

  • Thank you so much for saying that. That’s very kind of you

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  • Cloud 10

    A silent thought that now demanded my attention.
    The universe knew exactly how to reveal this to me.
    A problem that I fixed had finally released me from its bind.
    I was going home.
    The road hugged my tires like excited friends reuniting,
    Usually a 7 1/2 min walk, stretched to a 13 min run.
    13 min , the length of a how to video that I’m sure I’ll be frequenting more.
    The garage door
    creaked opened &
    I was ushered inside.
    The love of my life,
    I husband to her Bride
    her face full of:
    wonder ,
    follow me!
    She exclaimed.
    Every noise on the planet dissipated except our foot steps:
    ile, carpet, tile.
    The light switch felt like the weight of the world.
    I found strength from your love to flip it.
    A stranger awaited me in my own bathroom .
    I was to confront this foe without any idea that my life had found the meaning i was searching for
    A vacuum of time,
    my life In the rear view.
    Thankful that I saw words,
    instead of lines on that clearview.
    But I only see one, where is the “not?”
    What a terrible malfunction,
    how could they have forgot?
    Then, the beacon of truth
    began to break through the mystery.
    Those 8 letters have the chance to
    alter history:
    Every emotion that I’ve ever felt became
    all the pain of my adolescence,
    all the courage of my youth,
    all the fun of my independence,
    all the worry of my work,
    all the adoration for your mom,
    They All joined together
    to bring me this unmatchable joy.
    The true essence of what it means to feel happiness,
    I get to be a dad to a beautiful Baby Boy.


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    • Dear RW, your letter beautifully expresses the transformative experience of becoming a father. The emotions and joy you describe are truly heartwarming. I am sure your son will grow up to remember how amazing of a father you are to him.

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  • Lauren, thank you sooo much. I’m so grateful for This community.

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  • Wow thank you so much for saying that, when this page is at the for front of the world I can say that I was here since 23 lol

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  • Thank you so much my friend !

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  • Yes ! I’ve learned there’s a lot of us with varying degrees that fall under this umbrella. Thank you for sharing

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  • Thank you so much for saying that !

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  • rickwrites shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Happy birthday!

    Lauren I went through our first book, page by page and reached out to everyone that I could find.
    I went through all of your tags to see everyone that was associated with the unsealed, and I got to say everyone that I was able to reach was on board with doing this.
    I had a small glimpse in everyone’s lives, and your impact was always a shining moment at the epicenter. It was always something like “I can’t believe I see my name in a book!” or “I can’t believe I’m on a billboard!”
    All these people who are writing your messages today they all said the same thing: that it was a wonderful idea and that they would be happy to help surprise you.
    I can not thank you enough for you and the community that you lead with love.
    This is me as your friend showing you my gratitude for giving us a space to share the things that we share here, you curated an environment for strangers to become friends.
    I’m so proud of you and I look forward to further collaborations and I really hope that you take this to the highest level that you can. Happy birthday!


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    • THIS IS AMAZING! I cried when I saw. And now I made it easier. You can add people as friends on The Unsealed. And whoever you are friends with you can direct message. But anyways, this is the absolute best birthday present ever. It is so kind and so motivating. I love it. Thank you. You are so kind and amazing. I love this gift and I love you.…read more

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  • rickwrites shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 5 months, 2 weeks ago


    My body,
    What do you think of when I say that phrase ?

    Do you cringe in disgust or feel a deep praise?

    Whichever side you find yourself on the line..
    let me tell you about mine, and how an injury to my spine..

    Completely changed the way that I lived life,
    I’m grateful to be a father, because my surgeons weren’t sure if I could give life,

    Even though it’s uncomfortable I’m thankful for this steel wear,
    because the alternative, was being 23 in a wheelchair,

    This shit got on my nerves,
    especially after finding out that I had nerve damage,
    I wasn’t disabled but definitely at a disadvantage.

    I had to change my vantage point, and be thankful that my joints and tendons and bones-
    overcame their adversity to reclaim my home.

    My body.

    the only place I know I get to live in,

    I need to start honoring it and begin to forgive it.
    There’s things I deal with but maybe you’re different,

    Maybe you can’t help that you have a genetic diagnosis,
    my heart shatters for every woman with endometriosis.

    Maybe you have anxiety and depression,
    maybe you carry an epipen and dread the day you need to press it.

    Or maybe you suffer from Disphormia, or anorexia,

    Or adhd, austism, dyslexia

    But then again
    Maybe you’ve never felt sexier,
    Do your eyes turn to stone when you pass by a mirror,
    But please open them and to see yourself clearer.

