

  • Laura, thank you so much, I’ll do my best to only start flash mobs when you’re close by haha.

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  • Thank you for reading this and for your kind words.

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  • Thank you so much. I cannot actually express how mad I am about the OA. I did it in such a calm and casual way in this piece but honestly, once a week I remember they cancelled it and I have to make myself a cup of tea and go listen to the birds. Such a cliffhanger. Netflix are savages.

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  • Heck yeah. Lovely to connect with you

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  • Ash Raymond James responded to a letter in topic Poetry 2 months ago

    Thank you! Let’s get up and go!

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  • An Ode To The Little Things

    I stayed in bed
    until I reached
    the outskirts of morning.

    The birds gave pep talks
    instead of songs.

    I got changed
    and found ten dollars
    in my pocket.

    It’s summer but it rained
    and I wonder why nobody
    has made laundry powder
    that smells exactly like this.

    I make the perfect eggs.

    The toaster
    that loves to burns the edges
    leaves them edible.
    I thank it for its kindness.

    I go outside and jump in a puddle.
    There is still that childhood dream
    that it will be a portal
    to an alternative dimension.
    One where Netflix didn’t cancel the OA.
    One where we could trade
    our sadness for money.
    Gosh, would I be filthy rich.

    Me and the neighbour
    do our awkward dance.
    The small talk jive.
    We bow and say
    ‘have a nice day!’
    We really mean it.

    I walk to the coffee shop
    and the sky is still
    rubbing sleep from its eyes.

    The wind is playing solos
    on telephone wires.

    I hold the door for a stranger
    and we share a smile.

    I tell the barista a joke
    and we both laugh
    at how unfunny it is.

    I take the ten dollars
    and order a flat white, one sugar.
    I say keep the change.

    I find a bench, and I ruminate.

    I realise
    Happiness is right here –
    why are we crying
    like it is so far away?

    Ash Raymond James

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    • I’m obsessed with your writing style. This is such a wonderful reminder to appreciate the little things.
      Also: i, too, wish that Netflix hadn’t cancelled the OA.

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      • Thank you so much. I cannot actually express how mad I am about the OA. I did it in such a calm and casual way in this piece but honestly, once a week I remember they cancelled it and I have to make myself a cup of tea and go listen to the birds. Such a cliffhanger. Netflix are savages.

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    • Greetings,
      Your ode is stunning, shows the magic in living in the little moments and to cherish them. You never know when you’ll be mourning an old favorite. My condolences.

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  • Unveiling the truth about taking chances

    As a writer, I often find myself discovering scraps of writing I have jotted down somewhere, or suddenly, a line will appear in my head that doesn’t fit anywhere or doesn’t feel good enough. Sometimes, I foolishly let it fly away because it wasn’t what I was looking for at that moment. I have pondered how we do this with so many things. We set expectations and order and refuse anything that breaks the pattern, even if the thing we are shooing away isn’t harmful but is healing. We become so strict within ourselves that we become the cause of our discomfort. We search for relief in one way and refuse to accept that anything other than that specific thing will help. There is a calming effect that comes with the familiar, but only because one thing helps us, it doesn’t mean something else won’t. Here is a little silly analogy. Only because you love fries doesn’t mean you can’t like mash. It doesn’t mean mash isn’t satisfying, even if fries are your favorite. The same goes for everything in life. Are you feeling sad? Then you probably know something that can help, but if you are being entirely honest, can you say you are open-minded and open-hearted to other options? We tend to dismiss things before attempting them and convince ourselves that something else won’t work until it stands no chance. I was against exercising for so long. Told myself that I hated it and did so with such intensity I couldn’t let myself feel how I genuinely felt. There was no benefit because I refused there to be one. I was determined for it to fail, so it failed; however, when I let go, gave it a chance, and approached it with openness, I learned it does a lot for my mental health. This is one example of many. It is strange how this links with my writing and how I have started writing down the notes I would abandon before, and the results have been incredible. Instead of telling myself they are awful and brushing them out the door, I let them stay a while. I give them room in my notepad and let them ruminate.
    In summary, I am saying we are terrible at giving things chances, and we should open ourselves to everything. It is okay if you give something a genuine attempt and it doesn’t work out for you, but please try it. Download the running app, try those HIIT workouts, make that recipe you’ve been unsure about, and write the poetry you are sure will suck. In celebration of this, here is an ending of a poem my brain created that doesn’t have a body yet. Hopefully, one day, it will.
    “Please call back later
    I’m trying to sleep off the silence
    And if you don’t understand
    what I’m saying
    You’re cured.”
    (If you like this letter, I write these weekly on my website. I will post more here also, so make sure we’re friends.)

    Ash Raymond James

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    • Ash, your letter is amazing. It’s true that we often ignore or overlook the potential healing and growth that can come from surprising sources. We become so set in our ways, clinging to what is familiar and comfortable, that we miss out on new possibilities. It takes courage to step outside our comfort zones and give things a genuine chance. Your…read more

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  • Ash Raymond James responded to a letter in topic Poetry 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    I am still learning how to use this platform, so this delay comes with an apology. Thank you so much.. Please check out my other work and I will be sure to check out yours.

