

  • Such a young Timothy...

    Little lad, so soon originality
    Were now had of remembrance to see
    Like that dreadful hot summer-
    Drenched in sweat then thinking
    Scared to death, running to Dad…
    Yelling out loud, “Hey Pop’s-I’m leaking”!
    Or jumping down Superhero style-
    Straight off the top of the staircase,
    Knowing your cape-towel all the while-
    Would land you safe on the base!
    Such fun mischief you often went through,
    A wonder-dare conquering fears…
    The natural boy came to you so clear!
    Yes that little boy with hazel eyes and smiles too!
    The lines stepped over, “one and only” say they-
    At such a time past-you were always this way!
    No toys to bring for elementary all for-“show and tell”…
    So to school in a box-you brought snakes so well!
    When came your turn-they slithered out all around the room,
    And all the girls surely thought-this was final doom!
    They all jumped up, they screamed and they fled…
    But us young boys caught them-let them go, and caught them again!
    Have I not to go on of-your happy younger self,
    But you were so thankful all for everyone else!
    You liked all those kids that none would play with,
    You felt bad and cared-so you friended all of them!
    That is only character, by God instilled for good…
    And because of Him-so poor, yet rich you stood.
    Yes little Timothy, original you were-
    And that has carried on, in sincere imagination sure…
    Even unto this day!
    Yea, still that little guy inside-
    By your kids is forever embraced!
    Love ya lad!!!

    My younger self 🙂

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • “And because of Him-so poor, yet rich you stood” My favorite line 🦋
      Thank you for sharing I imagined it all in my head. Especially the part with you showing off the snakes in class and having to chase them all along side the boys.
      Thank you for existing ✨

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      • I appreciate you so much Vanessa, I’m gonna have to look on your profile soon. When someone appreciates you for who you are-I think that is very cool! Ty for being and having a positive person and attitude!

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  • True...

    Theresa, may I see you
    As it is this day?
    May I take one final breath,
    And with you fly away?
    Who is there,
    What do you see?
    Have I questions aware,
    That you come back to me…so fair?
    Woman, I caught-another’s’ power
    And so missed you on your final hour.
    Honey, woman, darlin-Dear…
    I know the One who answers clear.
    May I not let this tear me up-
    My knowing your there is comfort enough.
    May now I see you? Bet!
    I’ll stay in 2nd heaven soon,
    On the Moon of my regret…
    You’re alive in my heart-And True.
    2 lines alive-one for me, and one for you.

    Sincerely, Timothy

    Should of been your man.

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    Sparkle 23

    A burning fire so pure in heart
    Of passion missing from fishing a lot.
    Grandma always said “Plenty of fish in the sea”,
    But my thought no trap from a hook of deceit.

    A desire wholly changed by looks so bright
    Can be turned off and on-like a switch light.
    Also taken in is so much again
    Of being a boy or a girlfriend.

    Yes taking the bad along with the good
    Being understood is not to change what could…
    Become of love and excepting the thoughts
    Me thinks with a feeling-unexplainable when sought.

    Seeking/finding love outside of lust
    Seems uncomprehensive when affection is a must.
    Not as a fairy tale-ending in perfect story
    But rather would be true in a mutual glory!

    For such fake tales-brainwash society
    While love is deliberate action-as a growing key.
    Yes love makes to climb the mountains true,
    And never lose sacrifices for both of you.

    Age is not just a number-off the wall no matter
    When it is so far away-one takes advantage rather.
    Then the other missed-deprived of spirit sure
    That the love hoped by one-could not strength endure.

    Let a close age sparkle remain-for to learn together
    And to increase the same…Yes-the likeness of,
    The simple 23 as completely forever…
    Not otherwise fooled by love-
    let this not be mistaken
    For could be a heart so breaking.

    And if love is missed-you can still fly,
    With mended wings that still exist-
    As eagles in the sky!


    Timothy T.

