

  • Dear Old me,

    You’re in excruciating pain, scared and confused. That’s due to the multiple skull fractures. You will always be reminded of what happened because of the lifetime of pain you will endure, but you heal. Better than anyone could ever have imagined. Despite the amnesia, God will allow you to keep the memories you have made with your children. For this, you are grateful. Unfortunately, memories of that night are also something that stays with you, but you see it as a starting point from how far you’ve come. This is also something to be grateful for.

    After he fractures your jaw, he uses pliers in an attempt to remove several of your teeth. He wanted a souvenir. God is with you when this happens, therefore he ends up with nothing. The dentist is the only one who collects a tooth several months later. It’s necessary for the healing process. In time, you will find yourself able to enjoy dinner with your children again.

    You regain your hearing even though he ruptures both of your eardrums. God will allow you to hear your Autistic son speak his first words eventually. That’s when you’ll realize your life will be filled with miracles that have nothing to do with that night. This is when you stop counting your blessings and accept them in abundance.

    It will take over a year for you to ovulate the way a woman should. That’s okay. Eventually the pain you experience due to the trauma inflicted to your uterus lessens. You’ll only be reminded of it when menstruating. At times, you’ll think about the little girl that you always wanted but push those thoughts aside when you remember how lucky you are to have two sons already.

    It was rape. There is nothing that you could have done differently to change the events that unfolded that night. Be kinder to yourself. It will take years, but the nightmares will subside. You will no longer find yourself drenched in tears, awoken by your own screams. God will allow you to dream again.

    You survive. Your mind, body and soul will be forever altered, but that’s okay. You will struggle with relearning everything you have forgotten, because of this, you will evolve into a different person. A better person. One who displays strength and compassion in all that she does. You will piece yourself back together and the broken in you will be your beauty.

    God will allow you to heal. He will assure you that this happens through the love and bond you have with your children. They will repair you mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Remember to thank God for this in your prayers daily and thank your children by reciprocating the love they use to save you with. Love is all they have to give you; that’s all you will ever need to make it through another day.

    Love Always, Your Future Self

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    • I am so very sorry to read what you went through. I am a survivor too. Your strength is incredible. He hurt your body but he didn’t damage your soul. Your kids are so lucky to have a mommy like you. You are not just a survivor you are fighter. The future you is so thankful the present you is so resilient. Keep healing. Keep loving yourself and…read more

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    • Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry this happened to you as well. It’s been a long journey, the healing process. It took me a long time to make sense of my writing. The head injury set me back in so many ways. I submitted this as a entry because I may have read the contest topic in error. It was to my understanding that I could write to…read more

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      • Aww, the way you wrote it works! We did give multiple options on how to write it! Keep opening up and sharing your story. One day at a time. You’ll keep getting better. Thank you for being so brave. <3 Lauren

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    • You captured my attention instantly as a woman from abuse and of rape. My body bruised my insides torn and the shame that swallowed my being. You are an inspiration, an earth angel and yes you will heal because you have gratitude for every new day with your children. Goddess speed for you beauty.

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      • Thank you sweetheart,
        It’s a shame an experience as such is the reason we cross paths, however I’m glad you took the time to read my letter. I appreciate you saying I’m an inspiration, as are you. It’s important to know this is something society experiences more than we care to speak of. Shame also suffocates me at times, so understand where you…read more

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    • You are so strong. I’m so sorry that you went through that. Never let that define who you are. Your kids are so lucky to have a mother like you. Your strength is unwavering. Thank you for sharing.

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    • Oh. My heart is with you. I to am a survivor. The words of your pain stuck my soul. You are so strong. You are so brave. You are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings here, in this very safe group. We are all here to help build one another up. To hold one another and to bring back the light for one another. 💜

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    • You’ve gone through so much. Physical pain and emotional trauma is such a hard thing to come to terms with. You are so strong and is a powerful role model. Thank you for sharing

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  • rosh89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Be kind to yourself and prioritize yourself!

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  • Letter's to a Friend

    Write A Letter To Your Future Self

    Dear You,
    Did you find yourself yet or are you still in that space of self-discovery that one can only get to after life has delt us the heaviest of cards? Did you ever learn how to grieve the sudden loses of the many you’ve loved or are you still finding escapes in food and work and sleep? I hope you finally found the courage to push for the goals you desire without the fear of failure, because as we sit now imposter syndrome still has a hold on us. What’s it like in the future? Has technology finally taken over? Has there been a revolution? Are you healthy?
    To you who has been with me since the very beginning when we were still energy floating in the universe waiting for an opportunity to be something. I hope you have traveled the world and back and found pockets of home in foreign spaces. What concerts have you gone to? Are concerts still a thing in the future or is everything virtual? Do you still love vegan doughnuts like you do now or have you found a new dessert to crave? Are daisies your favorite flower or have you discovered a new plant to fond over. As we sit here now, I think about, have you finally bought a house yet? What new adventures have you had? How is the bookstore coming along?
    To you in the future I hope that you are better at making decisions and have discovered more about the new you that has emerged from the grief, and pain, and heartbreak. I wonder if you and sister are still finding joy in all the chaos and make random excursions to find new food to break bread over because those moments of joy are special, and I hope that you have kept them. What’s it like being you in the time and space that you exist in now? Did you finally get your license because as I sit now where I am, it looks like driving anxiety is still kicking our butts. Did you ever learn how to manage your time or are you still overbooking yourself, because we both know that saying no has been our hardest sentence. However, I will say as we stand now, I am super proud of how far we’ve come. We have accomplished so much and made it so far. There are so many things we forget to celebrate that I hope you finally took the time to celebrate your wins, because I promise we ae learning that they are greater than their losses.
    In the future I hope you are I hope you are going even harder than you are now for your goals because you deserve all the things life has in store for you. We are learning that we are worth every number of blessings that find their way into our spaces. We are learning that now, so I hope you are still learning that in the future we designed for ourselves.
    Remember to write me back when this gets to you. Compare notes. See the comparisons of our lives then and now. Until this letter finds you my closest friend.

