

  • An Ode To The Little Things

    I stayed in bed
    until I reached
    the outskirts of morning.

    The birds gave pep talks
    instead of songs.

    I got changed
    and found ten dollars
    in my pocket.

    It’s summer but it rained
    and I wonder why nobody
    has made laundry powder
    that smells exactly like this.

    I make the perfect eggs.

    The toaster
    that loves to burns the edges
    leaves them edible.
    I thank it for its kindness.

    I go outside and jump in a puddle.
    There is still that childhood dream
    that it will be a portal
    to an alternative dimension.
    One where Netflix didn’t cancel the OA.
    One where we could trade
    our sadness for money.
    Gosh, would I be filthy rich.

    Me and the neighbour
    do our awkward dance.
    The small talk jive.
    We bow and say
    ‘have a nice day!’
    We really mean it.

    I walk to the coffee shop
    and the sky is still
    rubbing sleep from its eyes.

    The wind is playing solos
    on telephone wires.

    I hold the door for a stranger
    and we share a smile.

    I tell the barista a joke
    and we both laugh
    at how unfunny it is.

    I take the ten dollars
    and order a flat white, one sugar.
    I say keep the change.

    I find a bench, and I ruminate.

    I realise
    Happiness is right here –
    why are we crying
    like it is so far away?

    Ash Raymond James

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    • I’m obsessed with your writing style. This is such a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things.
      Also: i, too, wish that Netflix hadn’t cancelled the OA.

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      • Thank you so much. I cannot actually express how mad I am about the OA. I did it in such a calm and casual way in this piece but honestly, once a week I remember they cancelled it and I have to make myself a cup of tea and go listen to the birds. Such a cliffhanger. Netflix are savages.

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    • Greetings,
      Your ode is stunning, shows the magic in living in the little moments and to cherish them. You never know when you’ll be mourning an old favorite. My condolences.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

    Tongue twister

    My screen is a scene of something obscene
    It’s so serene I hear Myself scream I deemed it extreme
    Im not to keen to dream it seems, I mean…..

    DB cooper

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  • Unveiling the truth about taking chances

    As a writer, I often find myself discovering scraps of writing I have jotted down somewhere, or suddenly, a line will appear in my head that doesn’t fit anywhere or doesn’t feel good enough. Sometimes, I foolishly let it fly away because it wasn’t what I was looking for at that moment. I have pondered how we do this with so many things. We set expectations and order and refuse anything that breaks the pattern, even if the thing we are shooing away isn’t harmful but is healing. We become so strict within ourselves that we become the cause of our discomfort. We search for relief in one way and refuse to accept that anything other than that specific thing will help. There is a calming effect that comes with the familiar, but only because one thing helps us, it doesn’t mean something else won’t. Here is a little silly analogy. Only because you love fries doesn’t mean you can’t like mash. It doesn’t mean mash isn’t satisfying, even if fries are your favorite. The same goes for everything in life. Are you feeling sad? Then you probably know something that can help, but if you are being entirely honest, can you say you are open-minded and open-hearted to other options? We tend to dismiss things before attempting them and convince ourselves that something else won’t work until it stands no chance. I was against exercising for so long. Told myself that I hated it and did so with such intensity I couldn’t let myself feel how I genuinely felt. There was no benefit because I refused there to be one. I was determined for it to fail, so it failed; however, when I let go, gave it a chance, and approached it with openness, I learned it does a lot for my mental health. This is one example of many. It is strange how this links with my writing and how I have started writing down the notes I would abandon before, and the results have been incredible. Instead of telling myself they are awful and brushing them out the door, I let them stay a while. I give them room in my notepad and let them ruminate.
    In summary, I am saying we are terrible at giving things chances, and we should open ourselves to everything. It is okay if you give something a genuine attempt and it doesn’t work out for you, but please try it. Download the running app, try those HIIT workouts, make that recipe you’ve been unsure about, and write the poetry you are sure will suck. In celebration of this, here is an ending of a poem my brain created that doesn’t have a body yet. Hopefully, one day, it will.
    “Please call back later
    I’m trying to sleep off the silence
    And if you don’t understand
    what I’m saying
    You’re cured.”
    (If you like this letter, I write these weekly on my website. I will post more here also, so make sure we’re friends.)

