

  • You are in humanity, you would not be on the unsealed and you wouldn’t have replied to my letter. You are a human, it is your birthright to breathe, take up space and love yourself no matter what. Each day or moment you feel angst or down, think of one thing that you are thankful to have, maybe it is that you are even thinking to be grateful right? Your life is waiting for you to grab it, snatch it and live it, I promise 🤍🤍🤍🤍

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  • You captured my attention instantly as a woman from abuse and of rape. My body bruised my insides torn and the shame that swallowed my being. You are an inspiration, an earth angel and yes you will heal because you have gratitude for every new day with your children. Goddess speed for you beauty.

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    • Thank you sweetheart,
      It’s a shame an experience as such is the reason we cross paths, however I’m glad you took the time to read my letter. I appreciate you saying I’m an inspiration, as are you. It’s important to know this is something society experiences more than we care to speak of. Shame also suffocates me at times, so understand where you…read more

      Write me back 

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  • This is purely stunning.

    “I watch the leaves sway to the rhythm of the winds and the song of the birds while I’m lost in a faraway world of memories.” This captured my heart and I felt the sway of the wind. 🤍

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  • Hello Shelle, I understand the invisible illnesses all to well. The physical and the mental that came from first abuse and then MS. PTSD has calmed down as I work on regulating my nervous system and my physical ailments have changed significantly as I changed my life style. The memories of the abuse are still surfacing and I ride those waves as well. Your story grabbed me as I relate so much. What helps me is that I write, like you, as much as possible as the release of the souls words offer me relief. I meditate every day, sometimes a few times a day and I heal myself with self compassion that was not shown to me when I was younger. Hold on, ride those waves and keep writing sweet one 🤍

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  • felicerecuperoaol-com shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

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    First Breath of Gratitude

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  • felicerecuperoaol-com submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 4 months ago

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    The Integration of US

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