

  • Lauren Brill responded to a letter in topic To the people we love 1 years ago

    This is absolutely beautiful. Your mother is so lucky to have a daughter that appreciates all her love and her efforts. My mom, @shelleybrill , is like your mom. She used to drive my brother and I all over the place to our activities. My mom is my very best friend just like yours. I hope you show your mom this letter. It is very special. <3 Lauren

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  • Bertha!! This is sooo good and so real. Many of the fears you had/have about having a child, I have too! I feel like people don’t take about their fears associated with motherhood. You made me feel a little less alone, so thank you for that.

    Your child is going to be so lucky. As I read the description of the type of mom you’ll be, I kept thinking she is going to be just like my mom @shelleybrill. My mom is and always has been awesome. I go to her for everything, even in my 30’s. Thank you for sharing this. Your future baby is going to have a great life with a loving, wonderful momma like you. <3 Lauren

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  • @shelleybrill I wrote this for you. I love you so much and I hope you know how much I appreciate you (even though you get on my nerves sometimes). Love you!

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  • Antoinette!!! This story is incredible. You are amazing. It’s so crazy how the way someone treats you in a moment as a childhood can have such a ripple effect. What strength you have to take it upon yourself to learn to read for your child, and lookout you now!!! Writing like a pro! I am in awe of your strength and your courage. And I am sure your children feel the same. You’re a fighter and winner.

    Thank you for sharing your story.


    @shelleybrill this letter is a must read. Check it out.

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 11 months ago

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    My buddy Pearlie

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  • MehrAslam responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 2 years, 1 months ago

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    Response to

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  • Dear Sean, My Heart Is Hurting

    Dear Sean,

    Our friendship began the night we met. It was August 12, 2018 in downtown Cleveland. My friends and I ended up at a table at FWD nightclub with you and your friends. Thanks to your charm, and that handsome face, we immediately clicked.

    In a short time, I realized there was so much more to you than your good looks and your sweet personality.

    Over the next year, I got to know you pretty well. I opened up to you about my past. You were supportive and understanding. I shared with you the challenges I faced at the time, and you gave me strength, encouragement, and confidence. You also took me for sushi, became my pen pal (exchanging a billion texts a day), and helped me set the foundation for my business. Sometimes, I’d even get you to stop by my apartment just to give me a hug.

    As our friendship evolved, you’d often share your wisdom and perspective with me.

    Vividly, I remember you once telling me a lesson you learned while serving in the military. You told me you were pushed so much physically in the military that you realized that the moment you feel like giving up – the moment you feel like you have nothing left in the tank – you always have a bit more fight left. You can always go more.

    I left Cleveland in June of 2019. You came over and said goodbye to me. You told me we’d see each other again in Miami or when I returned to Cleveland. Little did I know that would be the last time I’d ever see you.

    About two months later, you texted me, “I have a miracle.”

    You proceeded to tell me, in text, about how a week earlier you had a seizure while home with your daughters. Your daughters called for help and got you to the hospital, where they found a tumor in your brain. You sent me videos and an actual picture of the tumor inside your brain. It was too much for me to absorb over text, and I asked you to call me, which you did.

    At that point, you still didn’t know if it was cancer, but you told me, “Don’t worry. Whatever it is, I will be OK.”

    When you officially told me it was cancer, I don’t think my mind could fully process the reality of the situation. In fact, I still don’t think I have fully processed it. As time passed, I checked in on you here and there, and we chatted about life and other things.

    When I first launched The Unsealed, you read nearly every letter, and signed up as one of my very first members.

    After I thanked you for signing up, you said, “Your stories are helping people, Lauren. Your strength/story is touching.”

    You made me believe that this lofty dream I was pursuing was not only possible but worthwhile.

    While we didn’t talk much about your cancer diagnosis, and you certainly never told me your prognosis, you did tell me your circumstance taught you that no matter what, you always have to look at life from a positive perspective. When I told you I felt like I hit a wall with my business, you told me to be thankful I am here to hit that wall, reminding me that each day is both a blessing and an opportunity.

    I used to tease you that you were a feminist, but you truly were, believing that women, including me, could be or do anything they so choose. I remember you even spent time on a weekend, helping teach young girls how to code.

    Your daughters were your world, and you never wanted to miss a volleyball game or dinner time. If I called you while you were watching a movie with one of your daughters, you wouldn’t answer. Your time with your children was precious to you – and that was true from the moment I met you.

    During your battle with cancer, you began to ride your bike – a lot. You decided to join the Great Cycle Challenge, aiming to ride your bike 200 miles in a month to raise money, not for yourself but for children battling cancer. You were among the top fundraisers in the country.

