

  • Time carries on when we don't

    I wanted to write an introduction to this piece because this is not about one, it’s about a few of my family members that have passed.

    To the lost and the lonely:
    When I think of you I think of all of the obstacles that you’ve overcome in Your short life and the inspiration and sadness you left behind. Every one of you have inspired me whether it be suicide or a drug overdose I wonder, You checked out early. the Saddened reality of life starts to wash over your emotions, comes in slowly but fiercely Your conscience tells you no, but your mental state overpowers, give me one good reason why I had to stay here when you all took the easy way out and were able to let yourself be free finally. It’s not an honor to live anymore, You are honored in death they’ll whisper at your funeral, “how could she do that to her own children” “why didn’t anybody say anything”The blame, the grief, the sadness, the regret what could have been and what actually was.
    Did it feel freeing at the bridge where you decided to take the inevitable dive? Did all your memories come flashing before your eyes like they say? Or was it just a jump into nice cold water letting go of everything you couldn’t stop?
    Did you choke on all the pills that you took? were you able to feel any remorse before it took you over? did you think about your family before the inevitable? were you able to realize what you You couldn’t before? did you feel safe? were you cold?
    Did you ever think that someone would be writing this about you thinking about you wondering you’re feelings maybe you thought no one wondered before I can only imagine what courage it took for you to take the final jump or injest the last pill that did you in. Do you feel the same about things now that you’ve passed do you have any regrets where do you think this was the best thing for you. Sometimes I contemplate doing the same but suicide and overdoses are made for people who are scared to face their problems maybe I am afraid Would anybody stop me? Would anybody care? Or would people just say they already knew that this was going to happen to me, because of the turmoil I grew up with Time does carry on when we don’t I guess it’s stronger than us It’s the only thing that keeps going when everything else stops.


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    • Danielle, your raw and thoughtful words paint a powerful picture of the struggles faced by those we have lost. The weight of their choices and the lingering questions they leave behind are heavy on your heart. Your contemplation reminds me of the importance of empathy and understanding.

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  • Bye bye Comfort Zone

    I’ve always been very weary of the unknown and trying new things. Clothes, hobbies, especially food. Mom would try to get me to try new food. Me: “I don’t like it”. Mom: “you never tried it”. Me: “ but I know I won’t like it”. My ex girlfriend was mystified by that thinking lol. My buddy says he has a buddy just like me. Go to a restaurant. Try something new? Why bother? Why deviate from what I know ? From the known?
    The most recent and somewhat terrifying comfort zone was two summers ago. I went to visit my ex girlfriend in Manhattan. She was working for her company in herald square. I hadn’t traveled since 2011. And now i would have to travel post Covid, to an airport in New Jersey , then catch a train to Times Square. Solo. This didn’t match well with my slight anxiety of crowds and the unknown. Lots of crowds. Lots of unknown. I got the courage because I was so excited to go visit her that I just ignored the nervousness, told myself that people do this all the time, and that I’d be fine. I gained the courage because I had no choice haha. But mainly because I couldn’t wait to go see her.
    The outcome of leaving my comfort zone last summer was total success. I got there fine (with maybe a bit of help from some kind folks along the way). The joy of walking down Manhattan and realizing I was going the right direction was so joyful and satisfying. We had a great time. Friday ws one of the best days of my life. We saw so many places. So many new things. Even though she got a little sick on Saturday, I got sent on a solo errand while she rested. An easy one, but I did it. And we made the best of that night. And made it to Times Square the next day before I left. I was so glad that I went out on that ledge, so to speak. Turned out so great
    My advice to anyone scared of the unknown (including myself) is to forget your fears and just go for it. Take the chance. I’m glad I did last summer that’s for sure. Live those new moments and experiences. I figure it’s better to try and realize it was a good idea or bad idea than to wonder what could have been. Except jumping out of a plane. I don’t need to try that particular adventure.haha. But conquering the unknown one little experience at a time can be pretty satisfying. This I’ve learned and hopefully will continue to do so
    James Corrao

    James Corrao

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    • Jim, I remember you told this story in one of our zooms before. I love it even more now reading it than I did when you told it. It’s really sweet. It shows your heart, and what happens when your passion is stronger than your fears,

      I love this part: “My advice to anyone scared of the unknown (including myself) is to forget your fears and just go…read more

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      • Jim replied 6 months ago

        Hi Lauren. Thanks so much for the kind words 😊
        Yeah it was a little daunting. But still worth it, even now knowing how things are w her. I wouldn’t change anything at all. It was so rewarding.
        A plane huh? Well if I know you even a little, if it’s something you decide you wanna do, you will do it. I know that 100% 😊
        Happy to be on the jou…read more

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 9 months, 2 weeks ago

    A lack of confrontation

    I’m all alone walking and I’m stoned feel the night rise behind my back I’ve got a flashlight but it’s still black
    I think it’s lack of comprehension but I’m not sure there’s no simple way that I can cure the tension
    Intervention, still alone hanging by a thread on the edge of the world
    Oh, did I forget to mention
    My dear you’ve gone to far
    It was a slight intention by
    Regression, back to basics
    Stay to listen to my submission
    While I revise my inclination.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, this is well-written and powerful. But you are never alone. You always have your unsealed family, and I am sure you also have many friends. Keep writing <3 Lauren

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  • How in the world did I end up here?