    With Deep Love,
    From Me, you, Us


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    • Asia, I love all the adventures you want to go in life, and I sure hope concerts are still live and NOT virtual. It sounds like you are already learning to say no, and realizing who and what matters in life. I too am proud of how far you’ve come. You deserve all the good things coming your way, and I can’t wait to see all your dreams come true.…read more

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  • rosh89 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter telling the world about what makes you strongWrite a letter telling the world about what makes you strong 1 years, 1 months ago

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    What makes me strong is my pain

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  • The Strength Within

    Dear Gerald,

    For a long time, you felt that out of all the attributes you had, being strong wasn’t a part of that list.
    You saw other people as being strong like actors who played strong characters in movies, musical artists who looked like they had overwhelming strength in their image, or just family members and kids you knew who seemed like they had a lot of power & strength inside their bodies.

    Meanwhile, you had a hard time believing that you were or could be strong. The self-doubt, insecurities, low self-esteem, and overthinking clouded you from seeing how strong you were all along.

    It can be challenging to see your strength when you’re surrounded by people who undermine or don’t appreciate it. Thankfully, you can see more clearly that you’re a strong person.

    What makes you strong is your willingness to have empathy for others when you could have given up on that a long time ago. Your inner drive to empower others as best as you can also make you strong.

    The fact that the inner pain that you have been wrestling with for years didn’t drive you to the grave makes you strong. The will to keep fighting for a better life every day makes you strong.

    Your increasing drive to try new things makes you strong and writing this letter makes you strong also.
    You don’t feel strong all the time. But acknowledging that takes tremendous strength to do. Plus it gives you the peace that everyone needs in their life.

    Everyone is strong in their unique way. It’s great to be reminded of that fact every now and then.



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    • GERALD! You are such a beautiful human. You are right, your empathy and kindness and drive to keep on pushing through painful moments makes you strong! And I also agree that everyone is strong in their own way, but you are especially strong. Your love for people is never-ending. You have been always kind in a world that has, at moments, been not…read more

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      • LAUREN! I appreciate your touching words as always. It’s incredible to learn how much strength we have when we’re going through tough periods in our lives. I’m grateful to know you and call you a friend as well. Keep being you as well. <3 Gerald.

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    • Wow! Your words of strength made me tear up just a bit. To see you write it out is so wonderful. The reminder that we don’t need to be strong ALL the time speaks volumes to me. Thank you for the reminder. Good luck. I voted for you. 🙏

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      • Thank you so much! I appreciate that. I’m happy that my words had that effect on you. Yeah, the reminder about not needing to be strong all the time is one I need every now and then. Because I was taught to believe that, it’s been a hard task to get out of that mindset. Thank you once again!

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    • Gerald, you are so strong and kind. You were able to wrestle with yourself and become strong from inner battles. What’s so great about that is that you are able to overcome those battles and be able to apply your strength into the world.

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      • Thank you, Kayjah. If you had told me 13 years ago that I would be sharing some of my inner battles on the internet, I would have a million question marks over my head. Time is an amazing thing when we see it through. I’m glad you were able to overcome your battles s well.

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  • Power Heart

    Strength it seems cannot be seen.
    It floats, it sinks, it rises Supreme.

    Appearances will seldom show, the strength and power of a true, pure Soul.

    What makes me strong is not my size, is not the muscles in my arms or thighs.

    There is one muscle which I have strong, it is my heart, which sings its Sekhem song.

    Humming softly to my head, to keep the faith and Rise instead.

    Sinking we will only do, to dive the deep; and Ascend higher, whole and true. ~ © 2023, Danielle, #DAMCL ™, @DsEnlightenedEdits ® 𓌂𓋹


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    • Danielle, you are so right. True strength and power is a pure soul and a big heart, which you most definitely have, Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. And thank you for showing so much love and kindness to me and The Unsealed community. You are strong and wonderful in so many ways. <3 Lauren

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    • Danielle, your heart is beautiful. The heart does a lot for us. It keeps us alive and pushing. It carries so much things on its plate. The ability to love, forgive, survive, and be strong. There is so much more traits that the heart carries but it would be such a hard thing to keep on talking about.

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  • Mom, This is why I admire you so much

    Dear Mom,

    Growing up, I didn’t always appreciate you as I do now. I didn’t fully understand you as a child because our dreams were so different. At ten years old, I was outspoken and already very career driven. You always liked working and wanted to do well, but you never had a burning desire for a promotion or more responsibilities. For a long time, I thought you were less ambitious than me, but as the years passed, I learned that that’s not exactly correct.

