  • hgray624 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months ago


    Another day of being alive,
    searching for the meaning of life,
    trapped inside the cage of my mind,
    a lost soul breaking free.

    Darkness is a friend of mine,
    where lost souls go to hide,
    so much beauty to be found inside,
    open your eyes to see.

    Delighted by the somber skies,
    melancholy far and wide,
    moon peeking over clouds at night,
    stars begin to twinkle and shine.

    Oh what joy, darkness brings.

    Inspiration revealed in the light,
    as mother earth comes to life,
    cotton candy painted skies,
    reflecting off the waterfront.

    Brown eyes turn to pools of honey,
    golden and bright in the sun,
    breathing in the cool fall air,
    on a dewy Saturday morning.

    Music plays to soothe the soul,
    a song for every occasion,
    growing through both light and darkness,
    for that I am grateful.


    Hannah Gray

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    • Wow! Growing through the darker moments of our is not easy or comfortable. But to do so takes a lot of strength, and to be self-aware and grateful for that growth takes even more strength. I truly admire your ability to see the stars amidst a dark sky. Sunshine is ahead. Keep pushing forward. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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