

  • You Lack Nothing & God is Always With You

    8 years ago today I defended my Master’s Thesis at the University of Kentucky, titled:

    Healthy Reintegration: The Effectiveness of Military Teen Adventure Camp Participation of Adolescent Perceptions of Self-efficacy

    I remember the day vividly, I was a nervous wreck, standing in front of a room full of people with my insecurities—believing that somehow everyone witnessing was somehow smarter or better than me.

    If I could speak to that version of me at 25, I would tell her that you are enough today and you will only continue to get better. You will go on to complete a PhD at a R1 institution (Florida State University) defending one on many Goliath’s in your life (dissertation) during the onset of covid—against all odds. Ignore the disempowerment and doubt including, the words from your thesis advisor, “If you keep writing like this, Florida State will never accept you into their PhD program”. (Academia really has a unique way of shattering any bit of confidence you have).

    I would tell her that being from the south or from a perceived “less than” background won’t hold you back—it is your perceived lack that will fuel your drive to finish whatever you start. It will fuel you to put yourself out there. It will fuel you to leave your comfort zone. It will fuel you to never quit. It will empower your relationship and reliance on God. So run your race boldly and well — you lack nothing and God is always with you (Deut. 31:8)


    Dr. Cortnie S. Baity, LMFT

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    The maze of life, we wander, we strive,
    Through twists and turns, where paths collide,
    Each step a dance of pain and joy,
    As we chase dreams that hope employ.
    Through valleys deep and mountains high,
    We journey on, beneath the sky,
    With hearts that ache and souls that yearn,
    For the lessons learned at every turn.
    In the darkest of times,
    We stumble, we fall,
    Sometimes we even lose our sight,
    But from the shadows, once more we emerge,
    With newfound strength,
    After every storm, comes a surge.
    For in the depths of despair we find, The resilience of humankind.
    We rise from ashes, refusing to fold,
    A testament to faith and resilience—cheers to the courageous and bold
    For growth is not a straight-lined path,
    It’s up and downs, twists, and turns
    But we find our way, becoming free at last
    So let us cherish the journey we choose,
    For they remind us who we are and what happens if you refuse to lose,
    A testament to our strength and grace
    Yes, we rise and fall, yet rise again and again…
    Knowing that trouble won’t last always and if you don’t give up, you will win.
    So ride life’s wave, in God’s embrace.
    Trust your path—you’ve got what it takes.

    Dr. Cortnie S. Baity, LMFT

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    • Greetings, your poem beautifully captures the ups and downs of life’s journey, offering encouragement and hope to readers. Your use of vivid imagery and a rhythmic flow convey themes of perseverance and resilience, bravo! Overall, it’s an inspiring ode to the human spirit.

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  • The Art of Growth

    The Art of Growth

    Stagnant. Dormant. Idle. Sluggish.
    All feelings of a pace I’ve gotten too familiar with.
    I’m in a courtship with anxiety,
    And an engagement with depression.
    Yet, these are two relationships I don’t want to be a part of.

    Reflect. Ponder. Meditate. Think.
    These daily reminders ping in my head.
    Telling me to give myself a break, take it easy, let it out and let it go.
    But they only stay for the moment, and then I forget to be kind to myself.

    I wonder what being 30 is like for others.
    I wonder what being 30 is like for me.
    Am I behind? Am I lost? Is this okay?

    I reflect on how everyone is moving at their own pace.
    I ponder over how far I’ve come, yet how short of a time I’ve been around.
    I meditate on how there’s no such thing as behind, because this is my version of now.
    I think about how being lost isn’t a bad thing. It’s an opportunity to learn.
    It’s okay. I’ll be okay. And that’s the art of growth.

    A Graham

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  • Raheli Conde shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 day, 23 hours ago

    Galaxy Brothers & Sisters

    The stars, my brothers & sisters,
    How much I miss all thee
    To see you, shiny, bright optimists –
    Such a deep positivity to guide.

