

  • Big Little You

    You wish to be small
    Slight and petite
    Not round like a ball
    Atop two chubby feet

    You want to fit in
    With those in your school
    To be popular, thin
    Not solely uncool

    Why can’t you be skinny
    Like others your grade
    Dress in skirts mini-
    Not big and homemade

    But hold it, I say
    To big little you
    Soon comes the day
    Adolescence is through

    At age twenty-nine
    With determination and grit
    I promise you’re fine
    Keep at it, don’t quit

    Realizing long last
    Being strong is what’s best
    Leaving diets in the past
    You pass the qualifying test

    Now, a personal trainer
    Group fitness leader
    Sometimes entertainer
    Always positivity feeder

    The joy you’ll discover
    In this health career choice
    Will help your recover
    And find your own voice

    So, please don’t you fear
    Dear big, little you
    Your future is near
    Your dream will come true

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • Peace in Pieces

    I find my peace in pieces
    A little here and there
    Chaos never ceases
    Peace is often rare

    I feel it in raindrops
    Dry, falling leaves
    Carefree belly flops
    A humorous sneeze

    Pine needle covered trails
    A brilliant sunrise
    Stylish manicured nails
    Crisp sweet potato fries

    Book clubs with friends
    Pride parades in June
    Multicolored pens
    Naps in the afternoon

    I find my peace in pieces
    Wherever there is spare
    Gather then release it
    Peace is meant to share

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Chapt 29

    Chapter 29

    What can I say about this chapter of my life & what I love

    This chapter — as many others — has tought me — so so much

    Most of all—

    It’s taught me to step outside — my comfort zone

    Into an — unfamiliar place
    Into the — complete — unknown

    It’s allowed me to — crawl my way out of
    — the abyss

    & To open my self up — to the world again

    It’s taught me — that It’s ok for me — to let you in

    & no — it’s not easy to show myself
    in my most vulnerable state — it’s never been

    To let you have — a sweet taste
    of my most — sour days — can be unsettling

    Unsettling — to say the least

    Sometimes you can tell still —
    when my body’s — trembling

    Or when my voice — shakes

    But I learned — to simply just
    — trust the process

    in exchange — the power — I’ve gained
    Is — Courage

    What I love most about this Chapter — 29 of mine

    Is that I finally let go of —
    “my perfect plan — & timeline”

    I learned to finally — resubmit myself — to God
    In a way — I hadn’t done — for so long

    I learned to heal some parts of me — that took me back — to little ol’ me — at 17

    Even tho for years — that girl
    has been gone

    I learned to finally give up — trying to be her again

    — just wishing & wishing

    I know now — I’ll never be that girl again
    but I’m no longer tripping

    I can finally be at peace — to say goodbye to her & recreate myself

    Trusting that me at 29 — has already made her proud

    So what do I love most about this — Chapter 29 — I ask myself ?