    Mom, you are the backbone of our family. When a crisis hits, you are the one we all turn to for comfort, support, and wisdom. You have this incredible ability to calm us all down while providing logical advice. When I got rejected by my crush in elementary school, you were the one who sat in my bed and told me I was beautiful. When I decided to go to private school 40 minutes from our house and then play for a travel soccer team 40 minutes away in the opposite direction, you (and dad) spent hours in the car, driving me back and forth. When I was worried about getting into college, you were the one who told me you were proud of me regardless of which school accepted me. When I opened up about my assault, you were the one who told me my response was normal and OK. When my ex-boyfriend passed away, you were the one who held my hand at the funeral. And when I started my business, you spent days on end sending out emails for me.

    Mom, I have come to realize that you were and are very ambitious. You wanted, more than anything, to foster a loving family and you did whatever it took to make that happen. As a family, we have endured difficult situations together, and you have handled each with strength, grace, selflessness, and love. Every day, you have made our family a priority. To this day, you help us persevere through the most challenging moments of our lives, while also supporting us as we chase our wildest dreams.

    Mom, you may not have wanted to be a boss in a boardroom, but you were/are one heck of a CEO in our household.

    I am proud to be your daughter, as I admire and love you more than you’ll ever know.

    With love,


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    • @shelleybrill I wrote this for you. I love you so much and I hope you know how much I appreciate you (even though you get on my nerves sometimes). Love you!

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    • This brought tears to my eyes. As a mother myself I often feel like I should be doing more but after reading this I understand that I am doing more than I think I am. Your mother sounds like a fantastic strong and beautiful woman. And if I’m not mistaken by some of the stories I’ve read written by her, she is in fact a strong beautiful woman. Tha…read more

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    • That’s a real mom. I love your story and all your sentiments of your mom, they’re beautiful. Reminds me some of my mom, only difference is, my mom, nor my father never had enough education, so all they knew was to work hard to take care of our family. Not only that, I grew up in a very large family and we had it kind of hard, but we felt love…read more

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  • sixx_ela submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 2 months ago

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    New Year, Real Me

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  • 2023 and Me

    I want you to breathe easier
    To not critique yourself and art into artistic paralysis
    Do not question your Intuition
    I will let you make mistakes
    Only if you can learn from them
    I will not beat you up for being human

    I will give you the grace I allow others
    I am now able to love you as you need to be loved.
    And that love will grow with each passing day

    I believe that you are worth the struggle.
    That love is just as important to receive as give.
    You will be the change you want to see in this world.
    You will rage against the dying light
    And I will love and be proud of you with every moment of this coming year.


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    • Sarah, this is so good. You give so much love and kindness to others. I hope and pray every day you give that same love and kindness to yourself. You are wonderful and amazing and I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. Thank you for sharing. I hope your year is going even better than planned. Thank you for sharing your heart with the…read more

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    • It’s always good to give ourselves grace because sometimes we tend to be a little too hard on ourselves we have to understand that sometimes we don’t have the ability to do everything we want to do our way. We sometimes have to understand that we are not perfect. I love that you said that you will rage against the dying light showing that no…read more

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    • Sarah giving ourselves grace is important, especially living in a society where there aren’t many people that will give you grace. Accepting grace for yourself is important, but also accepting grace for others is even more important. We need to remind ourselves that grace is there for us. We have the power to have grace in moments where we feel l…read more

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  • 2023 Is Around The Corner

    You stuck up on us
    Like deer in the night
    I had heard of your coming
    But still wasn’t prepared for your arrival
    At the same time,
    I’m excited you’ll be at my door soon
    There’s so much I want to tell you
    Hopefully, you won’t be overwhelmed
    by my words
    I want to tell you
    That I want to finish my book
    Travel to other places
    Continue to work on being a better writer
    And to pursue it as a career
    I also want to strengthen my relationships
    and make new ones
    2022 went by so quickly
    I’m hoping you’ll go slowly
    As long as your year is a good one
    For every human being
    and creature on earth


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    • Gerald!!! I didn’t know you were writing a book! That’s amazing. I can’t wait to read it and I can’t wait for other people to see your beautiful heart. You are such a good soul and I am so glad you are part of The Unsealed family and our paths crossed. Thank you for being you. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren!!! Yep. Haha. I need to start working on it again. I can’t wait to finish it and am thrilled for you and others to read it. I appreciate your kind words very much, Lauren. I’m glad our paths crossed too and to be a part of The Unsealed. Thank you for your light. 🙂 Gerald

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        • Gerald!!! I absolutely can’t wait to read it. Let me know when you do it. We can promote it on the site and on our social media. You are amazing. Grateful for your friendship. <3 Lauren

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          • Will do! I’ll let you know when I finish. That sounds exciting! Thank you, Lauren. I’m grateful as well. I still can’t believe we’ve crossed paths sometimes, but I’m glad it happened. <3 Gerald

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    • Gerald, I’m glad that this year is a happy look for you. I’m sure you will be able to travel more, write more, build relationships, and finish your book. You are so passionate about writing I can’t see you not doing it. You got this! Keep fighting!

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      • Thank you, Kayjah for your touching words! Keep fighting and striving I shall. I hope 2023 is going well for you so far and that good things have come true for you.

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  • To Those Who Doubt Themselves,

    To Those Who Doubt Themselves,

    Most people never discover how far their talents can take them.

    Instead, it is so easy to let doubt hold you back. It’s so easy to ponder if you are smart enough, good enough, or have the stamina to climb the mountain you see ahead. And, of course, it doesn’t make it any less daunting when you have naysayers – people who say you can’t do it. But what I want you to know and what my journey thus far has taught me is that you’re in control of your destiny.