    So many of you all, those stars –
    The houses, cities, industries, beings
    Dull you now, and so, so few
    of you shine as bright, barely gleaning.
    Now, not as many of you
    Illuminate and shining to inspire
    Amongst the rest of mankind.
    I miss seeing you as I did back there . . .

    I lay there in the vast school valley
    No major lights, here third world style.
    Cast myself away from the US, I fled,
    practically now an exile.
    I came to understand more of the world
    Wanting to see if I can do any good.
    Lying, wishing to be in the space purl,
    There in the dark of the African continent.
    I smile with peace and such ease
    While looking up at those grand stars,
    Milky Way, galaxies, while a scant breeze
    waves across my skirt and the tall grass.

    My Earthly Family, those stars
    mine, yours, our representative.
    This view, this experience,
    I rushed over, not so tentative/
    To learn so much, but the stars
    Illuminated the sky and world
    So much brightness and loveliness,
    and so much did unfurl.
    I’ll never feel like this again.

    Those days over in Tanzania
    will forever last in memory
    That life, those stars, now as unglistened
    In this sky so uncomplimentary

    Sharing now that life is short.
    I’ll enjoy it as best as I did under
    The Tanzania stars and sky.

    Raheli Conde

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    • Greetings, your description of yearning for the beauty of the stars amidst the routine of life is quite striking. It contrasts the grandeur of the universe with the limitations of human existence, leaving a poignant reminder of life’s fleeting nature. Splendidly written.

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 3 days, 1 hour ago

    The Knight

    The knight elevates the princess
    tightening his grasp midair
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    Shifting the thread of hair behind
    to gain a surpass of what the wave has inside—
    the knight elevates the princess.
    Giddying as the knight’s veins come through
    the heat in the room leaves them breathless:
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    The beats sync
    taking the space away
    the knight elevates the princess.
    The grin grows uncontrollably
    the palms leaving a trace:
    while they are lost in the brown waves.
    Continuing to go steady
    as they snuggle close.
    The knight elevates the princess
    while they are lost in the brown waves.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Her

    Have I ever told you how proud I am?
    Of each of the battles you have overcome
    She thinks that her life is not up to par.
    She’s a writer now
    While her sport history is no more
    Have I ever told you how proud I am?
    Living with the mind battles
    Due from the moments God throws her way:
    She thinks that her life is not up to par.
    Still waking up
    Pushing past the hardships
    have I ever told you how proud I am?
    Have you seen how far you have grown
    moments you thought would never surpass
    She thinks that her life is not up to par.
    If she only knew how great she’s doing
    Which I think we’re finally within the place
    Have I ever told you how proud I am?
    She thinks that her life is not up to par.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 days, 1 hour ago

    The Self Journey

    Following down a path
    that was out of the ordinary.
    Discovering herself threw all the wrath
    Bouncing around such as a fairy.
    The harmfulness inside
    can consume her on the daily
    She is no longer trying to hide
    Realizing she probably was never gaily.
    The spark of who she is becoming
    Is bright within
    Hearing the constant humming
    Without all of the sin.
    This girl is giving it her all
    never worried on if she will fall.

    Lexi Mae

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    • “The spark of who she is becoming
      Is bright within”

      I love this line. I have felt this line. I can’t wait to see you continue on your path and reveal your purpose! <3 Lauren

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    • Greetings, your celebration of resilience and authenticity is wonderfully written. It encourages perseverance and self-acceptance, highlighting the strength of embracing one’s true identity. I hope this becomes a reality and a source of encouragement for everyone in their self-discovery journey.

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  • Who Am I?

