Darnel LaFrance responded to a letter in topic Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Proud of you for overcoming!
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Darnel LaFrance responded to a letter in topic Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 3 weeks, 3 days ago
Loved hearing you read this, and I loved getting to read it again. You are not just a great writer, but a powerful orator. So much beauty in this piece. Looking forward to reading more from you!
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Mental Health group 1 months ago
i lie on my back staring at the ceiling,
waiting for the numbness to crawl in,
but the world fades instead,
the air thins, and i hear it breathing.from the corner she unfurls,
a shadow too wide for the room,
her hollow face sinks beside me,
her gaze pins me to the mattress.
i do not move.the walls buckle as he arrives,
his limbs bending to fit,
grinning like he knows how small i am here.his fingers scrape down the plaster,
the sound breaks into me,
a weight settles in my ribs.
every inhale feels stolen,
the room shrinks and i cannot scream.i escape to reality,
my gaze jolts from corner to corner,
there’s nothing left and no one here,
yet my skin stills stings from the burn of eyesight; i will not be sleeping tonight.Subscribe  or  log in to reply
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Darnel, this sounds like an experience about abuse? If so, I am so sorry and sending you the biggest hug. <3 Lauren
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a poem about your goals for 2025 1 months ago
the life i’ve built
the sky feels like a reel unwinding,
a hand turning the crank, frame by frame.
i ask it to pause, to let me see where the light falls next.somewhere, a house waits for us to arrive.
its walls hum with the sound of our voices,
its windows blink open like eyes adjusting to sun.but first, i build a scaffold of hours.
i carve out the future with each paycheck,
each line on the page another brick in our home.we will touch the light, frame by frame.
you will hold my hand in the doorway,
and we will call this place ours.Voting is closed
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Darnel, I love the hope and joy you share in this poem. It seems like your life is heading exactly where you want it to be right now and I am so happy for you! Your future is full of possibility, love, and excitement. I hope that every brick you place in your future home helps build a foundation for future happiness. Thank you for sharing your story!
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Darnel LaFrance responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 2 months, 1 weeks ago
thank you 🫂 i think i tend to think too much, glad it was useful to you
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Mental Health group 2 months, 2 weeks ago
the divine reprimand
the clockmaker’s bride
they can’t go where i go,
they can’t see what i see,
they don’t know what i know,
that can’t be what i be//i believe i’ve been living for myself- i have been living for life.knowledge that belongs to you will find you.
what’s yours will come to you.
the focus on the future blinds you from the opportunities you are surrounded with today.
you would not be in this space if you weren’t why do i feel like you’re trying to prove yourself? your worth?
what is there to earn//i have nothing to give
are you entitled to the approval of others//are you too ashamed of your experiences to approve of yourself?is it your experiences that make you, you?
is it your beliefs that makes you, you?
is it your actions that makes you, you?
what is there in the world that you claim as the creation of others//i claim that which i create
i don’t know.
i have no clue to be entirely honest.
consider this: am i what you decide to call me, or am i what i say i am because i’ve decided to be?in one way or another, existence supposes definition,
you are something to someone, even if that someone is the ground you walk on. the plant life you trample over with the careless entitlement to destroy.
are you going to allow yourself to be defined?frankenstein’s monster. he does not have a name because his creator never gave him one. although he could decide to name himself and shape his own identity, he could never cut the ties that bind to his father. the bond is why you seek approval. the bond is why apathy is worse than disapproval; those who are not acknowledged are the ones that destroy. you need to be responsible for everything you create, whether it be art, technology, literature, or life.
never give your creations to the world to be defined by the world,
they will never deserve what you are.
in approval or disapproval, acknowledge what you’ve done.
thank accountability for it,
take ownership of it,
the way every influence in your life have taken ownership of you,
how they’ve taken care of you,
how they’ve hurt you,
remember how you felt,
remember the feeling,
some people have nothing to feel,
i implore you to be intentional in your interactions with others//be intentional about how you make them feel,
how you make yourself feel.