    There are so many instances in life where I was scared to pursue a challenge. When I got accepted to an Ivy League school, I didn’t think I was smart enough to attend. When I decided to start a business, I didn’t know if I had the experience or resources to pull it off effectively. And when recently, I decided to start learning how to code websites, I honestly didn’t know if my brain could absorb a computer language.

    As I questioned my abilities in those circumstances, other people also doubted me. Here are just a few comments I heard from people:

    “You’re not as smart as the other kids who go to Columbia. You won’t do well there.”

    “Do you know how many people fail at starting a business? You’re wasting your time.”

    “How are you going to learn to code on your own? There are so many levels to it. You’ll never be able to be proficient in it.”

    Despite my doubts, and the doubts of others, I pursued each challenge anyway.

    I repeatedly told myself, almost like a religious mantra, “If someone else can do this, I can do it too. If someone else can do this, I can do it too.”

    I made the dean’s list every semester during my last two years at Columbia(I think). My very first post, when I started my business, went viral. And with computer code, I found a cheap course online, and I am enjoying learning to code. It’s actually coming to me pretty easily so far.

    So, don’t listen to any of your doubters. They are projecting their fears onto you. Always have confidence in yourself because right now, you have no idea what you can accomplish in your life. But I promise you, if you take a chance, if you have a little faith in yourself, and never give up, you just might be one of the lucky ones to find out.

    With Love,

    Someone just like you

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    • You’re are so right, If someone else can do it, so can you. Your brain ticks just as much. You can do anything in life you chooses. Focus on what exactly you want to do, then work at it and it will happen, as long as you have determination. And you’re right, never listen to Naysayers (doubters) they will stop you dead in your tracks. These are…read more

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    • I doubt myself constantly to the point where I contemplate whether I should do it or not. I always catch myself doing this but I’m starting to break that habit and make a change.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 1 years, 3 months ago

    My love letter to sports

    Dear Sports,

    Sometimes love comes into our lives early and easily. That’s the case with you. I remember meeting you around age four or five, but it could have been even younger. I lived on a cul-de-sac, and all the kids on our street would regularly play kickball in the circle. We’d play for hours, sometimes mixing in tag or hide and seek. Without much effort, I could always keep up with the older kids. And every time I tried a new sport, it took me no time to figure it out. But it wasn’t until my parents signed me up for organized soccer with kids my age that I realized I was athletic. I was faster than everyone else. And scoring goals was easy. Immediately, I was hooked. I loved competition. And quite frankly, I loved winning.

    While I played many sports throughout my childhood, soccer became my primary sport. I played on club, school, and select teams. Soccer allowed me to see the world, as I was chosen to play on a team that competed as far as Italy when I was 15 years old. Besides competition, sports introduced me to my best friends – many of whom I am still close with now.

    I am forever grateful that you, sports, came into my life.

    As an adult, I no longer play on competitive sports teams. And I probably don’t work out as much as I should. But you are still an essential part of my life. You shaped me into the person I am today. You, sports, taught me how to push through adversity. You showed me the power of a good and consistent work ethic. Through you, I developed tremendous confidence and mental toughness, which serves me well every single day of my life. And when I have a long week or am frustrated or scared, I can still turn to you for peace. I’ll rollerblade along the water for miles or lift at the gym.

    While many loves in our life come and go, there are some rare ones that not only come early and easily but also last a lifetime.

    I love you always.

    Your old friend,


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    • Wow, that’s wonderful. A friend to the end is the most wonderful thing ever and is very rare. Yes, we meet people when we’re much younger and may know them for a year or more, but a lot of time, it doesn’t last a life time. So, when you find that, it’s rare, but the greatest thing ever. It’s that one person you know will always be there for you…read more

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  • To those who are hard on themselves

    To someone who is too hard on themselves,

    You must be so anxious and stressed. You never seem to be where you want to be in life. I know how you feel because I have felt this way, too. My older sibling was always smarter than me. As a child, he did better in school than me, and as an adult, he certainly makes more money than me. It is as though I have had this bar way above my head my whole life. And no matter how hard I work or how many times I try, I never seem to jump high enough to graze that bar with my fingertips. And yet, I never stop trying.

    Throughout my adult life, I have worked weekends and nights. I have lost sleep as thoughts of work ruminate in my head, and I have pulled all-nighters just because I have felt like I needed to get more done. All too often, I find myself exhausted, stressed, and frustrated. And I have come to realize that those emotions are not helpful. I started my company, The Unsealed, 3.5 years ago, and until this past weekend, I hadn’t taken one vacation.

    An opportunity to go to Disney World arose. And seriously, who can say no to Disney World? I attended shows, tried out new rides, and ate at new restaurants for three days. It was so much fun. I gave my mind a break – a moment to live in the present and enjoy the people in my life and the blessings surrounding me. I drove home on Sunday. Now, it’s Monday, and I feel refreshed and motivated. The weekend made me realize how important it is to come up for air sometimes.

    For so long, I put pressure on myself and never took my foot off the gas. But that’s not healthy or productive. So, if you’re like me and push yourself very hard, I hope you learn to be kind to yourself, take breaks, and live in the moment. When you take days off, don’t think about work or whatever you are pushing yourself to do. Give your mind and your soul time to refresh, recharge and recalibrate.

    Your ambition probably won’t ever go away. But what I have come to realize is that if you want to do your best in life, it’s vital that you feel your best.

    Don’t measure your success with someone else’s bar. Prioritize your health and your happiness. And always appreciate where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going.