    That — a little bit of this
    & a little bit of — that

    Restored the hope back in my heart — that for years — I have lacked

    & that — even on the days
    When I felt — most alone

    I never truly was — cause God
    Neverrrr — Let Me — Go

    I learned that — when God promised
    to make a beautiful story out of me

    He in fact — did not fold

    Even tho at times — it felt like
    my time was being wasted

    It was simply just — a beautiful story
    — still — in the making

    All I gotta do now — is continue to let him take the lead

    & not forget — like Miley Cyrus — always said
    — It’s the climb

    So I’ll keep on climbing

    I’ll be patient Lord 🙏🏽
    I’ll let you finish writing ✍️ 🥹


    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • A Love of Life

    What do I love about this part of my life?
    I wonder aloud to myself.
    I seem to get caught up in the riptide of the ever quickening current of life and sometimes forget that when I ride the waves rather than resisting, I end up exerting much less extra energy and receiving much more than when my attention is caught up, too.
    I do love that I can put this sensation into words, something that creates something from what was once abstract.
    I love that I can pause and take just 3 breaths, and remember the gift that alone is.
    I love that in this moment in my life, I am able to meet the triggers and challenges I face like an old friend who is just in need of a parcel of love, not to be turned away with vengeance.
    I love that I am choosing me, no matter what, in a selfishly selfless way.
    Who can pour from what’s empty?
    I love that I am discovering what confidence means to me, and also for my ability to give grace, especially to myself, when that confidence I discover falters, even just momentarily.
    I love that I can remind myself of all the reasons I have to be confident, and for all the gratitude that I feel for the awareness I’ve cultivated of this, as this practice has at times felt as unnatural as I imagine eating soup on the moon would feel.
    I love that I am meeting myself deeper and with more love than I’ve known from myself ever, and for that I rejoice as I know it will be multiplied outwards.
    I love that trying new things lights me up with excitement instead of cowering in fear.
    I love that I use strength with my voice, no longer one to be bulldozed with others’ words.
    I love that my once thorny boundaries have turned to beautiful vines, soft yet strong, ever enduring with elegance and ease.
    I love that this chapter of my life has brought me a love of life – once a place that was a barren landscape of nothingness – now a fertile garden bursting with new life and the potential of growth beyond all imagination.

    Sofia Grace Armstrong

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Now vs. Then

    Look at you go, man. You know, it wasn’t all that long ago that the only thing you could thin about was drugs and how miserable life was. You blamed everything on others, and couldn’t figure out why nothing ever seemed to go your way. Then, when things wouldn’t go your way, or you faced an instance of adversity, or even just a new experience, you would hide from it, and seek temporary pleasure.

    On a much brighter note, throughout all of this, you kept the best attitude you could, and still made it a point to do your best to be a giver to those around you. Hey, we live and we learn.

    I’m not writing this to you to beat you down or shame you (you used to do that to the extent of causing yourself to completely shutdown), in fact, it’s quite the opposite. I want to write to you about what I’m loving about this current chapter of my life.

    Every now and again, you get a little overwhelmed, and that’s okay. You get overwhelmed with the seemingly daunting tasks you’re taking on while telling nobody. You’re courageously advancing yourself toward crushing all these new experiences as they come. You’ve been doing this for quite some time now, helping you incrementally build your self confidence. I’m here to tell you that you may feel overwhelmed because you have everything you’ve ever wanted and you’re just unsure as to handle it. Nonetheless, you’re handling it.

    You’ve built yourself to the point you’re miles above where you first started this journey. I say this with humility and seriousness all at once: I’m beyond proud of you.

    You’ve met and partnered with a young lady who believes in you (maybe even more than you believe in yourself, which is quite a bit) and pushes you to succeed. She enjoys the small things you do. She enjoys the way you make her laugh. She admires you for the things you’ve been through and came out on top. Best of all, you enjoy these very same things, as she does them for you also.

    You are way less sad than you have been in a long, long time. You’re able to just be yourself, more so than ever, and she loves this about you. It’s also good for you. She actually cares to understand all the ideas you run by her. She doesn’t mind the noise you make when you fill the air with your words. She doesn’t even mind it when you practice your guitar or drums. You gotta admit, that’s pretty cool.

    Anyway, I can’t discuss in full detail all the great things you’re doing and continue to accomplish. You’re happier in this chapter because you’ve finally made it a point to push yourself and those around you to do great things, and it feels RIGHT. You love yourself again, and you’ve realized that even though you may be alone, you’re not ALONE.

    I hope as the chapters continue for you, you’ll find your way closer and closer to where you’re headed. Keep moving with love. It looks good on you.

    Jonathan Odle

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Art of Growth

    The Art of Growth

    Stagnant. Dormant. Idle. Sluggish.
    All feelings of a pace I’ve gotten too familiar with.
    I’m in a courtship with anxiety,
    And an engagement with depression.
    Yet, these are two relationships I don’t want to be a part of.

    Reflect. Ponder. Meditate. Think.
    These daily reminders ping in my head.
    Telling me to give myself a break, take it easy, let it out and let it go.
    But they only stay for the moment, and then I forget to be kind to myself.

    I wonder what being 30 is like for others.
    I wonder what being 30 is like for me.
    Am I behind? Am I lost? Is this okay?