    I want to try this again
    The more I learn about who I am becoming
    Making this a part of my routine
    As I continue going day by day
    To figure out the best version of myself
    So let’s begin
    Who am I?
    I carry a big heart
    One that can often be misused from those that surround me.
    I do not put that shield on it.
    I trust with the plan God already has made for me—
    I am just living that piece of it.
    I have goals
    All which one day I will succeed.
    I am still so young
    There’s a whole life ahead.
    Yes I will get things wrong
    It may not look like I know what I am doing
    That is okay though
    It is just going to build me.
    I trust myself
    I see my beauty within
    Even if it’s not on a day to day.
    I know who I can and want to be
    So for right now I am just loving me.
    I am grateful for the life that I carry
    And who I am becoming.
    Each day this is making me who I am
    And I cannot be more proud of that.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 days, 1 hour ago

    The little girl

    Looking into the mirror
    I see the smile from her.
    The find feels clearer
    I finally found where you were.
    Noticing the smile
    That follows around.
    Anyone could spot it from a mile
    Finding what startled her from the ground.
    Did I mention the bliss
    From you walking through that door.
    It’s safe you will not be a dismiss
    We are ready to explore.
    The possibilities that are within
    Not that I no wear you thin.

    Lexi Mae

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    • Greetings, your poem is uplifting and inspiring, inviting readers to share in your newfound sense of clarity and optimism. It’s a beautiful piece.

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  • They say I’m “hurting”

    I keep being told that I’m too hurt right now;
    However, I was for a long time.
    In my time with you I lost myself—
    to the point where I did not know who I was looking into a mirror.
    I started to notice those signs while we were collided.
    The fighting—over stuff that should not have been a thing—
    All because I’m an “over-thinker” but I think you made me that way.
    I could recite a conversation with us from the back of my head—
    That’s because we were predictable—
    Or what we would do when with one another— all points too—predictable.
    I took a step back in our time together to see if it was me losing my mind or if it was caused by you.
    I’ll be honest—I was hurt for 6 to 7 months before I called it over.
    You had no idea though for parts—even though you should’ve because I was repeating myself time and time again.
    Now that I’m free I live for me—
    I’m happier now—
    I work out—
    I write—
    I don’t plan shit out—
    I don’t have a dress code—even though you said I could always wear whatever I wanted to but that was not the case.
    I moved on while being in our shit show.
    You were too blind to notice—
    The pain I was enduring—
    Too busy playing video games—
    Leaving me in the shadows during our time.
    You taught me some valuable life lessons—
    ones that I will take with me.
    Thank you for showing what I want in life—
    Maybe one day our paths will collide but I’m stating that time from forever is done.
    Thank you for the memories and the many things you have taught me throughout my high-school life—then allowing me in college to learn what I could not learn before we broke apart.
    I’m appreciative of everything you have taught me throughout our time together—
    You will be someone my future children hear about due to the amount of experiences we share.
    But overall thank you for showing me what I need to look for in life.
    You are no longer the thought that races the back of my head— I am free from you and all the pain you put me through.
    I am not hurting—she was a while back—now I am living the life I deserve—I would not do anything to change that.

    Lexi Mae

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    • Greetings, the reflection on healing and growth after a painful relationship, inspiring resilience and self-worth. It’s raw, showing your journey towards happiness and self-discovery. Overall, it’s empowering and brave.

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 days, 6 hours ago

    Reliving 222

    The spirit takes my soul back
    to a day that was not long ago.
    Sitting on a rack
    as if there’s something that needed a show.
    Remembering key phrases
    that I would say.
    The body raises
    to realize it was my favorite day.
    Twos flooded the room
    as I would turn to you.
    Watching our love start to bloom
    then it was my cue.
    Waking to the realization
    there’s no need for any hesitation.

    Lexi Mae

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    • Greetings, your style is captivating, blending vivid imagery with nostalgia. It draws me into memories through concise phrases and rhythmic flow, evoking a sense of longing and reflection. Beautifully written.

