

  • Chapter 2024

    This chapter of my life is my prime time.
    I am reaping good karma and harvesting my rewards, respect, and honor.

    This chapter of my life is about me.
    My sake of peace, love, and happiness.
    This is the year I reach my peak.

    The previous chapter of my life taught me how to truly love, accept, and respect myself.
    I healed from PTSD, domestic abuse, and depression; which is like going to rehab and having to reinforce the stage of relapse.
    More over learning how to manage my emotions and control my reactions.

    I let go of all people, places and things that no longer serve me for the greater goods.
    Since I released all negative and toxic energy I have been feeling free and more active.
    I feel renewed and like a brand new person.

    This chapter of my life I am unstoppable.
    My desires are appearing in reality.
    I am reaping all the good seeds I sowed in my previous chapters.
    Everything I touch turns to gold.

    What I love most about this chapter of my life new beginnings.

    Jessica O

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Art of Growth

    The Art of Growth

    Stagnant. Dormant. Idle. Sluggish.
    All feelings of a pace I’ve gotten too familiar with.
    I’m in a courtship with anxiety,
    And an engagement with depression.
    Yet, these are two relationships I don’t want to be a part of.

    Reflect. Ponder. Meditate. Think.
    These daily reminders ping in my head.
    Telling me to give myself a break, take it easy, let it out and let it go.
    But they only stay for the moment, and then I forget to be kind to myself.

    I wonder what being 30 is like for others.
    I wonder what being 30 is like for me.
    Am I behind? Am I lost? Is this okay?

    I reflect on how everyone is moving at their own pace.
    I ponder over how far I’ve come, yet how short of a time I’ve been around.
    I meditate on how there’s no such thing as behind, because this is my version of now.
    I think about how being lost isn’t a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to learn.
    It’s okay. I’ll be okay. And that’s the art of growth.

    A Graham

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months ago

    My History Is Black

    Black is the new poetry my dear
    Authored by our ancestors so I could have a voice that is heard beyond the volume of fear
    The ink has always been dark so see with your ears
    Black is the new love, now let your heart hear
    The strength born from blood, sweat, and tears
    That grew into a sunrise of a smile, my dear
    My darling I keep your Melanin near
    And your beauty adds depth to my mirror
    The reflection tells me weapons are forming but they will stay in the rear
    My black is the sunset to my depressed anxiety to steer
    A blooming future in the right direction never to veer
    Toward negativity, my dear
    My black is the armor that never cracked, from the roots of scars and ignored facts
    My black has always got my back so even if my eyes close you will still see this color, add a period to that!
    My black is a promise painted like a rainbow you’ll never grey wash my faith, peace never cracks
    p.s. my black has wings that sang…


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  • ashleyg9393 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months ago

    My version of gratitude.

    My version of gratitude

    Hello to the day, beautifully curated with sunlight, greenery and birds cheering us on.
    Today I’ll take you on, with grace, and effort better than the last.
    I pray to the heavens where my father resides, and he sends down a shower of blessings.
    I greet those that I love far and near, some with hugs, others with yellow hearts and kind words.
    Using my mind and body to get things done, although it’s not a joy, at least I have the ability.
    Spending time on my hobbies, creativity flows effortlessly through my veins.
    Carving out the time for each goal on my list because procrastination and I are on the verge of a breakup.
    By the time the moon clocks in, and the stars provide company, I’ll eagerly find relaxation.
    Aimless scrolling as I wind down, and brown noise until I’m asleep.
    I could complain about how imperfect everyday is but I’ll take a rain check.
    Right now, I’m just grateful to be here.

