

  • When You Are Ready

    There is no resolution without first a solution
    An awakening, a calling from whence we first knew it

    To clear the path before us
    From war and destruction and all those who grew it

    Let them hear you now

    For I am the poet who stands tall

    Arm and Arm with the ancestors, sisters, brothers, enbys
    I love them all

    You cannot take out OUR pride and OUR joy

    Your hands are bloody and they constantly toy
    With the hate of many, it plagues us all

    & We sleep with one eye open now
    But the sun will rise again

    Because we see you
    And we feel you from when you were small

    This life you’ve chose was NOT the one you called

    Just a mere thorn in your knee that made you fall

    From GODs own eyes
    Turned to dirty spies

    But we are here to help you

    Lift you from your broken path

    To wipe away your years of endless wrath
    That the child inside you has had to carry

    Alone and tired and just barely…

    Able to breathe a breath of newness
    Filled with flowers of love
    And their sweet dewness

    It is safe to be now
    In a place of family

    We reach our hands out
    Our hearts out
    When you are finally ready

    …to be as one
    Like we’ve only just begun

    Zi Savage

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 1 days ago


    My veins are celluloid,
    My skin is made of wood,
    I kept along the lighting fires,
    Trying to get rid of myself.
    Wake a little skin for the shredder,
    Fill the basket with my pieces,
    If I walk in the wind,
    I’ll just be carried away,
    Take me to the stars so I may be light,
    I know not what you want of me in this life,
    Flax off in pieces; I’ll be paper today/
    & I just need a little water to grow up
    & I just need a little sunshine to grow up


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  • I believe in you

    To the Beauties reading this note,

    Following your dreams… Now this was always some quite the controversy in my house growing up. One parent stating you need to dream big the world is your oyster–the other saying you do not want to dream too big otherwise you will get left behind. Now I am writing to you all to say live for you. That’s what I am in the midst of doing. I started with the bare thinking I could not do much more than being a student and going to school; however, in my time away I learned I should have always listened to what the first parent told me. Keeping my identity low as I do not want to cause any fusses in the midst of the beginning: I have so many dreams that I can not wait for all of them to see.
    Do not be afraid to express who you are!
    Sometimes it takes going away to see the light at the end of it all.
    If you feel afraid: know I am in your corner.
    I love each and everyone of you.
    May you all walk through this world with the blessings you each deserve.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Grief

    By. Kristina Gregson
    Grief is a hard feeling to explain.
    One does not truly know what to expect, until they are actually going through the pain.
    The pain in the pit of your inner being.
    The ache in your heart, feels like it could stop beating.
    Your whole body aches with pain, leaving one feeling so drained.
    Right down to the blood that flows through your veins.
    A hurt, an ache, that can only be described as deep deep sorrow.
    One that you know you will still have when you wake tomorrow.
    The feeling of loss, the wish I would haves,
    The wish I could haves, the wish I should haves,
    That feeling of so much wasted time, that could have been spent with better rhythm and rhyme.
    More smilies, more hugs, more laughter, more love.
    More calls, more talks, maybe even a walk,
    More dinners together, more special times.
    That is what you wish when your loved one has ran out of time.

    Kristina Gregson

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    • Greetings, Your honesty and imagery evoke shared sorrow and the importance of cherishing time with loved ones. Overall, it’s a poignant reminder of life’s preciousness. Splendidly written and my condolences.

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  • Sexual assault

    The Summer of 2021 was the start of my life turning upside down because of what you did. At least what I think you did. I have no memory of what happened other than that night I woke up feeling sick to my stomach, in pain everywhere. My legs, my back, my stomach, and most importantly, my private area was in extreme pain.

    I don’t remember anything, but I know you did something to me. Waking up, not remembering anything, and just knowing something was wrong was enough to send me on a whirlwind. My wrists were red I was in pain, my nose piercing was gone, my pants were half down and wet with an unknown substance, I had bruises on my arms like someone forced themselves on me and held me down so I wouldn’t get up. I was scared, shocked, and I didn’t know what to do or think. I looked around in utter dismay, looking at my phone in my pillowcase. I know I wouldn’t have put it there because it’s always right beside me. I didn’t think this would happen to me.

