  • crystalmulligan submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    A New Day

    The excitement you feel at new years. Is arbitrary. It’s created. We decided that completing 365 days is an accomplishment. A time to celebrate, to reflect, to dream.

    We begin to think about all the possibilities of a new year. The places we may go, people we may meet, people we may become.

    We create the feeling of being new, fresh, opportunities await.

    But what if we celebrated like this every week. Everyday. We feel the same accomplishment and pride and joy for living another day. We feel the excitement and dream about the possibilities that tomorrow holds.

    We truly, deep down try to embrace the feelings of new years each and every day. We reflect on the day, what went wrong and released it. What went right and how we can foster more of that. Appreciate the places we went that day while dreaming of the places we’ll go tomorrow.

    We create how we feel. How we process. We can’t control the outside influences but we can work to control how we process and react. We can celebrate each and every day and the possibilities that a new day holds.

    This year I want to celebrate the new day.

    Good morning, happy new day!
    Good night, wishing you an amazing tomorrow!

    Crystal Frances

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