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    • Aww love is such a magical thing. I think it starts with loving yourself – once you love yourself the universe has a magical way of bringing you a partner when its meant to be. <3 Lauren

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  • Mi Peace

    To feel the wind from the trees
    & instantly smile
    Surrounded by the love of life
    My world
    Mi Amor
    The Butterflies i get to see her face i the sunlight
    In the moonlight
    Underneath the stars
    That shine as bright
    As her Smile
    My heart has never felt such joy
    Such peace to be with someone as beautiful & perfect as she is
    She is home
    My Other Half
    My Darling ,Love Of My Life
    With her my problems go away
    My past doesn’t hurt so bad
    When i am sad i think of her
    & i am at peace
    I could not imagine my life without her
    Her Smile
    Her Glow
    The love i get just by presence
    Her Touch
    Her Words
    By the way she looks at me
    She is my happy joyful place
    She not only has my heart
    But consumes my soul
    In every good way i could possibly think of
    To my Peace
    I love you with my all, My everything
    Thank you for making me feel safe
    For you to be my peace
    Thank you for being there for me

    Vision W

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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    • I hope to find a love like this at some point in my own life. I love the way you describe how your beloved makes you feel without relying on physical appearances which so many famous poems tend to do. Keep up the good work!

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  • Place of Peace...

    You have not to go very far
    A Library through time-no matter where you are!
    Here on earth, and in heaven forever
    Nothing shows more worth-than God’s own Love Letter!
    It’s the Holy Bible-you know It’s instruction,
    The Path of Peace and Life from all destruction!

    Please don’t be offended in me,
    Everyone has their needs…
    So, I chose the Light from the Bible I endeavor to read!
    And nothing but the Truth brings Freedoms’ Recovery!

    People that seem useless, “no good are they” many do say,
    But this “Good Book of Life” for them dispels darkness away!
    It upholds and uplifts-the drunkards, criminals and addicts
    Spending time in this “Book” becomes to us-a Most Blessed habit!

    It changes everything when you look into
    It shows you where you’re going, and what you’re going through!
    You may be at risk in the storms of life
    But Peace will never cease-from It’s Words’ paged so nice!

    It will never lie to you-my Best Friend had for free…
    To find the stillness of It-living and abiding in me!
    This “Book” is my God-The Holy Spirit given free-
    Day after day, It has never changed-18 years found of It’s sound Sovereignty!

    My dear friend and fellow, sister or brother…
    Please search and find It’s Path of Peace-
    That only comes from God-Not any other…
    It makes the blind soul to see!!!

    It’s Author is the same One who Authored you-
    The Prince of Peace/The King of kings…
    The Mighty God of all Truth!!!

    It hurts when people speak bad of It,
    For this Great “Book” is alive…
    And because It lives-you also do live-
    With the Place of Peace in mind!!!

    It’s Holy Life is still waiting for you,
    Come and rest while your on your quest-
    In It’s Place of Peace brand new…
    You will find It forever exists-
    And is the Best Life to chose!!!


    Timothy T. Willett

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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    • You have some really excellent rhymes in this piece! For example, I really liked the line, “It’s the Holy Bible-you know It’s instruction, The Path of Peace and Life from all destruction!”. I think you told your story in a very creative way and I like your use of exclamation marks to show your passion 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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      • Thank you so much Saga, I really needed to hear that! When someone can appreciate anything I ever write, it makes it worth the while to write, regardless of the experience it took to bring it about. I love everyone from my Unsealed family and think about everyone often. Thank you for being such a blessing in the lives of everyone your involved…read more

