

  • *Keep going through*

    ***Trigger warning***
    I have thought long and hard about this entry, the words that are going to follow, will likely be a trigger for so many, but it is my hope that maybe, I can help another feel less alone. I want to let you know, that I’ve likely been right where you are. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to feel like everything is caving in. That life sucks, and that we got the shortest straw. It’s at that point, we know we are human beings. Living life. We just have to feel it all! Then, when we feel it’s time, push through it. Try not to get stuck in the pain and the darkness. Time is different for so many of us.
    My life has been far from easy. I’m guessing yours may not have been either. So we are meeting on common ground. I wanted to give up on everything so many times. My very first memory ever was when I was around 2. It was traumatic. Growing up I didn’t fit in with the others. I was bullied. I had a very emotionally immature mother, and my father, well, he was gone without a forwarding address when they divorced.
    I was the odd girl being raised by her grandparents. I was automatically labeled “different” and not cool.
    I kept going. It was so hard. In 4th grade, the bullying really took its toll on me when a fellow student put a kick me sign on my back and my art teacher saw it. She pulled me aside and took me into the hall. I thought I was going to be in trouble because no one wanted to be in a group with me. Her words changed my life. She told me that I was smart and talented. She told me to leave the kick me sign on my back and to go back in the classroom acting as if I didn’t know anything had happened. I wanted to cry so badly. My heart was crushed. It was hard, but I did it. I kept moving forward.
    In my elementary years, I felt so lost. Absolutely lost inside. Moving on to middle school, the bullying continued. My self esteem was at an all time low. I started to ditch classes and eventually, I constantly messed up all through 7th grade. I didn’t think that I had a chance at anything. At this point, I had some family issues arise and the pressure took its toll on me. I experienced physical abuse from someone in my family due to alcohol abuse they had become a stranger in my eyes. Unrecognizable and terrifying. With each time that I was hit a piece of me shut down. No one was listening to me. It was me, against the world. I was put in a private school for “troubled teens” There were not many girls there but I became friends with a girl that was adopted.
    I opened up to her about feeling fat and un pretty. One day at her home, she gave my my very first diet pill. This resulted in an eating disorder, I will just check that box too. So we now have on the board, traumatic childhood- jumping into Child abuse, leading to full blown self hatred and a very devastating case of both anorexia and boulima. I had absolutely no clue that I was spiraling downward in a very dangerous way. I couldn’t feel anything. I wanted to feel something. I just couldn’t. I was absolutely NUMB. You might be wondering why I’m putting this out there for the world to see. It’s my hope, that you will see that you are not alone. That you are strong and you will pull through the storms. My story didn’t end there. As numb as I was, I kept moving forward. I had no direction but I knew that it had to get better at sometime. Fast forward to 15, I was thrown back with my mother. Within the first month of living with my mother, Plot twist from absolute HELL-
    I was beaten in the school parking lot with leather belts by a group of boys while everyone watched and laughed. This was typical for a Denver high school in the 90’s. “There was no room for stuck up little white girl in their hood” This was what they told me as they continued to whip me with braided belts. This was an assault. The school let it go. I became a shell. I don’t remember too much other than my mother blaming me for the events that transpired shortly after this. I was sexually assaulted by one of the boys in that group. I woke up in a hospital emergency room covered in charcoal with only a blur of the hospital lights above my head. At that point, all I wanted to was die. I didn’t think that I had anything left. The police had taken a report and my mother refused to press charges on grounds that she feared more gang retaliation would follow. I was placed in a group home- Day treatment facility to address the issues. That treatment facility saved my life. For the very first time I was taken seriously. I was not called a liar. I was supported and safe. I had made it to safety.
    It was a lot of work on my part. I still had a many issues with my mother.
    Everything was always about her. I’m wrapping this up ending in a teen pregnancy. The teen pregnancy allowed me to imancipate from my mother at age 16. I want you to believe that you can break your family generational curses/cycles and life may be hard but I can promise you there is a light. The fight and the struggle are very important. They make us who we are.
    I believe in you. In fact, a whole lot of us Unsealers do. You are amazing. You are smart, you are strong, you have a bright future ahead. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You will change the world. I will be over here, a stranger, in the stands rooting for you. 💜 Just believe in every aspect of YOU. You will pull through. You are not alone and you are already doing such great things. Most importantly, thank you for being you.


    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Shelle, I am so sorry for all the pain that you had to endure and from such a young age. But I am so glad that you found the love and the support you needed in life to get you on a happier and healthier track. You inspire me! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Pain Free.

    Rise and shine you beautiful soul!
    We have work to do today.
    Roll that delicate body out of bed and awaken to the day of wonders ahead.
    Today, feels like a good day. I Declare it, embrace it and give thanks.
    It’s the perfect day to live.
    I am embracing the relaxation and peace that has been gifted to me on such a beautiful morning.
    I stretch, and sit up, wiggling my my toes as my legs hang down from my bed. A giggle escapes my lips followed by a smile as my dog mimics me. She nudges me and lets me know that it is time to officially wake up.
    I step off of my bed and stand tall. There’s no pain at all. No tingling, no burning, no stiffness at all.
    I am at peace. I playfully ask my kitty Nirvana -“Do I choose coffee, or green tea?” She meows back at me. I dance around the the kitchen and I embrace being pain free. There is no stress or struggle as I start my daily chores. You may think this sounds silly, the happiness that bending down brings me as I slide on my shoes. I did it absolutely pain free and that is perfect. It’s perfect for me.
    The sun is shining so bright, and I put the leash on my dog. Bieng pain free, has blessed me with a morning walk.
    I have energy!
    Enough energy to conquer the world, well, that is, enough energy to conquer “My world” or, at least to conquer the tasks that most days I am unable to. Today, I am pain free, and it is absolutely perfect.
    I think it’s a good day to go to the gym. Perfect day, that is.
    I grab my bag, my book, headphones and my water bottle.
    I’m a little bit nervous that this may not last, but quickly push the thoughts away. As today, this moment I am pain free, and today is the perfect day.
    My body moves freely, and with each breath that I take I am breathing in love and gratitude. These days are few and far between. Today, I woke up pain free.
    I am able to grocery shop without any fears or anxiety. There is no looking over my shoulder I am in the moment. I am safe, and I am living life peacefully. Today, I give thanks for walking up pain free.
    I am able to walk the three flights of stairs to visit my grandmother. We’re going to have lunch and play some games. Her company and her smile bring me so much comfort. I’m giving thanks, for such a perfect day.
    I woke up pain free. I woke up with the chance to show the world the actual me. With a smile on my face, and my posture upright. I am filled with gratitude and peace. I am grateful for my life.
    The perfect day for me, means living without pain.
    Without tears, and strain. Oh how I am grateful when I am blessed with a perfect pain free day.