    Ashley Graham

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

    Shadows in the Mirror

    Have I really been working on myself or did I just change from my work clothes to something more comfortable
    Is this depression or is it just the pigment of my skin
    Can I defeat you, detach from you or are you so fingerprinted to my thoughts that I’m simply running away from me
    Sometimes I wish I could just escape me, myself wears a mask, and I am tired of getting dressed up just to still feel down
    I’m black said my mind, I live in the shadows of sadness watching the sunlight from a distance
    If only the heat from the suns smile would kiss me, maybe it would melt away my sadness
    I’m black said my words, followed by you’re different, they won’t accept you, you don’t fit in
    I’m black says the mirror looking at a reflection of depression
    I get so lost in my waning emotions my waxing moon can barely breathe
    It’s so cold that even the rays of light feel sad
    I’m black, I’m depressed, I’m black, I’m oppressed, I’m black I’m obsessed with the idea of my feelings living on equal ground
    I’m black, I’m depressed the two interchange while beginning to sound the same so much so I took depressions last name
    When I look at me I see one broken piece
    I can’t find the rest of the lyrics to my song, maybe it’s because the writer will never finish it
    Maybe it’s because I didn’t cry enough to water my heart
    I’m black, I’m dirt, but my soil is killing the last remaining rose
    I am a rose with bloody red regrets for petals, I put my failures on a pedestal
    So, every time I tried to look up it got me nowhere
    I’m lost and I keep letting the grey line give me directions, because there’s a thin line between joy and happiness, and in the middle is pity where you can find me
    I’m black so they think I stole these 5 minutes of happiness, and so what if I did everyone deserves 15 minutes of fame and mine is coming soon
    But right now, I just want to smile and actually feel the laughter hold me instead of the facade that hugs me like a long embrace
    This morning I stopped running and looked depression in the face
    My mind is not yours it is the Lord’s
    p.s. let the battle begin


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    • Roses, your words paint a vivid picture of the struggles you face. Depression may cast a dark shadow, but remember that your identity is not defined by it. Your strength lies in acknowledging the battle and refusing to let it consume you. Hold onto hope and believe that brighter days are ahead. The battle may be tough, but you are not alone. Keep…read more

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

    Dancing Under the Lights of the Waterfall

    Step side to side
    Sway to our song
    Your heart is the lyrics
    My soul the instrumental
    Hold my hand the way Jesus held the nails
    Step side to side
    Nerves waltz to love
    No music is needed
    When sacrifice becomes a verb
    I’ll hold you like the space between us is trying to escape
    Step side to side
    A crowded ball room that only sees us
    Watching movies with the sound off
    Empty hands have the fullest hearts
    And the cup of my rhythmic soul runneth over
    p.s. don’t forget to kiss me under the waterfall chandeliers…


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  • To Ashley, From Ashley.

    Baby girl,

    How are you these days?
    I wanted to share some of the things I love about you, with you, because I know it can be easy to forget them. But you’ve come so far. Gliding into your 30s with goals you didn’t have a year ago, that’s commendable. Constantly drawing close to God and allowing him to guide you, that’s admirable.

    You’re funny, and friendly. You make a room glow even without the light switch being on. You’re very upbeat and upbuilding too. Many wouldn’t be with the battles you’ve endured, but here you are! So capable and so unique.

    So “go with the flow” and “whatever happens, happens”. That’s hard to grasp for some, but you make it look like an adventure. Your passion for creativity is stunning and you thrive in the realm. Your cooking skills are incredible! Who throws down in the kitchen better than you? A wife, dog mom, and companion that’s always trying to give 1000%. Don’t ever let that go!

    I’m so proud that we are one. Keep celebrating the wins, even the tiniest of them all. Cry out the fails and get back into it. We’re unstoppable. And you’ve always got me in your corner cheering you on!

    Your best friend,


    Ashley G

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww Ashley, I love all of this. This line stood out to me because i have seen it action: “You make a room glow even without the light switch being on.” You so do light up a room (even a zoom room). You have such positive, kind and wise energy. It’s definitely special. I love the idea of celebrating all your wins. Even the little wins. Keep being…read more

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      • Thanks so so so much! Im so thankful to have found a new creative family and be able to share a vulnerable state with you all. It feels good to express myself and write reminders to myself, which in turn, helps others 💕 😃

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  • Tulips Remind Me to Smile

