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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 months ago

    I wrote this for my mentor, and as it is my writing, I’ve decided to share.

    Dear Clare,

    I hope this email finds you well. Apologies for the late correspondence, I needed the time to be intentional about expressing myself wholly.

    I want to share my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kindness and guidance throughout the program thus far.

    I often think about a conversation we had in week 2 of the program. I resigned from my previous job with over 700 cumulative hours of personal and sick leave, always feeling guilty when I prior used anything other than the mission. At first when you shared a bit about your path to your current position and how the culture fostered in spaces like Year Up, I almost did not care to hear it because it all sounded like things I was not ready to have until something would happen to make me deserving of it, despite not knowing what that something was. Just a feeling.

    Due to my upbringing, I’ve always valued philanthropy and charity, so every year of my adult life I have made significant efforts to insert myself into people’s lives as a solution to their problems. Despite the influence that I and people in my circle know that I have had on others, good or bad, it never felt like enough because there were still people to help, and the mission wasn’t over. In retrospect, I acknowledge that mindset may have been a matter of cowardice than any other aspect I would have used to justify it; I have had many conversations with my therapist since then about not using issues external to myself as an excuse to not acknowledge problems in my personal life. I had voluntarily not gone on vacation for well over a year whilst trying manifest meaning and a purpose to my life. Although I am still learning to prioritize myself, I am grateful beyond what language can express to have an employer and a mentor who actively encourages me to take time off for rest and relaxation. Your guidance has shaped my approach to both personal and professional growth. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.

    Warm Regards,

    Darnel LaFrance

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    • 700 hours!!!!!! That’s wild. I am a big believer that we should always prioritize our own well-being. And when we take care of ourselves first – that is when we have the greatest capacity to help others. Thank you for sharing. I am going to include this piece as a featured story in our newsletter today. Keep an eye out for it.

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  • Dear Dad

    I only hope you’ve had your moment of clarity now before it smears on the rearview mirror and can’t be refocused. I only hope that the changes you’ve made in yourself not only heal you but make you want to heal others you’ve hurt along the way. I only wish that the words you speak now and the softness in your voice were present when I was soaking it all in at a vulnerable time in my life, young with a mind so clean it absorbed anything it heard and saw. I only wish that time gave us the ability to move forward from the past and not forgive or forget but make peace with it. I can only imagine what life would have been like if you were you now- then. Was I jipped? Did the ones who came into your life later get the version of you I deserved? I can only hope there’s time left to get my shot. Do you deserve it? Maybe not. Do I hold grudges? Absolutely. Can people change to the core? I couldn’t say. I can only hope, and I can only accept what you’re offering for what it is and not for what I’d wished for before, because lately I’ve been wondering what’s next, what’s the rest of this life got in store? I can’t rewrite history but we can open a new door.

    Sherry Noble

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  • My sunshine in the rain

    I remember someone once asked me “if there’s any place you can be, where you are peaceful, where would it be?” My answer was simple, somewhere by the water, on the swings, looking over the horizon. But unfortunately, life changed drastically for me, I had turned around for just a moment and felt a shot at my heart. The worst part when I turned back to see who had shot me, I didn’t think it would be in the hands of someone I trusted the most. Oh how I could feel the kiss of betrayal as I cried a river so deep, I drowned in it. The colors had slowly vanished, my head was in the clouds, and it was as if I was walking upside down. But as I shook my head in confusion, and sorrow, I saw a glimpse of her, my girl, my true friend. I had made my way so high up in the clouds, I was looking at her from Saturn, as she stood on Earth, and she waved at me and smiled. She looked at me as if all the flaws that were drowning me, were actually perfect, as if I wasn’t all the negative thoughts in my head, or any of my fears. She called to me, like my favorite song I will always remember, and as she did, I made my way back down. I passed the milky way, the stars, even a place with no name, and at last I met her again, back down on Earth. She reached out her hand, wiped my tears, and she simply said, “baby don’t cry ” just like that, I melted. I held onto her like she was my only religion, the longer I held onto her, the more my pain, fears, trauma, betrayal, all left my body. She always knew how to bring me back down to Earth, and it was the only reason I was able to get through the hard times. I also suffer greatly from bipolar, and dissociative personality disorder, so during traumatizing events like this, it makes it hard to differentiate the lines between reality and fantasies. I was worried I would lose my grip on reality, that my mind would slip and never come back. I was starting to think my dreams were real, and what was real was just a dream, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be the same again. I fell to my knees and sat in silence, no music, no screaming, no tears, none of the old habits I usually go to when I need to numb the pain. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, I thought it had only been 10 minutes as I tried to process all my emotions and thoughts. As I was getting more and more lost into the dark hole, I heard my phone ding. There it was, a message from my girl came in, and at the same time I saw that two whole hours had actually passed in this silence. But I finally looked at my phone, and I saw how joyful she was, as she told me “that’s why I’m happy I know you!” with little hearts. It meant a lot to me because I knew she wasn’t saying it out of pity with all that I was going through, but because she genuinely felt this way. I felt my heart finally thaw, from icicles to newfound warmth, finally put on some music and continued my day with happiness and love. I was so grateful that she came in when she did, and took me out of the dark space just by being herself and showing me love. She actually did this for me multiple times, and doesn’t realize it. Each time I fell, cried, and grieved, she was there, loving me when I couldn’t love myself. She was my eternal sunshine, while I was a dark gray cloud. In her presence, none of the heart ache, grief, and anger existed within me. It was as if my inner child was smiling and healing, all within her arms, and that is when I knew I loved her deeply. I loved her as deeply as the sea, so much so, even the Gods would envy that mortals can love and be loved this much. On the lonely cold nights, I hear her voice, and remember how her arms feel around me, it helps me sleep, it always brings me peace. I keep her love with me like a locket, it keeps me warm, it reminds me love and kindness exists when the world feels heavy. I truly do thank God for putting her in my path, I believe it is the kindest thing God could have ever done for me. I hope everyone who has carried grief, and pain so heavy gets to experience a love and light so kind, so warm, it brings peace in a world that tends to choose war. I never thought I myself would experience someone so kind, loving, interesting, and caring like this. The way she handled my heart, my tears, my anger, has always been so gentle. So gentle that my eyes water whenever I think of her, and her love. She is my safe space, my peace of mind, my sunshine when I feel like it keeps raining, and I even worry that it will never stop raining. Yet she always reminds me that there is hope, there is love, especially between us, and it created a connection that could never die. I believe our connection is so deep, I would look for my sunshine in the afterlife, and in the next life too… If I am to be reborn, the moment I start seeking love again, my soul will search for hers. Because knowing her makes life bliss, that I know during the hard times, she will remind me that the sun will always shine again.

