

  • Presently

    In his arms, the world aligns just right,
    A place where heartbeats synchronize in the quiet night.
    The hustle fades, the stress melts away,
    In his arms, it’s easier to face the day.

    Under open skies or beneath the city lights,
    His embrace cuts through the coldest nights.
    A gentle strength, a quiet might,
    With him, even the darkest moments become light.

    Time softens its relentless march,
    In his arms, there’s no need to guard my heart.
    A soft touch, a steady hand,
    In his hold, I truly understand.

    Each worry lifts, each fear retreats,
    In his arms, life feels complete.
    He’s the calm when life gets tough,
    In his arms, I have more than enough.

    No place else I’d rather be,
    Than here with him, where I’m free to be me.
    All that’s gentle, all that’s warm,
    I find right here, safely wrapped in his arms.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Unbroken

    In the vast silence where words once failed,
    Among shadows where fears prevailed,
    You, so young with steps unsure,
    A silent fighter, pure and demure.

    Born into a world unkind, you struggled to find your voice,
    A journey not chosen, but imposed without a choice.
    Nonverbal, delayed, they labeled you, placing limits they saw fit,
    But even without words, your spirit refused to quit.

    Taunted and teased, a playground’s cruel jest,
    The bullies and mockers putting courage to the test.
    Harsh boundaries crossed, a young heart betrayed,
    In those silent battles, your resilience was displayed.

    From the depths of these trials, your mission took root,
    A desire to shield others from the oppressor’s boot.
    With every tear shed, a resolve grew within,
    To fight for those silenced, a war you could win.

    Now, your voice is finding its mighty roar,
    Speaking out for justice, opening new doors.
    Each injustice you faced fuels your fervent plea,
    Advocating for change, setting the silenced free.

    The pain once endured now powers your cause,
    Championing rights without a pause.
    With each step forward, you reclaim your might,
    Turning darkness encountered into future bright.

    So march on, unbroken, with your head held high,
    Proud of the battles fought, under life’s gray sky.
    Creating a world kinder, just, and true,
    From the ashes of your past, the best of you anew.

    With courage and love, stronger than ever before,
    Your journey from silence has opened the door.
    You’re not just surviving; you are setting the pace,
    For a world that sees all, beyond any disability’s trace.

    With love and pride,
    Your older self, unbroken and proud.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • Rebecca Engle responded to a letter in topic To my younger self 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    I am an atheist and I would never back something as hateful as the Bible or religion.

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    Birds still chirp their fucking hearts out on crap days,
    Like a karaoke star who’s totally lost his way.
    And flowers? They’re gatecrashing funerals with sass,
    Whispering, “Was it our fucking fragrance, perhaps?”

    People scatter when shit really starts to hit the fan,
    Quicker than I say “fuck it” to my diet plan.
    But the ride-or-dies? They stick like fucking glue,
    Like that piece of gum on your shoe, never bidding adieu.

    The moon’s up there, changing her damn mind,
    Like me in front of the fridge, a late-night find.
    So hey, give yourself a break, don’t stress the fucking phase,
    We’re all just bumbling through life’s mad, crazy maze.

    In the cracks and crevices, we find our fucking groove,
    Dodging life’s big-ass feet, we move and we improve.
    Escaping the drizzle, dodging the damn pee,
    We’re the fucking misfits, making it, wild and free.

    So when life feels as tough as a week-old fucking baguette,
    Remember, we’re rocking this shit, no need to fret.
    In this grand ol’ mess, we might seem fucking small,
    But we’re damn well blooming, giving it our fucking all.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca , your letter is filled with raw and honest emotion. Life may be chaotic, but remember, you’re resilient. Embrace your uniqueness and keep pushing forward. You’re blooming and giving it your all, no matter how tough things get.

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  • My flame

    They said I’d burn, but I found my fire,
    Defying the limits of their uninspired mire.
    Tales of a perfect life, a distant, elusive dream,
    Yet here I stand, my reality upstream.

    Solving my Rubik’s with time, each turn a surprise,
    The colors align in ways they couldn’t visualize.
    A mosaic of triumph, far beyond their design,
    A life that’s unfolding, uniquely mine.

    Now, a grad student, my ambitions taking flight,
    In a happy relationship, my heart alight.
    Only 21, and stepping into my first role,
    The future’s a canvas for my eager soul.

    Looking ahead, I see a path of my own making,
    A journey of dreams, for the taking.
    Years stretch before me, a vast, open sea,
    Every wave whispers, “This is meant to be.”