    In the most challenging moment in your life, you devoted your time and energy to helping others that were suffering.

    Sean, that is who you were. That is who all your friends and family know, love, and cherish.

    A little less than a year ago, I asked you how you were, and you told me you were OK and that you were going to try some experimental treatments. Without going into detail, I knew what that meant. I didn’t hear from you much after that, and I feel sad that I didn’t reach out as I should have. I think, subconsciously, a part of me didn’t want to face the reality of losing yet another young person close to me. I am sorry I wasn’t there for you as much as I should have been these last few months. I promise, it wasn’t because I didn’t care.

    A few weeks ago, I had a funny story I wanted to tell you – a mystery that I finally solved. When I texted you on your phone and Instagram and didn’t get a response, I knew it wasn’t good. Ultimately, your best friend and your mom filled me in. I am thankful I texted when I did, as I was able to send you cards and tell you how much you meant to me. Your mom even said that when you saw the card was from me, you had a huge smile across your face.

    I am absolutely heartbroken right now. You were one of the good guys and didn’t deserve a battle with brain cancer. With that said, I want you to know that the man beyond the charm and the handsome face has left an indelible mark on my heart.

    Because of you, I will keep fighting when I feel there is nothing left in the tank. I will keep pushing to build The Unsealed, motivated by the fact that I know it meant something to you and can and will help many other people. And I will always wake up every day with gratitude and a positive attitude.

    While I am mourning the loss of your life, I will continue to celebrate you through how I live mine.

    I miss you already. Thank you for genuinely caring about me. You will forever inspire me.


    With love and lots of hugs,

    P.S. I heart you.

    support brain cancer research disease by donating to:
    https://virtualtrials.org/strother.cfm or http://www.childrenscancer.org/seanstrother

    @delanomassey @shelleybrill @kayjahlorde @mehraslam @amazz94 @abbiegwrites @bigstudbundy @lostone89 @willardogan @wilparker1 @andbrill @zaysmith1 @gabriellebeth @ashley_topham @asyk @hue-jackson @dsenlightenededits @jerricaconley @jsimon @johncarubbagmail-com @qcurtis @redskinsjjv84 @okiwa002 @vbrooks884 @oneturbobenz @writingsfromthegarden @jcbcle77 @yourbabydaddy @zuckerman @corriefergusonbooks

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    • Dear Lauren:
      Today is Glioblastoma #GBM Day and as we shine the light on this devastating disease, I want to express my appreciation to you for using your platform – The Unsealed – to write this beautiful and poignant letter to my son Sean who at age 40, left us last month, too soon due to GBM. We are heartbroken.

      Your letter captured the e…read more

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  • @prelude2cinema this is so true Alex. But sometimes the words are nice to here. You really should check out @telina27 letter. She talks about some similar feelings and emotions in regards to her relationship with her mother. Here is her article. https://theunsealed.com/activity/p/1710/

    My mother’s parents (my grandparents) also weren’t very good about expressing their feelings. But my mother said she always felt loved. With that said, my mom @shelleybrill very much made a point to be different with her children. She was and is an extremely affectionate mother. So you have the choice to be different if you so choose.

    For my mom, she always says that even thought they didn’t say “I love you.”
    She always felt loved. And as you said that is really want matters in the end.

    Go check out Telina’s letter and respond to her! I think you will like it.


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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of To my younger selfTo my younger self group 2 years, 1 months ago

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    To young Jim

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • The latest news on The Unsealed

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s hard to express how thankful I am for each of you. When I started this company, I was motivated by the idea that my personal experiences coping with sexual violence could inspire others. For me, this company allowed me to turn what was once a deep and dark secret into a superpower. While each of you has supported me on this journey, I am proud to say this company has become less about me and more about all of you.

    I have connected with many of you, assisting you in writing your stories and sharing with you the wisdom that others have offered.

    While starting any business from scratch (with nearly no startup cash) is incredibly difficult, the myriad ways we’ve deeply impacted people have given me a clear vision and pushed me to march through numerous obstacles every day.

    A father whose teenage daughter struggled with a stutter wrote to me, “While teaching Morgan to relearn to talk will always be a challenge, we quickly saw the mental support she needed was far more important…There will never be a magic pill, and we knew that. Then, the Unsealed happened. It provided Morgan with an unbiased platform. It was safe. She found a place to tell her story from her perspective. …. The letter, told from her words, has acted like a coming-out party for Morgan…I am not totally sure Morgan even knows it, but I’ve seen the before and after… She has more confidence than ever to go get the life she wants.”