    This weekend, I was standing on top of a hill with a fortress and a lighthouse that overlooked the Mediterranean Sea in a small beach town in Spain called Tossa De Mer. It was absolutely breathtaking. And I never even heard of this place before we arrived. All I could think was, “How in the world did I get here?”

    Flashback five years ago, I was at a job in Ohio, and I was not particularly happy for many reasons. Guided by a strong intuition (and maybe my misery as well), I left my career as a sportscaster to start my own company, theunsealed.com. We are a platform that allows people to share personal stories in an effort to use writing to transform pain into power. If you know me, you know The Unsealed fuels my soul. It makes me excited to wake up in the morning and fills my life with meaning and purpose. For the first three years after starting my company, I worked every single day – most of the time, ten hours a day. No vacations. No days off. And I was perfectly happy doing so.

    Personally, I have always enjoyed dating and the attention that comes with it, but after two very serious relationships in my early and mid-twenties, for a long time, I didn’t want anything serious. I always feared that a relationship would and could hold me back, especially when I was a sportscaster, and I didn’t know what city or what job would be next. However, as I became more certain that The Unsealed was what I wanted to do and could do with my life, I became cautiously more open to the idea of a partnership.

    Then, after the pandemic, my brother sent me an online flyer for an event. It was called Miami Tech Night; a networking event held every Wednesday in Miami for people who work in tech. My brother thought it would be a great opportunity for me to meet people in my industry. So, as I usually do, I followed my brother’s advice. It was maybe my second or third time attending when this tall, handsome man approached me and asked me what I did for a living. I happily told him, and then he shared a little bit about his career. As we chatted more and more, he revealed that he had started a successful online business in his 20s and sold it. I was impressed, intrigued, and inspired. He invited me to my favorite taco spot down the street to continue the conversation after the event. We quickly realized we had similar interests and family values.

    From there, we started spending time together almost daily. Every week seemed to get better and better. So, one day, about three months into our relationship, I suggested getting away from Miami for a few weeks during the summer. Summers are so hot, muggy, and humid in Miami. I proposed L.A., and he said he had wanted for a while to take this massive three-month trip to Europe. He asked if I would be willing to come along. In theory, it sounded amazing, but I needed to work! Plus, leaving my dog for that long would not be easy for me.

    My parents agreed to watch my dog, and my boyfriend promised me I could work as much as I wanted on the trip. He’s been where I am, so he gets it. I agreed to go, and for the first time maybe ever, I am figuring out how to have a work-life balance, waking up early to work before we go out for an excursion, and finding cafes in every city to continue to put in at least eight hours every weekday. Instead of resenting me, my boyfriend pushes me to wake up early and goes to play tennis when he doesn’t have his own work to get done.

    At night and on the weekends, when we have time, we have the most incredible experiences exploring the world together, visiting castles in Portugal, wandering the Gothic Quarter in Barcelona, and getting lost in the public transportation system somewhere in Europe (super grateful to the restaurant owner who called us a taxi).

    There is no way if you told me five years ago I would be here right now, I would believe you. But as I sit in a cafe in Spain and reflect, I realize I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.

    With love,

    P.S. Special shoutout to my boyfriend – thank you for believing in me, pushing me, loving me, and inspiring me. And thank you for speaking three languages. We certainly would get far more lost otherwise!


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    • I love this story. This inspires me to hold onto faith and to let things happen on its own. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. I’m happy you were able to balance work and travel.

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    • Lauren!!! I love this line “I don’t know exactly where my life is headed, but I do know how I got where I am right now. And that is by personally and professionally following my heart.” It’s exactly the space I’m in where life can be so mysterious. While that can be unsettling there is hope in knowing that by following our dreams and what we l…read more

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      • Thank you so much. I have more faith now than ever that if you follow your heart, things have a funny way of falling into place. <3 Lauren

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    • This is my favorite story

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    So it’s the mid-90s and you think you’re the coolest shit in your school, You’ve got a lot to learn. your young you still have a chance to do it the right way. don’t pay any mind to anyone whose negative and can’t see the good in you. You are a composer a director of you own fate. It’s crazy one minute your 5 eating dirt drinking Kool aid and getting your ass beat by a belt god knows why… Then your 13, relationships and emotions take hold. And you can’t remember if you a boy or a girl.
    These are confusing times that you will always remember.
    16 comes and you think your all that, you suddenly become all knowing, your to busy to pay attention and you’ve got better things to do. it all will make sense later.
    If your lucky you might just remember some stupid advice that someone might have said to you when you were stubborn and thought the world owed you something.
    When you have children the most important thing to remember is that you were a teenager once too.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, being a teenager is soo confusing for so many of us. So, I totally relate to you there. Live moves so fast, and you are right. It is so important we never forget who we were at different points of our lives. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Danielle, I apologize for any trauma you felt during your teenage years. You shined so bright through it all and that is so so commendable and brave. Being confused as a teenager is completely allowed. Being confused as an adult is completely allowed. Life is hard to be gentle with yourself, then now and always! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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  • Oh you pretty little thing

