

  • Lauren,
    Thank you! I am living on a Girl Scout camp in Michigan. This last summer was the first summer my partner James and I lived on the camp. We live here year round. The poem was mostly about how living at Camp is filled with so much hope and overall, such good energy to live around

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  • Perfect Doesn't Sum it Up

    Sunlight drips through the ancient trees

    It drips into my skin
    Warming me in the cool forest.
    The warmth of the Universe tells me I am Home

    I am at home in Nature surrounded by laughter of girls becoming the young woman that will change the world

    I see their Magic
    I see their Power
    I see their Weirdness

    And I remember the Joy of being that Girl
    The world ahead of me Vast and Limitless
    And my only wish for all the
    Girls of the World is that they have the Courage, Confidence, and Character
    to make this life and Earth better for all of us

    After searching my whole life for that feeling of Peace and Promise
    I found it

    Drenched in sunlight, laughter, and song
    Smelling of dust and dew
    Just to be me in this place is more than I could have ever dreamed


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    Voting ends December 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Sarah, This is so sweet! Were you leading some sort of program/girl scouts? It sounds like a magical moment. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our community. <3 Lauren

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      • Lauren,
        Thank you! I am living on a Girl Scout camp in Michigan. This last summer was the first summer my partner James and I lived on the camp. We live here year round. The poem was mostly about how living at Camp is filled with so much hope and overall, such good energy to live around

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 4 months, 3 weeks ago


    For Lauren

    Dancing across the stage of Life

    The Real Goal is to start a flame of Passion

    To Ignite another’s Soul to move the mountains

    You wished you could

    To Inspire is the greatest gift

    You will ever be given.

    Real Beauty and Wisdom that come with Age

    Should always be celebrated and cherished

    by the World

    Thank you Lauren! Happy Birthday!


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    • Aww Sarah! I love this! Thank you for always supporting me and being a true light in my life. And thank you for sharing your light with The Unsealed community. Love you. <3 Lauren

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  • 2023 and Me

    I want you to breathe easier
    To not critique yourself and art into artistic paralysis
    Do not question your Intuition
    I will let you make mistakes
    Only if you can learn from them
    I will not beat you up for being human

    I will give you the grace I allow others
    I am now able to love you as you need to be loved.
    And that love will grow with each passing day

    I believe that you are worth the struggle.
    That love is just as important to receive as give.
    You will be the change you want to see in this world.
    You will rage against the dying light
    And I will love and be proud of you with every moment of this coming year.


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    • Sarah, this is so good. You give so much love and kindness to others. I hope and pray every day you give that same love and kindness to yourself. You are wonderful and amazing and I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. Thank you for sharing. I hope your year is going even better than planned. Thank you for sharing your heart with the…read more

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    • It’s always good to give ourselves grace because sometimes we tend to be a little too hard on ourselves we have to understand that sometimes we don’t have the ability to do everything we want to do our way. We sometimes have to understand that we are not perfect. I love that you said that you will rage against the dying light showing that no…read more

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    • Sarah giving ourselves grace is important, especially living in a society where there aren’t many people that will give you grace. Accepting grace for yourself is important, but also accepting grace for others is even more important. We need to remind ourselves that grace is there for us. We have the power to have grace in moments where we feel l…read more

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 3 months ago


    I fell in love with Emily when I was 10.
    Her take on love and death made me long to explain it as well as she could.
    She made me fall in love with words.
    Their power

    Every night after I received her poetry
    I would sink into dreams of what love and life meant.
    What it all could mean

    30 years later I am ready to not just read the truth.
    I am ready to be the truth.
    I am ready to be Emily.
    To have my words ring true
    To inspire the next Emily.
    The next Sarah

    Sarah Perez

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    • It’s beautiful to hear how Emily’s poetry impacted you and continues to inspire you. It’s a true testament to the power of words to shape our lives and perspectives.

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  • sarita responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 8 months ago

    Thank you! You are amazing! I throughly enjoyed meeting you via zoom. I can’t wait to see where you will be in journey when you are my age. Reach out anytime you want/need to talk. I think you are an inspiration to all of us and I cannot wait to read more of your work. Thank you for being so supportive!

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 8 months ago

    Find Your Voice

    I have always wanted to belong.
    With my heritage split down the middle,
    one foot on each side of the divide.
    I was lucky to experience both sides of life

    Looking like a descendent of Sacagawea
    Sounding like a Valley Girl I learned quickly that there was not yet a place for me
    So I made one.

    I will forever be the one who stands out
    Wishing for anyominity at every step
    but finding my voice rising more and more.
    For the women who didn’t have a choice
    The women that left this life too soon.