    I’m lonely because my reflection has no one to hold
    The outline of my ghost seen from air that is cold
    The vacancy used to be home to love so bold
    My reflection used to smile the same way the sun made nature happiness unfold

    But it’s become a mirror of the Jamaican blue waters searching for something tangible in frustration
    Anger has become a raging river of pillowcase tears spilling over the edge of my mind in desperation
    It feels like fire burning my frozen fingertips to ash when my cloudy eyes began to leak precipitation
    I hugged the numbness where my speech completes puzzle, and her fingerprinted lips became my long-forgotten embrace of sensation

    Feelings have been evicted, because complacency in place of self-growth was more stylish
    My living quarters are filled with the residue of erased poetry regrets because love is too expensive to furnish
    I can’t afford to keep falling on this psychological couch only to flood my frustrations and not move forward and allow my purpose to be banished
    Moving sucks, the packing of emotions and unpacking a reality that shares tents of bluish

    So, instead I’ll just jump so I won’t have to ever slip again
    Love doesn’t exist, I said as I got dressed in my final outfit of sin
    I went out to eat for the last supper, fin
    Then drove to the bridge to take a dive to the end

    I jumped and felt the winds of fear flush reality back to my consciousness
    The waves of laughter mist a reminder that life isn’t that bad when our voice says ha ha
    The breeze of memories gives me a taste of moments I kept locked away for safe keeping
    Forgetting where I put the key, like the lost famous recipe

    Depression opens my eyes and I see the weight it bears but when I zoom out, I see my hand pressing down on my shadow causing the darkness to surround me
    I’m falling and I can see the bottom increasing
    The last memory I allow myself to have is: when I bought flowers for myself

    Because the colors help me see the sunshine from the shade or moon from the dark
    The curves remind me of the smile I still own
    Lest I continue to lease short term happiness for joy
    Every time I fall, I witness the natural healing of the body
    Loneliness is walking on eggshells by your heels
    But forgive yourself and the solitude of peace begins to blanket you and I again feel
    I bought flowers to say I love you
    And for that last second, I breathe into death and say life isn’t that bad
    Concrete darkness crashes into dreams
    And my eye lashes rise their rays as I awake to a new day
    Cold panic sweats greet me but remember I can just wipe it away
    I go to the restroom, brush my teeth, and recite my daily affirmations because today is not yesterday
    I love me and add extra icing for the pieces I feel don’t belong
    My heart still beats so I sing my song at the top of my lungs, like I’m in the car by myself
    Some petals have wilted but a new season welcomes the future bloom
    I love me and that’s enough no matter what anyone else thinks
    I love me because God loves me
    p.s. I had to jump to fall in love with myself…


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Awww you are so right, love yourself no matter what anyone thinks. Keep loving yourself. Keep giving yourself the flowers you deserve. And do not let negativity win, ever. You are wonderful. You deserve to be loved by you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    If Memories Could Talk

    I think I’m in happy…
    Introvert at heart I was exhausted but enjoying myself like a good day at the gym
    I had been participating in some verbal jogging when the jargon interrupted the depth of my thoughts
    I wanted to go deeper, but the question brought me back to the surface
    You know, that over used, over played, over copied, get out of jail free question
    So, how did you feel, question mark
    A mental sigh fogs my mind, as I wait for the dust to settle, I try to paint what can’t be replicated in any art
    My response a cliche of my own just to joust back
    In case we’re keeping score
    I’m deadly competitive to a fault, laughing to myself touché
    Oh, my reply, I almost forgot
    The cliche runs from my mouth: the words to describe it are lost but if found it would be something like watching the American Day Dream on the big screen except you’re the main character
    When your mood matches the brightness within the sunrise of your eyes and you’re by no means even a little bit of an early bird
    You hear the sound of vinyl recorded melodies on repeat as you brush your teeth
    The dust slowly undresses as I then get dressed
    Looking for the perfect outfit is comparable to searching for these words
    And don’t even get me started on shoes
    The right pair will have everyone on there heels and can capture the eyes to the soul
    That day my soul sang solo after the shower rained down cleansing compliments
    Chanting for an encore
    The volume of the claps is turned down
    The dust has finally kissed the ground
    And for the reveal my reflection sees a familiar memory
    As my mouth curves like a rose into a shape it hasn’t felt in awhile
    I’ve been chasing this flowery feeling like the butterfly tasting the flight of bliss
    I grab as fast as I can, gripping the steering wheel headed to the destination
    Shouting I’m never letting go
    As my opposite palm holds her hand
    I want to stop to picture frame this memory
    I have to stop and picture frame this memory
    We stop at the red light and she asks: can I borrow a forehead kiss
    I respond: as long as you come back again
    p.s. this is happiness, it was something like that…