    After getting my thoughts together and trying to remember what happened, I looked at my phone, and saw a photo of me sleeping, as I thought maybe I could have taken the photo myself like a selfie but I couldn’t have taken it because it was shot from a different angle whereas someone else could have taken and left it on my phone. I remember that morning I asked you about the photo and you completely had a changed face, a face of guilt, you yelled at me telling me I’m crazy to be so accusatory, but in reality, I only asked a question. You shunned me the whole day acting like I didn’t exist, that the situation was nothing, it didn’t matter to you that you took something innocent out of me and scarred me. You did something horrible to me you know that. But you never took responsibility for it. I still remember your reaction, I still feel the bruises and the pain you caused. I even tear up sometimes just thinking about it. I may not remember what happened exactly to me that night but I do know what happened to me wasn’t my fault and I didn’t deserve it.

    Jacqueline Sonia

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    • I am so sorry you went through this. I am not sure if you saw but I started The Unsealed after sharing a somewhat similar story. You are so right you didn’t deserve what happened to you and it’s not your fault. Sending you the biggest hug and some healing vibes. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you gorgeous I appreciate it and yes I am healing I have a great support system and loved ones who be by side always ❤️

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  • Entrepreneurship: It's like Surfing!

    Have you ever tried surfing before? Or let’s just be honest, attempted to surf before?

    Whether or not you’ve actually squeezed into a skin-tight wetsuit and waxed up your surfboard, if you’re an entrepreneur, then you’re surfing every day!

    The dream of catching that perfect wave is what drives us to do better, work harder, and get up earlier. We’d rather fight for every inch than be given a mile.

    I embarked on the journey of entrepreneurship 10 years after becoming completely blind. At 17 years old, I unexpectedly lost my eyesight. By 27, I didn’t feel much like being put in a mold of what a “blind person” should do. No, I said screw that… I’m launching my very own travel agency!

    Better Days Travel was my pride and joy, my perfect wave for 7 years! Now, that perfect wave took work, a ridiculous amount of work indeed, but I loved every minute of it! Well, sort of.

    Like a surfer just beginning to paddle out into the waves, my journey as a travel agent was one wave after another, constantly crashing, pushing me back towards shore. Just as soon as I’d come up for air out of the thick whitewater caused by the crashing wave, another one would hit.

    Yeah, eventually I’d make it out to the break, catch a sweet wave, but soon that wave would crash, and I’d be right back fighting to catch another.

    But I realized something vitally important about choosing to be an entrepreneur…

    You don’t choose this path because you’re looking for a shortcut. You didn’t choose this path because you had no other option. Hell no! You chose this because this is part of living! It’s not about a paycheck on Friday; it’s about a company built, a brand established, a customer made happy, and the satisfaction at the end of the day that you get to wake up and do it all over again tomorrow!

    I may no longer be a travel agent, but I sure still am an entrepreneur, surfing every single day!


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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    Birds still chirp their fucking hearts out on crap days,
    Like a karaoke star who’s totally lost his way.
    And flowers? They’re gatecrashing funerals with sass,
    Whispering, “Was it our fucking fragrance, perhaps?”

    People scatter when shit really starts to hit the fan,
    Quicker than I say “fuck it” to my diet plan.
    But the ride-or-dies? They stick like fucking glue,
    Like that piece of gum on your shoe, never bidding adieu.

    The moon’s up there, changing her damn mind,
    Like me in front of the fridge, a late-night find.
    So hey, give yourself a break, don’t stress the fucking phase,
    We’re all just bumbling through life’s mad, crazy maze.

    In the cracks and crevices, we find our fucking groove,
    Dodging life’s big-ass feet, we move and we improve.
    Escaping the drizzle, dodging the damn pee,
    We’re the fucking misfits, making it, wild and free.

    So when life feels as tough as a week-old fucking baguette,
    Remember, we’re rocking this shit, no need to fret.
    In this grand ol’ mess, we might seem fucking small,
    But we’re damn well blooming, giving it our fucking all.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca , your letter is filled with raw and honest emotion. Life may be chaotic, but remember, you’re resilient. Embrace your uniqueness and keep pushing forward. You’re blooming and giving it your all, no matter how tough things get.