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  • “i have to explore because i don’t understand”

    2922 days, 417 weeks, 96 months,
    the 8 long years it’s taken for me to know you,
    was this born of hate?
    is that why i find myself as resentful as i am?
    i could never be numb to you,
    i could never be apathetic to you,
    i could never feel nothing for you,

    hate or love,
    hate or love,
    hate or love,
    and i can’t understand what’s in between,

    there’s a house stoic hill,
    woodland lonesome edelweiss,
    just as you’d like
    to which i arise,
    to which you descend,
    i dream about when i’m in the snow,

    the house lives and breathes when i could feel the grass on my feet,
    i heard you sing through a window ajar,
    songs of seraphina,
    you are the indescribable view of beauty,

    as i open the front door to let myself in i kick the glue from my boots that keep me in place,
    i step into rot and decay.
    i feel the candles extinguish as i walk past,
    i hear the weeping angles,
    i smell the cankerous taxidermy,
    my hands freeze from the arctic bite of the door handle as i let myself open to discover the indescribable,
    asphyxiating from my ring you wear on your neck,
    bleeding from my bite on your shoulder,
    pale deficient from the dying sun,
    the discord that drips from the welt of monstrosity,
    why won’t god keep it out my head?
    vomit inducing horror i would sooner be blind than see
    disgusting shape of unknowable inhumanity,
    emotion formed action,
    building mountains on your skin,
    you moan in pain from knowledge of thyself
    but was it me who clipped your wings?


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  • delightfulchaos shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 7 hours ago

    Why Can’t We All Get Along

    Why can’t we all get along
    We act like this or that person don’t belong
    Making others feel out of place
    Never seeing the hurt behind the smile on their face
    Why do we spread more hate then love
    Thinking there are others we’re above
    We forget we all are human with our own flaws
    Wasting more energy spreading hate like it’s in our laws
    We just need to love and care for one another
    Treat all like they are your sister or brother.
    See that’s the key to world peace
    Only if hatred would seem to forever cease.

    Delightfully Chaotic

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  • Gang stalking and smear campaigning

