

  • My tampered temple

    You my temple, have been tampered with. However, you’re still standing. You’re still mine. You have been abused in all sorts of ways, yet you stand strong, and this is the reason I stand strong. Physically, emotionally, mentally, beside others, besides myself. Over and over, time and time again. You still heal and shelter me from this life I have been blessed with. You have gifted me with the strength I face this harsh world with. My armor, my shell.
    You have gone from a structure I struggled to build with weight to a structure I try to remodel by losing weight all these years later.
    I have carried children well past the mark of a delivery date, only to have them cut from me because they were too comfortable to leave naturally. You have given me the greatest gifts I have ever been bestowed with. My boys. Now you have blessed me with another child, a blessing only God can have granted us with when he implanted this child in you.
    There are days I feel old and weak, too old to partake in this journey once more. You prove me wrong and get me though another day.
    You heal quickly with no help from the medical professionals. That impresses me daily. The amount of pain you have encountered cannot be imagined or described. If I didn’t experience it, I wouldn’t believe it myself. I trust you now more than ever. Witnessing and mentally being apart of the recovery has led me to believe that the only person that has the power to destroy you is me. I will be better. Kinder. Gentle from now on.
    I apologize for my mistakes. Please forgive me for my sins against you. I take full accountability for what you have endured and I now find myself having the need to not only forgive others, but most importantly, I must forgive myself first.
    I want nothing more than to stop surviving and to start living the life you have carried me through. You have been my protector all these years and now it’s my turn to protect you.

    Sincerely, Your mind and soul

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    • Lourdes, Congratulations on being pregnant with your third baby! That’s amazing and your body deserves so much praise. It’s strong, resilient and miraculous. And I am glad you see that as well. Keep embracing yourself and your body and all the power that comes along with both. You’re amazing. Thank you for sharing your story, and congrats again!…read more

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  • Thank you sweetheart,
    It’s a shame an experience as such is the reason we cross paths, however I’m glad you took the time to read my letter. I appreciate you saying I’m an inspiration, as are you. It’s important to know this is something society experiences more than we care to speak of. Shame also suffocates me at times, so understand where you are coming from. My physical injuries have healed faster then my emotional. I know the pain that lingers from both will forever bring my back to that time in my life. My kids are the real angels here on earth. They’re the reason I didn’t forget who I was to an entirely.
    I hope you have found all that you needed to come out of it as whole as possible. May God bless in all that you seek, and all that you do.

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  • Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry this happened to you as well. It’s been a long journey, the healing process. It took me a long time to make sense of my writing. The head injury set me back in so many ways. I submitted this as a entry because I may have read the contest topic in error. It was to my understanding that I could write to either past/or future. In all honesty, I have nothing to say to my future self, so that’s how I made my decision. I wish I knew how to comfort myself going forward, all that I find comfort in is my children and my writing. Knowing my writing reaches people and opens up the discussion no one wishes to engage in gives me a sense of purpose. Thank you for allowing me to do so.

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    • Aww, the way you wrote it works! We did give multiple options on how to write it! Keep opening up and sharing your story. One day at a time. You’ll keep getting better. Thank you for being so brave. <3 Lauren

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  • Dear Old me,

    You’re in excruciating pain, scared and confused. That’s due to the multiple skull fractures. You will always be reminded of what happened because of the lifetime of pain you will endure, but you heal. Better than anyone could ever have imagined. Despite the amnesia, God will allow you to keep the memories you have made with your children. For this, you are grateful. Unfortunately, memories of that night are also something that stays with you, but you see it as a starting point from how far you’ve come. This is also something to be grateful for.

    After he fractures your jaw, he uses pliers in an attempt to remove several of your teeth. He wanted a souvenir. God is with you when this happens, therefore he ends up with nothing. The dentist is the only one who collects a tooth several months later. It’s necessary for the healing process. In time, you will find yourself able to enjoy dinner with your children again.

    You regain your hearing even though he ruptures both of your eardrums. God will allow you to hear your Autistic son speak his first words eventually. That’s when you’ll realize your life will be filled with miracles that have nothing to do with that night. This is when you stop counting your blessings and accept them in abundance.

    It will take over a year for you to ovulate the way a woman should. That’s okay. Eventually the pain you experience due to the trauma inflicted to your uterus lessens. You’ll only be reminded of it when menstruating. At times, you’ll think about the little girl that you always wanted but push those thoughts aside when you remember how lucky you are to have two sons already.

    It was rape. There is nothing that you could have done differently to change the events that unfolded that night. Be kinder to yourself. It will take years, but the nightmares will subside. You will no longer find yourself drenched in tears, awoken by your own screams. God will allow you to dream again.

