

  • Danielle

    Don’t worry little one, this will all be forgiven and forgotten I know you’re going through a lot right now and I pray that you make it through this with open eyes And a keen sense. You are on your own now
    nothing more, nothing less. My information is true
    and I know what you’re going to do. I know because I’m you. Don’t listen to any negativity from any one and always be yourself! I know it’s rough but it’ll get better I hope you find solace in this letter.


    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Tongue twister

    My screen is a scene of something obscene
    It’s so serene I hear Myself scream I deemed it extreme
    Im not to keen to dream it seems, I mean…..

    DB cooper

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  • Perfect sway

    It’s a perfect day, let’s go slay.
    Waking up feels great, my body’s not in pain. My brain no longer insane, I’m tame.
    I put my doc’s on and stroll out the door on this beautiful 80 degree day.
    My gosh the beauty I see before me,
    neighbors smiling and I am stylin’
    Jeeps workin’ just fine wow that just blew my mind
    I feel like I’m in a Muppet movie surrounded by singing
    And dancing I feel fantastic not a bit sarcastic
    nope…. no work today! Just me, myself, and I

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, It sounds like you’re perfect day is an amazing day filled with joy and positivity! I’m glad that you embrace the beauty around you and enjoy your time off. It’s great to cherish the moments of relaxation and self-care. Keep that upbeat spirit going!

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  • 13 Reasons Why I Choose to Love Myself

    Dear Me,

    Self-love has been a journey of a million miles after being torn down time and time again, insulted, hurt emotionally and physically. Self-love is difficult when you’re used to being lied to so much that your mind suddenly becomes your biggest bully. As I wrote in my poem about bullying that’s entitled Target “[when] the weight of the impact hits you repeatedly you learn how to fall apart without learning how to put yourself back together.” Self-love, that’s the chapter I’m on right now. I’ve read the words of Scripture that say “love your neighbor as yourself (Mk. 12:31)” and prayed for the courage to love myself as deeply as I love others. I’ve sat in the Confessional where a priest in persona Christi (in the person of Christ) pinpointed that I don’t love myself well. I’ve made many a visit to my therapists office with a self-love workbook in tow hoping that learning about it will help me to live it. It’s not perfect but I am learning.

    I love how I’ve been unlearning the things I’ve learned from those who were trying to steal my light.

    I love how despite the setbacks and difficulties you keep trying to put yourself together after you fall apart.

    I love how you will say yes to anyone who asks you to dance because you want everyone to feel what it’s like to be accepted.

    I love how you are everyone’s cheerleader. You believe so ardently in the beauty of other people’s dreams.

    I love how excited you get when you get good news—you can hardly contain it and you just have to share with someone.

    I love how you refuse to let apathy consume you but how you feel deeply and unapologetically.

    I love how you speak from the heart.

    I love how you valiantly stand up for the things you believe in even if no one is following you.

    I love your tenacious spirit, your determination, and grit.

    I love your ambition and drive to accomplish wonderful and beautiful things.

    I love how you have a mother’s heart even though you have no children of your own.

    I love that you want to heal the whole world with love.

    But most of all if there is anything I love about you it’s this.

    That even though the world has been so unkind to you, you choose to keep your heart soft and to be so kind to everyone you encounter.

    Darling there is so much to love about you.

    And I know that sometimes you forget that sometimes so I wrote this letter to you so when you’re down or discouraged and can’t remember any reason to love yourself you’ll have these 13 reasons to choose self-love.


    Hannah G.

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww Hannah, you are right. There is SOOOOO much to love about you. This piece is so vulnerable and powerful. I love this line “That even though the world has been so unkind to you, you choose to keep your heart soft and to be so kind to everyone you encounter.”

      It’s not easy to stay soft when the world has been hard on you, but that’s a testament…read more

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  • Hannah G. shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear 2023

    Note: I wrote this last New Years day. I found and re-read it yesterday and realized that in part that my prayer was answered. Some of it is still in the process of being answered.

    As we close the curtain on 2022 and pull back the curtains to a bright, new you I don’t know what to expect. I couldn’t have imagined 2022 going the way it did, so please forgive my anxious anticipation, and please know that it is also mixed with an excitement and enthusiasm to reset and begin again.

    I pray that I change, heal, and progress throughout the year. I pray that you teach me the lessons God knows I need to learn to be who He has created me to be. I pray that you are a gentle teacher full of compassion, kindness, “I love yous” and and “I’m sorrys.” I hope this year is full of adventures, full of laughter and love, and that it is surrounded with healthy friendships that continually call us both to excellence and holiness.