    One of our members who has battled depression and overwhelming grief after losing his mom at a young age just recently posted, “Without The Unsealed, I most likely would be buried in the plot meant for my father, besides my mother. I wouldn’t be doing my best to offer my particular brand of hard work to my job. I wouldn’t be speaking out for the underprivileged. I wouldn’t be taking care of my father as he continues to wage his battle against Carcinoid Cancer. I am eternally grateful that the younger you became who you are in the present moment. ”

    And an 18-year-old sexual assault survivor emailed me the following:
    “I had mentioned that you were the sixth person I had ever told my story to, and I just wanted to follow up and say thank you for giving me the space to do that. Interestingly enough, I did not tell you my story because you were affected by a similar — and yet very, very different — experience. I told you because the way you instantly conveyed yourself as a strong female role model (but also a total stranger) created what I recognized as a safe space. You have no idea how much it means to me to see women like you… I know nearly nothing about you, but whoever it is that you are, you made me want to tell a seventh and an eighth, and a ninth person about my story… I’m not entirely sure where this sudden willingness to share my story came from, but I attribute it to you because you are the first woman I met face-to-face who used her experiences to drive her passion.”

    Sometimes simply reading these testimonials make my stoic personality crack. My eyes well up with tears, and my heart overflows with emotion. I am simply amazed by what we’ve created so far. But I also realize that I am only one person, and the potential impact we can make as a community is far greater than me alone.

    That’s why I have decided to add a new element to The Unsealed. Instead of just connecting with me, it’s time for you to write to each other – to be the light for one another. We created a community of pen pals – a safe place for you to express yourself and connect with people, most often strangers, who want to see you win in life. You can add friends/penpals and @ your letters to them in our specific groups, or you can post a letter in one of our groups (divided by topics: mental health, chasing your dreams, women’s empowerment, etc.) and wait and see who from our community responds. You can even start your own group. Also, you can make your letters public to share with the world or private for just our community. It’s up to you. Feel free to repost any contest entries into one of our groups so that people can write you back!

    If you would like to be assigned a pen pal, reach out to me at lauren@theunsealed.com. In the meantime, please log in, explore our new interactive community and add me as your first friend/pen pal.

    I hope you take part in writing, sharing, reading, and exchanging Unsealed Letters. Your words will not only impact many people on The Unsealed, but your truth will reverberate throughout the world. We as a community have the chance to bring to each other’s lives what you have all already brought to mine: hope, love, and peace.

    Thank you all. I love you, and I am forever grateful for all of you! Now, it’s your time to take part in transforming many more secrets into superpowers.

    P.S. Click “Write me back” below and write me back about my story, any ideas for the community, or anything else that this letter inspires you to share (You must log in and join the group to respond). I can’t wait to be enlightened by your truth.

    @abbiegwrites, @abbycashton, @abbykb, @abo, @kayjahlorde, @krisqts-us-com, @mshagrin, @oneturbobenz, @abrill21, @shelleybrill, @cousin-shelly, @marcusj23, @willardogan, @wilparker1, @stevenburkett, @rschwartzsca-cpa-com. @lostone89, @telina27, @ashley_topham, @mehraslam, @lindseylamar, @katiedibs, @edwinbassler, @dsenlightenededits, @gabriellebeth, @hue-jackson, @mindfulstack, @jerricaconley, @jsimon, @redskinsjjv84, @yourbabydaddy, @okiwa002, @vcalero, @zaysmith1


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    • I just want to let you know that I am really proud of you and have respect for everything you do and are currently doing for others. I’m glad that you have given me an opportunity to be able to share my story with you and inspire others; and I am also greatful that God has given me the opportunity to work with a well driven, kind, intelligent, a…read more

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      • OMG, I am not crying. Actually, I am crying! Kayjah, you are so sweet. You have so much greatness inside of you and your journey is just beginning. I am honored to have the opportunity to be a part of your journey and I am beyond excited to see where you decide to go in life. There is nothing you can’t do! You have already been through so much and…read more

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      • Dear Kayjah,
        Thank you so much for your kind words about Lauren. As her mother, this means so much to me. Lauren has gone thru so much in her life and I am glad she is sharing her challenges. We can all learn from each other and become inspired. Lauren tells me you are a fantastic intern and are helping her so much. I hope you and Lauren…read more

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    • I’ve always wanted to tell the world about my experiences and opinions. But I constantly have the impression that no one is listening. But I believe I’ve found the proper spot where I can tell my story and hopefully inspire others. Your efforts are much appreciated. Continue to inspire & motivate others. With the right intentions, I believe we can…read more