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  • My Sweet Friend Jennifer

    My dear sweet friend Jen,

    I do not remember the details of how we met,  however I know we met in college.  In a small college which only yields a handful of theology majors each year we were bound to meet.  I imagine we met in class and when deciding where I wanted to sit I decided to sit next to the girl with the curly brownish-blonde hair and the kind face.  From there the rest was history and we became friends very quickly.  You became like a sister to me.  When I graduated college we still kept in touch and would occasionally meet for our Panera dates. We bonded over books and boys.  Those were great but I missed seeing you on a regular basis, that’s why I was overjoyed when you got the job for the Diocese as it meant that we would see each other every day. Working with you was a blast.  I would stop by your office each day and we would talk about every little thing that came to our minds.  We joined the events committee together and were voted to be the chair and co-chair.  We complimented each other in leadership. This past year you left your job at the Diocese for a new adventure.  But our friendship has remained steady and strong.

    I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Tik Tok Who’s Your Color Person trend that’s going around where people are classifying different colors to correlate with different characteristics.  But you my dear are my blue.  “A blue person is known for the comfort and peace that they bring. They are a big part of [your] support system and will never leave you (Krol).”  When I was thinking of who would be part of my support system as I started trauma therapy your name immediately came to mind.  When I told you about my mental health challenges you were surprised but you were also understanding and so gentle and kind to me.  You made me feel seen, heard, and supported and I really appreciate that.  Your calm and gentle nature helps me to regulate my dysregulated nervous system.  I trust you and I feel I can be authentically myself around you.  I can be vulnerable with you and am sure it will be met with kindness and love. You inspire me every day even if we are apart and even if you do not know it.

    It has been a pleasure to watch you grow into the woman you are becoming. Your faith is unwavering and always on display which is so beautiful to see. I have watched you pursue your dreams in countless ways,  and in the past year or so I have watched you fall in love with the love of your life.  I am so excited for all that lies ahead for you.  I can’t wait to watch you marry the love of your life this summer.  I know I will be beaming with pride and with love for you that day.  And I know that one day you will stand beside me as my bridesmaid and do the same for me. 

    Thank you for being my friend.  I love you beyond what words can express. 

    Your friend till the end,

    Hannah G.

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  • “i have to explore because i don’t understand”

    2922 days, 417 weeks, 96 months,
    the 8 long years it’s taken for me to know you,
    was this born of hate?
    is that why i find myself as resentful as i am?
    i could never be numb to you,
    i could never be apathetic to you,
    i could never feel nothing for you,

    hate or love,
    hate or love,
    hate or love,
    and i can’t understand what’s in between,

    there’s a house stoic hill,
    woodland lonesome edelweiss,
    just as you’d like
    to which i arise,
    to which you descend,
    i dream about when i’m in the snow,

    the house lives and breathes when i could feel the grass on my feet,
    i heard you sing through a window ajar,
    songs of seraphina,
    you are the indescribable view of beauty,

    as i open the front door to let myself in i kick the glue from my boots that keep me in place,
    i step into rot and decay.
    i feel the candles extinguish as i walk past,
    i hear the weeping angles,
    i smell the cankerous taxidermy,
    my hands freeze from the arctic bite of the door handle as i let myself open to discover the indescribable,
    asphyxiating from my ring you wear on your neck,
    bleeding from my bite on your shoulder,
    pale deficient from the dying sun,
    the discord that drips from the welt of monstrosity,
    why won’t god keep it out my head?
    vomit inducing horror i would sooner be blind than see
    disgusting shape of unknowable inhumanity,
    emotion formed action,
    building mountains on your skin,
    you moan in pain from knowledge of thyself
    but was it me who clipped your wings?