    Used and abused, but I still love you.
    Tattered and torn, but still going strong.
    Beaten and whipped, but still a little human.
    Im sorry didn’t pay attention to you and your will to keep on. sorry I didn’t take better care of you
    Now age sets in , paper mache skin wrapped around brittle bones, like a flag to a pole with out the glory.
    No more curves no more flow
    Sinking into the earth where I belong
    Where I was made, where I feel safe

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle this is well written. While I am glad you feel safe, you should still feel proud of your body. Sounds like your body is quite strong and perseverant! And that’s something to love and cherish, even if, at times, you weren’t always kind to your body. Sending love. Thanks for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Danielle,
      It is never too late to change the trajectory of your life. You can now live a more healthy life and that will make you strong physically and mentally. I wish you all the best!


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  • This is why I am making the world my workplace for the summer

    As a kid, I was adventurous, riding rollercoasters at age five, going on a plane by myself at seven, and willing to travel just about anywhere up through my college years. I am not sure if it was the pandemic or the tragedies we see daily in the news, or maybe just me getting older, but somehow, along my journey, my fearless spirit began to fade.

    In April, my boyfriend (of just a few months at the time) proposed a trip of a lifetime, three months of traveling all over Europe while working remotely. In theory, it sounded amazing. I went to Europe in my teens and early 20s and loved it. But three months is a long time away from my family and dog, and Europe feels so distant from home. I was scared to go.

    Nonetheless, knowing how much my boyfriend wanted to travel and how wonderful an opportunity and privilege this trip truly is, I agreed to go with him. However, during the three weeks leading up to the trip, I had two separate back spasms/herniated discs, and, for the first time in my life, I fainted and hit my head pretty hard. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe not. But I definitely felt very anxious.

    Once we made it to our apartment in Barcelona, Spain, I felt slightly more at ease. So far, we’ve walked for miles and miles along the beach, not knowing where we were going or what we wanted to do. We’ve tried delicious food that was possibly worth the ensuing stomachache. And I have attempted to speak and understand a language I do not know. All the while, my boyfriend and I are beginning to learn more about each other’s quirks as we fully live together for the first time.

    As I sit here writing in a cafe in Barcelona, eating new food, working on The Unsealed, and listening to various languages in a city I don’t know very well at all, I am now hopeful that getting a little lost in this world will help me find a part of myself that I thought was long gone.


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    • To be able to travel all over the world is super cool and It’s a great thing that you’ve got you traveling mojo back and that you’re traveling with the one you love. Thank you for sharing

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    • Lauren I am so grateful to have seen your letter. As a young woman that desperately wants to travel but didn’t even go away for school it comforts me in so many ways to see you pushing past your fears and learning how to live in a way that’s such a genuine experience. I pray that soon I’ll be able to tell my own version of this story and I hope to…read more

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      • I somehow missed this response when you wrote it but saw it today. Definitely push yourself outside your comfort zone. It was the best summer of my life, not to mention I fell completely in love with my boyfriend. I was so scared to go and now I want to go back. I can’t wait to hear your story :). Lauren

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Remembering those we lost/GriefRemembering those we lost/Grief group 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    Uncle Lou

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Dear Daddy

    Dear Daddy,
    My earliest memory of you was getting a goodbye kiss in the morning before you would go off to work. I would have my head on the pillow and you leaned down, gave me a kiss on the cheek and say I will see you tonight. I was the oldest of 3 girls so I had some special alone time with you. For example, when I was about 8 years old you took me to work with you. It was very exciting to spend a whole day with you and have you all to myself.
    I have so many beautiful memories because I was blessed to have you for 66 years. Not many people live to that age and can say they still have their Dad. Well I am older now and I have lost you and it now there is a void in my life.You were always my sweet daddy. The man I looked to with love and admiration. I am so glad I was always able to express to you these feelings. You are the reason I am, what I consider, a good person.
    Well life goes on. My children are older and are very good people. They are both hard workers and have good hearts. I have a grandson now. Thank you for giving me so many opportunities in life. You worked hard for your family and your sacrifices are appreciated every day. I was given a great blessing to have you as my father. My loving daddy Calvin David Kalstein, my WW2 navy hero.
    Love, Your forever adoring daughter,


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    • Shelley, your letter touched my heart. Your memories of your father are filled with love and gratitude. He clearly had a profound impact on your life, and his presence will always be cherished. Your own children and grandson are a testament to the values he instilled in you. May your father’s memory continue to inspire and guide you.