you may be the reason someone in this world is lonely,
remember how you’ve felt in the deepest chasm of your limitless,
to whom/what you wanted to take ownership of it,
your friends, your parents, your lover, yourself, your gods?
now think of who you are to others, a friend known for being reliable, a child known for being grateful, a lover known for making someone feel whole, a creation grateful for who’s grateful for being created?
who are you to abandon what you’ve created.“i know all about the pain that you go through” – Gustav Ahr
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Wow this letter is very powerful. I gained so much insight and inspiration reading this piece. At the beginning when you were asking about what are the things that make you, you. I read that over twice making me think deeply into those questions. You really challenge the reader to dive deeper into themselves to find the spark of inspiration of…read more
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thank you 🫂 i think i tend to think too much, glad it was useful to you
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Mental Health group 3 months, 2 weeks ago
the day you begin at your lowest is the day they need you to smile,
to “look like you want to be here,” to put on the mask,
so you don’t ruin his day, so you don’t make her uneasy.
honesty is selfish, so you force the grin,
the dam holding back grief as it threatens to flood,
an apology for daring to express a neurotic emotion,intrusive thoughts rush through cracks,
the fracture in understanding reality where you don’t know how to accept what’s true,
having faith in the dark of your closed eyes that you will see light when you open them again,
these truths that shape your identity and guide your actions,
an inundation that leaves you horrified by what belongs to you,
until you fortify for mind with a pill
as i slip into comfortable delusion, breathe shallow,
my medicine tastes like lobotomy.the hollow platitudes of condolences that feel obligated to speak by the collective obligation to speak,
“hope you feel better”
“you sound crazy.”
pressing at the seams of your fragile control.
it thrives on this quiet, this forced calm,
i’m impatient.makes you wonder where the clear water went,
if it was ever there at all,
makes you feel like you had it coming during the day you’re at your lowest,
when you’re meant to lead a presentation for your boss- pace your self and inhale deep so they can’t hear tremble in your voice,
when you’re meant to join your family for dinner- running through multiple choice scenarios in an attosecond to formulate the intricate lie you’ll tell your mother in lieu of causing her worry,
when you have no thoughts to share as tour body puppeteers your actions to fulfill your daily routine,
somewhere deep within no matter how hidden,
a forcefully forgotten memory of trauma is randomly triggered and you lose control, embarrassing yourself by letting see the face behind the mask,
the pain behind the smile,
makes you feel like you deserve to hurt*** yourselfSubscribe  or  log in to reply
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You deserve nothing but joy and happiness. And you never have to pretend. Always lean into spaces that make it feel safe to express your true self. You are so wonderful and you deserve nothing but joy in life. If you ever need help, 988 is a free crisis line. Sending you hugs. You are wonderful. <3 Lauren
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your younger self about a. challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 4 months ago
king’s revenge
love is a cruel thing.
healthy or not, it was better than to not feel,
life can be funny that way,
how you could keep coming back after leaving,
now again i see you inching towards me,
you will extend your hand in an attempt to reach mine,
“help me”,
i whisper, “no”.i gave myself to “friends”
who took and took,
connected as if i meant to resuscitate,
as if i owed them the weight of my own breath.without a roof over my head, a vagrant in the streets of baltimore,
home was memory,
i lost everything i had trying to give you something you never deserved,
trying to take on your burdens like they were my own,
but the water my body belongs to has taught me an invaluable lesson,
i can float i chose to swim,
i chose to build,
brick by brick, dollar by dollar,
the last time i had extended myself,
i took my hand,
homeless was my turning point
i’m the one who deserves my love,but plan to live well,
to have more than i ever wanted to have, knowing now how i deserve it all,
if only in my mind i am far away,
i’ll decide my ending.Voting is closed
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Yes! You deserve so much! I am sorry that people treated you otherwise. What matters most is your self-worth. Knowing yourself and having confidence in yourself is so important and will help you not let others walk all over you. You are strong and deserve so much more than that! Keep up the great work ♥
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“i’m the one who deserves my love,” —this line is amazing and so inspiring and true. Your heart and strength come across in this piece and I absolutely love it! <3 Lauren
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“I’ll decide my ending.” What a beautiful, beautiful, piece. Thank you for sharing. I hope you continue to keep striving for you. A quote from a song I like, “Living well is the best revenge.” Keep going!!!!