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    • Shelle, Your letter beautifully captures the serenity of a morning and the gratitude for finding solace within yourself. It’s inspiring to see how your home has become a sanctuary. Keep embracing the blessings and cherishing these perfect moments.

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      • Thank you so much for your kind response to my writing. 💜 I appreciate the support. It is very nice to meet you! This piece was very special to me.

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  • shelle-belle submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Someone, somewhere, has loved ME all along

    I have spent most of my life trying to learn how to love myself.
    After leaving an abusive relationship in January of 2001 I was a complete mess. I was a single mother of three little ones that needed me to pull through. There you will find your strength. Someone, somewhere, still loves you. Deep into your core. Do not be afraid to be who you are, because YOU are love.
    I started to write poetry.
    One lonely night, after my kids were in bed, I started to reflect. The darkness seemed to slowly fade away, and the following words flowed freely, and opened up my closed heart.
    I felt compelled to share it with The Unsealed family. Here goes my heart.
    Someone, somewhere out there loves you. They love you for who you are, and they love you for your heart. They love you for everything that you stand for, and that you believe in. They do not hurt you, but encourage you to follow your dreams. They will not tear you down, but will wipe away the tears. when you are too weak from crying, they will hold you. When you feel as if your heart is breaking, and you do not think that you can go on, there, you will find your inner strength. Your power, your truth. do not ever be afraid, to be who you truly are. YOU are loved by you.
    You will embrace the changes, the struggles and those pains. Please, don’t you ever feel like you need to change to be loved. Love is who you are.
    Your road has been hard. It has been paved with loneliness.
    If being lonely is what it takes to find YOU again, then let it be. Don’t be afraid to travel this world alone. take time to observe all of humanity.
    You have found that we are all different on the outside, but we all bleed the same. Broken people will hurt you often due to their own pains. You will learn to spot them. Careful who you let in. Do not be cold, that is not who you are. Expand love within.
    When all is said and done, you will find that you have walked many journeys in solitude. Alone. You have learned that people, are people, they trip up just like you. You have learned that holding onto bitterness, and anger is a huge mistake. It will only hurt you. Knowing that you are unstoppable. You keep moving on. At the end of the road, you will find that someone, somewhere, has been with you through the battles and that they have loved you all along…

    I wrote these words the night that I found myself again. When I realized that all I needed to do was to love myself. It is still an every day battle at times, but I love the woman that I have become. Thank you for reading. I hope that it makes a bit of sense to someone.

    Shelle Belle

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is such a wholesome piece! I love how you spoke about loneliness being positive. Sometimes the things we think we don’t want can be the best for us and that’s okay; it’s okay to travel the word alone and break and crumble. And it’s a beautiful reminder that the love is within us and we are love 🙂

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      • Saga.
        Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment about my poem. It was very special to me and I wasn’t sure if any of it made sense. Your words of support are very much appreciated! It is so nice to meet you.

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        • It definitely made sense and I’m super glad you shared! It’s nice to meet you too 🙂 Hopefully I’ll get to read more of your work <3

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    • Michelle, you have such. a good heart and I am so happy you are using that heart of yours to give yourself the love you deserve. You are such an easy person to love, so keep that bar high. This was another sweet and beautiful piece. Thank you for all the love you pour into The Unsealed. You are pure light. <3 Lauren

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    • This is a lovely piece! As a single mother, this definitely resonated with me. 🙏🏼 look forward to reading more of your work. 😊

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  • Growing with gratitude

    I’m grateful for my life even when I can’t quite feel my purpose. I somehow just know that is a gift. The colors of the sky and the beauty of nature each morning when I wake.
    I’m grateful for my Grandmother and her loving arms and guidance. For her health and her unconditional love. Her arms and her hugs. Her wisdom and her patience.
    I’m grateful for my grown children, each day my heart swells even more with pride.
    I’m grateful for the hugs, the hikes,and the laughter as well as the memories that we have all shared. I’m grateful for the man that stands by my side who stepped up when the others stepped away. He stayed. He stayed.
    I’m grateful for my pets, for the soft and gentle kisses and nudges of support when I am often too overwhelmed and emotional to see the bright side. They pull me back and ground me. It’s unconditional love at the finest.
    I’m grateful for my GOD next without him, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m grateful for second chances and the lessons that I have learned along the way.
    I’m grateful for the birds and the wild animals as they sing their beautiful songs.
    I’m grateful for the Drs that fix me when I can’t go on.
    I’m grateful for the strangers that become friends and the presence of angels in my time of need.
    I’m grateful for family. Distant and close by. I’m grateful for my beautiful cousin. She is my hero. She saved my heart and gave me peace when I was absolutely dying inside.
    I’m grateful for my kind heart, and for my strength. For being determined to survive.
    I’m grateful for the dreamers. The encouragers and those that gently push.
    I’m grateful for my counselor as she helps me take my control back and gives me the confidence to keep pushing on.
    I’m grateful for the unsealed family who write the tender and vulnerable stories from their hearts.
    I’m grateful for their transparent and beautiful hearts.


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    • Hi there, Shelle. Aiša here. Thank you so much for sharing and your kind words about the Unsealed community <3

      I myself would like to share how especially fond I am of the following:

      “For her health and her unconditional love. Her arms and her hugs.”

      How beautiful!
      I think of all the women I hold near and dear when I read these line…read more

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    • Aww shelle!! Your unsealed family is grateful for you too. You have such a beautiful heart — just like your grandmother. Reading your piece reminded me of all the beauty in life that I have to be grateful for. This piece so well reflected your heart and your softness. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 6 months, 4 weeks ago

    I am scared and heartbroken

    Last night, I didn’t sleep well, as I had several nightmares. I was haunted by the endless images I saw in the news: A young woman’s naked, lifeless, unconscious (possibly deceased) body being paraded around as a trophy after Hamas attacked young people at a music festival in Israel, a 25-year-old woman begging for her life as she was taken as a hostage and babies whose faces were covered in dust and blood from the bombs thrown near their homes.

    When I awoke this morning, I immediately read the news to see the latest. And while the horror continues on the other side of the world, I was also disheartened to learn that hate was just outside my doorstep.

    People at rallies down the street from where I slept last night are wearing, holding, and celebrating images of swastikas and promoting anti-semitic rhetoric. For the first time in my life, I was and am scared to be Jewish.