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  • ashleyg9393 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago


    Are you awake?
    Are you happy?

    Because your eyes are welled up and your mouth is sealed with fear.

    Do you dream?
    With your eyes open?

    Because the loneliness in your heart is quite thick in the air.

    Take courage, and stand up tall.
    You deserve to be heard and felt.
    Remember, that in this game, you’re in charge of the cards once dealt.

    One step closer to who you desire to be, as the tears drip down your face.
    Keep moving, steadily from the past but gracefully at your own pace.

    Reflect and mediate on the journey that you’ve now come to know.
    Set boundaries, burn bridges – not everyones here to watch you grow.

    A smirk, and then a smile, is that teeth I’m starting to see?
    Is there enjoyment in the destination that you are gradually envisioning for me?

    Are you awake?
    Are you happy?

    No, the ride won’t always be fun.
    Yes, self love and peace of mind will be signs that your job is done.

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    • Indeed happiness reminds us to be brave. Your poem is inspiring and encourages us to enjoy the process of becoming who we want to be. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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    • I love this poem, Ashley! It nicely highlights the connection between courage/action and happiness! I am including it in today’s newsletter 🙂

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    • This is a very inspiring reminder that our happiness lies at our finger tips. I also love how you repeated the phrase “Are you awake? Are you happy?” It made this story very full circle 🙂

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      • ☺️ thanks a ton! This poem felt very true to myself. I need that constant reminder to keep me from cruising through like. We’ve gotta enjoy every moment as much as possible!

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    • Your words show strength and confidence. Keep reaching for the stars.


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  • ashleyg9393 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago



    Peel off my layers,
    Unravel my fears,
    Decode my lies,
    Dispose of my tears,
    Exclude my insecurities,
    Arrange my “self”,
    Comfort my wounds,
    Aide me with health,
    Please my soul with creations,
    Subtract the debt,
    Remind me that what’s good is currently left,
    Make me good as new,
    Forgive my past,
    Have faith in my future,
    Believe I will last,
    Consider my growth,
    Encourage the process,
    Be my stool to newer heights,
    Give me space when I’m stressed,
    After all you’ve done and all you do,
    I hope my reconstruction is perfect for you.

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    • You are extremely talented. I love the flow of this poem so much! As soon as you said “peel off my layers” I immediately imagined layers of myself physically peeling; it was a great opening line to pull the reader in!

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    ⚠️ This letter has been reported