    Most importantly I want to strengthen my relationship with God, to listen to his voice, to trust and rely on Him fully in every moment and to give Him everything.

    I ask for protection for my………

    in the upcoming year. Deliver us Lord from every temptation, evil, danger and/or harm that the enemy could imagine. Make us holy.

    2023 you have large shoes to fill. I know the Lord has given you a big purpose to fulfill. I know that the Lord is just a step ahead of me–He’s already in 2023 dealing with each trial, making a message out of a mess and guiding my footsteps. And so I dare to follow Him wholeheartedly into the unknown, into the heart of you–2023. Welcome 2023! I can’t wait to see what you have in store.


    Hannah G.

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    • Dear Hannah, that was a beautiful work of art about 2023. I wrote a poem about 2023 when I learned that April was the national poetry month. I think I wrote one 1st day of the year too. I’ll have to check. But I wanted you to know I appreciate you. You’re a teacher, and that is an awesome gift to be able to teach kids. I remember some of my…read more

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  • My Love

    My heart is broke I’m begining to sulk
    My tears are for fears that you might not be back do you have to go away for this long? I don’t think Im strong for lack of a better word, maybe I’m being absurd
    First time I saw you I knew you were the one.
    Starring in to each others eyes our lips touched and that was it, I was hit with cupid’s arrow.
    Now years later a lie was created
    doubted thoughts loom and you assume.
    My heart drops what did I do I never knew you felt like this I must’ve missed.
    I want to give you a kiss and be in bliss again with you, this what I really want to do
    I miss you

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle I can feel the raw emotions in your letter, and I’m here to offer support and understanding during this difficult time. Heartbreak is never easy, and it’s natural to feel a sense of sadness and longing when someone you love is away for an extended period. Sending you strength and support during this challenging time.

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  • Best Moment of 2023......Birthday Bliss

    I have to say that 2023 has been pretty kind to me. It’s been a good year and I’ve embarked on adventures that I never would’ve imagined in my wildest dreams. That being said it was difficult to choose my favorite moment of the year, however one rises above all the others.

    Picture this….

    It was my birthday. The July heat warmed my face as I woke to the sound of kids playing at a nearby park in the suburbs of Chicago. I was a long way from my home in Maine but it didn’t feel that way because my other half—my better half—my twin sister was sleeping in the room next door. I woke with gratitude for another day, for a new year of life beginning, for the life of my sister (who is my best friend), for the chance to do life together and much more. I say a quick prayer thanking God for these blessings as I soak up the rays of sun shining through the window and wait for my sleepy sister to wake up.

    Our first adventure of the day was to get to Starbucks to get our free birthday beverage. As she sipped on her iced caramel macchiato and I sipped on my honey flat white we walked to a nearby nail salon to get pedicures all the while chatting about our hopes, dreams and goals for the next year.

    When we reach the nail salon we settle in for some rest and relaxation. I choose a lighter purple color and my sister chose a pale blue color. The shades of nail polish we chose are total opposites, yet complement each other quite well just like my sister and I do. I look over to her as she’s getting her nails done and see her smiling and I smile too knowing that she is happy.

    With our tummies rumbling we head over to P-Quads, a deep dish pizza restaurant that both my sister and my dad raved about. As we walked in the heavenly smell of pizza cooking wafted its way to my nose. We ordered a pepperoni deep dish pizza and devoured several slices of pizza before tapping out.

    We headed back to my sister’s apartment and got ready for the main reason I was in Chicago (besides seeing my sister) to see Ed Sheeran perform in Solider Field. The previous Christmas my sister had gotten me tickets to the concert. I had waited for this for half a year and now it was here. The anticipation and excitement grew as I got ready.

    Before leaving for the concert my sister and I blew out our candles had a few bites of our cheesecakes that we had ordered from the Cheesecake Factory a few days before. Each bite was creamy, delicious and super rich.

    Finally we left for the concert. We arrived at Soldier Field and walked up to the humungous stadium. Khalid came out and the excitement was palpable. With enthusiasm and energy he worked the whole crowd. With the excitement at its peak Ed Sheeran came bounding onstage. I could not believe I was actually there, I have been a fan of his for a long time and here he was in the same vicinity as me. You could say I was a little star struck, even though Ed is such a humble guy. More than that a feeling of deep wonder and gratitude filled my being. How this birthday was so different than the last birthday I’d had where I’d spent the day alone, grieving the loss of my grandparents, wondering if I was seen or known. Ed sang his little heart out and the crowd shared moments of joy, laughter, tears as we sang along to his songs. As the concert was about to end Ed instructed us to take out our phone and use our flashlight on our phone and as he sang we waved our phones in the air as we took in the lyrics, the melody, the moment.