    While I have been doing my best to educate myself through the news, friends, and online resources, I am not going to sit here and pretend I fully understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel – because I don’t. And I know that it’s natural and easy to see the world through the lens of my own experiences and identity.

    However, we all, myself included, should see and feel our humanity reflected in every person on this planet. And act accordingly.

    As I try to process these last few days, the violence happening in the Middle East is not just about me, or any one group of people or politics. This cruel attack on innocent people is about all of us. It is a threat to all of humanity.

    No child, no person, whether they share my background or not, whether Palestinian or Israeli (or any other culture, race, or religion), deserves to live or die in such an inhumane way.

    There are a lot of issues we can’t and won’t agree on in this world. But we universally should believe in and tirelessly advocate for love, compassion, and peace for all people.

    And sadly, right now, that’s not the case.

    I am scared and heartbroken as I pray for the victims of violence, our world, and humanity.


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    • I’m at a loss for words to describe the depths of evil for these murders of innocent people. I can’t comprehend humans committing these acts against other humans. Why with all the prayers that happen worldwide daily do things like this even happen? Please stay safe from these protests and God help the Middle East with everything you have.

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  • Coming Unsealed

    I have dreamed forever about moving forward with my writing career.
    There were many different times in my life that writing got me through the pot holes and broken hearts, but somewhere in between different life lessons started to dim my voice and little by little, I gave up and decided to take a different path. My college major was assigned and I became engulfed in Psychology. After all, the world would always need my expertise and empathy. I had life skills to add to the process and my own obstacles that I was trying to navigate but I knew that I was going to get that degree. I was SO wrong.
    As classes came and went I started to feel like each day was the same thing, same lectures, same people and the homework? Don’t even get me started on the 20 plus page essays that my brain started to struggle to complete. I had always wanted to help others, but my heart was just not in the classes. I started to slowly daze off in class and at the ticking of the large white and black clock on the wall became the most annoying sound. The other students were almost always arguing and debating creating a not so zen environment for my PTSD. I had do to something. I was paying a fortune for these classes, but I didn’t see or feel a future for myself. I ended my college career that semester. I immediately felt like a failure and started to slowly give up on everything. I lost my zest for life and spent most days sleeping while my kids were in school. A visit to my Dr would later show a diagnosis of permanent and untreatable depression from a closed head injury that I had a few years back from domestic violence.
    Tests down the road would also bring about a major life change. I was diagnosed with a TBI.
    I had a permanent bruise on my brain. All I could do was move forward with the physical therapy and counseling. I was shattered when they told me I likely would need to be put into learning disabled assistance if I decided to return to college. After the realization that I was going to need a bit of extra assistance in my classes, I ended my dreams officially of finishing my degree.
    Fast forward to trying to hold down two jobs and deal with an emergency with my three children I had to leave employment. My head was spinning. Thoughts racing and I was always on the go. I carried a notebook in my car and would jot down little clusters of thoughts as they would come to me in moments of quiet reflection. ( That notebook was later lost in a move) Strike 3… You’re out!
    There was an ache in my heart but never a good time to start writing again. The negative thoughts were always there. You can’t write, you couldn’t even make it through college. He was right, you’re stupid and going nowhere with life- You’re writing is not as good as the professional writers out there… We all know that voice. The one that laughs at us and tells us we are not good enough. The echo of anger and of self doubt was ALWAYS there.
    Then, one night, scrolling through my phone I found the ad. I hit the follow button and went on with my every day things. Each night, I would go to that page on Instagram .You guessed it! This one. I clicked through the profile and decided to reach out VIA direct message.
    The first conversation went something like this.
    “Hello, are you a legit person?” I hit the send and anxiously waited a response. It was only a few seconds and Lauren messaged me back. I asked so many questions. My heart wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready. 5.00 was the minimum monthly payment and I made up excuses each time and talked myself out of hitting that join us button.
    Until one evening I was on and received a message. “Have you joined us yet?” It was Lauren I told her no and that we didn’t have the 5.00 but that I was still thinking about it.
    There was absolutely no pressure. I felt so comfortable with the vibes of The Unsealed and a few days later, in the middle of the night suffering through a bout of flashbacks and anxiety I hit that button. I joined for the minimum and I looked around. It was beautiful. Everything was so pure, so raw and so honest.
    At 1:30 am MST I stepped out of my comfort zone and I wrote my first entry. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off of my chest. I was home. I was safe to write out things that I had held in for years and there were others just like myself. We were a group of people that all survived different life obstacles and traumas and we were all in a way connected. I have never looked back and try to write now whenever I get the chance. Lauren and the Unsealed family have helped me heal and find my voice again. I couldn’t have done it if I had not taken that first tiny step out of my comfort zone and for that, I am so grateful.
    Thank you to all of you, for helping me through this last few months.
    My lips have finally become unsealed.

    Shelle Belle

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    • Hi Shelle,

      Writing was not something I was interested in doing, but I felt your comment about the writing so many papers in college. It was overwhelming and I thought I wasn’t going to get through it. I’m sorry your condition made it where you could not finish your degree. It’s not fair. I remember those papers felt like blocking out our creative…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your response to my writing Mira. Sometimes I feel like I’m repeating myself with these stories, but just getting everything out of my head and heart has helped so much. It’s nice to meet you and I look forward to reading more of what you have written! I’m so glad you are here. 🙏

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    • This is so incredibly sweet. I am so glad you came back to writing, and I am even more happy you chose to be part of The Unsealed. You are a talented writer and an absolutely beautiful soul. Thank you for being part of The Unsealed. You are amazing. <3 Lauren