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    • I love it, always appreciate where you are, where you’ve been and where you’re going, as well as who you are. “You are somebody”, and if everyone can feel this way about themselves, there will be much more love throughout our world. Everyone’s competing with each other. Trying to be better, to have better or more than the next. People need more…read more

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  • Antoinette Gonzalez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 3 months ago


    Overstimulated (Past Tense)
     stimulate physiologically, or mentally to an excessive degree

    Overwhelmed (Past Tense)
     bury or drown beneath a huge mass
     defeat completely

    The words many, including myself, use to describe motherhood.
     the state of being a mother

    Those words are not within the definition.
    In motherhood you are expected to be all things
    But not overwhelmed & overstimulated
    Expected to heal without pain
    Or complain
    Expected to love and adore your children
    But never warned of the days you wish you weren’t one
    Wonder what life would be like without being
    Overstimulated and overwhelmed.
    “Don’t complain” they say “someone yearns for your blessing”
    “Don’t cry” they say “you must show the children strength”
    “Don’t yell” they say “you may cause lifelong trauma”
    Everyone seems to have an opinion,
    on what a mother mustn’t do in motherhood
    But have you sat down and thought about this
    A mother experiences a level of hormones that no other human could possibly comprehend
    You spend months knowing with your entire being you are crazy.
    Your body spend months growing a human.
    Your organs literally shift,
    Have you ever felt the toes of a growing child in between your ribs?
    Most woman experience complications,
    Those come with grief, pain and failure
    Then you give birth,
    Most traumatically,
    A pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
    Then your sent home with no help outside of your family
    Husbands return to work,
    Children to school
    And mom;
    Expected to carry the home,
    While recovering,
    In the fourth trimester.
    Expected to breastfeed because formula could never be good enough
    Expected to care for a innocent, fragile newborn;
    While experiencing an entirely new set of hormones.
    Post partum depression
    Post partum anxiety
    Post partum pain!
    A child grows while a mother does her duty
    What is that duty you ask?
    Suppress every thing for the sake of your child’s wellbeing.
    Children grow up and go out into this world;
    Where is mom?
    Still stuck in the first stage of motherhood,
    Added overstimulated and overwhelmed,
    Topped with depression and suppression,
    Sprinkled with tons of defeat.
    Motherhood is the ugly truth!

    AL Gonzalez

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    • Aww motherhood is definitely the hardest job and we don’t give women enough credit or support. This is so real and I admire you so much. You are a wonderful and strong mom – A great example for your children.

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    • Wow, you did a great job explaining what motherhood is. I’m sure you grew your children in a great way and it made me look back on how my mother grew up and it made me understand that she probably had some things that she had to keep in and that she had to draw herself away from to grow us. Thank you for sharing your perspective on motherhood, a…read more

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  • To my friend, Kris

    Dear Kris,

    Last year, I stumbled upon a CNN article entitled, “I have got terminal cancer. Here is why I am prioritizing travel.” The article shared how you were diagnosed at 48 years old with late stage four colon cancer. Despite the diagnosis, you remained committed to the activities that bring you joy in life, which include spending time with your family and traveling around the globe. I immediately knew I wanted to share your story with our community. I knew you would represent what The Unsealed is about: resilience, kindness, and strength. However, there was one result of meeting you I didn’t see coming..

    While The Unsealed is not nearly as well-known or as prominent as CNN, you immediately responded to me and happily agreed to share your story with me. You sat on zoom with me for more than an hour and shared with me the shock of discovering you had terminal cancer. You had this proud grin on your face as you told me how you captured your wife’s heart. And you told me about the abundance of joy you experience daily by being the father to your sweet, intelligent, curious young son, Braden. But more than just your story, how you approach life’s challenges clearly came across in our interview. And that is with boundless positivity and a pure heart. When you receive a cocktail of intense chemo, you do so with a cheerful disposition and kind words to share with the nurses and doctors who treat you. You don’t approach work or everyday life with a “Why me?” attitude, but instead, you see each day as a gift to enjoy with the people you love most. You are aware of the reality of your situation, but you do not let it take away from the people and places that make you smile, as you continue to travel the world and take walks on the beach with your wife and son.

    After interviewing you, we posted your story on The Unsealed in a letter to your wife and son. Then, you spoke to our community on one of our weekly zoom calls. Your zest for life and your pursuit of positivity are contagious. In the following months, I noticed I became more disciplined about staying optimistic about the challenges in my life. While starting a business is not nearly as difficult as battling cancer, it’s the obstacle I currently face. And because of you, instead of dwelling on what is going wrong, I started to look at what is going right and figure out how to lean into those tactics more. When a strategy I implement doesn’t go as planned, instead of feeling frustrated, I look for the lesson and adapt accordingly. When I interact with people, no matter how my day is unfolding, I always try to lead with kindness. The mindset you have helped shape within me has impacted my productivity, patience, and happiness. And as my company has grown, the process has become less stressful and more joyful.

    Kris, when I first came across your story, I knew you would inspire so many people, but what I didn’t know was how much you would influence me.

    Thank you.

    Keep fighting! Keep smiling! Keep being you!

    With love,


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    • Lauren, your heartfelt message to Kris is truly inspiring. Your meeting with Kris and his positivity in the face of terminal cancer has had a lasting impact on you. His resilience, kindness, and strength have motivated you to approach life’s challenges with boundless positivity and a pure heart. You have adopted a mindset of focusing on what is…read more

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  • To my friend, Vernon

    Dear Vernon,

    The odds of us crossing paths were slim, but the domino effect of connecting with you was life-changing.