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  • Thank you Grandpa Herby

    Dear Grandpa,

    It’s been nearly 25 years since I last saw you, and what I remember most about you is how you made me feel. Whether at dinner on the holidays, playing cards, or sitting in your living room telling stories, you lived with a joy and zest for life that was so effortless, natural, and contagious.

    Growing up, you were very athletic, just like me. So when I would tell you about the plays I made or the goals I scored, you’d say, “That’s my little athlete,” knowing I got my athletic prowess from you. I was very outgoing as a child, telling a stranger my whole life story within the first five minutes of meeting them. Since you were not short of personality at any point in your life, you’d always say, with a grin, “We know where that one came from.”

    When I was around you, I always felt like you loved and believed in me and were proud that I was your granddaughter. Grandpa, you always made me happy, and you always made me smile.

    For many years, you had health problems: diabetes, cancer, and heart problems. During the fall of my first year of high school, you had what felt like your 10th heart attack and passed away the Friday after Thanksgiving. I was devastated. Your death was the first time I lost someone close to me. But I pressed on.

    For years, you told me the rain was good luck. So, to cope, I looked for rain to stay connected to you – a way to know you were still there. Sure enough, it rained on the day I graduated from high school. On August 15th, 2012, which would have been your 85th birthday, I was offered my first full-time on-air sports anchor/reporter job. It was pouring outside. And more recently, when I met my boyfriend, who treats me so well and makes me laugh, I asked what his name meant. When he said he didn’t know, I looked it up. His name means the God of Rain.

    With all my heart, Grandpa, I believe you are watching over me. You know I became a sportscaster, and you love that I started a business that advocates for kindness, courage, and equality. You are so overjoyed about the quality of my new boyfriend’s character, and you think it’s funny how my dog doesn’t let anyone within three feet of me. In fact, I think you may have something to do with that.

    So more than telling you that I miss you or even that I love you, what I want you to know is how you made me feel when I was a little girl is how you make me feel now.

    Thank you for still making me smile. Thank you for still making me happy.

    Love your little athlete,


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    • The world is getting smaller Lauren. Not only have we worked for the same companies but I was born and grew up in the Bronx for a short time in my life. Your grandfather may have known my great grandfather and possibly my grandparents. Beautifully written letter to your grandfather, makes me think of my grandparents myself. You’re surely making…read more

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years ago

    Mom, this is what makes you so special

    Dear Mom, Here is what makes our relationship special.

    I am not the only person in the world who thinks they have the world’s greatest mom. But I am the only one who is right. There are so many reasons why you are a great mom. Growing up, you showed up at every dance recital, soccer game, graduation, and field trip. You did my hair as a little girl, even though you had to chase me around the house with a brush and a bow in hand for 20 minutes to do so. You took me to The Plaza for tea time and to restaurants in the city for lunch dates. And you have supported every dream I have ever had. While I cherish all those moments and memories, what really makes you the best mom is that you have never let me cry alone.

    In my worst moments, Mom, you have always been there to listen to, encourage, and give me advice. As a little girl, when I was upset about school or a boy and couldn’t sleep, you would sit in my bed and talk to me until I felt better. To this day, when I am sad or stressed or just need a friend, you are my first phone call. From my first breakup to my assault to the passing of my ex-boyfriend, you have held my hand, wiped my tears and. And somehow, you always make me feel better.

    Your warmth, consistency, and wisdom make you a cut above the rest. And as a result, I move through life feeling very loved. You make hard times more bearable and good times more meaningful.

    I am so lucky to have you, the best mom in the world.

    I love you with all my heart,

    Your daughter,


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    • Lauren, your letter is a beautiful recognition to the special bond you share with your mom. It’s amazing to see that you hold her to the highest level and believe that she is truly the world’s greatest mom. But what truly sets your mom apart is her unwavering presence during your toughest moments. She has never let you cry alone, always offering…read more

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    We Are All a Work in Progress

    Dear whoever needs a reminder,

    At this point in time, you’ve probably heard the term “Gratitude Practice” in pop culture. It centers on looking at the things in your life through a lens of appreciation. It requires an ability to shift your focus and play up the parts of life that we often overlook. Gratitude practice for me has been a long developing perspective shift, but the benefits have been unparalleled. Practicing gratitude in my daily life allows me to stay present, but it also helps me reflect on bigger moments with an appreciation for the work I’ve done. From a bird’s-eye view, I am able to solidify the reality of all I have to be grateful for.

    Graduating with my bachelor’s in psychology at the beginning of the pandemic scared me into thinking that I would never get to do the type of work I had been dreaming of. Schools were closed. Volunteer programs halted. And I felt that I would be stuck working in restaurants for the rest of my life.

    It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.

    But being grateful for all that I did have around me, recognizing the efforts I put in to get there, being coupled with people assuring me that my degree wasn’t going to waste helped me see that a bump in the road or a change of plans doesn’t mean you should throw your life course out the window. So as soon as I could, I started substituting in classrooms again. And during one of my subbing escapades, I stumbled upon an open position in a classroom that felt like exactly what I had been working towards.