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  • Born to Fly

    Why am I worthy of the utmost respect?
    This can only be answered with a short summary that is very emotional.
    I was an unwanted, and unexpected baby, born to a young mother that didn’t really want to be a mother. I’m told that my mother left me in wet diapers, that burned my sensitive baby skin with urine. I’m told that she left me crying and did not meet my emotional needs. This was proven to be the case.
    I was bounced around and handed over to anyone that would take care of me and to many that didn’t.
    Due to this, I was unable to form bonds, or form healthy connections to others because I didn’t feel safe. That’s the easy and less painful way to put it into words. I never believed that I had a purpose. Until my grandparents decided that enough was enough. I’m told that my grandfather saw something special in me, and that he believed that I could break the family cycle if he were to take custody of me. That my friends was the beginning of the rest of my young life. It wasn’t easy growing up in a very broken environment. I have been in therapy since I was 4. Unfortunately, I had to do some of it with a very detached mother. At that point, one starts to realize that they have to protect themselves. That they have to be strong. Also, that they are worthy of love. It’s not easy at all, in fact, it’s one of the loneliest battles to fight. My best friends became my stuffed animals in my bedroom and each day I would line them up in my room and ask them how we could solve the problems of the day. A bad visit with my mother? Check! I was a bad girl today. Check. I didn’t know which end was up many days because my decisions were made for me in court by a judge. I had to have the visits that would lead me deeper into the spiral of self confusion and insecurities.
    I spent most of my young life trying to gain the approval of my mother. Instead, I became her biggest disappointment which she would almost always let me know. Michelle, why can’t you be more like your sister. You’re such a wimp. Such a cry baby, overly sensitive etc. Her words burned into my heart and I couldn’t quite figure out how I was so different from others. Generational Trauma is real. Also known as generational curses. Breaking that cycle is very hard. I fought for years. I fawned, and I tried to be the image of what my mother wanted me to be. I am now 45 years old, and both my grandfather, and my mother have passed away. I lost my mother in 2019 and we were estranged at the time of her passing. When all of the painful memories start to rest their ugly heads it is my Grandma who encourages me now. She supports me and when I cry to her, I tell her I feel as if I am just floating here on earth, it is her words that keep me going. I no longer float along this life because I know that I was born to fly. We all deserve respect. We are all worthy of love. We are all beautiful hearts and our purpose is to try uplift the broken. To love the unloved. To encourage the hopeless and to help others accept who they are with no judgement.
    That my friends makes me worthy of the utmost respect. The journey that I have fought through the last 45 years.
    *Hopefully this writing makes sense and touches souls.
    Trauma has taught this woman that she deserves nothing more than 100% respect. We all deserve the utmost respect.

    Shelle Belle

    Shelle Belle

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    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Michelle, of all the pieces you’ve written, this is by far my favorite. You told the story so well, and in a way that is so powerful. I am sorry for that your beginning was so difficult, but you have taken all that negativity and hardship and transformed it into a grown woman who has incredible compassion and love for others. I am praying for your…read more

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      • Thank you so much Lauren. It was a deeply personal piece to write. I am sorry glad that you like it. I’m so grateful to be a member and do feel at home and safe to get these pieces out. 💜 Thank you for your prayers.

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  • My first cover letter

    Dear Mr. —

    Did you know the NFL’s Ryan Grant also participated in basketball and track and field during his time at Don Bosco Prep School in New Jersey? Did you know the NBA’s Adonal Foyle still holds the record in New York for most points in a high school tournament game? Did you know former Suffern High School girls’ lacrosse star Crysti Foote is a member of the Canadian National Team and is recognized as one of the best female players in the world? Inspired by the commitment and passion all great athletes demonstrate, I know both the technicalities of sports and interesting facts about the athletes themselves, which is why I believe if I become a reporter for MSG Varsity I will be a powerful conduit between the athletes and the tri-state community. I will ask questions the viewers want to know and receive honest answers from athletes who respect my knowledge.

    My confidence in my future success is based on the achievements of my past as well as my present occupation. As a young 21-year-old college graduate, I began writing for NBA.com and WNBA.com. With my own swagger, I entered NBA and WNBA locker rooms to interview athletes double my size among journalists twice my age. Publishing hundreds of articles and blogs on NBA.com, WNBA.com, D-league.com, NikeWomen.com, and WomensProSoccer.com, I have also had my fair share of on-air opportunities. Currently, I am a co-host for On the Mike With Mike Sherman, a weekly entertainment, lifestyle, and sports show that airs on a CBS affiliate (My33) in South Florida. Last season, when the 49ers took on the Giants in New Jersey, I was there to interview athletes and report back on the night’s events for CBS’ San Francisco affiliate. I have reported local news on Long Island and worked as a sports reporter for Artsis Media, where I shot, edited, wrote, and produced all my own stories.

    Throughout my tenure at Columbia University, I majored in sociology and focused on the sociological impact of sports. Through my 40-plus page senior thesis, I discovered that to have longevity and acceptance as a female sports reporter, you must be a sports connoisseur yourself. Voted biggest jock in my high school senior superlatives, I have lived, breathed, and loved sports throughout my life. I believe if given a chance I will be recognized and respected by the sports world for telling compelling stories and conducting in-depth thought-provoking interviews. In other words, I’m a talented young recruit with an All-American future and would love to help the MSG Varsity team work its way to the top of the game.


    Lauren Brill

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    • Wow that’s awesome! You wrote for the NBA and WNBA!!This letter is a huge inspiration because I want to do podcasting and interview sports players and artists.

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  • Shelle Belle

    Dearest Shelle Belle,
    I don’t know why you are so hard on yourself. You’re learning and moving forward making the best of each new day. It’s 1993 and you have entered into the next stages of your life. Your music selection is a wide variety of artists, which speaks volumes of who you are. As you walk down the graffiti tagged streets of Denver you hold your head high even though the environment around you feels unsafe and scary, you keep pushing forward with your dreams. These streets will never break you. You have so much to accomplish. Follow your dreams. Be your own hero. Keep moving forward. They tried to dim your light when they assaulted you, but you pushed through. You never gave in. You never gave up, and for that my friend you grew into the beautiful and amazing you. A young mom at 16, just a baby yourself. You continued to grow. I’m proud of you.
    For motherhood is tough enough even when one is ready. You took it on. Life stops for no one. Each day a new adventure. Smile, but also honor the tears that you shed when you feel lost in your head. There is clarity ahead. You just have to believe.

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    • Loved this!! My favorite line is “these streets will never break you” I felt that with everything in Me. It’s tough being around crime and dangerous areas and filled with self doubt. You’re amazing and I wish uou so very well!!

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    • I just wanted to say I understand growing up in a bad neighborhood and the pressure to not follow into the crime scene. Life felt easier to just follow the crowd then to keep your dreams, but I’m glad you were still able to keep dreaming through it all. I liked how you mentioned ” honor the tears you shed,” it’s one of those things we hate doing…read more

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      • @miraculous88 I love how you pulled out “honor the tears you shed.” You are right, there is so much power in that idea. I think doing so helps you truly face and persevere through your pain. <3 Lauren

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    • Aww This is so good. A baby at 16 is not easy. You are so strong. You have so many reasons to be proud. I am so grateful you are part of this community. Your teenage self is cheering you on and is proud of you, as am I. <3 Lauren

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    • What an awesome piece I am glad you won.

