

  • Ash Raymond James shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Get Up

    Get up
    the day has been
    asking about you.

    Shake off the dust
    of your wallowing.

    Unhibernate your
    state of belonging.

    I have seen skeletons
    rediscover their heartbeats
    so I have no doubt that you can, too.

    Realign your bones.
    Wash off the sins that your
    sadness left behind.

    Become fierce again
    because the sky
    Is toothless mouth
    without you.

    The sun lies awake
    worried that he will never
    get the chance
    to cast your shadow again.

    The wind has a scripture of things
    it wants to whisper to you.

    Turn your door mats around
    so the world welcomes you.

    Introduce yourself
    like this world
    owes you something.

    It has left you breathless
    for far too long.
    You earned its oxygen.
    Claim it!

    This world is yours
    for the taking
    if you want it.

    So get up!
    The world
    has been asking about you

    it would be rude for you
    not to answer.

    Ash Raymond James

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    • WOW!!!
      Great poem, Really inspiring too. Clear and powerful message, to inspire us to take action and make the most of every opportunity.

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      • I am still learning how to use this platform, so this delay comes with an apology. Thank you so much.. Please check out my other work and I will be sure to check out yours.

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    • Wow… I LOVE the way you speak. The verbiage really paints a picture. I feel like the words you used dance together in a very moving way. I absolutely love the use of personification. You really animate the story you’re telling with the way you string words together. “ I have seen skeletons rediscover their heartbeats” is an amazing line. Keep it up!

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      • I hope you will forgive my late reply; I am still getting used to this platform. Your words truly mean a lot, and I just sent a friend request. I would love to read your work and connect more.

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    • Dear Ash,
      You words give me the motivation to get up and go. I love your positivity. Yes take whats your and own it!



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  • Home Is Where I Go

    To live a fulfilled life is to have one of value.
    Lessons, tragedies, peaceful bliss, experiences.
    I wish to make a home within myself; a home is where I’ll go.

    As the hours turn to days and days turn to months, I wish to live a life worth living.

    I wish to experience sunrises on the island, where blue waves crash into the sand, being drawn by the current.
    I wish to experience group circles filled with people from all lands, telling stories of folklore and magic throughout the full moon evenings.
    I wish to experience long drives in a car, watching mountains pass by my window as sunshine beams down on my face.
    I wish to experience a feeling of deep peace in my soul and create a home within myself, no matter where the wind might take me.

    As the hours turn to days and days turn to months, I wish to feel alive.
    I wish to feel at home.
    For a home is where I go.

    Nicole Kisslinger

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    • Wow! Nicole, I love love love this poem. This line is so powerful:

      “I wish to experience a feeling of deep peace in my soul and create a home within myself, no matter where the wind might take me.”

      Your “home” sounds like a wonderful place <3. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem and for being part of our family. xo, Lauren

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  • A New Day

    The excitement you feel at new years. Is arbitrary. It’s created. We decided that completing 365 days is an accomplishment. A time to celebrate, to reflect, to dream.

    We begin to think about all the possibilities of a new year. The places we may go, people we may meet, people we may become.

    We create the feeling of being new, fresh, opportunities await.

    But what if we celebrated like this every week. Everyday. We feel the same accomplishment and pride and joy for living another day. We feel the excitement and dream about the possibilities that tomorrow holds.

    We truly, deep down try to embrace the feelings of new years each and every day. We reflect on the day, what went wrong and released it. What went right and how we can foster more of that. Appreciate the places we went that day while dreaming of the places we’ll go tomorrow.

    We create how we feel. How we process. We can’t control the outside influences but we can work to control how we process and react. We can celebrate each and every day and the possibilities that a new day holds.

    This year I want to celebrate the new day.

    Good morning, happy new day!
    Good night, wishing you an amazing tomorrow!

    Crystal Frances

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    • Aww Crystal, I love your message! I think it’s a great idea to celebrate each and every single day. With that mentality, you will truly be unstoppable. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Absolutely Amazing, Powerful, Proper, True. ♥

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  • 2024: Crushing Goals and Walking in the Lightt.

    I’m fifteen days into the new year.
    I’ve taken no more than twelve steps,
    My eyes blink, and in a flash I am here.
    My ’empty’ falls, I stand. In God’s light, at my best.
    An astral curtain, I’ve just phased through.
    Sheer focus aimed ahead; No more playing dead.
    Side not with the wicked; rather, the justly shrewd.
    Most haven’t seen what hell has to offer. I have, and I’m through.
    I’ll march forward. Alone, or with a few.
    Nevermind those shadows, we walk in truth.
    You’ve got me, and I’ve got you.

    P.S. I understand this is quite vague/cryptic. I don’t wanna give too much away on my goals just yet. Still in the process of organizing/compiling 🙂

    Jonathan Lee Odle

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  • The Day My World Stopped Spinning

    December 2, 2012. I remember this day all too well, and December 3, 2012, which is strange because I don’t remember most of my life. These two days however, are clear, vivid, like watching a movie in IMAX. A movie that haunts me to this very day.