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  • I Am Most Like My Dad When….

    I hated my dad’s classes. He would take out his “Black Tapes”, his Black Law books, and his printed-out thick packets of information from whatever minister or professor he liked then and turn on his computer. It was only occasionally, but the topics of our history always left me feeling uneasy. As I’ve grown, I realized it wasn’t his fault the topics were oppressive to deal with, but I am fortunate he tried to prepare me for the outside world I was entering.

    He is good at that.

    I was homeschooled and in one of our many classes, I remember he made my brother and I draw a circle on the page in front of us and write these words.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I admired his way of storing and sharing information. His eyes lit up when he had the chance to but other times, he just kept his head in a book or focused on the new installment of monitors on his desk; only to interact again when his friends were around. The people who seemed to matter most.

    What he does to me, I do to him. Even though in the deepest parts of our hearts all we want to do is hug each other. We choose to dance around it. We hurt each other, but we do it with love. I know it makes no sense, yet it’s true. I say nothing to protect us and he tells me nothing to keep my image of him from being damaged forever.

    Everything he taught me I absorbed. I stood on a podium and to 300 people. I told them that quote he told me. I made them make a circle with their hands and recite these words, again.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I saw him watch me and I could feel how proud he was without having to look. There are moments when I love him with my whole heart and there are moments when I can’t because it hurts. But I always listen to him, just like I know he listens to me.

    I love you in the way rain always escapes the forecast. It surprises me how much I always forget my umbrella. I love you and it’s hard because it’s hard to love myself sometimes.

    We talk and clash because we both want to be right and since he can’t respond I will part with a piece of his song:

    A baby boy, amazing grace. The 20th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the eldest of three.

    This sounds like me:

    A baby girl, amazing grace. The 25th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the youngest of three.

    And this part sounds like us:

    Plans were made to visit Grandma and them. But underneath pops’ wings is where you’ll find me. Right before bed was the best of times. I swear moms can read a book and make it come to life. But maybe life pressure got to Mom and Dad. Made them change directions from the ones they had. Buckets of tears running down my face as I watch in pain my hero’s separating.

    But with me and you, there are no separations.

    Kayla Dior

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    • Thank you Kayla for sharing your heartfelt letter. It’s clear that your relationship with your dad is complex and filled with both love and challenges. Despite the difficulties, it’s clear that there is a deep bond between you two.
      Your dad’s approach to teaching and sharing knowledge is admirable. The circle exercise he had you do, showing the…read more

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  • A Cosmic Love

    In the cosmic dance of chance and fate,
    A story unfolds, a love so great.
    A Spectrum of colors, a call in the night,
    Where fate intervened, two worlds took flight.

    In the realm of pixels and data streams,
    A Spectrum call center, where reality gleams.
    As a troubleshooter, I entered the scene,
    Little did I know, fate was foreseen.

    In the sunshine state, where palm trees sway,
    Florida’s warmth met Ohio’s gray.
    A sweet voice on my line,
    A connection so divine.

    Fate had more in its grand design.
    Little did I know, she’d soon be mine,
    She insisted on more, a number to exchange,
    Feeding into destiny’s range.

    Two and a half years, our connection grew,
    Before I gave into her irresistible pursuit.
    A realization of self-discovery, coming to light,
    As I embraced the truth of my own unique sight.

    In the closet’s shadow, I found my way,
    Guided by fate’s hand, in the light of day.
    Coming out, my thoughts unfurled,
    She stood by my side, as I reshaped my world.

    Long-distance whispers across state lines,
    A love so deep, like vintage wines.
    Florida to Ohio, miles and miles apart,
    Yet, she captured my soul and entered my heart.

    Through video calls and messages, love took its place,
    A connection so strong, no distance can erase.
    Her laughter echoed through a virtual space,
    Serenading me in a symphony of love and unspoken grace.

    In her, I found a safe harbor, a haven of peace,
    Long-distance love, a sweet release.
    She, a lighthouse, guiding me through,
    In the vast ocean of love, our connection grew.

    Miles may stretch, but love knows no bounds,
    With the help of fate, our story resounds.
    A love that bridges the space and time,
    A testament to fate, beautifully sublime.