    Ash Raymond James

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    • Ash, your letter is amazing. It’s true that we often ignore or overlook the potential healing and growth that can come from surprising sources. We become so set in our ways, clinging to what is familiar and comfortable, that we miss out on new possibilities. It takes courage to step outside our comfort zones and give things a genuine chance. Your…read more

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  • Perfect sway

    It’s a perfect day, let’s go slay.
    Waking up feels great, my body’s not in pain. My brain no longer insane, I’m tame.
    I put my doc’s on and stroll out the door on this beautiful 80 degree day.
    My gosh the beauty I see before me,
    neighbors smiling and I am stylin’
    Jeeps workin’ just fine wow that just blew my mind
    I feel like I’m in a Muppet movie surrounded by singing
    And dancing I feel fantastic not a bit sarcastic
    nope…. no work today! Just me, myself, and I

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, It sounds like you’re perfect day is an amazing day filled with joy and positivity! I’m glad that you embrace the beauty around you and enjoy your time off. It’s great to cherish the moments of relaxation and self-care. Keep that upbeat spirit going!

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  • An Open Letter To Anybody Ready To Accept Me

    Hello, my name is Ash Raymond James.
    Count the rings around my eyes;
    they will tell you I’m infinite.
    Thirty-three but endless.

    I am six feet tall,
    but I have sixty-foot confidence.

    I am not capable of being embarrassed,
    but have you seen the way I dance?
    I look like I’m on fire
    and I probably should be ashamed
    but I often end up setting the night ablaze
    because I have the sort of joy
    that is contagious.

    My favourite song is my own laughter.
    I laugh at my own jokes until it rains.
    The sky has a secret addiction
    to dad jokes and other people’s happiness.

    It cries out of pure elation.
    Finds it insulting when people
    don’t throw down in its puddles
    so I shimmy a little
    and I don’t care who’s watching.

    I am the sort of person
    who could accidentally start a flash mob.

    People have the audacity
    to tell me I have no rhythm
    but I move to a melody
    only a few can comprehend.
    I think I am a little ahead of my time.
    There is a chance I am from the future
    or I could have just watched too many sci-fi movies.

    It’s been said that my head is in the clouds
    but I am actually wiping stardust
    from my moustache, often
    as I have always believed
    if you aren’t going to pay attention
    you may as well discover planets.

    It took some work, but I finally understand self-gentleness.
    My heart makes my mind breakfast in bed,
    and my mind sings lullabies to my heart
    whenever it can’t sleep and throws itself around my chest.

    I learnt the secret to breathing
    is realising you deserve every breath
    and now I swim with the fishes
    in my spare time.

    The kindest thing I ever did was love myself;
    the bravest thing I am ever going to do
    is never stop
    even when my every atom
    is trying to convince me I should.

    Ash Raymond James

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Hi, Ash! Aiša here 🙂 Thank you for sharing your work of he(art) with us <3

      Surely, anyone who reads this letter will find that they are ready and more than willing to accept you! But guess what? You don’t need them to.

      You’ve got YOU!

      I’m absolutely gushing over the radical self-acceptance this piece embodies.

      “[…] but I move to a melody
      o…read more

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    • Hi Ash, I love this… the humor, gentleness and unique touches put into it… seems like it reflects the really dope individual that you are! Plus, I LOVE dancing lol it’s extremely joyful 😎

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    • Ash! This is good! Never stop dancing. Never stop laughing at your own jokes. And if you start a flash mob, can you please make sure I am around? This piece made me smile on a gloomy Saturday. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Ash Raymond James shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    A Condensed Guide On Making Social Plans

    Say yes immediately!

    Do not check your schedule,
    do not consider
    the consequences
    until it’s too late.

    Lose sleep
    escape plans.

    anxiety is a loan shark
    and it will find you!

    Write the text and delete it
    a few hundred times.

    Google ‘how to safely
    poison yourself’

    Decide against it

    Cancel last minute

    and repeat.

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    • Starting with “say yes immediately!” is such a bold and inviting way to start a poem; I love it! This poem kind of sounds like the instability of anxiety in someone’s mind. I love the way you showed rather than told. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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    • I love that you want the seize the day. Keep up the positivity.


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  • Ash Raymond James shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    Get Up

    Get up
    the day has been
    asking about you.

    Shake off the dust
    of your wallowing.

    Unhibernate your
    state of belonging.

    I have seen skeletons
    rediscover their heartbeats
    so I have no doubt that you can, too.

    Realign your bones.
    Wash off the sins that your
    sadness left behind.