    Let’s start with December 2. Abby and I were at Granny’s. It was a Sunday afternoon, the phone rang. It was you. Mama was just arriving at Granny’s to pick us up and take us back home with her. I remember Granny asking if I wanted to talk to you, I did not. I was handed the phone, but I had nothing to say to you. I was hurt, angry, and sad. I told you I was mad at you. Mad because you left once again to go raise a child who wasn’t even your own. You left me. You left us. You said you’d be coming home for Christmas, I was happy about that, excited even. I have always been a Daddy’s girl, all I wanted was my Daddy home. Since I didn’t want to talk to you, you asked to talk to Mama. I walked the phone out to her and let y’all talk. I remember Mama smiling and laughing while speaking with you. I later found out you had asked her to marry you again. She loved you, and truthfully now looking back, she would have married you again in a heartbeat. After y’all got off the phone, Abby and I loaded up in the car with Mama and headed home. The entire ride home I was still mad, but also very excited because in a few short weeks I’d get to see you again. So I thought anyway.

    December 3, 2012. Monday morning, I was awoken with my phone being taken away. I had no idea what I had done wrong for my phone to be taken, I was very confused. Mama looked like she had been crying all night. Her eyes were swollen and red. She couldn’t tell me why she took my phone from me, so being the teenager that I was, of course I was irritated. I asked her what was wrong, she said she had a toothache all night and didn’t get any sleep. I got ready for school like it was a normal day. I remember I was wearing hot pink pants, a black shirt, and black boots. We left home, the same time as usual, like we were headed to school. I would have never guessed the horrors that awaited us. We stopped at Nana’s, this was unusual, especially since we were going to be late for school at this point. I remember being so agitated because not only do I not have my phone, now I’m going to be late for school. After Nana’s, we stopped at Granny’s. Immediately I knew something was wrong. Aunt Sam’s car was in the driveway, she lived in Kentucky at this time so why was she there? Granny was sitting on the porch in her pajamas, housecoat, and slippers. We got out of the car, and Granny’s face looked just like Mama’s. Eyes red and swollen like she’d been crying all night. Now I am aware this is not another toothache. It was never a toothache.

    Granny tells us to go in and sit on her bed. Abby and I do as were told, we sit on the end of her bed. Granny then proceeds to kneel down in front of us, touching the both of us with her hands, and says, “Your Daddy was in an accident, and he didn’t make it.” I finally understand why my phone was taken, why everyone’s eyes were red and swollen, why everything that morning was a bit off. My world just went black. My heart shattered. Everything inside me died that day. That is the first time I ever had thoughts of suicide. Fourteen years old, and my Daddy had died. I didn’t even get to tell him goodbye. He died thinking that I hated him. I did not get to tell him I loved him, I missed him, I just wanted him to come home. I refused to speak to him when I had the chance just hours before he departed from this world. He died not knowing how much he meant to me. After we were told of the tragedy that occurred, we had to go home and pack our bags. We were going to Illinois. The bags were packed and we headed back to Granny’s, but now Papa was home too. A sound that I will never forget, is the sound of a grown man I have never seen shed one single tear, screaming, sobbing, and wailing. The sound of him mourning his son was loud enough to hear from outside of the house. To this day I can still hear his cries.

    The week following your death is a blur. I remember key moments. I remember Aunt Sam nearly killing us trying to drive to the court house. You were actually going to court to see if the child you left Tennessee for was yours. I remember staying at Silly Willy’s and everyone went to view your body, but we were not allowed to go. I remember them talking about your body being “mangled”. I remember sitting at Silly Willy’s kitchen table trying to help pick songs to play at your funeral. I remember going to pick out your casket. I remember picking out your favorite cologne to spray on you. I remember when we had your visitation in Illinois and we were the first to view you. I remember not being able to walk down the aisle, nearly falling to my knees, sobbing my eyes out. That could not be MY Daddy laying in this casket. No. Not mine. But it was. Thankfully, Aunt Sam was there to pick me up and help me walk. I remember finally leaving, and Mama was the last person to say goodbye to you. We all gave her privacy. I remember going out to eat with everyone afterward and we all took a picture with the signature Billy Gray middle finger.

    We brought you back home to Tennessee, in the bed of Papa’s truck. I remember riding behind it and still not believing that you were in that casket, you were really gone. I remember burying you, six feet in the ground. You were home for Christmas that year, just not the way I had expected. I remember everything, and sometimes, I wish I didn’t.

    Since you’ve been gone, it does feel like the world has stopped spinning. I died that day and I don’t think I have ever come back to life yet. In fact, everyone died. A piece of every single one of us died on December 2, 2012. Some have handled your death better than others, but nonetheless, not one of us is okay. You do not expect to bury your father as a teenager. A parent does not expect to bury their child. Siblings do not expect to bury their sibling at such a young age. Especially, when you’re completely blindsided by it.