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  • Billy,

    I need you, I’m scared
    The man who I thought was my father
    Was only my Dad.
    I knew too-right from wrong
    But God is my Father,
    And He is strong!
    He’s not like my Dad though,
    Yet, some similarities you know?
    How is your Mom?
    Is she still alive?
    I wish to your place again
    I could run and hide.
    As kids and friends
    Billy I was never perverted
    Some scary stranger…
    Wrecked my life.
    And then he laughed about it
    40 years later
    How’s that a joke?
    I don’t know.
    But I’m better now,
    I’m a child of the King!
    And in 4 trillion more years…
    I’ll still be!
    Like prejudiced people used to say in school,
    Calling some a wanna’ be
    Except my wants changed.
    I want to be a man of God,
    I want to be good
    I sure wish I could.
    But I’m gonna try to learn how!
    I miss you so bad
    You were the first best friend I had.
    My best friend now-since “1996”
    Is the coolest!
    His name is Mike
    He’s from Cleveland
    I’ve even prayed and cried over him.
    I want him to go to heaven!
    You better be there when I get home,
    I want you to meet him.
    I wish I had not
    Brought you smoke.
    I want to be buried under it.
    You were like an exception
    Dad would let me out.
    He must had liked you too.
    Sometimes I think
    I haven’t changed much inside…
    But I have! Hey,
    I know you remember Scoot,
    He told me what happened, at the bar
    When he cried. Billy, I wish you never died!

    Timothy T.

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    This chapter # 5

    Today is the first day of the rest of my life,
    Therefore, every next one I’m in-is a new chapter.
    Every morning, I wake up, God’s mercies to me are new-
    So, with on my heart, His daily touch- I am able to prove…
    That I love Him, that I am thankful-that He is the only One able
    To mold and strengthen my life, because it’s so easily breakable.

    Just one more day to prove-how much for others I will lose.
    And know that my tears for others are real,
    Because always for the next person, I’m to lift up-
    I’ll lose if they can gain, the Master of the universe to me explains…
    That He was there always, and is there forever-
    He has placed His Word inside of me. as the greatest Treasure!

    A time to be married to my beautiful wife,
    A time to live with my kids,
    Time and again to prove my life is (for others) to give!
    A time to know, a time of notion
    A time to grow in the fact connection,
    That helping others build, is in-tact protection.

    A chapter to heal with the faithful “Unsealed”
    Understanding (unworthily) I have been blessed for real!
    whether I look back, or pierce through ahead
    Life is still permanently on track, my life is hid-my life is dead!
    But that’s a good thing…Because it’s the old life that’s dead!

    It makes me smile as I cry…
    Knowing all the while-my soul will never die!
    Rather in eternity-with Christ is life forever,
    And best of all, while down here on this earth…
    Is to show my schizophrenia has no worth-
    Over the grace of God-that I cling to endeavor!

    As chance and chapter to prove purity-is more dominant than deceit
    With the bowels of the new heart and spirit-God has freely given me!!!



    Timothy T. Willett

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  • The Twenty-Second Chapter Of My Life

    Hello world, I know you are probably wondering how’s life, what’s going on, what has been happening to me. We are beauty, We are one with ourselves without a doubt. Let’s begin to be in a world surrounded with true loving inspirational humans. To go through this chapter with no regret. I’m living life as time goes by with ambition, and conquering fears. I can be myself with no judgement. No fear or care of judgement from strangers who mean so little. I stand up for myself not so timid. Eighteen year old me was not ready for who i am today. I’m a published author now who knew that would be happen, I accomplished I’m very gratefully eccentric . I love myself finally after 22 years of not. I sang karaoke with the love of my life in front of an audience. I was confident I’m proud of that. I’m joyful, in love, and all i see are the beauty of everything around me. I met the most beautiful woman I’m spending the rest of my life with, She’s my always and forever & I couldn’t ask for anyone better than her. She’s my person, whom i can be vulnerable with always. To Mi Amor, the New job, The New opportunities , The New Special Memories I adore you. I’m looking forward to chapter 23!!! As we continue the journey, we now embrace life no longer dread it. I feel it, the wind from the trees everything so beautiful from the rustle of leaves, feel the ground beneath my fee ,the clouds moving slowly but surely, the stars shining brighter than ever before, to finally just get in touch with mother nature herself has truly been Exceptional. Who i am today & Who i was before i see the change ,the growth just to make it here. I know now that all the struggle & obstacles I’ve been through had to happen for me to be the beautiful, strong intelligent woman i am now & now i know that i have always been strong, I just couldn’t see the strength in me till now & for that i smile at this twenty-second chapter of my life.