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  • Handouts

    In a town where promises are plenty and the government hands out aid,
    A question echoes softly, under the shade.
    “Why try hard, why aim high, when help is just a call away?
    Why bother with the struggle, if you’re okay day by day?”

    The government says, “We’ll help you, keep you safe and fed,
    You won’t need to worry, we’ve got your back,” they said.
    But this kindness has a shadow, a kind of hidden chain,
    It keeps you in your place, with not much to gain.

    “Why go for the mountain,” some wonder, “when the valley’s just fine?
    Why face the storm, when you can just recline?”
    Because in that easy comfort, there’s a trap so sly,
    It tells you, “Don’t bother,” and time just passes by.

    But some folks aren’t buying, they want to chase their own dream,
    Not just live on handouts, or so it would seem.
    They talk about doing things, making their own way,
    Not just taking what’s given, but having their say.

    They gather in the streets, their voices loud and brave,
    “We want to earn our keep, not just quietly behave.”
    For freedom and the chance to chase what they deem sweet,
    To work hard for their wins, and not just take a seat.

    So why aim for something bigger, why try to break free?
    It’s about making your own path, as far as I can see.
    Not just going with the flow, but steering your own boat,
    And in that hard-earned journey, you’ll have your own note.

    So let’s not be fooled by an easy ride, bought and sold,
    But aim for the horizon, with courage bold.
    The road might be rougher, and the climb can be steep,
    But in that effort, you’ll find a joy so deep.

    Rebecca Engle

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  • Shandi Henley shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    It’s like I’ve been trying to get somewhere my whole entire life, but
    hitting every red light along the way.
    ITS Like my brakes go out
    thousands miles too soon.
    And like I burn
    thru way too much gas after filling,
    and I can’t even trryyy to justify
    the wear n tear of the motor.
    I have Been spinning my wheel
    and getting nowhere
    for as long as I can remember.
    I’m running on fumes.
    My tires are bald.
    I’m one blow out away from
    swerving into oncoming traffic.
    My dreams are in the passenger seat
    with a broken seat belt, a drunken smile,
    and an empty bottle of vodka
    that I haven’t gotten the courage
    to throw away.
    I have a green valley
    of possibility in front of me.
    And a mountain of regret
    in my rear view mirror!
    I’m hoping there is just enough
    in the tank to make it to the end of this road. CRASH

    Shandi Lynn #SadGirlChronicles

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    • Shandi, your letter beautifully expresses the frustrations and challenges you’ve been facing. Keep pushing forward and don’t let the setbacks define you. You have the strength to overcome and reach your dreams. Stay determined and believe in yourself.

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  • Jenn Moore shared a letter in the Group logo of Health, Wellness and Chronic ConditionsHealth, Wellness and Chronic Conditions group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    To My Sister

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Dear Grandpa

    Dear Grandpa,
    It’s been 11 years snice you’ve gone. I can still remember the night being so peaceful, so still, and so cold. I remember the day we laid you to rest. The snowflakes that fell that day were the biggest ones I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be one of the few who go to carry you to your final resting place, but I watched instead as my brother, cousin, brother in law, and a few others carried you instead.

    I’ll never forget when my 18th birthday rolled around and I eagerly went to the gas station and bought a can of your grizzly wintergreen chewing tobacco. I took it to you grave and had lunch with you. The sun was shining and I was happy enough even though you weren’t with me anymore.

    You were my best friend. The amount of days I skipped school just to hang out with you nearly cost me my graduation. The people at school frowned upon the week I missed when you passed. Said I shouldn’t have been gone that long and that I needed to be there from then on. What was I supposed to say? Grief has no time limit and I wasn’t capable of dragging myself out of bed to go be around people who never understood me. You always did though.

    I wonder what you would think of me now. Would you still be proud of me? Would you still be able to sit in silence with me and just watch the tv? Would you still be able to look me in the eyes and tell me everything was going to be ok? You were my safe place in this world and even though it has been 11 years my heart still hurts. I yearn to hear your laugh, see your smile, and feel the warmth of your hugs.

    I love and miss you so much, Grandpa.


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    • Awww Courtney! This is so sweet. Your grandpa is definitely proud of you and definitely still watching over you.