    I always sit and wonder about the “what if’s”. What if you were still alive? Would things be as bad as they are? Would I be the way that I am? Would our family be as dysfunctional as it is now? The “what if’s” and “why’s” will eat you alive if you’re not careful. I have had my fair share of being eaten alive by them. I have had to accept that I cannot change what has happened, I cannot go back in time. I just have to believe you’re still here with me, believe that you know I love you and I always have, believe that you are in a better place.

    You turned the last page of your book here on earth. I will cherish that book forever, hold it tightly in my soul. This December will mark 11 years, and I miss you more than I could ever put into words. I am still my Daddy’s little girl. I always will be. You were the first man I loved, and the first to break my heart. Unfortunately, grief never goes away, time does not fade the emotions and feelings. However, it is how you deal with the grief that is the key. Truth be told, I have not handled it very well. I have cursed God’s name, lost faith in everything, spiraled into destructive habits. Lots of times just HOPING it would in some sense bring me closer to you. I am now hoping one day my world will begin to spin again, maybe life will form in the parts of me that died. I will keep trying down here on earth, remember your legacy, for I am just as hard headed and stubborn as you. In the meantime, it is what it is. I will take it day by day until we meet again. When that day comes, be prepared for a fight because you left me down here without you, tears, laughter, and most of all an abundance of love. I will never let you go.

    Your little girl,

    Hannah Gray

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    • Hannah, your letter is filled with raw pain and heartache. I’m so sorry for the loss of your father and the profound impact it has had on you and your family. The memories you shared are both heartbreaking and powerful. May you relief and healing in cherishing his legacy and carrying his love with you always.

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  • in this moment, i am grounded

    imagine that you are a plant,
    tree, shrub, flower,
    whatever plant you desire to be,
    you are that plant.

    your feet are roots,
    grounded deep within the earth,
    you become one with nature,
    peacefully and gracefully growing.

    the sun rises casting a warm glow upon you,
    wind gently blows through your petals or leaves,
    bees and butterflies settle onto you,
    such small majestic beings.

    you stay grounded,
    in awe of the beauty found within nature,
    in awe of how the sunshine, grassy plains, mountains, and bodies of water,
    are the most magical of all.

    you are present in the moment,
    accepting that, you are in fact- a force of nature,
    filled with beauty and uniqueness,
    character found in each thorn, leaf, petal, or branch.

    storms come through from time to time,
    however; your roots are planted deeply into earth’s crust,
    thunder and lightning strike and rumble,
    just as the sun shall rise once more.

    i ask of you, to imagine yourself as a plant,
    to stay grounded, present, and most of all,
    embrace the fact that – you are a force of nature,
    even on the darkest, coldest, nights.

    i, myself, will do the same.

    i will grow in the sunshine,
    keep grounded during storms,
    be present in the moment,
    as each day passes on.

    Hannah Gray

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    • Hannah, This is so beautiful and a great mentality.
      I love this part:

      “i will grow in the sunshine,
      keep grounded during storms,
      be present in the moment,
      as each day passes on.”

      It is a great affirmation to read and say often. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and creativity with us and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you SO much! I try to actively remind myself of this everyday, especially on the hard days. With that being said, I greatly appreciate your kind feedback! 🙂

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  • Valencia B shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Lauren, Happy Birthday!

    Lauren, I hope that this wish (prayer) finds you well… Happiest Birthday!!! May your day be filled with pure joy & warmth!

    I am honored to celebrate this special day for the amazing impact that your light is contributing within this world, just by being YOU.
    I am so blessed to have found this platform last year… it has truly helped revive a part of myself that the world needs to hear and for that I THANK YOU!!!
    Btw, I loveee how compassionate and such a great effective listener/ communicator you are. That goes so unnoticed.

    All the best & Cheers to more life!!!


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    • Aww thank you so much! I am so glad you are a part of our community. You are a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for the kind words, it truly made my day! <3 Lauren

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  • Grateful

    Another day of being alive,
    searching for the meaning of life,
    trapped inside the cage of my mind,
    a lost soul breaking free.

    Darkness is a friend of mine,
    where lost souls go to hide,
    so much beauty to be found inside,
    open your eyes to see.

    Delighted by the somber skies,
    melancholy far and wide,
    moon peeking over clouds at night,
    stars begin to twinkle and shine.

    Oh what joy, darkness brings.

    Inspiration revealed in the light,
    as mother earth comes to life,
    cotton candy painted skies,
    reflecting off the waterfront.

    Brown eyes turn to pools of honey,
    golden and bright in the sun,
    breathing in the cool fall air,
    on a dewy Saturday morning.

    Music plays to soothe the soul,
    a song for every occasion,
    growing through both light and darkness,
    for that I am grateful.


    Hannah Gray

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    • Wow! Growing through the darker moments of our is not easy or comfortable. But to do so takes a lot of strength, and to be self-aware and grateful for that growth takes even more strength. I truly admire your ability to see the stars amidst a dark sky. Sunshine is ahead. Keep pushing forward. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of…read more

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  • A Short Poem About What I'm Most Grateful For.