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  • Ash Raymond James responded to a letter in topic Poetry 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    I hope you will forgive my late reply; I am still getting used to this platform. Your words truly mean a lot, and I just sent a friend request. I would love to read your work and connect more.

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  • An Open Letter To Anybody Ready To Accept Me

    Hello, my name is Ash Raymond James.
    Count the rings around my eyes;
    they will tell you I’m infinite.
    Thirty-three but endless.

    I am six feet tall,
    but I have sixty-foot confidence.

    I am not capable of being embarrassed,
    but have you seen the way I dance?
    I look like I’m on fire
    and I probably should be ashamed
    but I often end up setting the night ablaze
    because I have the sort of joy
    that is contagious.

    My favourite song is my own laughter.
    I laugh at my own jokes until it rains.
    The sky has a secret addiction
    to dad jokes and other people’s happiness.

    It cries out of pure elation.
    Finds it insulting when people
    don’t throw down in its puddles
    so I shimmy a little
    and I don’t care who’s watching.

    I am the sort of person
    who could accidentally start a flash mob.

    People have the audacity
    to tell me I have no rhythm
    but I move to a melody
    only a few can comprehend.
    I think I am a little ahead of my time.
    There is a chance I am from the future
    or I could have just watched too many sci-fi movies.

    It’s been said that my head is in the clouds
    but I am actually wiping stardust
    from my moustache, often
    as I have always believed
    if you aren’t going to pay attention
    you may as well discover planets.

    It took some work, but I finally understand self-gentleness.
    My heart makes my mind breakfast in bed,
    and my mind sings lullabies to my heart
    whenever it can’t sleep and throws itself around my chest.

    I learnt the secret to breathing
    is realising you deserve every breath
    and now I swim with the fishes
    in my spare time.

    The kindest thing I ever did was love myself;
    the bravest thing I am ever going to do
    is never stop
    even when my every atom
    is trying to convince me I should.

    Ash Raymond James

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Hi, Ash! Aiša here 🙂 Thank you for sharing your work of he(art) with us <3

      Surely, anyone who reads this letter will find that they are ready and more than willing to accept you! But guess what? You don’t need them to.

      You’ve got YOU!

      I’m absolutely gushing over the radical self-acceptance this piece embodies.

      “[…] but I move to a melody
      o…read more

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    • Hi Ash, I love this… the humor, gentleness and unique touches put into it… seems like it reflects the really dope individual that you are! Plus, I LOVE dancing lol it’s extremely joyful 😎

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    • Ash! This is good! Never stop dancing. Never stop laughing at your own jokes. And if you start a flash mob, can you please make sure I am around? This piece made me smile on a gloomy Saturday. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Ash Raymond James shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    A Condensed Guide On Making Social Plans

    Say yes immediately!

    Do not check your schedule,
    do not consider
    the consequences
    until it’s too late.

    Lose sleep
    escape plans.

    anxiety is a loan shark
    and it will find you!

    Write the text and delete it
    a few hundred times.

    Google ‘how to safely
    poison yourself’

    Decide against it

    Cancel last minute

    and repeat.

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    • Starting with “say yes immediately!” is such a bold and inviting way to start a poem; I love it! This poem kind of sounds like the instability of anxiety in someone’s mind. I love the way you showed rather than told. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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    • I love that you want the seize the day. Keep up the positivity.


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  • Ash Raymond James shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Get Up

    Get up
    the day has been
    asking about you.

    Shake off the dust
    of your wallowing.

    Unhibernate your
    state of belonging.

    I have seen skeletons
    rediscover their heartbeats
    so I have no doubt that you can, too.

    Realign your bones.
    Wash off the sins that your
    sadness left behind.

    Become fierce again
    because the sky
    Is toothless mouth
    without you.

    The sun lies awake
    worried that he will never
    get the chance
    to cast your shadow again.

    The wind has a scripture of things
    it wants to whisper to you.

    Turn your door mats around
    so the world welcomes you.

    Introduce yourself
    like this world
    owes you something.

    It has left you breathless
    for far too long.
    You earned its oxygen.
    Claim it!

    This world is yours
    for the taking
    if you want it.

    So get up!
    The world
    has been asking about you

    it would be rude for you
    not to answer.

    Ash Raymond James

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    • WOW!!!
      Great poem, Really inspiring too. Clear and powerful message, to inspire us to take action and make the most of every opportunity.

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      • I am still learning how to use this platform, so this delay comes with an apology. Thank you so much.. Please check out my other work and I will be sure to check out yours.

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    • Wow… I LOVE the way you speak. The verbiage really paints a picture. I feel like the words you used dance together in a very moving way. I absolutely love the use of personification. You really animate the story you’re telling with the way you string words together. “ I have seen skeletons rediscover their heartbeats” is an amazing line. Keep it up!

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      • I hope you will forgive my late reply; I am still getting used to this platform. Your words truly mean a lot, and I just sent a friend request. I would love to read your work and connect more.

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    • Dear Ash,
      You words give me the motivation to get up and go. I love your positivity. Yes take whats your and own it!



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