    Hi readers my name is c o r t n e y v a l l e. I’m 33 years old I was born and raised in the country in the state of Michigan. No I don’t remember most of my childhood when I got older I was always a problem child to my family everybody else love me but my family couldn’t stand me. When I hit the stage of being able to date and go out with people I always ended up with the wrong ones. Then I found out as I got older that my family was paying for me to be with these wrong people and to get into these situations so that I would never succeed so that I wouldn’t see my riches that I was entitled to that they robbed me from. My second marriage that I had just failed and there was a lot going on behind the scenes and I realized that they paid the man to marry me he was supposed to kill me and then he fell in love with me. He was a warlock and he was also the head of a Freemasonry group in Michigan.on top of that he had four relationships going on that I did not know what the time when I married him he was already with a woman that had kids in Chicago and then he had a man behind the scenes and another man and so basically my whole marriage was just a lie but my parents paid for that to happen so that I could feel worthless but it didn’t work. I was also supposed to be dead because they filed a false life insurance policy on me and my family was involved with him and that as well. There’s also a fox car insurance policy that was involved and there’s also money taken from somebody else that was in hundreds of thousands of dollars that I had nothing to do with but they signed my name on it and so that it’s being investigated as we speak. What I wanted to share was what people could be aware of when this happens you’re not crazy if your life’s going in a cycle and you can’t figure out why you’ve been married like three or four times you don’t need mental health medication chances are that you’ve been being watched and stocked for a long period of time.when you keep seeing the same cars drive by you over and over again it’s not just a coincidence it’s people that are watching you. When you’re on social media and you get all these fake accounts like hey you know I want to give you a free reading or hey you know I would like to date you and it’s these fancy people they’re not real they’re false accounts trying to set you up for failure. I made the mistake of feeling bad for a guy that needed money for his kids online and come to find out it ended up being my mom and my mom was involved with that and then that’s what she used to take my kids away saying that I was making unhealthy choices so she knew what she was doing the whole time. Be very careful with the people that are closest to you and be very careful with how much information you give them because they like to ruin relationships when you finally do get that bus relationship they want to know what you’re doing when you’re doing who’s doing what because they want Total control they’re narcissist personalities and they’re very toxic.I haven’t figured it out yet but I do think that my mom might about my childhood as well who my parents were or something happened to death or something and they tried to cover it up by making me do meditation and shoving pills in my throat. No going from gamestop to the smear campaigns basically I would try to get it job and it didn’t matter if the job was at McDonald’s or at the hospital or where it was I would only last one or two months and then I would be fired and then I will feel horrible about myself but come to find out looking at what I looked at then now she smear campaign this whole town and talked horrible about me and said horrible things to people so that I could not obtain a job because she didn’t want me to succeed because she didn’t want me to have what was entitled to me success and wealth. So like I said I had a hard time finding jobs when I did find jobs didn’t work and I ran my own business and for the first three years it was fine and I couldn’t figure out why but now that I think about it it was about 8 years ago she had something to do with that too she probably is me or campaign the people that I was cleaning for said something bad about the business somebody’s actually done something bad on my business name and I don’t know who don’t care God’s going to deal with that but yeah I was notified that somebody had tried to use my cleaning company and just use it to rip other people off online with PayPal or something. She has a demon and energy in her that I cannot handle that it makes it very hard for me to stay here which is why I’m getting my own place tomorrow but I wanted to be with my kids everyday and so I was thankful for that but at the same time they just talk down on you they talk horrible about you and I don’t say anything cuz I learned that when you’re in this situations sometimes silence is golden.so after I couldn’t obtain a job and all the smear campaigns happened and all this happened and then the online person that she knew was doing what he did and took the money was set up then she took my kids away and I haven’t been able to obtain custody of my children since there was no reason for the judge to take them other than the fact that she said CPS said that there was no reason for them to take them but yet here she is with the kids. And she says things and does things around my kids for them to hate me and yes I did leave for 2 years but I left because of the toxicity my children will understand that but she had no business doing what she did nor did Hillsdale county courthouse and the attorneys and also the people that filed the false documents on the house and the property and everything else that they’ve done to me over the years.so basically ever since 4 years ago when she took the house and then took the money and took the kids and all that happened I haven’t been able to obtain housing because it was during covid and housing was really scarce now apartments are opening up but I really want a house and I know God’s going to provide for me but this is a struggle that I’ve been going through you’re not alone it’s called gang stalking and smear campaign so most of the time if you’re not using drugs and alcohol and you’re trying to obtain a job and you just can’t so you’re not alone if you’ve been trying to obtain a job and you just can’t keep the job or and you’re not using drugs and alcohol or if things are happening that shouldn’t be happening it’s because you somebody has been gang stalking and smear campaigning you since you’ve been born. And I’m kind of pissed because today she said at the bank that her husband needs a new truck and everything and I know exactly where that money came from it was stolen money that was never there and hit part of their inheritance but it makes me mad because she’s got all this stuff and then she wants to talk crap about me knowing we’ll what she did. So so here I am about to get an apartment that she found that again it was picked out and it’s orchestrated so everybody knows where it’s going to be now because she has a lot of f****** mouth and doesn’t shut up because that’s what she does and I’m sure that the job that I get if I get the job that I want it won’t be very long because it’ll be ruined too but you know here’s the thing God said that he’s tired of this now that I know what’s happening and I see what’s happening I’ve taken authority over that and I’m not giving her my energy anymore. She literally left me for Dead and that’s sad that I’m mother whatever do that and then nobody thought that I would ever catch on to this American pain and they just thought that I would give up and then I wouldn’t be dead and or I would be this homeless worthless person and they could just keep running all over me and taking advantage of me no I’m sorry money is the root of all evil and you all are going to pay for every single thing that you’ve taken from me whether it’s been little or big I don’t care I am entitled to certain things and so that’s why I’m at life right now I’m taking back what was mine and should have not been taken. So keep following me on here cuz I’m going to keep updating you guys on what happens in my life and what God’s doing for me. Thank you for listening love you all.

    C valle earth angel

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  • Dear Timothy...

