

  • Loving myself more us on the top of my list this year as well.
    Thank you!! 💙

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  • Gie Santana responded to a letter in topic Magical Moments 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    I love you!!! Thank you for ALWAYS sharing a sacred place for Me, my craft and even my fears! Wishing you well. <3

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  • Gie Santana shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Hi,my name is Blue Zircon

    Lauren, I’ve always referred to you as a gem because from the beginning that is exactly what you have been to Me.

    Bright, empowering and solid.

    You have pushed us all here in the Unsealed community to reach new potentials within ourselves and do things even when we are scared.

    You have pushed past so much self adversity, harsh character traits in people and career let downs that strengthened you so much that you’ve used said strength to encourage everyone around you.

    You are abundantly patient.

    You allow others to bare their souls and feed yours while showing some of the highest forms of empathy and compassion I’ve ever seen.

    You love the core of a person. And cast no judgment, even virtually I can feel your sincerity.

    You are not afraid to admit your flaws and learn how to shape up better for the future.

    The sparkle in your eyes that illuminates when you have an idea you just can’t wait to share is legit!

    I love that about you.

    You are you.

    Blue Zircon.

    A December gem, representing spiritual growth, beauty, peace and wisdom.

    You are the embodiment of such.

    I thank you for simply being you.

    Gem, I am wishing you all the continued love, peace, and joy on this birthday and cheers to many many more to come.

    You deserve all the candles to come true.

    Diamonds aren't always a girl's best friend, Gie

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    • Gie! This is so beautiful. I am crying. I am so glad I have had such a positive impact on your life. But I hope you know that you have equally inspired me. Thank you for believe in my and encouraging me to continue on this wild and crazy entrepreneurial journey. I love you and am so grateful for you. Not sure if you read Ala’s post about my…read more

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  • Alien Thanksgiving

    I am grateful for the tear stained letter full of encouragement and convince that ending my life in 2019 would have been better, landed on the ears of a mighty God.

    I am grateful that the strength I gave others, ie; church mothers, displaced lovers, friends and even animals of the forest, finally showed up for me.

    It held my four leaf clover. I got lucky. I guess my life really wasn’t over.

    Strength, I am grateful for you, you’re one clever lover.

    It wasn’t my time. I keep saying over and over.

    THIS time though, it IS.

    Time to accelerate life and honor every one of those wishes.
    The ones that were blown from candles perched atop a thick slice of chocolate cake.
    Nestled on a paper plate because who wanted to do dishes?

    It’s time to collect from the wells where I tossed many a shiny penny, sometimes dimes too because everybody knows those wishes count as double and I really need them to come true.

    It’s time to give myself the grace that I have granted so many.

    Grateful for an anchor of a soul that rests deep within a 9 year old.
    At 9 years old, He saved the souls of plenty.

    Next of kin, grateful for unwavering love from a Mother whose heart is worn with worry. But she is a warrior, a protector.
    A galaxy of love wrapped prayers is what I am grateful for.

    Grateful for loss.
    It hurts so bad at first. But the loss can be a gain with unseen wings, I now am finally starting to feel like myself again.

    Grateful for the grit.
    Without it, there’s so much I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish.
    Not even half of it.

    Grateful that I am choosing to love myself more, and the self love I poured in is opening all sorts of new doors.

    In the hallways of life, I am grateful.

    For the heartfelt wrongs and the astonishing rights, for the affirmations I recite before bed each night, the nourishing food that illuminates my soul like a light,the emotions I wear on my sleeve so those around me can see the real me…
    I am grateful.

    For everything on this planet will be alright.

    Nano-Nanooo, Gie

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    • Hi there, Gie. Aiša here. I absolutely adore the images you’ve evoked here— the birthday cake, the frequented wishing well 🙂

      But my favorite part?

      “Grateful that I am choosing to love myself more, and the self love I poured in is opening all sorts of new doors.”

      Happy New Year, Gie!

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    • Gie!!!!!! This poem is amazing. I love this line, “Grateful for the grit.
      Without it, there’s so much I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish.
      Not even half of it.”

      You have so much grit, but you also have the most beautiful heart. You deserve to love yourself because there is so much to love. Thank you for sharing your heart and thank you for…read more

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  • Sondra, I have been reading letters all day, randomly and at 2:24 in the morning this letter is the one I landed on to end the evening/early morning with. I thank you for displaying Faith throughout your letter. I thank you for letting us know exactly the source of your strength and how to continue carrying on!! When it gets tough I need to remind myself that I too am enough. Thank you for sharing and I am wishing you so very very well! 🙂

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  • I really enjoyed this piece and connected with it on various levels.
    The reality of this body
    Is not a poem
    It is a desperate plea:
    “Please let me love myself”
    Oftentimes I wouldn’t even look in the mirror cause I was ashamed at the reflection scouring back at Me. Thank you for a gentle yet realistic reminder to love all of Me, mind and body which is good for the soul. Thanks for sharing Taryn 🙂

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  • Thank you!! Thank you for your bravery,honesty and heartfelt words especially on a subject as sensitive as this one. My heart goes out to you for some of the things you experienced Michelle as none of it was to no fault of your own.
    I appreciate it too now, appreciate the effects of what loving yourself more can do for your mental health. I am praying and wishing you so well 🙂 Thanks again for sharing!

