

  • @meghan_dhawan Meghan – This is a great letter. You are a very good storyteller. I also related to your letter a lot. To this day, I still watch movies with my dad almost every night when I am home. And I am sure your dad cared about your opinion, he just may have had a funny way of showing it. Love your story. Thank you for sharing and being a part of The Unsealed family <3 Lauren

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    • @theunsealed Hi Lauren, thank you so much for your kind words. I’m touched that you found relatability with it. I would love to hear more about your stories watching movies with your dad. Thank you again, I’m glad to be a part of the family ❤
      – Meghan

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      • We mostly watched movies every sunday night when i was growing. When I was really young I used to cuddle with my dad on the couch, but at about 6 he told me I was too old. TO this day, he still loves watching movies with me. It’s an escape for him – a time for us to be still and be together. @abrill21

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