    I have to admit that 2023 has been kind to me and that there have been many good moments this year, but this one tops them all. It was a perfect day spent with one of my favorite people, treating ourselves, eating good food, and watching one of my favorite pop artists sending lyrics which encapsulate both the beauty and messiness of life into the humid night air. I felt at peace. I felt seen and known in the moment. I could not help but smile from ear to ear and soak in each moment. And even now the memory washes over me and fills me with a wonder and gratitude that I know I will remember for the rest of my life.

    Hannah G.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Wow! Hannah! This is a beautiful piece. I love Ed Sheeran as well! And you are so lucky to have a twin sister who doubles as your best friend. I love everything about your piece – good family, good food, and good music sounds like a great day to me. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    The government abroad, We didn't start the fire

    This is but a thought the truth of what our nation is coming to
    Fiddle De De fiddle de dumb biden’s got his thumb up his bum, he gave Ukraine another lump sum.
    Migrants galore, Chicago ignore. They say the American dream is a lore. It rocks me to my bitter core.
    The opponent stays quiet, so there won’t be a riot.
    My words are honest, but I can’t promise they won’t cause strife. Think of your life.
    I’m not political, I’m not semitic
    but I said it…
    Eat the rich, but not the poor
    too many citizens lying on the floor
    My lord…
    They say COVID is coming back and it’s going to attack. Relax it’s just tact
    The election is coming The press is running and they are cunning.
    My thoughts are clear a mere sense of clarity
    A rarity indeed I’m not trying to mislead It’s just a seed.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • This is a very clever piece and really captures the rollercoaster ride that the media and politics put us all on — especially these last few years. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Gie Santana shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months ago

    Hi,my name is Blue Zircon

    Lauren, I’ve always referred to you as a gem because from the beginning that is exactly what you have been to Me.

    Bright, empowering and solid.

    You have pushed us all here in the Unsealed community to reach new potentials within ourselves and do things even when we are scared.

    You have pushed past so much self adversity, harsh character traits in people and career let downs that strengthened you so much that you’ve used said strength to encourage everyone around you.

    You are abundantly patient.

    You allow others to bare their souls and feed yours while showing some of the highest forms of empathy and compassion I’ve ever seen.

    You love the core of a person. And cast no judgment, even virtually I can feel your sincerity.

    You are not afraid to admit your flaws and learn how to shape up better for the future.

    The sparkle in your eyes that illuminates when you have an idea you just can’t wait to share is legit!

    I love that about you.

    You are you.

    Blue Zircon.

    A December gem, representing spiritual growth, beauty, peace and wisdom.

    You are the embodiment of such.

    I thank you for simply being you.

    Gem, I am wishing you all the continued love, peace, and joy on this birthday and cheers to many many more to come.

    You deserve all the candles to come true.

    Diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend, Gie

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    • Gie! This is so beautiful. I am crying. I am so glad I have had such a positive impact on your life. But I hope you know that you have equally inspired me. Thank you for believe in my and encouraging me to continue on this wild and crazy entrepreneurial journey. I love you and am so grateful for you. Not sure if you read Ala’s post about my…read more

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  • Alien Thanksgiving

    I am grateful for the tear stained letter full of encouragement and convince that ending my life in 2019 would have been better, landed on the ears of a mighty God.

    I am grateful that the strength I gave others, ie; church mothers, displaced lovers, friends and even animals of the forest, finally showed up for me.

    It held my four leaf clover. I got lucky. I guess my life really wasn’t over.

    Strength, I am grateful for you, you’re one clever lover.

    It wasn’t my time. I keep saying over and over.

    THIS time though, it IS.

    Time to accelerate life and honor every one of those wishes.
    The ones that were blown from candles perched atop a thick slice of chocolate cake.
    Nestled on a paper plate because who wanted to do dishes?

    It’s time to collect from the wells where I tossed many a shiny penny, sometimes dimes too because everybody knows those wishes count as double and I really need them to come true.

    It’s time to give myself the grace that I have granted so many.

    Grateful for an anchor of a soul that rests deep within a 9 year old.
    At 9 years old, He saved the souls of plenty.