    We can suffer a loss and fall.
    We can pick ourselves up and stand tall.
    We can let others make us feel small.
    We can let their words have no effect on us at all.
    We can choose to do nothing.
    We can choose to be something.
    We can live life unclean.
    We can even pursue our dreams.
    We can do things alone.
    We can be part of a team.
    We can walk beside hate.
    We can run, full of love.
    We can live our lives restrained.
    We can fly free, like a dove.
    We can drown in sadness.
    We can sing and rejoice.
    What am I most grateful for?
    The power that lies inside of every choice.

    Jonathan Odle

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    • Really needed this—

      “We can let others make us feel small.
      We can let their words have no effect on us at all”—

      thanks for sharing, Jonathan 🙂

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    • Wow, Jonathan, I love this! It is so insightful! The power of choice is a gift. but sometimes a scary one. Thank you for sharing! And thank you for being part of our family. I absolutely love this piece. <3 Lauren

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  • dbyatt submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    Hand over Heart

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Jonathan Odle shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 months, 4 weeks ago

    Let go

    Do you remember when I loved you?
    I often think of the hell that we went through.
    How many times did we almost die?
    How many times did we whisper dirty lies?
    Do you remember all the things we would see?
    I often think of the affects you left with me.
    I’d be lying if I were to say
    maybe we could love again one day.
    In the past, so many things you took.
    When I was with you
    My voice, oh how it shook.
    You dimmed my light with all you kept from me.
    I roamed the darkness for years, unable to see.
    You let me go first.
    You told me that I was the worst.
    We both knew it had to end, for what it’s worth.
    Now, I’m truly free.
    For I used the pain to build a better me.

    Jonathan Odle

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    • Jonathan, Your journey of growth and resilience is inspiring. Through the pain, you have found strength and transformed into a better version of yourself. Embrace your freedom and continue to build a life that brings you joy and fulfillment. The past may have been difficult, but it has shaped you into the resilient person you are today. Keep…read more

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 7 months, 1 weeks ago

    I am scared and heartbroken

    Last night, I didn’t sleep well, as I had several nightmares. I was haunted by the endless images I saw in the news: A young woman’s naked, lifeless, unconscious (possibly deceased) body being paraded around as a trophy after Hamas attacked young people at a music festival in Israel, a 25-year-old woman begging for her life as she was taken as a hostage and babies whose faces were covered in dust and blood from the bombs thrown near their homes.

    When I awoke this morning, I immediately read the news to see the latest. And while the horror continues on the other side of the world, I was also disheartened to learn that hate was just outside my doorstep.

    People at rallies down the street from where I slept last night are wearing, holding, and celebrating images of swastikas and promoting anti-semitic rhetoric. For the first time in my life, I was and am scared to be Jewish.

    While I have been doing my best to educate myself through the news, friends, and online resources, I am not going to sit here and pretend I fully understand the conflict between Palestine and Israel – because I don’t. And I know that it’s natural and easy to see the world through the lens of my own experiences and identity.

    However, we all, myself included, should see and feel our humanity reflected in every person on this planet. And act accordingly.

    As I try to process these last few days, the violence happening in the Middle East is not just about me, or any one group of people or politics. This cruel attack on innocent people is about all of us. It is a threat to all of humanity.

    No child, no person, whether they share my background or not, whether Palestinian or Israeli (or any other culture, race, or religion), deserves to live or die in such an inhumane way.

    There are a lot of issues we can’t and won’t agree on in this world. But we universally should believe in and tirelessly advocate for love, compassion, and peace for all people.

    And sadly, right now, that’s not the case.

    I am scared and heartbroken as I pray for the victims of violence, our world, and humanity.


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    • I’m at a loss for words to describe the depths of evil for these murders of innocent people. I can’t comprehend humans committing these acts against other humans. Why with all the prayers that happen worldwide daily do things like this even happen? Please stay safe from these protests and God help the Middle East with everything you have.

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  • My first cover letter

    Dear Mr. —

    Did you know the NFL’s Ryan Grant also participated in basketball and track and field during his time at Don Bosco Prep School in New Jersey? Did you know the NBA’s Adonal Foyle still holds the record in New York for most points in a high school tournament game? Did you know former Suffern High School girls’ lacrosse star Crysti Foote is a member of the Canadian National Team and is recognized as one of the best female players in the world? Inspired by the commitment and passion all great athletes demonstrate, I know both the technicalities of sports and interesting facts about the athletes themselves, which is why I believe if I become a reporter for MSG Varsity I will be a powerful conduit between the athletes and the tri-state community. I will ask questions the viewers want to know and receive honest answers from athletes who respect my knowledge.