    Hey, you, old man.
    This is a letter to yourself and from yourself.
    You know all those things you’ve done wrong,
    Regardless of who’s fault, or who’s right or wrong.
    But this is not of that my friend…
    Yeah, it’s amazing.You can call yourself friend now, but you are! ♥
    I know those things I put myself and others through.
    I remember the dreams and aspirations.All the good things I had for you.
    Looking back is confusing and God it just makes me cry.
    But I’m gonna try to leave You out too.Because this is a letter to myself. To maybe find out why.
    But God I can’t, I can’t look back Because it hurts too much…
    I can’t go to the beach, I can’t go to school, I can’t go to church, Sitting bereaved, I feel a fool.
    But Lord, I can’t do it, I cannot watch.
    Cannot go to Toledo. Cannot go to Cleveland cannot go back to jail, God what am I believing?
    Cannot run to West Virginia, cannot hospital trend…
    All along.I hated myself, yet all the while was a good friend. ☺
    I can’t even write.I’m sorry I can’t do this.
    All along my life, it was my own mark I missed.
    But that’s a good thing because i’m not in hell…
    Only I could see my place where ever if I made, could never get bail.
    I’m sorry, no can do.
    God thank you for saving me from me.

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 week ago


    Please know that I am here,
    Right by your side,
    Even though you don’t see me near,
    I promise I’m not that far behind.
    Your love follows me everywhere,
    As it will for years,
    Were the perfect pair,
    The couple everyone fears.
    Some wish they were us,
    But they don’t know what we’ve been through,
    Even though they think they do when they discuss,
    If they only had a clue.
    That does not matter my love,
    As you were the one who came and saved me from above.

    Lexi Mae

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  • Tracie Sperling shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 week ago

    But I Cannot Make It

    “I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being”- Jackie Robinson. So, you want to be a human or citizen don’t let the hurt they have caused define your worth, rise above. I will not let their words push me down before I am taking advantage of my love. Don’t let them make you unhappy and give away your affection. Life lessons taught me, seek respect not perfection. You think this is the world and you are just a product of their environment, and you cannot make it. It will be inevitable that God just allows you to enjoy the moment. Stop being always available to people who are just there for you when it’s convenient for them. et me be clear, my love is unconditional but your presence in my life is not. The moment you prove that the value of me does not measure up to yourself worth, I’ll have no problem unconditionally loving the memory of you and moving on. If they walk away, let them go. If they don’t value you
    enough to work through the hard times, they don’t deserve all the good times. And you gotta read between the lines I’m searching for a way to heal all the last rhymes.

    “You don’t ‘make’ someone stop treating you badly. You walk out of their lives and stay out of their lives, and viola…the bad treatment stops. “I can’t control your behavior, nor do I want that burden… but I will not apologize for to be disrespected or to be mistreated I have standards, step
    up or step out.” -Steve Maraboli.

    A person doesn’t have to only drain you with arguments and fights. they can drain you with lack of communication, lack of trust, lack of respect, lack of empathy, lack of apologizing, lack of acknowledgement and lack of fulfilling your love language know the truth. And I’m caught in a circle of footprints and misfits. By your mistakes no matter how hard you try to fix. Rise up from the hurt, find strength to eclipse. Don’t let the conflict break you that’s a common enemy. Make sure you respect your partner more than you love them, because you can cause a lot of damage to them while still loving them: When you respect them, you’ll think about them before you make any move, and you’ll think about the impact it will have on them. That’s why you have to make a choice don’t let their toxicity condemn. You’re afraid to make amends. What’s the point of being friends? When all you do is pretend. But be certain to make your mind up and get up and bite your tongue. If you want to give up, I don’t want to say goodbye. And you have something your mind tells you otherwise why. If you don’t make the same mistakes you did, that you feel you are lying when you don’t have the time to be lucky. Whenever you’re in doubt and make up just believe that things will work out.
    It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through and how much you’ve been doused.
    I’ll break free from the hurt and find bliss.
    Only the broken can be fixed.
    It’s never too late to realize there’s more to life than this.
    There’s a whole world out there to explore, don’t miss. You are just stranded and stopped and blinked. I know it’s hard to believe but, follow your own instinct.
    I’ll make my own path and never be extinct.
    Take a chance and let your true colors link.
    You’re a diamond in disguise, show your inner aspect.
    Just like a poetic gift we will make it. When you look in the mirror, everything will be cleansed.
    In this life, strive for love and respect and have no regrets.