    So let them talk of flames, of battles lost and won,
    I’m the architect of a life that’s only just begun.
    Conquering dreams, with each dawn I rise,
    For the future is mine, a boundless prize.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Handouts

    In a town where promises are plenty and the government hands out aid,
    A question echoes softly, under the shade.
    “Why try hard, why aim high, when help is just a call away?
    Why bother with the struggle, if you’re okay day by day?”

    The government says, “We’ll help you, keep you safe and fed,
    You won’t need to worry, we’ve got your back,” they said.
    But this kindness has a shadow, a kind of hidden chain,
    It keeps you in your place, with not much to gain.

    “Why go for the mountain,” some wonder, “when the valley’s just fine?
    Why face the storm, when you can just recline?”
    Because in that easy comfort, there’s a trap so sly,
    It tells you, “Don’t bother,” and time just passes by.

    But some folks aren’t buying, they want to chase their own dream,
    Not just live on handouts, or so it would seem.
    They talk about doing things, making their own way,
    Not just taking what’s given, but having their say.

    They gather in the streets, their voices loud and brave,
    “We want to earn our keep, not just quietly behave.”
    For freedom and the chance to chase what they deem sweet,
    To work hard for their wins, and not just take a seat.

    So why aim for something bigger, why try to break free?
    It’s about making your own path, as far as I can see.
    Not just going with the flow, but steering your own boat,
    And in that hard-earned journey, you’ll have your own note.

    So let’s not be fooled by an easy ride, bought and sold,
    But aim for the horizon, with courage bold.
    The road might be rougher, and the climb can be steep,
    But in that effort, you’ll find a joy so deep.

    Rebecca Engle

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  • Not 1 moment

    In the intricate fabric of life, both dark and bright threads intertwine,
    Weaving a story of joy and sorrow, uniquely mine.
    No single moment shines so bright,
    But every hue blends just right.

    From peaks of joy, where hearts soar free,
    To valleys deep, where eyes barely see,
    Each step, each stumble, and each stride,
    Together, they guide me inside.

    The laughter that echoes after tears,
    The courage that grows from facing fears,
    In every up and down, I find my way,
    In darkest days and in the lightest fray.

    Lessons learned from love that’s lost,
    Strength gained, no matter the cost,
    Wisdom from making amends,
    An open heart when the journey bends.

    It’s not just one moment, but the collective thread
    That weaves the path I tread,
    Both storms that raged and calm that followed,
    Dreams that soared and sorrows swallowed.

    I stand grateful for every scar,
    Every healed wound, every star,
    For what has shaped me is life’s complex weave,
    A journey rich, in which I believe.

    In gratitude, I embrace both joy and pain,
    Recognizing each moment’s unique gain,
    A step in life’s perpetual ballet,
    Changing me for the better, in its own way.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • You

    During my nights facing failures stare
    I discovered myself ensnared wandering in a daunting labyrinth.
    My freshman year, a nightmare, with grades dismal,
    A future so bleak it seemed to extinguish my passion.

    The phone would ring, its updates a blow
    Each call clinging harshly to my mother’s heart.
    Alone, in the darkness of night tears would freely flow,
    Engaged in a struggle hidden from all.

    With nobody to confide in guidance felt scarce
    “Just study harder ” they’d advise as if oblivious.
    Where to start when hope appeared faint
    Every attempt felt doomed as if fated to whirl away.

    Amidst that desolation I unearthed a glimmer of hope
    A murmur urging me to mend.
    “Why surrender ” it whispered softly “on dreams yet untold?
    Why not resist the urge to give up and step beyond despair?”

    gradually with resolve
    I confronted each obstacle and subdued my fears.From failures, to achievements a long journey I’ve traveled
    With dedication and determination that never unraveled.

    Now standing as a graduate student and teacher in my right
    Recalling the times when things weren’t so bright.
    A message I hold for those in lifes sea
    “Don’t lose hope your tale is still unfolding, wait and see.”

    To souls at risk feeling trapped in a cage
    Your story is yours to write on this page.
    Growth can emerge from despair’s stage
    Keep pushing ahead keep dreaming with unwavering courage.

    In moments of despair when all seemed lost
    I found strength within me at personal cost.
    Hold fast to your dreams like a guiding light
    For the strength you seek resides, within who you will be.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rebecca, I so admire your drive and your tenacity. I truly believe there is nothing you can’t do, as your spirit and resilience are just so strong. Congratulations on being your own hero and making your dreams come true. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Imperfectly Perfect

    We chase the dream of a perfect day,
    But imperfections won’t go away.
    In this world of chaos, we stumble and sway,
    Yet beauty hides in the mess we create.

