

  • Thank you, and Yessssss, so were I. Going through it and waiting to get the results to me, is always the worst part of it. No matter all the thoughts you have from the beginning of the possibility of a serious illness. The wait is so long, even if it’s a day or two. You count each min/hour of the day, hoping it would past faster. I thank God for my positive results, while still knowing going forward anything could happen, but right now, I’m living off of those positive results, right now. I’m not wasting a moment!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Race and Diversity 7 months, 2 weeks ago

    I so love this piece, so love it. No one should ever be judge by their skin tone, something you had no control over. Not sure why everyone wasn’t born with the same skin tone, there had to be a reason, a reason we will never know, but I’m quite sure it wasn’t for us to hate each other for it. Me personally, I’m not sure if all was born with the same skin tone would have made a difference. Most will find other reasons to hate. Flowers, trees, animals, as well as colors are in many different shapes, sizes and colors, and I’m sure there’s not much hate within any of these many different beautiful things, just with each other. With all that we have to deal and live with, hate should be the last, or not at all. When you hate a person due to their skin color or for any other no good reason, one day you will truly have to deal with that. Whether it’s on this earth, or beyond, but you will deal. There’s no escaping.

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    • I would agree with you!
      You know I wrote this off a true story. The words this person said were true. I had to take a whole class talking about this topic. The class was centered around race and how important noticing race was.
      I want to see my students cultures and their traditions personally.

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  • kmimsrice submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023Write a letter or poem about your favorite day of 2023 7 months, 2 weeks ago

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    Hearing The Sound of Those Words

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  • Thank you, you’re certainly welcome!

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  • kmimsrice submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect?Why Are You Worthy of the Utmost Respect? 10 months, 3 weeks ago

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    Discovering Faith, True Beauty and Confidence During and After Cancer

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  • Welcome Tawanna, glad to have you here. I too write here and there. Have written a couple books, and about to have one of them re-published hopefully soon; it’s a children’s book. The publisher went bankrupt, so I need to get it re-done and with a better illustrator. I also write about my two-time cancer survival, related to other illnesses I live with. I do it to share with others, trying to inspire, give Hope. So if writing makes you express yourself, feel good about it, keep it up.

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    • Thank you Karen. I’m going to be engaging with so many people, I hope to learn as well as connect with others.
      Cancer sucks!! Yay to you for battling, winning, and surviving!

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  • You’re so Welcome! And as you’ve stated, disabilities and all, there’s so much we can accomplish and not allow anything to stop us, just like anyone one else. Once we get started, there’s no stopping.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    It only takes one. One to make you feel like you truly matter, to get you started to being who or what you want to be. That teacher was a wonderful person to choose you to be the special one and it made you feel that way. You needed that; and when you received a role in that school play, that just earned you a little more confident. She was a huge inspiration in your life and she will never be forgotten, because the true meaning of life started with her. She pointed you in the right direction, whether it was right away or down the line, each time you moved up in life, I’m sure you thought of her. Beautiful story.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    Amen, love it. You have to have a passion for it first. Yes, we all can dream of what we want to do, and we truly do as a kid, a teen and by the time we get older, we may not have those same dreams, but have moved on to another. That’s OK. We have a right to change our minds, the thing is once we truly pinpoint what we want to do, whether it works out or not, you have to be passionate about it first, or it won’t work. You can’t want to do something because another person is doing it and you’re jealous about it, so you want to updo that. That’s no passion at all. You can do as another, because you may have that same idea, but do it because it came to you to do it, and it moves you passionately. It’s in your heart. Like you stated, “it’s believe in the power of a dream and you should. Give it all you can.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    I love it, and Love is almost the key to everything, if people just open their eyes and believe. Let it happen. Love is truly what builds the universe, we just don’t share it enough. It would be such a better place to live, if we would just share it more. It’s so easy to share love, it costs nothing. You are worth being loved at all times. During your dark time, I’m so grateful that you found love and there’s none like your friends and family. You stated that love changed your mind, that it saved and motivated you to your best self and I’m so happy for you. God Bless!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    I so love this, thinking back and having a Why to decide, mostly for your parents. Wanting to do right by them. So, I understand this. My parents weren’t perfect as well, I don’t think any are, but they gave me life and took care of my needs, and that’s a parent. As my parents aged, I wasn’t so much at my father’s side, as he had remarried after my mom and him got divorced, but I was there when he needed me. My mom, I was there every single day, as she came close to her passing, I felt I had to be. We were pretty close before she became ill, but once she did get there, I was with her every day. I went through my two cancer diagnoses as my mom was ill, and that didn’t even stop me. I would leave chemo very tired, but will make sure I made the trip to go by and check on her, even if I had to lie down for a bit while visiting. It didn’t matter, I was there. The only times I didn’t visit her was during my surgeries, because I couldn’t be, but as soon as I was able to move, I moved and made a way to her, so I definitely understood. You want to do right by your parents no matter what, trying to be a good person, while still making mistakes along the way, but the ultimate goal is to learn from them and continue working on doing the right things. As you’ve stated, no ones’ perfect, but you will always be perfect in your parents eyes.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    This is great, and I loved that last quote. I never pay any attention to how the word Go just happens to be in the word Goal, it fits. We should always go after our dreams, whether we complete it or not. The idea is to go for it. How would you ever know if you can’t do it, if you don’t even try. A lot of people are afraid of going for their goal, because once they tell their friends and family about it and it doesn’t pan out, they feel that people will throw it in our face and some will. Some will say, I knew he/she wouldn’t do it, but you can’t listen to that, allow that to bring you down, because you know in your heart you tried, and those people who make statements like that, really shouldn’t be in your group of friends, because real friends wouldn’t throw that in your face. So glad you came upon this platform, where you can write and say what and how you feel and get real answers from individuals who know how you feel and will encourage you.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    Beautiful, and Yes, always chose you! I love it. I love how you have conquered all that you have, after all that you’ve been through, my my. A lot of times, when kids grow up in the system and/or horrific homes, they work the hardest at trying to do better, trying make something of themselves, making sure they don’t make the mistakes their parents did; not walk in the footsteps of all the ones who did them wrong, as well as never looking back. Not allowing those horrible times be stamped as you, but be better than that, persevere. As stated, I’m so glad you chose you, you chose peace, you chose strength and you always should!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    Yes, thanks for the memories. I love it. We should all look back at all that we’ve accomplished the year before, if only to see what we did, how we can do it better, and what’s next. You did what you can to build this platform and it will continue as long as you allow it. Yes you will make many decisions, some will pan out and some may not, but that’s OK, you put in the effort. What you’ve created is a wonderful platform for individuals in all walks of life. Sorry 2022 didn’t lead to everything you wanted, don’t beat yourself up about it, you have 2023 and so on to accomplish it. When we survive another year, it’s for a reason, you have another chance at life; to do what you want, to get it right per say. You got this!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    Good for you, leaving the old, on into the new. You made accomplishments in 2022, perhaps not all you wanted to, but some. That’s what the future is for, to carry on. You also gain a friend to keep close to you, that’s always a plus. So, look forward to 2023, where we’re already half in, and do all that you attended to do in 2022 and then look back at 2023 and do the rest in 2024 and so on. Each year of life is given to you to carry on, do what you want, as well as finish what you started the year before. Good Luck!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 2 months ago