      My grandpa died when I was 13. We have the same personality and we are the only two people in our family that are very athletic – so I know I got it from him. When I was younger he would tell me rain was good luck. So after he died,…read more

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  • 55

    I’m hot but I like it mild
    Sometimes needy, labeled the wild child.
    Lucid Dreamer like the Pisces I am.
    Born on the only day that’s not always there….got me questioning LIFE from the day it began! Thank you.
    If you do the math I equal 55.
    But I failed that subject.
    Words over numbers that’s where I thrive. Trouble maker Too cool for school
    but finished that shit cuz I wasn’t no fool. Babies having babies so quick to be grown. Took on that roll
    I still proudly chill on that thrown.
    Thank you.
    My reasons to grind, a whole new light.
    My Pride n joys and Proof
    That I can do something right! Thank you. Welcomes more lost identity.
    Still Shandi but constantly morphed,
    searching for real serenity.
    Somedays up somedays down,
    sociable emotional, ready to get devotional. Thank you.
    Spread love n laughter
    maybe a people pleaser.
    Make plans to break plans,
    but follow thru with promises.
    I write to write about all these feelings just to read them at my own leisure.
    If you took a test about YOU
    would you pass or fail?
    Do you know what make ur own boat sail?
    I won’t answer my own questions…
    What if everything you have been told was wrong with you is actually everything that is right? Ok here comes the rabbit hole it’s time to say good night. Thank you!

    Shandi Lynn #SadGirlChronicles

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    • If you took a test about YOU
      would you pass or fail?
      Do you know what make ur own boat sail?

      I love that part of your piece. So many of us don’t know ourselves, or think we know ourselves and we don’t until we really take a pause. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece. <3 Lauren

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  • Left

    I wrote this about my most recent battle of surviving and healing physically/mentally after my car accident. It took me LEFT
    “with nothing” to realize I already have everything I need and I can say I am Thankful my God continues to prove his love for me!!

    Left. Starving.
    Tryin to keep my head up…while being fed up. Hard to stay UP when all you feel is down. Pushed down. All the way down.
    To the Mf ground. Stuck on a marry go round. Left. Spinning. Where we stop nobody knows. Can’t afford to take no more blows. Left.
    Down where the stream flows.
    Saying goodbye to all my belongings.
    Saying goodbye to dreams
    Saying good riddance to the negativity. Watching my stuff float out of sight.
    Still starving but can’t get fed a bite.
    Left. Freezing cold with no warmth in sight.
    This is where strength kicks in ready to fight. Move how you are forced to move. Wedged. Jammed. Left. Scared. Worried.
    Made to believe you have luck.
    How, when all I feel is stuck.
    Still searching for my belongings
    floating in the muck.
    Maybe I wasn’t looking for my stuff after all wtf… I was left looking for more outta life.
    Left. Just So I can get RIGHT.

    Shandi Lynn #SadGirlChronicles

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    • I am so sorry to hear about the car accident. When your body aches it can be so hard to put a smile on your face. Keep pushing through. This is a heartfelt beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Shandi your raw and honest expression of the aftermath of your car accident is incredibly powerful. It speaks of strength, finding strength in hardship, and the realization that true wealth lies within. Thank you for sharing your journey of survival and healing.

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  • THE TERRAIN OF LIFE - A True Friend

    Friends: you know you made a good one when you don’t have to conceal your insecurities with makeup

    If you’re like me maybe you are fortunate enough to ski but not conventionally

    As you sit in a wheelchair you are prepared to take in the the stare of all stare’s

    Stare’s that are even tougher than walking up a hill in a pile of snow

    Friends of yours move to your left and right ends of your body to strangle hold your hands

    The mountain of fear that you might fall ends

    You know that even if you slip on your right or left side the last thing you’ll do is fall

    Their cheetah-like reflexes compensates for my turtle-like reflexes (no offense to the turtle fans and others with slower reaction time)

    The way I ski doesn’t matter to them

    In fact they are fascinated with the technology and my ability to go down the hill

    No matter what your challenge is does not matter even if you are insecure about your cerebral palsy

    All that matters to them is the person they are working with has fun and does not hit their head

    Life is a challenge you don’t know what lies ahead

    But you know you will ALWAYS have that friend that will always support you
    No matter if you are mentally falling or physically falling


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    • ⚠️ This letter has been reported

      Jake, your words beautifully capture the power of true friendship. Your friend’s determined support and acceptance of who you are, regardless of your challenges, is truly inspiring. They see beyond the physical and embrace the joy and adventure you bring into their lives. Keep cherishing those friendships that lift you up.

