  • asyk submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

    Letter's to a Friend

    Write A Letter To Your Future Self

    Dear You,
    Did you find yourself yet or are you still in that space of self-discovery that one can only get to after life has delt us the heaviest of cards? Did you ever learn how to grieve the sudden loses of the many you’ve loved or are you still finding escapes in food and work and sleep? I hope you finally found the courage to push for the goals you desire without the fear of failure, because as we sit now imposter syndrome still has a hold on us. What’s it like in the future? Has technology finally taken over? Has there been a revolution? Are you healthy?
    To you who has been with me since the very beginning when we were still energy floating in the universe waiting for an opportunity to be something. I hope you have traveled the world and back and found pockets of home in foreign spaces. What concerts have you gone to? Are concerts still a thing in the future or is everything virtual? Do you still love vegan doughnuts like you do now or have you found a new dessert to crave? Are daisies your favorite flower or have you discovered a new plant to fond over. As we sit here now, I think about, have you finally bought a house yet? What new adventures have you had? How is the bookstore coming along?
    To you in the future I hope that you are better at making decisions and have discovered more about the new you that has emerged from the grief, and pain, and heartbreak. I wonder if you and sister are still finding joy in all the chaos and make random excursions to find new food to break bread over because those moments of joy are special, and I hope that you have kept them. What’s it like being you in the time and space that you exist in now? Did you finally get your license because as I sit now where I am, it looks like driving anxiety is still kicking our butts. Did you ever learn how to manage your time or are you still overbooking yourself, because we both know that saying no has been our hardest sentence. However, I will say as we stand now, I am super proud of how far we’ve come. We have accomplished so much and made it so far. There are so many things we forget to celebrate that I hope you finally took the time to celebrate your wins, because I promise we ae learning that they are greater than their losses.
    In the future I hope you are I hope you are going even harder than you are now for your goals because you deserve all the things life has in store for you. We are learning that we are worth every number of blessings that find their way into our spaces. We are learning that now, so I hope you are still learning that in the future we designed for ourselves.
    Remember to write me back when this gets to you. Compare notes. See the comparisons of our lives then and now. Until this letter finds you my closest friend.

    With Deep Love,
    From Me, you, Us


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    • Asia, I love all the adventures you want to go in life, and I sure hope concerts are still live and NOT virtual. It sounds like you are already learning to say no, and realizing who and what matters in life. I too am proud of how far you’ve come. You deserve all the good things coming your way, and I can’t wait to see all your dreams come true. Never lose your zest for life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a part of our family. <3 Lauren

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