    Seek out , don’t turn the other cheek baby let your cheeks out!
    Let your freak out,

    Speak out, no! speak up
    to your body and give it praises,
    cuz even if you despise it, each day it still raises..

    you… out of your bed.

    So , get of your head if you can, because just like you, the rest of us are doing the best we can.

    But i get it, not feeling in love with yourself.

    Man I really use to be in incredible shape,
    Then I got injured and really struggled with my weight,
    I would starve my self and would hate what I ate ,
    I could feel judging eyes removing things from my plate.

    But now I’ve accepted that I no longer need to be that athlete, my varsity days are over, I’m not going to the track meet,

    I don’t need to complete great athletic feats anymore,
    just want to play with and pick up my son,

    I need to be thankful for what my body can do right now, rather than miss out on what it’s already done,

    Why are we so concerned with the way we look rather than the way we feel,
    we put our bodies through so much pain and never allow them to heal.

    Let me just shout out to all the mothers!
    Because you should love your body more than all the others,

    So what ? you may have stretch marks, those battle scars makes you look more womanly,
    you are everything that a man couldn’t be !

    For you did the most physically demanding thing there is and gave birth.
    A woman’s body is the most powerful thing on earth!

    Your body has gone through a lot it’s changed I understand, but please, don’t hate your body for what it can’t do, and love it for what it can.

    Rick Writes

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  • Grateful, thankful, faithful

    I am grateful For:

    My sons laugh, where his eyes close and he reveals a smile that heals every wound that’s ever been afflicted,

    For the woman who has always been in my corner even when I was circling my darkest days,

    For the abundance of energy that I curate and the way my attitude has shifted,

    For my parents who worked hard and showed me the old ways,

    For the fortitude I’ve been afforded when my troubles were consistent,

    For the metal rods holding me together and there was no co pay,

    For my friends that heard my poetry and made me perform, they insisted,

    For my fellow vets who checked on me when they knew I wasn’t ok,

    For the love I now give my body and the openness to holistics,

    For me living with love and not having room for no hate,

    For all my friends that deployed who were never injured by ballistics,

    For the opportunity to switch school that I took back in 08,

    For he work ethic instilled in me I project with persistence,

    For the faith that i wont live forever, but my words will succumb to no date,

    For the truth in my tongue that wants to help elevate extistince,

    No late times in the grand design,

    For the great spirit and to my future self I’m so faithful,

    I hope I emanate all things I am so grateful.


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    • “No late times in the grand design,”—
      I can assure you, this one’s gonna stick <3

      Thanks for sharing 🙂

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    • Rick,

      I love the ending.

      “For the great spirit and to my future self I’m so faithful,

      I hope I emanate all things I am so grateful.”

      Definitely a drop mic ending. Your heart and your talent shine through ever piece you write. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a heartbeat of this unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Thank you for that, I have definitely seen that going out of my comfort zone only leads to growth. This entire story was all within my minds eye but the final piece is what really Stuck “stop being afraid of yourself”

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  • To the man I pray to everyday

    You are a man who:
    wears his beard fully,
    not because he’s handsome but because uncle sam, doesn’t have a say anymore

    A man who embraces that hint of wild man that he is

    A man in the woods, only answering to the birds call

    A man who knows not the name of every tree but all of their essence

    A man who isn’t afraid of alarms anymore

    A man whose son’s friends all want to meet

    A man no longer confined by garmets who tried to garnish Vietnamese farmers

    A man who travels the word sharing his love for poetry, enticing others to write their own story

    He doesn’t care how sad or boring,
    this man wants to illuminate a safe space for your allegory,

    Because on any given day, your words may save someone’s life

    A man grounded in the Earth
    A man who doesnt fidget and twitch because his back doesn’t hurt

    A man who doesn’t get anxiety between 5 and 6 PM anymore

    A man that doesn’t lash out when he’s challenged by a loved one

    A man who takes a deep belly breath each time

    A man who’s presence alone makes people feel better about themselves

    A man who’s wife always feel safe in his arms

    A man that takes those wanting to fly, under his wing

    A man….
    that I think I’m
    Pretty close to actualizing


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    • Keep rocking on Rick! The pic is so cool this poem and the pic looks like you’re in your element. I want to hear more of your poetry live!! Hopefully we can have a live poetry session during one of our Unsealed conversations.
      Thank you for sharing and inspiring !! 🙂

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    • Another GEM! I think your ideal self is the man you are right now. I feel like you are such a soft kind soul. Once you figured out who and how you wanted to be, you went all in and it came so naturally. Your heart is changing the world. Thank you for being part of our family. Happy Holidays!<3 Lauren

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  • Full moon in Aquarius

    Standing at a crossroads and I find my bones feeling lazy,
    a vision towards my future but the road is hazy,

    I always pour out to those who don’t realize that I’m giving them something sacred,

    They let it spill over like the blood of the natives instead trying to save it.