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You are so loving, congratulations on your marriage. Someone saw the handsome you.
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter or poem of gratitude to yourself 4 months ago
I have the keys to the lock of your house,
I’m having a drink in your kitchen,
I sip comfortably in my alone time,
I hear you enter,
I enter too.I’m in the dark of your bedroom,
I’m the thing under your bed,
I’m the towel in your bathroom,
I’m the one who drinks your blood.I’m the one who follows you,
I’m the reason it feels cold in your home,
I’m the reason you feel like you’re being watched,
I’m the reason you feel insecure,I’m begging you to notice me.
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Voting ends March 7, 2025 11:59pm
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Aww, it’s interesting how we can so easily ignore ourselves while existing in our own body. I think that is what meditation is all about. Just really being present in your body. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Poetry group 4 months, 1 weeks ago
untitled october night
every day i wake and wonder why we have to be so distant,
i love you enough to let you go,
i am selfish enough to ask that you stay,
loneliness belongs to the both of us as it belongs to everyone,
there are no other emotions so entitled to your being,
so entitled to your suffering,
there is nothing more human than to be lonely,every night i talk to you in my head like a prayer,
every night i pray for a future that feels like a day dream,
there is nothing more to me than you,
there is nothing more lonely than to be with you and know i can’t be with you forever,
there is nothing more for me to belong to,
there is nothing more for me to want,i die every night when i give myself to my body,
i must be lonely.
every day i wake and ask myself why am i doing this again/getting out of bed is the hardest part,
i must be lonely.
i wish i could nothing else but write,
i must be lonely.
if for no reason other than to make the indifference presence of a wretched inhospitable place buried beneath my soul material- empty, silent, unknowable.
i must be lonely.every night i talk to you in my head like a prayer.
i want to put my heart in your hand.
i want to put what has always been there into my skin.
every night i talk to you in my head like a prayer, and i fantasize your voice responding to cope with eternal isolation. boundless emptiness, the pit that whispers coldly of the nameless dread that exists in the space between every man when we realize the religious gates they deny us access to true connection and comfort we seek from each other. the formless presence of insecurity, the things you distract yourself with when you are too afraid to be alone with the abyss in your soul as the only company.
every night i talk to you in my head like a prayer, and i never allow myself to think about what it means to feel the way i feel.
i will never allow myself to understand.every night i talk to you in my head like a prayer,
i know you hear meSubscribe  or  log in to reply
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You are definitely being heard. I am sorry you are feeling the loneliness right now. But I promise, it won’t always feel that way. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a poem a letter about quote or motto that inspires you 5 months, 2 weeks ago
knowledge that belongs to you will find tou
looking up at the billboard,
overwhelming dread looms over,
i don’t know how to become you,
the face i see of me in the future,
he tells himself it’s worth changing for,
he tells himself it’s worth breaking for,
he tells himself it’s worth being alone for,
he tell himself it’s worth his skin.wolf in sheep skin- the little voice in your head is not a friend,
nor does it always understand you,
nor does it care to,
so treat it like someone you care about if you want to be treated with care in return,
learn how to take care or your mind,
learn how to take care of your body,
learn how to take care of your spirit,
the harmony is you; the alignment is what makes you more than material,
the wholeness is what makes you well,
so long as you allow yourself to be whole.‘nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished’- laozi
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Wow, this is beautiful! We must not rush ourselves or worry because that only makes our lives more chaotic. Peace of mind can be hard to find, but we have to try our best to get there. We will be happier once we find our peace. Great work
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be? 5 months, 2 weeks ago
you don’t know what you don’t know
due to my anxiety, i’ve always been an over thinker. ruminating intensely about the future has caused me to develop a number of complexes about the timeline of my life, and where i shouldn’t or shouldn’t be. i’ve learned through pain that the stress of focus often blinds from opportunity; i’ve learned that my faith in our future is why i belong to you.