    Become fierce again
    because the sky
    Is toothless mouth
    without you.

    The sun lies awake
    worried that he will never
    get the chance
    to cast your shadow again.

    The wind has a scripture of things
    it wants to whisper to you.

    Turn your door mats around
    so the world welcomes you.

    Introduce yourself
    like this world
    owes you something.

    It has left you breathless
    for far too long.
    You earned its oxygen.
    Claim it!

    This world is yours
    for the taking
    if you want it.

    So get up!
    The world
    has been asking about you

    it would be rude for you
    not to answer.

    Ash Raymond James

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    • WOW!!!
      Great poem, Really inspiring too. Clear and powerful message, to inspire us to take action and make the most of every opportunity.

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      • I am still learning how to use this platform, so this delay comes with an apology. Thank you so much.. Please check out my other work and I will be sure to check out yours.

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    • Wow… I LOVE the way you speak. The verbiage really paints a picture. I feel like the words you used dance together in a very moving way. I absolutely love the use of personification. You really animate the story you’re telling with the way you string words together. “ I have seen skeletons rediscover their heartbeats” is an amazing line. Keep it up!

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      • I hope you will forgive my late reply; I am still getting used to this platform. Your words truly mean a lot, and I just sent a friend request. I would love to read your work and connect more.

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    • Dear Ash,
      You words give me the motivation to get up and go. I love your positivity. Yes take whats your and own it!



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  • My Love

    My heart is broke I’m begining to sulk
    My tears are for fears that you might not be back do you have to go away for this long? I don’t think Im strong for lack of a better word, maybe I’m being absurd
    First time I saw you I knew you were the one.
    Starring in to each others eyes our lips touched and that was it, I was hit with cupid’s arrow.
    Now years later a lie was created
    doubted thoughts loom and you assume.
    My heart drops what did I do I never knew you felt like this I must’ve missed.
    I want to give you a kiss and be in bliss again with you, this what I really want to do
    I miss you

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle I can feel the raw emotions in your letter, and I’m here to offer support and understanding during this difficult time. Heartbreak is never easy, and it’s natural to feel a sense of sadness and longing when someone you love is away for an extended period. Sending you strength and support during this challenging time.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    The government abroad, We didn't start the fire

    This is but a thought the truth of what our nation is coming to
    Fiddle De De fiddle de dumb biden’s got his thumb up his bum, he gave Ukraine another lump sum.
    Migrants galore, Chicago ignore. They say the American dream is a lore. It rocks me to my bitter core.
    The opponent stays quiet, so there won’t be a riot.
    My words are honest, but I can’t promise they won’t cause strife. Think of your life.
    I’m not political, I’m not semitic
    but I said it…
    Eat the rich, but not the poor
    too many citizens lying on the floor
    My lord…
    They say COVID is coming back and it’s going to attack. Relax it’s just tact
    The election is coming The press is running and they are cunning.
    My thoughts are clear a mere sense of clarity
    A rarity indeed I’m not trying to mislead It’s just a seed.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • This is a very clever piece and really captures the rollercoaster ride that the media and politics put us all on — especially these last few years. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 5 months ago

    RX Ginny Pig

    Hello in there, is your head working yet? Here just take another pill.
    For breakfast every morning I have a colorful array of meds.
    Just so I can fit in, I hate it I really do. don’t worry here’s another pill to cheer you up, one to keep u from your nightmarish dreams. One to stay awake, one for pain, another to be in a. Good mood, one to make you stay in a good mood. but it might take a few meds to find the right one
    My mind feels perfectly fine.
    Another appointment? Let’s change it up. A few MG’s up a few down.
    Are you ready for another round
    Ya, I’m down.
    I hear a sound. Let’s wing it this timeIt’ll be fine, You’ll feel so much better. You might even get a little thinner.
    Who knows, the sky’s the limit! That’s the ticket, keep on taking them they’ll keep on making em.
    Addicting those that are weak, and seem to only seek The ones they can critique….

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle this is really powerful. I know other people who have gotten in the cycle of taking pills for mental health, and feel as though they are being put on a rollercoaster similar to the way you describe the experience.

