  • vizo2123 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?Write about what you are most excited for in the new year 6 months ago


    Endless Smiles
    Heart unbroken
    Life looking up for you
    Looking at the girl of your dreams
    Doing what you love
    Writing more
    It’s your passion
    Spread your voice
    Let them hear you
    It’s okay
    Don’t be scared anymore
    To let it show how talented you are
    I’m sure it’ll have them impressed
    But again you’re not doing it for them
    You write for you
    It brings such joy
    Puts an instant smile on your face
    Lets Embrace
    No more hiding in the shadows
    This is our year to show who we really are
    Not what others want to believe
    Protect your peace
    Go with the flow
    Let it be
    We are truly smiling again

    Vision W

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