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    • This is phenomenal; I’m so glad you chose to share it

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    • Shelle, I know I commented already but I am sending you more grace and virtual hugs. Being young while trying to figure out adult and mom life is no easy task. I commend and thank you for being present even on the hardest days you didn’t give up. What’s next? What will you conquer, what would you say to your adult self as a teen? Thank you for sharing! 🙂

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  • How in the world did I end up here?

    This weekend, I was standing on top of a hill with a fortress and a lighthouse that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea in a small beach town in Spain called Tossa De Mer. It was absolutely breathtaking. And I never even heard of this place before we arrived. All I could think was, “How in the world did I get here?”

    Flashback five years ago, I was at a job in Ohio, and I was not particularly happy for many reasons. Guided by a strong intuition (and maybe my misery as well), I left my career as a sportscaster to start my own company, theunsealed.com. We are a platform that allows people to share personal stories in an effort to use writing to transform pain into power. If you know me, you know The Unsealed fuels my soul. It makes me excited to wake up in the morning and fills my life with meaning and purpose. For the first three years after starting my company, I worked every single day – most of the time, ten hours a day. No vacations. No days off. And I was perfectly happy doing so.

    Personally, I have always enjoyed dating and the attention that comes with it, but after two very serious relationships in my early and mid-twenties, for a long time, I didn’t want anything serious. I always feared that a relationship would and could hold me back, especially when I was a sportscaster, and I didn’t know what city or what job would be next. However, as I became more certain that The Unsealed was what I wanted to do and could do with my life, I became cautiously more open to the idea of a partnership.

    Then, after the pandemic, my brother sent me an online flyer for an event. It was called Miami Tech Night; a networking event held every Wednesday in Miami for people who work in tech. My brother thought it would be a great opportunity for me to meet people in my industry. So, as I usually do, I followed my brother’s advice. It was maybe my second or third time attending when this tall, handsome man approached me and asked me what I did for a living. I happily told him, and then he shared a little bit about his career. As we chatted more and more, he revealed that he had started a successful online business in his 20s and sold it. I was impressed, intrigued, and inspired. He invited me to my favorite taco spot down the street to continue the conversation after the event. We quickly realized we had similar interests and family values.

    From there, we started spending time together almost daily. Every week seemed to get better and better. So, one day, about three months into our relationship, I suggested getting away from Miami for a few weeks during the summer. Summers are so hot, muggy, and humid in Miami. I proposed L.A., and he said he had wanted for a while to take this massive three-month trip to Europe. He asked if I would be willing to come along. In theory, it sounded amazing, but I needed to work! Plus, leaving my dog for that long would not be easy for me.

    My parents agreed to watch my dog, and my boyfriend promised me I could work as much as I wanted on the trip. He’s been where I am, so he gets it. I agreed to go, and for the first time maybe ever, I am figuring out how to have a work-life balance, waking up early to work before we go out for an excursion, and finding cafes in every city to continue to put in at least eight hours every weekday. Instead of resenting me, my boyfriend pushes me to wake up early and goes to play tennis when he doesn’t have his own work to get done.

    At night and on the weekends, when we have time, we have the most incredible experiences exploring the world together, visiting castles in Portugal, wandering the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, and getting lost in the public transportation system somewhere in Europe (super grateful to the restaurant owner who called us a taxi).

    There is no way if you told me five years ago I would be here right now, I would believe you. But as I sit in a cafe in Spain and reflect, I realize I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.

    With love,

    P.S. Special shoutout to my boyfriend – thank you for believing in me, pushing me, loving me, and inspiring me. And thank you for speaking three languages. We certainly would get far more lost otherwise!


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    • I love this story. This inspires me to hold onto faith and to let things happen on its own. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I’m happy you were able to balance work and travel.

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    • Lauren!!! I love this line “I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.” It’s exactly the space I’m in where life can be so mysterious. While that can be unsettling there is hope in knowing that by following our dreams and what we l…read more

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      • Thank you so much. I have more faith now than ever that if you follow your heart, things have a funny way of falling into place. <3 Lauren

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    • This is my favorite story

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  • This is why I am making the world my workplace for the summer

    As a kid, I was adventurous, riding rollercoasters at age five, going on a plane by myself at seven, and willing to travel just about anywhere up through my college years. I am not sure if it was the pandemic or the tragedies we see daily in the news, or maybe just me getting older, but somehow, along my journey, my fearless spirit began to fade.

    In April, my boyfriend (of just a few months at the time) proposed a trip of a lifetime, three months of traveling all over Europe while working remotely. In theory, it sounded amazing. I went to Europe in my teens and early 20s and loved it. But three months is a long time away from my family and dog, and Europe feels so distant from home. I was scared to go.

    Nonetheless, knowing how much my boyfriend wanted to travel and how wonderful an opportunity and privilege this trip truly is, I agreed to go with him. However, during the three weeks leading up to the trip, I had two separate back spasms/herniated discs, and, for the first time in my life, I fainted and hit my head pretty hard. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But I definitely felt very anxious.

    Once we made it to our apartment in Barcelona, Spain, I felt slightly more at ease. So far, we’ve walked for miles and miles along the beach, not knowing where we were going or what we wanted to do. We’ve tried delicious food that was possibly worth the ensuing stomachache. And I have attempted to speak and understand a language I do not know. All the while, my boyfriend and I are beginning to learn more about each other’s quirks as we fully live together for the first time.

    As I sit here writing in a cafe in Barcelona, eating new food, working on The Unsealed, and listening to various languages in a city I don’t know very well at all, I am now hopeful that getting a little lost in this world will help me find a part of myself that I thought was long gone.


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    • To be able to travel all over the world is super cool and It’s a great thing that you’ve got you traveling mojo back and that you’re traveling with the one you love. Thank you for sharing

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    • Lauren I am so grateful to have seen your letter. As a young woman that desperately wants to travel but didn’t even go away for school it comforts me in so many ways to see you pushing past your fears and learning how to live in a way that’s such a genuine experience. I pray that soon I’ll be able to tell my own version of this story and I hope to…read more

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      • I somehow missed this response when you wrote it but saw it today. Definitely push yourself outside your comfort zone. It was the best summer of my life, not to mention I fell completely in love with my boyfriend. I was so scared to go and now I want to go back. I can’t wait to hear your story :). Lauren

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  • Michelle shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 11 months, 1 weeks ago

    A broken bond? Or a Blessing?