    Vision. W

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 11:59pm

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  • Salvation...

    October 17th 2006…
    Gave up on the old life-it just could not exist.

    I was using, drinking, abusing-Trying self to die
    But though I was overblown-was some thinking in mind.
    At the end of the night-substance and alcohol gone
    Came this thinking of life stinking-maybe I was wrong.

    Wait a minute here-I should be crumped,
    These gasoline fumes just may be dumb.
    Tomorrow, my only daughter…turns five-
    And I’m not wanting to be alive?

    How could one steal a life to others real?
    When this world came to life-was it a flip deal?
    Had not my best friend-escaped again,
    To the hospital room from my hole-sunk tomb?
    Emergency fair-I’ll wait…Have not my best friend there.

    Then like God spoke:
    Put the gas can down-may new life, have wrote…
    So, I went next days’ recovery-
    Burned out and bent; but God had reality!
    …And this could all be good?
    Wherefore means the little engine that could?

    Therefore I obeyed that very next day,
    And glory halleluiah-God had better/No, the best Way!!!
    And no-have not had there-street life goodbye
    Along with witchcraft involved in drugs…
    I was simply chasing the wrong place/wrong love.
    God, I thought You hated me-so I hated You too,
    I for all along had been deceived-I’ll not type what needs You.
    But thank You later for taking me, to the alter of grace…
    God, once again-You were on time, because You’re never late!!!


    Timothy T.

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    • Timothy! This is amazing. I am so glad you got the help you needed so you could be the person you truly are and the person you have always been. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of the Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren, I am trying my best to actually care about myself. It’s not easy when I’ve hated both God and myself for 20some years-but like I say-I’m trying. This community of like-minded and understanding people has helped and continues to help me do that…Thank you all so much!!!

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  • Dear Timothy...

    Hey, you, old man.
    This is a letter to yourself and from yourself.
    You know all those things you’ve done wrong,
    Regardless of who’s fault, or who’s right or wrong.
    But this is not of that my friend…
    Yeah, it’s amazing.You can call yourself friend now, but you are! ♥
    I know those things I put myself and others through.
    I remember the dreams and aspirations.All the good things I had for you.
    Looking back is confusing and God it just makes me cry.
    But I’m gonna try to leave You out too.Because this is a letter to myself. To maybe find out why.
    But God I can’t, I can’t look back Because it hurts too much…
    I can’t go to the beach, I can’t go to school, I can’t go to church, Sitting bereaved, I feel a fool.
    But Lord, I can’t do it, I cannot watch.
    Cannot go to Toledo. Cannot go to Cleveland cannot go back to jail, God what am I believing?
    Cannot run to West Virginia, cannot hospital trend…
    All along.I hated myself, yet all the while was a good friend. ☺
    I can’t even write.I’m sorry I can’t do this.
    All along my life, it was my own mark I missed.
    But that’s a good thing because i’m not in hell…
    Only I could see my place where ever if I made, could never get bail.
    I’m sorry, no can do.
    God thank you for saving me from me.

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Why I love myself...