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      • @kayjahlorde, “your words beautifully capture the power of true friendship. Your friend’s determined support and acceptance of who you are, regardless of your challenges.” These words very much touch my HEART! Thank YOU for BEING a FRIEND!

        Much love,


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  • Jake shared a letter in the Group logo of To my younger selfTo my younger self group 1 months, 3 weeks ago

    TAGGING ALONG - Despite the scars

    Dear You,

    Never in a million years did I think I would be so connected with you, but at the same time disconnected.

    The thought of ever thinking of you as a POSITIVE mainstay (I use mainstay literally), in my life is like finding a person who does not know what an iPhone is.

    The bane of your existence on another person would literally freeze me.

    I could not talk at the mere sight of seeing what felt like a drowning impact you had and sometimes still have, on the lives of innocent humans.

    Prematurely punishing them with the ability to not talk!

    This confinement… well, it just seems like the prison sentence of Jeffrey Deskovic, a man who spent 16 years innocently behind bars. A person who missed 16 years of freedom, family events, friends, and much, much more, for being wrongfully accused.

    This powerful story can be read in the new book – “Unseal Your Superpowers: Letters To Inspire The Hero Within You” by Lauren Brill.
    (See bottom for link to book).

    So much of my life with you I let myself die inside by not behaving as my authentic self.

    I was in a stranglehold with you that even the Hulk would not be strong enough to combat your grasp.

    Despite you letting go of that fiercely tight grip, I have the scars to show for it.

    After years of healing, the scar’s are still there. All but so faint, no amount of scar cream can make it evaporate.

    The pain of you will always be there, nagging me like a tag on the back of a shirt.

    I realize that tag is not meant to be ripped off or even taken off as a whole, it’s there as a reminder that sometimes a tag or label will never die, but if you don’t like it you can always use tie dye.

    Despite the tag or label still there, this time, I am going to exchange it for one that fits me! Only me — the authentic me! After all, no one can be me!

    So, I thank you for the lessons you have taught me, cerebral palsy. Now, I’m going to live life authentically and OWN you, tag and all!

    Love your once enemy and now friend,


    Here Is the link to the story mentioned above, and much more.

    We are currently donating a portion of our proceeds (10%) to two charities:

    Lift Our Voices, which aims to transform the American workplace, making it safer and more equitable for everyone, and Team LeGrand, a fundraising arm of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation dedicated to supporting quality-of-life initiatives and treatments for spinal cord injuries.


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  • "If I Miss a Star then I Grab a handful of Clouds."

    15 and pregnant to a monster all because I was trying to escape the pain of my horrific childhood of emotional, mental, and sexual abuse. I allowed myself to get manipulated and trapped time and time again. Even though I was the last person everyone thought would get pregnant including myself, it happened and everyone told me I was messing up my life but I tell you what. Having my kid was my saving grace and likely changed my path for the better. Yes, I continued to make many terrible and embarrassing mistakes along the way but I would come out strong and rise above all that attempted to pull me down into the trenches. I moved from house to house and tried to date after leaving his biological father to find myself with the wrong types over and over again and creating situations for myself that would only destroy me and my son if I allowed it to. I got accepted to modeling and I couldn’t afford my portfolio. I considered joining the Air Force and couldn’t imagine leaving my son that long for training. I worked dead-end jobs over and over and then I gave up, again. I felt defeated. I started thinking, maybe they were right. I worked in a pizzeria with a pedophile boss who would later make the news. But then finally, I would meet a group of people who would help me see my true and worthy self. They didn’t see me as a person young and dumb but encouraged me to keep going and to fight for my future; our future (with my son). So, I did just that. I no longer entertained the idea of needing a man to make my family complete. Instead, I worked full-time as a bartender, went to college full-time, received public assistance, and was a mom full-time while juggling my personal life. I would meet my husband in college, get pregnant twice, then get married. That’s 3 boys and a husband with a college degree! Now I am an office manager of 13 years, and I own my home. I never thought this would ever be my life. Our oldest (27) is getting married to his high school sweetheart of the 9th grade in August (no kids), our middle son (20) is graduated and figuring out his path in life (no kids) and our baby son (17) is a senior in high school, no kids. My point is, I have had more trauma, pain, and disappointment than anyone should have so young. It started in my mother’s womb and carried on for far too long and then I allowed more along the way until I snapped out of the cycle and said no more. I will not allow this to be my life. I deserve and want better. I had a support system and I had dreams. While some of my dreams didn’t happen ultimately my big dream did. All because I didn’t give up and continued chasing my dreams. Mike Tyson said “I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.” My dream, my ultimate dream; health, family, success, love, support, respect, compassion, and understanding. I may have not been able to grab one star and I know I reached for the handful of clouds but boy I tell ya. I have all the stars in the universe right here with me!