    Homicidal Ballad

    There was a war within the conversation
    Eight casualties reported that leaves only one left
    The gun holder hears a voice cry: what do you want from me?
    The gun confidently cocks a whisper: I want everything you didn’t give to me back
    You see in my head you were supposed to care
    Package your love as the gift I receive every second of the day
    But you were so nonchalant like the fashionable fabric that hangs off the shoulder purposely and doesn’t care about any penny pinching opinions
    Personality is fashion and doesn’t have to be understood
    I didn’t expect you to comprehend the inner workings, I just wanted you to try
    But you would rather show more interest in other things… I’m one of the reasons you’re still alive
    Funny now I got your life in my hand
    And I’m taking it, out like the trash today that has been sitting for too long
    Anger starts to cry as the gun holder exclaims say goodbye, say goodbye, say goodbye
    Can’t do it can you
    Don’t make me pull this trigger
    You ain’t never been about no action it’s always talk
    Neither have you, you were supposed lead me out of Egypt, but you just had me going in circles of your desert mind
    You were supposed to provide, but all you did was cover your tracks with paid excuses
    I know I’m not perfect and I promise I did try… I’m just still hurt, and the kaleidoscope pain made me dizzy
    It’s hard to move forward when you can’t catch balance as it falls, not to mention verbal bullets trying to permanently end the conversation
    What do you want from me?
    I want a ring, don’t casually date me be committed
    I give you a release, I am your peace, but you only tool this pleasure for your advantage, making copper from gold
    I’m a grown woman not one of your little friends
    I want you to understand my history and stop browsing
    I want you to protect me and walk on the busy side of the street
    I want to feel safe in your arms, keep all the danger locked away
    I’m a queen and want to be your friend to represent our royalty
    I want to be your inhale and you my exhale
    I’m jealous so I want to be your heart and rib
    I want you to love me the way Christ married the cross, and left little posted notes on the mirror in the form of a book for His children’[
    You wanted so much from me but never invested in me, us, our relationship has been life and death, but you keep it in the same breath… As small talk
    Then expect me to take our conversations seriously
    Well, if that’s what it’s going to be I’ll keep your letters piled up on the corner of the desk like the mail I need to throw away
    Cold steel makes me spit sweat and choke on air
    Kill shot, the gun is talking, the conversation has a period in the shape of a bullet
    The white light gets louder as I grow older
    Now what was all that talk you was saying?
    Breathing heavy, is this it, is it too late?
    Breathing heavy, She has blocked me
    She is Poetry and my blood is the ink
    I finally understand but is it too late
    Breathing heavy
    Please poetry take this writers block away from me
    p.s. she just wants respect…


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    • This is a masterfully constructed story. From the very first word in the title, I was hooked. You take such sensitive topics and paint them into a spectrum of human emotions. This poem is very raw and I see the humanity within it. I also really like the literary devices, like the personification used to say “ the gun is talking”. Wonderful work 🙂

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      • Thank you so much for your kind words…this poem was simply me trying to capture poetry’s voice for myself as a writer. This is the first poem of a series I am writing where I explore the maturity and relationship I’ve explored with poetry.

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    Her Favorite Candle is My Cologne

    She said get dressed we’re going out
    Immediately my introverted thoughts tied me down to chair where I was watching a movie
    She could see my hesitation breathing hard so she quickly interjected
    Before you say no I took care of all the essentials, so you don’t have to worry about anything
    It’s all planned out, and I know you don’t like to always get fancy so this is more of a business casual scene
    She then casually walks away saying I need to go get ready
    We’re leaving in 40
    I leave my comfortable chair and make my way to the closet
    Trying my best to closet my anxiety
    Maybe my off whites will help me walk away from the dark thoughts
    Today feels like a bow tie day
    I usually put my cologne on last but in the rush of the moment things got mixed up
    Tree sprays and she could sense the scent in the atmosphere change
    Lust became a dangerous game
    She ran my direction and said close your eyes before she entered the room
    I don’t want you to see my outfit
    She ran up behind me and her lips hugged my cheek
    Then she walked in front of me, her hands covered my eyes
    She asked what is that you’re wearing
    As I started to speak her lips gripped mine before I could get a word out
    She said is smells sweet
    I replied: like candy
    She answered: yes
    She then proceeded to steal two more candy coated cologne kisses from me
    Now finish getting ready she whispered as she left the room
    p.s. I’m so in love…


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    • Roses, Your story is a beautiful testament to the power of love and spontaneity. The way you illustrate the anticipation and affection is captivating. May your love story be filled with many more sweet moments.