    Because God loved me 1st-And I’m not of any less worth
    My God is no respecter of persons-And He loves healing my hurting.
    I love me because I’m trying-As I’m crying to care…
    My Great God has made me beautiful-the person in the mirror!
    I may have some good qualities instilled in me,
    But the best-is alone time with God-on some humble knees.
    I chose to love myself-though seems to me none else can,
    So, I put God 1st, then the others, finally at last I stand!
    I witness to people-telling them how much God loves them,
    For all practical purposes-I’m reminded of love, over and over again!
    God must see me special-He died for my soul to live,
    Sitting patient through many lectures my earthly father had to give.
    I love me because I’m not a robot, that cannot return the love,
    It’s a free gift the Master Gave-Super, Sufficient enough!
    I’m looking deep, staring into-the bottom of my heart,
    And see the reason, steep to love-every brand-new day’s start!
    I love me because I can love everyone else,
    Even if they did me wrong-there’s no reason to not love myself!
    Yes, writing this down brings tears to mine eyes,
    So, learning to smile by overcoming frowns-is such a lovely surprise!
    God sure does instruct me well-in His Word divine…
    I love me by loving my wife-in sincere lowliness of mind.
    I love me from emotions and feelings-that have become real,
    I love me cause I’m sober, and love the souls-from all you at “The Unsealed”!
    I love me because I see my mistakes, and when I make them-my heart breaks,
    And because I’m not leading people astray-but point to Jesus who is The Way!
    As Yes, I chose always wisely to learn, from all my dumb mistakes.
    I love me for my friend-on this paper is how I pray…
    This ink from my pen, will never run out-it just bleeds in a good way!
    I love me because I love God, and have figured out-He hates me not,
    I love me because I’m bought with His blood-that cleanses my sin a lot!
    I’m loving myself because I’ve felt, and know the truth from lies-
    Especially because this inside love-is finally leaving my past behind!!!
    I love me because God has great plans for me…
    And so, I let Jesus drive-and sit in the passenger’s seat!
    Also, I love what it means to “be human”,
    Living and growing, and returning loves sway…
    And I am (through this poem)
    Making “loving myself” a new practice every day!

    Good for burdens to be done!

    Thank You-The Unsealed,
    Much Love-Timothy

    Timothy T. Willett

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    • This was a powerful yet inspirational piece on why you love yourself thank you for sharing!

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    • Timothy, your words exude a deep understanding of self-love and the profound love of God. Embrace your worth and continue to grow in love for yourself and others. May your journey be filled with blessings and the joy of knowing you are cherished by the divine. Let go of burdens and embrace the practice of loving yourself each day.

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    What my poems mean to me...

    They mean my daily chore-home work.
    They mean my daily release-from drugs.
    God, I want them so bad-But can’t…
    These things mean-my sanity.

    Ears ring loud-Alone.
    None but Jesus-knows.
    God, I tempt You not-but why?
    Dids’t Thou not take me-long ago?

    Still flying sober-how?
    Dost Thou hold my tears-when?
    Will they stop, could they ever-Be
    Worth anything-to Thee?

    I will write a poem-And fly.
    I’ll crash down-Goodbye.
    Can say words-no meaning heart?
    Words kill-I’ve seen,
    Through the light of another’s dream.

    Was a nightmare-for both.
    How can life and death-Be so close?
    Walking in the Spirit…Live.
    Walking after the flesh…Death.

    Let God direct your steps.
    Acknowledge Him every chance you get!
    He will give beyond belief
    Be humble and watch Him uplift.
    God, I don’t know what will kill me first…
    Mine own poor choices,
    Or the source of a heart-attacks worth.

    How much more?

    My heart is just a doormat
    Please come in and stomp your feet
    Please lie to me, it sounds so sweet
    Don’t tell the truth-weep bitter deceit

    How fun this is-wouldn’t you agree?
    This old heart can take it-for One takes all
    One same literally made all!
    Nor did He think it bad…

    But said-It is good!

    It seems Jesus is in my box
    I’m alone in the room with it and Him.
    Broken hearted-sore troubled am I
    He is the mended miracle…

    I don’t let Him out to try.

    Is this holding the truth in unrighteousness?
    That’s not what I want despite all this.

    My heart is just a doormat
    Please come in and stomp away…

    Poems could make a heart unbroken.

    Sept. 12th

    Timothy T. Willett

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    • Timothy,Your heartfelt poem beautifully expresses the struggle and yearning within you. It’s a powerful reflection of the complex emotions and questions that arise in life. Poetry has the ability to heal and bring solace. Keep writing and expressing yourself, for through your words, you may find the strength to mend your heart and find peace.