      You know your mind and body best. And you know what’s best for you. I am cheering your happiness on from afar. <3Lauren

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    • I absolutely love this. It’s the truth. There’s no solution just meds

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    • Wow this is so powerful I’ve been raised in mental hospitals and medication has been shoved down my throat my whole life and I have always described the process of being properly medicated as this and you perfectly put the reality of it in the best words well done

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Falling down a hole less traveled

    Surviving addiction it’s an affliction calling out for an intervention
    Spend my time wondering why it took a hold of me. Eyes are wide Breath is high
    Time is a wasting well I’m chasing my dragon
    Tag you’re it! It’s my turn already?
    I can’t even, I’m not steady
    On your mark get set go, GI Joe the more you know.
    My name is Danielle and I can’t even tell
    I’m ready to give up I’ve had enough.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, your words resonate with the struggles and pain of addiction. It’s a battle that can feel overwhelming, but remember that you are not alone. Reach out for support and never give up on the hope of recovery. You have the strength to overcome. Keep fighting, Danielle.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    The addict

    Am I really entering the world of addicy oh the audacity
    am I really that into it
    I am really that into it
    You deserved this
    You treversed this
    Why cant I leave this room
    It’s doom and gloom
    Im starting to tune this out
    Searching, nay saying
    I’m just trying to say
    When the fuck did I get here
    This must be a joke,
    and then I awoke

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, addiction can feel like a never-ending nightmare. But remember, you have the strength to wake up from this darkness. Seek help, find support, and take back control of your life. You are not alone in this journey. Keep pushing forward, Danielle.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Little boy

    Woke up in a daze not feeling like I wanted to go to work. I attempted to call out. Talked to my boss it was a definite NO, I need you come in… Uhg so I did. feeling bad about leaving my boss hangin I strolled in to work every thing was fine just as it should be. I set up and took my first client.second, third and so on and so forth, I noticed a boy and his mother walk in and sit down. The mother was called by the stylist the sat up front probably about 11 or 12 I would say… All of the sudden out of the corner of my eye I see him grabbing his throat and trying to cough. Without even a thought or a memory of how I got from.here to there it was like an outer body experience watching from above myself in motion attending and defending this little boys will to live. It was crazy, each thrust I felt his body get tighter it seemed like forever I was giving the heimlich maneuver. I’ll tell ya… it wasn’t “I hope” this thing. Comes out it was “going to” come out…. And it did the boy with a blue hue had a natural color to him again.
    thank you to who ever what ever that was that came over me the boy started to cough just as the EMTs arrived I stepped a way. They were all clapping, my boss was crying and shaking as was I. My boss pulled me out back to talk she was like how, why if you took the day off…. I just glad you were here today.
    The mother of the boy however was beyond her self gave me a hug asked how could she ever repay me for saving the boy I said to her… Him being
    alive and breathing is payment enough.
    This is my memorable moment….

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Omg! You saved that little boy’s life. That is amazing. You are a HERO! It is so hard to act in the moment. Truly incredible! <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren it was unimaginable the timing the fact that my boss wouldn’t let me call out It was truly a unbelievable experience I don’t think of myself as a hero though….I just did what my body led me to do It was surreal there was one other time when there was a boy drowning in Western Mass and I happened to look down and saw him doing the dead…read more

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      • Hi Lauren I had a question for you and wasn’t sure how to message you directly but been thinking about writing a memoir for years now not quite sure how to do it or if I could get sponsored by someone to actually publish it wondering how that works thanks

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        • Hey! We’ve done a few shows on it. Once you write the transcript, you have to format it (you can hire someone on Upwork for whatever price range you want). You also need an isbn which you can buy on https://www.myidentifiers.com/. After that you need a cover. Amazon can create one with AI for free, or you can make one on canva with the dimensions…read more

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    If you try sometimes you get what you need

    Chasing, pacing, racing
    Only in my dreams
    I want so bad to see them come true
    But I haven’t come to terms with seeing it thru my desires and wants take second stage
    To the battle that is everyday
    Someday I hope I can make them happen
    Glory day, I hope and pray for my time to come
    Though It lasts just a second
    And then it ends…
    it’s already written

    Danielle Bettro

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dampen your eyes

    Steady as I go
    Inspiration pouring out my soul
    Mind and body collide
    Heart and soul coincide
    Fact and fiction divide
    Making you feel alive
    Sometimes I get real
    I kneel and pray to a god not yet saved
    Steal and pay for the next day
    You’ll find a way
    Just stay, don’t run
    It could way a ton
    My thoughts exactly
    Don’t beg just ask me
    I’ll stay till the light burns out
    Be quiet and listen to your first decision
    Be quiet and run for the day is done
    Another quest tomorrow will avenge sorrow