    Here’s to the place where it all began,
    Our fate smiled, as it crafted our unique plan.
    In the Spectrum of love, we found our place,
    A love story written by destiny’s grace.

    Abigail J. Stopka

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    • Abigail your poetic words beautifully capture the journey of love and fate that brought you and your partner together. As your connection grew over two and a half years, fate continued to play its part. And through it all, your partner stood by your side, supporting you as you reshaped your world. Despite the miles that stretched between you, love…read more

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    • Abigail! This is so beautiful and sweet and romantic. Also, last lived in Ohio and I know live in Florida! But this is so well written. I am going to highlight this piece in our member spotlight today in our newsletter. <4 Lauren

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  • My Love

    My heart is broke I’m begining to sulk
    My tears are for fears that you might not be back do you have to go away for this long? I don’t think Im strong for lack of a better word, maybe I’m being absurd
    First time I saw you I knew you were the one.
    Starring in to each others eyes our lips touched and that was it, I was hit with cupid’s arrow.
    Now years later a lie was created
    doubted thoughts loom and you assume.
    My heart drops what did I do I never knew you felt like this I must’ve missed.
    I want to give you a kiss and be in bliss again with you, this what I really want to do
    I miss you

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle I can feel the raw emotions in your letter, and I’m here to offer support and understanding during this difficult time. Heartbreak is never easy, and it’s natural to feel a sense of sadness and longing when someone you love is away for an extended period. Sending you strength and support during this challenging time.

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  • rengle3 shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hide N Seek

    Within the depths of my souls chambers
    Resides a tale cloaked and concealed by mist.
    A story of shadows, of darkness
    Where whispers of despair seep.

    The past a tempestuous journey endured,
    Through valleys veiled in haze.
    Whispers of melancholy a melody,
    Played beneath the moons gaze.

    Why withhold this tale from those I cherish?
    The ache, the anguish heavy to bear.
    To shield them from burdens I chose to hide
    Preserving their hearts with love and care.

    For spoken words cannot be unheard
    Revealing pain and stirring wounds.
    To spare their hearts untouched by despair
    Silence became my tender safeguard.

    Not, out of shame or deceitful embrace
    As loves shield, protective grace.
    I treasure their laughter and unrestrained joy
    A sanctuary where suffering remains unnamed.

    So within the refuge of my hearts retreat
    Rests a truth, a story.
    Through loves rhythm and unspoken pact
    Their serenity is preserved entirely.So I conceal this chapter, this history,
    Deep within the chambers of my soul it silently endures.
    Because love, an treasured shade
    Warrants a canvas that’s untainted and sincere.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca, Your words show the journey you’ve endured in the past. Your decision to conceal this chapter, this history, speaks volumes about your selflessness and deep care for those you hold close to you. I know it may be hard to carry this hidden story within you bu, always remember that it’s important to find support and outlets for your own…read more

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    A kiss is the way that hearts can connect

    Through lips that are tender, soft, and knowing

    The feeling of love is warm, gentle, and glowing

    When loving lips meet, the hearts feel the effect


    Hold the embrace and never let go

    Time stops for the kiss so hearts can then speak

    They whisper sweet words that are caring and meek

    Their language is subtle and spoken just so


    What they say is a secret transmitted in code

    They plan for the future and forgetting the past

    Hearts speak of a mystery that will linger and last

    The lips move that message in a soft, silent mode


    When the spoken “I love you” is not quite sufficient

    It’s time for the hearts to speak once again

    And send their sweet poems through pathways that bend

    Back through our lips in a way so efficient


    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • I love this! I read something today on a cup of coffee that said “Life is too short to kiss on the cheek.” This reminded me of that quote 🙂 <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren…it’s one of my favorites I’ve written. I was trying to figure out why kissing your loved one is so important as compared to simply saying the repetitive and tired “I love you”. You can’t lie with a kiss 😉

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  • Hannah G. shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years ago

    To my beautiful mom

    Dear Mom,

    Words can’t describe how grateful I am to have you as my mom. Growing up you gave me a great childhood. You made sure I had everything I needed to succeed. You have always been so involved in my life, encouraging me in my hobbies and passions, believing in the beauty of my dreams and advocating for me in my challenges. You are my biggest fan, my advocate, and my first love. Throughout the years you have shown me what fierce, true, and sacrificial love looks like. You have made countless sacrifices for the well-being of our family. You are truly selfless and have the biggest heart of gold. I hope that someday I will become an exceptional mother—just like you.

    When I was in 5th grade you found an art class 20 minutes away from where we lived and you encouraged me to join. It didn’t matter to you that you had to drive 20 minutes there, wait till the class was over and then pick me up and drive 20 minutes home. When I was having trouble in math you sat with me and explained it to me to the best of your ability. You collaborated with my teachers so that I could succeed. And when one of my teachers wouldn’t give me the accommodations I needed you advocated for me. When I was upset because teachers were calling me “the evil one” you went to talk to them for me. You are always taking care of everyone—with kindness, gentleness, positivity, and compassion.