    I will speak and leave the shadows for you.
    I will stand and be counted, my voice will rise for the ones without an outlet.

    I won’t quit until our stories are heard and become a part of the fabric of our collective

    Sarah Perez

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    • I love this. Part of the reason I started The Unsealed is because I wanted everyone to feel heard, and seen and as thought their voice matters. Because all of our voices matter. Thank you for sharing this poem. It warmed my heart this morning to read. It is beautiful and empowering and strong. It’s so important that we empower and support each…read more

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

    When Push Comes to Love

    Love has taken me many places and taught me so many important lessons. I truly believe that love is the best teacher in the world. Love is vast and can change your life. This is what love has taught me over the years and is what motivates me to make it through the dark days and to celebrate the beautiful ones.
    The Greeks had seven words for the emotion of love. I have always loved this fact since I learned it when I was younger. The form of love that always stood out to me was Agape, which is the word for empathetic, universal love. My younger self was drawn to that because I realized that this type of love I felt in my bones, a love that connects the world.
    This idea of love that can exist between anyone on earth was very moving to me when I was very ill with a Bipolar disorder and a Neurological condition. This condition was caused by the medication I was taking for my Bipolar disorder and ended up having to have multiple brain surgeries. Not only did the idea of Agape help me to survive this very dark time in my life, but love in general gave me strength to always move forward. I was in the hospital for two months with a brain infection. My parents love, love from friends, love in any form, was what pushed me through.
    I worked hard to get better not only physically, but emotionally as well. Learning to lead with love has been such a gift to my life. I finally feel healthy both physically and emotionally. This is something I quite honestly believed might not ever happen for me.
    Love changed my mind. Love saved me and has motivated me to be the best version of myself.

    Sarah Perez

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    • I really enjoyed reading your letter. I completely agree love is so powerful and is definitely capable of healing. I loved the way you explained what love means to you and the type that you feel the most. Love is truly capable of saving people and getting them through their toughest times. You are so strong and it is amazing and inspiring that…read more

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      • Thank you! You are amazing! I throughly enjoyed meeting you via zoom. I can’t wait to see where you will be in journey when you are my age. Reach out anytime you want/need to talk. I think you are an inspiration to all of us and I cannot wait to read more of your work. Thank you for being so supportive!

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    • Although you had a very sick, depressed and negative life at the time, I’m glad that you were able to move forward with love in your heart. Love is your most powerful medicine and as always, if you want it, you can get it. When we are faced with illness or hardships, a friend’s or families love is what helps us to get through it.

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    • I love it, and Love is almost the key to everything, if people just open their eyes and believe. Let it happen. Love is truly what builds the universe, we just don’t share it enough. It would be such a better place to live, if we would just share it more. It’s so easy to share love, it costs nothing. You are worth being loved at all times. During…read more

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    • Love is a very powerful emotion. It can make or break you yet it connects us all. It protects us and nurtures us from the evils of the world. Thank you for sharing

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  • sarita responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 9 months ago

    I am so happy you said that people with children could relate to the poem. I don’t have children so I was worried that it would come across as oversimplification of what it must feel like to have children. I am glad you felt connection with the characters so to speak. That was what I was really trying to convey. That a simple moment can hold beauty and sadness all at once

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  • sarita responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years, 9 months ago

    Wow. Thank you so much Roger. That means a lot to me. I really enjoyed writing this poem. I am overjoyed that you enjoyed reading it. I think it is sometimes strangers that can make us think differently about aspects of life. Kind of like seeing something familiar in a new light. Thank you again. I truly appreciate it. Thank you for your feedback

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 9 months ago

    The Bartender is Beautiful

    The Bartender is Beautiful

    When she told me how she cried when her kids ate her ice cream
    I realized how beautiful she was.
    The sadness that spoke from her eyes
    When she spoke of her missed bowl of ice cream it made me realize how much she loves
    And doesn’t get loved

    She works day in and day out to give her kids the world and at the end of the day, all she wants is a bowl of ice cream and to feel safe
    To be a mother must be the loneliest

    Her smile could light up a room if given half the chance.
    But some women look more stunning sad
    To see her proud, strong, and secure would be a joy.
    Would she still have her sad beauty though?
    Confidence is sold as a crime in this country
    I wish I could give her some of mine


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    • Wow. Thank you so much Roger. That means a lot to me. I really enjoyed writing this poem. I am overjoyed that you enjoyed reading it. I think it is sometimes strangers that can make us think differently about aspects of life. Kind of like seeing something familiar in a new light. Thank you again. I truly appreciate it. Thank you for your feedback

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    • This poem is incredible. You can really tell from this point of view how in touch the person is with the bartender. The person feels her pain and wants to give her joy. The mother is hard working and just needed a break to enjoy her Ice cream but with her overload of children its hard to take a break from that. Many people can relate to this poem…read more

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      • I am so happy you said that people with children could relate to the poem. I don’t have children so I was worried that it would come across as oversimplification of what it must feel like to have children. I am glad you felt connection with the characters so to speak. That was what I was really trying to convey. That a simple moment can hold…read more

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    • ⚠️ This letter has been reported

      This is an incredible poem, Sarita! It makes you want the best for the bartender and her kids. I love the world you created in your poem. The dedication the mom has to make sure her kids are okay is amazing. I hope she eats as much ice cream as she can to give her heart joy! Thank you for sharing this powerful poem.