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      • Aww, I am so glad you found The Unsealed. I can’t wait to read and respond to your story. I believe everyone has a story that can inspire someone. We all need to lift each other. I wanted to introduce to @ashley_topham. She is a strong, resilient young woman like you. I hope you two begin to write to each other. You each can post a story and just…read more

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    • Hi Friend, I just wanted to let you know that my appreciation is beyond words, and I am both thankful and proud of you. I am proud of you for choosing yourself and passions everyday even though you’ve been through so much fire. I am not much of a speaker, I do better watching and working from behind the curtains, but the unsealed has give me a…read more

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      • @asyk This is so sweet. Thank you so much! This motivates me so much. Starting a business is so hard but when you realize it actually means something to people, it makes it so much easier to keep pushing. And whether you speak, write, scream, or whisper, you have a lot of be proud of and your message/story should be heard. You are strong and your…read more

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    • We are all proud of you for creating such a wonderful site. A site where others can share their experiences, their pain, their regrets, and their come ups. This all happened because you wanted to change the world. you are changing the world and the world will thank you in ways you couldn’t imagine. Thank you

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 years, 3 months ago

    Don't Worry, Be Happy

    Dear Kris, @krisqts-us-com

    The other night I was super stressed and I read a post of yours that said, “”In every life we have some trouble. But when you worry you make it double. Don’t worry, be happy!” – Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin.”

    I am a worrier. I have always been like that. It’s the way I am wired. And this month I was worrying more than usual. When I read that, I thought about you and your story and suddenly felt a calmness. I just wanted you to know I am incredibly inspired by you and you are helping some many people just by being you.

    I think when we as a humans are in extreme situations we see the world and the purpose of life with so much more clarity. When you share that clarity and perspective with others it not only allows you to live your best life, but helps others do the same. Thank you for sharing your light with the world. Your light is helping people step out of their own darkness.

    Grateful our paths crossed. xo (@shelleybrill @oneturbobenz @jim-c @kayjahlorde)


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  • Jim responded to a letter 2 years, 3 months ago

    That’s a powerful story. He’s right. You shouldn’t accept anything less than what he would have been willing to give. From anyone. Grief is tough. Comes in all shapes and sizes. I’m currently apart from my ex girlfriend. It’s brutal. I want to be back w her so much. But I can’t speed up the process. It just has to be a one day at a time process. I think of the good. The memories are great, but tortuous at the same time. People say “ things will get better”. But sometimes I don’t want to hear that. Because I don’t really think they will, because when I was with her I never felt better. In addition, I’ve lost both of my parents. Mom in 2004. Dad in 2020. How did I manage? Not really sure really lol. I just kind of knew I had to. And I guess I just wanted to get through one day at a time. Sound familiar? But that’s really all I could do. Remember the unbelievable memories. All while missing people that I’d give anything to have back. To have one more chat. One more dinner. The finality of knowing that will never happen got overwhelming at times. But I would just realize how they would want me to be strong. As hard it was. There is no manual for this stuff. Every person deals with it in their own way, at their own pace. Grief is tough. It’s a lame expression, but hanging in there and taking it a day at a time is the best way to start

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    • I am so sorry for your losses as well. They say time heals all, but I remember writing when I was a kid that time doesn’t heal all, you just start to get used to the way you feel. One day at a time is definitely the best advice, but the reality is, some days are certainly better than others.

      With that said, I have also experienced magical…read more

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      • I think you are right on. I don’t think you ever fully heal from serious grief like that. You just get used to things as they are. Because to be fully healed, I’d think that means as good as you were before the loved ones went away. And I don’t think that will ever be the case in things like that. Nothing will ever be as good as it was. You just…read more

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  • Why my ex-boyfriend is always in my heart

    It’s been almost six years since I lost my ex-boyfriend, Brian. He loved me with all his heart. And even though I broke his heart, he never stopped caring about me, supporting me, or cheering on my success. When he was alive, I spent years keeping him an arm’s distance away. At the time, I just didn’t want the same relationship that he wanted. But when he died, I almost fell in love with him all over again, or maybe I realized I never stopped loving him. At that moment, I remembered the roses he bought me for no reason, the times we ran around lower Manhattan going to psychics to see what they’d say, and the comedy shows where we laughed until our stomachs hurt. Brian never wanted to tell me “no” about anything. He always wanted to see me happy. I never really thought about how I’d feel if one day he was no longer here.

    Before he died, he made me promise him that I would never settle for anyone who didn’t treat me the way he treated me. He literally made me look him in the eye and say, “I promise.” Now, when I date, and someone falls short of treating me how he wanted, it’s almost like I grieve him dying all over again. With each disappointment, I am reminded of him and how we really did have something special.