    Tracie Sperling

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    • Greetings, I love the honesty and empowerment urging us to value ourselves and pursue healthier relationships. The mix of quotes and original thoughts adds depth and inspires hope.

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  • Lexi Mae Edwards shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 week ago

    I believe in you

    To the Beauties reading this note,

    Following your dreams… Now this was always some quite the controversy in my house growing up. One parent stating you need to dream big the world is your oyster–the other saying you do not want to dream too big otherwise you will get left behind. Now I am writing to you all to say live for you. That’s what I am in the midst of doing. I started with the bare thinking I could not do much more than being a student and going to school; however, in my time away I learned I should have always listened to what the first parent told me. Keeping my identity low as I do not want to cause any fusses in the midst of the beginning: I have so many dreams that I can not wait for all of them to see.
    Do not be afraid to express who you are!
    Sometimes it takes going away to see the light at the end of it all.
    If you feel afraid: know I am in your corner.
    I love each and everyone of you.
    May you all walk through this world with the blessings you each deserve.

    Lexi Mae

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  • poeticaddiction_365 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 week ago

    Embodied Happiness

    Growing up I never got the talk about the birds and the bees
    Are those the people that find happiness sexually?
    Living in a single parent household
    I had nothing but love that surrounded me
    The joy of spending time with my family
    Always brought pure happiness to me
    Even though I lacked my father’s presence
    I appreciated each and every thing my mom did for me
    The variations of what makes me happy
    Truly varies from day to day
    But most importantly I am happy that God saw fit to wake me up today
    The opportunity to make the world a better place
    By spreading positivity and living in my purpose
    Makes me feel blessed to say the least
    Finding love and being loved
    Allows me to be prosperous with spreading love daily
    I used to say my smile doesn’t often dictate my happiness
    These days I add to people’s happiness
    By providing great customer service to them adding a smile goes a long way
    It makes a huge difference in people’s day
    My happiness isn’t always contingent on others
    But it sure feels great when I’m happy
    And I spread happiness endlessly to those around me
    How did I forget to mention that poetry and music also brings me happiness
    Being able to write and share my story with people near and far
    Is a dream come true
    A journey worthy of praise
    ‘Cause people sometimes tear you down
    When they don’t support your vision
    Lacking happiness hinders their judgement
    Or they don’t understand how to clap
    Even if they aren’t the one winning at the moment
    Without question music has always been
    A vital part of me
    Whether it was inspiring me to write poetry
    Or my calm when I needed reassurance
    It has got me through good days and sad days
    Whether it was the melody, beat, lyrics or artist
    I always admired how I could relate it to me
    Finding happiness in all that I do and the people that surround me
    Makes me know that I embody happiness just by being me
    So let me ask you:
    What does happiness mean to you?

    Tracy Barnes

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    • Tracy! I love this piece!. This is the piece you read last week. YOU are pure happiness and you bring light to every single person you meet! Thank you for sharing! I am posting this piece in our newsletter today! Keep a lookout for it. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren; I truly appreciate you and all that you have done for the poetry community 🫶🏾 Omg I made it in the newsletter thank you thank you 🙏🏾

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  • Linda Longenecker shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 week, 3 days ago

    Morning Joys

    The beauty of a sunrise that melts into our brain
    and colors the rest of our day

    The sound of music rising within, expanding our heart
    with feelings and emotions we can’t even name

    The exuberant jumping around the room we call
    dancing when no one else is home

    The love in the smile of a friend that fills you
    with certainty and makes you feel safe

    The absolute wonder and magic of the act of
    breathing that keeps us alive

    The realization that you really do have enough
    and could help someone who doesn’t

    The power in each of us to make our world better
    as we walk into our day with gratitude and joy


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    • Greetings, a beautiful celebration of life’s simple joys like sunrise, music, and friendship, inspiring gratitude and positivity. A reminder for us to appreciate the little things and make a positive impact on their world. Bravo!

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