    Oh my, I love this. What an inspirational piece. You will inspire so many with this piece, and if anyone reads it and can’t see the meaning of it all, they have an issue. This is a very motivational speech for anyone, especially ones who have low self-esteem, or always feeling down about their life and/or always not feeling what they do in life matters, or just putting themselves down for no reason. You stated you wanted to shine a light and you’re definitely doing that. Good for you!

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  • So love it, and so true, and to me you’re both. Your friend didn’t want to take a chance, you do and it pays off and he feels it’s fearless. What he’s doing is taking away from himself, he’s missing out. You can’t do anything in life, or have great friends in your life, if you don’t make the first move. That doesn’t have to be a person that’s fearless, that’s just a friendly person, who doesn’t fear taking the first move. Good for you and stay the way you are and hopefully one day, your friend will get it and if he doesn’t, that’s not your problem.

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  • I love it, because I’m right there with you. Growing up, my parents, nor my siblings we never said I love you to each other, and I thought there was something wrong with us, or we didn’t love each other, because people on television said it to each other all the time. But of course once I got older, I grew to know we did truly love each other, it’s just that, our parents never said it, so it’s not a surprise we didn’t as well, but we showed it in action. It’s true about an old saying, “action speaks louder than words”. People can say they love you all day, but I prefer them to show me, rather than say it. And like you said, you’ve heard I love you, but it wasn’t true, so I feel you all the way. Like it’s said, “show me the money”, show me you love me. And like you said, if someone truly loves you, they don’t have to say it. You will know it and they will reveal it in more ways than one.

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  • I’m so sorry for your loss, and believe me I truly understand, especially when it comes to your mom. I lost my mom in 2016, and to this day, I still struggle with hurt, anger and disbelief, because I feel that she should still be here. I hated the way I wasn’t there when she passed, but feel I or someone in the family should have been. I hate that she died alone and I can’t and don’t think I will ever get over it. I was so sad for close to two years, and in 2018 I was diagnosed with Afib, a heart condition. When I was diagnosed, the MD first thought I may have what they call “broken heart syndrome”. My heart was still broken at that time, and it still is. I just can’t get past the ideal that my mom died alone, but it has gotten a little better. You mom is that person that gives you a kind of love, no one can ever match and when it’s no longer there, believe me you feel it. I’m so hoping you find the peace you need.

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  • Thank you for such an inspirational, but at times sad story, but it’s OK, what matters is how you are now. Even though you and your sister/sisters fought growing up, I know there was true love there, you have many memories to look back at. I myself, had so many fights growing up with brothers and sisters, it would definitely surprise you. I’m so sorry about the bullying you experience growing up, especially in school. If you think about it, most kids are bullied, as I was and that was so long ago, you would think by now there would be a handle on it. I hated it back then and I still do, because I have grandkids in school right now, and they tell me about some bullying they have gone through; but all my daughter and I can do is to talk them through it, let them know when people bully you, it’s because either they’re being bullied and/or there’s something about themselves they don’t like and bullying makes them feel better. We let them know, it’s not them, that there’s nothing wrong with them, that they’re perfect the way they are. That’s all a parent can do. You wish you were able to go and approach those bullies, but of course we can’t. All that you endured, I’m so proud to see that you mastered a college degree to the fullest. That shows that you persevered anyway. You go girl!

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