    When I tell people I know you, their first question is often, “How?” You played in the NFL while I was still in elementary school. You live in Texas. I have only visited the Lone Star state a few times. Our friendship came out of nowhere. It was 2017, and I was in bed randomly looking at LinkedIn when I saw a post about someone writing a letter to their younger self. I am unsure what made me read the story, but I clicked. The letter was so well-written and powerful. It was about your life story. You were the product of gang rape, and you shared your complicated relationship with your later mother. You mentioned something in that letter that you didn’t understand your mother’s reaction to her attack, but I could relate to her because I am also a survivor. So, I reached out to you to explain how my mind took time to process what had happened to me. I hoped that sharing my story would give you some clarity and peace.

    You responded to me almost immediately, and I think we chatted on the phone the same night. Then, the Super Bowl was in Houston that year, and I was headed down. We met in person, and you told me you were friends with Sheryl Sandberg, the then-COO of Facebook. She had recently written a book about people who persevere and mentioned you in the book. You introduced me to Sheryl, who asked me to share my story on her website publicly. I couldn’t say no to Sheryl, which led me to write an open letter to sexual assault survivors independently. My letter changed my life. Besides freeing me from years of shame and angst, it inspired me to move to Florida and start my company, The Unsealed. The Unsealed is a platform where people can write and share open letters about overcoming adversity.

    Through the years, we’ve remained friends, and you have shared your story on The Unsealed’s website and several of our weekly conversations with our community. You encourage me. You inspire me, and you believe in me.

    While I know we’ll always be friends, I still think it’s crazy we even met in the first place. I rarely read articles I see on LinkedIn, if ever. And it is even less often that I reach out to its author. I genuinely believe whether it was fate, or maybe your mom up there pulling strings, or one of my late loved ones, that night that I was lying in bed skimming LinkedIn, there was a larger power play – using your story and our newfound friendship – to lead me to my purpose.

    Forever grateful that the stars aligned,


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    • Lauren,the connection you shared with Vernon is truly life-changing. I’m happy for the power of fate and friendship you guys shared. It reminds me of the friendship we have together. Your strength inspires me every day. Thank you for believing in me and for being a part of my journey as well. I’m glad that you’re surrounded by people who motivate…read more

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 4 months ago


    I fell in love with Emily when I was 10.
    Her take on love and death made me long to explain it as well as she could.
    She made me fall in love with words.
    Their power

    Every night after I received her poetry
    I would sink into dreams of what love and life meant.
    What it all could mean

    30 years later I am ready to not just read the truth.
    I am ready to be the truth.
    I am ready to be Emily.
    To have my words ring true
    To inspire the next Emily.
    The next Sarah

    Sarah Perez

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    • It’s beautiful to hear how Emily’s poetry impacted you and continues to inspire you. It’s a true testament to the power of words to shape our lives and perspectives.

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  • How My Teeth Saved My Life!

    The year 2022 was a year that gave me the most hope and reminded me the value of my own life. It, like others, gave me high highs and some scary low lows. One of my highs was that I was able to spend the time and money to begin my journey to fixing my teeth again. I found the perfect dentist and I spent majority of the year with her working on perfecting my smile. It was painful at times and even more so draining. However, my confidence and self esteem sored through the entire universe. Another high is how my teeth journey saved my life!

    I received a root canal on the tooth behind my K-9 tooth on the bottom right side. This was a Wednesday and I was sent home with antibiotics and Motrin 800. By Friday I was back in the office with slight swelling and lots of pain. My dentist gave me Tylenol 3, prescription strength Tylenol that had Oxycodone mixed with it, and was told if the pain persists or swelling worsens to go to the hospital. Saturday, I was still in bed with the pain and my husband begged me to go in to the Emergency room. I hate hospitals! After hours of procrastination, I settled for the urgent care.

    I have been to the urgent care once before for sever tooth pain and they were able to give me a shot of Tylenol that take effect immediately. But even more so, I knew I needed a stronger antibiotic because there was no way this wasn’t a sever infection with the amount of pain I was in and the meds I was already on. When I was explaining to the urgent care doctor what had happened throughout the week he looked at me and said, “I do not give narcotics for tooth aches.” To which I responded, “I do not need narcotics, nor do I want them. I have Tylenol 3 that isn’t working. I need a stronger antibiotic.” I also asked to have my ear looked at due to it being in pain. He prescribed me a much stronger antibiotic, gave me the shot. Then sat with me to gave me an exact schedule on how to take my meds to keep the pain at bay. I had full relief for a few hours and then over the course of the day the pain came back.

    Sunday rolled around and now I am not just in pain but I’m also sleep deprived because the pain didn’t allow me to rest. When I looked in the mirror I saw the swelling was no longer in the isolated space on my jawline, where the root canal took place. There was literally no definition between my jaw and neck with the swelling. After seeing this, I asked my husband to drive me to the hospital. I explained to the doctor everything that had transpired from the root canal to the urgent care to this day. Again I was met with “We don’t treat dental work. All I can do is give you a CT and some Motrin.”

    At this point I now have pain in my right cheek bone, right nostril, my neck, my jaw, my right ear. I also was experiencing extreme pressure behind my right eye, a migraine that covered the entire right side of my head, and the swelling was so bad that I could not turn my head. While my nurse was doing his intake on me, the imaging technician came to do my CT. While waiting for my nurse to finish up I could see him looking at me and at his paperwork in his hand, slightly confused. Just then he interrupts to ask “Are you having pain in your neck as well?” I responded to him “Yes. I’m having pain all through here,” and I used my hand to show him my entire right side of my head, face and neck. He then walked away in the direction of my doctor.