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    Dear Addict,

    Walking through a weary land
    Behold you find the rock
    May you come thirsty, but not alone
    And fall broken upon this stone

    Out pours the Water-giving life to your soul
    Free-this Living Water, gives your heart a home!
    Tis’ so good to you that you want not to return
    Back to weary land-please stay close and learn.

    That He was always there for you-in your lonely times
    He caught your every painful fall-and kept you alive!
    Please give God the glory-the Great Savior and King
    He is the great Healer-and the answer to your dreams!

    Please let Him change you, for you to die not
    So faithful He always is-loving you a lot!
    He will not point out-sins daring glare
    But He covers with His blood-eternal life He shares!

    He will always pardon-by His Grand Master design
    Dear precious child-He is with you all the time!
    He hurts so much at heart-by your troubled pain
    He knows all your going through-As for you He came.

    Yes-He died a horrible death-just so you’d be free
    And He lives beyond a guess-please this fact believe
    Please with open heart-accept His perfect love…
    He will lift you so much higher-than can any given drug!

    -Brought to you by the Love of Christ-

    Timothy T. Willett

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    • Timothy,Your poem is a beautiful testament to the love and grace of God. It reminds us that in our times of loneliness and pain, He is always there, ready to catch us and heal us. His love is greater than any drug or temporary solution. Embrace His perfect love and allow Him to transform your life. He longs to bring you freedom and lift you higher…read more

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  • From my heart to yours...

    I normally pre-mate poems with pen and paper But, this cannot wait any longer or later. Your words truly have pierced mine, and I remember surly the same state of mind. So, I will simply type on this phone my friend, even though it might not have another end. Sitting alone here on a 5 corner square, I look and see nothing in the middle of nowhere I will re-read your note that was truly wrote- From eyes of faucet water-in these tears I float. Though there’s no end at all to this telephone line, Emotions they do crawl from your heart to mine. Surly an addiction at the bottom of Erie’s Lake- I had no problem fixing every high I had to make. I would want to write to you from the bottom where it comes, But I don’t know if that is true, when mind games are so dumb. Nor has any heart bore but only similar strings, Unless one is ripped apart-it’s just not right it seems. I just cannot believe there’s people out there like me, Nor do I ever think I’m any better you see For God has made different all human existence, Yet we’re all still sinners so full of resistance And the very best thing that came from covid disease… Is the simple quote that had the note, “Please”. Now we clearly see, “We are all in this together”… In the same boat-(as light as a feather)… Is the message of Salvation for the world to live forever! The basis of a Christian is not a perfect life, It’s more of who’s been missing-but been found by Jesus Christ! It is that of progress and not of perfection… It’s a brand new spirit that with God has made connection! Jesus promised all that whosoever will… On Himself may call-that He’ll save forever still! All the talents and gifts He gave to express Of how it’s always Him to pull us out of our mess. And to lead the way over glassy seas to shore My dear friend I pray-may this heart get to yours.

    Timothy T. Willett

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    • Greetings, a beautiful expression of a deep connection and appreciation for shared emotions, despite physical distance. Very heartfelt, touching on themes of vulnerability and hope. The personal reflections and spiritual elements add depth, offering comfort and reassurance to whoever reads. Thank you for sharing!

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  • TEENS...