    I reflect on how everyone is moving at their own pace.
    I ponder over how far I’ve come, yet how short of a time I’ve been around.
    I meditate on how there’s no such thing as behind, because this is my version of now.
    I think about how being lost isn’t a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to learn.
    It’s okay. I’ll be okay. And that’s the art of growth.

    A Graham

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  • The Power of a Learning Soul

    Hurt and broken
    I could not see.
    No more taking
    only giving.
    I’m now the king
    loved and adored.
    Patient, obscured.
    Like a driftwood
    Now found ashore.
    I’ve left behind
    bad parts of me.
    Rising above
    so found and free.
    At a stalemate
    I fought myself
    at rock bottom.
    Now, at the top
    we always say,
    “Don’t you worry,
    yeah we got ’em”.
    built, never bought.
    lessons they’ve taught.
    From good to bad
    and bad to good.
    On second thought
    although I should,
    a favorite
    I have not got.
    Learn from them all,
    That’s what I’s taught.

    Jonathan Lee Odle

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • DInSTANT Comfort


    While it seemed as if the world was falling apart, In 2020, the deepest parts of myself were drastically coming together.

    Strikingly, my spiritual reawakening shifted the entire trajectory of my perspective, including everything else that slowly led to this rare occurrence.

    All within that same year, I had an epiphany that came to pass nearly a year later… When a close friend of mine had just moved to Texas, somehow I intuitively felt that I was soon going to as well. Although, I had never been there or even thought about it prior.

    To some degree, it was beautiful to share this news with close relatives about all that I was experiencing spiritually and planning to do.

    That still came with some disheartening moments and conversations. No one else fully understood or related to me and I had to accept that they may never will.


    In 2021, The opportunity finally presented itself. I was asked if I would like to move to Texas and take the leap of fate as my best friend’s roommate… and I did!

    With the expectation to do Real Estate, I had no clue what would unfold there. But, I moved from Michigan with only $1k saved for my road trip and received angel numbers reassuring me I would be assisted with everything else I needed. The divine used strangers, signs, and miracles from every angle.

    I had never driven a U-Haul before then. Ironically, there was a shortage going on at the time. I had to drive a 20″ truck, which was very intimidating!!! While prepping for the move there, my best friend offered to fly in to drive with me towards my new destination.

    It was one of the BEST things I could have EVER done. It has created literal direction and purpose (for each area of my life).

    I was able to dive deeper into my healing journey. All while closely reevaluating my life and where I truly desired to, which seemed to have been a challenging journey before and throughout arriving there.


    After living in Texas for almost two years, I am forever grateful for all of my learning experiences there. It felt like some sacred spiritual retreat for both of us to be present and within our freedom. I loved it! It has helped shape me while experiencing the purest joy, even during occasional harsh storms of other emotions.

    I’ve had to make peace with the sacrifices I have made throughout this path… Letting go of old friends, distancing from toxic family members, being willing to be somewhat isolated for deeper introspection, and going to lengths without a set income, to name a few.

    Throughout my life, I haven’t felt as connected to seeing anything regarding purpose within jobs, schooling, and other things.

    However, I undeniably committed to follow through. It’s been nothing short of a blessing to receive the exchange of what’s on the other side of it… Unlimited possibility.

    Many things in life come at the cost of facing many truths, changes and growing while in some uncomfortable moments.

    Although I am unchanged at the core, I’ve grown so much as a being! This happens to be a lifelong journey I am willing to go the distance to explore.

    Valencia B.

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Journey Home

    You told me not to leave
    More times than I could count
    Confused young kids
    Having kids
    Not knowing what was what

    Well one day I finally remembered
    I’m worth
    All the love and more
    And that endless love
    It starts within
    And flows forevermore

    The journey has not been easy
    Rocky from the start
    But I’ve grown stronger and wiser
    And all these lessons fill my heart

    I’ve had poison aimed straight to my soul
    From your words and energy
    But despite your lies and anger
    I never will grow cold

    Because if this darkness that I must face most days
    The light I have within my soul
    Re-illuminates me always.