    Laughter echoes, but tears fall too,
    In every hello, there is a goodbye too.
    The sun shines bright, but my shadows loom,
    In every moment, a story’s hidden gloom.

    We quest for control, but life’s untamed,
    Unpredictable twists and turns we can’t reclaim.
    Yet in the midst of turmoil, we find our strength,
    A resilience that guides us through life’s length.

    So let’s embrace the journey, with all its flaws,
    And find the beauty in the imperfect laws.
    For life’s not about seeking perfection’s gleam,
    But dancing with the mess, and making it our theme.

    In the uncontrolled moments, we find our voice,
    A unique melody that echoes our own voice.
    The same melody that makes us make a choice.
    Let’s cherish the imperfections, the quirks and the flaws,
    For they shape our story, and make our life pause.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting is closed

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    • Rebecca, your letter beautifully captures the essence of embracing imperfections and finding beauty in the chaos of life. Your words resonate with strength and resilience. Keep embracing the journey and cherishing the imperfections that shape your story.

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 2 months, 3 weeks ago


    I am not a parent but I want to be one day today that ability to birth my own changed

    In the quiet of the night, within my soul
    I felt like a shattered bottle, burdened by misfortune
    now fragmented on the ground
    With dreams of motherhood pushed aside.

    Tumors, occupants of my body
    Whispering fear like a consuming fire.
    My body, a battleground, weary,
    Carrying the weight of lost dreams.

    No gentle movements within my womb to experience
    No little hands clasping mine to seal the bond.
    The path to motherhood, radiant and clear
    Now hidden from view.

    Amidst this brokenness a flicker of light shines through
    For not everything is lost despite appearances.
    Though my physical form is fractured my spirit endures,
    In the rubble resilience sustains.

    I am more than the sum of my pieces
    More than the emptiness in my heart.
    In shards of glass reflections of a beginning emerge
    Finding strength, in being reborn.

    For family transcends blood; it is forged through connection
    Love can be found in forms.
    Though the route may have altered the journey continues
    I will navigate through fields adorned with clover.

    So I’ll gather all my fragments, one, by one,
    Beneath the nurturing rays of the healing sun.
    Even though I may never possess everything on my own
    I’ll construct a life where love is eternally sown.

    Within each shattered piece there lies a captivating tale to share
    Of resilience, hope and how I stumbled into despair.
    Yet I emerged more with a courages flame
    Navigating lifes intricate labyrinth without any shame.

    I am not merely a discarded shattered bottle left aside
    Instead I’m a warrior with a stride.
    In this journey, through lifes trials and tribulations
    I find solace knowing that strength is born from foundations.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca, YOU are the warrior of all warriors. And whatever it is standing in the way of what you want, you have proved time and time again you have the fortitude to persevere through anything. Sending love!

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 months ago

    Do they color?

    In the realm of whispers, where simple truths twist and turn
    Resides the tale of crayons, damaged and yearned.
    “They still bring color ” they say, with a glance
    Those who have tried know its a flawed dance.

    For crayons though vibrant and bold
    Struggle, in hands that fail to hold.
    The canvas awaits, vast and forgiving
    Fragmented pieces make coloring less than living.

    Coloring, not painting; the distinction is clear
    One wields crayons while the other brushes near.
    Yet the challenge endures with these parts
    Smooth strokes of joy elude us like lost arts.

    Lines appear jagged and hesitant, on our quest
    With each tiny fragment causing hues to fade best.
    The persists “They still bring color indeed ”
    Oh how we long for crayons to succeed.

    For isn’t true bliss found in slow glides?
    In crayons that smoothly coincide?
    Yet from brokenness we learn resilience imbued
    Colors emerge despite abuse endured.Well you know when it comes to coloring with crayons it’s not as easy, as using the ones. It’s like a story of never giving up and facing our fears. Actually it could even be seen as a metaphor for more than just coloring.