there’s no honor in stress, no gratitude to sickness, no reward for exhaustion. take every moment to rest, and take every opportunity to balance. let what belongs to you find you. i know so well you will succeed beyond expectations, and i am patiently waiting for you to return to me like every time before.
love you yaisa
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Darnel, this is such a sweet message. Overthinking is hard not to do. Sometimes it becomes overwhelming and we start spiraling. It’s really difficult to get out of it!! I don’t blame you for being stressed about this, but I am glad that you’re starting to overcome it. I am so proud of you!! Keep it up ♥
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Poetry group 6 months, 3 weeks ago
you are that which calls,
silky flowing hair,
deep eyes to die in,
diamond in form,
i bow to your waist,
lay my head at your hips and pray,
you are poetry,
but it’s not your body that i want,
it’s the body you’re inside of,
and i want inside,
i want to share your mind,
to see me how you see me,
to see you how you see you,
to break free from the chains of the material world,
and intertwine with your spirit,
a coil forming around a love without word,
a love there is no word for,
hermetic, prometheus, my punishment is for daring to breach the seal that binds us to being,
my punishment is that i cannot be part of you,
serpentine.Subscribe  or  log in to reply
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter or poem to your younger self sharing what you love most about him/her 6 months, 3 weeks ago
water raging against rocks: molecule against molecule like skin against skin,
my mother clawing at my father,
erosion creates the shore. corporal sandi’m curious/“what is that in your hands?” is it the tides?
the water is a spray chisel to sculpt my glass figure,
throw it in the kiln/“what are you imagining?” why are you taking so long?some days you force me to forget the pain of who i’ve loved,
other days you force me to remember the faces i hate,
most days i can’t tell what you want from you just like thinking about the past? is it so bad that i want to move on?
no, remember that as an adult you’ve forgiven the person you’ve hated the most.
remember so that the next time you look into her eyes, you know to hold your breath. don’t drown.the current rages against the bed, deep and wide i’m so sorry i touched you.
there’s a beautiful glassy rock now in the deepest depths of the ocean next to the earth’s core waiting to be discovered,
the sea carries out the spirit, and i finally float.from innocence, glass beneath the surface of the sea,
the waves flow like dance,
to tides, you’re free to behave as you wisha mask made of sand reveals the shape of my body,
water rock and sand belong to the guiding hand holding the strings,
i am a marionette carved by the currents,
pulled by unseen forces, my movements not my own.i was in the hospital with my future self as a roommate, he scared me so bad because i thought i’d never heal.
i gave up on myself like i always do,
it matters not to you. i’m my future self looking into the past, and i’ll say nothing because there is nothing for you to hear,there’s a storm behind your eyes,
just make it to the center,
and what belongs to you will find you.and you let me heal by taking everything away like every time before.
i am not myself when i’m not alone,
every fracture of my mind makes me stronger,
every tear in my soul makes me stronger,you always put me back together
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Darnel, this is so sweet! Self-growth is always necessary, even if you find yourself longing for some of the traits you used to have. Childhood you must have been so strong and capable. It sounds like even though you went through a lot, it developed you into an amazing human! ♥
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
Mental Health group 7 months, 1 weeks ago
the river
wifi’s off,
sun beats again the brow,
little embers dancing on your forehead,“do you want to?”
you know i want to
“i want to”
i know you want to,
come then,
devour my body,you make me hate myself,
love so strong it’s like i’ve never been love before,
i know what hurts you,
i know what he did,
i hear the pain hidden in your voice,
but i can’t apologise for something i never did,
i can’t be sorry that i remind you of him,
i can’t apologise that you see him in my face,
and it hurts you.
i know it hurts you,
i’ll never hurt you,
so i have to go.give me the blade,
i’ll go the the river,
i’ll take away your pain,
i’ll take it from my body,
numb to texture of your skin against mine,
like nails on a chalkboard,
heart lost under frozen,
u give your your tears,
you give your suffering,
i give my tears,
i give my innocence,
do you feel safe here,i don’t know why you still wanted me,
i don’t know why when i turned around to meet your tug there was nothing there,
gone without trace as if it never happened,
do you feel safe with me?