    A. Grace

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Runner

    I pulled on a pair of runners, tied up the laces tight
    Lined up behind the racers, hoping to keep out of sight
    Two minutes in, I struggled for breath, fearing I would meet my death
    I pushed forward despite my pain, dodging blowing northwest rain
    With every puddle I side-stepped, I grew stronger, more confident
    For the moment I was simply me, not a husband’s wife nor a babe’s mommy
    My body moved freely in open space, unconfined by time or place
    And with that first race, on that day one, I found I absolutely love to run
    This revelation did change the way I lived my life both then and today

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Chapter Fifty-Two

    In this chapter of becoming me
    My idea of who I want to be
    Has evolved as a result of life
    Experience in both love and strife
    I find seldom is there black and white
    Or simply wrong or completely right
    But rather in this world of gray
    We must live in our authentic way
    Today I’m proud to say I’m queer
    I’ll shout it out both far and near
    Because in this chapter of becoming me
    I’m exactly who I’m meant to be

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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    Dear Youth Me,

    When people are asked to describe you, your no-quit attitude is the lead of your story. You almost quit writing this. Why?

    You did not know what to write about and you have felt for the longest time that anything you do academically has to make up for the things you can’t do physically.

    You have not quit countless of other times — and as much as you do NOT want to say this… this most DEFINITELY WILL NOT be the LAST.

    So, before I move any further, CONGRATULATIONS to YOU for taking the time to look back and see what you have accomplished; writing this piece is TRULY a PRIME example of YOU NOT quitting!

    Another example can be seen where you are right now, what ground are your feet hitting?

    The ground of YOUR home; the place where YOU are staying by YOURSELF!

    I do NOT really comprehend when someone says you have a NO-QUIT attitude because EVERY goal you set for yourself has one ending, SUCCESS (or at least a lot of them).

    After graduating with your masters degree in Sports Journalism, it took you nine months to find a job and as much as you wanted one, you are lucky enough that you did NOT NEED one.

    But you made a DEAL with your parents that a job equaled moving out.

    As much as your PARENTS MOTIVATED YOU and still do, you found that job YOURSELF… congrats!

    Keep on being you!

    Your Youth Self.



    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jake, You are amazing! I love your perseverance and I am so glad that you didn’t quit writing this letter, or anything else for that matter. Thank you for sharing and, as always, thank you for being such a wonderful member of our community.

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  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    Sporting Authenticity

    Dear Tay,

    Two disclaimers about this piece before I shoot my shot: actually, three. This is not a letter to Taylor Swift, not a ploy to be your man, and I am not calling you Tay to embarrass you!

    So, who am I talking about? Two people, Taylor Rooks and Joy Taylor, both of whom are Black women in sports.

    When thinking of these women, I won’t lie, they are very physically attractive and some may claim that this is why they are on TV.

    They recently collaborated, co-hosting their podcast called Two Personal. Rooks and Taylor do a great job at their “daily job”(talking about sports) and giving a voice to others to express themselves.

    In this joint venture, the duo are unfiltered, authentically highlighting the ups and downs of being a minority, especially in the sports world where being judged for superficial characteristics is the norm.

    In the first few episodes, they have discussed topics that are, well… personal.

    The episodes have included subjects such as pregnancy.

    The theme of each episode is not why I am attracted to it, it’s that my personal takeaway is:

    No matter what sport they are covering, the leading story about Tayx2 is not about the work the women do in the sports arena, to me, they portray that being a proud Black woman is what they want people to talk about when the conversation about them starts.

    I’ve stated this before: sports was a way for me to hold my emotions in, and yes, you would be pretty hard-pressed to convince me that the final seconds of a game where the 16 seed has a chance to push off the 1 seed from “the dance floor” (March Madness pun) is not more heart-throbbing than when the final rose is given out in the Bachelor series.

    But the two can co-exist.

    So, thank you Joy and Taylor for showing that talking about the final few seconds of the game does not have to be substituted for talking about the first few seconds of my life. They can be on the same team “dancing” together!

    Much Love & Respect,

    Jake April

    Photo credit: Two Personal Instagram Page

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    • Jake, your admiration and appreciation for Taylor Rooks and Joy Taylor is evident in your letter. You recognize their talent and skills in the sports industry, but more importantly, you value their ability to use their platform to shed light on important issues and give a voice to others. It’s refreshing to see them embrace their identity as proud…read more

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      • @kayjahlorde, thank you for the kind words; it is nice to hear feedback like yours! You ALWAYS make sure to cover ALL aspects of the piece and how it Positively affected you!!