    Now Monday through Friday, for 7 hours a day, I get to connect with a small group of high school students in an Emotional Disturbance class.

    I get to teach them in ways no one ever took the time to. I get to expose them to ways of thinking and opportunities that they don’t typically have access to. I get to be a witness to real growth. And I get to learn more about myself through their own special personalities. I have never woken up consistently excited to go to work until this past year. I feel gratitude every day I drive to work, every time I see my students faces, and every time I think of how much I wanted this.

    “Stop and smell the roses.” It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. Certainly not every day with my students is a magical transformation. Some days feel like quite the opposite. But in the grand scheme of things, I know that I am exactly where I want to be. Connecting and guiding. At the intersection of growth and patience.

    My students remind me that life is not an uphill battle, as much as it may feel that way sometimes. By being grateful for your progress, you can acknowledge that what you have now is what you once wanted. Use this as fuel for the present as much as you use it as fuel for your future.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • I’ve never heard of gratitude practice. I’m glad I’m hearing about it now. Changing your perspective on things and shifting your thoughts from stress to gratitude can’t be extremely beneficial. Just like the saying “stop and smell the roses” there’s also “look at the bright side.” Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thanks for sharing Alicia. This is such an important thing to practice and I needed this reminder. It’s sooo important to practice this during the good times too! When you don’t “need” it. Then it becomes habit and when you’re feeling down you have this tool that is so easily tangible. This reminder to practice gratitude was something that I truly…read more

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    • First off, congrats on your bachelor’s in psychology. Reading this shows that you’ve come a long way and that your journey has surely paid off. When you said “It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.” is so deep and powerful. If you don’t mind I just might start using this saying. Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thank you for sharing this inspirational story. We all should be grateful for what we have and what we will achieve in life. We should be happy for small things for the things we wake up in the morning and do the things we do.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    Dear World, Here is why I am grateful

    Dear World,

    I will admit sometimes I complain. Some days, I am grumpy and exhausted and feel the world’s weight on my shoulders. When I am knee-deep in those moments, I often go for a walk or rollerblade by the beach, where I look around and take a breath, and I am quickly reminded of how lucky I am. There are so many reasons I have to possess tremendous gratitude for my life.

    I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the country, with a roof over my head and food for every meal. A few years ago, I discovered my purpose and was able to start and pursue a business that speaks to my soul. I am, knock on wood, healthy and happy. Also, I have the most amazing people in my life.

    My mom calls me daily to check in, asking, “What are you doing? How’s your day.” She always wants to make sure I am happy and at my best. Throughout the week, you can catch my father sharing all my business social media posts, bursting with pride, and doing whatever he can to support my dreams. My big brother, Andrew, is my lifeline. He gives me the best advice, personally and professionally. He has a way of looking at my life challenges through a clear and logical lens and can always guide me. My friends are loving, supportive, and just a phone call away. Some proofread my writing, give me business tips, or listen to me for hours talk about whatever I need to get off my chest. They want nothing more than to see me live my best life. And my boyfriend is the kind of partner that will surprise me and bring back my favorite meal. He will play with my dog and have dinner with my parents on nights when I know he has a ton of work to do. His thoughtfulness makes it clear that he genuinely cares about me.

    All the people in my life make me feel loved, supported, and joyful. My circle is the source of my strength, as I am flooded with positive energy and kindness. I know that my family and friends will never let me fall too far or hard. So while the universe has blessed me in so many ways, what I love most about my life are the people I am fortunate enough to share it with.



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    • I’m so glad you have such a strong support system. They’re no better feeling in the world than to have the ones you love to also support you and your passion. Thank you for sharing.

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    • You have such a wonderful support system. And the fact that you’re surrounded by people who care about you and aren’t biased and keep it real with you is amazing. Thank you for sharing

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  • Gerald Washington shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years ago

    Rooting For Ralph

    Dear Ralph,

    I’m saddened to have read about what you went through last week. No one so young should experience getting shot twice by a homeowner. But sadly, you’ve got to see an extreme side of human nature. Some people have no conscience for human life, as we keep learning through modern news reports.

    It’s also disheartening that you went to three houses before you got the help you desperately needed.

    It saddens me that you have probably been wondering what happened that day, but I’m glad that you’re still alive. I’m so used to hearing that the person didn’t make it after being shot at. That says a lot about where we’re at as a society. We’ve become desensitized to this kind of news because it seems to have every day.

    That needs to change quickly. I just wish more people would act on that change and realize that acting violently on impulse isn’t the way. It only creates destruction and chaos for the individual and their loved ones.

    Your healing journey has begun. Hopefully, the love and support you get from others empower you to continue on your journey and to maintain being a talented musician and student. I’m rooting for you to let your light shine even brighter. Hang in there and remember, trouble doesn’t last always.


