
giesantana's Letters

Gie Santana

Hi,my name is Blue Zircon

Lauren, I’ve always referred to you as a gem because from the beginning that is exactly what you have been to Me.

Bright, empowering and solid.

You have pushed us all here in the Unsealed community to reach new potentials within ourselves and do things even when we are scared.

You have pushed past so much self adversity, harsh character…read more

Alien Thanksgiving

I am grateful for the tear stained letter full of encouragement and convince that ending my life in 2019 would have been better, landed on the ears of a mighty God.

I am grateful that the strength I gave others, ie; church mothers, displaced lovers, friends and even animals of the forest, finally showed up for me.

It held my four leaf clover.…read more

Movie Extra

Here I am sitting across from a frothy white chocolate mocha, where the steam kisses my eyes as I close them.
I inhale a deep breath and exhale a smile, fully teethed, pearly matching the pearls given to me by my Grandmother.
Just as the camera man yells “Scene, take 1”
I am in my zone.
I gracefully let the melodies of memorized lines gli…read more

Nonverbal Podium

I sat there.
I never would have came to this place if it wasn’t for a saving grace.
I sat there.
I watched the glares form an unruly silence around the room.
Unfamiliar territory looms, the expectations are loud too.
I sat there.
I felt doom come take the empty seat next to me at the bar. I figured they too wanted a drink.
Neat.…read more

Hula hoop dreams and Guess jeans

To whom Gie may concern,
You were always enough. And forever be enough.
Throughout the teenage phase, at times when life played rough, you tried hard navigating the highs and lows and subtracting the good vs bad ratios that played heavy in math class while you nervously snuck a taste of hot Cheetos.
Hot cheetos, you always somehow mustered up…read more


Chello Darling,

After watching the beauty that is Mary Poppins float gracefully through a sketched painting I had a great feeling about life. Growing up this was more than a movie, more than the collective chemistry of an amazing actress. I felt whenever I was sick I could surely take a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down and I would…read more

Plant Food

Men deserve flowers too.

Ones that sparkle like the Ocean’s blue.

From the time they were a child, when the thunder went boom!
They were told “you’re a big boy, boys don’t cry” and sent back to their rooms.

Moving on to the falls off the bikes and standing their ground in after school yard fights, they then were told “dust yourself off , you w…read more

Gie Santana

The stars, the moon and Ralph Yarl

Dear Universe,
It happened in my city. My beloved home state of Missouri.
Right down quite a few blocks and around a corner or two, it happened.
The amount of fear and rage that circulated through me felt like a time warp.
I felt helpless and did the only thing I knew to do.
I hurriedly jumped up and peeped in at my young child, nestled on…read more


Olive oil for Samson

Many moons ago, I used to have this pesky little habit of twirling my hair. I would twirl my hair when I was happy, I would twirl my hair when I was sad, twirl my hair belly laughing, even twirled my hair watching whatever Halloween movie in utter suspense.
Twirling my hair was my jam.
As the moons turned to crescents and faint owl shapes, I…read more

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