    Danielle Bettro

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  • Grateful

    What am I most thankful for
    I’m thankful for my children. They’re grown now and they are both healthy, smart and inquisitive. They brighten my day.
    I’m thankful I’m alive to witness everything in life My goal is to learn from my mistakes and I’m thankful I have coping skills.
    I don’t have much but I’m thankful I have a roof over my head.
    I’m thankful I have helped others. I’m thankful I can take constructive criticism and I’m able to endure it.
    I’m thankful to have a sister, that’s about all the family I have.
    I’m thankful for my job and the ability to be able to work with injuries and mental illness, I persevere. I have been in situations where I shouldn’t be alive but I’m thankful that I am.
    I’m thankful that I can see the leaves on the trees change.
    I’m thankful I can breathe, though I don’t have a range
    My life has been hard It’s been marred by sadness and violence but I’ve remained silenced.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, It sounds like despite hardships there is so much good in your life and there are many reasons to be thankful. You are strong and resilient. You should be so proud and thankful for your spirit in addition to everything that you named. Thank you for sharing this piece and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 6 months, 3 weeks ago

    These are not my legs

    These are not my legs,
    I’m watching myself from above
    I wonder…
    Are those mine
    I can’t feel them, holy christ!
    I can see them
    My brains scrambled,
    Astral projection, dmt and me
    I can see,
    Try to be me.

    Danielle Bettro

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 6 months, 3 weeks ago

    I am scared and heartbroken

    Last night, I didn’t sleep well, as I had several nightmares. I was haunted by the endless images I saw in the news: A young woman’s naked, lifeless, unconscious (possibly deceased) body being paraded around as a trophy after Hamas attacked young people at a music festival in Israel, a 25-year-old woman begging for her life as she was taken as a hostage and babies whose faces were covered in dust and blood from the bombs thrown near their homes.

    When I awoke this morning, I immediately read the news to see the latest. And while the horror continues on the other side of the world, I was also disheartened to learn that hate was just outside my doorstep.

    People at rallies down the street from where I slept last night are wearing, holding, and celebrating images of swastikas and promoting anti-semitic rhetoric. For the first time in my life, I was and am scared to be Jewish.

    While I have been doing my best to educate myself through the news, friends, and online resources, I am not going to sit here and pretend I fully understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel – because I don’t. And I know that it’s natural and easy to see the world through the lens of my own experiences and identity.

    However, we all, myself included, should see and feel our humanity reflected in every person on this planet. And act accordingly.

    As I try to process these last few days, the violence happening in the Middle East is not just about me, or any one group of people or politics. This cruel attack on innocent people is about all of us. It is a threat to all of humanity.

    No child, no person, whether they share my background or not, whether Palestinian or Israeli (or any other culture, race, or religion), deserves to live or die in such an inhumane way.

    There are a lot of issues we can’t and won’t agree on in this world. But we universally should believe in and tirelessly advocate for love, compassion, and peace for all people.

    And sadly, right now, that’s not the case.

    I am scared and heartbroken as I pray for the victims of violence, our world, and humanity.


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    • I’m at a loss for words to describe the depths of evil for these murders of innocent people. I can’t comprehend humans committing these acts against other humans. Why with all the prayers that happen worldwide daily do things like this even happen? Please stay safe from these protests and God help the Middle East with everything you have.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 7 months, 1 weeks ago


    I’m all alone walking and I’m stoned feel the night rise behind my back I’ve got a flashlight but it’s still black
    I think it’s lack of comprehension but I’m not sure there’s no simple way that I can cure the tension
    Intervention, still alone hanging by a thread on the edge of the world
    Oh, did I forget to mention
    My dear you’ve gone to far
    It was a slight intention by
    Regression, back to basics
    Stay to listen to my submission
    While I revise my inclination.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 7 months, 1 weeks ago


    My mind is mine, I love it so.
    My time is timed, wish it would go slow
    The bind is tight though I see the light
    Intervening capsules of life defy the integrity of thought.
    Insignificance has brought a rapture upon all that is lost.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, Your words beautifully capture the complex nature of the mind and the passage of time. The struggle between the desire for slow moments and the rushing reality is relatable. The interplay of thoughts and the sense of insignificance can be overwhelming, but remember that even in the chaos, there is always a glimmer of light and hope. Keep…read more

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