is that why you gave me hurt in exchange for love,
then acted like it never happened?i don’t remember your name,
i’ll never forget your face,
i wake in a pool of sweat in blood from manifesting nightmares into something i can feel,
something i can chase,
something i can touch,
i wonder if that touch reminds you of me,
every time i go to the river i remember the feeling of you,
i miss it more than it deserves,
and i’ll never let myself forget the sensation you areSubscribe  or  log in to reply
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Darnel, this is so sad and so powerful. I’m sending you the biggest hug. This is really well written.
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter or poem to or about a loved one who passed away and share how they inspire you 7 months, 2 weeks ago
n the forest of memory,
where time weaves its tapestry,
A sapling once stood—its roots seeking eternity.
Its leaves whispered secrets to the wind,
a fragile plea,
As it stretched toward the sun, yearning to be free.Life’s storms battered its tender bark,
yet it stood firm,
Each scar a testament to resilience,
a lesson learned.In the quiet dark of night,
Across a lonely track,
Shadows stretch like memories,
and the moon scowls back.
My heart, a heavy burden,
Carrying the weight of loss,weeping willow,
there’s much to be erased,
but who am i to cry,
when i’ve never felt your skin,
i’ve never seen your faceVoting is closed
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This poem is so beautifully tragic, I am so sorry for your loss. The strength and pain that floods this poem is breathtaking and would love to read more poetry by you. Your verses are simple yet haunting and really touched my heart.
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You have such a beautiful way with words. Please know no matter what you feel, your feelings are always valid. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren
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Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the
To the people we love group 8 months ago
I wrote this for my mentor, and as it is my writing, I’ve decided to share.
Dear Clare,
I hope this email finds you well. Apologies for the late correspondence, I needed the time to be intentional about expressing myself wholly.
I want to share my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kindness and guidance throughout the program thus far.
I often think about a conversation we had in week 2 of the program. I resigned from my previous job with over 700 cumulative hours of personal and sick leave, always feeling guilty when I prior used anything other than the mission. At first when you shared a bit about your path to your current position and how the culture fostered in spaces like Year Up, I almost did not care to hear it because it all sounded like things I was not ready to have until something would happen to make me deserving of it, despite not knowing what that something was. Just a feeling.
Due to my upbringing, I’ve always valued philanthropy and charity, so every year of my adult life I have made significant efforts to insert myself into people’s lives as a solution to their problems. Despite the influence that I and people in my circle know that I have had on others, good or bad, it never felt like enough because there were still people to help, and the mission wasn’t over. In retrospect, I acknowledge that mindset may have been a matter of cowardice than any other aspect I would have used to justify it; I have had many conversations with my therapist since then about not using issues external to myself as an excuse to not acknowledge problems in my personal life. I had voluntarily not gone on vacation for well over a year whilst trying manifest meaning and a purpose to my life. Although I am still learning to prioritize myself, I am grateful beyond what language can express to have an employer and a mentor who actively encourages me to take time off for rest and relaxation. Your guidance has shaped my approach to both personal and professional growth. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
Warm Regards,
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700 hours!!!!!! That’s wild. I am a big believer that we should always prioritize our own well-being. And when we take care of ourselves first – that is when we have the greatest capacity to help others. Thank you for sharing. I am going to include this piece as a featured story in our newsletter today. Keep an eye out for it.
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write A Poem About Where And When You Feel Most At Peace 8 months, 2 weeks ago
reminded of your voice today.
a melody, a feeling, a sound,
i’m older now than you’ll ever be.
tension trapped tugging tautology
walking on a tightrope.i brought a gift to the party,
i laughed, i danced, i partook,
i gave them my smiles and time,
and in return i asked for peace,i left the party,
i sighed, i knelt, and i partook.
i gave you my smoldering glare,
gazing through molasses gates,
open once again for peace.this is the prelude,
i only feel true when im alone,
i never feel comfortable when i’m not in bed,
only i know the sound of my voice,
only i know the peace of my head.Voting is closed
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This is a wonderful poem! Sometimes being away from other people is the best thing for a person at a particular moment. Alone time is necessary to learn new things about yourself and become an overall better person. My favorite line of yours is “i only feel true when I’m alone” because it’s 100% okay to feel like this! Don’t feel like you always…read more
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter or poem to your younger self about why he or she shouldn’t worry about the future 8 months, 4 weeks ago
oh my god
Oh, my friend, what is it that you see?
