  • ashleyg9393 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 3 months, 4 weeks ago

    Capable Woman

    Dear me,
    Yes you,
    You are a capable woman. Strong, intelligent, and resilient is your name. You put fires out that are aimlessly burning, and in the same breath have the ability to ignite the most powerful flames.
    You are a capable woman. A dog mom, a cheerful wife, and a spiritual pillar to many. You work hard in everything you do even when it’s not ideal.
    You are a capable woman. Allow yourself the time you need – to heal, to laugh, to cry, and to sigh. Life will always be busy, but you deserve some rest. Remember, you are capable but you are also human.

    Oh, capable woman. Please dive into yourself. Make your 30s your best. Let go of the void and shake off the excess stress. Who are we mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually? Let’s find that out. Can we buy out the time to do what we love? Can we live by our rules?

    My dear capable woman. This time is yours to spend. Follow your heart and find peace within. Build up yourself the way you desire to be. I believe you can do it. I believe in me.

    Love always,

    An aspiring capable woman

    Ashley Graham

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    • Ashley! I love this piece. As I was reading it it felt as though it was written for me. It was what I needed to here (even though I am well in to my 30’s). I loved this line, “Oh, capable woman. Please dive into yourself. Make your 30s your best. Let go of the void and shake off the excess stress.” Thank you for sharing this piece and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thanks Lauren! I think no matter what age we are, we can always benefit from a reminder like that one. I’m so happy you found personal comfort in this piece. Thanks for giving so many of us the space to be ourselves 🥰🥰

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