    When he came back the nurse was done and he took me to get my CT. While on our way I learned despite my complaints and visible swelling the doctor requested a CT of ONLY my jawline. The imaging tech asked the doctor to change it to my entire head and neck as well. My husband and I waited patiently for the results, hoping I would leave with some sort of relief. The doctor came back and explained to me that the CT showed I had Sphenoid Sinusitis and I would need to follow up with an ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist). She explained the migraines are the toughest there are because its from the sinus. She said the good thing is there was no abscesses, which I knew because I’ve had abscesses in my mouth before when I was a child, and that was my response when she said that. The doctor sent me on my way with the recommendation to see an ENT.

    I want to make it clear, when we were given this information there was absolutely no sense of urgency from the doctor. While on our way home we looked up what this Sphenoid Sinusitis was and it scared me a bit. Then I remember I jump to worst case scenario in these situations and I didn’t want to go through that. I called my mom the next day to tell her, she explained the ENT would put a camera in my nose and flush my sinuses through my nose and immediately I was like “NOPE!” Over the course of the next couple of weeks I avoided the topic and even attempting to find an ENT like the plague.

    However, this was a huge mistake that I didn’t realize would literally effect my life terminally! Soon I was sick all the time with a head cold I just couldn’t shake. I had gotten to the point where I was just a vessel moving through my day to day life the best I could. It took every ounce of energy to get up and take the kids to school. For a month my routine became; get up, take the kids to school, come home and sleep, get up to pick the kids up from school (I slept in the car while waiting for them to get out) then go home and sleep. My family became progressively more concerned for me and honestly I did too. With the little bit of energy I had while laying in bed between naps, I began reading up more on Sphenoid Sinusitis and learned the following:
    Sphenoid Sinusitis is a rare disease with potentially devastating complications such as cranial nerve involvement, brain abscess, and meningitis. It occurs at an incidence of about 2.7% of all sinus infections. Although headache is the most common presentation symptom, there is no typical headache pattern. Common symptoms of Sphenoid Sinusitis include but are not limited to; headaches, earaches, neck pain, pain behind the eyes and around the temples, post nasal drip, sinus congestion and sore throat. Sphenoid Sinusitis can cause severe complications that are potentially fatal and therefore must never be underestimated.

    Then I found an article of the severity of this disease in its worst state and I realized I had all of these symptoms. The weakness, lack of energy, sleeping all the time, this was my body being over taken by the disease. I knew I needed help and I needed it immediately! When I found my ENT, due to the hospital I got my diagnoses from he wasn’t fully sure it was this so he ran lots of tests. One of which was a breathing test, I scored a 29, the lowest, normal rate should be 78. As soon as he saw this he gave me a breathing treatment in office. He sent me for a blood allergy test. I was put on an inhaler twice per day, an emergency inhaler, an allergy pill once a day, a nasal steroid, an oral steroid and an antibiotic and was instructed to come back in a month for a follow up and results review. When I went back a month later, I was sick again with the same symptoms minus the excessive sleeping. I did feel the best I had felt in months. I did another breathing test and a follow up CT. He found that my Sphenoid sinus cavity was still half full with infection. I got sent home with my second round of steroids, third round of antibiotics and another follow up for a month later.

    A month later I walked into his office and I thought I was cured. I still got a cold again, at this rate I was getting it once a month but it wasn’t lasting as long. The follow up CT for this appointment showed that my Sphenoid sinus cavity was only 25% filled with infection and he wanted it gone. So, a third round of steroid and a fourth of antibiotics, but this time a different, stronger one and another follow up a month later.

    One month later, no cold, full of life and no infection in my sphenoid sinus cavity gave me the almost all clear. Doc wanted to see how I did for a month without all the meds. I went a month only using my allergy pill. This follow up CT showed no infection! I was cured! But, I wasn’t. I never truly will be. I will live with this for life. Every time I get any type of cold I have to be put on steroid and antibiotics to ensure this never gets out of control and takes my life.

    Last year, I felt my body giving up. I felt the life draining from me with every cold, every sniffle, every nap. I genuinely feared I wouldn’t wake up one day. I am a mother, a wife, a daughter, an aunt and so much more. A lot of people will hurt and be lost if I had not been working on my teeth! My mother would have out lived her youngest child. My husband would have been a widower and would have had to raise our children without me! My children motherless! I’m incredibly grateful I began my journey to fix my teeth, for if I had not I may have not found this in a time where it was fixable.
    My teeth literally saved my life!

    *The Sphenoid Sinus Cavity is a sinus cavity that is within your brain. When it is completely full of infection this can causethe infection to overflow to your brain.

    AL Gonzalez

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    • OMG!! I am so sorry you went through all of this. It sounds absolutely terrible but I am glad they were able to diagnose and treat you and your feeling better. <3 Lauren

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    • You are so strong to think that a person can go through something like this and continues to stay in their right mind amazes me. I would wish to have as much strength as you had going through this process. Thank you for sharing your store to us mand teaching us about The Sphenoid Sinus Cavity.

