘🏽‍♀️
    My faith is being tested immensely on the brink of some significant changes; but, I know everything falls in place for my highest good. Life has shown me that often the longer it takes for me to get what I’m asking for, things work out better than expected. The space in-between the flows of abundance, and how you use your time and energy matters just as much, if not more than your winning season. Instead of sulking in despair, I’m enjoying life with friends, new and old, and giving thanks for what’s to come, knowing that what is meant for me cannot come into my life until what is not for me is removed.
    This season has given me a deeper appreciation for unexpected blessings, generosity from others, and I’m constantly reminded that just like the Phoenix rises from the ashes, I have always been stronger than anything that has ever had the potential to break me. The 22nd of this month was the anniversary of my father’s passing & my cousin’s heavenly birthday. I have cried over their transitions; but, I also take heart in knowing my team of guardian angels is stronger than ever.

    My nickname for my dad was Nam. So instead of Namaste, Nam, I’ll stay in my peace as I allow things to fall into place, piece by piece.


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    • Aww I am so sorry for the loss of your dad and for the loss of your cousin. I am sure they are so very proud of your attitude towards life and your resilience. I love that you have learned to have faith. I always say, if you want something badly enough, you will get what you want – just not exactly when you want it. Life has a funny way of…read more

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  • This Chapter of My Life

    More Love, less strife
    More confidence, less fight
    The ability to just let things be.
    Enabling my mind to stay clear and free.
    Understanding that I don’t have to be the one doing everything.
    Letting those that want to do, do their thing.
    It’s not my call or opinions that matter,
    I just want to embrace the differences of others in this chapter.

    Gifted with discernment,
    I am able to see what is not good for me.
    Whether it be people or things,
    or the situations they may bring.
    If it doesn’t sit right in my soul
    or leaves me questioning “What is the goal?”,
    I’ve learned to walk away
    and go on about my merry and peaceful day.

    I hold no grudges and have no contempt.
    From anxiety and hurt feelings, I just want to be exempt.
    Besides, this chapter of life has no time for that part,
    only room for good vibes and a kind, loving heart.

    In this chapter, some will be left behind.
    This particular loss can be hard to define,
    but in due time the weight of what once was will fade,
    and the sense of unsettlement will soon be outweighed.
    Through growth and learning the value of contentment,
    all things meant for me suddenly become clear,
    as those that are not will eventually disappear.

    In this chapter of my story, I now understand
    that life doesn’t always have to have a plan.
    I play the cards from the hand that life has dealt me.
    Like the champion that I am,
    I let my strategy be my ability to foresee.
    I Live my life how I want to live it,
    accepting all things good and rebuking resentment.
    Heavily armed with the lessons that I’ve learned,
    I realized that living in the here and now is what this chapter is about
    So I will be ready and prepared for my next chapter…no doubt.

    Kortney R Garwood

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    • OMG Kortney! This is soo good! I love this piece. It’s so wise and inspiring and it’s so creatively written. I love love love this part, “I hold no grudges and have no contempt.
      From anxiety and hurt feelings, I just want to be exempt.
      Besides, this chapter of life has no time for that part,
      only room for good vibes and a kind, loving heart.”

      I…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren! Again….thank you for allowing me to be a part of this platform. It was been a very inspiring and therapeutic journey 💕

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  • jessicanevith submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your lifeWrite a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life 3 months ago

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    The Day

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  • robertpaulallen submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your lifeWrite a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life 3 months ago

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    The Golden Years

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  • A Love of Life

    What do I love about this part of my life?
    I wonder aloud to myself.
    I seem to get caught up in the riptide of the ever quickening current of life and sometimes forget that when I ride the waves rather than resisting, I end up exerting much less extra energy and receiving much more than when my attention is caught up, too.
    I do love that I can put this sensation into words, something that creates something from what was once abstract.
    I love that I can pause and take just 3 breaths, and remember the gift that alone is.
    I love that in this moment in my life, I am able to meet the triggers and challenges I face like an old friend who is just in need of a parcel of love, not to be turned away with vengeance.
    I love that I am choosing me, no matter what, in a selfishly selfless way.
    Who can pour from what’s empty?
    I love that I am discovering what confidence means to me, and also for my ability to give grace, especially to myself, when that confidence I discover falters, even just momentarily.
    I love that I can remind myself of all the reasons I have to be confident, and for all the gratitude that I feel for the awareness I’ve cultivated of this, as this practice has at times felt as unnatural as I imagine eating soup on the moon would feel.
    I love that I am meeting myself deeper and with more love than I’ve known from myself ever, and for that I rejoice as I know it will be multiplied outwards.
    I love that trying new things lights me up with excitement instead of cowering in fear.
    I love that I use strength with my voice, no longer one to be bulldozed with others’ words.
    I love that my once thorny boundaries have turned to beautiful vines, soft yet strong, ever enduring with elegance and ease.
    I love that this chapter of my life has brought me a love of life – once a place that was a barren landscape of nothingness – now a fertile garden bursting with new life and the potential of growth beyond all imagination.

    Sofia Grace Armstrong

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    • “I love that this chapter of my life has brought me a love of life.” Yes, yes and yes! I am so here for this. I love that you have learned how to love your self and give yourself the grace and credit you so deserve. Your mindset will help you live your absolute best life and I am so excited for you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being…read more

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