    Gerald Washington

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    • Hey Gerald! Your heart never stops amazing me. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful letter. I am going to send them all over to his aunt this week. <3 lauren

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      • Hey Lauren!! You’re very welcome. That’s awesome that you will send these letters to his aunt this week. I hope they make him and his family smile. <3 Gerald

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    • Thank you for showing that people still care about others in this world. A lot of times unfortunately tragedy has to arise for people to care most times. Your heart is in the right place. Thank you. Bless.

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      • You’re welcome. It’s sad but true what you wrote about it taking tragedy for people to care. If only it wasn’t that way most of the time. Appreciate your kind words, Mavis.

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Hang in there Ralph

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  • Walt Disney World is a truly magical place

    Dear Walt Disney,

    Like you, I am both a creative and an entrepreneur. Your legacy inspires me beyond measure.

    See, this weekend, I visited Walt Disney World, a collection of theme parks named in your honor and developed based on many of your ideas and creations. It’s the second time I have been there just this year and the sixth time in my life. Each time I go to Disney World, I leave amazed. The parks are enormous, and yet they are so detail-oriented. On average, 58 million people visit Disney World and its parks yearly. Each day, the average revenue for Disney World is $82 million. The parks at Disney World are unlike any other amusement park in the world. And the amount of joy you have brought to people’s lives through these parks and your films is never ending and not quantifiable.

    When I look up at the castle at Magic Kingdom or the ball at EPCOT, I can’t help but think about how this entire empire started with just a vision and a simple cartoon, and that cartoon is now an American icon known as Mickey Mouse.

    While I don’t know how to draw and have no ambition to go into the theme park business, my visions are bigger than anyone else can see. And my starting point is simple. It’s not a mouse like Mickey, but rather a letter – written from one human to another.

    Through letters, I want to inspire people, unite different cultures, and catalyze productive conversations on critical social issues that impact our society. My business is still small – in its infancy. But my vision is clear and so big.

    Mr. Disney, you give me so much hope and fire to keep marching forward.

    For me, Disney World is not just a place for rides, shows, and good food. And your legacy is so much more than the drawings you created. Both are reminders of what is possible with a simple concept, a big vision, and a determined spirit.

    Thank you.



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    • Mr. Disney started with a small idea but a big dream and like you and many others has inspired a long line of dreamers. This letter to him is exactly what his dream was. To inspire.

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    • I love this so much, and I totally agree with you. I’ve only gone once. My daughter took me for my 40th Bday, which she was also celebrating passing the bar for the first time, so it was a great celebration for both of us, and I loved it so much. It was an amazing time, to me, like a dream. I had never experienced such joy during that trip. It was…read more

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      • Awww thank you. I hope you get a chance to go back! You mentioned your daughter before, she sounds like a really sweet person and smart as well. <3 Lauren

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    • I love your perspective of Disney World. I believe we can create any reality we want with proper planning, and patience just like you and Walt Disney. The best part about it bringing joy, and helping others discover themselves in numerous ways!

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    • It’s clear that Mr. Disney is a very inspirational figure in your life. He started with a dream just like you and he brought that dream to life and inspired millions to chase their own dreams.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 1 months ago

    Dear World...

    I remember when I first learned of misogyny, racism and pure hate
    I had thought long ago it all reached its expiration date

    Clearly, I was wrong
    As many are still dancing to an old song

    As a young girl, they told me playing sports is a microcosm of adult life
    But in the real world, the refs try to prevent me from winning at any
    role except mother and wife

    They do so by attempting to lower my ceiling
    While reducing my existence to what I do when I am lying or kneeling

    When it comes to civil rights, I may have never seen a noose
    But the concept of racial equality is definitely still a ruse

    I know I am not black and I can’t understand racism through what I
    hear on the news or read in a book
    But I am human and I know a young innocent boy should not be shot
    because of the way he looks

    In love, we still can’t all marry the person who makes our hearts feel
    cared for or protected
    Instead we must worry and live in fear that our connection won’t be

    In careers, many of us don’t receive opportunity based on ability
    Instead, we are held back because of our complexion, sexuality or

    The solution is in our own evolution

    We are fighting old battles in a modern form
    A new movement where we all stand for each other needs to be born

    Men must stand up against rape and be leaders in its elimination
    Women need to speak up when different races or sexual orientations
    receive any kind of discrimination

    Our voices would have so much more power if we sang as a choir
    Going against the establishment as separate acts just lead us to tire

    Whether you’re black, white, female or LGBT
    People need to stand for people if we are all going to be set free

    Our past should not still be our reality
    It’s time for injustice to be the latest fatality

    Our children deserve a world where hate doesn’t consistently rise
    Instead, I want them to experience the best of life, by living in a place
    where they can feel hope and universal love


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    • A fine meaty poem here, Lauren! you write so well! some of my favorite lines:
      The solution is in our own evolution

      We are fighting old battles in a modern form
      A new movement where we all stand for each other needs to be born

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    • I’m speechless. This poem is exactly what I’ve been thinking but put into words that can be universally understood. You pain a beautiful picture with your words and perspective. Never stop writing your truth. Thank you for sharing.