    Next of kin, grateful for unwavering love from a Mother whose heart is worn with worry. But she is a warrior, a protector.
    A galaxy of love wrapped prayers is what I am grateful for.

    Grateful for loss.
    It hurts so bad at first. But the loss can be a gain with unseen wings, I now am finally starting to feel like myself again.

    Grateful for the grit.
    Without it, there’s so much I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish.
    Not even half of it.

    Grateful that I am choosing to love myself more, and the self love I poured in is opening all sorts of new doors.

    In the hallways of life, I am grateful.

    For the heartfelt wrongs and the astonishing rights, for the affirmations I recite before bed each night, the nourishing food that illuminates my soul like a light,the emotions I wear on my sleeve so those around me can see the real me…
    I am grateful.

    For everything on this planet will be alright.

    Nano-Nanooo, Gie

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    • Hi there, Gie. Aiša here. I absolutely adore the images you’ve evoked here— the birthday cake, the frequented wishing well 🙂

      But my favorite part?

      “Grateful that I am choosing to love myself more, and the self love I poured in is opening all sorts of new doors.”

      Happy New Year, Gie!

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    • Gie!!!!!! This poem is amazing. I love this line, “Grateful for the grit.
      Without it, there’s so much I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish.
      Not even half of it.”

      You have so much grit, but you also have the most beautiful heart. You deserve to love yourself because there is so much to love. Thank you for sharing your heart and thank you for…read more

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    RX Ginny Pig

    Hello in there, is your head working yet? Here just take another pill.
    For breakfast every morning I have a colorful array of meds.
    Just so I can fit in, I hate it I really do. don’t worry here’s another pill to cheer you up, one to keep u from your nightmarish dreams. One to stay awake, one for pain, another to be in a. Good mood, one to make you stay in a good mood. but it might take a few meds to find the right one
    My mind feels perfectly fine.
    Another appointment? Let’s change it up. A few MG’s up a few down.
    Are you ready for another round
    Ya, I’m down.
    I hear a sound. Let’s wing it this timeIt’ll be fine, You’ll feel so much better. You might even get a little thinner.
    Who knows, the sky’s the limit! That’s the ticket, keep on taking them they’ll keep on making em.
    Addicting those that are weak, and seem to only seek The ones they can critique….

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle this is really powerful. I know other people who have gotten in the cycle of taking pills for mental health, and feel as though they are being put on a rollercoaster similar to the way you describe the experience.

      You know your mind and body best. And you know what’s best for you. I am cheering your happiness on from afar. <3Lauren

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    • I absolutely love this. It’s the truth. There’s no solution just meds

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    • Wow this is so powerful I’ve been raised in mental hospitals and medication has been shoved down my throat my whole life and I have always described the process of being properly medicated as this and you perfectly put the reality of it in the best words well done

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  • Special Moments with my Godmother

    *This summer my friend challenged me to write something based off of paint color names. I did it once and liked the result, so I had to do it again. I had my mom choose 5 different paint color swatches at a hardware store and then wrote this. While some details in this letter have been changed (to fit the prompt) I believe this does encapsulate the beautiful spirit of my deceased godmother so I dedicate this to her.
    I miss you

    I miss the way you used to romanticize life

    And filled it with special moments

    What a blessing it was to watch you relishing in every moment you were here.

    With hospitality you would set out fancy china, brew coffee and fill a carafe with heavy cream just for me

    The way you would belly laugh when we got caught in a downpour and arrived home sopping wet.

    The few sacred moments we spent together in the morning where you would put my hair in a ponytail and smile warmly at me.

    The way you would kiss me on the forehead and your cloudberry clad lips would imprint themselves there as a reminder of the deep love you had for me.

    The way you would strategically place the tinsel on the Christmas tree so that it would glimmer in the darkness.

    Your enthusiasm for life was what made you so beautiful.

    And it is a piece of you that shines in the mosaic of pieces that make up me.

    One day I will have my own goddaughter and I hope my wonder and enthusiasm for life

    Will shine as deeply in her as yours does in me.

    With Love,

    Hannah G.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Falling down a hole less traveled

    Surviving addiction it’s an affliction calling out for an intervention
    Spend my time wondering why it took a hold of me. Eyes are wide Breath is high
    Time is a wasting well I’m chasing my dragon
    Tag you’re it! It’s my turn already?
    I can’t even, I’m not steady
    On your mark get set go, GI Joe the more you know.
    My name is Danielle and I can’t even tell
    I’m ready to give up I’ve had enough.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, your words resonate with the struggles and pain of addiction. It’s a battle that can feel overwhelming, but remember that you are not alone. Reach out for support and never give up on the hope of recovery. You have the strength to overcome. Keep fighting, Danielle.