    So now I want to save myself, it was a happenstance of a chance , I told myself “let me go back for one more lap.”

    I met a mystic whose mystique and music on the mountain drew me In, I felt like I was speaking to a feminine me,

    she gave me.. a reading of tarot,
    3 and 4 of swords, 8 of pentacles my heart was open but my mind still narrow.

    She offered an invitation, “come, join us in a circle for an incantation

    Oh, and bring a sacred vessel,
    It’s contents can help remove impurities from your blood vessels.”

    I found myself-
    Surrounded by 7 goddesses, but I am not a god above them ,
    In fact they welcomed this weary traveler so for that I love them

    most were there because they wanted a change,
    one was working through her social anxiety in the astral plane ,
    one who was there, fulfilled her job as a mother, did you know a mothers love is like no other

    In fact I felt it everywhere it invited this brother –
    to lay his head on her lap ,
    It said “come my child let your soul rest and take a nap.”

    So as I drifted off between time and space,
    I start to feel a tingle come upon my face

    I felt my deep, rich, hot, blood being awoken ,
    the spanish being spoken to the Spanish that left us broken.

    Only hoping that my great, great, grandmother with high cheek bones and looooonng, flowing, raven hair was there.

    And she was.

    She explained to me that all we ever did was fight , now she’s asking me to rest ,

    based off the four of swords during my reading, I think I will.

    I felt a chill,
    as the wind decided to inspect our ceremony- the clouds said “here follow me,”
    the moon looked bigger I closed my eyes and a cloaked figure ,
    invited me on to a boat ,

    He “said do you want to see the future?

    First you must see the fool and the fool is you.”

    Using canabis to guide his canine to reveal the canines of the living shadow.

    A monster, a myth, a mirror,
    “come look inside my void and see yourself cleaner

    Inspect your introspection ,ready front your reflection
    Come, see that you’ve been so vulnerable.
    Please give yourself some protection,

    and on top of that- give yourself some love,
    give yourself some patience,
    and listen to yourself as your wisdom is amazing.”

    I could hear this voice but was to afraid to face him, then I trusted myself and went to embrace him,

    It was me, he was everything I’ve envisioned, now he’s the only person I look to when I make my decisions.

    I said “you are so radiant, you’re exactly who I’m trying to be,”

    he replied “good, you’re here finally but give yourself some time to be-

    me, you, us, when I tell you something don’t second guess me, just trust . Ah ah ah, But no buts,

    You’re here because you’re on the cusp of a new chapter,
    to leave ink onto the first page you must first meet your master.”

    First the mirror distorted, then the glass broke,
    some footsteps approached it was the figure in cloak.

    His presence was overpowering,
    Emanating an energy at its zenith,

    If I was faced with this Goliath then I must be David,
    it was time for me to slay this behemoth.

    But before I could unsheath my sword ,
    I felt drawn to confront this chimera.

    There I stood staring into
    the blackness waiting for my terrors
    to actualize,
    I tore down his hood to meet his actual eyes.

    It was me, again, looking even more divine than before.

    He said “good, you passed the test because you don’t need to be afraid of yourself anymore!!!”

    Then our guide brought us back to this plane,

    I saw so much clarity to cut through that haze, this water sign now rolls with the waves as the moon beamed her rays, I give praise,

    to this experience

    as I’ve learned to shift my mind and my attitude ,

    To live as my higher self, I will and I invite you, to always live with gratitude.

    Thank you


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    • I love this piece. It’s so creative. I love how it unfolds and then at the end is a simple but powerful piece of wisdom. It’s like we leave our comfort zone and somehow through it, we find peace and wisdom. Thank you for sharing. Your writing is always such a beautiful piece of art. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for that, I have definitely seen that going out of my comfort zone only leads to growth. This entire story was all within my minds eye but the final piece is what really Stuck “stop being afraid of yourself”

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  • Lauren, thank you for your words of encouragement and your words of kindness. I really feel like a community like this one you have created is essential for people like us. I’ll do my best to continue on trying to make people hold onto my words

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  • It starts with me

    I want to be that guy that you can be free to speak your mind to, you can lean on all the time.