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  • Dad, This is why this moment meant so much to me

    Dear Dad,

    I can’t remember the exact day or even the precise year that this memory took place. At the time, I was working for MSG Varsity, a high school sports network in the New York metropolitan area. I was probably about two years out of college and maybe 23 or 24 years old. That job was a breakthrough. It was my first steady on-air job. Before getting an offer to work for MSG, I must have been rejected by 100 stations. I was pursuing what many thought to be an impossible career as a TV sports reporter. So many naysayers told me I was wasting my time and my education. But not you, Dad. You told me never to give up on a dream. You told me you believed in me and tried to provide any resources possible to help me succeed.

    That’s why this moment, which I am about to share, meant so much to me.

    See on this day, I walked into work and everybody was buzzing about Emmy nominations. I was a young reporter in the number one market in the country, so my expectations were low. Then, just as I was about to start writing a script, one of my coworkers told me to check the Emmy nominations. They said they were almost sure they saw my name listed. I don’t remember if I read a hard copy or if I looked at the nominations on my computer or someone else’s computer, but I got a hold of the list, and sure enough, my name was printed twice. In my first year as a reporter, I received two Emmy nominations in the number one market in the country. Before saying anything to anyone, I went into the stairwell and started to cry as I called you to tell you the news.

    That’s the moment that is etched in my memory forever. That’s the moment I will never forget. I remember how I felt overwhelmed with emotion and how I could barely even get the words out to tell you. I remember how happy you were to hear the news and how you told me to stop crying.

    It wasn’t so much the recognition from the industry or that I got to go to the ceremony and wear a pretty dress that made that moment so special. Don’t get me wrong. All that was great too. But at that moment, I felt I had proved that your unwavering support and belief in me were worthwhile. That you didn’t waste your time or money investing in my dreams.

    A decade and change later, I have yet to win an Emmy, even though I was nominated five more times after that. But that moment in the stairwell means more to me than any trophy. That five-minute phone call celebrating with you and hearing the pride in your voice were and are the only prizes that ever mattered to me.

    I love you, Daddy. Thank you for always believing in me.


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    • I love that the first thing you did was call your dad. You knew he would be so proud of you. You’re one lucky lady to have a supportive father. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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  • Who are you? Autobio- Poem; Return Response, From: Future-Fiction Fantasy (Dream)Come True, FANATIC

    Letter To My Future Self Fr

    Who are? I’ll tell you ALL you need know.
    I Am presently living your life right now.
    I am, stabilizing standards for our future success.
    The choices I make today effects tomorrow. The present, past and future coexist all in one universe at different times though.

    (2023 version) of us;
    I am Someone who aspire to inspire others, through my testimony.

    I am striving to reach optimal potential.
    I am an active listener.
    I search for beauty within every single day and (person). I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I think more than I say; I don’t care about others opinions of me. Facts are proven.
    I truly believe nothing is impossible I’m(possible); through knowledge, reverse psychology.

    I think positive; I believe when others doubt.
    Who am I to judge ? I learned Respect is earned not given. Life is about about worth and purpose. I often reflect; ask myself is it worth it? and does my intentions (actions) meet my expectations (purpose?)

    Its essential I learn my lesson,
    If not, history repeats itself.
    If my intentions are not pure: I self reflect, repent and fix it. I must stay pure. Karma is real.

    I am giving because my purpose is helping , healing and mission(ary).
    Ultimately I want to spread love, peace and happiness. And start a non profit for foster children.

    I am understanding but misunderstood.
    Forgive for, they don’t know who I am.
    I am trying to find Balance and Master Life.
    I am setting myself up for (our) future success.

    I remind myself to not dwell on situations I can’t change. Instead I search for alternatives.

    I’m working to provide for myself, family orphans and the less fortunate slaves.
    I must ensure my prophecy transpires, by any means necessary.

    Its mandatory that I Sacrifice now (presently) for my future self to thrive, (for humanity) future prize.

    Return Response, From: Future-Fiction Fantasy (Dreams)Come True, FANATIC!

    Dear Present Self,

    Heads up! Thanks for the head start, from your future-self. Now you living lavish never forget where you came from. Remember home is where the heart is.

    Remind yourself daily, you have already won. You have absolutely nothing to worry about warrior. Your journey has already been mapped out.

    Time is of the essence; some(times) patience is a necessity. Know the difference between the two; time wasted.

    When you feel like giving up, remember your purpose. That should motivate you to keep going and refocus on the outcome (better days to come).

    You need to open up more, don’t be scared to express yourself. Your voice is your sword(weapon) to success.
    You give but can’t accept love. Explore and Embrace your, Love Language. It’s detrimental to reciprocate (give-take) relationships. Accept love not only because you deserve it, You are also worthy to be loved.
    You are honorable because you worked for everything you have; you earned it
    Your are strong and brave. When you feel weak, remind yourself how far you came; from nothing. You are great because you are grateful.