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  • A Song of Thanksgiving

    I’m grateful for the breath in my lungs
    I’m thankful for good morning hugs
    I’m grateful for my community of family and friends
    I’m thankful for God’s love that never ends
    I’m grateful for a roof over my head
    And a comfy, cozy, nice warm bed.
    I’m grateful that I have food on my plate
    I’m even thankful when I have to wait.
    I’m grateful for the clothes on my back
    But if I’m being honest sometimes I’m like an amnesiac
    Because I forget to count the blessings that I’m grateful for
    And sometimes I lose sight of what I have been given and ask for more
    But the Lord is good, generous and kind
    And brings each one back to my mind
    I cannot begin to fathom the many ways
    So I sing Him a song of thanks and praise
    He has been so good to me
    Even working in ways that I cannot see
    I’m sure I’m not the only one to be blessed beyond measure
    So to you I say cherish each blessing as you would a treasure
    Make Thanksgiving more than one day long
    Let it be a way of life—a beautiful song
    Emanating from heart to your lips
    Gratitude rising to the Giver of every perfect gift.
    Today I thank the Lord for all He has given
    And most importantly for His unending love and provision.

    Hannah G.

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    • I love the song approach this is beautiful

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    • Hannah, This is another beautiful piece by you. It is so easy to take for granted the simple things in life. But to sit back and recognize it and then count your blessings is really powerful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Surviving AddictionSurviving Addiction group 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    The addict

    Am I really entering the world of addicy oh the audacity
    am I really that into it
    I am really that into it
    You deserved this
    You treversed this
    Why cant I leave this room
    It’s doom and gloom
    Im starting to tune this out
    Searching, nay saying
    I’m just trying to say
    When the fuck did I get here
    This must be a joke,
    and then I awoke

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, addiction can feel like a never-ending nightmare. But remember, you have the strength to wake up from this darkness. Seek help, find support, and take back control of your life. You are not alone in this journey. Keep pushing forward, Danielle.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Little boy

    Woke up in a daze not feeling like I wanted to go to work. I attempted to call out. Talked to my boss it was a definite NO, I need you come in… Uhg so I did. feeling bad about leaving my boss hangin I strolled in to work every thing was fine just as it should be. I set up and took my first client.second, third and so on and so forth, I noticed a boy and his mother walk in and sit down. The mother was called by the stylist the sat up front probably about 11 or 12 I would say… All of the sudden out of the corner of my eye I see him grabbing his throat and trying to cough. Without even a thought or a memory of how I got from.here to there it was like an outer body experience watching from above myself in motion attending and defending this little boys will to live. It was crazy, each thrust I felt his body get tighter it seemed like forever I was giving the heimlich maneuver. I’ll tell ya… it wasn’t “I hope” this thing. Comes out it was “going to” come out…. And it did the boy with a blue hue had a natural color to him again.
    thank you to who ever what ever that was that came over me the boy started to cough just as the EMTs arrived I stepped a way. They were all clapping, my boss was crying and shaking as was I. My boss pulled me out back to talk she was like how, why if you took the day off…. I just glad you were here today.
    The mother of the boy however was beyond her self gave me a hug asked how could she ever repay me for saving the boy I said to her… Him being
    alive and breathing is payment enough.
    This is my memorable moment….

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Omg! You saved that little boy’s life. That is amazing. You are a HERO! It is so hard to act in the moment. Truly incredible! <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren it was unimaginable the timing the fact that my boss wouldn’t let me call out It was truly a unbelievable experience I don’t think of myself as a hero though….I just did what my body led me to do It was surreal there was one other time when there was a boy drowning in Western Mass and I happened to look down and saw him doing the dead…read more

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      • Hi Lauren I had a question for you and wasn’t sure how to message you directly but been thinking about writing a memoir for years now not quite sure how to do it or if I could get sponsored by someone to actually publish it wondering how that works thanks

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        • Hey! We’ve done a few shows on it. Once you write the transcript, you have to format it (you can hire someone on Upwork for whatever price range you want). You also need an isbn which you can buy on https://www.myidentifiers.com/. After that you need a cover. Amazon can create one with AI for free, or you can make one on canva with the dimensions…read more

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    If you try sometimes you get what you need