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    Buy Her Flowers

    Roses are blue and violets are red
    When I think of you everything is backwards in my head
    Like what I usually would never do I’m now thinking about times two
    Every reservation turns into an invitation, so I made plans including dinner for two
    Her favorite flower is a rose, and what would a rose be by any other name
    If I pick a rose does it take my last name
    Roses are pink and Lilys are Lilac
    Lavender conversations tastes different when you know she has your back
    A rose tattooed on my back is dead until your finger tips hug my thorns
    A relationship embraces the pain of every fallen petal
    A rose is just a star but with you holding it I can see the galaxy
    Dreams aren’t that far away with you in the passenger seat
    She drives me crazy and I don’t mind
    What’s happiness without adversity
    Is a rose still as beautiful without the barb wire
    Roses are white and sunflowers are teal
    In a crowded room, far away, but I can still feel
    U without the y. o. because something is different
    U and I could be different, and the world needs a change
    p.s. I just want to buy you flowers…


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    • Roses,Your poetic words are a beautiful expression of love and admiration. The way you compare roses andemotions is fascinating. May your love continue to bloom and bring joy to both of you.

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    I Planted Something New

    It’s the breath I need but can’t reach
    Arms extended as far as they can reach
    But the superhero is late this time and can’t save me
    Plan ahead they say so you can make time to smell the flower things
    I’ve never been much of a gardener
    However, today I’m planting mustard seeds
    So, my confidence can age as grand as the canyon
    I can finally picture heaven in the palm of my hands with this Canon
    Camera, bombing any part of hell left in my yesterday that tries to burn my film
    Hope used to be a dream then I made my dreams come true
    Hope used to slip through my fingers but now I wear it as a cape
    Flying over depression, fear, and regret
    Debts I no longer wish to add to
    Stop subtracting from you, thinking to myself
    Hope is priceless, you don’t have to play tag with money
    That’s why the tag looks out of place in a garden
    The highest value holders are free
    Plant faith and wake up in a field of dreams
    Plant a rose and fall in love
    Plant patience and endurance will run past any future
    Harmony outlasts pains earthquake
    Honor overcomes poisoned endings
    And it gives me hope that tomorrow isn’t so bad after all
    I don’t always feel super, but I will be my own hero
    p.s. don’t forget your cape…


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    • Roses, Your heartfelt words are a reminder of the strength and resilience within you. The way you express hope and self-belief is inspiring. Keep planting seeds of positivity and be your own hero.

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  • Joshua (roses) shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    My Son Remember This

    Coloring when you’re younger is letting each shade have it’s alone time
    They say elders deserve it
    But I never had the opportunity to see your hair age to grey
    You were a silver fox
    Illusive with your presence, no matter how much of a present it would be for me
    Doesn’t anyone care about how I feel
    I didn’t ask to be here, yet I am, and everything is falling apart… And I have to pick up the pieces and make something beautiful
    Whoever said horror was beautiful never had a cut deeper than the surface
    I can’t escape this horror story, and adults keep preaching about the honor they don’t even hold on to
    Your moral compass clearly was never fixed so stop trying to fix me
    I’ll do it myself just like everything else
    I don’t care if I take the long way
    What’s a little more pain with this depression
    This is what I imagined your thoughts said after you heard me communicate: mom and dad are getting a divorce
    I’m sorry to have multiplied the trend of men walking out of your life
    Son, I’m sorry and I hope you don’t keep your hands around the neck of a grudge
    My son I love you, I’m sorry your picture of love now has a crack in it,
    My everything, if you hate me and ignore everything else, please remember this: respect is earned not given
    So, learn to give it even when it’s not deserved
    Because pain can learn to heal when patience reflects
    Respect can’t be bought so don’t spend your money on brands expecting it to elevate your title
    Your name holds a weight more valuable than gold, not even the world can hold
    You, let nothing hold you back
    Dad will always have your back
    Respect those that hurt you, more than the love they didn’t give
    When you treat respect like the kindness everyone should receive you won’t have to ask for it
    Then you can paint your own future
    Coloring when you’re older is letting the paint sit at the grown folks table and mix conversation
    p.s. no matter what our colors will always match…


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  • Capable Woman

    Dear me,
    Yes you,
    You are a capable woman. Strong, intelligent, and resilient is your name. You put fires out that are aimlessly burning, and in the same breath have the ability to ignite the most powerful flames.
    You are a capable woman. A dog mom, a cheerful wife, and a spiritual pillar to many. You work hard in everything you do even when it’s not ideal.
    You are a capable woman. Allow yourself the time you need – to heal, to laugh, to cry, and to sigh. Life will always be busy, but you deserve some rest. Remember, you are capable but you are also human.