    My name is Timothy.
    I’m a schizophrenic but take my meds.
    I was diagnosed in 2004 and with my guide The Lord-the med’s help!
    I’m also an ex drug addict, alcoholic and convict…
    But even if I would think of this again-I’d get sick!
    And because of the youth that has committed suicide,
    I’m now an x smoker, No more nicotine Can I hide!
    You may check up on me in the future,and if you will, I’m greatly obliged.
    All you dear teens mean so much to me,
    Please never think you’re not worth it, Because you are!
    I understand where you’re coming from.I’ve been there and not dumb.
    Find no reason naughty or nice to ever think of ending your life.
    You’re beautiful.I promise daily prayed for by many,
    I’m now also a Christian and I pray for you plenty!
    I love you. Jesus loves you more. I pray for you, Jesus prays for you more.
    Anything at all I may ever do I promise I will do it for you.
    Always remember Jesus does everything better!
    It takes great character to do what you do in the world today,
    And you have it in you.I promise, just seek life along your way!
    Something I love and gave not up on, by daily walking with my great God…
    In the ending year of 2006 a man gave me a Bible,
    I’ve read and studied it since that day, and loved it all the while!
    This I still daily Continue to do, it changed my life and it can change yours too!
    I loved it so much, I decided to go to it’s teaching school…
    From the school of hard knocks to the school of God’s grace so cool!
    Northeast Ohio Bible Institute, had for me taught and explained the Good News!
    2008 or 2009, I started when God told me, Tim now it’s time…
    About 4 years hot right on trail.I thought this lot I will surely fail.
    I wanted to give up.I wanted to quit, for I was back slidden in the life that I lived.
    But for sure The teacher of the class said don’t quit but get back on track!
    So I buckled down and ate my spinach.And wouldn’t you know it?I surely finished!
    I won and it was fun graduated with a C.And that’s not bad for somebody like me!
    But oh, how sad it would have been if I’d have tucked tail and ran from the degree.
    Even though I was so messed up, with at that time current thoughts of suicide…
    God wouldn’t let me go, for He promised, I will never leave you.I have your best in mind!
    Surely I knew that He got this, and so glad I was of six years completion!
    I still so much love God’s life in me leading, He is the leader.I follow him still,
    And wouldn’t you know it?I’m back in another Bible school, what a thrill!
    Not just 1, but even 2! Patriot Bible University, and Reformers Unanimous too!
    Life is so grand and I am so glad I had not killed myself,
    For God has made everything new.So I live for Him, and especially you!
    He daily blesses and it’s never the end…
    So please don’t give up, for you are the Blessing-my Friend!!!


    Timothy Willett

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    • Tim, I am so proud of how far you have come and who you are today. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you soo much Lauren I needed to hear that. Thank you for your appreciation and an invite to the family. P.S. I typed out my poem about what do I like about this chapter in my life, it’s in the poem section or on my profile. I wrote it on time but didn’t have enough time to put it in the contest. I’ll try my best to keep up, God has me very…read more

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    • Beautifully written and expressed. Blessings !

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  • To Finally Love Me

    Here we are
    22 years later
    We smile, show teeth
    The glow is upon our face
    In the mirror
    We no longer critique ourselves so negatively
    We see a perception of time that is you
    Recognizing Beauty
    To finally accept us
    You Love You
    This is the woman you’ve longed to become
    Our soul is at peace
    Subconsciously we can hear the joys of a no longer battle
    With our Competing Minds
    Within Loving me we feel alive
    You notice when you love you that you feel everything ten times better
    From The wind you hear ruffling through the trees
    To the stars you see at night shines brighter than ever before
    You laugh so effortlessly
    You let yourself be loved
    Inside you have this feeling of light
    Light that is not hiding behind the shadows of reject, loss of self respect
    No dim light in sight
    Opinions have no effect if negative, you take it like a grain of salt
    It’s okay if they leave, we let them
    & Leva ( Live)
    Our beauty, Our Love within continues to grow , to prosper
    A Muse a perception of me of true harmony
    Can you hear the angels singing?
    Our skin tinglingly
    Our hair growing
    Our crown showing
    Here lies me
    Coming out of the shadows
    Using voice of reason
    Understanding loving within & what it means to be loved
    A magnificent thing loving you is
    How it can make you hear the birds chirping around you
    The sun shining on you
    It’s a bliss
    A reality
    We are now
    Present &
    I Accept me
    I truly love me

    Vision. W

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    • Vision! This is beautiful!! I am so glad your soul is at peace and you are able to see, embrace, and appreciate all the wonderful things that make you, you. The sun is truly shining on you and you are an absolute gem. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Why i Love The Woman I've Become