    My confidence in my future success is based on the achievements of my past as well as my present occupation. As a young 21-year-old college graduate, I began writing for NBA.com and WNBA.com. With my own swagger, I entered NBA and WNBA locker rooms to interview athletes double my size among journalists twice my age. Publishing hundreds of articles and blogs on NBA.com, WNBA.com, D-league.com, NikeWomen.com, and WomensProSoccer.com, I have also had my fair share of on-air opportunities. Currently, I am a co-host for On the Mike With Mike Sherman, a weekly entertainment, lifestyle, and sports show that airs on a CBS affiliate (My33) in South Florida. Last season, when the 49ers took on the Giants in New Jersey, I was there to interview athletes and report back on the night’s events for CBS’ San Francisco affiliate. I have reported local news on Long Island and worked as a sports reporter for Artsis Media, where I shot, edited, wrote, and produced all my own stories.

    Throughout my tenure at Columbia University, I majored in sociology and focused on the sociological impact of sports. Through my 40-plus page senior thesis, I discovered that to have longevity and acceptance as a female sports reporter, you must be a sports connoisseur yourself. Voted biggest jock in my high school senior superlatives, I have lived, breathed, and loved sports throughout my life. I believe if given a chance I will be recognized and respected by the sports world for telling compelling stories and conducting in-depth thought-provoking interviews. In other words, I’m a talented young recruit with an All-American future and would love to help the MSG Varsity team work its way to the top of the game.


    Lauren Brill

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    • Wow that’s awesome! You wrote for the NBA and WNBA!!This letter is a huge inspiration because I want to do podcasting and interview sports players and artists.

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  • The Appearance of The Inevitable's Impact

    There is no doubt that one of my favorite motivational quotes is “Be the change that you wish you see.” Herstory told, they would like to repeat it…

    Like how everyday I choose to defy the odds of struggle. Abundantly filled to navigate new heights… An unshakable force of humble.

    Someday they’d say “Yeah, she did talk about making change…” but I hope that they actually can see it!!!

    I’d love to tell them how I did it… and that everything in life is intentionally done for a reason. I let my guards down, enough standing on defense.

    I challenged the flaws, to know whatever is underneath it. Impacting the masses is the goal that I’m reaching.

    Bigger than me… My life is bigger than me!!!

    I am devotedly aiming towards doing the best things. Learning that all of the better things in life are not free.

    I am actively working my light within my art, family, and community.

    I’ve sacrificed it all, but this mission to help others involved truly helping myself to start. It shows more than something when freedom calls!

    I have all the answers that I need divinely a dial away. All I have to do is let them in and say “Thank you for leading the way!”

    It’s important for the picture, pouring into myself. Mixed emotional colors create art that’s good for one’s health.

    Developed within trusting the process… I had no clue I’d see it like this.
    In order to get clearer, I push past the resistance.

    I am a leader! I choose to be the one to reach back to uplift & help other people out!!

    As I reminisced about 5 cents ago, all of it did not add up… but, merely relying on money just was not enough.

    I am purposeful.

    I embrace this with gladness, that the shift that I vibrate while in this world is peace beyond the madness.

    Valencia B.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Valenica,You are a beautiful person. Your life is already so much bigger than you. Your compassion and spirit reverberate and impact many. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all. <3 Lauren

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      • Laurennn, thank you so much for your kindness. Always! It really does mean alot. Thank you for providing this safe space and platform for us to share with one another in this way. The Unsealed fam will forever have a place in my heart along this journey 😄❤

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    • Your impact is astonishing. To be able to realize both your strengths and weaknesses and use them to make a positive change is amazing. It is ultra important to pour into yourself, to make time for yourself and give yourself the grace need to be the ever change. A person of your magnitude Valencia are special. Thank you for sharing!!

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      • Wow, Gie… Thank you so so much!!! I am nearly at a loss for words on how timely your kind words are.
        I truly needed this! I appreciate you, and receive your warmth & light. Much💞

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 10 months ago

    How in the world did I end up here?

    This weekend, I was standing on top of a hill with a fortress and a lighthouse that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea in a small beach town in Spain called Tossa De Mer. It was absolutely breathtaking. And I never even heard of this place before we arrived. All I could think was, “How in the world did I get here?”

    Flashback five years ago, I was at a job in Ohio, and I was not particularly happy for many reasons. Guided by a strong intuition (and maybe my misery as well), I left my career as a sportscaster to start my own company, theunsealed.com. We are a platform that allows people to share personal stories in an effort to use writing to transform pain into power. If you know me, you know The Unsealed fuels my soul. It makes me excited to wake up in the morning and fills my life with meaning and purpose. For the first three years after starting my company, I worked every single day – most of the time, ten hours a day. No vacations. No days off. And I was perfectly happy doing so.

    Personally, I have always enjoyed dating and the attention that comes with it, but after two very serious relationships in my early and mid-twenties, for a long time, I didn’t want anything serious. I always feared that a relationship would and could hold me back, especially when I was a sportscaster, and I didn’t know what city or what job would be next. However, as I became more certain that The Unsealed was what I wanted to do and could do with my life, I became cautiously more open to the idea of a partnership.