    You survive. Your mind, body and soul will be forever altered, but that’s okay. You will struggle with relearning everything you have forgotten, because of this, you will evolve into a different person. A better person. One who displays strength and compassion in all that she does. You will piece yourself back together and the broken in you will be your beauty.

    God will allow you to heal. He will assure you that this happens through the love and bond you have with your children. They will repair you mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Remember to thank God for this in your prayers daily and thank your children by reciprocating the love they use to save you with. Love is all they have to give you; that’s all you will ever need to make it through another day.

    Love Always, Your Future Self

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    • I am so very sorry to read what you went through. I am a survivor too. Your strength is incredible. He hurt your body but he didn’t damage your soul. Your kids are so lucky to have a mommy like you. You are not just a survivor you are fighter. The future you is so thankful the present you is so resilient. Keep healing. Keep loving yourself and…read more

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    • Thank you for your kind words. I’m sorry this happened to you as well. It’s been a long journey, the healing process. It took me a long time to make sense of my writing. The head injury set me back in so many ways. I submitted this as a entry because I may have read the contest topic in error. It was to my understanding that I could write to…read more

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      • Aww, the way you wrote it works! We did give multiple options on how to write it! Keep opening up and sharing your story. One day at a time. You’ll keep getting better. Thank you for being so brave. <3 Lauren

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    • You captured my attention instantly as a woman from abuse and of rape. My body bruised my insides torn and the shame that swallowed my being. You are an inspiration, an earth angel and yes you will heal because you have gratitude for every new day with your children. Goddess speed for you beauty.

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      • Thank you sweetheart,
        It’s a shame an experience as such is the reason we cross paths, however I’m glad you took the time to read my letter. I appreciate you saying I’m an inspiration, as are you. It’s important to know this is something society experiences more than we care to speak of. Shame also suffocates me at times, so understand where you…read more

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    • You are so strong. I’m so sorry that you went through that. Never let that define who you are. Your kids are so lucky to have a mother like you. Your strength is unwavering. Thank you for sharing.

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    • Oh. My heart is with you. I to am a survivor. The words of your pain stuck my soul. You are so strong. You are so brave. You are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings here, in this very safe group. We are all here to help build one another up. To hold one another and to bring back the light for one another. 💜

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    • You’ve gone through so much. Physical pain and emotional trauma is such a hard thing to come to terms with. You are so strong and is a powerful role model. Thank you for sharing

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  • To My Dearest Aunt

    My dearest aunt,

     I had just turned the legal drinking age when I found out I was pregnant. Being a young single mother was never an easy task. If anyone knew that it, was you. You were a teen mom once upon of time. Being one to a child on the spectrum was a different kind of difficult. My first born was diagnosed at the age of three. Your youngest was diagnosed with the same just three years earlier. Autism.

    You saw it in my son.  My baby. You didn’t know how to tell me at first, eventually you found your way.  You held me up and kept me afloat when I was drowning in all the specialists and evaluations. When I cried, you cried with me and when I turned to you pleading for advice on how to reach my boy you suggested I “just love him.” Of course, I loved him, but I loved him with anger and fear, for both the present and future. That’s not what you meant.  You wanted me to love him with strength and compassion. That was your secret. That’s your legacy.

    Ten years later, after your passing, my second born was diagnosed with Autism. You weren’t here to bring it to my attention but by then I knew what to look for. It was the strength to get through it this time around without your affection.You were tough, rough, and still so compassionate. Was it because of all the trauma and abuse you endured throughout the years? Was it your calling? Did you know it was legacy to be so?

    When I think of strength, I think of you. Is that weird? Not to the people that knew you. Your smile was contagious, and your laugh was infectious. I often wondered how you could radiate so much happiness after all that you had been through.

    I have a question, was your compassion something you had to work on, or was it natural? You made it look natural. It was natural, wasn’t it? A blessing disguised inside your heartache and turmoil. I myself have gone though my own unspeakable abuse and heartache. But you know that already. I feel your presence when I need it. Even after death you still manage to bless me with your compassion and grant me the strength I desperately need.

    After calling on God, I call for you, in my thoughts, prayers and despair. After thanking God, I often thank you as well, for carrying me through things I alone cannot push through. Life is harder without you. I carried an emptiness inside of me for a long time.

    The strength and compassion you bestowed on me was something you passed down to your children, along with the rest of our family. It took us a long time to figure out that in order to get through the shock of your passing we needed to fill your void with each other.

    My dearest aunt, thank you for watching over us. These invisible wounds we’ve accumulated over the years due to your passing are slowly beginning to heal. We have now gone from anger to compassion. For those who went through what you did, and for those who watch others endure the same as well. We miss you with our entire being. Rest knowing you have blessed us with courage in life and hope in death. The hope that we will see you once again.

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