        I appreciate YOU taking the TIME to READ & COMMENT on ALL pieces!

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  • The Second Turn Around

    I started taking up Ballet when I was about six years old. Despite how fleeting it was, I can still vividly recall being in school changing into my pink leotard and shoes my mom had bought me. I also remember doing a few shape and hand-movement coordination that my class had done.

    Throughout most of my life, being around my family during gatherings would create space for me to dance and connect with my community while being hyped up by their cheering and smiling faces. Around my early-late adolescent years, I felt as if I was the life of the party around friends and others my age.

    I was up to date on all the latest moves and bold enough to share it during dance-offs. I often would imagine myself dancing in music videos. More specifically, dancing with one of my favorite performers as I would constantly watch and mirror every move of hers.

    I was no wallflower, which surprised others when they saw me move! However, at some point, all of the partying faded away. There were even no more family gatherings as we once had.

    That brings me to now seeing that roughly eight years later, I would be here seriously pursuing my passion as a dancer and sharing the gift to minister light into this world. I could feel deeply within my spirit that I would to some capacity.

    At 28 years old, last year in 2023, I recall being out for a meditative walk. I was a bit frustrated with where I was while living with family and not being off yet to where I initially planned to be (moving to California).

    However, during that very walk, I felt intuitively led toward a Christian Center right around the corner. Everything within my spirit and surroundings allured me (the birds loudly calling in the dead of winter near the location).

    The next day was a Sunday. I attended service and a few more after that. By surprise, one day I was able to see them live on stage. I was then in awe to learn that their creative arts department had a dance team.

    For a brief moment, I had let fear get the best of me by telling myself “I’ll join in somewhere else here… I’ll join the poetry small group”. Undeniably, dance is a part of what makes me passionate about the flow of music and the freedom to move.

    On the contrary, my previous encounter with stepping into this space did not go well!!! I was in my second semester at Western Michigan University when I had taken contemporary dance and music exploration as electives that I was excited to take.

    Unfortunately, depression (which I thought would subside after winter break) was staring at me right in the face. Showing up for classes was a struggle to keep up on my main courses, let alone electives. While I was sitting in my dorm room contemplating what I would do. I had decided to drop dance.

    I felt so embarrassed on my last day being there. While gliding across the floor in groups, my focus had my mind and body moving opposite from the crowd, causing me to stand out like a sore thumb.

    Now, I’ve come to realize the question “If you had a second chance at this, to do anything, would you take it?” I said YES to taking a real chance this time around! I asked whomever I could to inquire about joining their CAD Department. Eventually, I was sitting in on my 1st official practice.

    My 1st audition for a part felt like a stretch emotionally. I felt my spirit needing to fully “break out.” However, I still felt some resistance and energy to work through.

    I was selected for the part as my potential was louder than the resistance.
    Ironically, being back to living with relatives longer than I had planned had become where I have been planted to grow, be challenged to reach, and develop!!!

    One year later, at age 29, I am still dancing and developing with my team at Love Life in every way. I now understand the love and support the universe has in store for me this time. It carries me while living out my fullest potential! Also, there are people who genuinely hold me accountable with the honesty and nurturing criticism needed.

    I’ve danced quite a few collaborative solos. I even helped to choreograph a number as well. It seems that some callings somehow seem to call back when a time is more convenient. As for me, it’s a dial of grace called destiny.

    Valencia B.