    In both life and coloring those who are broken may still manage to leave their impactful marks.. Lets not pretend that it’s just as simple or fair for everyone. We all have our own challenges and obstacles to overcome, both in our lives and, in our endeavors.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca your exploration of coloring with crayons is profound. It captures the struggle and strength that we encounter in both life and our creative goals. Your illustrative understanding expands beyond coloring, reminding me that everyone faces unique challenges and obstacles. It’s a powerful reminder to embrace our brokenness and find strength…read more

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  • rengle3 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Love with pain

    Why should I love myself? Let’s dive in with fun,
    For I am unique, a rare edition, second to none.
    Graduated with honors, a brain quite something,
    But still manage to trip over my own two feet.

    From University halls to the classrooms I’ve led,
    I’ve learned quite a lot, not just what books have said.
    Special Ed to core subjects, I’ve taught with flair,
    Even when my lesson plans fly above me and my students through the air.

    In arguments, I’m a star, my emotions are tight,
    Yet, I can’t seem to win when my jeans feel too tight.
    Sensory panic the autistic embrace.
    My dedication’s fierce, in every task I immerse,
    But ask me to cook, and you might need a nurse.

    A mentor, a tutor, a friend indeed,
    With a heart so vast, I am a rare breed.
    I’ve campaigned, I’ve coordinated, even made the Dean’s list,
    And yet, finding my keys remains a mythical mist.

    I laugh at my errors and embrace each mistake,
    For each one’s a lesson, another step I must take.
    In life’s moving theatre, I play many roles,
    From educator to activist, I’ve scored a ton of goals.

    Why love myself? For every stumble and stride,
    For the courage to be me, without having to hide.
    For my passion, my laughter, the joy I bring,
    In this symphony of life, I’m truly the queen.

    So here’s to self-love, in all its glory,
    For I am the author of a powerful story.
    A tale of struggle, of growth, of fun,
    Yes, loving myself is a job in itself
    As I am a pain in the ass to even myself.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love how much you honored yourself and your mind. The infusion of humor made this light while also telling a wonderful story about how unique you are! It’s very inspiring to hear all the hype you have for yourself 🙂

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    • The ending of this piece was so great. It made me smile at 2 in the morning. That is no easy task. You are just amazing! Thanks for sharing another gem! <3 Lauren

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months ago


    Shaking in my toes
    Here comes my biggest low.
    Every-time good hits
    Something comes to blow.
    Think of the positive, keep a smile on your face they say.
    I say I try to do it just that way.
    Yet my path diverges, my tune has its own sway,
    For at day’s end, my way may never echo your say.
    Life’s rhythm and rhyme, a dance of contrast’s blend,
    Highs and lows entwine, an unpredictable trend,
    Still, I strive to shine, resilience my silly friend,
    Embracing each design, my journey to transcend.

    Rebecca engle

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    • Rebecca, your poetic reflection on life’s ups and downs is truly captivating. Your words remind us that we all face our own unique challenges and experiences. Your determination to shine through resilience is admirable. Embrace the twists and turns of your journey, for it is in those moments that you truly transcend. Keep shining brightly, my friend.

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  • Disabled

    At 18 years old I was pushed down 150 stairs I lost part of my mobility from my waist down. Later I was chased out of a grocery story by the same guy due to my job.

    As the dawn of adulthood arrived lifes journey began,
    With dreams and aspirations the world embraced your plan.
    Fate took a turn delivering a blow
    Presenting challenges and a different path to follow.

    In the midst of bliss when skies were clear
    Your chosen path deviated,. You persevered without fear.
    With a spirit and heart that shines so bright
    You face obstacles that obstruct your sight.

    From, within newfound strength emerges to prevail
    A boundless courage and unwavering will to sail.
    Unrestricted by limits imposed by destinys hand
    You rise above undeterred and innately grand.

    Though there may be moments of weakness or doubt
    Your resilience tells a tale that transcends throughout.
    Every step you take becomes a triumph in its right
    A soaring spirit unconfined and unbound by plight.

    Adapting is your gift as you redefine what it means
    The essence of strength in all its scenes.
    Your story becomes a beacon for others to admire
    Inspiring hearts amidst trials that may transpire.

    For in your courage one can witness with clarity,
    A portrait of resilience to be seen in totality.
    A testament, to fortitudes resounding song,
    Staying strong when things have gone wrong.

    Rebecca engle

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    • Rebecca, your journey is a testament to the incredible strength and resilience of the human spirit. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, you have continued to rise above and redefine what it means to be strong. Your story serves as an inspiration to others, reminding them to stay strong in the face of hardship. Keep shining your light and…read more

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  • I love this and I love hearing your story

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  • What’s the answer

    In the depths of secrecy a storm quietly gathers,
    Challenges, with ovaries a struggle
    Medications combat the cries of pain
    Doubts creep in as time seems to wane.