    Oh, capable woman. Please dive into yourself. Make your 30s your best. Let go of the void and shake off the excess stress. Who are we mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually? Let’s find that out. Can we buy out the time to do what we love? Can we live by our rules?

    My dear capable woman. This time is yours to spend. Follow your heart and find peace within. Build up yourself the way you desire to be. I believe you can do it. I believe in me.

    Love always,

    An aspiring capable woman

    Ashley Graham

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    • Ashley! I love this piece. As I was reading it it felt as though it was written for me. It was what I needed to here (even though I am well in to my 30’s). I loved this line, “Oh, capable woman. Please dive into yourself. Make your 30s your best. Let go of the void and shake off the excess stress.” Thank you for sharing this piece and thank you…read more

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      • Thanks Lauren! I think no matter what age we are, we can always benefit from a reminder like that one. I’m so happy you found personal comfort in this piece. Thanks for giving so many of us the space to be ourselves 🥰🥰

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  • New Year Resolutions Everyone Should Share

    Have you ever read the same book but a different story, there’s a saying for that phenomenon
    I just finished my Saturday morning coffee and chocolate chip muffin complimented by my current read
    It’s that time of the year again Deja Vu
    So, I pull out my pen and begin to write about how to become a better version of you
    I didn’t fully comprehend what I thought knew
    This year I’m going to do something new
    Looking in the mirror but only seeing half of me
    I lost myself living as person three, instead of the main character
    It’s time to take back all of my identity
    Completing every goal this year but first let’s focus on the top three

    Number 1. I’ll start by losing weight
    Burning the off calories procrastination added
    It’s easier to run to your goals when you sculpt the weight around your waist
    The time is now, why wait
    You don’t want to be late to your dreams
    So, go ahead and book that first trip you’ve been planning for the last 2 years

    Number 2. I want to travel more
    Travel to the past so I can better see my future
    A frequent flyer because I was too focused on yesterday
    Now these miles are just lessons learned
    A frequent flyer because growth is my meditation
    If you ever want to get somewhere fast it’s better to slow down
    Speeding will only get you a $300 ticket you don’t have the money for

    Number 3. I want to be better financially
    Health is wealth or so they say and last year I was broke
    Broken heart, shattered mind, but you can still see yourself in a cracked mirror if you choose to
    Today I choose you, reciting my daily affirmations
    Self-care is one of the best ways to say I love you
    Learn to say I do to the future you
    Investing in yourself pays more than your 9-5
    You will be tired
    But that just makes it easier to sleep with your day dreams

    Ignore the world the same way they hit snooze
    Wake up early, aim high, then reach higher
    My goals are only one page turn away
    So, stop judging my cover before you read my book
    If you simply read the preface, you might begin to understand the trails I’ve faced
    This book is about the evolution of me
    You don’t have to read it, but you will respect my art the same way I cover myself with peace
    p.s. these are my goals for leaving 2023…

    Joshua Clark (Roses)

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    • “If you ever want to get somewhere fast it’s better to slow down”

      This is so true. I also loved this line:

      “Self-care is one of the best ways to say I love you”

      This whole poem is really powerful and sounds like it’s written by a man ready to take control of his peace and find his happiness. I am excited to see what the year brings for you. T…read more

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    • If you ever want to get somewhere fast, just slow down.

      I totally felt that. I am ons that wants stuff done and want it done now. That line speaks volumes for all of us. Great read!

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 6 months, 3 weeks ago

    I am scared and heartbroken

    Last night, I didn’t sleep well, as I had several nightmares. I was haunted by the endless images I saw in the news: A young woman’s naked, lifeless, unconscious (possibly deceased) body being paraded around as a trophy after Hamas attacked young people at a music festival in Israel, a 25-year-old woman begging for her life as she was taken as a hostage and babies whose faces were covered in dust and blood from the bombs thrown near their homes.