    Now that I am older we have the deepest conversations. I learn so much from you. Your presence and involvement in my life is one of the greatest gifts. Even though I live 7 hours away from you, you make sure that I always know that you are only a call, text, FaceTime away. Knowing that you are there and being secure in your unconditional love have made me into the person I am today. It’s because of you that I believe in love at first sight. Even though I probably don’t say it as much as you need to hear it I want you to know that I love you to the moon and back, and I am so grateful that I get to be your daughter.

    Hannah G.

    Hannah G.

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    • This is absolutely beautiful. Your mother is so lucky to have a daughter that appreciates all her love and her efforts. My mom, @shelleybrill , is like your mom. She used to drive my brother and I all over the place to our activities. My mom is my very best friend just like yours. I hope you show your mom this letter. It is very special. <3 Lauren

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    • You have such a wonderful mother. She was there for you always and supported you in your endeavors. And I’m sure your mother is very proud have you as her daughter. Thank you for sharing

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  • To the friend God knew I needed.....

    Dear Christina,

    In Carrie Underwood’s song “Some Hearts” she says “some hearts just get lucky sometimes.” I know that’s true. I am so thankful that you had the courage to ask me if you could room with me and Erin. That “yes” brought me a best friend. I’ll spend a lifetime thanking God for making me lucky enough to meet you, to get to know you—your silly, loving, caring, adventurous, courageous side. It’s as if you were meant to be in my life. You filled a void in my life that I needed to have patched up. You came just after heartbreak, you were the start of a new beginning with healthy, holy friendships in my life.

    We were both shy when we started living together not wanting to appear weird to the other. But it didn’t take long for that shyness and awkwardness to disappear and for us to see that we were both speaking the same language. From then on we were sisters. We would go to the gym together to do yoga which always resulted in us goofing off and lots of laughter. Our macaroni and cheese and wine nights are began in the 2nd floor of Carmel and have continued to this day. Along with Erin we created several inside jokes that had us laughing at 4am. We braved a massive power outage together. You riled me up (in a good way) when I needed to be and you were also able to calm me down when I needed to be too. Even though you transferred to a different college the second semester we still stayed in touch and you even came to my graduation which meant a lot to me. We spent that day before my graduation catching up, eating yummy food that we were given for free, and watching Veggietales and Veggies in the House. It was the best way to close out my college career and it meant so much to me that you were there.

    Girl, I have to say that I know it was more than fate that brought us together. I think God knew I needed a friend and He knew that together we would create memories and a friendship to last a lifetime. I can’t wait to see what new memories we will create and how our friendship will continue to be strengthened in the years to come. And I will forever be grateful to God for the risk that you took the day that you asked if you could room with me and Erin because it lead to one of the biggest blessings in my life.

    Your best friend,

    Hannah G.

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    • I’m so happy for you. You gained a beautiful blossoming friendship. You have such an amazing friend that cares for you and loves you for who you are. In a world where we have fake friends we must celebrate the “real one’s”.

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  • Mom, this is what makes you so special

    Dear Mom, Here is what makes our relationship special.

    I am not the only person in the world who thinks they have the world’s greatest mom. But I am the only one who is right. There are so many reasons why you are a great mom. Growing up, you showed up at every dance recital, soccer game, graduation, and field trip. You did my hair as a little girl, even though you had to chase me around the house with a brush and a bow in hand for 20 minutes to do so. You took me to The Plaza for tea time and to restaurants in the city for lunch dates. And you have supported every dream I have ever had. While I cherish all those moments and memories, what really makes you the best mom is that you have never let me cry alone.

    In my worst moments, Mom, you have always been there to listen to, encourage, and give me advice. As a little girl, when I was upset about school or a boy and couldn’t sleep, you would sit in my bed and talk to me until I felt better. To this day, when I am sad or stressed or just need a friend, you are my first phone call. From my first breakup to my assault to the passing of my ex-boyfriend, you have held my hand, wiped my tears and. And somehow, you always make me feel better.

    Your warmth, consistency, and wisdom make you a cut above the rest. And as a result, I move through life feeling very loved. You make hard times more bearable and good times more meaningful.

    I am so lucky to have you, the best mom in the world.

    I love you with all my heart,

    Your daughter,


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    • Lauren, your letter is a beautiful recognition to the special bond you share with your mom. It’s amazing to see that you hold her to the highest level and believe that she is truly the world’s greatest mom. But what truly sets your mom apart is her unwavering presence during your toughest moments. She has never let you cry alone, always offering…read more

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  • To My Second Mom on Mother's Day Weekend

    I know I’ve said this one before, but it is Mother’s Day weekend. So, I figured I’ll say it again.
    Sunday marks Mother’s Day. Without mothers, none of us would even be here. Most of us only have one mom. If we’re lucky, we come across women who become a person’s second mom.
    You’re my second mom. We’ve rooted each other on and prayed for one another when we needed it.
    Thank you for always being in my corner.