    I loved you before you saw me, before our eyes locked, when we shared a heartbeat. I dreamed of you. I imagined what you would look like when I held you in my arms for the first time. I never realized that I would have to break our bond so that you could thrive.
    You see, I had a monster that followed me. He broke my heart and he broke my bones.
    My spirit was the last to go when he attacked my beautiful dreams of raising you with your brothers and sister. The very thought of the monster finding us, and involving you, drove a sword deep into my chest and pierced my heart. Your innocence had to be protected. I searched my soul and found you a promising Mother and Father.
    I knew they would protect you, that they would teach you to be the best man there ever is/ was. I trusted them to love you, and to honor our precious bond. Things turned out so terribly wrong for me. I’m deeply grateful that everything is amazing for you. Except that my heart broke into a thousand mini pieces the day that I had to say goodbye to you. In the rain, as they wheeled me out of the hospital holding your car seat so close to my heart your beautiful eyes locked onto mine. I felt so ashamed. I loved you so much my beautiful Son. I handed you over to your the wonderful man that was to become your Father. I believe in that moment, I felt my heart snap. You started to cry, and suddenly everything I thought I was doing that was right felt so terribly wrong. I think that it was the breaking of what had been our bond. I never saw you again. They had to move far away, and they told me that they would let me be a part of your life, but you still do not know me. I only receive pictures of you on Christmas, and sometimes your birthday. I never quite understood how a heart could be broken by a situation, yet coming to a realization of the situation being a blessing in disguise would make it whole again.
    That will make no sense at all to many, all that matters is that I know what I am saying. It’s not an “adoption” they are your guardians, yet they are your Mother, and Father to me. However; You are still my Son too. I don’t want to confuse you so I stay far away. I open your pictures when I receive them, and I pray. I hope that one day, you will understand that they needed you, and WE needed them. I am kind of your mother, I love you more that you will ever know. I just hope our bond is strong enough that you will not be harmed by my decision to give you the world while mine was quaking and crumbling with fear and unstableness. They gave you everything that I could not. I love you…


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    • Michelle, this letter to your son really touched me. I am so overwhelmed by your vulnerability and courage. The sacrifices we make for our children can be the most difficult. I too understand what it is to make the toughest decision of your life due to being in a toxic relationship. I pray that one day you will have the opportunity to meet your…read more

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      • Michelle this is so beautifully crafted. Thank you for sharing this with others. The dichotomy of a broken bond or blessing is one that others can relate to you have been in your shoes. The lengths some parents will go for their children to keep them safe is unimaginable, yet very real. I hope one day your son is able to read this and understand…read more

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    • Hello M,
      You made a great sacrifice to give your son happiness. I am sure he appreciates what you did for him. I am sure he is a wonderful young man.


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  • Thank you Grandpa Herby

    Dear Grandpa,

    It’s been nearly 25 years since I last saw you, and what I remember most about you is how you made me feel. Whether at dinner on the holidays, playing cards, or sitting in your living room telling stories, you lived with a joy and zest for life that was so effortless, natural, and contagious.

    Growing up, you were very athletic, just like me. So when I would tell you about the plays I made or the goals I scored, you’d say, “That’s my little athlete,” knowing I got my athletic prowess from you. I was very outgoing as a child, telling a stranger my whole life story within the first five minutes of meeting them. Since you were not short of personality at any point in your life, you’d always say, with a grin, “We know where that one came from.”

    When I was around you, I always felt like you loved and believed in me and were proud that I was your granddaughter. Grandpa, you always made me happy, and you always made me smile.

    For many years, you had health problems: diabetes, cancer, and heart problems. During the fall of my first year of high school, you had what felt like your 10th heart attack and passed away the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was devastated. Your death was the first time I lost someone close to me. But I pressed on.

    For years, you told me the rain was good luck. So, to cope, I looked for rain to stay connected to you – a way to know you were still there. Sure enough, it rained on the day I graduated from high school. On August 15th, 2012, which would have been your 85th birthday, I was offered my first full-time on-air sports anchor/reporter job. It was pouring outside. And more recently, when I met my boyfriend, who treats me so well and makes me laugh, I asked what his name meant. When he said he didn’t know, I looked it up. His name means the God of Rain.

    With all my heart, Grandpa, I believe you are watching over me. You know I became a sportscaster, and you love that I started a business that advocates for kindness, courage, and equality. You are so overjoyed about the quality of my new boyfriend’s character, and you think it’s funny how my dog doesn’t let anyone within three feet of me. In fact, I think you may have something to do with that.

    So more than telling you that I miss you or even that I love you, what I want you to know is how you made me feel when I was a little girl is how you make me feel now.

    Thank you for still making me smile. Thank you for still making me happy.

    Love your little athlete,


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    • The world is getting smaller Lauren. Not only have we worked for the same companies but I was born and grew up in the Bronx for a short time in my life. Your grandfather may have known my great grandfather and possibly my grandparents. Beautifully written letter to your grandfather, makes me think of my grandparents myself. You’re surely making…read more

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  • Angel In My Darkness

    I don’t know if you will remember me, but I wanted to let you know, I will never forget you. I was the young mother trying so desperately to survive. Hands holding on to my two little boys, and a car seat at my feet, and had my little ones so closely by my side as I checked into the hotel.
    I was exhausted and I was terrified. I think you saw my blacked eye through the makeup that I tried so hard to hide from the world. I only had cash, as he was closely watching our bank account.
    The woman working the front desk looked down on me and rolled her eyes when I tried to explain that I didn’t have a credit card or debit card for personal reasons, but I promised I was not going to throw any destructive party’s with my babies in tow. The truth is, I didn’t know who I could trust. I just wanted to rest. I wanted to feel secure, and to hold my babies tightly at night instead of standing watch for the headlights to pull into the driveway bringing home a drunken monster. Anyways, enough of that. You stood up from your chair, and you approached the impatient lady with your credit card. You sternly told her to “put a week on your tab” My jaw must have hit the floor because you put your hand on my shoulder ever so gently, and ushered me aside to where your beautiful wife and daughter were sitting. She picked up the car seat and walked with me to the elevator. It was unreal. The silence. You handed me my room card, and softly asked me if someone I loved had left those marks on my body. Through tears, I could only nod my head. They wouldn’t stop coming down. Your beautiful wife held me in her arms. She told me to “let it all out” that I was safe from harm. You explained to me that you held a high position in the local church, and that you and your family were staying at the hotel because your home had flooded. You placed something in my hand, and we parted ways. The next morning, there was a bag of groceries at my door. There was clothes for my kids, and a few items that I needed for myself. The morning after that, a beautiful basket of fruit with a note that said- you are so loved. The morning after that, donuts for us. Each morning, a new blessing was left at my door. My week ran out, and I had to go. I never saw you, or your beautiful wife. I didn’t even know which room was yours. When I checked out, there was no information on the sheet for billing and privacy purposes, they had to cover it with something before I received my copy. I never got to say thank you. For the time I had in that hotel was the most beautiful and relaxing of times. I was able to find clarity. I was able to think about my future for the very first time since the local shelter told me they only had room for myself and one child- I thank you kindly and Sir. With all of my heart. You, and your beautiful wife. For being my Angel. In my darkest time.
    Because of you, I am safe. I am strong. You showed me that there was kindness. Many years later, I think of you, I think of her as I do my very best to create special gift bags for the victims and their children as they enter into what is the scariest of times. Thank you again, for your beautiful light. Grateful beyond words,
    – Michelle