    I want to be the mirror that helps you see yourself clearer, that encourages your true self to get a little nearer,

    come and plays devils advocate for the angels make you look at things from different angles ,

    Or I help the world value the person more than the work, Maybe I can help change minds to put people into trees instead of the dirt,

    help be the change to say it’s OK to hurt

    let me help you, because for so long we’ve been told it’s not ok to feel.

    But that’s not real! Because every single person who will read this is struggling with something they may not admit,

    or the pain and trauma they’ve suffered have caused them to forget

    a healthy way to cope looking at life through the cross hairs of a rifle scope,
    I want to help pull your finger away from the trigger and make it look towards hope,

    Maybe I can help change the thought of 40 hours of work,
    Instead, give those people 40 hours of freedom from all these imposed rules of life and society.

    Imagine what this world would be like if we all were able to pursue what makes us happy,

    I really mean it think about it. I don’t mean to get sappy

    it’s just everyone that you meet seems to be drained at least a little bit of joy,
    how do I find a way to intersect with my inner boy?

    The world is so hell bent on getting another dollar or getting another follow,
    but we lack soul and substance our bodies are merely hollow,

    I want to help fill people with things that leave them fulfilled
    where all we worry about is things that leave us with thrill instead of worried about bills.
    The best way to do that is to embody that thought and let it it flow out.

    I challenge you to do something you love today, let loose and show out !


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    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rick!!!!! I absolutely love this. The rhyme and the message are both so powerful. I am honored to know you. Your soul is so good and so pure. I am sure you have changed the lives of many and don’t even know it. Thank you for sharing this! <3 lauren

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      • Lauren, thank you for your words of encouragement and your words of kindness. I really feel like a community like this one you have created is essential for people like us. I’ll do my best to continue on trying to make people hold onto my words

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  • Bounce back

    Can I write something for future me ? Because I know he’s be so proud of what current me, is currently doing.

    Undoing 10 years of an identity, that was never meant for me.

    Preparing the path to intersect with him, and finding healthy ways to cope mentally

    Especially, since they did him kind of dirty

    It’s never to late to start over.
    Even if your thirty

    It may seem a little scary
    No, it’s terrifying

    a leech in my mind slowly sapping away at times-
    that should be spent living…
    Sorry I gotta focus on surviving,

    But first, I need to get out of bed. I’ve been trying to convince every piece of me to talk again,
    no part of me ever grieved the fact that I had to learn how to walk again

    Extremely well taken care of body, sold my soul for employment,
    22 years old a broken vertebrae on deployment?

    Came back to the states and didn’t know that I was in for the change of my life,
    for the next four months, I was forboding going under the knife.

    “But I’m 22, I’m in incredible shape,”

    “I’m sure you are son, but you see this x ray? This is a clear break”

    “You made a mistake, it was just some discomfort , I only felt a pinch”

    Dr said, “I can tell you’re upset I’m gonna give you a bit. “

    There I sat, main character to my own horror movie, blood became curdling

    The words escaped my lips like death row inmates –
    “I’m getting surgery”

    There I lay, a husk of my former self ,

    my right thumb begging the vicodin to drip faster, no wonder this is controlled.
    I cried as soon as the nurse left, I’m 22 years old.

    Could barley take care of my self ,
    I wouldn’t have ate if my boy chav never came,
    I felt so embarrassed to use a walker, only a little lesser with a cane.

    But day by day , I did my best to get stronger , those slow painful walks would ease and become longer.

    I was really worried that I’d never be able to swing a bat again,
    To strengthen my back ,
    I first needed to strengthen my glutes, hips, and abdomen .

    Everyday after work, I’d do a light jog, yoga, then mobility,
    trying to stifle the disdain of my depleted ability,

    Before I was poetic, I found solace in athletics,
    55 yard throws, home runs over 350, 4.7 forty, benching 250,
    33 inch vert…
    all that stuff went away when I got hurt.

    I gained a bunch of weight lost all my range of motion ,
    I was willing to do black magick take an elixir or a potion.

    But, one day by the ocean,

    Feet in the sand, and my head in my hands, I realized …
    I had to love my body because for everything it went through,
    it still lets me stand.
    Now as a man,

    I realize I’ll never be in the same shape I was when I was 21,

    don’t need to be a good athlete anymore, just do my job and play with my son.


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    • Wow! Wow! and Wow! This is so good. I am so sorry for the physical pain you endured, but the way it impacted your perspective and the way you have evolved is truly beautiful and inspiring. Your son is super lucky! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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