    When I awoke this morning, I immediately read the news to see the latest. And while the horror continues on the other side of the world, I was also disheartened to learn that hate was just outside my doorstep.

    People at rallies down the street from where I slept last night are wearing, holding, and celebrating images of swastikas and promoting anti-semitic rhetoric. For the first time in my life, I was and am scared to be Jewish.

    While I have been doing my best to educate myself through the news, friends, and online resources, I am not going to sit here and pretend I fully understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel – because I don’t. And I know that it’s natural and easy to see the world through the lens of my own experiences and identity.

    However, we all, myself included, should see and feel our humanity reflected in every person on this planet. And act accordingly.

    As I try to process these last few days, the violence happening in the Middle East is not just about me, or any one group of people or politics. This cruel attack on innocent people is about all of us. It is a threat to all of humanity.

    No child, no person, whether they share my background or not, whether Palestinian or Israeli (or any other culture, race, or religion), deserves to live or die in such an inhumane way.

    There are a lot of issues we can’t and won’t agree on in this world. But we universally should believe in and tirelessly advocate for love, compassion, and peace for all people.

    And sadly, right now, that’s not the case.

    I am scared and heartbroken as I pray for the victims of violence, our world, and humanity.


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    • I’m at a loss for words to describe the depths of evil for these murders of innocent people. I can’t comprehend humans committing these acts against other humans. Why with all the prayers that happen worldwide daily do things like this even happen? Please stay safe from these protests and God help the Middle East with everything you have.

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  • My first cover letter

    Dear Mr. —

    Did you know the NFL’s Ryan Grant also participated in basketball and track and field during his time at Don Bosco Prep School in New Jersey? Did you know the NBA’s Adonal Foyle still holds the record in New York for most points in a high school tournament game? Did you know former Suffern High School girls’ lacrosse star Crysti Foote is a member of the Canadian National Team and is recognized as one of the best female players in the world? Inspired by the commitment and passion all great athletes demonstrate, I know both the technicalities of sports and interesting facts about the athletes themselves, which is why I believe if I become a reporter for MSG Varsity I will be a powerful conduit between the athletes and the tri-state community. I will ask questions the viewers want to know and receive honest answers from athletes who respect my knowledge.

    My confidence in my future success is based on the achievements of my past as well as my present occupation. As a young 21-year-old college graduate, I began writing for NBA.com and WNBA.com. With my own swagger, I entered NBA and WNBA locker rooms to interview athletes double my size among journalists twice my age. Publishing hundreds of articles and blogs on NBA.com, WNBA.com, D-league.com, NikeWomen.com, and WomensProSoccer.com, I have also had my fair share of on-air opportunities. Currently, I am a co-host for On the Mike With Mike Sherman, a weekly entertainment, lifestyle, and sports show that airs on a CBS affiliate (My33) in South Florida. Last season, when the 49ers took on the Giants in New Jersey, I was there to interview athletes and report back on the night’s events for CBS’ San Francisco affiliate. I have reported local news on Long Island and worked as a sports reporter for Artsis Media, where I shot, edited, wrote, and produced all my own stories.

    Throughout my tenure at Columbia University, I majored in sociology and focused on the sociological impact of sports. Through my 40-plus page senior thesis, I discovered that to have longevity and acceptance as a female sports reporter, you must be a sports connoisseur yourself. Voted biggest jock in my high school senior superlatives, I have lived, breathed, and loved sports throughout my life. I believe if given a chance I will be recognized and respected by the sports world for telling compelling stories and conducting in-depth thought-provoking interviews. In other words, I’m a talented young recruit with an All-American future and would love to help the MSG Varsity team work its way to the top of the game.


    Lauren Brill

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    • Wow that’s awesome! You wrote for the NBA and WNBA!!This letter is a huge inspiration because I want to do podcasting and interview sports players and artists.

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