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    • Michelle, this story was profound. The acts of kindness shared here are remarkable. I thought it was going to end at the register, but you kept receiving daily gifts of love and appreciation. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that some people can be so KIND when others are so selfish. I am grateful for your stranger too, for it reminded me that when…read more

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    • Wow! WoW! and Wow! First things first, I am so incredibly sorry for the abuse you endured. But what a beautiful encounter with such kind and wonderful people. I am sure they would be so happy if they knew that you decided to pay their blessing forward by giving blessings to so many others. It is poetic when kindness has this type of ripple effect.…read more

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  • Be The Change.

    Kindness has been hidden, everyone is so guilt ridden and full of fear. Believe in your neighbors. Reach out to someone that is struggling.Check on your friends daily. Be the example of love. In my bubble, I feel that judgement is far too common, jealousy is a curse and that negativity is contagious. Greed and power are handed out to those who abuse their privileges loudly. I would love to see a world where you are safe to speak out about your insecurity and weakness instead of the movie and make believe kind of violence and drama each day. Encourage those who are confused and help them find their way back to their truth. Help the less fortunate, but do not make it a dependable process. TEACH instead of preach. Understand that success is not measured by wealth, but by soul. The change starts with our hearts. I would love to see more education and encourage self sufficiency in learning, not just brain skills. It is true, most of us with a college education have spent thousands only to feel lost at the very end. Partner violence is huge, yet there are not enough resources to help those post abuse. I am trying to change that. Beautiful hearts are overwhelmed and overlooked often. A good deed is taken wrong or mistaken for greed. It is run by fear. The news, is never good news anymore. It only focuses on the darker parts of life. Let’s tell the world of the heros and the dreamers. The good deeds and the pure hearts. Instead of selling the darkness that feeds the depressed. I dream of communication and community instead of corruption and conspiracy.
    Reach out a hand to another need. Support and listen to another’s dream. If you can help encourage anyone do that. Be a stepping stone to build another up. Not step on their heart. Believe that change is possible. Believe that we can all be the change. I’d love to see no more wars or fighting. No crime or hate. Maybe just maybe if we took a step back and opened our inner hearts we could understand better.
    Fundraise to make a change for what you believe in. Speak your truth proudly without shame or blame. Believe that each of us are capable to bring about a better world in our own special ways. We can all be the change.

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    • Aww what I love so much about this is everything you say you want to see, you actually do. YOU are an example of Love. YOU encourage others. YOU help the less fortunate. YOU teach instead of preach. You truly are the change you want to see in the world, and for that, you should be so proud. I admire you so very much. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • Mom, this is what makes you so special

    Dear Mom, Here is what makes our relationship special.

    I am not the only person in the world who thinks they have the world’s greatest mom. But I am the only one who is right. There are so many reasons why you are a great mom. Growing up, you showed up at every dance recital, soccer game, graduation, and field trip. You did my hair as a little girl, even though you had to chase me around the house with a brush and a bow in hand for 20 minutes to do so. You took me to The Plaza for tea time and to restaurants in the city for lunch dates. And you have supported every dream I have ever had. While I cherish all those moments and memories, what really makes you the best mom is that you have never let me cry alone.

    In my worst moments, Mom, you have always been there to listen to, encourage, and give me advice. As a little girl, when I was upset about school or a boy and couldn’t sleep, you would sit in my bed and talk to me until I felt better. To this day, when I am sad or stressed or just need a friend, you are my first phone call. From my first breakup to my assault to the passing of my ex-boyfriend, you have held my hand, wiped my tears and. And somehow, you always make me feel better.

    Your warmth, consistency, and wisdom make you a cut above the rest. And as a result, I move through life feeling very loved. You make hard times more bearable and good times more meaningful.

    I am so lucky to have you, the best mom in the world.

    I love you with all my heart,

    Your daughter,


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    • Lauren, your letter is a beautiful recognition to the special bond you share with your mom. It’s amazing to see that you hold her to the highest level and believe that she is truly the world’s greatest mom. But what truly sets your mom apart is her unwavering presence during your toughest moments. She has never let you cry alone, always offering…read more

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 12 months ago

    Dear World, Here is why I am grateful

    Dear World,

    I will admit sometimes I complain. Some days, I am grumpy and exhausted and feel the world’s weight on my shoulders. When I am knee-deep in those moments, I often go for a walk or rollerblade by the beach, where I look around and take a breath, and I am quickly reminded of how lucky I am. There are so many reasons I have to possess tremendous gratitude for my life.

    I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the country, with a roof over my head and food for every meal. A few years ago, I discovered my purpose and was able to start and pursue a business that speaks to my soul. I am, knock on wood, healthy and happy. Also, I have the most amazing people in my life.

    My mom calls me daily to check in, asking, “What are you doing? How’s your day.” She always wants to make sure I am happy and at my best. Throughout the week, you can catch my father sharing all my business social media posts, bursting with pride, and doing whatever he can to support my dreams. My big brother, Andrew, is my lifeline. He gives me the best advice, personally and professionally. He has a way of looking at my life challenges through a clear and logical lens and can always guide me. My friends are loving, supportive, and just a phone call away. Some proofread my writing, give me business tips, or listen to me for hours talk about whatever I need to get off my chest. They want nothing more than to see me live my best life. And my boyfriend is the kind of partner that will surprise me and bring back my favorite meal. He will play with my dog and have dinner with my parents on nights when I know he has a ton of work to do. His thoughtfulness makes it clear that he genuinely cares about me.

    All the people in my life make me feel loved, supported, and joyful. My circle is the source of my strength, as I am flooded with positive energy and kindness. I know that my family and friends will never let me fall too far or hard. So while the universe has blessed me in so many ways, what I love most about my life are the people I am fortunate enough to share it with.