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      • She needs to alter her approach and maybe even get help planning a new way to communicate and heal her relationships with them.

        Healing the Damage

        I greet your anger with peace.
        I greet your envy with love.
        I greet your guilt with hope.
        I center myself in the beauty of spirit.
        Your arrows bend around me, they dissipate.
        I lay down my ego,…read more

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        • This is a great poem you’ve posted, Kit. I love how you put healing words at the end of each line. Healing from the damage we’ve experienced in our lives is very important. Sometimes, healing can take a while because the pain we have inside of us is too deep. Your poem could heal people who read it and let the words sink in. Great poem!

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          • Letting go of anger and feeling “I am right” often takes a conscious decision. Sometimes, anger comes back after years of thinking it was conquered. Frustrating. Recognizing that it is the same old same old and will only do harm is the tough thing, I think. It can feel as if we need anger to armor ourselves against harm. sometimes I think we do…read more

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            • Yes. That anger can come back and be stronger than it was when it first came. I like that saying ”Feel s if we need anger to armor ourselves against harm”. It’s so true that it feels like we need anger to protect ourselves from people that want to harm us. It’s tough letting that anger go and trusting in ourselves to shield off harmful people.…read more

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years, 9 months ago



    It is tattooed on my soul,
    this word.

    Upon hearing it, I knew only

    That word could stop my in my tracks.
    Make me rethink my plans, my motives.
    The soft sound coming from the lips of only people I loved, letting me know that I had a
    purpose in life

    To be good and love as strongly as the voices who used this term of endearment
    To pass that love to others that sense of peace

    Hearing that word from the lovely Guatemalan Woman at the Resturant across the street from a place where I had forgotten I was someone’s dear one.
    That I deserved to be called

    The second time she bestowed that grace on me, I awoke.
    I remembered who I am.
    Remembered the laughter
    the joy
    the love
    of being Mija.

    So I returned to be Mija.

    Sarah Perez

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    • aww so beautiful. Isn’t amazing how powerful someone’s words can be when they say the right thing at the right time. Thank you for sharing this poem. And of course you have purpose in life!! there is so much purpose in just your story and your voice along. Keep being you. Keep doing you! And smile along the way :). xoxo

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    • You brought me to the depth of your soul, Mija! You painted a picture so clear, I was there. I could hear the word Mija and feel your emotions. I enjoy pieces that truely convey the artist emotion, pieces that transport you within your own home. Thank you dear friend! I look forward to more of Sarah pieces.
      XOXO Antoinette

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    • Words are tremendously a powerful thing and i am glad the word Mija brings you happiness. Not many people know how much power a word or some words have on people and how it can affect them in a good way or a bad way. The way you express the word Mija makes me hear how they said it to you and how that word gave you comfort; how it gave you a home.…read more

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    • Delightful! I hope you hold mija in your heart every day. Hearing the echo in your mind is as good as a hug from your dearest who is now absent from your daily life. Yes, you are beloved, it says. You are the light of someone’s life, and you and she are both aglow with love. Love shared only grows.

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  • sarita responded to a letter in topic Current Events 1 years, 10 months ago

    Thank you! I read your letter and your mom sounds like a truly brave person. We all have different stories, but it is nice to know that there are people who can sympathize or empathize. Thank you for standing for Women’s Rights. I think in moving forward, we need more men to stand up and say this is wrong and inexcusable. There is much work to be done and we need everyone to be vocal about it. I truly believe that people can change their lives and the lives of others if they keep putting the work in.