    Your Honorary Son, Drew Zuhosky.

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    • Aww, this is so sweet. I am sure Hollie feels so loved and appreciated by you. You are such a sweet and kind soul. I am grateful you are part of our community. <3 Lauren

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    • This is beautiful. Your line ” Without mothers, none of us would even be here” Is very true and mothers should be getting more appreciation even if they aren’t birth mothers. Thank you for sharing

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  • Dear Ralph

    Dear Ralph,

    You don’t know me, but I hope that you will get some comfort and love from a stranger with these kind words. Too often we ask children to carry too much, things that they shouldn’t have to carry. Then we facetiously shove the badge of “resilient” onto their lapel. While you most definitely are resilient, you shouldn’t have to be, and your strength came from responding to a stolen innocence at a heavy cost. I see the news stating that you are a wonderful child, an exceptional musician, and a caring brother. And while these qualities are very important to who you are- they don’t speak to you as a human being that didn’t deserve this. What happened to you was wrong on every level and our community should not be making excuses but should be comforting and holding you with our love and sitting with you through your journey to healing.

    My heart cries out for you and your family and I hope you understand that you are not at all responsible for any of this. I hope you continue on with your passions and goals. I hope you don’t allow the evil of others to poison your soul with jadedness. And above all else, I hope you live fearless.

    With Love,

    Kelsey H.

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    • Aww Kelsey! This is beautiful and so sweet. This line is incredibly powerful, “Your strength came from responding to a stolen innocence at a heavy cost.” As society, we failed Ralph like we are and have with so many others. No child deserves this. No person deserves this, and yet it keeps happening. Thank you for writing such a beautiful letter.…read more

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      • Thank you Lauren. I hope that they bring her a form of a hug; at least maybe she will know she isn’t alone and people care. That was a very thoughtful plan.

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    • So sorry about what you’ve gone through but if you never remember anything else, Please, Please remember the bad thing that happened to you then and in the future is never your fault. You didn’t cause it in anyway, form or fashion. That evil entered your life without your permission, like a thief in the night. No one knows when a thief will…read more

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    • Your words are so kind, caring, and wise. No child deserves to go through this. I’m so grateful that you and many others have written letters to this young man.

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      • I hope when he reads them he feels everyone wrapped around him! I’m very curious how he is doing. I wish we could just reach out to him. Either way, I hope he is healing

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    • I’m not sure what happened but I do agree with you about the innocence of a child and the right to preserving that innocence. Instead of ripping the innocence away and dumping stress and unneeded trauma on a child they should be loved and nurtured and their innocence should be encouraged.

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      • Thank you! What had happened was this young person went to pick up his brothers from a friends house and accidentally knocked on the wrong door. The home owner shot him and then no one would help him. It is shocking what people expect children to have to carry and recover from.

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        • Wow. This grinds my gears. Shooting an innocent child because they knocked on your door. This stuff just make me lose hope in humanity. This is sad and I hope that person gets what they deserve.

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  • To Three of My YSU Colleagues

    Dear Angela, Mollie, and Mary Beth:
    I’m so glad that we’re all friends with each other after all these years. While our paths crossed at different times when I was at YSU, I’m glad I got to know you just the same.

    Angela, you were my co-worker in the Office of Marketing and Communications. We’d talk about this and that pretty much every day. You made me realize that I wasn’t too hip for the room when I was at YSU. You are, and always will be, awesome.

    Mollie, you’ve always been most cordial to me. When I found out that you were going to be part of the Youngstown Press Club, my first thought was “Let’s go! I want in!” It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

    Mary Beth (MB), what can I say about you that hasn’t already been said by me and your other students? Simply put: You are the best professor any YSU alum could ever had.

    Lastly, I consider all three of you as my honorary moms. I love you all very much.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • Awe this is so sweet. All three of them sound so nice and like great company. Your so kind and I’m sure these ladies are grateful to have someone like you as their friend.

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    • This is her best, such beautiful words for the closest people who have made your life that much better. We go through so much in life, but when we have those certain people, certain closeness to get us through the day, there’s nothing like it and it makes those not so good moment sin our lives, better. We all need people we can always go to.…read more

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    • The way you describe each is very wholesome and they sound like wonderful people. And it seems like you’ve had a wonderful time because of these three and I’m happy for you!! Thank you for sharing.

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  • To My Old Roomie & Future Bridesmaid

    Dear Erin,

    I remember the beginning of freshman year of college being worried about if I would be able to make friends as good as the ones I had at home. My naturally shy self wanted a place to fit in and longed for friendships that would be lifelong. Though my floor and I bonded well, I didn’t always feel like I fit in or that my friendships were as deep as I wanted them to be. That is until I met you. We bonded well. Our friendship continued through sophomore year. At the end of my sophomore year I knew I wanted to room with someone different, but didn’t know exactly who. One of my “friends” suggested that we room together. That was probably the nicest thing he ever said and did for me. I asked you if you wanted to room with me and was delighted when you said yes. Little did I know that rooming with you would lead to a lifelong friendship, lots of laughter, and a feeling of family.