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    • I’m so glad you have such a strong support system. They’re no better feeling in the world than to have the ones you love to also support you and your passion. Thank you for sharing.

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    • You have such a wonderful support system. And the fact that you’re surrounded by people who care about you and aren’t biased and keep it real with you is amazing. Thank you for sharing

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  • Michelle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    Invisible bruises

    I didn’t think it would be this hard. Accepting the diagnosis of *permanently disabled* The fact is, that I have a brain injury. An invisible injury that no one but myself knows about unless we strike up a conversation. What’s the hardest part? The depression. The untreatable with medication depression. The PTSD and the pains haunt me. When I see another woman my age, so beautiful and fit, so full of energy and life, sometimes I’m hit with grief. Why is that you might ask? The days for me lately have been divided out and measured by how much, or how little energy I have that morning waking up. If my body is screaming at me or being kind to me. It all depends. I proudly carry the badge of a domestic violence survivor, but inside my invisible bruises smother my light as the depression tries to take over. My Dr told me that I was beautifully broken. My heart and my brain agree. I just want to be free from the sadness. It feels impossible. Be “mindful” they say. As the tears pour down my face. I hold on for dear life these days riding the waves. Learning to live myself again, and nurturing my invisible bruises. 🩶

    Shelle Belle

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    • Thank you so much for sharing your inner dialogue. I can’t imagine how difficult your life might be because of what you’ve been through. Being beautifully broken is something I’ve heard before. In china, if fine china is broken it’s mended back together with gold. Showing the beauty in imperfections and that it’s worth is still valuable. You may b…read more

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      • 💜 Thank you so much for your word of encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to write a little something to me. It feels a bit less lonely knowing that my words can be safe here.

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    • Hello Shelle, I understand the invisible illnesses all to well. The physical and the mental that came from first abuse and then MS. PTSD has calmed down as I work on regulating my nervous system and my physical ailments have changed significantly as I changed my life style. The memories of the abuse are still surfacing and I ride those waves as…read more

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    • This is a very beautiful and emotional letter. you’ve clearly been through hell and back yet you’re still here, besides the depression and PTSD you’re still here to share your story. Thank you for sharing your struggle.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years ago

    Walt Disney World is a truly magical place

    Dear Walt Disney,

    Like you, I am both a creative and an entrepreneur. Your legacy inspires me beyond measure.

    See, this weekend, I visited Walt Disney World, a collection of theme parks named in your honor and developed based on many of your ideas and creations. It’s the second time I have been there just this year and the sixth time in my life. Each time I go to Disney World, I leave amazed. The parks are enormous, and yet they are so detail-oriented. On average, 58 million people visit Disney World and its parks yearly. Each day, the average revenue for Disney World is $82 million. The parks at Disney World are unlike any other amusement park in the world. And the amount of joy you have brought to people’s lives through these parks and your films is never ending and not quantifiable.

    When I look up at the castle at Magic Kingdom or the ball at EPCOT, I can’t help but think about how this entire empire started with just a vision and a simple cartoon, and that cartoon is now an American icon known as Mickey Mouse.

    While I don’t know how to draw and have no ambition to go into the theme park business, my visions are bigger than anyone else can see. And my starting point is simple. It’s not a mouse like Mickey, but rather a letter – written from one human to another.

    Through letters, I want to inspire people, unite different cultures, and catalyze productive conversations on critical social issues that impact our society. My business is still small – in its infancy. But my vision is clear and so big.

    Mr. Disney, you give me so much hope and fire to keep marching forward.

    For me, Disney World is not just a place for rides, shows, and good food. And your legacy is so much more than the drawings you created. Both are reminders of what is possible with a simple concept, a big vision, and a determined spirit.

    Thank you.



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    • Mr. Disney started with a small idea but a big dream and like you and many others has inspired a long line of dreamers. This letter to him is exactly what his dream was. To inspire.

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    • I love this so much, and I totally agree with you. I’ve only gone once. My daughter took me for my 40th Bday, which she was also celebrating passing the bar for the first time, so it was a great celebration for both of us, and I loved it so much. It was an amazing time, to me, like a dream. I had never experienced such joy during that trip. It was…read more

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      • Awww thank you. I hope you get a chance to go back! You mentioned your daughter before, she sounds like a really sweet person and smart as well. <3 Lauren

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    • I love your perspective of Disney World. I believe we can create any reality we want with proper planning, and patience just like you and Walt Disney. The best part about it bringing joy, and helping others discover themselves in numerous ways!

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    • It’s clear that Mr. Disney is a very inspirational figure in your life. He started with a dream just like you and he brought that dream to life and inspired millions to chase their own dreams.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 1 months ago

    Dear World...

    I remember when I first learned of misogyny, racism and pure hate
    I had thought long ago it all reached its expiration date

    Clearly, I was wrong
    As many are still dancing to an old song

    As a young girl, they told me playing sports is a microcosm of adult life
    But in the real world, the refs try to prevent me from winning at any
    role except mother and wife

    They do so by attempting to lower my ceiling
    While reducing my existence to what I do when I am lying or kneeling

    When it comes to civil rights, I may have never seen a noose
    But the concept of racial equality is definitely still a ruse

    I know I am not black and I can’t understand racism through what I
    hear on the news or read in a book
    But I am human and I know a young innocent boy should not be shot
    because of the way he looks

    In love, we still can’t all marry the person who makes our hearts feel
    cared for or protected
    Instead we must worry and live in fear that our connection won’t be

    In careers, many of us don’t receive opportunity based on ability
    Instead, we are held back because of our complexion, sexuality or

    The solution is in our own evolution

    We are fighting old battles in a modern form
    A new movement where we all stand for each other needs to be born

    Men must stand up against rape and be leaders in its elimination
    Women need to speak up when different races or sexual orientations
    receive any kind of discrimination

    Our voices would have so much more power if we sang as a choir
    Going against the establishment as separate acts just lead us to tire

    Whether you’re black, white, female or LGBT
    People need to stand for people if we are all going to be set free

    Our past should not still be our reality
    It’s time for injustice to be the latest fatality

    Our children deserve a world where hate doesn’t consistently rise
    Instead, I want them to experience the best of life, by living in a place
    where they can feel hope and universal love


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    • A fine meaty poem here, Lauren! you write so well! some of my favorite lines:
      The solution is in our own evolution

      We are fighting old battles in a modern form
      A new movement where we all stand for each other needs to be born

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    • I’m speechless. This poem is exactly what I’ve been thinking but put into words that can be universally understood. You pain a beautiful picture with your words and perspective. Never stop writing your truth. Thank you for sharing.

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