    Remember It’s okay if you fail; When you fall get back up. If you can say you tried your best and gave it all you had, realistically you could never fail. You are blessed beyond measures.

    If you learn from the mistakes you make then; you earn mercy, grace and forgiveness.
    You are guaranteed to reach optimal potential by accepting failure and gaining knowledge which is the key to power.
    Don’t be so hard on yourself all the time. You deserve a break, you have already won.

    You will be(come), past tense.
    The first millionaire in your family.
    Always trust intuition and only be lead by the spirit. in a million years never give up because you have already won.

    You are the creator of your world.
    Your mind is the most powerful tool you obtain. Be wise and think positive. Always believe wholeheartedly. Focus on your purpose.
    Through pure performance, passion, and perseverance you will reach your destination; which is destiny.

    The legacy you leave will be for generations to come.
    You can celebrate now because your future is bright, you already won. Enjoy your journey. Abundance waits you. Just keep going.

    You are righteous and will be recognized.
    Anything you seek, you will find(willingly)
    Everything you want, you will obtain
    From past to future tense (spontaneously)

    Congratulations Jessica Oliver,
    Mission accomplished. Your purpose will be fulfilled and (testimony) heard from generations for ages all around the world

    You earned and are worthy of honor.
    you will obtain, more than you yearn for.
    For Grace and being Grateful. You are destined for greatness. Thank you for paving the path for success for us.

    Love your present and future self

    Jessica Oliver

    Jessica Oliver

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    • Jessica you are such an incredible human being. There is no one who embodies this idea that you’ve already won more than you! Never ever forget that. You are so powerful, and you have so much love and strength to offer yourself and others, especially young people who need someone like you, to show them the way. Keep becoming more and more of who…read more

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    • Thank you for sharing. You are such an amazing and genuine human. Your perspective is so inspiring to everyone. We need more people like to to undo the younger generations.

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    • YES! YES! YES!
      Declare those words of fortune. You are amazing. This letter was beautiful and crafted with such inspiration and power. I am Jazzed! Seriously. Reading your letter makes me feel as if anything is possible as long as we do not give up and believe in ourselves. Sometimes, that’s my toughest struggle. Thank you so much. I voted 💜

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  • Journey To Your Future Self

    Feet grounded to the shore as ocean bubbles wash over your toes
    The tide pulls away and the sand beneath you sinks
    Gold flickers of sunset warm your shoulders
    Your gaze follows the endless sea of blue
    Who is on the other side of that sea?
    What waves must you endure to meet them?
    Or is the someone on the other side of the sea
    Who you will become along the way

    Adventurous thinking can inspire you to chart a course
    But imagine if a message in a bottle floated to your feet
    Embellished with your name and a plan
    And the words read:

    Hello old friend,

    I’m happy to know you are thinking of me. This affirms that you are still on your journey to me! I know that life has been a constant flux of certainty and uncertainty, but I want you to understand that this is because you are consistently pushing yourself towards growth. I remember the struggles that you are going through right now clear as day, I still carry them with me. Not because they are heavy, but because they are meaningful. They hold weight in your existence and give you a sense of momentum. I know you see the destination; you make sense of the mess and connect moments to give purpose. This is one of the greatest skills you can develop: to work with the flow of life and give it meaning. Your continual cultivation of working with that flow, meaning making, and growing is why I am writing to you now.

    You’ll be delighted to know that life here is beyond anything we ever imagined together. There are more adventures, connections, and peaceful moments than we believed possible. As much as I want to detail every little bit of joy, I don’t want you to get distracted by the wrong things. I can assure you in the clichest of ways that everything will work out. This is exactly why I am so excited for your arrival, but also in no rush to see you. I’m exercising patience as you continue your journey because I have accepted that there are many endeavors you must undertake before we meet. I can wait confidently knowing that each of these undertakings brings you one step closer on your journey to me.

    During your journey, take breaks when you need them, but please remember I am anticipating our union. I expect you to keep a steady and focused pace because we still have a lot to do, and I can’t get started until you arrive. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, and I can’t tell you what to do next, however the list of items you will need for your journey are as follows:

    a strong mind
    a creative essence
    a loving heart
    a persevering soul
    a sense of humor
    a load of gratitude
    and a purpose

    Wishing you the safest of travels

    Future You

    Emboldened by an inspiring familiar
    Guided by a gentle proposal
    Will you take that journey to the other side of the sea?
    To the other side of yourself?

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Alicia – This is so good!!! I could even visualize your future self talking to your current self. And this line is my absolute favorite, ” Remember the struggles that you are going through right now clear as day, I still carry them with me. Not because they are heavy, but because they are meaningful.” This is so wise and well said and resonates…read more

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    • I really like the way you prioritize hard work and taking breaks when needed. Taking occasional breaks to recharge is essential, but let the anticipation of reaching your goals continue to fuel your determination and drive. It was really inspiring to read this, Thanks for sharing!

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