    Then, after the pandemic, my brother sent me an online flyer for an event. It was called Miami Tech Night; a networking event held every Wednesday in Miami for people who work in tech. My brother thought it would be a great opportunity for me to meet people in my industry. So, as I usually do, I followed my brother’s advice. It was maybe my second or third time attending when this tall, handsome man approached me and asked me what I did for a living. I happily told him, and then he shared a little bit about his career. As we chatted more and more, he revealed that he had started a successful online business in his 20s and sold it. I was impressed, intrigued, and inspired. He invited me to my favorite taco spot down the street to continue the conversation after the event. We quickly realized we had similar interests and family values.

    From there, we started spending time together almost daily. Every week seemed to get better and better. So, one day, about three months into our relationship, I suggested getting away from Miami for a few weeks during the summer. Summers are so hot, muggy, and humid in Miami. I proposed L.A., and he said he had wanted for a while to take this massive three-month trip to Europe. He asked if I would be willing to come along. In theory, it sounded amazing, but I needed to work! Plus, leaving my dog for that long would not be easy for me.

    My parents agreed to watch my dog, and my boyfriend promised me I could work as much as I wanted on the trip. He’s been where I am, so he gets it. I agreed to go, and for the first time maybe ever, I am figuring out how to have a work-life balance, waking up early to work before we go out for an excursion, and finding cafes in every city to continue to put in at least eight hours every weekday. Instead of resenting me, my boyfriend pushes me to wake up early and goes to play tennis when he doesn’t have his own work to get done.

    At night and on the weekends, when we have time, we have the most incredible experiences exploring the world together, visiting castles in Portugal, wandering the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, and getting lost in the public transportation system somewhere in Europe (super grateful to the restaurant owner who called us a taxi).

    There is no way if you told me five years ago I would be here right now, I would believe you. But as I sit in a cafe in Spain and reflect, I realize I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.

    With love,

    P.S. Special shoutout to my boyfriend – thank you for believing in me, pushing me, loving me, and inspiring me. And thank you for speaking three languages. We certainly would get far more lost otherwise!


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    • I love this story. This inspires me to hold onto faith and to let things happen on its own. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I’m happy you were able to balance work and travel.

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    • Lauren!!! I love this line “I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.” It’s exactly the space I’m in where life can be so mysterious. While that can be unsettling there is hope in knowing that by following our dreams and what we l…read more

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      • Thank you so much. I have more faith now than ever that if you follow your heart, things have a funny way of falling into place. <3 Lauren

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    • This is my favorite story

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  • This is why I am making the world my workplace for the summer

    As a kid, I was adventurous, riding rollercoasters at age five, going on a plane by myself at seven, and willing to travel just about anywhere up through my college years. I am not sure if it was the pandemic or the tragedies we see daily in the news, or maybe just me getting older, but somehow, along my journey, my fearless spirit began to fade.

    In April, my boyfriend (of just a few months at the time) proposed a trip of a lifetime, three months of traveling all over Europe while working remotely. In theory, it sounded amazing. I went to Europe in my teens and early 20s and loved it. But three months is a long time away from my family and dog, and Europe feels so distant from home. I was scared to go.

    Nonetheless, knowing how much my boyfriend wanted to travel and how wonderful an opportunity and privilege this trip truly is, I agreed to go with him. However, during the three weeks leading up to the trip, I had two separate back spasms/herniated discs, and, for the first time in my life, I fainted and hit my head pretty hard. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But I definitely felt very anxious.

    Once we made it to our apartment in Barcelona, Spain, I felt slightly more at ease. So far, we’ve walked for miles and miles along the beach, not knowing where we were going or what we wanted to do. We’ve tried delicious food that was possibly worth the ensuing stomachache. And I have attempted to speak and understand a language I do not know. All the while, my boyfriend and I are beginning to learn more about each other’s quirks as we fully live together for the first time.

    As I sit here writing in a cafe in Barcelona, eating new food, working on The Unsealed, and listening to various languages in a city I don’t know very well at all, I am now hopeful that getting a little lost in this world will help me find a part of myself that I thought was long gone.


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    • To be able to travel all over the world is super cool and It’s a great thing that you’ve got you traveling mojo back and that you’re traveling with the one you love. Thank you for sharing

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    • Lauren I am so grateful to have seen your letter. As a young woman that desperately wants to travel but didn’t even go away for school it comforts me in so many ways to see you pushing past your fears and learning how to live in a way that’s such a genuine experience. I pray that soon I’ll be able to tell my own version of this story and I hope to…read more

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      • I somehow missed this response when you wrote it but saw it today. Definitely push yourself outside your comfort zone. It was the best summer of my life, not to mention I fell completely in love with my boyfriend. I was so scared to go and now I want to go back. I can’t wait to hear your story :). Lauren

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  • The Ripple Effect

    Dear Stranger,

    Today you walked passed me at the local mall. It was a cloudy, overcast afternoon and you were walking with a friend. I was walking alone. We were headed in two completely different directions. You stopped your conversation with your friend to tell me I looked pretty.