    You’re Confident
    You’re Beautiful
    You’re Loving
    You’re Kind
    This beautiful heart that has developed
    To care about individuals as much as you do
    The confidence you truly found in you
    I’m proud and love the woman I’ve become
    It took me a long time to get here
    You’re a queen
    You’re a goddess
    You are it
    No one can take this away from you
    You made it Vision
    You love you
    You don’t doubt yourself anymore
    You believe in you
    I love who you have grown into
    A true Vision of Love

    Vision .W

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 7 months, 3 weeks ago

    Let It Out

    If i say what is on my mind
    Will i be heard
    Will it show on my face before my mouth says anything
    If i express it
    Should i
    Will i regret it if i come out with it
    The flashbacks are coming out
    I can’t hide it anymore
    It will release me
    Get the burden off my shoulders
    I see it still hurts me to think about
    A moment where i truly felt weak and helpless
    No means no right
    Why did he do that
    I trusted him
    He was supposed to be my best friend
    Stop please i said
    I don’t want to do this i said
    My words meant nothing
    I tried to fight him
    I wasn’t strong enough
    He’s hurting me
    As i am crying saying please stop stop
    When he finished i was bleeding
    He took it from me without my consent
    I balled up in a ball told him to get out
    Fucking Leave
    The audacity to ask me if i am okay
    No i am not okay
    You Took advantage of me
    You took something i can’t get back
    I’ve never been the one to cry for help
    I held it in
    My emotions
    My feelings
    Feeling of embarrassment
    How could i let it happen
    I had no control
    I need to scream it out
    I have to Let it not anger me anymore
    I have to tell my mom
    So i can feel free &
    Live in peace

    Will it hurt as much
    As it does now
    Am i overreacting
    Am i being dramatic
    Or am i just expressing how i feel inside
    Should i be penalized for feeling this way

    Vision W

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    • Vision, Your pain and emotions are valid. It’s important to express how you feel and seek support from those who care about you. Don’t doubt yourself or feel guilty for sharing your truth. You deserve to be heard, understood, and supported. Take the necessary steps to heal and find peace. You are not alone in this journey.

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 8 months, 4 weeks ago


    Even now sometimes i have my moments
    Moments where i feel like
    I’m gonna fall apart
    Can’t let it consume me
    Let it go
    Breathe just breathe
    You’ve come so far
    To go back
    I know it hurts
    You cry when you don’t want to
    It’s trying to release
    He’s gone
    Your dad is gone
    In the wind
    You severely question
    How can he not love you
    Not be there for their for you
    To still have breath in your lungs
    But alas be gone
    I never thought you would leave me again father
    Why don’t you want me
    When i am made up of half of your DNA
    I can’t even say i hate you
    I Love you Dad
    But i have to let you go
    You abandoned me
    Came back
    Left again
    Came Back
    Left again
    Why come if you never intended to stay
    You can’t be the reason
    Theirs’s no peace
    I will always love you
    I have to live
    To explore
    Without a painful memory of you
    Here is our long distance goodbye

    Vision W

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  • Joy

    Endless Smiles
    Heart unbroken
    Life looking up for you
    Looking at the girl of your dreams
    Doing what you love
    Writing more
    It’s your passion
    Spread your voice
    Let them hear you
    It’s okay
    Don’t be scared anymore
    To let it show how talented you are
    I’m sure it’ll have them impressed
    But again you’re not doing it for them
    You write for you
    It brings such joy
    Puts an instant smile on your face
    Lets Embrace
    No more hiding in the shadows
    This is our year to show who we really are
    Not what others want to believe
    Protect your peace
    Go with the flow
    Let it be
    We are truly smiling again

    Vision W

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    • Your piece is truly exceptional, thank you for sharing it!

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    • Love, love, love this!!

      “Don’t be scared anymore
      To let it show how talented you are
      I’m sure it’ll have them impressed”

      You have already impressed so many. Keep writing and living for you. And keep smiling. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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