    While I can’t turn back the clocks of time, I keep Brian close to my heart every day. And when I find that person who treats me how he wanted me to be treated, I will honor Brian’s life by meeting that standard as well.

    Never again will I take anyone’s love for granted.

    Anyone else have someone in their lives that they hold close? How do you guys deal with grief? Would love to hear from you guys <3

    @amazz94 @bigstudbundy @zsigray81@delanomassey @josh-copeland @jim-c @fpjames7 @oneturbobenz @shelleybrill @telina27


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    • That’s a powerful story. He’s right. You shouldn’t accept anything less than what he would have been willing to give. From anyone. Grief is tough. Comes in all shapes and sizes. I’m currently apart from my ex girlfriend. It’s brutal. I want to be back w her so much. But I can’t speed up the process. It just has to be a one day at a time proces…read more

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      • I am so sorry for your losses as well. They say time heals all, but I remember writing when I was a kid that time doesn’t heal all, you just start to get used to the way you feel. One day at a time is definitely the best advice, but the reality is, some days are certainly better than others.

        With that said, I have also experienced magical…read more

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        • I think you are right on. I don’t think you ever fully heal from serious grief like that. You just get used to things as they are. Because to be fully healed, I’d think that means as good as you were before the loved ones went away. And I don’t think that will ever be the case in things like that. Nothing will ever be as good as it was. You just…read more

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    • Grief in general is hard to deal with because when we lose someone we feel like apart of us is gone, but we take on who they were in the things we do. Each person we meet gives us apart of themselves. When I lost my dad I was angry 😡 and sad at the same time. I couldn’t understand why I had to lose him. As I started to come out of my anger I r…read more

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      • @oneturbobenz @telina27 I think you are both so right. We all find our own ways to grieve. But i think the underlining similarity is that we all need to allow ourselves to grieve and to express our emotions. Telina, I went through that anger stage like you did. Wanting someone or something to blame. And Roger, I also had guilt, “why did i leave…read more

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    • This is a powerful read. It’s not easy losing people we care about. It takes time to process a loss. Our minds start wondering how things would be different if that person was still alive. It’s said that time heals all wounds, but, it doesn’t feel like it. It feels like time just makes us get into a place where we can tolerate our wounds. Not…read more

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      • Gerald I know your mom is looking down on you and she is really proud. You know, I too often bury my emotions . Not because I think I have too but because it’s easier not to face them. Often they come out in other ways like anxiety, stomach aches or even back aches. That’s how I ended up writing. It became a healthy outlet for self-expression. A…read more

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        • Appreciate that Lauren. I believe she is too, looking down with a smile. Yeah. Anxiety is definitely one way those emotions can come out. I’m glad you found healing and empowerment through writing. I feel writing has done the same for me in terms of its healing power & empowerment I’ll never felt before. It’s a great outlet for self-expression. I…read more

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    • I struggled for quite a while after losing my mother. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer many years prior to succumbing to it. When first diagnosed she entered a trial study and it was under control for years. When the trail ended, she was so excited to find out she was in the test group and he cancer was under control. About a year latter…read more

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      • I am so sorry for what you and your mother went through. But you are so right, focusing on the happy times makes everything a little easier. Also, you can feel gratitude for having so many happy times. With my grandfather, I always think about how he called me his little athlete because he knew I got my athletic talent from him. With Brian, I…read more

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        • I remember the first time I read about the promise you made Brian. I think what he wanted was to ensure you were happy. The way he treated you was the way he felt was the best way he could make you happy so that is what he hoped you would find with someone else. Maybe a part of him hoped you would look and not find someone and come back to him.…read more

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          • “Maybe next time instead of putting his sister at your table he will put the guy you are looking for there.” This line nearly made me cry. He is probably just waiting until i feel so tortured that I will appreciate that person to no end. And I do think you are right. I do think on some level he was hoping I would one day come to him. I just don’t…read more

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    • My husband has been nothing but good to me. It’s hard for me to fathom that someone can hold so much love for another person. I can’t imagine what it would be like if he was no longer here with me. I do know it would shatter me. I’m so grateful for him.

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    • This is beautiful, and I’m sorry you lost a true love. Someone that cherished you with all he had. And, No, you don’t find that often and what you promised him, you should hold dear. He wanted to make sure if it wasn’t him, it would be someone who was his example, love you dearly. There’s a true saying, “you don’t miss the water, until the well…read more

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      • I’m literally in tears. I found another “Brian.” He is in the next room working. While they are very different, and they express their feelings for me totally differently, their love and care for me are the same. Thank you for reading. I know somewhere Brian is smiling down on me – on us. <3 Lauren

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