    What was a small gesture of kindness, changed my entire outlook on my day. Which then changed the course of my future.

    Now I know this sounds silly and a bit of a reach, but stranger, your kindness startled me.

    Let me explain…

    I woke up this morning, late to get to my classes. An anxiety-provoked teenager with insomnia and a head full of thoughts… of course, I woke up late. I rushed out the door barely attempting to wipe the smudged mascara beneath my eyelids and threw on my typical black hoodie and my dirty Converses. Of course, I hadn’t done laundry in over a week! I was stressed, can’t you see!?

    I couldn’t make it to my class on time because my car needed gas, and by the time I got gas I was already 30 minutes late– and the class was ending within 15 minutes anyway… there was no point. So I picked up a bacon, egg, and cheese from the local deli (they make delicious ones by the way), and headed to the local mall.

    On my drive over, I got honked at by two separate cars, my pockets were $30 shorter (thanks to the gas… and the bacon, egg, and cheese), and I didn’t get paid for another week at my crappy part-time job. (No one actually likes bi-weekly pay, do they?)

    When I arrived at the mall, my phone had over 20 missed calls from my “boyfriend” (can I even call him my boyfriend if it was a toxic partnership?) As I declined and deleted each and every one of them, I took a hit of my vape (I know, I know), and looked in my rearview mirror… I looked like CRAP *pardon my language*.

    My hair was messy and sticking out everywhere, my makeup was half off of my face, AND I looked like I cried myself to sleep… which at the time was probably accurate.

    I decided to smooth my hair and get out of my car. For some reason, the mall was my comfort space. I loved to people-watch as my peers were in classes and I could be alone from the stress of senior year. As I walked inside the mall, I must’ve only sat down in the food court for 10 minutes, that is, until you approached me.

    You stopped the conversation with your friend and walked over to me to tell me I looked so pretty. My initial reaction was to laugh and blow it off saying I definitely did not, but thanked you anyway. You hesitated a second before telling me you were serious and I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. You proceeded to walk away and leave me sitting there; a sad smile planted on my face as I thought about the interaction that just occurred.

    I pulled out my phone and flipped the camera on selfie mode. I definitely looked poor in my opinion, but then I realized that was just it– my opinion… The realization settled in when I continued to look at my features; my eyes and how brown they were, my nose and how tiny little freckles scattered over it, my hair and how long it was getting, and my mouth that was chapped but told the best of stories. None of it really looked ~bad. It was more a figment of my imagination, a perception that I drilled into my own brain, a repetitive intrusive thought that continuously filled my head day in and day out thanks to the constantly amplified beauty standards.

    But that didn’t matter to you. Because to you, I looked “beautiful.”
    To you, a stranger, I looked beautiful.

    I don’t want to tell you the insane amount of thoughts I’ve felt about myself in the past, because I’m sure many people day in and day out can relate. What I will tell you though, is that from that day on, I started complimenting at least one person every single time I went out in public.

    Because of you, stranger, I started to think of myself as beautiful. If not how I looked that day, then how my brain and how my soul worked inside. I started to value myself differently after that. I started to treat people differently. If a stranger could make me feel important on a day when I completely hated myself, I wanted to be able to do the same for others.

    Stranger, you may not know this, but you started the ripple effect.
    And I don’t plan on stopping it any time soon.
    So for that, I say thank you for making me feel beautiful, and for all of the other people who felt that same feeling as I did that day.

    I will forever continue to create these ripples.

    Nicole Kisslinger

    Nicole Kisslinger

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    • Nicole, This is so real. It’s so amazing how someone’s words can mean so much at vulnerable moments of our lives. Get rid of the toxic boyfriend, embrace your beautiful self, and continue to be a ripple of kindness and positivity. And never forget how beautiful you are – inside and out. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our…read more

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  • Growing up with migraine

    I grew up with migraine, it was like another member of the family. Always there, sometimes quiet, sometimes not but, always pretty need.

    I spent my childhood in waiting rooms; chiropractors, neurologists, nutritionists all for my 4 year old brother who was getting daily attacks. As a child there were times this was fun. I would get to miss school to come to the neurologist in Manhattan. I got to know the man at the pizzeria next to the chiropractor so well that he let me put on whatever I wanted on the TV while my little brother was next door getting adjustments on his spine. As a child there were also many times this made me mad and annoyed at my brother. When we had to leave a party or family function because of his attacks, when we didn’t have chocolate in the house because he was on an elimination diet, when I was put in charge of taking care of him when we were are friends houses and their parents didn’t know what to do.

    When I wasn’t in waiting rooms I could be found on the other side of a dark bedroom door wishing my mom could come play with me or help me with my homework. Or waiting on the outside of the bathroom or at the top of the stairs while my mother vomit from one of her episodic attacks. I was never allowed to wear perfume because it could trigger an attack for my mom.