    Chasing, pacing, racing
    Only in my dreams
    I want so bad to see them come true
    But I haven’t come to terms with seeing it thru my desires and wants take second stage
    To the battle that is everyday
    Someday I hope I can make them happen
    Glory day, I hope and pray for my time to come
    Though It lasts just a second
    And then it ends…
    it’s already written

    Danielle Bettro

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Dampen your eyes

    Steady as I go
    Inspiration pouring out my soul
    Mind and body collide
    Heart and soul coincide
    Fact and fiction divide
    Making you feel alive
    Sometimes I get real
    I kneel and pray to a god not yet saved
    Steal and pay for the next day
    You’ll find a way
    Just stay, don’t run
    It could way a ton
    My thoughts exactly
    Don’t beg just ask me
    I’ll stay till the light burns out
    Be quiet and listen to your first decision
    Be quiet and run for the day is done
    Another quest tomorrow will avenge sorrow

    Danielle Bettro

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  • Grateful

    What am I most thankful for
    I’m thankful for my children. They’re grown now and they are both healthy, smart and inquisitive. They brighten my day.
    I’m thankful I’m alive to witness everything in life My goal is to learn from my mistakes and I’m thankful I have coping skills.
    I don’t have much but I’m thankful I have a roof over my head.
    I’m thankful I have helped others. I’m thankful I can take constructive criticism and I’m able to endure it.
    I’m thankful to have a sister, that’s about all the family I have.
    I’m thankful for my job and the ability to be able to work with injuries and mental illness, I persevere. I have been in situations where I shouldn’t be alive but I’m thankful that I am.
    I’m thankful that I can see the leaves on the trees change.
    I’m thankful I can breathe, though I don’t have a range
    My life has been hard It’s been marred by sadness and violence but I’ve remained silenced.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, It sounds like despite hardships there is so much good in your life and there are many reasons to be thankful. You are strong and resilient. You should be so proud and thankful for your spirit in addition to everything that you named. Thank you for sharing this piece and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • Movie Extra

    Here I am sitting across from a frothy white chocolate mocha, where the steam kisses my eyes as I close them.
    I inhale a deep breath and exhale a smile, fully teethed, pearly matching the pearls given to me by my Grandmother.
    Just as the camera man yells “Scene, take 1”
    I am in my zone.
    I gracefully let the melodies of memorized lines glide freely from my lips as my soul is soothed by just being here.
    Present is not past tense. It’s intense in this moment.
    I’m here.
    I’m alive.
    Thriving off of the very thing that helped me survive.
    It’s no surprise, I am a crafter.
    Carefully skilled words woven into a silk created emotional basket.
    I offer up my body like the Tin Man In hopes of getting a brain. One that is settled, free and happy.
    Images of what happiness feels like from within.
    The inside.
    The craft enlightens me.
    My ideal self and the old me cross paths.
    This time we share a couple of laughs.
    No sympathetic whispers of fear or doubt.
    The old me knows I’m filtering out the negativity that does not serve me anymore.
    I prayed for days like this.
    Beaming genuinely, smiling and knowing true self love and not just from afar.

    My ideal self, a true star.
    Each pointe representing a point where I remembered just how beautiful everybody says that I are.
    I am.
    Look at how high I set the bar.
    For myself, I am the bar.
    Top shelf.
    200lbs and 2 ice cubes of something spectacular.

    “Cut” Yells production.

    The smile fades, the pearly whites are tucked away.
    It’s not forever this time.
    The next scene is left of me my eyes fixated on the display.
    I am happy today.
    Truly happy!
    Being the star of my own show, executive producing and achieving goals.
    I am doing everything on last year’s wish list and now creating a new list of wins.
    My ideal self is wealthy.
    Not in the form of currency, currently the wealth comes with residuals results of good health.
    Ideally I worked really hard on this scene.

    “It’s a wrap for today”

    But this happiness is continuously.

    bright lights & green screens – Gie

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    • Dear Gie,
      I am so glad you are healthy. It sounds like you have a very positive outlook on life. Please continue your healthy beautiful journey.


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      • Thank you so much Mrs.Shelly. I am trying, everything is not what it seems at all the time. I am trying my best to be happy whole and keep going for the woman I am destined to be and the mom my child needs and the goals I just can’t let go of. It’s hard if I am quite honest. I just keep praying for continued mercy and growth every moment.

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    • Gie, You are the star of your own show, And I hope you see that, feel that, and bathe in that every single day of your life. You are a true star and your positivity shines bright. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being that special bright, loving, and shining star that you are. <3 Laure

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