
meghan_dhawan's Letters

“i’ve let furrowed brows conduct conversations”

Dear Unsealers, (poem entry, not a letter)

when it should have been the beating, red vessel sandwiched between my outside eyes

if it were for the before days when society was feeling abandoned

where the imposter we saw in the shadows were terrified news hosts and burnt out brethren retiring from their zoom calls

i would have have fallen…read more

Voting ends on May 16, 2024 12:00am

The Intergenerational Path of Cinephiles and The Burning Desire to Keep Them Alive

Dear future cinephile, the child born into the next generation,

Hey, there, kid. You do not know me, nor will we cross paths, at least, not for a long time. However, I do know you. You are the chosen one, the child who will bring kindness and good fortune to those around you, who will be kind to the old people in grocery stores and pick up the…

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Meghan Dhawan (May-Gan The-One)

The Intergenerational Path of Cinephiles and The Burning Desire to Keep Them Alive

Dear future cinephile, the child born into the next generation,

Hey, there, kid. You do not know me, nor will we cross paths, at least, not for a long time. However, I do know you. You are the chosen one, the child who will bring kindness and good fortune to those around you, who will be kind to the old people in grocery stores and pick up the…read more

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