    We are so different. You are outgoing and extroverted. You start up a conversation with waitresses/waiters, cashiers, and random strangers on the street. You always have the cashier ring up your groceries so you can interact with them, while I rely mostly on self-checkout. I love to joke that you are my emotional support extrovert, as I am shy and like to keep to myself. You are a night owl and I am a morning person. You are from the city and I live in the middle of nowhere. We complement each other very well. What I admire most about you is your confidence, your strength and your ability to overcome adversity. Though you’ve been put through the ringer many times with school and health issues but you always bounce back. People may misunderstand your beautiful heart but it hasn’t seemed to dim the love you have for yourself (and I mean this in the best of ways). We’ve spent many a night laughing together, crying together, had epic photo shoots together and stayed up late talking about the men we like, and the boys we can’t stand. Ours is more than a friendship. It’s a sisterhood. I know that no matter what you’ve always got my back, and I hope you know I’ve always got yours.

    You have a zeal for life that is unmatched. You make even the most mundane things fun. You don’t hold back or hide. In a world where people try to be anyone but themselves, you stand out for being authentically yourself. You radiate with joy and uniqueness and it is beautiful to see. You encourage, inspire, and provide a place for me to be my authentic self and I can’t thank you enough for that. I love you girlie and I can’t wait to see what memories we create this summer.

    You are one of my best friends and I have no doubt that you will one day be my bridesmaid.

    With love & admiration,

    Hannah G.

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    • Awwwe. This is such a sweet letter. I’m sure Erin would’ve been proud to see her old roomie write such a caring letter about her. I hope you guys stay strong in your relationship. I know that can be hard especially since you guys aren’t roommates anymore I know seeing each other is a lot less than more. Hopefully though when you get married she w…read more

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      • Thank you Kayjah! I did tell her I wrote about her when we did the Monday night writing workshop where we had to write to someone who inspires us. It was a while back and I hadn’t finished the letter till now. Erin and I have definitely still continue to nurture our friendship. Last summer we were in our friends wedding together which meant she c…read more

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    • This is such a sweet letter. I’m sure if she were to read this letter it would put a smile on her face. Im sure she’s proud to have you as a friend.

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    • Sometime we find amazing friends in ways we could never imagine and you’ve a wonderful life long friend that you enjoy spending your time with and now that unexpected friend is going to be your bridesmaid. Congrats and thank you for sharing.

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      • @naeem thanks but I am not getting married anytime soon. No one is in the picture right now. But I know that when I do get married in the future Erin will be right there by my side as one of my bridesmaids.

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        • Aww that’s so sweet. You two have such a strong relationship/ friendship. I wish you luck in the adventures of love. And I’m sure you’ll find that special someone.

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  • To Johannes Gutenberg

    In the mid-15th century, you invented the printing press, thereby beginning the spread of the written word across Europe and eventually around the world. As a person who makes his living on the written word, I along with the rest of the writers the world over, want to thank you.

    In modern times, we have social networks on the Internet, enabling us to communicate with our friends and family instantly, even if they live halfway across the world.

    Everything has to start somewhere. For the spread of the written word, the starting place was the printing press. Technological advancements have enabled people to read books electronically.

    If you were alive today, you’d be amazed at how far the written word has come. Thanks for all you’ve done.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • So cool that you wrote a letter to her. It’s so crazy because now I’m thinking about all other investors and how their invention helped shape the world today. Your letter is such an eye opener. I would’ve never thought of something like this. One person can truly make a difference.

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      • Johannes Gutenberg was a man, actually. In addition to the movable printing press, he pioneered using ink with an oil base to print manuscripts and was a blacksmith by trade. His year of birth is not definitively known.

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    • His small idea evolved into something much greater and if he were alive today I’m sure he’d probably wonder why we make things so complicated or maybe he’s be excited. It’s hard to tell needless to say I’m sure he’d be intrigued.

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    • This is so true. At times I love to write, but I must continue to practice in areas like, going back to read over my writing statements for mistakes, which I do, but usually and only if I’m turning in an assignment or something very important, but I should do it all the time, no matter what. So hopefully one day I’ll get a lot better in it,…read more

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    • This is very unique. Thanking a monumental figure for pioneering the spread of written word. I’m sure that if he were here he would be blown away by not only the way we communicate now but the way we travel, the way we live, and even the way we talk.