    When headaches became part of my daily life I didn’t think anything of it. When my vision blurred, I broke out in sweat and it felt like a knife was stabbing behind my eye I didn’t panic, I knew what it was. As I began my career as an occupational therapist my anxiety and depression worsened and I began mental health therapy for this. I casually mentioned my daily pain and my therapist seemed shocked. This was the first time I realized not everyone gets headaches, it’s not part of everyone’s life.

    It had always been part of mine and I genuinely didn’t realize it wasn’t part of everyone’s. When these attacks began to worsen and increase in frequency I visited my PCP and asked if I should see a neurologist. Her response “no, you’re young, here’s this medication”. A medication I later found out can make attacks worse when I finally saw a migraine specialist. My good friend a fellow warrior pressed me and advocated to me and after months of the attacks becoming more severe I finally began my journey on living with chronic migraine and not letting it control me.

    Crystal Mulligan

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    • You are so strong. It may not have been fair for you growing up but you had to live with such a painful condition that hardly fazed you. Thank you for sharing

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    • Wow Crystal, that’s a deep story and I’m sorry you deal with this. I wish your PCP was more mindful of the medication you were taking and was willing to send you to a doctor who could help you better. I know it must be hard to manage something that you can’t control. I’m glad you don’t let it affect your daily life and I wish you happiness, health…read more

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  • Thank you Grandpa Herby

    Dear Grandpa,

    It’s been nearly 25 years since I last saw you, and what I remember most about you is how you made me feel. Whether at dinner on the holidays, playing cards, or sitting in your living room telling stories, you lived with a joy and zest for life that was so effortless, natural, and contagious.

    Growing up, you were very athletic, just like me. So when I would tell you about the plays I made or the goals I scored, you’d say, “That’s my little athlete,” knowing I got my athletic prowess from you. I was very outgoing as a child, telling a stranger my whole life story within the first five minutes of meeting them. Since you were not short of personality at any point in your life, you’d always say, with a grin, “We know where that one came from.”

    When I was around you, I always felt like you loved and believed in me and were proud that I was your granddaughter. Grandpa, you always made me happy, and you always made me smile.

    For many years, you had health problems: diabetes, cancer, and heart problems. During the fall of my first year of high school, you had what felt like your 10th heart attack and passed away the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was devastated. Your death was the first time I lost someone close to me. But I pressed on.

    For years, you told me the rain was good luck. So, to cope, I looked for rain to stay connected to you – a way to know you were still there. Sure enough, it rained on the day I graduated from high school. On August 15th, 2012, which would have been your 85th birthday, I was offered my first full-time on-air sports anchor/reporter job. It was pouring outside. And more recently, when I met my boyfriend, who treats me so well and makes me laugh, I asked what his name meant. When he said he didn’t know, I looked it up. His name means the God of Rain.

    With all my heart, Grandpa, I believe you are watching over me. You know I became a sportscaster, and you love that I started a business that advocates for kindness, courage, and equality. You are so overjoyed about the quality of my new boyfriend’s character, and you think it’s funny how my dog doesn’t let anyone within three feet of me. In fact, I think you may have something to do with that.

    So more than telling you that I miss you or even that I love you, what I want you to know is how you made me feel when I was a little girl is how you make me feel now.

    Thank you for still making me smile. Thank you for still making me happy.

    Love your little athlete,


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    • The world is getting smaller Lauren. Not only have we worked for the same companies but I was born and grew up in the Bronx for a short time in my life. Your grandfather may have known my great grandfather and possibly my grandparents. Beautifully written letter to your grandfather, makes me think of my grandparents myself. You’re surely making…read more

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years ago

    Mom, this is what makes you so special

    Dear Mom, Here is what makes our relationship special.

    I am not the only person in the world who thinks they have the world’s greatest mom. But I am the only one who is right. There are so many reasons why you are a great mom. Growing up, you showed up at every dance recital, soccer game, graduation, and field trip. You did my hair as a little girl, even though you had to chase me around the house with a brush and a bow in hand for 20 minutes to do so. You took me to The Plaza for tea time and to restaurants in the city for lunch dates. And you have supported every dream I have ever had. While I cherish all those moments and memories, what really makes you the best mom is that you have never let me cry alone.

    In my worst moments, Mom, you have always been there to listen to, encourage, and give me advice. As a little girl, when I was upset about school or a boy and couldn’t sleep, you would sit in my bed and talk to me until I felt better. To this day, when I am sad or stressed or just need a friend, you are my first phone call. From my first breakup to my assault to the passing of my ex-boyfriend, you have held my hand, wiped my tears and. And somehow, you always make me feel better.

    Your warmth, consistency, and wisdom make you a cut above the rest. And as a result, I move through life feeling very loved. You make hard times more bearable and good times more meaningful.

    I am so lucky to have you, the best mom in the world.

    I love you with all my heart,

    Your daughter,


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    • Lauren, your letter is a beautiful recognition to the special bond you share with your mom. It’s amazing to see that you hold her to the highest level and believe that she is truly the world’s greatest mom. But what truly sets your mom apart is her unwavering presence during your toughest moments. She has never let you cry alone, always offering…read more

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