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Valencia, I am so happy for you and proud of you for keeping your heart and mind open as far as dance, and you found that second chance you so deserve. And more importantly. you are making the most of that second change. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 lauren

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  • THE TERRAIN OF LIFE - A True Friend

    Friends: you know you made a good one when you don’t have to conceal your insecurities with makeup

    If you’re like me maybe you are fortunate enough to ski but not conventionally

    As you sit in a wheelchair you are prepared to take in the the stare of all stare’s

    Stare’s that are even tougher than walking up a hill in a pile of snow

    Friends of yours move to your left and right ends of your body to strangle hold your hands

    The mountain of fear that you might fall ends

    You know that even if you slip on your right or left side the last thing you’ll do is fall

    Their cheetah-like reflexes compensates for my turtle-like reflexes (no offense to the turtle fans and others with slower reaction time)

    The way I ski doesn’t matter to them

    In fact they are fascinated with the technology and my ability to go down the hill

    No matter what your challenge is does not matter even if you are insecure about your cerebral palsy

    All that matters to them is the person they are working with has fun and does not hit their head

    Life is a challenge you don’t know what lies ahead

    But you know you will ALWAYS have that friend that will always support you
    No matter if you are mentally falling or physically falling


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    • ⚠️ This letter has been reported

      Jake, your words beautifully capture the power of true friendship. Your friend’s determined support and acceptance of who you are, regardless of your challenges, is truly inspiring. They see beyond the physical and embrace the joy and adventure you bring into their lives. Keep cherishing those friendships that lift you up.

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      • @kayjahlorde, “your words beautifully capture the power of true friendship. Your friend’s determined support and acceptance of who you are, regardless of your challenges.” These words very much touch my HEART! Thank YOU for BEING a FRIEND!

        Much love,


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  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of To my younger selfTo my younger self group 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    TAGGING ALONG - Despite the scars

    Dear You,

    Never in a million years did I think I would be so connected with you, but at the same time disconnected.

    The thought of ever thinking of you as a POSITIVE mainstay (I use mainstay literally), in my life is like finding a person who does not know what an iPhone is.

    The bane of your existence on another person would literally freeze me.

    I could not talk at the mere sight of seeing what felt like a drowning impact you had and sometimes still have, on the lives of innocent humans.

    Prematurely punishing them with the ability to not talk!

    This confinement… well, it just seems like the prison sentence of Jeffrey Deskovic, a man who spent 16 years innocently behind bars. A person who missed 16 years of freedom, family events, friends, and much, much more, for being wrongfully accused.

    This powerful story can be read in the new book – “Unseal Your Superpowers: Letters To Inspire The Hero Within You” by Lauren Brill.
    (See bottom for link to book).

    So much of my life with you I let myself die inside by not behaving as my authentic self.

    I was in a stranglehold with you that even the Hulk would not be strong enough to combat your grasp.

    Despite you letting go of that fiercely tight grip, I have the scars to show for it.

    After years of healing, the scar’s are still there. All but so faint, no amount of scar cream can make it evaporate.

    The pain of you will always be there, nagging me like a tag on the back of a shirt.

    I realize that tag is not meant to be ripped off or even taken off as a whole, it’s there as a reminder that sometimes a tag or label will never die, but if you don’t like it you can always use tie dye.

    Despite the tag or label still there, this time, I am going to exchange it for one that fits me! Only me — the authentic me! After all, no one can be me!

    So, I thank you for the lessons you have taught me, cerebral palsy. Now, I’m going to live life authentically and OWN you, tag and all!

    Love your once enemy and now friend,


    Here Is the link to the story mentioned above, and much more.

    We are currently donating a portion of our proceeds (10%) to two charities:

    Lift Our Voices, which aims to transform the American workplace, making it safer and more equitable for everyone, and Team LeGrand, a fundraising arm of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation dedicated to supporting quality-of-life initiatives and treatments for spinal cord injuries.


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  • Candi Carroll shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 2 months ago