    Stephanie Messecar

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  • Thank You, Janice Burgess, For The Backyardigans

    Dear Ms. Burgess,

    I hope this letter makes its way to you in heaven. It saddens me that it took the news of your passing to learn that you were the one who created the cute cartoon show, The Backyardigans.

    I was entering my 20s and living with my oldest sister and niece in Maryland, when I discovered your show. My niece and I were enjoying another kid’s show called The Wonder Pets. It took a little while for me to get into that show. But, once I did, I enjoyed it to the point where I believed I enjoyed that show as much as my niece did.

    It was a blast watching the three main characters on The Wonder Pets have their adventures and talk to other animals in their world.

    Once I was eager to watch The Wonder Pets, I noticed your show, The Backyardigans would come on before The Pets. It looked interesting. But I wasn’t sure I would like it as much as The Wonder Pets. I’m so glad I was wrong about that.

    Slowly but surely, my niece and I would start watching The Backyardigans as much as The Wonder Pets.

    Listening to the theme song of The Backyardigans was always a great way to start the day when I was babysitting my niece. It was also fun seeing what the main characters would be up to in the episodes we saw together.

    Watching my niece light up when your show and The Wonder Pets came on TV made me light up in seeing how happy you made her. She’s 16 now– which is hard for me to believe. But I’ll always remember those times I had with her watching your show and The Wonder Pets early in the morning.

    So thank you, Ms. Burgess, for creating a show that gave me memories with my niece as well as all the other work you’ve done. Just from looking at some of your photos online, you looked like you were a sweet person who gave other people joy.


    Gerald Washington

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  • Hello...

    Hello Everyone!
    I’m new to The Unsealed. The site caught my eye because of the backstory and I believe the contests seem interesting. I’m a writer with a handful of poems published.
    This is my first letter so I thought I’d introduce myself briefly. I am a recovering addict with some mental health issues. I also have two daughters and a grandson. I live in the house my grandparents raised me in before they passed away.
    When I’m not reading or writing, I enjoy photography, swimming, hiking, listening to music, traveling to places I’ve never been and painting ceramics.
    I’m also a Scorpio.

    Donetta Sifford

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    • Welcome to The Unsealed, Donetta! Your introduction is truly beautiful, and your devotion for writing shines through. Your journey of healing and strength is inspiring, and it’s wonderful to hear about your creative goals and love for exploration. I look forward to reading more of your letters and sharing in this community with you.

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  • MLT I 💜 you!

    Mikaela Lauren Tick,

    March 7th is your birthday. I was planning to post this on the 6th, as it would fit the theme… premature, or just because this is so hard to get through that I wanted to do it early.

    Then again, it is the 6th in California, where my sister lives – who is due to give birth on the 9th.

    So, who knows, she can be getting contractions as I write this! .

    Hello future Weber,

    For future comparison, please note: the line below details what time this sentence was written:
    Sentence was completed at 9:33 pm 3.6.24 (PST)

    I will see you soon!


    Uncle Jakey💜

    Anyway, back to the premature thing.

    MLT YOU💜 ME because I was born prematurely at 1lbs 13 oz, giving me cerebral palsy – It feels really weird to be talking about myself in YOUR bday card, CONVENIENTLY weird!