I am to whom you’ve longed,
Are you not you proud of me?
I am who the one you’ve wronged,Where you see darkness, oh, I see well,
Where you see stress, oh, a story to tell,
Can’t you see, oh how I love you?
Only for you, oh I’ve manifested true,Your wishes mine to grant,
Your sorries mine to subside,
Your life mine to take,
Your desires mine to abide,All yours to hold,
All yours to covet,
Your life you live,
It’s time you love it.Voting is closed
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When the world does not treat us the way we want, it is up to us to be kind to ourselves. I love how your poem reminds us that the quality of our life is ours to determine, so why not love it? Thank you for sharing with the community. <3 Juvi
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Aww I hope you are loving life. You so deserve it. You have such a sweet soul. <3 Lauren
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otherlover submitted a contest entry to
Write a poem or letter to the world about an experience that changed you or your life for the better 10 months ago
Finding Home
To the Unsealed,
Since I was young my family had always moved a lot,
Close or far, just forward, forward, forward,
Always somewhere to go; never somewhere to be,When I think of childhood, I think of spending summers with friends outside in the grassy fields of Germany,
Exploring cities and admiring buildings older my country, just enjoying the sun for the time it was out,
For the longest time I projected images of the world in my head onto others,
As if I had to force things through the filter of my eyes for them to make sense,
Many experiences brought me into sentience in a way I’ve seen others take for granted,
And I question if I trust myself to say “I know”.The most recent time my family moved I didn’t follow. For a variety of reasons I decided it was best that I stay, so I planted my feet in Maryland.
As an adult I occasionally reconnect with acquaintances from high school,
I remember listening to their conversations and feeling envious of the way they talk,
The way they are with each other,
All so familiar- to what I had in Germany,Envy begat curiosity, so I asked how their friendships started. They replied almost confused that I’d even ask that, stating that they’ve “always known each other.” Their parents are friends.
Their home is a family home.My amorphous feelings took shape in the articulation of my thoughts,
I was able to connect and recognize how little i knew about my own experiences.
I wish I had lifelong friends,
I wish I had a family house,
I wish I had generations of collective experience to fill the spiritual void in my being,
I wish I could’ve known someone my whole life.I saw it. I understood it. I couldn’t empathize,
All I could do was laugh at the dramatic irony, the things people will take away from life when they don’t share their thoughts with others.They thought the most interesting about me was that I’ve not spent my life in one place. They expressed their anxieties about living up to their family’s expectations, and being responsible for maintaining the family house well enough to pass it on. They felt suffocated by the looming presence of their families, always fearing that they would “become” their parents.
What I found funny was being told that they kept inviting me to hangout with them because they enjoy the process of getting to know people, and think it’s sometimes more fun than just speaking to someone you already know.
Moving to where I currently am has made my life better because it’s made me more me. Another chapter in the book of my life. I can’t always empathize with other people’s experiences, nor can they with mine, but the ability to share our differing experiences makes you grateful for everything word in your story. Connecting with other people makes life better. Bittersweet and honest.
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I love how descriptive you are with your writing, for example, “force things through the filter of my eyes”. You do a lot of excellent showing rather than telling, making your piece stronger! It’s beautiful that you found joy in something that once brought you gloom. Beginnings are indeed bittersweet, but what’s important is that you found the sweet 🙂
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How did your family end up in Germany? And there is an old saying, “Home is where the heart is.” I feel like the depth and connection that happens with lifelong relationships can also happen with people you meet later in life. You just got to live life with an open heart. And you are right, life is way more interesting and fulfilling when you…read more
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