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    • That sounds like it was horrible. I’m so glad that you are feeling better. Thank you for sharing your story and educating us on what you went through. <3

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  • To my best and furriest friend, Wylie

    Dear Wylie,

    In 2012, I moved to Buffalo after receiving an offer to work as a sportscaster at a local station there. While I was excited about the opportunity, I was a little nervous about moving to a new city that I had never been to before my interview and where didn’t know a single soul. While I made friends quickly, within a couple of months of living there, I felt like there was a missing piece to my life in Buffalo. And that missing piece was you.

    I had this strong urge to get a puppy. Besides college and a year or two before moving to Buffalo, I have always lived with at least one dog. While I searched far and wide for the perfect puppy, I ended up getting you from the same place my parents purchased your older sister, Cayley.

    As soon as we met, we were inseparable. When you were a puppy, you never wanted to leave my side – so much so that you would cry when I was in the bath, and you would often try and hop in the shower with me. You never wanted to sleep alone, and somehow you managed to win the hearts of all my neighbors, so you were rarely ever home alone.

    We’ve been together for ten years, and you have been by my side through many ups and downs. You’ve growled at the boys who broke my heart, and you cuddled with me every day during 2020 – a year mostly spent with just you and me because of a global pandemic. While you like to pee everywhere, marking your territory, and you try to make babies with my parents’ Maltese, Mia, I still love you so much.

    You have brought so much love, warmth, and companionship to my life. You have been a part of my journey in ways I am sure I don’t even recognize. And while we have moved to three different cities and dealt with so many unexpected challenges, one constant throughout our last ten years is the love we show and have for each other.

    Thanks for always having my back and giving me kisses on command.

    I love you, WyWy

    With lots of hugs and kisses,


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    • This is precious, too cute and I’m so glad you have stuck together. Yes, he was stuck on you from the beginning. always wanting to be at your side and as you stated, have been since. I too love dogs and I love how they’re so loyal to you, so much better than our counterparts. I had a few dogs as I was growing up, but I don’t have one right now,…read more

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  • Dearest Manulo

    Dear Father-In-Law,

    I have had the pleasure of spending the last 11 years with your son as my life partner. We have had our ups and downs, that has not stopped us from enjoying our lives together. When I walked into your son’s life there wasn’t much he would talk about with me when it came to you because he was still in pain. I know it must have been hard knowing you were leaving him and your wife so soon in life.

    While I know you only got to spend 9 years with him physically, I know you have been here for his whole life. I want to thank you for giving him something I never had the pleasure of experiencing, what a father is supposed to be. When he and I met I had children already and your 22 year old son took them as if they were his! He has given our children the best gift possible, the gift of having a father, something every child should have.

    He has spent majority of his life going to school and building a career and he is excelling even beyond his expectations. He now has a Masters in Financial Analysis. He has become a major asset within the company he works for in FinTech. FinTech, is a major player in todays world and it is 100% where you would want him to be! Your son has the potential to run this world if he truly wants it.

    He and I have been working on healing individually and together and you would be proud to know, that healing is trickling down the line. Our family has never been stronger! We are all learning to lean in and onto each other. I know the conversations you and your wife, him mama, my madrina, had in the past and I’m here to tell you she has kept every promise!

    I know you moved into the spiritual world long before I came along but you have presented yourself to me before I even knew it was you. I know you walk closely to all of your grandchildren and you will never truly know how much that puts this mama bear at ease. Your grandson is named after you and he and Abualita are best friends! If you cant find one, look for the other.

    Having the honor of watching him grow and be a small version of you and your son makes it me smile on the inside and out. I watch that little boy and get lost in how much I now know you because of him. Everyone tells me all of your traits they see in him; like when he walks around like El Hefe with his hands behind his back observing closely or when he puts his hand on his hips as if to show he is the man of the house. I know when your close because he will carry the same limp my husband’s siblings tell me you had.

    Your money clip was given to my husbands brother when you passed because you two share a name. Well, he had your name taken off of the money clip and turned into a necklace for your grandsons second birthday. Your grandson, the opinionated boy he is, refused to wear it, so I wore it for a while. Thank you, the time I wore that necklace is the time I felt you the most. And during that time I felt like I was blessed enough to somehow get to know you the best.

    It has been and continues to be an absolute honor being your sons wife and your grandchildren’s mother. I want you to rest easy knowing I’ve got them! I appreciate you continual protection and being there with them when I physically cant. Please know they are all safe and loved! Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to continue to remind them, especially your son, how proud you are of them!

    You may be gone; however, you will never be forgotten. Take care of my Angel babies for me please.

    With love and light,
    Your Daughter-In-Law

    AL Gonzalez

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    • I am so sorry for your loss. But what a beautiful letter. I am so sure he is smiling down on you guys and proud of the love you share and the wonderful children you are raising together. Sending lots of love and wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday. xoxoxo

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    • I’m so sorry for your loss Al, I think I remember you writing an letter about your Manulo not too long ago. Don’t worry! He is in a great place and you will see him someday. Stay strong I know this journey can be hard but keep your head held high.

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    • So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful letter. I’m glad you all have that necklace to wear and feel closer. Best wishes in the days and months ahead.

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    • I’m so sorry you lost your grandma. I remember how hard it was for me to lose my grandfather. She sounds amazing and I’m sure she’s proud of you.

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    • This is beautiful, such a memoir to a great person. You did him very well. You’re holding on to his greatness, having his memory live on. Too bad you didn’t get to personally meet him, but as you’ve stated, he’s with you all in spirit and will always be. I’m so glad your husband is honoring his memory with his money clip. Funny the little one…read more

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