    Your favorite thing to do was to ASK me how I was doing and there to share all the moments with me🥲

    Alright, let us get back to MYSELF🤔 I think that would make everyone happy😂

    In all seriousness, you ARE at your HAPPIEST when the attention is on others. I’ll take it and run!

    Our relationship iS STILL as close as ever!

    I may not be able to physically hug you, but I know YOU ARE STILL HERE because I see the signs:

    Whether it’s with family or things that I do, I do NOT doubt that you did not have anything to do with Lexi, finding a Jeffrey, Ryan finding a Pamela (I’m a little upset with that one because there is only one Pamela Tick, but that’s ok, Pamela’s maiden name is Katz (like Nanny Sheila’s)!

    The Unsealed with LAUREN, my psychologist —who has a disability, and lost a cousin, my best friend, Mack, who I met at a special Olympics event!

    In these ways, YOU ARE IMPACTING EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY ME, SHOWING ME, that love can be experienced by ANYONE, ANYWHERE, disability or not!

    I would say, until we see each other next time, but I see you EVERYDAY!

    Until I can give you a PHYSICAL HUG, sending all of them up into HEAVEN! That and a Black & White Cookie for Papa Donald!


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    • Hey Jake, I hope your sister’s delivery goes smoothly. I know your presence is felt every day, and your impact on everyone’s lives is undeniable.

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  • Kayla Dior shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 2 months ago

    I Am Most Like My Dad When….

    I hated my dad’s classes. He would take out his “Black Tapes”, his Black Law books, and his printed-out thick packets of information from whatever minister or professor he liked then and turn on his computer. It was only occasionally, but the topics of our history always left me feeling uneasy. As I’ve grown, I realized it wasn’t his fault the topics were oppressive to deal with, but I am fortunate he tried to prepare me for the outside world I was entering.

    He is good at that.

    I was homeschooled and in one of our many classes, I remember he made my brother and I draw a circle on the page in front of us and write these words.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I admired his way of storing and sharing information. His eyes lit up when he had the chance to but other times, he just kept his head in a book or focused on the new installment of monitors on his desk; only to interact again when his friends were around. The people who seemed to matter most.

    What he does to me, I do to him. Even though in the deepest parts of our hearts all we want to do is hug each other. We choose to dance around it. We hurt each other, but we do it with love. I know it makes no sense, yet it’s true. I say nothing to protect us and he tells me nothing to keep my image of him from being damaged forever.

    Everything he taught me I absorbed. I stood on a podium and to 300 people. I told them that quote he told me. I made them make a circle with their hands and recite these words, again.

    “The space inside this circle represents my realm of knowledge. All that I think I know about whatever I think know is depicted right here within this circle! I must keep in mind that there is more to know than what is within the circumference of my awareness.”

    I saw him watch me and I could feel how proud he was without having to look. There are moments when I love him with my whole heart and there are moments when I can’t because it hurts. But I always listen to him, just like I know he listens to me.

    I love you in the way rain always escapes the forecast. It surprises me how much I always forget my umbrella. I love you and it’s hard because it’s hard to love myself sometimes.

    We talk and clash because we both want to be right and since he can’t respond I will part with a piece of his song:

    A baby boy, amazing grace. The 20th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the eldest of three.

    This sounds like me:

    A baby girl, amazing grace. The 25th of July, a special day. A father’s smile and mother’s tear. Through that special reunion, I appear. So full of life and so many dreams. Raised in the ghetto the youngest of three.

    And this part sounds like us:

    Plans were made to visit Grandma and them. But underneath pops’ wings is where you’ll find me. Right before bed was the best of times. I swear moms can read a book and make it come to life. But maybe life pressure got to Mom and Dad. Made them change directions from the ones they had. Buckets of tears running down my face as I watch in pain my hero’s separating.

    But with me and you, there are no separations.

    Kayla Dior

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    • Thank you Kayla for sharing your heartfelt letter. It’s clear that your relationship with your dad is complex and filled with both love and challenges. Despite the difficulties, it’s clear that there is a deep bond between you two.
      Your dad’s approach to teaching and sharing knowledge is admirable. The circle exercise he had you do, showing the…read more

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      • I appreciate you taking the time to read my work! He is truly someone I admire despite as you put it the difficulties. It’s an exercise I come back to often. I hope to encourage others not to forget there is always more to know than we realize.

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