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  • Jessica this was epic! I love how you related to your gals and it made Me really think about how I need to continue diving Faith first into things!! I don’t want to have too many more regrets I just wish to live and be completely happy , free and skilled in the art of my craft and raise my little human to be a big human lol. Thank you for sharing and giving us all that extra push for greatness. I am wishing you so very well 🙂

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  • Malakkc this was such a heavy and educational piece. Thank you so much for sharing!! I like how you described time in different phases/sequences which allowed for the space to breathe and appreciate time as we know it!
    Wishing you well 🙂

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  • This is awesome Stacee!!! You just never knows who is watching and I am sure you uplifted her as well. She was there every time and especially afterworking long hours at a job. WOW You and your bus stop Angel were destined to meet in that very moment . I’m thankful that there was also a greetings invloved. You two sparked something inside of each other that evening!! Great great story thank you so much for sharing!! 🙂 She would be proud of us because we sure are!!

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  • <3 Lauren, my gem Thank You! The mental barriers is what fills up my voice when speaking. It's not ever the people, no matter if its 1 person or 100 it's Me, and the anquish going on inside my head.
    I am pushing through though ,some days are better than others, but I still arrive and try my best to speak. I am elated to be apart of the Unsealed community. 🙂

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  • “In my denial of the reality I have created, I question whether the love I have entangled us in is truly what we deserve, or if it is overshadowed by the responsibility I carry as a person.” This is deep! Rashan how did you feel when writing this? Because I felt so totally seen. Am I wrong for feeling the surrender in myself? How are you feeling currently?
    Great , great read thank you so much!!! Wishing you well.

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    • Hello there! Thanks for reading it I appreciate it. At the moment in time I was battling who I was with who I wanted to be and it made me feel empty at some points. And I needed help with that and so I went to therapy a lot for it. Currently I feel way better, more alive and confident in my abilities.

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  • Rebecca the doctors didn’t age their spectations correctly. You WILL do everything you set your mind out to do and you won’t do any of the things that do not serve you well. You are fearless beyond measure. You are maintaining that dedication, have the kind of life where you are captain of and sail smoothly away with. Your ideal self and your current self is doing their best. Keep at it! Thank you for sharing and keep that endurance relvolving around you!!

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  • “Write like your respiratory depends on it.
    My breaths are shallow without you.”

    Way to go TP!! I love this metaphor the most! This is how I feel about writing. I love it so and I hope and pray it strengthens Me mentally. That is my main goal. That I can be so mentally stable that I am able to reach, teach and learn from others around Me. Thank you so much for sharing. Write on!!:)

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  • “I can see you now. You are wise, strong and beautiful. You help other people find their way toward forgiveness.”

    Katie, you are wise , strong and ultra beautiful now! Thank you for your vulnerability. I am wishing you nothing but the best in wellness, recovery, life, love and hope. You are a warrior. Even on days the tears stain the sheets and the pain is unbearable. You are a warrior with a smile or none because I see the inside of your soul in this letter. Keep soaring.
    And I want you to always know its okay to not be ok and close out the world when you want to.
    Sending so so much love light and kickass mercy!!
    Praying for you now and always!!

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  • Keep rocking on Rick! The pic is so cool this poem and the pic looks like you’re in your element. I want to hear more of your poetry live!! Hopefully we can have a live poetry session during one of our Unsealed conversations.
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring !! 🙂

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  • This was a beautifully written piece. Thank you for allowing us inside of the authentic version of your ideal self. I would say you are well on track and one of my favorite lines ” I’ll come back with my mop of accountability
    I’ll clean up my spills.”
    Accountability is something I tearfully learned so so so much this year and it was NEEDED. Thank you for sharing Tobalase I am wishing you well 🙂

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    • Thank you so much for your kind words and well wishes, Gie!! I’m so glad you were able to connect with my perspective!

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  • This letter is beautiful and deep.
    “Cherish the connections you’ve nurtured and the friendships you’ve cultivated.”

    This line is felt and understood on every level. The villager needs a village and I always say the connections I make with people are very genuine. Thank you for sharing this letter. I needed a kind refresher of family and elevation. Wishing you and yours very well.

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  • RK, the simple things in life makes us the most happiest. I pray you get those walks to the bus stop with your children and that you are recovering so well from everything that tried to destroy you. You will live on and create awesome books that reach and resonate people like you and Me. Manifest that you will be speaking to filled rooms of intensity and passion. It’s in you! Thank you for sharing!!

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  • Thank you so much Mrs.Shelly. I am trying, everything is not what it seems at all the time. I am trying my best to be happy whole and keep going for the woman I am destined to be and the mom my child needs and the goals I just can’t let go of. It’s hard if I am quite honest. I just keep praying for continued mercy and growth every moment.

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