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  • Dad, This is why this moment meant so much to me

    Dear Dad,

    I can’t remember the exact day or even the precise year that this memory took place. At the time, I was working for MSG Varsity, a high school sports network in the New York metropolitan area. I was probably about two years out of college and maybe 23 or 24 years old. That job was a breakthrough. It was my first steady on-air job. Before getting an offer to work for MSG, I must have been rejected by 100 stations. I was pursuing what many thought to be an impossible career as a TV sports reporter. So many naysayers told me I was wasting my time and my education. But not you, Dad. You told me never to give up on a dream. You told me you believed in me and tried to provide any resources possible to help me succeed.

    That’s why this moment, which I am about to share, meant so much to me.

    See on this day, I walked into work and everybody was buzzing about Emmy nominations. I was a young reporter in the number one market in the country, so my expectations were low. Then, just as I was about to start writing a script, one of my coworkers told me to check the Emmy nominations. They said they were almost sure they saw my name listed. I don’t remember if I read a hard copy or if I looked at the nominations on my computer or someone else’s computer, but I got a hold of the list, and sure enough, my name was printed twice. In my first year as a reporter, I received two Emmy nominations in the number one market in the country. Before saying anything to anyone, I went into the stairwell and started to cry as I called you to tell you the news.

    That’s the moment that is etched in my memory forever. That’s the moment I will never forget. I remember how I felt overwhelmed with emotion and how I could barely even get the words out to tell you. I remember how happy you were to hear the news and how you told me to stop crying.

    It wasn’t so much the recognition from the industry or that I got to go to the ceremony and wear a pretty dress that made that moment so special. Don’t get me wrong. All that was great too. But at that moment, I felt I had proved that your unwavering support and belief in me were worthwhile. That you didn’t waste your time or money investing in my dreams.

    A decade and change later, I have yet to win an Emmy, even though I was nominated five more times after that. But that moment in the stairwell means more to me than any trophy. That five-minute phone call celebrating with you and hearing the pride in your voice were and are the only prizes that ever mattered to me.

    I love you, Daddy. Thank you for always believing in me.


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    • I love that the first thing you did was call your dad. You knew he would be so proud of you. You’re one lucky lady to have a supportive father. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 3 months ago

    To the Person Who is Always There

    Not a Second Apart

    Not a second apart… born 1lbs and 13oz, you were there with me from the second I was born. You were there when I was first put on oxygen — not getting to see where I lived until Three months after May 23, 1996.

    You were there when I first cried through those doors, it was you who lifted my head, letting me familiarize myself with what must’ve looked like a jungle… our house; a place you saw just a week before the Jewish holidays.

    You were there when I had my first seizure at 2… the same time I was diagnosed with CP, which must have been somewhat of a bitter-sweet moment…after all those doctors I went to, or should I say we went to.

    You were there when I first rolled over – which must have seemed like the first night of Chanukah, not knowing how many candles (activities of daily living skills I could do or how many key milestones I could reach).

    When I wanted to go to college, it was you that I confided in and we made it through, fast-forwarding to now, when I timidity crawl through the process of finding a job, it is you that always reminds me, to keep being you, no matter how awkward you walk… never stop running to your dreams and jokingly or not jokingly saying, “ if you fall, you know how to get up!”

    You are me and I will always love you!


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    • This is beautiful. Honestly brought me to tears. Keep fighting the good fight and never give up on yourself. Sounds like you have a solid support system to solidify that for you. Thank you for sharing.

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    • That is sooo beautiful and I’m so glad you had another you. Someone who have been there with you, for all the most important times of your life. How wonderful that was. He seems to be one of the Great ones, and how desperately we need more of them. Again, good for you and I’m so glad you had someone who truly admired and believed in you, as well…read more

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    • Thanks, Karen!

      The recognition means the world! I hope it impacted you!

      Thanks to The Unsealed for encouraging me to UNSEAL my hardships!

      I truly believe writing these stories have more inspiration on me that no amount of words can do justice describing!

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      • You are so right. writing stories is such a powerful outlet that can help with expressing ourselves. But not only are they a powerful outlet they truly do inspire other to share their experiences.

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        • Jake replied 1 years ago

          Thank you for the kind words, Naeem! Taking the time to read my work and write such a personal, thoughtful comment (as you often do countless times for everyone) means the world to me! Continue to encourage others!

          Much love,


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          • Ah mate thank you, and you’re welcome. It’s the least I could do. Thanks again for writing such an inspiring and motivational story here on The Unsealed. Keep em comin

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    • Thanks, Mavis!

      I’m glad it greatly resonated.

      Affirmation is my most impactful way of seeing someone cares! For YOU to take the TIME out to do so can NOT be OVERSTATTED!

      I see you’ve commented on COUNTLESS posts!


      Much love,


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    • Thanks for sharing this letter, Jake. I thought the way you wrote of “us” and “we” was really creative. You’ve experienced so much and painted a clear picture of the timeline in this letter.

      On a completely different note, I also loved the reference “activities of daily living”; Are you an OT or have you received OT? That’s not a common phase…read more

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