    The idea of having children feels distant
    Anxiety builds with doctors delays persistent.
    Once secure now ovaries face uncertaintys grasp
    Decisions loom heavily making thoughts clasped.

    There is no comfort in this fight
    Yet bravery grows stronger with each daily plight.
    Strength is discovered in enduring lifes strife
    Hope perseveres amidst the life.

    Though fears and doubts may linger on
    Resilience emerges through this challenging con.
    In battles both seen and unseen, by all eyes
    A spirit endures, unyielding and wise.

    Rebecca engle

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    • Rebecca, your words reveal the depth of your struggle and the strength that lives within you. The anticipation and challenges you face on your journey to have children are huge, but your bravery and resilience shine through. Keep holding onto hope and know that you are not alone. Your spirit will guide you through this difficult time.

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  • Head shoulders knees and toes

    In a world of toes and heels
    There resides a villain, fibrous and real.
    Plantar fibromatosis, a foe
    Transforms my feet into a peculiar grind.

    Nodules and bumps they sprout with delight,
    Turning shoes, into foes that plot through the night.
    Every step brings a wince and a frown,
    Oh why must these growths be so renowned?

    I tread with caution like a stroll
    Avoiding pressure to maintain some control.
    These fibrous companions have their say
    Playing tricks on my feet day, after day.

    I yearn for shoes that offer respite
    They taunt me creating an odd plight.
    “Give it your shot ” I say with a grin
    I’ll hobble forward making every step akin!

    So here’s to plantar fibromatosis my amusing companion,
    Transforming each stride into an union.
    I’ll Wiggle as I manage the scene
    With humor and laughter keeping it all serene!

    Becca Engle

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Finish line

    Over the course of three and a half years I’ve had quite a journey. Education and achievements have been, like a thrilling rodeo ride! Graduating at the 21 age made me feel like a little elf on a shelf but I soon realized that not everyone guiding me was genuinely supportive. They would offer advice like pulling rabbits out of hats. When it came to support it often seemed to disappear into thin air.

    As I prepare to showcase my skills I’ve developed my set of guidelines to overcome any obstacles that come my way. No hurdles resembling steeplechase races; from on I’ll gracefully dodge those negative voices with the stealth of a ninja!

    Life is like a comedy. Always remember your spark and value. Embrace growth in this journey. Set standards for yourself. Never settle for mediocrity because this adventure is your own personal sitcom, where you’re the exceptionally special geek!

    So here’s to all of us embarking on this escapade – writing our stories with wit and joy. Lets toast to resilience and fun, in our endeavors! Cheers to wholeheartedly pursuing our dreams!

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca, your spirit and determination shine through your words. Embrace the journey and never let negative voices deter you. Set high standards, embrace your uniqueness, and write your story with joy and humor. Here’s to resilience, fun, and wholeheartedly pursuing our dreams. Cheers to you!

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 4 months, 3 weeks ago


    Within the corridors, where the echoes gradually fade
    There lies a hidden torment silently made.
    In the minds of those who strive and push
    Exist battles that few truly recognize.

    Amongst the books and academic commotion
    Deep shadows lurk, a hush, in motion.
    For college souls burdened and weary
    Depressions hold becomes a cloak to carry.

    Assignments pile up expectations soar
    Yet within storms rage and hearts deeply sigh.
    Smiles become faint behind veils they wear
    Concealing pain that’s far from being clear.

    Isolation hides within spaces grand
    Loneliness conceals itself with a friendly hand.
    Lost in the whirlwind of ceaseless days pace
    Depression whispers its message in ways.

    Craving solace amidst a crowds embrace
    Unheard cries and emotions shrouded with grace.
    Yearning for light to pierce through the gloom
    In this labyrinth searching for a room.

    Oh college hearts! Burdened and fragile you may be
    Your struggles remain unseen behind your veil so free.
    Know this; in darkness glimmers shall rise,
    Guiding you beyond murky skies disguise.

    Reach out! Let voices break through the nights hold tight
    And find strength and light together as one might.
    For, in shared burdens healing can be found profound
    And through empathys embrace hope can truly abound.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca,Your poem beautifully captures the hidden struggles faced by college students. The academic pressure and weight of expectations is deeply relatable. Your words remind me of the importance of reaching out and supporting one another in times of darkness. Together, we can find strength, healing, and hope. Thank you for sharing your truth.

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