    Losing a Child

    I had thought that I had been through fire, but last year showed me different. On February 2nd of 2023, I received a phone call as I was on my way to the doctor to prepare for back surgery. My son’s boss called to inform me that he had been in an accident and was unresponsive. I canceled my appointment and rushes a little over an hour to where they took him. Little did I know that I was driving up on the accident as it was being cleaned up. I drove by his truck being towed off with nothing left of his truck. The semi that hit him had damage but not as much, and they survived. Falling apart driving to the hospital, and when I arrived the doctor sat us down in the family room to tell us how bad it was. He had six head fractures to his face and skull. He had broken rib that punctured his lung, broken arm that the bone came through the skin and unresponsive until the day he died. I spent 10 days by his side praying and crying, spending it mostly alone because my family had to work and watch my other kids. I refused to leave him. On the 9th, we were informed that he was brain dead and they couldn’t do anything else. They were sorry but we had to talk about letting him go. On the 10th, I came home long enough before anyone else told my kids, that I had to let their brother go the next day. I had to chase them down the highway and my oldest daughter had just found out she was pregnant. When I got back to the house, I fell to the ground and balled my eyes out. My kids had to pick me up and take me inside. When I calmed down and they calmed down, I returned to the hospital to spend one more night before taking him off the machine. On the 11th, at 10:15am they unplugged him, there was no heartbeat, no breath taken, nothing but silence and crying. No pain will ever beat the pain that I felt in those ten days. I struggle everyday fighting depression missing him. It is so hard to bare. Everyday, I have questions that no one can answer about the accident. I just pray that one day maybe the guy who received his heart, will one day let me hear it. I pray for anyone who has to deal with this pain. He was able to help 6 people with his organs that weren’t damaged. I am so proud of him and he is my hero. I miss him so much.

    Candi Carroll

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    • Candi, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son and the pain you have endured. Your strength and love for him are evident in your words. I hope that you find peace in knowing that he was able to help others through organ donation. May his memory bring you comfort and may you find the support you need to navigate through your grief.

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      • Thank you so much. I’m doing my best. I wrote my first book for my kids and my second one is struggling with his loss. I hope to be done with it this year.

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  • Missing My Angel

    As your mom, I birthed you
    And held you in my arms,
    I cuddled you as I tried
    Shielding you from harm.
    Though many years I have missed
    Wishing I could go back,
    Even though I did not see you
    My love for you did not lack.
    A few years ago, when I met you
    Was the best day of my life,
    That filled a missing piece as
    My life started to feel right.
    The day of your accident
    We never left your side
    Through the tears and prayers
    We were hoping you were all right.
    The day we had to say goodbye
    Definitely shattered us all,
    When I got home to the kids
    All I could do was fall.
    It’s not the same without you
    For this is extremely hard for me,
    I did not get enough time
    Before you had to leave.

    Candi Carroll

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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  • ‘Day Away

    What’s in the way—
    first thought of the day?

    First thought of the day:

    If I still knew how
    to play pretend

    first things first
    I’d love my brain again.

    “Have fun,”
    they say.


    These days
    I spend most days

    running from
    the very idea.

    I don’t bother—
    I don’t let “fun” bother me.

    it’s with peace

    and ease
    that I wish to
    ‘shoot the breeze.’

    I do my best—

    I try.

    Even when the only way
    I know how

    to cry.

    No day is perfect
    but what’s a day that’s as close to perfect as it can get?

    It’s allowing it
    to be okay

    that my best looks different
    depending on the day.

    To trust that
    to have it any other way

    wouldn’t accomplish the same.

    Because to live is
    to survive
    before it is to thrive.

    Now what they don’t tell you
    is thriving takes reviving.

    And what remains
    can’t be given a name—

    until the day you can say
    “I trust in you.”

    And so I grew.

    At las,

    And new…
    and new.

    And I’ll continue to grow
    let it show

    bask in the afterglow

    of the perfect day
    on replay

    with my someone else—
    the one I never

    gave up on

    So when asked to describe
    the perfect day

    some might say
    it’s bright.

    When asked
    I insist

    they’re not quite right:

    it’s blinding.

    Aisa M

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    • Hello,
      I thought your poem was quite impressive. Your feelings are greatly conveyed through each verse and your perseverance is inspiring. And I hope many more “perfect” days come your way!

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  • Perfect Day

    Hello my friend
    May I share with you my perfect day?
    I hope you’ll stay until the very end.
    First I wake with the golden sun, grateful and joyful – I pray.
    Hydrate and fill this vessel with fuel
    Moving and stretching keeps my emotions cool
    Giving thanks for each moment I’m given
    This life flows with grace like a ribbon
    My love then goes freely to all of Gods creatures
    The large and small – all have different features
    Life sweet like the slow drip of honey straight from the comb
    I never rush, worry or stress because I know in my heart, I am always home.


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