  • Salvation...

    October 17th 2006…
    Gave up on the old life-it just could not exist.

    I was using, drinking, abusing-Trying self to die
    But though I was overblown-was some thinking in mind.
    At the end of the night-substance and alcohol gone
    Came this thinking of life stinking-maybe I was wrong.

    Wait a minute here-I should be crumped,
    These gasoline fumes just may be dumb.
    Tomorrow, my only daughter…turns five-
    And I’m not wanting to be alive?

    How could one steal a life to others real?
    When this world came to life-was it a flip deal?
    Had not my best friend-escaped again,
    To the hospital room from my hole-sunk tomb?
    Emergency fair-I’ll wait…Have not my best friend there.

    Then like God spoke:
    Put the gas can down-may new life, have wrote…
    So, I went next days’ recovery-
    Burned out and bent; but God had reality!
    …And this could all be good?
    Wherefore means the little engine that could?

    Therefore I obeyed that very next day,
    And glory halleluiah-God had better/No, the best Way!!!
    And no-have not had there-street life goodbye
    Along with witchcraft involved in drugs…
    I was simply chasing the wrong place/wrong love.
    God, I thought You hated me-so I hated You too,
    I for all along had been deceived-I’ll not type what needs You.
    But thank You later for taking me, to the alter of grace…
    God, once again-You were on time, because You’re never late!!!


    Timothy T.

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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