    Thank you,

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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years, 10 months ago

    Dear America

    Dear America,
    The news that the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade deeply saddens me and fills me with guilt. This decision is very personal to me. In 2008 at the age of 25 I got pregnant, while using two forms of birth control. I have never wanted children and I decided to have an abortion. Only problem was that I have so many medical conditions, including a neurological condition called Increased Intracranial Hypertension. I had to have a medical device implanted in me in 2005 to treat the condition by draining the fluid off my brain and depositing it in my abdomen. The condition was caused by the medication used to treat my Bipolar DIsorder. I knew all the consequences of what pregnancy would do to my body, I had been well informed by all my Specialists. I am on disability so I went to my primary care doctor when I found out. She worked at a federally funded clinic that I went to as at that point, I only had Medicaid. When I explained the situation, all my medical history, my wishes for my life, my concerns. I had contacted Planned Parenthood and they said to safely to have the abortion I would need medical clearance, the okay, that I was healthy enough to have the procedure. My doctor refused. She said no one in her office would agree to give me the medical clearance for the abortion, even though I was healthy enough to have. I was devastated. What was I ever going to do? I was on disability for a very severe chronic illness and the pregnancy could kill me, I didn’t want a child. I could not understand why my wishes and concerns were not even being considered. I contacted Planned Parenthood again and they said it could be a clearance from any medical doctor I had seen recently. Luckily I have a really good neurologist I had recently seen and he gave the clearance.
    So, now for the reason I feel guilt about the Supreme Court’s decision. When I went to have the abortion the doctor pulled me aside and informed me that she heard of my situation and talked to a friend of hers that was a lawyer, she gave me their number and said that I should contact them because what that federally funded clinic did to me was illegal.
    That floored me. I held on to that number for almost a year hoping I would be brave enough to call. I was in such a bad place in my life at that point that I couldn’t imagine the stress of a court case about this. As the years passed I grew stronger and more confident in myself, but I still felt guilty that I hadn’t spoke up. That I gave into fear and shame that I never should have had to experience from having a necessary medical procedure. Hearing that Roe vs. Wade was overturned, the guilt just cascaded over me. I let myself and all the women I love and all the women without the opportunity to use their voice down. It was rough. The only way I know how to combat this guilt is to never let myself be silenced again. To never let fear take over when there is Right to be done. That is why I am writing this. I want every woman to know her voice matters and that I will fight and stand up right along side of her. America, this isn’t over. We must stand up and use our voices, it is the most important thing to do in this country right now.


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    • Sarah, Do not feel guilty at all. There is a very famous quote from Maya Angelou
      that says, “Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.”

      Simply by doing what was best for you and standing up for yourself, you stood up for all women. Never ever feel guilty for som…read more

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    • Thank you! I read your letter and your mom sounds like a truly brave person. We all have different stories, but it is nice to know that there are people who can sympathize or empathize. Thank you for standing for Women’s Rights. I think in moving forward, we need more men to stand up and say this is wrong and inexcusable. There is much work to be…read more

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    • Never feel guilty for living your truth. I too was deeply saddened when it was overturned. I don’t feel it’s right to force people into a situation that they don’t resonate with. Thank for speaking your truth.

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  • CONTEST ENTRY: To my 18-year-old self

    Dear Sarah,

    You are 18 now and about to graduate from high school. You have so many dreams and hopes and I am so proud of the person you are going to become.

    I am writing from 20 years in the future and I have a very important message to give to you.

    Nothing will ever be the way you imagined it or think it will be like. Things will not work out the way you ever would expect them to. And that is for the best because you will learn so much more about life, love, and people this way.  You will learn that life is not fair, but when it appears that way, life can feel magical. You will learn that love is not something that can be quantified or measured, but only felt in the deepest parts or your soul, that it will speak to you when you need it most.  And the things you learn about the nature of people and how to interact with them will be your saving grace.

    You will cry, hurt, and feel like your heart will never mend from the heartache of life. Life will break you. But you will learn from those moments and pain. Sarah, you will learn your greatest gift: to get back up and keep fighting for your life and heart everyday. You will be able to share and help others learn to cope with the pain of being a person in this day and age.

    When it seems like everything is ending or changing for the worse, you will learn to take the pain you have experienced and make into something full of love and hope. It is difficult, but you have so many good people in your life throughout the years that creating out of pain will become second nature.

    You will learn to stop planning your life in a grand way. Living in the moment will become your saving grace, To learn to take each moment as they come and not expect or anticipate more then there actually is. Learning to love with your whole heart in every moment, to give love to people who need it most will be difficult for you, but so rewarding as well.

    Sarah, I want you to learn that life is full of lessons to be learned and if one is as lucky as you will be, there is always something new to learn about life and love. This is your purpose on this Earth at this time. To learn how to live and love to your fullest and be a force for good. I know you will give it your all.

    I also want you to remember all the good in the world, the good that can come at any moment from a stranger even. I want you to become part of that good and kindness in the world. You have and have had so many good, kind people in your life that it is only right that you also become a force for kindness and learning.  I hope you learn and enjoy your journey as it is happening. Trust yourself. Your voice. I know you can and will.

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