
ashraymondjames's Letters

An Ode To The Little Things

I stayed in bed
until I reached
the outskirts of morning.

The birds gave pep talks
instead of songs.

I got changed
and found ten dollars
in my pocket.

It’s summer but it rained
and I wonder why nobody
has made laundry powder
that smells exactly like this.

I make the perfect eggs.

The toaster
that loves to burns the edges
leaves t…read more

Ash Raymond James

Unveiling the truth about taking chances

As a writer, I often find myself discovering scraps of writing I have jotted down somewhere, or suddenly, a line will appear in my head that doesn’t fit anywhere or doesn’t feel good enough. Sometimes, I foolishly let it fly away because it wasn’t what I was looking for at that moment. I have pondered how we do this with so many things. We set e…read more

An Open Letter To Anybody Ready To Accept Me

Hello, my name is Ash Raymond James.
Count the rings around my eyes;
they will tell you I’m infinite.
Thirty-three but endless.

I am six feet tall,
but I have sixty-foot confidence.

I am not capable of being embarrassed,
but have you seen the way I dance?
I look like I’m on fire
and I probably should be ashamed
but I often end up setting…read more

Voting ends on May 16, 2024 12:00am

Ash Raymond James

A Condensed Guide On Making Social Plans

Say yes immediately!

Do not check your schedule,
do not consider
the consequences
until it’s too late.

Lose sleep
escape plans.

anxiety is a loan shark
and it will find you!

Write the text and delete it
a few hundred times.

Google ‘how to safely
poison yourself’

Decide against it

Cancel last minute

and repeat.

Ash Raymond James

Get Up

Get up
the day has been
asking about you.

Shake off the dust
of your wallowing.

Unhibernate your
state of belonging.

I have seen skeletons
rediscover their heartbeats
so I have no doubt that you can, too.

Realign your bones.
Wash off the sins that your
sadness left behind.

Become fierce again
because the sky
Is toothless mouth…read more

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