

  • Mental Black Hole

    Life is so strange and I just really wish I could understand it

    That’s one of my flaws

    I tend to put myself in a mental black hole from trying to figure life out

    Questions constantly run through my head

    Questions that have no answer
    And each individual question has a novel of possibilities and different perspectives attached

    With that being said imagine trying to read every single novel at once

    Picking up each book in desperate search of nonexistent answers while only reading two pages at a time and constantly switching books

    Doing this gives me the same feeling of panic I might get from being locked in a room with 6 doors
    but only one of the doors will provide bliss and comfort
    while the others just lead to the same room with 6 doors
    It’s almost like the definition of insanity

    See now my issue is constantly thinking about the feeling of bliss that “The door” will provide
    Thinking the frantic search will be worth the headache and stress

    I mean if all the other doors lead to the same thing anyway
    Than what’s the harm in fighting for a answer as to why
    or in other words “finding the door”

    As I mentioned in the beginning this is truly one of my biggest flaws
    due to how heavy each novel of answerless questions is
    They can weigh you down and hold you back like balls and chains

    Don’t become prisoner to life by simply trying to understand it like I did

    Burn the books and write your own if there’s no answer make up your own answers and live by your own novels

    Instead of frantically opening those doors in search of basically nothing

    Put furniture in each room, make one a art studio and another a movie room or even a greenhouse
    Make it yours

    Because this life is yours
    You just have to work to make it perfect

    Anastasia Eliza Grieff

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    • Wow, Anastasia, your words sit deeply with me. Life’s mysteries can be overwhelming, and the quest for answers can engulf us. But perhaps, instead of seeking untouchable answers, we can create our own journey and find joy in the process. Welcome the power to shape your own story, to fill each room with the things that bring you happiness. Life may…read more

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    • WOW, Anastasia. This is so beautiful. When you start to wonder about the unknowns of life your mind can start to spin and panic. It sounds like you have worked through some of your worries and created better situations for yourself, which is not easy to do!! Amazing work!

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  • Everyone is a author

    I’m still new to this community and I do write quite frequently but in my personal journal so to start building a “portfolio” I’m going to start posting some of my old writings I have in my journal from over the years starting with this one

    I’ve always said life is a book and your the author writing your own story
    Which is very very true so with that being said there usually comes a time where we as the author must sit back and take a break from writing and read the masterpiece we’ve written.
    We read it from start to finish while we do this it’s important to pay close attention to that first chapter and take notes of who your character was at the beginning and than compare that version of your character to who they turned into as the story comes up to the current chapter
    Did your character progress positively
    Did they learn anything
    Are you happy with the progression of your story
    And if your not than I suppose taking the time to sit back and read and analyze the “Big picture” of your life was beneficial because of how re reading your own story possibly opened your own eyes to your imperfections and flaws
    Because even in your own story where your the main character we aren’t always paving the perfect path for ourselves
    So remember every once in while
    Take a break and read your own story

    Anastasia Eliza Grieff

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    • Anastasia, I couldn’t agree with you more! We are all writing our own stories, and it’s so important to take them time to reflect and recognize all of what we achieved and persevered from… Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Wow this is so powerful I’ve been raised in mental hospitals and medication has been shoved down my throat my whole life and I have always described the process of being properly medicated as this and you perfectly put the reality of it in the best words well done

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  • Breathing Freely

    Upon summers conclusion
    Life enables transformation,
    Forcing temperature to plummet
    Causing leaves to crash down
    Sparking tragedy among reality regarding moments,
    our sun involuntary shows her face less and less each day
    In replacement of enabling
    seasonal depression’s attempts
    to drag my spirit down a path
    similar to the leaves,
    I perceive it as
    a natural exigent
    transition in life that
    motivates me to analyze reasons
    I am eternally grateful to participate in this lifetime
    Blessed for every opportunity I receive
    allowing me to join the audience as the wind chants,
    her whimsical songs while dancing among the trees,
    reminds me of being free
    Embracing the anxiety,
    Obtained from hearing her melody make its way.
    Anticipating that moment she manifests the ability to flutter through me
    While attempting to take my hair
    for a ride as she passes by,
    causing it to freely fly,
    leaving behind a feeling of being alive
    Embracing times
    I can supervise devoted water
    rapidly rushing to his designated destination,
    Crashing and blasting as he barrels past whatever hinders the path
    While empowering natural flow
    I divert my focus down below to the surface
    that serves a crucial purpose of
    supplying a extraordinary ability called opportunity,
    while providing all power to evolve
    This almighty surface that gifted us a purpose to
    progress consistently for all eternity,
    therefore forever ill idolize this world
    and all it’s achieved
    I shall cherish moments that remind me
    what life is supposed to be
    worshipping every second
    I’m able to explore life’s
    beautiful natural sense of harmony,
    that nature attempts to maintain a mystery
    I shall permanently honor
    all opportunities, life presents me
    most importantly I am immensely grateful
    for times
    I can simply breathe,
    As I sit
    listening to the trees
    bringing me to feel

    Anastasia Eliza Grieff

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    • Anastasia, It is an absolute gift to be able to sit and take in and appreciate the world around us. The gift of simply existing on this magical planet is certainly plenty of reason to be grateful, and this piece is such a beautiful testament to that. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Anastasia,
      Thank you for your beautiful words. They are very inspiring?


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